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Thoughts on the new Retroarch PS2 core? Hopefully it can take care of the some of the blind spots that PCSX2 still has.

More incomplete cores?
>Hopefully it can take care of the some of the blind spots that PCSX2 still has.
Given it's literally a libretro port of PCSX2, how do you figure?
As far as accuracy/compatibility goes? It doesn't. In practice, it's basically the Software renderer but running on the GPU, which allows it to render at much higher resolutions, which is nice, but at the moment it doesn't play games any better than the old Software renderer does, and in fact some games do worse on it right now. That said, maybe later on it will improve and become more accurate than even the Software renderer, given literally no one is working on the latter and hasn't for a very long time.
Am I missing something here? The only options I see for video in the core options are for super-sampling, yet the footage in the video is clearly that of a straight up higher resolution.
>literally a libretro port of PCSX2
It's not though
They're working on the equivalent of paraLLEl-RDP but for the PS2
It's both. It's a libretro port of PCSX2, plus the new ParaLLEl-GS renderer (which you can also use with standalone PCSX2, but you need to compile it yourself).
>which you can also use with standalone PCSX2, but you need to compile it yourself
Why haven't they added it to the nightly builds? Is it just too shit at the moment?
Well, for one, it was made by Themaister, who's RetroArch's original creator and who has nothing to do with the PCSX2 team. Themaister normally doesn't make direct pull requests to other emulation projects outside libretro, but he at least makes his work portable enough to work outside a libretro context, so when he made ParaLLEl-RDP for N64, it fell onto others to adapt it to standalone emulators, which they did. However, unlike the various N64 projects that did adapt his work, there actually is some animosity toward libretro within the PCSX2 ranks, so perhaps that's got something to do with it.
According to the blog there should be an option for High-res scanout with supersampling is set to 4x or higher.

There's someone in the emu thread on /vg/ that does builds for it
I had read that earlier and had the high-res option on but it didn't really make a difference in the handful of games I tried out. Still always ended up with a supersampled image at native res. Maybe I'm just unlucky with the games I tried; it does say on the option that its not supported in every game.
redpill me on bare metal over emulation
>launch PS2 game
>close it
>have to restart RetroArch to launch any other PS2 game or it will crash
Is this a known issue?
You're "handicapping yourself" by playing anything past 5th gen on retroarch unless you are into debugging. I'm being honest here, use standalone.
Features are too limited for my usage.
>no save states
>no per-game memcards
>no cheevos
I applaud the project’s progress, but I’ll be sticking with PCSX2 for now.

savestates and cheevos support is literally supported in this new core.

turn on user interface -> notifications -> statistics.

go to core options -> video. make sure high-res scanout is enabled, and set SSAA to a mode that allows for high-res (it says this per mode). higher is better in most cases, 16x SSAA will look better than 8x SSAA and 8x will look better than 4x.

Anyway, go back to the game, and if you see the Base resolution go to 1280x448, or 1280x896, that means the high-res scanout worked.

It goes up to 2x native resolution and from there SSAA does all the magic to make it look much better than 2x upres ever could. And from there you can apply shaders on top too.

It looks way better than GSdx IMHO because SSAA is actually applied for everything, and there is no mismatch between UI elements and 3D geometry.

for those that don't understand what the big deal about SSAA is, DLSS is basically a poor man's version of SSAA that goes the opposite route for performance, goes from lower downsampled resolution and then through machine learning tries to 'guess' how the higher resolution should look like. SSAA is the brute force approach, renders at a way higher resolution than native and then downsamples it to the input resolution.
the thighmaster? Bwahaha

Joking aside pcsx2 works well so not complaining
retroarch is the antichrist of emulation.
standalone > multisystem emulators
every time
dilate faggot
Try ratchet, game is broken mess regardless of renderer.
Yup, it is a retroarch core.
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I have it set to 16x SSAA here with the high-res scanout and it seems to be working given the base resolution, but even with highest option... it still looks way too blurry to me. I even tried ridge racer v but it didn't look nearly as clean as the op video, though I havent messed around yet with any of the shaders mentioned in the video description or the comments. Maybe im still missing something, but 2x native res looks a good amount cleaner to me.
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2x res from PCSX2 for comparison

ratchet & clank works fine. turn off 'force LOD0 texture' for that game.
a lot of the postprocessing effects are stubbed out for that game with gsdx. like if you go to the forest (beginning of the game), it stubs out some postprocessing overlay because it's too demanding for hardware renderers. parallel-gs meanwhile just renders it fine and completely just like software rendering.
Oh yeah, no arguments here. Parallel-gs is definitely more accurate from what I've tried. I'm just talking about the resolution stuff specifically. Higher resolutions might come in time. If I recall, n64 parallel didn't have upres support at the start but it was added later.
Are you starting it with any of the progressive scan modes and does that make any difference? Press and hold Triangle and Cross at startup. Game offers choice between 480i, 480p and 1080i.
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Tried it out (hit square for 16:9 then circle for yes though my japanese is too shit to fully understand the prompts) but I hardly notice a difference. Still with 16x SSAA and retroarch shows the base resolution jump to 1280x896, though I should add my posts were talking more in a general sense; I just picked VP2 at random for a screenshot.
PS2 outputs at 514x448
Highres scanout outputs at double the resolution
what's hard to grasp
What are you babbling about? Maybe try following the conversation.
It is off.
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Renders fine here in retroarch w/ parallel-gs.
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Try any of the shader presets in slang_shaders/presets.

Look for ones in slang_shaders/presets/interpolation, slang_shaders/presets/blurs, or slang_shaders/presets/fsr.

Combining this with the 16x SSAA in PGS can lead to very good results. pic is an example

frontend shaders and the ability to endlessly stack them is the huge RA selling point.
you're rendering a 4:3 image onto 16:9
nta but i need RA shaders my nigga
Here's a question
completely vanilla output, native resolution, do the prompts in God of War cut off pixels compared to native hardware like PCSX2's renderers and resolution do
I'm messing around with this on Steam Deck, how do I use memory cards?
>it's basically the Software renderer but running on the GPU, which allows it to render at much higher resolutions
That's already good though. Ridge Racer 5 has issues with the hardware renderers and being an early game using field rendering it's a shimmering mess visually in software mode and on real hardware too
>Software renderer but running on the GPU
So it's not a software render you retard it's normal HLE emulation.
Anon, why do you think it's called paraLLEl-GS with LLE in caps?
It's not HLE. For one, hardware rendering does not necessarily mean HLE. There are emulators that combine low-level emulation with hardware rendering. Secondly, this plugin doesn't do conventional hardware rendering as traditionally understood. It uses Vulkan compute shaders to massively parallelize calculations, so doing what CPUs traditionally do through so-called software rendering, but way better, and which allows it to actually be able to render at higher resolutions, something the CPU cannot do without a massive performance drop.
Does it still have the GL/Vulkan renderer? Don't care about this new (slow) gimmick.
I tried it out for a bit, looks kinda shitty. Also all my memory cards are on PCSX2 and I don't want to bother porting or moving them.
Can you go to the forest and see how it looks? That's where PCSX2 fell apart with graphical glitches all over the place in hardware mode.
PCSX2 looks mostly fine to me there, but I play at native res, I wouldn't be surprised if upressing is breaking effects.
parallel-gs 2x ssaa + crt shader + lossless scaling lsfg 2x in Gran Turismo 4 makes my gtx 1080 rev up to 90%. Time to buy 5070 I suppose. Looks dope though
So is it out of beta now? standalone PCSX2 is fucking garbage but the retroarch beta core for is it even worse
>the Software renderer but running on the GPU, which allows it to render at much higher resolutions
holy shit
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Does it have async audio mix?
just found out that it's gone from pcsx2 and very likely that i may have to live with it
*without it
i mean
SSAA sucks for most games I tried. The blur is ridiculous but there are games where it works well.
Anon on /vg/ built it for PCSX2.
https://files.catbox.moe/ntt9vt.zip if you don't care for retroshart
anything that has filtering/color grading/bloom seems to barely scale & looks blurry.
>playing anything on retroarch past gen 5

ick, please tell me people dont actually do this?
I could see myself using this for sprite-based games or stuff with pre-rendered backgrounds, but PCSX2 still looks better for a clean high-res 3D look.
It's just fucking PCSX2 ported to libretro, nothing new about it.
it has paraLLEl-GS which is software rendring but on GPU you can build it for PCSX2 easy but yeah no point in using some shitty retroarch fork
Oh hey, looks like it renders the effects way better
how have they still not implemented core settings without having to load content? i don't mind that lrps2 is a work in progress but i do mind that i have to edit cfg files to get it out of an auto crashing loop.
it's impossible with the way the cores work. cores are dynamic libraries, you can't 'grab' settings contained in a dynamic library before you load them obviously. the 'settings' are dynamic and runtime, they are not some stuff in a settings file.
for some reason now none of the other LRPS2 renderers work for me now except parallel. All the other ones, the video gets stuck on the starting screen while the audio continues to play, and I can only see brief glimpses of the game if I use fast forward. I tried fiddling with a bunch of settings and no change.

