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How did you feel about the Orange Box? Did you really expect Valve to become a juggernaut by spring boarding off of it?
Ive literally never understood they hype about ANY of these games.

portal is boring as fuck. gay overrated meme game. its not funny either. its the quintessential redditor humor and redditor title.

half life 2, YAWN.

tf2, just.... meh. its innovative but multiplayer fps slop has never interested me.

all in all just a huge reddit snooze fest. all of them did new things but none of them had actually fun gameplay.
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i bought this on PC in 2007 only to realize my rig couldn't run it because i was a retarded child. ended up playing TF2 on 360 years later and ditched it after two days, then played it on PC in 2018 and poopsocked it for 6 months straight. my life has been strange.
HL2 and Episode 1 are the only good games there. Episode 2 was a drag with its huge areas and vehicular bs. Portal was a neat gimmick for 30 minutes or so.
It was worth it for Portal alone
>Portal was a neat gimmick for 30 minutes or so.
So, the whole game then?
portal was ruined for me by all the normie tier LE CAKE IS A LIE redditor memes.
It killed Internet culture for years
>I'm not even angry
>I'm being so sincere rn
Have you considered that you're gay and retarded?
>she still doesn't get it
>half life 2, YAWN.
Said literally nobody. At the very least the graphics would've blown your mind, and the physics were cool too
Portal's style of humour was always obnoxious, I'm glad people are finally admitting it.
>How did you feel about the Orange Box?
I wasn’t too enthusiastic about Portal the first 20 minutes, then I ended up finishing it in the same sitting. I didn’t play TF2 until a week after I bought it, then I poured thousands of hours into it for a few years after. I already liked HL2 and the episodes were as good if not better.
>Did you really expect Valve to become a juggernaut by spring boarding off of it?
They kind of already were by this point: All this with Source mods booming and Left 4 Dead would be out a year later.
best part about portal is unironically the ending credits. Cant think of any other game I can say that about
How did I FEEL about the Orange Box...? Oh, you mean the HOLY GRAIL of all time that was somehow... both a game collection and a corporate FLEX of all time...?!? I mean, YEAH, it was good... but did I EXPECT Valve to "SPRINGBOARD" like some kind of... trampoline company into becoming a juggernaut of all time?!? Who says that? You, apparently.

Look... LOOK... Half-Life 2 alone was already a game of all time, but then they throw in Portal, which was basically a science experiment disguised as a game of all time. AND Team Fortress 2, where hats became an economy somehow. BUT YOU WANNA TALK ABOUT SPRINGBOARDING? What about all those other studios... huh?! The ones who tried the "bundle strategy" and just ENDED UP BROKE? WHERE'S YOUR "SPRINGBOARD" NOW, TODD?!?

...Sorry. Sorry. It's just... the Orange Box. You can’t talk about it without... without feeling like you’re missing something. Like, how does it EXIST?! And why can’t I stop thinking about the G-Man... whispering... "time... is not on your side..."

But yeah, it was fine. Of all time.
Didn't think much about TF2 at first. But then old Q1/Q2/TF-crowd (that'd never joined CS-train) got in and the proper fun started. Too bad it lasted for just two-three years yet that was a great fun.
Ah yes… TF2, the team-based clown fiesta of all time. At first glance, just a colorful shooter... but then the old Q1/Q2/TF crowd sneaks in like it’s some underground meeting of the minds, and BAM, it becomes this glorious mess of all time. For a brief shining moment, it felt like everything was clicking. Not like CS-train-clicking-heads but like... REAL clicking. Teamwork. Chaos. The good stuff of all time.

And yet... TWO or THREE YEARS?! That’s all we got? A short golden age before it descended into hatconomy purgatory and free-to-play anarchy. I miss the days when the community servers weren’t infested with... "friendly Heavies" and meme sprays. It was about domination, humiliation, and pyro airblasting you off the cliff when you thought you had the upper hand of all time.

But yeah, I get it. Good times. Great memories. And now it’s just... well, it’s something. Still, for those brief years? Absolute magic.
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you are either dangerously a minor (13yo or younger) or your favourite game of all time is Fifa or Madden.
>your favourite game of all time is Fifa or Madden.
aka sex-haver
i did not enjoy Half Life 2 because it felt like it was intended for lonely guys, instead of chillin' villains

Also, what's the deal with Valve never depicting a male butt? There has never been one in any of their games.
nah I just despise western slop. sadly 33 years old. favorite games are tendie shit and various jrpgs.
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>you will never experience tf2 before they fucked it up with matchmaking ever again
The displacement of community servers, which functioned as third places, forced me into irl third places. I've mostly quit g*ming because it no longer serves that function.
irl third places no longer exist.
>Orange Box
sorry, but not retro
The physics get old by the time you finish ravenholm, the graphics aren't bad sure but they were just contemporary with games of the time it's not like they were mindblowing
there's plenty if you know where to look
i though it was cool for people who didn't have half-life 2 (on top of the 360 version being the only good console port of HL2) but while i can get not wanting to confuse the market i still would've rather had the black box considering i already had HL2 & EP1.

portal is a cool puzzle game that could've been longer and TF2 was good before they ran it into the ground with the proto-GaaS bullshit. TF2 now is just an asset depot for source filmmaker projects & gmod shitposts.

