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Infinity engine peaked here
I always wanted a BG-style adventure set in Icewind Dale but with IW/Heart of Winter encounter design.
What went so wrong with the sequel?
Change of ruleset and updated more political setting.
is that supposed to be an achievement or something? there's like 4 games that use the infinity engine including that one.
There's 9 IE titles.
are you including expansions and EE as "titles"?
it peaked in the soul department. non-combat is a bit too reductive for me. feels almost like Diablo, with how little the chars interact with the world and how they are basically walking mannequins. Combat and dungeon-delving is peak though.
>Infinity engine peaked here
would a dark sun rpg (part 3, not remakes of 1 and 2) look properly athasian in the engine?

i would like to see something like this
it would look like shit just like every other game in IE
>can't progress dungeons without savescumming and resting
it's utter shit. at least with BG they understood that the combat system isn't designed for trillions of subsequent enemy encounters.
sounds like skill issue.
soulless hunk of flesh you are
Yes pretty much. Or he is mistaking the Aurora Engine for the Infinity Engine and including:
>Neverwinter Nights
>Neverwinter Nights 2
>The Witcher
What's do you think is better about the IWD engine than that of BG2? For one, BG2 brought actual dual-wielding, instead of the weird jank that IWD used. BG2 also added kits, which add a lot of replayability (and moddability).
They were given an extremely short period of time to complete it. There's an easy to find video, on the tube, of one of the lead devs breaking down the production issues.
want to replay bg2, got any cool story mods anon?
I don't, but I'm sure someone does. I've only ever tried mechanical tweaks and content packs on the scale of Unfinished Business (which, IIRC, is good).
Pull out Darkest Day and let 'er rip. I honestly don't remember much. Just that it was cool. Otherwise, I recommend Unfinished Business, too. I actually always promote that mod. It's really the best upgrade to the base game.
IWD 2 is a decent game. It really kicks off after the monastery.
IWD is very comfy, I was definitely surprised how fun it was.
sequelitis, like fallout 2
IWD 2 is like Tomb Raider 2 for me; the beginning is great and the end is great, but the entire middle is a slog
Anybody ever notice that the background music in Kresselacks Tomb is the Copper Coronet music slowed down?
I can't hear it but my ears aren't the best

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