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Haven't played this game in a long ass time. I remembered fucking around with levitation enchantments on my clothing on xbox when I was a kid and getting over the wall to the volcano or whatever. I never finished the main quest because I was too retarded but had too much fun trying to figure out how to become a vampire without a guide. This was probably the first real rpg I can remember playing with the kind of open ended freedom, and no hand holding figure it out style gameplay and replaying it again, I gotta say it's great. Don't have a lot of time these days so I've been using alchemy to cheese the game while playing the main story and it's got my head scratching what the hell happened to Bethesda. Maybe some other developer will be able to capture this kind of magic again but at least morrowind exists
Morrowind was my first exposure to the term "turn undead". I picked The Ritual on my first character because I thought he'd get to transform into a zombie or skeleton.
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Skywind is a thing. You can keep up with their dev updates, it’s an unbelievable amount of work and they are keeping the main beats that makes Morrowind, Morrowind. The original magic crafting system and every spell is coming back, the only real difference is that the combat will be real time (which can only be considered an improvement and anyone who says Morrowind’s dice roll combat is good is lying), and that NPCs will be fully voiced.

Still 2 years away (at least) so eventually there will be an RPG like this again, just the same one.

Skyblivion is releasing this year which is cool, probably not until the end of this year though so still a little wait.
The last time I played this was in tes3mp alongside a few friends, unbalanced as shit of course but it was pretty fun
Morrowind really was the last Bethesda game with good art direction
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Rofl, even.
Okay, don’t play it. It’s free. Everyone else will and you can tell them how much of a real gamer you are and how fun real time dice roll combat is lol.
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It's a great game for sure, but the combat mechanics aged very poorly. Every swing is a dice roll, blocking with a shield is also a dice roll, it's like you're playing a classic dungeon crawler (WIzardry etc), except it's an open game with 3D graphics, so it feels very jarring.

I wish the autist modders reworked the combat instead of trying to recreate the rest of Tamriel in this engine. Imagine if Morrowind had even BOTW combat. Just a simple 3 hit combo with hitstun, manual blocking + perfect blocks for parries, better archery, some minor physics interactions like setting grass on fire. Would've been amazing.

>inb4 you're a zoomer
I'm 38 and played MW on release.
>is that the combat will be real time
The combat is already real time. There's many MGE and OpenMW mods to make it less "dice rolly" if I wanted and there's tons of Tamriel Rebuilt I've yet to explore. I'll check out Skywind though it's arguably less retro.
Currently writing a long thing about Morrowind's visual inspirations. Michael Kirkbride has confirmed a few himself:
>The David Lynch adaptation of Dune
>Another World
>Star Wars

Moebius in general also seems to be a huge inspiration and I'm surprised Kirkbride has never mentioned him, just look at this concept art for example. Also have a feeling that the Daedra have a lot of Philippe Druillet in them with the red eyes, long faces and pointy outfits. There's a literal "Valley of the Wind" location and Nausicaa shares the same Dune and Moebius inspirations as Morrowind, but I'm not sure whether or not it directly inspired Morrowind or if Kirkbride and Miyazaki were just pulling from the same well of inspiration. I guess Akhulakhan is a bit like that giant biomech in Nausicaa too.

Anything else I'm missing? I think most of Morrowind's visual style and lore stems from real world history and mythology but I'm just focusing on contemporary media for this write-up.
I was just recently thinking about when I had the exact same experience back then. That's so funny. I feel better knowing I wasn't the only one.
The shitwinds, Ricky.
Moebius and Druillet influenced a lot of things through other artists who copied them. I recall reading that Miyazaki knew Moebius personally and praised his style.

