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Describe Phantasy Star Online gameplay
shit. a legendary franchise died for this slop. I will never forgive sega
A very rigid Diablo clone with Outlaw Star aesthetics.
It's a beat em up with upgrade elements you play with your bros.

It's a lot of fun that's all there is to it. Music is also kino.

it's grindy and slow paced and simple compared to any MMO you'd see nowadays, but it has a great atmosphere and it's simple gearbased progression makes it really relaxing and enjoyable. unfortunately, all the pservers I've played on players will mostly spam one boss rush mission (since it has optimal xp rates) and not play other stuff.
Spamming TTF isn't even optimal experience and only boring people do that. It's a very small percentage of the total number of quests run. At least on Ephinea.
Schwing, schwing, SCHWING! Schwing, schwing, SCHWING! Schwing, schwing, SCHWING! Schwing, schwing, SCHWING! Schwing, schwing, SCHWING! Schwing, schwing, SCHWING! Schwing, schwing, SCHWING!
A friend described it as "Resident Evil with aliens".
As a long time player of pso I have no idea what that means. It seems wildly inaccurate.
Sure, it's simple... you.. zzz......
I think that anon's friend is saying that the game plays like RE because of the slow movement and dungeon navigating being going into different rooms like old RE games.
Sci-fi Monster Hunter before Monster Hunter
Simplistic third person 3D beat 'em up with an amazing aesthetic
Sci-fi Diablo clone where all the enemies are annoying to fight. Unless you're ranged, ofc.
>a legendary franchise died for this slop. I will never forgive sega
Did you mean to post this in a Sonic thread?
I get what you mean but this isn't the right word. When you say Phantasy Star most people think of PSO not I-IV. PS is actually still relevant because of PSO
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Kino only people over 30 can enjoy
I missed wherever the Daoshit was in PSO.
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It actually only goes schwing, schwing if you're not a casual.
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I don't need words, just vibes.
Pure soul, Boring as fuck now
shoot/hit enemy
receive loot

it was glorious
How would you recapture the soul while making the gameplay more suited to current year?
>unironically wanting to change the gameplay to appeal to zoomers
I'm glad you find the game boring. It means I'll never meet you on Ephinea
Nobody said anything about zoomers. That's your brainrot.

I wouldn't say it's boring. It's a bit too jank. Honestly the 3 hit combo sound drives me crazy.
he's unhinged
It's kind of like Destiny in a way. Central lobby town where you join a group to go on a mission then kill enemies that drop random loot until you get to the boss room.
you just described diablo
I don't think Diablo has the lobby area where you interact with more than your party, but it is very similar. Of course Diablo did this first though.
i remember not liking it very much. but then i was young when i played the gamecube version on fan servers.
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Very simple, very linear, very addicting. On paper I feel like it's so simple and linear it shouldn't work, and yet the devs have managed to do something that just makes it work. It's genuinely impressive in how fun and addicting it is.
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Nice Hitler world.
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honestly pretty brainless but it was fun with friends
it was definitely one of the only games doing what it was doing at that time
I always found this strip amusing, since the mag belonging to the ranger on the right is also a basic bitch mag. I raise mags for profit on Ephinea, so I have probably a dozen baby mags like the one equipped by the hunter on the left in my inventory.
PSU my beloved. Playing that first and then going back to Online later was a trip. It really did feel like a skeleton of the game I grew up with, but I was fascinated by it because of that.
I was feeling nostalgic and made a character on ephinea. I haven't been able to stop playing all week. anons, why is it so good?
>Describe Phantasy Star Online gameplay
Revolutionary contemporaneously but now somewhat mundane and even primitive in several aspects.

Its aesthetics in my opinion are what have actually been forgotten and remains groundbreaking and unrivalled to this day, even though it was just standard Japanese Y2K sensibilities of its day which you see reflected in other contemporaneous Dreamcast and some Playstation games.
There are no annoying enemies to fight in the forest level of PSO Ep1

Cave and onwards yes the game as a whole gets significantly worse in every way, enemies included.
PSO doesn't get boring until you've gotten decent gear and spells from running the Forest levels within a dozen times, or proceed after the Forest levels (especially the Factory levels).
monest are annoying because they take forever
I'm not sure. Soulsborne is shit and anything that isn't cuhrayzee is inherently primitive and regressive; but it's unsuited to the vibe of PSO. Maybe make combat more fluid like Fable or Prince Of Persia, but I don't know.

