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You can't.

They should have made the entire game just about Zidane, Garnet, Vivi and Steiner. Steiners and Zidanes and Steiners and Vivis dialogues were pure gold.
Its why Disc 1 is obviously the best.
I just don't get why they can't come up with something this good now. Better technology should make it easier to produce kino games
quina is the true soul of ffix, unironically.
If soulful you mean for faggot adults that like disney movies then no. that is perfect for those types
i still laugh at the thought of steiner's CLANK CLANK CLANK CLANK whenever he's running.
replace steiner with freya and i'd agree
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They're great too.
>faggot adults
>pre-Pixar Disney films
Pick one
Because the people who are making games nowadays haven't had true conflict in their lives, so they're just deriving from someone else's experiences instead of making a true passion project.
FF9's staff, famous for getting into random battles with monsters and saving the world prior to getting into video game development
It must have been hard typing all of that while holding your breath.
one of the major thibgs i hate about these games
why cant the sad sex rat just tag along, pat veev on his pointy head or something
hell if quifa was characterized as just a weirdo hermit instead of complete retard and got a couple good lines you could throw her in too
Replace Vivi with Freya and Steiner with Eiko.
That's a good start, but then replace Eiko with Beatrix, Freya with Steiner, Zidane with Lani, and Zidane's tail with Vivi

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