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Isn't the actual shooting gameplay and bots a.i. kinda weak in this game? I mean, it can't be the peak if it fails at the basics.
That's not Quake III, Anon.
Yes. The actual shooting portion of this game is extremely underwhelming with every enemy being a bullet sponge making every gun aside from a few to feel like you're hitting them with a super soaker.
It's everything else that elevates it.

I like Half Life 2 for setting the standard for physics, ragdolls, facial animations etc, but as a game, it's simply "okay".
Nothing from that screenshot is in the game btw
TFW Max Payne 2 had the same physics a year prior but people didn't notice because there was no gravity gun to play with
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This is true. The first game I remember ragdoll and object physics playing a big part in the marketing was Psi-Ops: The Mindgate Conspiracy which beat Half-Life 2 by four months, and like Half-Life 2 it let you "play" with the physics, but nobody remembers it because it wasn't called "Half-Life".
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This game was fucking awesome. It's such a shame it was left on a cliffhanger, deserved a sequel. The Training Room was essentially my Garry's mod.
>with every enemy being a bullet sponge making every gun aside from a few to feel like you're hitting them with a super soaker

Ah, the thing no one ever talks about...


Yeah but the parts where you have to shoot people is just a slog.
Yeah this game was really cool and physics like that were super impressive on a console, absolutely a taste of the future. I have honestly not played it since it came out and remember next to nothing about it so I should play it again.
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>Isn't the actual shooting gameplay and bots a.i. kinda weak in this game?
It varies. Starter pistol's kind of weak but the magnum isn't, and even still you can 3-tap civil protection in the face. Combine soldier AI feels serviceable enough and the rest of the enemies are mostly monstrous.
HL2 is remembered for it's physics but it's all default Havok templates desu.
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Show me a comparison of HL2 and the Havok templates.

Games today are too cowardly to have their own nu-metal promotional song by a middling band. I think the last game I remember to have a promotional nu-metal song was Haze on PS3 LOL.

Still, now this music video exists as a silly time capsule but it was cringy and shameless for the band even back then.

Christ alive, has anyone thought about "Cold" in 20 years? I remember downloading "Remedy" and "Stupid Girl" on limewire.

Good luck searching the song Remedy by Cold without using the word "band" or "music" btw.
>every enemy being a bullet sponge making every gun aside from a few to feel like you're hitting them with a super soaker.
either you're playing on hard or have a skill issue because HL2's enemies go down pretty quick.
limited ammo capacity made hl2 shit
plus they nerfed the shotgun mag size from 8 to 6, and you may as well not even bother with the primary fire. so you have a shitty feeling shotty with 3 shots and double the reload.
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>either you're playing on hard or have a skill issue because HL2's enemies go down pretty quick.
Does difficulty in HL2 affect enemy health at all like it does in HL1?
The first half life has much more satisfying gunplay
Quake 1 is peak single player FPS.
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The pinnacle of entertainment software.
The gameplay is absolute shit
That's why Ravelnholm section was released as the demo section, to fool everyone into thinking the entire game would be like that
This is absolutely correct. This game has overwhelmingly positive reviews only because everyone got hoodwinked by the demo. If only everyone was as smart and perceptive as you, Anon.
The fact that the Ravelnholm section was literally the demo, proves the point
Of course it does. Nobody who likes the game has ever played the full version.
The Ravenholm section's gameplay also was absolute shit.
The gravity gun just isn't fun at all.
alot of npc ai was barely used in half life 2
for the metropolice, there's a stealth system, and the scanners were supposed to serve another purpose than just being annoying, it's supposed to alert the cops on where you are, but the maps weren't designed for that, and there's a squad system for the cops too. Among other things
Games like Deus Ex: IW were doing it too but valve fanboys are the tendies of the PC and won't hear it.
A few have come close during its time, Stalker and FEAR, but HL2 still reigns supreme for me as a complete experience.

Glad im not an ancient boomer, id be too retarded to enjoy an amazing game.
Why wouldn't you play every FPS on hard?
Because that's how I like it, hard.
HL2 is pretty cool for the first couple of hours
>intro sequence that sets up the story and introduces you to some likeable (albeit extremely reddit) characters
>things get tense, you're suddenly being hunted, there's a sense of urgency that gets your adrenaline pumping a bit
>spend awhile exploring the outskirts of a ruined city and the dark, dirty culverts within, while new dangers lurk around every corner
>atmosphere is off the charts, peak mid 2000s post-apocalyptic vibe akin to something like Children of Men
>good music, good graphics, weapons feel satisfying to use
And then, the game just completely shits the bed. It's hard to pinpoint the exact moment, but it's right after Ravenholme that things start to get sloppy (I'd argue that even Ravenholme itself is kind of shit). The game turns into this endless series of buggy missions where you just drive along long, empty, identical stretches of land, find one little house or outpost with some enemies, clear it, and then drive to the next one. Then you get funneled through the boring jail, the boring desert with the Antlions, etc. If the entire game had been like the first few hours, I'd call it a legitimately great game. Unfortunately, it's 20% of the experience at best, and the rest borders on outright bad. It's a 6/10 game with the tech and graphics of a 9/10.
unless it affects something like enemy behavior, placement & spawns (or if i can alter those via something like halo's skulls or blood's "made to order" difficulty) difficulty doesn't really matter to me.

hard mode is just an endurance test and anything past that is a meme difficulty.
Holy shit that right, Invisible War (a game I actually love) totally did have havok physics but very stupidly I don’t think it served much of a purpose which is a shame since there was tons of cool shit you could do in the original Deus Ex by pushing boxes around and cheering the game, etc. I should have remembered this considering I beat the game again a few years ago.
But that's literally the worst section
same, only thing i remember about it was that it's one of the few games that utilise the analog nature of the face buttons of the ps2 (cross, square, circle, triangle), and the only one i know of to actually require them
I disagree and I absolutely see why that was the demo section.
Ravenholm is the most deliberate showcase of “use the physics gun to manipulate the world around you to defeat enemies”.
Picking up the saw blades and blasting them at zombies is some of the most fun you can have in that game, especially when you slice their head(crabs) off.
The lack of gore was a huge disappointment. The best part of HL1 was painting rooms with human and alien guts.
NTA but ravenholm is overrated.

it's not a bad part mind you it's just that it's one of those parts that doesn't really hold up well on repeat playthroughs. a "one free bullet" playthrough of EP1 is arguably a better tech demo for source than all of ravenholm.

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