Also the game doesn't have interesting missions; it's just all hack and slash dungeon crawling. But the only good level design and enemy design exists in the first 2 levels, after which it falls off a cliff (the cave is almost okay but is samey and boring as fuck and has annoying enemies).

Also it could use more customization and more interesting magic.
not if you're a Force
full of cheaters. you couldn't find a random lobby that didn't have hacked gear all over the place. it was cool to pick up a hacked mag at the time but it was pretty rampant for anyone trying to play normally
The annoying thing is that all the interesting gear is dropped in Ultimate but getting from level 40 to 80 is a horrible tedious drag.

Skill issue, mobs don't get cheap until episode IV and the level design in II and IV is astronomically better than I's barren rooms.
it's only a drag if you're not having fun and if you're not having fun, then why are you playing?
Yeah that's sadly why I dropped Ephinea at about 60.
Or have a spread needle.
Yes, that shit was abysmal back in the day. It almost ruined the game, but I kept playing because there was still fun to be had, and a good community of players playing legit. Blue Burst and Ephinea seem to get alot of hate on /vr/ for some reason, but if there's any cheating going on there, it's subtle enough that I haven't noticed it, and for that reason alone I prefer Blue Burst and Ephinea. After dealing with all the cheating on Dreamcast and Gamecube, it was so nice to play BB and /finally/ have a version of the game with a functioning economy not overrun with dupes.
I know it's kind of lame, but when I started over on Ephinea, I just got high-level players to powerlevel me to 80 so.I could get started on Ultimate difficulty ASAP. I would not reccomend that to new players, but this wasn't my first rodeo.
no i mean the literal animations of watching it hover down, goon out mothmants, fall down, die and burst into treats
I'm so jealous of people who got to play this game when it was still going strong, on the Dreamcast or the Gamecube. It just looks so fucking cool. Like I rarely use the word 'soul' but I don't know how else to describe this. My only exposure to something vaguely PSO related was playing like an hour of Phantasy Star Portable and that's it
i think mmo's in general were cooler back then. tons coming out every week all trying their own thing, because they weren't all trying to copy wow yet.
these days with cash shops and bullshit i couldn't be bothered to play an mmo if you paid me
RACast is best Cast.
Big Beefy Robot > Tiny Space Wizard.
Ah, I see what you mean now. Yes, those animations are slow.
Ephinea has more people playing now than the Gamecube version did back when I was playing it on official servers. I've been called a shill in previous threads for saying this, but PSO is IMO actually better now than it used to be, as long as your okay with playing on private servers on PC rather than on a console, and not being able to play offline.
it was also before you every game had a datamined guide before it even came out. I didn't know anything about the game apart from what other people told me or what I saw myself.
mmos are stillborn now because there's no sense of discovery or mystery anymore.
spam dungeon until u get to lv200...
then you can spam dungeon with fren...
dress up character in cute clothes...
maybe get a 0.00000001~% drop
or used all your goypoints to buy a scrap of ham in hyperinflated online economy

fun times
you have to actively avoid spoilers these days. i liked when a game like rogue squadron could hide the naboo fighter for 6 months
sorry thats pso2

you just do the first two in pso1
You're basically asking for a chink action gacha MMO.
I love PSO, I played the shit oit of it on the DC but had to sell basically all of my physical videogame stuff years back. Lately I've been playing the Gamecube version of PSO on an old phone using one of those cheap clamp on Bluetooth controller kits, and it has been a shitload of fun playing it in bed or on the couch. I always thought that PSO would have been a really good game to port to the PSP or PS Vita, I think it would have worked well as a portable game.

