This entire game is just random nonsensical shit happening without any rhyme or reason.
>>11496458And that's what makes it so awesome.
>>11496458stop taking game recs from youtubers
Yeah that's kind of why its so cool. Also this really only applies to the crazy board game level, but Bravoo man is a little weird and he's right up front. >>11496460I used to rent this game from Bob's Market in Petersburg. eat poop
>>11496458That's the Treasure company, always disgusting. It's like the team was formed from mental hospital, both graphics design and what happens is random nonsense.
>>11496458Yep. I've noticed a divide between users on this board; you notice it in mecha threads a lot with the "ermm why not use planes??". Or in shmup threads when that one guy tries to argue that "bullet hells are bad because the hitbox isn't realistic"Basically some of you guys are stuck in the mindset I was at age 13, when I felt the need to debate/"outwit" everything I saw. I was still too unwise and autistic to understand that some things can just be a certain way, strictly because it would be cool and fun for them to be that wayBasically the divide is autism
>>11496458Sounds more like Dynamite Headdy imo
I've come to conclusion that anyone thinking such games are cool is low IQ pleb with zero artistic sensibilities. I bet this people also find neural generated pictures garbage pretty and cannot distinguish it from human produced art anyway.
>>11496509yeah gunstar heroes is totally AI art or whatever you're saying.
Welcome to Treasure
It's really more of Treasure showing off what they could do with the Genesis hardware than trying to be a consistent game with a notable story or anything. And it's kinda real fucking cool for that.
>>11496626First treasure game I played was Light Crusader and it was alright.
It's a game for kids.
Ikaruga is the only Treasure game with elegant design, all the others are just gimmicky fest demos that'd wouldn't pass an arcade location test.
>>11496716>all the others are just gimmicky fest demos that'd wouldn't pass an arcade location testRadiant Silvergun did. It was playtested by authentic Japanese shmup players.
>>11496458That's pretty much what Treasure does
>>11496719They gave it a pass because of the fluff, but it's a cluttered PoS compared to Ikaruga
>>11496729Let's be real, you've barely played either.
>>11496736>you just haven't eaten enough shit
>>11496768>i don't like the game so i don't need to play it to spew dogshit about itno one cares you don't like the toy, mutt
>>11496796>weeb yuropoor opinion>worth anythinglel
>>11496480That's just autismSo is this >>11496460Autistic zoomers have ruined this board, they all flooded this place because of "6th gen nostalgia" that they don't really have now they bitch about "youtubers" all day because apparently, according to them, NOBODY owned a snes or genesis and if they did they only ever played Mario or Sonic
>>11496458This entire game is just random nonsensical shit happening without any rhyme or reason.
>>11497283Damn I thought it was retarded boomer contrarians.
>>11496458you meant this one right
>>11497297the boomer contrarians are only contrarians in response to the gay zoomers gaying everything up. so the root of the problem still lies with the autist cock loving zoomers
>>11496458>game is about shooting stuff until it explodes>WHERE IS THE DEEP THOUGHT-PROVOKING STORY? WHY DO I HAVE TO SHOOT THE BALL MAN? WHY IS THERE A SILLY FACE IN THIS MINIGAME? WHAT'S GOING ON??? ONLY PLEBEIANS ENJOY THIS SENSELESS SCHLOCKIf you can't enjoy a game where you just shoot stuff, you should stay away from video games. Pick up a book or something for your dose of deep psychological engagement.
>>11496458thats called soul
Only bad Treasure game, prior the GBA, is Shit & Piss.
>>11497348Funnily enough, the best way to play Gunstar Heroes is to do it with as little shooting as possible. Running through the game drop kicking and throwing every enemy around was awesome.
>>11496480>>11496509projecting schizos
>>11496696>A brand new manual which restores the markedly different Japanese story, as well as the character bioswho gives a shit? thats not even part of tge game
if you hate gunstar heores, you hate video games
>>11496458(and other ways this is basically a Metal Slug game)
What the fuck was his problem
>>11497402Such a problem, pesky problem, Yatter problem... oops, wrong trio. Man, Japan goes through so many Dorombo Gangs.
>>11496458If you wrote in 6th grade a paper on what you thought of Gunstar heroes and posted this you would get an F. The reader does not know what you mean (the story and events? the enemy and bullet patterns? both? neither) and even if we did you don't say why. You do not even use words in a way we can decypher their meaning (random? As in it's something different each time you play it? Nonsense? What does "ryme or reason" mean?Like ya know how teachers underline the part of the text that needs correcting? Every word would be underlined.You deserve no response other than mockery and anyone who gave you any other response is helping to drag down discussion to a sub-middle school level. Not a single word I said is meant in exaggeration. OP and those that take him seriously should be ashamed. Imagine a 8 year old child making fun of you and full grown adults saying the child is correct. That's your place in this world.
>>11497393Manuals used to be part of the game. Sometimes it was the only place you found any story or lore bits. Who cares? I do.
>>11496458That's why it's kino. With a typical game you can list enemies, hazards, level elements and so on like the game is built from these generic components. With Gunstar basically the whole game is hand-crafted and unique and mostly consists of boss fights.
>>11497283>Everyone I disagree with is autistic!!Is this an ironic meme or why does everyone use tism as an insult now?
>>11497505The entire game's story is characters named after the colors of the rainbow blowing things up without rhyme or reason. Nothing is explained and they cared so little that the English & Japanese versions have completely different interpretations of events.>Massive fucking wall of text complaining about DA YOOF because OP triggered youMaybe consider self-reflection instead of browbeating anonymous people on a taxidermy bulletin.
>>11498385Because it's like the word "incel": it had a definite meaning before that has a negative connotation and was overused to the exhaustion. Married men are called incels now and the most tepid of analytical takes is called an autistic diatribe.It's just best to ignore it and call the person a retarded niggerfaggot just to use an insult with at least some punch to it.
>>11498389One of the reasons I found the GBA sequel so interesting is that it is a redo of similar characters going through the same events, but with Treasure attempting to give it all a storyline (which varies according to the difficulty and character selected). It's weird and insane, but it's fun seeing them try to come up with an explanation for the original game.
>>11497478His M. Bison cosplay got laughed out of the con.
So what?