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First Darius: Three Screens
Second Darius: Two Screens
Third Darius: One Screen
Why are they going backwards? What the hell were they thinking?
Inflation's a bitch.
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And yet Gaiden is the best one
My local arcade has a Dariusburst cab and that thing is fucking huge even with only two screens.
They were thinking they could get their machines into more arcades if they stopped taking up so much room.
it's 2 widescreens though, right? instead of 3 CRTs?
also, holy fuck is your local arcade amazing if it has that
I'm pretty positive no DariusBurst arcade cabinets got officially released outside Japan. The arcade version included with Chronicle Saviors still has everything in Japanese since there was no English language version to include.
>First Darius: Three Screens

the definitive home port BITD (super darius, before it got ported recently to genesis) was a single screen
>Playing Darius without three screens.
Why even bother? The gigantic screen is like the entire point. Darius 1 doesn't actually have much going for it gameplay wise besides the novel screen size (2 was a gargantuan improvement in that regard) why would you ever play a single screen version in the modern day when emulation is so easily available, or you can just get the Cosmic collection.
because the arcade darius only has 11 bosses
super darius added in all the concept art bosses that didnt get used
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Correction I guess, it's a Dariusburst Another Chronicle EX cab. Two widescreen monitors. It was at my local game shop, which had a dedicated arcade space in the back that was nothing but imported cabs. They recently bought out the storefront next door, moved all the cabs over, and converted it into a two-story game center

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