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Now that the meme has died, was this game actually good?
Elmos adventure was better
The Gamecube version was
>Niglet’s NIG game
So is this game back to being worth literal pennies, or is it still worth $100+, or what?
It'll be worth 100 dollars forever because some xitter faggots basedfaced over it once. Please understand
From what I've seen, it looks like a good game
Not worth paying scalper prices though, fuck that shit. Maybe when it's under 10bux it'll be good
From a quick check of sold ebay listings, it seems the price is going back down. Like most things, it will probably never go back to being near worthless, but I doubt it will maintain a price above $50. It was worth so little that most people who had it didn't bother to list it on ebay, but now that it's been memed, people ran to eBay to sell, revealing that there's more than enough copies for anybody who cares about owning it in 2025.
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This poster was great if you're into ass.
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I don't know who to hate more, scalpers or Twitter zoomers.
Scalpers attempting to jump on shit and ultimately getting fucked in the end is pretty hilarious, zoomers will find another millennial/gen X thing to shit up with spooky noodle shit soon enough
>zoomers will find another millennial/gen X thing to shit up with spooky noodle shit soon enough
Any predictions on what it'll be so I can buy in advance?
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>paying anything
oh my god thanks for telling everyone that emulators exist again
You don't need emulators to play pirated games
>Wow guys did you know you can pirate games did you know I pirate games aren't I high IQ and so cool I bet I'm the only one who pirates on /vr/ unlike you NPCs
Thanks middle school anon
The concept of TV channels
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I unironically loved this game as a kid
I remember having some Tigger activity center for PC as a kid in the 2000s and it was pretty fuckin' cool. Had a lot of Pooh pc games and they were pretty good really.
hehehehehe i come this for these channer comedy stylings, what a great day to be a channer

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