It's not that big of a deal since I was only really planning on using parallel anyways, but more annoying is that even on parallel, the screen goes black every time you pause, which means I can't enter the RetroArch menu and adjust settings while having the game paused in the background since it just becomes a black screen. It also makes screenshot previews a black screen as well.

I just wish I knew the root cause because I'm almost certain the two issues are related.
all the gsdx renderers work here. not sure what is going on on your setup, is this linux or windows?

taking screenshots ingame turning black is a known issue with the core however. just use alt - printscreen or smth else for now.
just set your global LRPS2 options / cfg settings as read only for your most common/compatible settings, and then whenever you need to adjust something, just use a game override for that game. If a game has an issue, just delete its respective override.

Usually the only setting adjustment that causes crashing is messing with the driver.
It's not so much regular screenshots, but rather the screenshot previews with save states since RetroArch uses its own internal screenshots for those.

maybe its that you need to set 'renderer' to 'auto' to use any renderer other than parallel-gs. if you leave renderer on 'parallel-gs' then it will always try to use that.

to use vulkan, make sure video driver in retroarch is set to vulkan, and ps2 core renderer core option is set to 'auto'

to use d3d12/d3d11, make sure video driver in ra is set to d3d12/d3d11, and ps2 core render core option is set to 'auto'

etc. for opengl.
It's making a lot of progress with that ParaLLEl-GS video plugin but it'll take a while until it's as performant and mature as current PCSX2 is.
I'm looking forward to see its continued progress if anything, but I'll stick with PCSX2 Nightly for now.
I think I'll just wait until PCSX2 gets ParaLLEl-GS added to its video renderer list.
Will that even happen?
Doubtful, at least for the foreseeable future. The PCSX2 devs are not currently in good terms with the libretro devs.
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I had the same problem. You need to manually download "GameIndex.yaml," which is included with standalone PCSX2. Then, move or copy it to "[...]your BIOS path\pcsx2\resources." This will allow you to use any other renderer and fix a lot of bugs on paraLLEl-GS, such as those textures on Gran Turismo 4 (e.g., "NORMAL" appears as "RMAL" if you don't have "GameIndex.yaml"). Somehow, it is not included in "Online Updater > Core System Files Downloader > LRPS2.zip." I know this because back in November, some Anon did several troubleshooting about it. "Current" LRPS2 has been available for everyone since November (I think). One Anon discovered that the analog sensitivity was messed up (back then it didn't include "Core Options > Input > Port 1/2: Analog Sensitivity = 133%"; it was hardcoded at a 100% value). I think most of the issues that have been fixed by LibRetro/LRPS2 are ones that /vg/emugen/ has spotted, which is nice. I mean, devs read us and acknowledge our issues to fix their issues.

I bet those folks: >>11495924 >>11495925 >>11495931 Have been testing LRPS2 since November and have forgotten about the "GameIndex.yaml" thing. If you ask about it on /vg/emugen/, some people will say it's a "YOU" problem or the most common "works on my machine" response.

I don't like Danny, but once LARPS2 gets into puberty, it could be the best way to emulate PS2. Forget Danny; themaister is the man here. He is paying Runar Heyer to have him contributing full-time, and he, themaister, wrote paraLLEl-RDP; both are the real MVPs. Danny is just a parasite (hence why most of the emudevs don't like him). With or without Danny, we would have paraLLEl-GS. /rant
>The PCSX2 devs are not currently in good terms with the libretro devs.
"[...]in good terms with Danny." Fixed. There are more than valid reasons for it. Dude is a parasite. Guess why LibRetro/RetroArch/Danny had to rename DuckStation and PCSX2... or why there's "Melon DS" and "Melon DS DS"... why Dolphin core is forgotten. LibRetro/RetroArch is a parasite project.
>Make sandbox that improves and consolidates emulators with features not in standalone emulators
Why can't these people admit that they make shitty programs but can code the emulators well
There are widescreen hacks for a lot of games that don't stretch the image to fit.
Seems you need to rip-off devs if you want to improve and consolidate emulators with features that are not present in standalone.
You have it backwards, emulator devs are up their own ass about how super special their little pet projects are
Probably because they're the parasites that want to start patreons and shit to make money off of emulators in a legal gray area which is why the Yuzu got shut down

If they'd just shut the fuck up and make a core instead of standalone, they probably wouldn't get shut down
I have tried Shadow of the Colossus on my old Alienware 17 R3 and the audio was a mess, this fixed it, now I can run it with paraLLEl-GS at native res on RetroArch. Thank you a lot, Anon.
>If they'd just shut the fuck up and make a core instead of standalone, they probably wouldn't get shut down
Who are you to tell anybody how they should do their stuff?
yes but that ratchet capture seems stretched out
I tried it a little bit last night with the only games I care from the library: the Gran Turismos. Tons of circuits aren't rendered at all, you get instead some glitched garbled graphics no matter the renderer. Also the games look way too blurry at 1x resolution with CRT shaders and all the antiblur settings on, even compared to PCSX2 -- Even 2x looks super blurry . Also slower when pitted against the same rendered in PCSX2. The whole thing is still too green to make the switch over PCSX2.
Also b4 anyone ask, the shaders are sharp, rgb-like ones so it should result in sharper image but it's like no matter what it's gonna look smeared as fuck. I know the PS2 didn't have the greatest image output of its gen but it's still a bit too much.
what exactly is not rendered correctly in gran turismos?
I'll upload a screenshot when I get home.
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that's what it looks like on my end, it seems fine?
I see a dithered pattern in the rear window but that's accurate I suppose
Because the alternative is to have your project shut down
do you really emulate ps2 game like this?
why even emulate....
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If you're a emulator dev I'd like to let you know you're a giant faggot and I pirate your patreon updates
see >>11495986
> way too blurry at 1x resolution with CRT shaders
Enabled blur filter, got blurry images. Are you even listening to yourself.
That looks like Forza Motorsport 4, Anon. Yikes.
bruh I do have PCSX2 standalone and know how it looks mind you
GSDx has its limitations

holy mother of tldr
Read the next post
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Listen here GSdx fags
GSdx sisters... our response?!
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Norwegian Quality
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Ok, the promised screenshot

It's track dependent. I've tried with paraLLEI and it gives better results but sometimes it displays the same visual glitch.

I'll try doing this later >>11496152 and see if it fixes it
are you running an igpu or some shit

b4 you > at me, I can play on PCSX2 at 3x resolution and blending quality set to medium with no drops. ParaLLEI as I said gives better results but at the cost of speed (at 1x it plays fine unless I slap a crt shader on it, then it starts to lag)
parallel-gs is a very demanding renderer

I can't get a stable 60 in GT4 w/ GTX 1080 with 4x ssaa
forget using igpu for it
see >>11495986
You need fucking gameindex.yaml you bitchass faggot.
Ok, my PCSX2 install doesn't have a gameindex.yaml file. I'm on linoox btw.
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you're on the fucking loonix and can't RTFM?
>I'm on linoox btw
Why do you daily drive that shit if you can't troubleshoot shit, my brother in Christ? There you go.
Post a new screenshot.
lrps2.zip does not included, at least back in November.
it does include it
this is the new LRPS2 core
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I use loonix to avoid the botnet, not because I'm proficient with computers, and it's easy enough to use these days. Anyway, here's the screenshot, but I still get black screens when I open RA's menu or try capturing screenshots via RA
I knew you were missing that file.
>Anyway, here's the screenshot, but I still get black screens when I open RA's menu or try capturing screenshots via RA
Install Windows 10 LTSC 21H2
>this is the new LRPS2 core
No shit Sherlock. When they released it back in November it didn't include that file, I know because I was there.
Since we're at it, where the fuck does LRPS2 stores its memory cards/saves? I can't find them for shit
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>No shit Sherlock. When they released it back in November it didn't include that file, I know because I was there.
How did you know how I look like?!
ok found them, I was looking for the game's name thinking it worked like PS1 saves. Now I'm guessing .pnach cheat files don't work on LRPS2, right? would be nice to have the analog trigger sensitivity fix working off the bat
Pack it up, the RA devs are here again.
Retroarch saved retro gaming.

No they work. Core Options -> System -> Enable Cheats needs to be enabled.

You dump your pnach files into <system dir>/pcsx2/cheats.

