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You have beaten all versions of Final Fantasy 1 like a true fan would, right?
i have for other games in the series
i dont like modern magic systems with ff1
I've beaten NES, GBA, and Pixel Remaster, of which GBA was my favorite. I've also played PS1 but never played PSP.
A true fan would only play NES/MSX/Wonderswan/PSX at best

not bumping your viral marketing thread though
The PSP version is pretty much like the GBA, just with different graphics.
Only the ones that matter.
The GBA version nerfs the fuck out of everything and every version of the game released after that is based on the babymode GBA version.
I agree. The PS1 version is probably the GOAT, since it lets you keep the original spell slots system instead of using MP like every other fucking remake. All spells are fixed, no more worthless spells. Also doubles boss HP so they don't fold so quickly.
Only the GBA version which apparently was based on the Playstation easy mode and turned FF7 tier of boring halfway.
>no more worthless spells.

I have doubts about that. Did they replace LAMP with something that matters?

>Also doubles boss HP so they don't fold so quickly.

That sounds cool
I beat the real version.
I beat the NES version with a WM party and now nothing else I do in life matters
>(checks Nintendo Power guide) "Goddammit!"
Additional content as well, plus the difficulty is closer to the PS1 version.
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I've never seen that guide before, how does it have the same page count as the instruction manual? It looks like they copy-pasted some of the monster chart too
Guess they're not quite the same, been many years since I've seen the boxed copy I used to have
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Forgot screenshot
Nah, just the GBA version and it's bonus content.
Still don't quite understand why the hardest boss is in the Water Shrine instead of the Wind Shrine.
Nintendo of America wrote both of them, with the Nintendo Power version being more in-depth on account of having more space per page.
Oh that's kinda funny, dunno where I heard that 4WM challenge from but that's gotta be the origin. I think 4BM is supposed to be even harder/impossible.
Nevermind, there's a solo BM guide on GameFAQs...
Liking the gba art
That's WonderSwan. Too dark to be GBA. Too wide to be PS1.
Probably to balance out with WarMech's lurking presence.
I find the PSP port to easily be the best one hands down, I honestly don't get why later ports weren't based off it.
The 3DS port was based on it. Still have no idea what the fuck SE was thinking making that a Japan exclusive preorder bonus and never giving it a proper release.
Square is known for weird decisions.
Yeah, I never touched the 3DS version for that reason but it's nice to know it's the PSP version.
wait a minute, are you telling me nintendo needed a whole new generation of console to do what previous gen could? some things never change i guess

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