remember when viewitful joe zeroed out your memory card?
Which eceleb did you learn that from?
>>11493831Gury Larry
It did have the potential to fix corrupted cards.
>>11493790Is there a definitive list of PS2 games that have memory card corruption bugs?Only one I know of is Wipeout Pulse
Me>got through my retro years apparently without problemsEveryone else>All their systems, games, cards, pads, everything broke for them
>>11493790>viewtiful joeor, as those in the know would call it, DAVIDSON IS IN THE HOUSE (HULK DAVIDSON IS BORN TO BE WILD) Simulator '03
>>11493790Someone on /vr/ will claim this is actually SOVL
>>11493831I learned it from here!
>>11494421I don't know about the PS2 version, but Beyond Good and Evil for the xbox would fuck your gamesave around the end of the game. Might have also been the case on the gamecube.
>>11493831the angry video game nerd mentioned it in his latest video, so now people are going to start posting threads like this.
>>11494105I miss that fat bong. I hope he didn't troon out like Jim Sterling
>>11495052i stopped watching him because he started drama against someone for no reason
>>11493790>only the kids with strict parents who didn't let them play M-rated games got the kiddieslop shovelware disc with viewtiful joe 2shelteredfags stay losing>OP picrel it doesn't list viewtiful joe 2
>>11495062Who? Is it Pat again?
>>11495089iirc it was a 90s game developer? or some shit? someone who absolutely didn't deserve it and was super left field and out of nowhere unlike pat
>>11495052He's still mooching around like a turd that won't flush.Fat prick was a mainstay on my dead pools for years before I gave up.
>>114944399 times out of 10 people who complain about cartridge rot or swelling batteries or dead batteries etc. are just people who don't respect their possessions. Actually turn your GBA SP off instead of leaving it in sleep mode 24/7, Don't leave your carts under the sun, have a tuperware box or something to put all your games instead of throwing them all over the floor. Even my old GB and N64 games still work fine with their original batteries because I'm not a fucking savage who throws their own things around like a hooting monkey. The only battery I've ever had to replace was my launch 3DS 11 years after the fact.
>>11495363I somehow dropped my copy of Fire Red in the garden, dad found it after a long winter when he tilled the soil. I put it in my pocket and forgot about it, mom washed my clothes and it went through a whole wash dry cycle. Somehow that thing still worked, sold it off though didn't want to risk it long term lol
>>11494421Soul Calibur III was famous for corrupting its own saves unless it was the very first file saved to the memory card you were using. I think Taiko Drum Master had the same problem.
>>11494421Jak X can randomly corrupt its own save files, which considering it autosaves makes it the hardest game in the series
>>11495091you mean his personal punching bag peter molyneux? that shits funny
>>11495481oh no not peter fuck that guy
>>11494421Tekken 5's autosave feature actually sucks. It can randomly wipe your save. Thankfully, I found this out after only beating the game once.
>>11494519when I was kid I died to this boss 1000 times and this post gives me ptsdplaying as an adult I beat him first try and it was too easy. not sure how I was so retarded
>>11494439People are less likely to comment on things going right than things going wrong.
>>11495052I still see him posting comments in some of the videos I watch
>>11495559kek, same
>>11494105Heh... He's still around commenting on every retro gaming channel. If you create one, he'll probably comment on yours too.
>>11493790I wasn't too interested in VJ so when they mailed the follow-up card I was glad I'd dodged that bullet.Then years later I had forgotten and thought 'oh I've never tried VJ before, let's see if it's any good'. God was that a kick in the chest
>>11495052He keeps saying he's sick or something since his last vid which lol hes a fatass so yea, but still its been like 2 years, so unless its cancer or something then cmon man.
>>11494854and you know that how? oh wait, by watching him instead of playing video games, duh. because hatewatching some washed up nobody is far more interesting clearly.