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Post your favorite games that should have gotten a sequel but didn't.
ToD desperately needs a remaster. The original runs at like 18fps or something like that and if you raise it the game speed increases.
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Spider-Man vs. The Kingpin on SEGA Genesis... the sequel got canned for X-Men, those filthy mutants...
QuackShot. In the 90's, the peak of Disney video games, when we had both SEGA and Capcom going at it, this was the best one for me, it's a shame we never got a Donald Duck and/or DuckTales title with these mechanics and aesthetic again.
Eternal Darkness.
The difficulty spike at the end of this is crazy. I guess it finally forces you to make use of all the treasure you've been collecting, but damn.
Bonanza Bros.

It should've become one of SEGA's regular IPs, with titles on the Saturn and Dreamcast, it's just so fun and charming.

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