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File: FFV.png (10 KB, 480x320)
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How is the advanced dungeon post game? Is it worth playing through the whole game if all you want to access is the post game dungeon with the super bosses?
I already beat the snes, gba and pixel remastered version I just never bothered to do the optional stuff
its the best part of the game.
really? I heard the enemies were a pain in the ass and the bosses were the only good part. I'm wondering if its worth spending 35+ hours finishing a game just to get to the end part.
I beat FF5 at least seven times and still love it, but the advance content is a complete waste of time, it's padding
replay the main game with a natural challenge instead
It's worth doing when you replay it. I can guarantee you it won't take you 35+ hours to replay FFV as well. But it's not essential. I'd say just do it next time you feel like playing FFV.
I'm trying to remember them, but I think I liked the 6 advanced dungeons more, but they're also filler.

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