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It feels like they squeezed the energy of a hydrogen bomb into this thing. You'll play Rez for 20 minutes and it feel like your bones have been liquefied.
And then the batteries die.
But enough about the VMU, dreamcast itself, the Saturn, the nomad and the game gear.
These rumble packs didn't last any longer.
The Dreamcast Rumble Pack doesn't require batteries. I can tell you never owned one.
An official one, no. I did have a third party one and I remember it using batteries. I might just be stupid, though. I would look, but I've got all my shit packed up for a move.
>third party
There's the problem. Get the official one. Trust me.
Funny how third-party VMUs don't need batteries and rumble packs do. I lived a good chunk of my life before learning about the officially made VMU issues. Mine didn't have screen though.
I wonder if the VMU Pro is going to have all the accessories built in
My brother in Christ, hit the gym 'cause you sound weak as fuck. Rez is great, I think you will enjoy Cosmic Smash.
I think you are confused with the Rumble Pak for N64, perhaps?
If it didn't have a screen it wasn't a vmu, it was just a memory card
VMU's didn't need a battery to work when plugged into the console
That was for external use
Third party packs didn't have batteries either, why are you lying about a system you never owned?

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