Gameindex.yaml will eventually be baked into the core for convenience. For now you need to download it separately like this.
I think only Trial Mountain is bugged in GT3 with parallel-gs in high-res scanout mode. If you set SSAA to native it will render properly.

Not yet known what causes this and unsure if maister cares enough about that game to fix it. For that track Trial Mountain the game apparently puts some kind of postprocessing color filter on top of the screen which parallel-gs right now can't really deal with.

You see a similar issue with the intro in Ridge Racer V, but then the intro is completely fucked up in gsdx anyway and needs to revert to software renderer. With parallel-gs it at least renders but bugged and you see some weird scanlines sticking out. For whatever reason the game decides to use some blue color filter that it blits on top of the screen but ONLY for the intro.

PS2 was weird and loved fucking with postprocessing effects stacking one effect on top of the other.
Here's a list of current known bugs and compatibility issues with the core:
Most are from Danny himself, tested on a very high end rig. Seems a select few games are unplayable even on the best of cases.
The thing is, why tf would you want to use high res scanout? Parallel-gs does not support de-dithering. To blend that dithering you need a CRT shaders, and they look ass in high res. As far as I'm concerned high res scanout is useless, use stronger SSAA instead
Normalfags bitch about its 1000 menus so did it really?
normalfaggies need not apply
it's for power users like me
i cant get it to work, it is too much of the typicall retroarch mumbojumbolism as always
>update core
>set to vulcan
>set to glcore
>do not set it to dx on vulkan
>oh no you fucked
>what? you did not?
>but you still fucked?
>maybe try "auto" mode
>but remember to close retroarch everytime you make a change
>did you set it to GL again?
>try to reinstall EVERYTHING
like clockwork
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use preset shaders on top.

It looks way better at 16x SSAA and with some preset slang shaders than gsdx IMHO.
If I'd want that kind of picture in SC2 then I'd just run it in D3D11 6x res with mipmapping disabled in PCSX2 standalone. Parallel-gs is about blending 2D and 3D elements nicely in an uniform way.
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>Parallel-gs is about blending 2D and 3D elements nicely in an uniform way.

you can still get that though.

D3D11 does not even have 'basic' blending accuracy BTW, it will not compare to parallel gs no matter how high you crank up the resolution. all effects will be inferior and sub-PS2 quality
DX11 supports blending accuracy adjustments, you're full of bull

only up to basic and medium. if you set it to high or full it just reverts back to basic or medium. check the code. you cannot get full blending accuracy like you can on the GL/Vulkan renderers. thats why both D3D11/D3D12 renders are inferior in gsdx.

but gsdx is inferior to parallel-gs in all respects anyway when it comes to blending and postprocessing effects
doesnt work
> high or full it just reverts back to basic or medium. check the code
schizo alert
based twinaphex working tirelessly
unable to load core
please inform yourself nexct time before you try to act like a smart ass. this is well known.


> 10-03-2024, 07:58 PM
dx11/12 can't render effects that require full barriers like on vulkan/opengl, maximum blending on dx is like 80% of basic blending vulkan/opengl.
You shouldn't even be using dx unless you're using a legacy gpu.
that's a quote from a dev btw before you go 'hurr durr random person on forum says something'. in fact prob the only person still contributing to gsdx rn
>in fact prob the only person still contributing to gsdx rn
then wtf is that tranny stenzek doing
he had a falling out and quit, and then refraction left as well in the ensuing drama.
fucking trannies man can't do anything right
>then wtf is that tranny stenzek doing
Stenzek has been harassed nonstop so he forfeit
>fucking trannies man can't do anything right
do it yourself, faggot, be the change you want to see
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harassed with what, issues on github?
pcsx2 seems dead in the water
we must thank retroarch for salvaging it
Here is it, thread's dead. It was good while it lasted.
>harassed with what, issues on github?
harassed stenzek is an /emugen/'s meme, Anon.
that's why I never use trannysoft
mesen-s instead of bsnes
desmume instead of melonds
vba-m instead of mgba
beetle psx instead of cuckstation
lrps2 instead of pcsx2

oh and the last but certainly not least is FBNeo instead of MAME
fuck everyone in mame dev team
Hi Danny, how does it feel to shat on another thread?
Danny was right in the end
In being another idiot like Epic's Tim and instigating drama? That's funny RA cultist.
By pushing ahead the whole emulation scene disregarding dramatic tranny faggots
>Danny was right in the end
Rippin' off emudevs? >>11496007 Danny is just a faggot who parasites donations. PCSX2 fork w/paraLLEl-GS has better performance than LRPS2. Danny should be grateful that themaister is having his back.
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More like closing alternatives by being a shady parasite fag. Your cultism is very blatant (and if you're the RA man *themself*, that's sad)
yes he's ripping off poor emudevs for the benefit of the final user, me
Themaister, being a straight white man himself, understands Danny's plight and chooses the right side.
dog doesn't eat dog... I mean: parasite doesn't leech off parasite.
emulator development is a non-profit enterprise
if you want to code emu's to make a living then you can fuck right off
>if you want to code emu's to make a living then you can fuck right off
Tell that to Danny; he’s the one mooching off donations. https://www.libretro.com/index.php/contributions/
That anon is Danny and is in denial
You might be mentally ill.
Never once was I asked to contribute while using retroarch
If people want to throw their money at people who support the frontend then who am I or you to judge them
Themaister is an apex gigachad, Danny should be really grateful that Themaister gaves 0 fuck about his (Danny's) parasite behavior. He, Themaister, does it because he can and that is it, simple as.
>If people want to throw their money at people who support the frontend then who am I or you to judge them
The problem arises when well-meaning users donate to LibRetro, thinking or assuming that their contribution is going to the core/emulator developer, when in reality, that money goes to Danny. Plus, Danny doesn’t respect licenses. It’s no wonder that people behind projects like Genesis Plus GX, DuckStation, PCSX2, MAME, Dolphin, etc., want nothing to do with Danny and disdain LibRetro.

If you’re okay with Danny and LibRetro being parasites in the emulation scene, I get it: parasite doesn't leech off parasite.

I won’t stop saying it: Danny should be really grateful that Themaister is a professional, financially stable individual, and passionate about the topic. Without Themaister, LRPS2 would still be abandoned like it was for almost two years, just like the Dolphin core is now. Saying that "Danny is pushing ahead the whole emulation scene" is completely absurd.
>Themaister, being a straight white man himself
Lets say that Danny's 10 years long crusade against trans and fag emu developers was comical if you can add 2+2.
I guess themaister is a very forgiving person. Or a cuck.
Did Danny fuck your mum or something
Fuck licenses and fuck limpwristed emu devs who want to hoard donations with their shoddy front ends that's hostile to end user (xenia and memednafen are the worst offenders)
your emulators WILL be ported to libretro for everyone to enjoy whether you like it or not
I meant for everyone to enjoy except this guy >>11496687>>11496734
>I guess themaister is a very forgiving person

"My main motivation here is basically “because I can”. I already had a project lying around that did “generic” compute shader rasterization. I figured that maybe we could retro-fit this to support PS2 rendering. I didn’t work on this project alone. My colleague, Runar Heyer, helped out a great deal in the beginning to get this started, doing all the leg-work to study the PS2 from various resources, doing the initial prototype implementation and fleshing out the Vulkan GLSL to emulate PS2 shading. In PlayStation 2 GS emulation – The final frontier of Vulkan compute emulation."
"Runar's contributions were done as paid work for my company Arntzen Software AS as an employee."
>Themaister wrote paraLLEl-RDP
>Themaister is a talented and passionate developer.
>He met another talented and passionate developer
>He decided to hire that developer, Runar Heyer, under his own company: Arntzen Software AS
>Themaister doesn’t care about drama or donations because he’s financially stable.
>He does it because he CAN.
>He doesn’t mind that LibRetro uses paraLLEl-GS and that Danny leeches off donations and "internet points" from the emulation community because Themaister only cares about DOING WHAT HE CAN.
>Themaister, being the ultimate Apex GigaChad, knows Danny's parasitic habits well and acknowledges that Danny and LibRetro are rightfully despised. So, he grants total freedom for anyone to compile paraLLEl-GS in PCSX2, giving people the freedom to choose.
see: >>509462927 >>509083515

