in my humble opinion, there is an underappreciated beauty to early attempts at 3D gameplay in pre-gen 5 consoles
>>11495393minimalism was invented by big small to sell more less.
>>11495393Anon, this is not "early attempts at 3D gameplay", this is a 1995 game. By that time Need for Speed, Daytona USA and Ridge Racer already existed.
I think its pretty cool as well. Just comparing launch games of the SNES and Genesis to their last few great releases is quite impressive given the tech. I think the SuperFX2 chip still has potential that hasn't been tapped.
>numeric generation nonsensekys
>>11496023Name a better term for that generation
>>11496050The 16-bit era.
>>11496079Using bits is even dumber
>>11496106The SNES era.
>>11495930yah, in the ARCADES. This is console tech
>>11495393I love it, Drakkhen and Dragon View were good examples of this
>>11496579I am talking about the 3DO, Saturn and PS1 ports exactly. All three were released before the OP game.
>>11495393I like the whole this is not supposed to be possible kind of feeling. When they were new I was not impressed, I thought it was like an old 286 or 386 pc game which at the time I considered inferior to the 16 bit consoles.I've got a magazine review for Dirt Trax fx and they are pretty harsh about things like the 2D bikes. The physics are a slight let down, you can just collide with a lot of stuff and it doesn't affect you.I like Dirt Racer FX, the cars are really twitchy which I like, I beat the first track and nothing really happened so I don't know if you only get one track, its pretty detailed so it wouldn't surprise me that the one track takes up the whole cart.Leaderboard on sms but also c64 and atari 800, looks like it uses polygons. I really like to watch them fill in, it makes me wonder if it a was commonly known algorithm. Most nes golf games just use 2d tricks but there are a couple of really impressive polygons ones on gbc.>>11495989Yoshi Island was good how it was not just polys