If you want an unusual angle, look into traditional (vernacular) architecture of less known cultures, African in particular. Many fantasy and sci fi artists who drew alien worlds, including Moebius, were inspired by lesser traditions in their architectural drawings. Morrowind's variety of architecture styles and how they are naturally connected to the cultures, the people, and the land is one of the coolest things about the game.
>Tamriel rebuilt
This is the real mvp. Why Bethesda hasn't remade Morrowind with the entirety of Morrowind is also baffling, well not that baffling. It's actually a good thing they haven't touched Morrowind.
Kirkbride's concept art for Morrowind is strikingly similar to Moebius' concept for Jodorowsky's failed adaption of Dune. And yeah, Moebius and Miyazaki became friends, with Moebius even naming his own daughter Nausicaa. Funny how Moebius was such a huge influence on Nausicaa, only for Moebius to then work on Panzer Dragoon, which is hugely similar to Nausicaa in a weird circular way.

Thanks for the architecture tip. I think relating Morrowind to real world cultures will have to be an entirely separate essay after a lot of research lol. Kirkbride mentions Egypt and Japan in a few interviews from the time.
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For comparison: Kirkbride's concept art.
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Morrowind's combat is objectively better and deeper than Skyrim's.
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>bro once you level up you'll miss less!!! you didn't even play the game!!!!

The biggest complaint this game had since the day it came out is that the combat is dogshit. It was outdated for 2002, especially a full 3D game in 6th gen that could have easily implemented hitboxes.

That kind of combat is great for turn based games or sprite based dungeon crawlers, not for your immersive fully modeled 3D open world rpg.
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Daily reminder that the average PC couldn't run Morrowind. That's why Bethesda started developing its games for consoles. Morrowind is perhaps the best Bethesda game, but it's the one that ended up making Bethesda games simpler
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It’s fun seeing the progression that fatigue has on normal attacks throughout the console-ported TES games:
>Morrowind - hit chance lowered
>Oblivion - damage lowered
>Skyrim - only affects power moves
There’s some nuance in which power attack you want to use, but there was also some nuance in how you used to swing your weapons.
only thing I don't like about morrowind is the aggressive wildlife
>Skywind is a thing
not retro
You can reference remakes in relation to a post about retro.
Depends on the /vr/ mod. Some have been easing up with 7th gen becoming closer to “retro”.
I've been using this board for years and have never received a warning, ban or otherwise for comparing an original game to a remake or remaster. It's part of healthy retro discussion to compare and contrast them, and to alert people to what directions a retro game is heading.

OP said there will never be a game like Morrowind again so I pointed him in the direction of the community remake.

Silent Hill 2 threads over the Halloween season were filled with people comparing the original to the remake.

You just can't make a thread that says "Silent Hill 2 Remake", it's impossible not to reference current day happenings on retro IPs, you'd be muzzling people for no discernible reason.
no you cant, point to the rule in the pinned thread where thats allowed.

Its also not a remake its a mod for a non retro game.
>I've been using this board for years and have never received a warning, ban or otherwise for comparing an original game to a remake or remaster.
I have, so ymmv as they're not always on the same page.
It's a full remake of a decidedly retro game in the creation engine, calling that a mod is ridiculous as it's more akin to a total conversion.
There are multiple threads about Night Dive new retail releases in the decidedly modern Kex engine because they are still retro games and still worthy of discussion.

You can't make threads about new games, but you can reference new games like remakes and ports in relation to old games in a thread. The fact you are being so asshurt about this derails a thread harder than you just saying nothing at all about it.

When the latest Castlevania collection came out with a new take on Haunted Castle...guess what? There were threads about it and they weren't deleted.

It's all about context, I'm not about to go start a thread about the Silent Hill 2 remake and expect it to stay up, but comparing the games in a Silent Hill 2 thread is worthwhile discussion. It's all about context and my context doesn't break the rules.
>The fact you are being so asshurt about this derails a thread harder than you just saying nothing at all about it.
I dont want to talk about fucking skyrim in the morrowind thread and its your fucking fault you retard. Dont bring non retro games to the retro board and the threads will be on topic. Comparing the games is not a worthwhile discussion and the fact that you entered the morrowind thread and immediately derailed it is testament to why this shit should not be allowed.
I didn't bring up Skyrim, you did.
I brought up the community remake of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in the creation engine as a suggestion to the OP for another game that will be like this since he was hinting he was looking for another game like this.