Does anybody else have the problem of analog triggers not being analog on RA? they act like normal shoulder buttons, on/off. Using an official DualSense.
I have the same problem. Also vibration doesn't work
Bruh you must be autistic or smth
well yea thats why they left pcsx2. And now the emulator is 41% itself kek
LRPS2 will carry the torch
Does it fix Last Raven without having to do 10 game specific hacks
ParaLLEl-gs is doa unless they bring no-interlacing patching on parity with pcsx2 mainline
just sayan
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this looks....le bad
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my video card cannot run ps2 gaems from 2000
>GPU 93%
>PWR 109.2W
>FPS 48
Pascals are notoriously shit at vulkan compute, what parallel-gs runs on
So... RTX is required to resulate PS2, a 25yo console?
ayymd would fare better, supposedly
themaister runs a rx 7600 or something
Imagine the type of turbo-autism one must have to give even the slightest of shit about emudev drama. Just use whatever works best for playing videogames.
>whaaa muh donations
t, danny boi
I copied GameIndex.yaml from standalone PCSX2 and made a new folder called resources within the PCSX2 folder of system. Below is the file location


and it doesn't work. Still get black screens.
I care in the sense that I need these autistic faggots to not melt down for long enough to finish their work. PCSX2 had some real potential there for a while, but now it's not only fucking dead again, but even more dead than it was before Schizokek came around to begin with. At least there were no expectations then. Now it's just a half-finished pile of unfulfilled promises.
the only way it works for me was to enable allow core to change driver, and then have the retroarch driver as dx11. It changes from dx11 to vulkan when you start the core, but for some reason if you have the core as vulkan before you start it, then it just won't boot. For the renderer in LRPS2, I use parallel, the other ones don't work properly for some reason. Even with parallel, pausing or screenshots show a black screen (the video comes back once you unpause)

I had to save allow core to change driver as a core override just for LRPS2, as I have that disabled for causing issues in the past. Took me a bit to figure out that was the issue.
but also NORMAL appears as it should in Gran Turismo 4, assuming we're talking about the same thing (the menu option when you're selecting a race), but that was the case even before gameindex.yaml, which as far as I can tell, did nothing
Oh nevermind, I just found the issue. Apparently DX11 doesn't work for the other renderers besides Parallel, you have to use DX12, per their patreon update.
so why does the sensitivity need to be at 133%? Is 133% the most accurate to original hardware?
>Is 133% the most accurate to original hardware?
No, and I don't know why the PS2 emus insist with this. Racing games are unplayable at 133%
>I use loonix to avoid the botnet, not because I'm proficient with computers
If you're not proficient with computers, you have no idea how to avoid the botnet.
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Friendly reminder that the PS2 emulation will NEVER be perfect because the real console used a 32-bit z-buffer with integer values, while modern GPU's use float values, so it's impossible to convert losslessly, hence all the random z-fighting (texture flickering) in numerous games when upscaled on the emulator.

>inb4 you can use the software renderer
Yeah, but it looks like ass.
>Yeah, but it looks like ass
So does a real PS2.
Read the thread, retard.
>PS2 emulation will NEVER be perfect
Define perfect
For me is beyond perfect. I mean, it fully enhance the base material.
This game glitches the hell out of it when I select certain missions, unless they fixed that recently.
>real console used a 32-bit z-buffer with integer values, while modern GPU's use float values
Not a 3D expert, but what prevents you from setting up a pipeline to use a integer based depth buffer?
It looks nice, but I'm getting awful framepacing. The amount of stutter makes it unplayable.
Despite all the shilling for GT4 mods, PS2 emulation is generally ass with PD games. It's been a little while since I've tried it because I just use my goddamn PS2, but Tourist Trophy's license tests would never fucking work in PCSX2 without swapping hacks mid-game no matter how many times people would tell me how accurate Nightly is now.
SW is good though. they just need shaders natively. yeah, i agree GS HW will never get there but it's better than nothing a lot of games barely have any issues.

DX11 works but prob not right now on Intel iGPU. Works fine on nvidia.

Not sure why it doesn't on Intel but these are extremely bad GPUs anyway, prob bad driver support for some DX11 feature that GSdx now uses. It worked with the old core, so prob some newer DX11 feature used now that the iGPU throws its hands up at.

> Friendly reminder that the PS2 emulation will NEVER be perfect because the real console used a 32-bit z-buffer with integer values, while modern GPU's use float values

parallel-gs implements a 32-bit integer framebuffer unlike gsdx.

> so it's impossible to convert losslessly, hence all the random z-fighting (texture flickering) in numerous games when upscaled on the emulator.

not an issue with parallel-gs, because it's a compute program.

It's the inaccurate float emulation in PCSX2. That's why so many games still need EE/VU clamping hacks.


This might fix the license tests, however, this requires interpreter CPU so requires a NASA supercomputer before this ever runs at good speeds.
*zbuffer, not framebuffer
Super computers are just clusters which are useless for single thread performance. Single thread performance is stuck so if it does not run at full speed now, it may never.
I mean if you really really look in-depth you can probably find non-perfect issues with every single emulator, including the ones considered most accurate to their real counterpart
they're 20 year old games for children I don't care

Nah gsdx still has tons and tons of issues in games. Just go through the pcsx2 issues list, most just play the same 5/6 popular games so they are none the wiser as to how bad the hw renderer compatibility actually is.
Tried to play Ace Combat 0, it has the funny bug that removes collision and doesn't let you complete the first mission.
It's definitely an upgrade from the previous version but it still needs time
this is really a strange isuee, how would even one figure this out?

You unironically need a 4090 to run this intro at 16x saaa
yup. completely worthless.
It's premium PS2 emulation experience for those who can.
good, filters thirdies
>hence all the random z-fighting (texture flickering) in numerous games when upscaled on the emulator
In your mind maybe
there definitely is/ SH4 & fatal frame series are huge culprits. its not visible in mst though. GSDX is extremely flawed in a few games but most of them are fine.
someone try yakuza 1 it breaks at high res iirc forbidden siren 2 as well
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libretro sisters, our response?
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How would you rather play? lo res Klonoa or buggy black lines Klonoa?
is the same picture
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nyo it's not

all in all current patch compatibility is very disappointing
PCSX2 has both de-interlacing and 16:9 patches for Klonoa 2
LRPS2 has neither

parallel-gs picture quality is quite nice but without those patches it's still a subpar experience
use a shader or compile parallelgs on pcsx2
compile deez nuts
lot of retroarch cores are butchered versions of standalone. Look at the mame core
the same is true of standalones faggy mcfaggerson
Fun fact: nothing triggers RetroArch's lead dev Danny more than uttering the word "standalone" in his presence. If you feel like having a quick giggle, go to their trannycord and ask for help with a core, make up some problem, then mention that the standalone emulator doesn't have this problem. You can be as nice or as respectful as possible, it won't matter. You're gonna get chewed out, either by Danny himself or one of his mods (the latter because they know that's a trigger word for Danny and they'd rather not deal with his outbursts either). Push back even a little after this, and you'll likely get kicked out.
mednafen has original cores, some of em are the best emus for those systems
>16:9 patches
holy zoomer
>Hey Mr. Retro archer my standalone copy of zsnes runs all my old smw hacks can I use my save states on Metroidarc?
>16:9 patches
Just buy a bigger tv
That's not what I said, I like how their emulators are coded
I just think everything to do with the standalone programs are usually subpar in comparison
I think MAME would be better off splitting a lot of the machines as separate cores

95% of 'no interlacing patches' are crap and destroy the image quality, they ruin the text. most of them are therefore not worth bothering with.

the 16:9 patch can prob be used if there aren't issues where parts of the extended screen don't have rendered geometry.

also if you really cant wait for the 16:9 patch to be embedded in the core, you could always just 'enable cheats' in core options -> system and then just dump the pnach file in <system dir>/pcsx2/cheats.

klonoa 2 btw is completely bugged in gsdx master


none of those issues happen in parallel-gs

no interlacing patches means barely anything for parallel-gs anyway, it has near perfect deinterlacing where you can barely tell any artefacts.

the few 'no interlacing' patches that are actually incorporated into the LRPS2 internal databases are actually 'good' patches.

what they do usually is redirect the way frontbuffer/backbuffer works so that frontbuffer just points to a sharp backbuffer with the UI elements already in. some games will render everything including UI elements to a sharp backbuffer, then the frontbuffer gets a downsampled copy from that. so the backbuffer sometimes is higher res and non interlaced. in such cases you can just do a pnach patch and redirect it so that you output from the backbuffer instead. that's what the tekken tag 'no interlacing' patch does, and 'rumble roses'.
you're the kind of guy that would insist we all stick with zsnes for SNES emulation and that it has to run on your pentium 2 or else it's 'completely worthless'.

gsdx will have a very hard time ever rendering that intro correctly, or fixing the majority of all the open bugs it still has. whatever solutions they come up with like the preround PR, tex in RT PRs, there will be tons of issues.

compute literally fixes 99% of these issues done the way in parallel-gs. and yes, because it's compute, it will require more compute power, e.g. more GPU power. get a better GPU, it's 2025. the 5070 will have 4090-like performance soon at less than $500.
i dont care dan software runs it just fine w better performance at 1x. this a complete waste of time. the IQ is nowhere near GSDX anyway looks like a 576p game scaled to 1080p w billinear and coats ridiculous amount to run so who gives a shit. it's nowhere near GSDX replacement.

