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How's this game compared to Type-4?
It's ludo-kino, but not as ludo-kino as R4
It's the dark, industrial side of the coin to R4's optimistic, hopeful side. Plays alright but the drifting is unreliable compared to other games in the series.
Shame someone will start infighting between the two games in this thread sooner or later.
Ridge Racer ceased to be a colourfull and fun game with this.
It's dark and boring.
Isn't it one of the first racing games with a proper career mode?
>drifting is unreliable
How is it unreliable?
It is deeper but not as pretty.
Downshifting to regain traction during a drift is very janky. It's fun to do but it only grips the road when it wants to half the time. It's not as bad as RR2 at least.
Very little content but very fun to drive, great tracks. My favorite RR game
I like it better than Type 4. Drifts take more skill, drift/grip is a granual setting available for every car, downshifting is essential, bumping into stuff is way less forgiving, cars upgrades change their appearance, engines sound way better and overall the game requires more concentration and feels more rewarding as a result. When I play Type 4 I just zone out from the game completely and finish it by muscle memory.
Anon, you don't downshift to regain traction, you downshift to accelerate faster. If your car skids at the corner exit then it means that you've went on the steering wheel too hard when you initiated the drift. Make a more gentle initial d-pad tap. Or if you use a negcon, twist it less.
RR games punish you with speed loss if you're in high gear when exiting a drift, hence why the downshift.
It's not exclusive to RR. Drifring causes speed loss by definition and you need to downshift because you can't regain the speed back fast if you stay in a high gear. If a racing games allows you to drift without losing speed at all then it is unrealistic jank.
>Downshifting to regain traction during a drift
the fuck are you doing, anon?
This is so wrong!!

I agree, the drift style only started to form around RR type 4 and got perfected during RRV and the PSP RR's.
You know, back in the good old arcade days, it was normaly played with a wheel. You have to know that the first RR was an arcade port and you could heavily feel that it was made for a wheel!
Rage Racer was the last in the serie to use this arcade style, namco even came up with some weird gamepad to give you a wheel steering feeling with a gamepad, it was cool but weird as fuck.

RR evolved to the drift king right beside mario kart but if you ask me, i think sonic kart feels way better than mario kart, yet, RR is still pure perfection.
Do not listen to the retarded shift anons.
The Ridge Racer drift logic is, if you drift perfectly you keep you current speed.
Realistic or not, that's how drifting in Ridge Racer games work. The fuck are you barking at me for?
The black ship of the saga.
This. Rage Racer drifting takes more skill than R4 as well
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You have to play both. Rage Racer is a primo PS1 game, the scenary is beautiful and it compliments being in first person drifting through a lake onto a bridge while fighting competing cars up a hill. Rage Racer will make you a pro at Ridge Racer. Ridge Racer 1 is fun, 2 is a bit harder and Rage Racer will test your Ridge Racer skills, the arcade games I've played are pretty hard and Rage Racer and 5 are the closest to arcade difficulty in my opinion. Type 4 lets you relax again and you're guaranteed to have fun.
desu i enjoyed revolution more than type 4, is rage racer more like revo?
RR1 - port from arcade
RRR - port from arcade RR2
RR - only psx but still with arcade handling
RRT4 - only psx but first time step towards the gamepad handling
RR64 - retarded shit
RR5 - perfection of the gamepad handling and absolutley nice looking

from this point on, psp, 360, ps4 so on
- pure perfection, almost casual, with nitro

the last ridge racer, dont know the name, it was pure garbage....

for me it's Ridge Racer 2 psp, perfect balance between old and new but sometimes i switch back to type4.

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