You're a huge faggot and every post you make lessens the thread so I'm no longer going to post in it anymore. Enjoy.
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>I brought up the community remake of The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind in the creation engine as a suggestion to the OP for another game that will be like this since he was hinting he was looking for another game like this.
You also came off as an annoying ponce:
>>(which can only be considered an improvement and anyone who says Morrowind’s dice roll combat is good is lying)
I don't have a problem with the combat. It's no worse than the point, click and hope systems of D&D based titles of the time. What I have a problem with is the shitty levelling up mechanic and the awful NPC dialogue. I'd prefer a game 1/10 the size where characters actually had character.
it's real rpg. anything past oblivion just been howard's king's field ripoff
I loved Morrowind, and played it a huge number of times over the years. I keep meaning to replay it again some day, there's nothing like the moment you step out of the office after making your character and being let loose on Seyda Neen, or when you first go to Balmora and hear the Silt Strider calling into the distance.
>hear the Silt Strider calling into the distance
it really is the most immersive aspect of any elder scrolls game.
>what the hell happened to Bethesda
As I get it (from interviews, old and new), it was mostly just Kirkbride and Rolston behind the lore, characters, art and gameplay. Howard was, for the most part, dealing with money and people-in-suits from ZeniMax.
Morrowind's combat is already good and I'm not lying. Nice way to expose yourself as a filtered zoomer
Morrowinds combat is pretty nice though. The dice roll system is because it's an RPG, so naturally a master swordsman is going to hit almost every time for large damage while an idiot with 5 skill out of 100 is barely going to wave it effectively. It portrays this rather well, and I'd take it over later entries letting you use any weapon but just doing the minimal damage with it because if anything it makes even less sense.
Nobody has ever thought this. You like everything else about the game like most people do and therefore are excusing it's 1990 dungeon crawler combat.
Combat in Morrowind is bad and unrewarding and it was a bad choice for a real time 3D game.
>howard's king's field ripoff
Even Oblivion combat mechanics are deeper than KF plus there's no way he actually played it. Hell even Arena combat mechanics are deeper
>I disagree with you
>Nobody would think differently from me
>Therefore you're making up what you "feel"
Do you also lack object permanence?
Almost every playthrough I pick up mushrooms around Seyda Neen, flowers on the way to Balmora and a ceramic bowl in Ra'virr's for the Mage's Guild quests all in one go.

It sounds tempting next time to instantly leave Seyda Neen and not ever go back there or to Balmora under any circumstances and see what happens. Off the top of my head that rules out completing fighter's guild, mage's guild, main quest and all three houses. Pretty sure you can still do the rest.
I love the morrowind combat, i get rewarded for leveling my character. In Oblivion I never feel strong and even though my attacks "hit" my target the damage still sucks and then I get chain stunned because the combat is horrible. Doesnt feel like an RPG and it doesnt feel like a good action game either.
>it's 1990 dungeon crawler combat.
Love that shit
I started a new game a while back when I downloaded OpenMW, it's going great. I stopped pursuing the main quest and am just exploring Solstheim and doing some other quests. I still have yet to install a number of the other official add-ons, which I might just do all of before going back to the main quest.
>I pick up mushrooms around Seyda Neen, flowers on the way to Balmora and a ceramic bowl in Ra'virr's for the Mage's Guild quests all in one go.
>instantly leave Seyda Neen and not ever go back there or to Balmora under any circumstances
Sounds like you autism is trying to go full circle in one move
i was doing a playthrough of MW via morrowblivion already and despite things real time combat, fast travel and quest markers making it easier it still feels like a chore that i'm forcing myself through for the most part.

i currently finished fighter's guild & imperial legion with plans to do the imperial cult and house haalu next before i tackle the MQ & expansions and if i wasn't committed to finishing it i probably would've given up and moved on to oblivion already.
I feel this way too. I've never had a problem with Morrowind combat, because I understand that I choose my characters starting attributes and you're on a boat for who knows how long as a prisoner. no matter how badass you were before that... You aren't anymore.

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