software doesn't even have SSAA

> the IQ is nowhere near GSDX anyway

16x SSAA completely smooths out all shimmering with high-res scanout, you can go to 4x or 8x and there will still be slight shimmering.

gsdx can't even run RR5 right now, it's a buggy glitchy mess.

there are about 1.2MB worth of tenthousand per-game hacks in GameIndex.yaml because of how inaccurate gsdx is, and even with that, postprocessing layers are still misaligned most of the time.

it's shocking how ignorant and indifferent people like you are to technological progress in a 'scene' that should require at least a base level of technical understanding. you're literally a mouthbreather sticking with outdated tech and going 'the new thing is bad poo poo' while having zero clue what you're talking about.

parallel-gs literally runs without GameIndex.yaml and will render everything fine without a single per-game hack. At high-res scanout. It's a phenomenal breakthrough and achievement. But because it doesn't run the way you want on your little ghetto PC it's 'worthless'.
>you can go to 4x or 8x and there will still be slight shimmering.

you can go to 4x or 8x with GSDX and there will still be slight shimmering.

gsdx has to resort to software rendering for a large part of its rendering pipeline and it STILL has over 100+ rendering bugs open in the issue tracker. issues that are all mostly not there on parallel-gs.

not to mention parallel gs runs with 100% blending accuracy all the time while most ppl with gsdx play it with gimped basic accuracy and are none the wiser they are playing with gimped transparency and bloom effects. youre literally playing a gimped version of what the PS2 would actually be rendering and calling that 'fine'. and if you turn the highest blending accuracy on you will suddenly find gsdx not to be so fast anymore.
>16x SSAA completely smooths out all shimmering with high-res scanout, you can go to 4x or 8x and there will still be slight shimmering.
at 50x the cost and still nowhere near sharpness of 1080p GSDX. 8x shows noticeable aliasing at 50x the cost of 1080p GSDX. This isn't progress. You retards are still going to use your dogshit shades to hide everything so what' the point of going above 1x.
Keep sperging Danny. I can sense your cortisol spiking. Can't contain your autism to one post.
Dude, tone it the fuck down down Danny. You ought to know by now autistically typing out all these walls of texts deboonking whatever you perceive to be misconceptions people have about LRPS2 will only cause them to double down and push back.
On PCSX2 w/ Vulkan I can run Zone of the Enders flawlessly at 4 times its internal resolution. But, in LRPS w/ Vulkan I can't run it, not even at native resolution... with Vulkan.

LRPS2 performance is garbage.
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wake me up when that Danny faggot fix his spaghetti bullshit.
>parallel-gs literally runs without GameIndex.yaml
First game I tried was Valkyrie Profile. Got a black screen, config set to parallel and all that. After trying with 4 different isos, turns out it needed GameIndex.yaml in the system folder for the game to boot. So yeah, this statement is false.
>gsdx can't even run RR5 right now, it's a buggy glitchy mess.
In LARPS2, perhaps. LARPS2 performance is dogshit, PCSX2 is better. There's a fork with paraLLEl-GS, try it yourself, faggot.

It's not a false statement.

> SLUS-21452:
name: "Valkyrie Profile 2 - Silmeria"
region: "NTSC-U"
compat: 5
- VuAddSubHack
halfPixelOffset: 4 # Reduces bloom misalignment.
textureInsideRT: 1 # Required for swirl battle transition.
nativeScaling: 2 # Fixes depth of field effects and bloom.
roundSprite: 1 # Fixes lines in transitions.

See all the entries under 'gsHWFixes'? Those are all gsdx per-game hacks. parallel-gs doesn't need any of those.

The only non-gsdx per-game hack that it still needs the database for is that VU hack.

Alright you're just shitposting, you had a good run. Try it in your magical standalone with RR5 and gsdx and see how well that game renders. I guess you must have a magic pixie fairy build that magically fixes all the issues people had with that game for over 15+ years.
>See all the entries under 'gsHWFixes'? Those are all gsdx per-game hacks. parallel-gs doesn't need any of those.
But you need to download GameIndex.yaml manually and a rig with a RTX 2070 or higher. You are full of bullshit, Danny. Fix your shit, in the meantime go fuck yourself.
I'm not the same Anon. I'm the faggot who wants to resulate zone of the enders with vulkan on larps2
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Valkyrie Profile 2 doesn't run without GameIndex.yaml in the system folder, It needs the file for something. Other games I've tried run fine without it.
sorry, wrong quote, meant for
Yes I said it needs it for that

> gameFixes:
- VuAddSubHack

However, this is unrelated to the per-game GSdx hacks I'm talking about. 95% of that file is just 'gsHWFixes'.

parallel-gs doesn't need per-game hacks.
>there actually is some animosity toward libretro within the PCSX2 ranks, so perhaps that's got something to do with it.
Don't most devs have beef with RetroArch/libretto these days other than maybe the N64 emu devs like you mentioned?
Danny's most hated anime? Ghost in the Shell: Stand Alone Complex
de-interlaced output

1. shimmers in motion
2. adds 1 frame of lag to already laggy larpPS2 >>11499193
How the fuck am I supposed to play Ace Combats on LRPS2 when it doesn't support neither analog triggers nor rumble? r u for real
>Don't most devs have beef with RetroArch/libretto

Only shitty ones with self imposed beefs.
in other words, trans and trans-friendly folx
According to LARPS2 shills: rumble, pressure sensitive buttons and steering wheel are just gimmicks; shit like Metal Gear, Ace Combat or Gran Turismo are games that nobody care
>Only shitty ones with self imposed beefs.
Genesis GX, Dolphin-emu DuckStation, PCSX2... yeah... the shitty ones...
well you'd have to redesign how retroarch handles sdl2 inputs for pressure sensitivity to work
but not supporting analog triggers is flat out retarded
>Dolphin, DuckStation, PCSX2

I see a commonality.
Stenzek AKA "Stop harassing me"?
they dont even run correctly atm soo
They do

genesis plus gx has only been available as a libretro core on PC from the start and the upstream author has it in its repo. I don't see any issue there, certainly not anything that amounts to any longstanding beef. disagreements and arguments can always happen over a span of 13+ years but these two projects have always worked together and have not been at odds with one another.

some guy is looking into pressure sensitive buttons.

however, that shit is only going to work on some dualshock 3 pads or whatever. i dont think your average ps5/xbox pad works with that.

so yes it is a niche feature because only a few people with the right controller will be able to use it. does it suck that pads stopped doing pressure sensitive buttons after PS3 and therefore any ps2 game ported to later consoles has to 'slightly' gimp this feature? ofc but i think some deal with it in other ways in the form of patches.
never mind pressure sensitive buttons how about some common xinput functionality like analog fucking triggers

and desu this gimmick was only used by a few games and then like most gimmicks it mostly died out and was never touched again. like hd rumble and sixaxis on PS3 youre not missing much.
pressure sensitive buttons were used for a lot of games
like every racing game that had throttle on X
you can turn it practically off in most of those games and it barely makes a difference.

besides none of this is going to change the fact that 90% of the controllers people use aren't going to be able to use this feature. only the few that are going to go out of their way to use a DS3 pad or whatever.

dont worry it will get added, however, i think ppl are being disingenuous when they say it's not a niche feature. it pretty much is if the majority of ppl cannot ever use it.
Despite me using DS3 as a main controller and being able to use pressure sensitive buttons on PCSX2 I don't care for their support that much. What I do care for however is ANALOG_FUCKING_TRIGGERS
and rumble
rumble is a gimmick
you're a gimmick
if running like it does for >>11498710 is correct then yea ig
I completed 6 missions in Ace Combat 0 yesterday with no issues
its just a shitposter that tries to latch onto everything and anything to try to make the core (and retroarch) out to be bad. he is like a broken record starting from the assumption 'danny bad, retroarch bad, therefore i must shitpost in threads made about it'. it gets rather boring after a while when it turns out these ppl literally have no idea what they're talking about and they're just adding noise to the discussion.
yeah a mindbroken tranny from emugen seems like
I still wish they add rumble and analog triggers because parallelgs is goat
It's a mixed bag. There's a bunch that have overt beef with it (or rather Danny), such as Duckstation's Stenzek (who to be fair is also a bridge-burning asshole all his own), the Dolphin team (I think they partially blame him for this one tranny dev's suicide way back in like 2016), the PCSX2 devs (not sure exactly what their beef is, I may have missed it), and IIRC there was also some drama with the mGBA and Reicast devs. On the other hand, relations are good with the Flycast dev, the SNES9X devs, and the PPSSPP devs, all of whom maintain the libretro version of their cores upstream, as does the Genesis Plus GX dev (though there are disagreements with him occasionally). With Mupen64Plus, it's been more of a "live and let live" kind of thing, where they didn't want to collaborate but never expressed animosity either. And for what it's worth, even though they were hostile to each other for years, Near and Danny were actually on good terms before the former ended himself.
Oh, and can't forget the MAME devs. They've had an axe to grind with libretro from pretty much the beginning for various reasons, and they never miss a chance to jump into the ring and fling shit on places like leddit whenever there's a controversy involving libretro. Meanwhile, FBNeo devs are chill and maintain the libretro core themselves.
fuck mame devs
I only use mame for playing Virtua Racing because fbneo doesn't support it
Have you tried Virtua Racing for Nintendo Switch?
Why do you need to super sample it 16x?
yes, I didn't like it
colors are off no matter the gamma setting
sound has horrible dynamic range
camera doesn't shake as in the original
To eliminate aliasing in a 896p output duh?
You don't need 16x for that.
this is 16x ssaa
0:09-0:10, road in the upper part
Alright now lets see it at 8x or 12x to see if its worth the extra horsepower needed.
i genuinely had problems with the game, I went to take a screenshot a few moments ago but it seems it works for some reason lmao so i have to give credit where its due