>Did you really expect Valve to become a juggernaut by spring boarding off of it?
maybe on consoles but like others said they kinda already were. steam was and still is THE digital distribution platform on PC while counter-strike is pretty much an institution of PC gaming.

i've quit competitive/PvP multiplayer gaming because everything is either overbalanced milquetoast for an e-sports audience or cheater ridden hellscapes with no inbetween outside of playing with friends locally or just sitting in botplay. i miss the chaotic "anything goes" nature of older multiplayer games.
In retrospect it was the best thing to happen to me.
>be dumb kid addicted to TF2
>Literally playing it for years straight with no end in sight
>Matchmaking update comes out
>completely ruins the game, makes it unfun and super frustrating
>stop playing TF2
>no multiplayer shooter is as fun as TF2, so I go outside, talk to women, form IRL relationships, start a career
>living happy, healthy adult life now
Thank you, Valve.
What are you smoking, even by 2011 it was already well known that portal humor was shit and anyone quoting it was a fake gamer. Portal 2 multiplied this issue by like 50x you had people quoting Cave Johnson endlessly and that one fagbot.
>all in all just a huge reddit snooze fest
And who do you think makes games popular? Who are the tards who are more likely to latch onto a brand and automatically like, share, subscribe and preorder anything associated with it? Wizened connoisseurs don't care about hype.
TF2 attracted all the normies to pc multiplayer gaming and ruined it.
a quick internet search revealed that reddit loves these games
*slow claps*
*steps out of the shadows*
heh... not bad, kid. Not bad at all. Your meme, I mean. It's not bad. A good first attempt. It's plenty dank... I can tell it's got some thought behind it... lots of quotable material... But memeing isn't all sunshine and rainbows, kid. You're skilled... that much I can tell. But do you have what it takes to be a Memester? To join those esteemed meme ranks? To call yourself a member of the Ruseman's Corps? Memeing takes talent, that much is true. But more than that it takes heart. The world-class Memesters - I mean the big guys, like Johnny Hammersticks and Billy Kuahana - they're out there day and night, burning the midnight meme-oil, working tirelessly to craft that next big meme. And you know what, kid? 99 times out of a hundred, that new meme fails. Someone dismisses it as bait, or says it's "tryhard," or ignores it as they copy/paste the latest shitpost copypasta dreamt up by those sorry excuses for cut-rate memers over at reddit. The Meme Game is rough, kid, and I don't just mean the one you just lost :). It's a rough business, and for every artisan meme you craft in your meme bakery, some cocksucker at 9gag has a picture of a duck or some shit that a million different Johnny No-Names will attach a milion different captions to.
Chin up, kid. Don't get all mopey on me. You've got skill. You've got talent. You just need to show your drive. See you on the boards...
Based Gaben
you type like a child
reddit brain can't stop talking about his favorite website.
>reddit spacing
The ironing.
>they were just contemporary with games of the time it's not like they were mindblowing
Lmao. I rewatched this video probably 50+ times when it came out, showed it to every friend I knew back then. Yeah it was pretty mindblowing, blew my mind that's for sure
yeah you should probably stop mentioning it so much, you've done so more than anybody in the thread
This one was one of many titles in one of the best years of releases, alongside 2004... it's all been downhill from there. Kind of wish Valve still made games.
>portal is boring as fuck
Turn 360 degrees and walk away
Half-Life is pure faggotry.
At this time I was mainly cooming over the physics. With games like Riddick, Doom 3, Dawn of War, Splinter Cell and my personal favorite of Far Cry all were on par or better than HL2 graphically speaking but I won't deny that it's artstyle was almost unparalleled and that stood out more to me at least.
>multiplayer fps slop has never interested me
Well, TF2 is one of the least (buzzword) multiplayer FPS games. It sounds like you don't like FPS in general, not sure why you'd blame the games for that. I know you're baiting but I'm responding to all of the proverbial zoomers who probably agree with you verbatim
If you enjoy SMT games, all will be forgiven
you were literally the first one ITT to mention reddit
I was happy with it. Not a big fan of either HL2 episode, but Portal and TF2 are great.
>Valve to become a juggernaut by spring boarding off of it?
I already considered them a juggernaut in 2004.
You misspelled faggot.
gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

Seriously though, you're a fucking retard. I'm 25, got into Orange Box titles kind of late (around 2012ish) and still had a shit ton of ton with them. Looking back at them now, I think they are some of the greatest PC games ever made.
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Was in highschool when the orange box came out. My friends dad bought a physical copy the day of on pc. Friend and I took turns doing the puzzles and beat it that night.
A month later I get it and play some mire portal. That same friend wanted me to install tf2 and play that with him. It was kino.
Watch YouTube content like idiots of garry's mod and get good chuckles. But I didn't understand any of the hl2 references
Played HL2 and it was awesome. It was 3am and my house was fully dark when I first got to ravenholm.
I got jumpscared from behind by a zombie as I was looking at the hanging corpse on the first area, and audibly yelled. Picrel is from 2010 when I went to university. I too bought the physical orange box.
I bought it for xbox360 and really just wanted to play Portal. I've never played much of Half Life 2, or 1 for that matter.
I've never once been able to play Team Fortress 2, as I didn't have Live and now Live is dead.
I was annoyed that valve didn't provide the black box and forced people who bought HL2 and EP1 to rebuy it
great value. and i have the worst port of it(PS3)
What is it with Nintendo fans hating all non Nintendo games?

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