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just got this on GoG,what am i in for ?
lets also discuss other point and click,what are your favorites.
>what am i in for
Flight simulator
>Flight simulator
isnt it a detective game ?
Another crappy Amiga game that only Europeans played.
I recently finished gabriel knight 2 the beast within. I had heard some positive things about it in spite of the initial impression of it being a jank fmv game but it actually was just pretty terrible and awkward.
have you played the first one ? i plan to play it after tex murphy.
If you would play it instead of asking us retarded questions you would find out what kind of game it is.
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Gabriel Knight
Grim Fandango
Indiana Jones Fate of Atlantis
Monkey Island
Sam and Max
Sherlock Holmes
Star Trek
Titanic Adventure Out of Time

I haven't checked in years now, but I remember the genre being pretty dead. I didn't like Telltale.
i was at work anon,now im making food and i will play it later tonight.
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>I remember the genre being pretty dead
>(great list btw :)

Picrel is the most recent PnK I've played in ages, and this one was fantastic! It's not the TurboGrafx CD release (know it exists now, but never played it), but a kickstarter project from the original game's creators.

If you ever played Deja Vu, Shadowgate, or Uninvited this is the same signature format from ICOM simulations but with plenty of QoL features to make it much more accessible than its predecessors.
>(Especially appreciated if you were one who had to navigate the cumbersome NES versions back in the day, blessings be upon you. lol)

Couple other recent PnKs I've enjoyed :

Darkside Detective
Darkside Detective: a fumble in the dark
Thimbleweed Park (need to finish this one)
The Rewinder
yes, its reputation is pretty much deserved. has a few wonky puzzles but many that are fair and solvable by a mortal, I would recommend you stick most of them out before resorting to a guide. here's some hints for a few of the puzzles that are wonky
>dragons are reptiles
>in general the game plays fast and loose with the time logic within a given day, assume it will morph to fit the puzzle solution
>one puzzle asks you to find a tiny shiny object. figuring out the general location of it is the good part of the puzzle, the bad part of the puzzle that I will just tell you directly is that you find it by investigating every section of the ground/floor with tweezers in the specific location.
>one puzzle expects you to be proactive, make up the rules that fit your solution
>you will need to use the pull action at some point

save alot and be thorough when talking people and examining the environment, if the day won't move forward it's probably because you haven't talked looked at something. also there's a point of no return in a secret elevator right before the final area of the game.
>some people really hate mimes
Mean Streets is a hybrid point-and-click/sometimes text adventure with action 2D shooting stages and open 3D flying environments between game locations.
Shadowgate looks interesting.

The last one I remember playing was the Sherlock Holmes one like 10 years ago. I know there was another one after but I didn't play it.
I just installed scummvm, apt suggested i should also get beneath the steel sky (i know, it's freeware so i can just get distributed like that) and something called flight of the amazon queen?

wtf is that game, 30 years old and went completely under my radar, apparently
Probably because the games are 30 years old...
this is a point and click thread in /vr/, assume most posters here are boomers.

I got scummvm mostly to replay games i already played 30 years ago and the odd one that got left on the backlog. Currently playing The Dig.

I'm just surprised i don't think i've ever heard anything about that game
I thought you were talking about your age, grammar was a bit weird.

Surprised you didn't hear about a Lucas arts game, not obscure at all. Also check out Loom and Full Throttle, if you haven't.
>this is a point and click thread in /vr/, assume most posters here are boomers.
i am a 30yo boomer,my taste in games changed dramatically in the last couple of years and now i mostly play point and click and computer RPG.
I'm in the same boat, I overlooked these genres until recently
i love the slower pace of them and pausing to take notes.

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