The video is actually 8x SSAA. Read the description, it explains exactly what is being configured.

16x SSAA will look even better than that video.
It's using 8x because Danny's 4090 couldn't handle 16x. Have to wait for 5090 to finally render RRV intro without jaggies.
It's a 4090 laptop sherlock, not a desktop.

That is 4070 tier, prob even below it.
4090 laptop is equivalent to a proper 4080 spec wise
Lead RA developer is using a fucking laptop?

LOL what are you talking about


The 4080 desktop is MUCH more powerful. it's 4070 tier.
You're on Danny's ignore list, so I’ll repost:

and rumble

"4090" laptop is just a rebranded 4080, they're identical spec wise
but it has a much lower clock speed due to stifled TDP and ends up running as fast as a desktop 4070 or 4070ti or whatever, but technically it's just an underclocked 4080
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Which of these is responsible for VK compute parallelgs runs on? I wanna buy a new GPU and I'm curious whether rx9070 or rtx5070 will perform better there
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I think Danny has a laptop with rtx 4090 (like he confirmed here >>11501309
) and also desktop, with, try to guess it... another rtx 4090.
Desktop overheats because mommy doesn't allow him to open windows.
why are you stalking that man
he just wants to make emulation better
And you thought it was 16x so it seems 8x is good enough. Remember you'll never get rid of aliasing entirely. You're restrained by the output resolution.
it's 8x because that intro is demanding as hell
try running it, come on
Yeah and 8 looked so good you thought it was 16.
certainly has room for improvement
the shitty CA + black crush shader hides everything quite well
dem jaggies man
You will always have some jaggies with a low output resolution. There's no way around it. You could upscale it 100x and they would still be there.
yes but 16x would diminish them
And I'm saying the power you would need to get 16x wouldn't be worth the amount of diminishment. Diminishing returns.
Show us some comparison shots then.
with that mindset i'd rather just run GDsx and use a fraction of power
parallelgs is about the best or bust
Go for it. I don't really have a horse in the race.
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But what about high res high res scanout? 4x
I don't think he knows about that pip.
Let's donate to Danny so he can get a different VR headset
Is it true that PCSX2 devs will refuse to help you with whatever issue you're having if you can't prove that the BIOS you're using isn't pirated?
If you admit to piracy, or have multiple BIOS files, they mark you as a pirate and refuse to help you
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enabling "High-resolution scanout" alone doesn't work well with some games like Valkyrie Profile 2 and others, you have to also enable "Super-sample textures" to make it looks better
It has nothing to do with dynamic libraries. It's either a limitation of the libretro API or just not implemented in RA. In theory nothing would prevent loading a core without a ROM to access settings.
IIRC they'll tell you to post logs (which display which BIOS files are installed and which one is currently being used) to help with troubleshooting, and then they'll tell you to post proof that you actually own the PS2 models from which every BIOS file you have installed are derived (like pics taken by you of the relevant consoles). They also won't support Namco System 246 because they don't wanna touch MagicGate.
>They also won't support Namco System 246 because they don't wanna touch MagicGate.

do any forks exist that do anything with that?
Not a fork, but a completely separate emulator.
i saw something about that. i appreciate play's efforts to make an alternative to pcsx2 and the HLE BIOS is very cool.

still, i meant if there was any pcsx2 fork that did anything with arcade. i know there's that magicgate fork that does dvd player stuff.
Yeah but these emulators fuck with the graphics so tilesets get brocken up visible and dont blend and it smears graphics
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I'll admit that flagging people for multiple BIOS files is a little autistic

Every official emulation server ever has an anti-piracy rule though, yet that doesn't stop morons from going in there everyday and saying

"Hi! I just downloaded [game], and I need help!"
>but it looks like ass
based accurate emulation
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shadered-up, the superiority of parallelgs becomes obvious
blending is on another level
gsdx looks artificial
clarity is commendable but it doesn't feel like a ps2 game anymore, as its graphical shortcomings become more noticeable
Crop your shit better.
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fair point
Obviously the light from the windows is rendered properly in parallelgs
But I also feel like you can appreciate the texture work on the character better in the bottom screenshot
Ideally I'd want top but as sharp as bottom
I think some games lend itself for upscaling better than others. I'd want sharp visuals in something like MGS2 or ZoE2 but in games like FFX or Valkyrie Profile 2 I prefer a blended blurry look a bit more.
What shader is that?
Shit was working yesterday. Tested various games
Today, it CTD upon launching any game
Fuck ps2 emulation on retroarch
You mean 16x on top of 240p? 5x is more than 1080 already, what's the problem.
Bad example as MAME in itself emulator thounthands os sysme, it''s an alternative to rettroarch, not astandasome emu.
Not bothering to edit my spelling sorry.
you can literally see similar artifacts in the window just lower resolution. the issue w unscaled effects is that they look like shit in motion though. heavy blocky shimmering.
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well duh it's ps2 emulation
there's only so much GS can draw
>animosity toward libretro within the PCSX2 ranks
So PCSX2 is now inferior to LRPS2 out of spite? lmao
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Why do people feel the need to show their ugly mug in thumbnails/videos?
I want to see the subject the video is about, not someone's hideous face
views, algorithm stuff and make some cash out of it. just don't click on them
Hi Danny, how does it feel to be trapped into that time loop of fakeness?
It's good, but not good enough to topple PCSX2.
I'd give it a little while longer to mature.
look in /vroom/
peak goblin look
>look at my pretty shader
>doesn't tell you what shader
nigga please give some sauce
look 2 posts up retardo
it's not my shader
and it looks bad for everything except ps2
Normalfags unironically eat that shit up.
retroarch is the antichrist of emulation
bizhawk ftw
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This is the level of animosity PCSX2 team has for Libretro.
Based Danny. You will never be a woman, furfag.
LRPS2 is PCSX2 de-trannyfied
my gtx 980 runs ps3 games in 2x res wtf are you ironing about
Launch ridge racer 5 intro in high res scanout with 8x ssaa and tell me how many fps you have darling
If i were them I'd just take the renderer. No point in being one upped if you don't have to be. Its like how ares eventually added slang shaders.
Try Shadows of the Colossus and/or Zone of the Enders with LRPS2/paraLLEl-gs in 2x res, faggot.
I don't like faggot Danny put I love to resulate sum ps2 sheit, fuck. Time to move to lrps2 I guess.
What a bunch of retards. I thought PCSX2 would get Parallel-GS.
>gay furry pfp
You can just SMELL the unwashed, unstored dildos and cumtributed anime figs wafting from most discord users.
all that matters is the compute performance with parallel-rdp or parallel-gs. maybe looking at CUDA performance benchmarks could be a good way to tell how capable a GPU is @ these renderers.
Sounds more like a projection, Anon. Be careful.
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>you HAVE to be that type of person to understand them
>it can't possibly be a collection of your experiences and intuition after 40 years
>picrel is totally a baseless stereotype
Using the analog stick for gas and break is much better than triggers
This. Themaister doesn't care who uses it, and has in fact made it relatively easy to integrate into PCSX2. It's literally there for the taking, for free. This is just them being butthurt for no reason.
I imagine it'll be merged in one way or another but not before a year of foot-dragging and needless politics.
It's just asinine. When ParaLLEl-RDP dropped, people got to work quick to make it into a plugin for both Mupen64Plus and Project64 despite neither one natively supporting Vulkan at the time (Project64 still doesn't lel). We got two high-quality forks that incorporate it in RMG and Simple64, and then ares got it too, all of it hassle-free and drama-free. But some people in the scene would rather be petty bitches.
What exactly is important? FP32 performance? Would RX 9070 have an edge over 5070 in parallelgs?
The real question is does it look any better or replicate the game's effects more accurately than 4K HLE? PCSX2's hardware rendering is actually in a decent place nowadays with few games actually needing something like ParaGS.
bruh like bruh
GSdx cannot even render RRV intro at all, they switch to software
To play devil's advocate and defend Refraction/PCSX2 devs for a minute, they may not be adding it because they can't support and don't understand it like they do the other renderers. It's kind of a "black box" to them, and I'm not sure how willing themaister is to fix PGS in PCSX2. If it's added it may have to be in an "as is" sort of way.
Fair, 'bruh' (I am so tired of everyone talking like gay niggers, please stop, you out yourself as chronically on normie-nets, a zoomer, or gay), I didn't know it was broken. I'll trust, but verify this.
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>64k/s on archive.org tonight
It really is crazy how much it fluctuates. It can be anywhere from that to 20m/sec depending on star alignment.
Even if that's the case (and it probably is, the part about not understanding PGS, that is), that's not what they're saying. Another dev seems to think someone just needs someone to make a pull request, so not outright opposed, but others are basically saying "it wasn't invented here, so we're not adding it".
20 chunks on jdownloader2 it is
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works on my machine, try fdm
Try a PS2 CHD. I think it's on their shittiest 100mbit fed Pentium 3 server.
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also working fine
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>the bruhposter is fucking wrong
Imagine my shock. Looks and runs fine in hardware.
Look again at your car, gaylord.
read again retard

