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Gta 3 has best radio
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i love the squirrels part
There are already 2 other GTA 3 threads on the board right now and this one is such low effort you should kys. Fuck off.
>i love penis music
you sure do
best radio station


yes it's LCS
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>not vice city
I agree. I like that many of the songs are originals designed to parody pop music at the time, they really fit in with the retarded radio commercials.
My only gripe is that every station only has about 20 minutes of audio, so you're well aware of their loop by the time the game is over.
Each station should've been about twice as long, minimum.
It's a good licensed soundtrack, but it really missed the mark by doing away with original songs written and recorded by Rockstar staff.
It had like 3 original songs on espantoso and some love fist stuff
Oh yeah, I forgot about Love Fist.
>tfw you end up listening and enjoying every Jamaican radio station in most GTA games.
Movies for this feel?
any stoner film desu
>Ah that's lovely, thanks.
Lazlow's response to that line stuck in my head for some reason to the extent that it's usually the first phrase that comes to mind when I'm anticipating someone fucking me over.
irie me bredren
for me it was K-Jah West
you think that kind of shit's funny?
>I've tried everything but dieting, excercising and eating right but I just can't lose thode extra pounds!
I don't like much black people music but this is among my favorite black people music.
80's dub music is totally something else and black people don't make music like this anymore. Everything about it is dirty and groovy, from how it was recorded to the bass lines themselves. Cool stuff.

This track was also very good from the GTA3 soundtrack.

Nothing says early 2000s like trance music and this is a great track, especially at the 3:40 mark when it kicks into overdrive. This song coming on and getting to that part when you were doing badboy shit was always a feel, such a feel I haven't forgotten it 23ish years later.

I still think Vice City has the best licensed soundtrack of any video game of all time, but GTA 3's soundtrack is very underrated.
The stigma against line breaks is a fucking zoomer meme. Look at any 4chan thread from 2005 (ie before you were born) then come back to me.
The only thing more pathetic than being a janny is being a backseat janny.
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I never get tired of the GTA3 radio but I remember playing Vice City when I was a kid and I got into a car and She Sells Sanctuary came on and my mom shouted across the house "IS THAT THE CULT?" and came to listen to the whole thing so I made sure to drive the car cool and not get out of it until the song finished.

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