I'm running it on an old Galaxy Note 10+ and the game runs at full speed with only occasional slowdowns, and even just bumping the resolution to 2x makes it look really good. With Gameshark codes its even better, I'm using ones for:

- Widescreen
- A shared/common item bank (so I can transfer items between my two characters)
- No automatic speed reduction next to enemies (so no need to spend half the game with your menu open just so you can run)
- Online enemy counts/difficulty while playing offline (for times when I want to have more/more difficult enemies and do some leveling)
- Ultimate Mode maps in Normal Mode (this just changes the environments to their Ultimate mode versions, it doesn't change enemies or difficulty, I use it sometimes for variety)
- Dressing room is open and free
- Make rare items show up on the map (this one is off since I'm still in normal mode)
- Much longer draw distance (this one is great since it makes enemies/objects/crates/etc always render instead of just magically appearing five feet away from your character, but I had to turn it off because it caused too much of a performance hit)

I wish there was a way to transfer my character to Blue Burst at some point so I could check out Episode 4, but I'd much rather play it wherever rather than be stuck playing it on my computer, and while I get that cheaters are shitheads I really don't like the idea of only being able to play online and having my data exist solely on someone else's server.
I'm in the ruins now with a level 25 Whitill Hucast, but I'm going back and clearing out missions to build up meseta. Right now I'm like two missions away from fighting Kireek to get his scythe. I also cleared out the CCA in episode 2 a couple levels back, but figured I'd gain a few more levels before trying the boss since the enemies leading up to the boss teleporter rekt my shit at the time lol.
Diablo with more fun action (more active dodging, simple timing of combos, etc.)
As a shitter kid I only ever played ruins on normal solo. I was running through it on v. hard this time and it blew my mind to find out there's a 4th form to dark falz. also I got rekt.
try xenoblade x, it gave me some pso feels
3d phantasy star only became playable with universe, i love the aesthetic of this game and the novelty of it being the founder of eastern MMOs and that style of real time combat, but its so fucking bad, its the shitty hollywood action comedy flick of video games, fun if you have friends to get high with but an absolute slog if you're playing alone. all the people on tofuman's blueburst server are overleveled so you're not gonna be running into anyone in the early stages to alleviate that
It really shouldn't be any fun at all. The gameplay is perhaps the most stale and repetitive shit of all time. It's excessively grindy, you really can't even go online until you grind to like level 15 by yourself or else you'll just get your shit kicked in. There's very few maps and not a whole lot of missions. And yet I keep coming back. I really don't know what it is, something about it just fucking works. Get your Dreamcast online, get some friends together and just run through it, you can do all the missions in a couple of sessions.
tiny hub world, with nothing to do in it and no npcs to talk to.
stilted game play
room to room boredom with little variety
no exploration
Never played a whole lot of different MMOs but I put a lot of time into Lineage 2 back in the days
>there are private servers for this game on PC
No joke I might actually give it a try later, thanks. That feels weird, playing an MMO that came out 25 years ago for the first time
Yes I've always wanted to try that game, I'm a big fan of Xenoblade 1
by xeno 1 do you mean chronicles? x is similar but also a lot different in how they do the world and stuff, i'm not sure where it even stands lore-wise overall. x feels even more like an mmo but not in a bad way, it really reminded me of pso. if you decide to play it, i have a music pack some anon made that replaces a few of the bad tracks with pso ones. you spend a lot of time in the city doing crafting shit and that 'uh uh' track gets old so fast, i wouldn't be able to play without the music replacement
Yeah I mean Xenoblade Chronicles in particular, never played Xenogears or Xenosaga. As for the music pack my only way to play the game is on the Switch because my PC is too shit to emulate the WiiU version therefore no mods sadly. What's been putting me off all this time since the Switch port release is the fact that this is supposedly one of those 100 hour single player RPGs, every time I want to play something like that I always think
>damn I should probably play through 3-4 classic JRPGs I still haven't played instead
For example, I've only ever finished the first Phantasy Star game and as I've already said, never even played Xenogears. But still I will certainly get around to Xenoblade X someday
there are very few games that are better played alone than co-op, and the majority that are is because they have a terrible co-op system
a game being improved by co-op isnt the same as a game only being enjoyable if you play co-op
>supposedly one of those 100 hour single player RPGs
i have about 110 hours on my save now. i'm near the end of the game but stopped doing the main quests to do side stuff, hunt the big bosses. when the remake releases, the online stuff should work again so i think you can do quests with others online
Phantasy Star Online and Xenoblade aren't comparable at all you mongoloids.
Is xenoblade x sorta like pso?
Someone apparently thinks so, but I don't think they have anything in common besides neon lights on some clothes. Universe's and Xenosaga's aesthetics are relatively close though.

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