its amazing how many retards like you dont understand gsdx is pure trash

there are literally 100 open issues on their issue tracker with no chance of it ever getting fixed. and their zbuffer is inaccurate as fuck leading to all sorts of z fighting.
Okay I was wrong oops haha.

yep. and honestly nearly every single game in gsdx has tons of these little glitches if you compare it to a PS2.

theres very rarely a game that is completely 100% graphics glitch free.theres always a misaligned sprite somewhere, some polygon that is zfighting, etc.
>Looks and runs fine in hardware
Look at your car's bumper you blind fuck
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top: gsdx 6x res
bottom: pgs 16x ssaa, runs like ass
bet your standalone don't have force texture LOD0 in gsdx :)
LOD0 is the same as disabling mipmapping in PCSX2.
what's your specs? pre-pascal ewaste?
no it's not LOL.
It quite literally is. Mimpapping is what controls LODs, disabling it makes all textures display at LOD0.
trust me they don't have that feature implemented. :)
Actually that "feature" was implemented since times immemorial, mipmapping was added much later, which notoriously made Ace Combat games playable.
its 'cute' how you think you know better than me what is implemented :)

try getting jak 2 to work with your 'mipmapping off' in standalone pcsx2 with no issues, then try the same with LRPS2. that's just one small example.
Who would know that Danny was a tranny spammer. That's a new low.
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tf am I supposed to be looking at here?
you're just wasting my time out of spite Daniel?
you're too ignorant and at the same time pretending to be a know-it-all. you have zero clue what gets incorporated into the code or not or what to even look for. i rest my case. continue believing that very same functionality is in your standalone, i really couldnt care less.
then provide some actual examples of how LOD0 is different from mipmapping off instead of yapping
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Can someone explain this to me like I'm a retarded 5 year old, please?
Why would you use this instead of PCSX2? I honestly don't get the point of retroarch.
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Am I being pranked by Daniel De Matteis? Were you pulling my leg Danny? Just what are those terrible inaccuracies am I supposed to witness in PCSX2 standalone with mipmapping off? Maybe instead fix your damn LRPS2 so it has a proper 16:9 patch instead of stock anamorphic widescreen and remove a hardcoded analog deadzone so I could've synced the damn footage
you thought rr5 had no glitches until the shit was pointed out to you. you suck at this bro, you need everything spoonfed and explained to you like you're a fifth grader.
1. >>11504141 is a different anon
2. I accept your concession
there are literally 3000 open issues on RetroArch issue tracker
pure trash
Driv3r work any better on it then it does on pcx2?
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>Be me
>Gran Autismo aficionado
>Trying out that LRPS2 core
>Is good
>hmm... no steering wheel support just yet? All good... I will map pedals as L1 and R2 and wheel as the analog stick but linear
>hmm... no pressure sensitive support...
>le reading
>Some faggots have the same experience
>Some faggots recommend to use the right analog stick for gas and break
>Okay, let's try right pedal as right analog Y+ axis and left pedal as Y+ axis
>Can't heel-shoe because the game can't read the both opposite axis at the same time
Am I supposed to sit on my cockpit ignoring my steering wheel and play with a dualshock 4? I think I will wait patiently until Danny and friends update LRP2 with steering wheel and negcon support build it.
dannyboy your core will be outdated tomorrow
>Why would you use this instead of PCSX2? I honestly don't get the point of retroarch.
Pre-pascal = PCSX2 copium
Post-pascal = LRPS2 parallel-gs
paraLLEl-gs mogs software render and LRPS2 is an un-trannie PCSX2 fork.
switch to windowed. fixes it on my end, anyway. you can go to fullscreen again once the game has started.
>reinventing the wheel
most games don't have issues on regular pcsx2
those developers just have wasted their time
low quality b8
it renders correctly but it's slow, just like software renderer and gsdx.
> Tester
> He/him


Anyway he's just a tester, he's a literal nobody. Not even a dev, just a loser.
You're a tester, Danny. paraLLEI-GS was written by Hans and Runar.
> danny derangement syndrome
seek professional help tranny
Hey, that Daniel dude just dropped an LRPS2 update all of the sudden, now I can play Zone of the Enders... fullspeed at native resolution on a old Asus laptop of mine with a GTX 980M. I haven't tried any shader because my GPU is fighting dæmons with paraLLEl-gs but God damn, I thought the dude will give 0 fucks about anything pre-RTX.

Damn, this faggot deserve some respect, I want to see how this core evolves. Good shit.
You could've always played both games in GSdx, they run without issues.
What if... what if Danny, Hans and Runar are here and not just Danny himself? There's an Anon that have been dropping real technical facts about PS2 not only here but at that thread about GTA III port on Dreamcast too, and that Anon seems educated by how he writes, not the usual metal ill faggot.
ok they've added rumble, great breakthrough
can anyone with windows 8/7/10 tell if this core runs on there? if it doesn't work, can you try if installing the VC 2019 C++ redist makes it work?

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based Bobby

134fps with parallel-gs, vs. 33/30fps w/ gsdx
Dannyboy searched far and wide across PS2 library to find one game in which pgs is faster lmaoo
Crashes when I try to load an iso

not downloading a virus sorry
PCSX2 sisters, our response?!
nyooooo not the heckin *checks notes* Primal Image vol.1
why are you against progress and development of PS2 being done?

this would be like some zsnes fanatic going 'noooo we can't have more accurate snes emulation, it needs to run on a pentium 2 forever!' when bsnes came out.
ok but why is rumble and analog triggers a no-no?
Wait until John Linneman makes a video on ParaLLEl-GS. It's gonna be yuuuuuuuge
How is an ugly line across Virtua Fighter 4 UI represents accurate PS2 emulation? GSdx renders it just fine.

That issue has been fixed in parallel-gs. It is still there in the software renderer.

GSdx only got it right by accident.
literally got implemented yesterday.
wait already? cool cool
why was the no-interlacing patch ported for VF4 evo but not for VF4 tho
dont know if one exists for VF4. the one for VF4 evo is not actually a 'no interlacing' patch but a 'sharp backbuffer' patch.

a lot of no-interlacing patches just makes the text look bad or the graphics look worse, only the 'good' patches should be carried over.
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>dont know if one exists for VF4
PCSX2 has no-interlacing patches for both VF4s, pic related
>the one for VF4 evo is not actually a 'no interlacing' patch but a 'sharp backbuffer' patch
it clearly says no-interlacing patch, pic related
and the picture is stable at 896p unlike VF4 vanilla which shimmers all over due to de-interlacing
>a lot of no-interlacing patches just makes the text look bad or the graphics look worse, only the 'good' patches should be carried over.
this is just a load of bullshit
no-interlacing improves picture quality in every game I have tried, and I've tried a lot
.pnach cheats aren't working, anyone else with that problem?
pnatch cheats work for widescreen and other various hacks but don't work for no-interlacing because pgs handles it differently
Analog triggers did not get implemented yesterday. As of now, LRPS2 handles every button except analog sticks as a digital inpit.
It's the trigger sensitivity cheat for the Gran Turismos the one I need right now, and it doesn't seem like it's working. I've pasted the cheats in every cheats folder inside the RA folder (there are several of them for LRPS2 alone for some reason) and they don't work. Yes, the core settings is set to load cheats. They don't work.
that no-interlacing patch will just kill image quality

if it doesn't look right in either software renderer or pgs then it's not worth using.
>it clearly says no-interlacing patch, pic related

it's just a label, if the name got changed now to 'sharp backbuffer hint' then everyone would complain and be confused.

go to core options -> system and turn on 'enable cheats'. pnach files go into <system dir>/pcsx2/cheats.
read above you
analog input is not supported at all yet
how the fuck would 448p output instead of 448i kill image quality? maybe try VF4evo or VF4 with and without it on pcsx2 and see for yourself
there's no errors to speak off, it just axes the interlacing pass
Already did
>analog input is not supported at all yet
Other cheats (like the GT3 style cam for GT4) aren't working either
it works on my machine
pnach should be named CRC.pnach
>no-interlacing improves picture quality in every game I have tried, and I've tried a lot

try it in software renderer and PGS and see what happens.

maybe only in gsdx which is inaccurate by nature.
Nope, no effect at all
how would I try it in pgs when it *clap* doesn't *clap* support *clap* external de-interlacing *clap* patches
check ra logs to see whether the pnach was applied
ctrl + F "pnach" 0 results

if all that fails I'll just try loading them as normal cheats via RA's cheat menu
Okay nevermind fixed it. Had to delete my original PCSX2 folder and start fresh.

Built in screenshot function spits out a gs.zst file into my snaps folder, not sure what that is?

>[libretro INFO] [GameDB] No CRC-specific patch or default patch found
>[libretro INFO] Overall 0 Cheats loaded

actually even the authors of the no-interlacing patches say most old no-interlacing patches are crap and that they should be removed now that PCSX2 has better deinterlacers.

the ones you really want are the 'sharp backbuffer' patches like vf4 evo/tekken tag. most of the time they point the frontbuffer to the backbuffer which holds the frame in non-interlaced mode. however, this will only work for games that draw everything to that backbuffer (game + UI elements) so that you can use that as the frontbuffer. if the game does weird stuff with the backbuffer as a scratchpad then you cant really use it.
well there's ya problem
salright. Wish PGS could render out a little higher res, and sometimes no combination of interlacing hints/cheats/filtering looks quite right.
back to VF4 naomi2 then!!
Pai stage flickering due to EE clamping error isn't going to be fixed anytime soon anyway
>I honestly don't get the point of retroarch.

Retroarch is a glorified bundle of emulators with a UI front-end that caters to people who are too stupid/illiterate when it comes to computers and don't know how to configure anything on their own. It's why reddit and normalfags heavily recommend it so much.
>Pai stage flickering due to EE clamping error isn't going to be fixed anytime soon anyway

that's a PCSX2 core bug. some guy made a pnach patch for it that fixes it, however, i think it was only for the PAL version. it could maybe be ported.
Not my problem, I've done everything. Also loading cheats via RA's menu doesn't work either, trigger sensitivity is still fucked.

Fix your emulator.
your pnach files aren't loading because of user error
either they're named incorrectly, or they're in a wrong folder, or cheat loading was disabled in core options
It's named as you said (CRC.pnach)
It's in every single cheat subfolder of the RA folder just to be sure
'Cheat loading' in core options is set to on
The cheats won't ever work via traditional cheats menu

User error? it's dev error.
RetroArch is LibRetro's frontend, Anon.
it shouldn't be in every folder in should be in system/pcsx2/cheats folder dear anon
>It's in every single cheat subfolder of the RA folder just to be sure
including system/pcsx2/cheats
trigger sensitivity is super fucked, what's more, it reaches 100% with the slightest touch

I'll stick to PCSX2, less headache.
nobody cares what you use, you can't use that as some kind of 'threat. we're just telling you that these patches load fine from that dir and that you're doing it wrong.
fuck you gaslighter
mr. squarepusher I have a bug to report

Dynasty Warriors 4 hangs at the start of the battle of Xia Kou with game enhancements set to on
I have been playing Zone of the Enders and it is low key cringe. Is every mecha game like Evangelion and Xenogears?

>Uh I'm not a bad person! I'm just a fucking wuss victim of the circumstances! I can't take responsibility of what the fuck I'm doing, I swear! I HAD NO CHOICE BUT ACT LIKE A FAGGOT!

This Kojima dude just regurgitates all the shit that he consooms and if something he threw up works is because he is a genius and not a pretentious motherfucker.
kojima wasn't involved with zoe1
he was merely a producer on zoe2 whilst being busy with mgs3, he made the intro trailer for it though
Damn. Then I do sincerely apologize to Kojima. I'm so sorry Kojima dude.
i folgive you...you おk, waito boy.
It all goes back to gundam trying to reconcile being a kid's cartoon with being about how cool war and violence are. It's been nothing but copycats ever since with degrading taste and effort in addressing the central incongruity.

Tried it this morning.

Latest PCSX2 version shits all over this horse shit.
dial 8 sis
Another problem, analog dead zone is gigantic even when set to 0% in the core input menu
>but it's your proble-
not a problem on PCSX2, Danny.

As it stands, the Gran Turismos are just unplayable on LRPS2 due to controls alone. This perhaps is passable for playing turn based JRPGs but not much else.
low-quality shitbait post
It's shit. I get better accurate graphics and better performance with PCSX2 than with this parallel-gs horse shit.

dial suicide hotline sis
I'm not going back to Retardfart's atrocious ui after the divine glory of PCSX2, Duckstation and Dolphin. You can suck my ass and gargle my nuts.
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danny's 4090 PC won't start up anymore
big sad
maybe they'll optimize parallel-gs now
There's like four other UIs to choose from.
could be funny if our Danny boi fried its 4090 with paraLLEl-gs
his shintel 13900k self-destructed most probably
After all testing, my conclusion is: not worth it
Many games suffer from performance problems
Retroarch was a pain in the ass for the regular PCSX2. LRPS2 now inherited all the issues.
ur a retard, it runs fine
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it's retrover
Not to mention it actually looks more like PS2
>21 year old ps2 game looks like a 14 year old 360 game
yeah we know
It doesn't look like the real thing, we know.
You know what would be cool? LRPS2 patches/fixes worked in as a DIP switch setting in FBNeo. So you can see what patches are available and toggle them individually.
I havent tried ps2 emulation in a few years now, is the collision detection problems with ace combat series fixed these days in either emulator? they used to be unplayable in pcsx2 because of that.
They fixed collision in ACs maybe 4 years ago and I think about a year ago they finally fixed N2/Stonehenge explosions
the guy that was playing valkyrie profile 2 earlier might want to try again now with the updated core from today. try experimental sharp backbuffer core option ON. also try messing around with pcrtc antiblur on or off and see what looks best for you.
I'm sorry but my GTX 1080 couldn't handle it completely stutter free even in native let alone 4x ssaa. I need to acquire 9070xt or something to make it run nice. Improvements are welcome though.
Call me when they fix the control issues

>>11501254 here, it works fine on both pcsx2 (nightly) and retroarch now
if youre gonna play on retroarch, remember to download the yaml file just to be safe
>Dynasty Warriors 4 hangs at the start of the battle of Xia Kou with game enhancements set to on

how far into the game do you have to go to get there.
I think it's about 6th mission in Sun Jian's musou campaign or so? I can upload a savestate where it's available as a free mission. It also broke other missions, like nanman campaign. I don't know which of the patches did that specifically, hence >>11507450
if ur playing in retroarch then upload a savestate somewhere. the dynasty warriors community is pretty active with patches so maybe someone came up with a patch for one of these issues.

> LRPS2 patches/fixes worked in as a DIP switch setting in FBNeo.

would have to check how fbneo did it
here you go senpai

start xia kou, game enhancements hint on = flickers and hangs shortly thereafter, off = plays
dynasty warriors 4 ntsc-u CRC 6C89132B fyi
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refractionpcsx2 is back now your turn stenzek
Does he work on EE code?
its good that he's back. without him the project is kinda dead and pcsx2 definitely still needs continued development, GS is only one piece of the puzzle.
LRPS2 is making RetroArch crash whenever I launch a game. Used to work fine until yesterday.
Are there any better frontends?
Bizhawk, personally.
it's over, your entire computer is infected now
Retroarch for anything Dreamcast or above is always ass
Not >>11508819, but Bizhawk technically is a libretro frontend, but you'd be daft to actually use it as such. There's also Ludo, which is meant to be a much lighter and simpler alternative to RetroArch, but it's very barebones atm and doesn't support all cores.

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