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Has anyone tried to un-yellow a controller? I got two desr-10 longboys but they are very sun yellow and dirty. I'm concerned the text and printing may get messed up if I do it like online says to
yes. i bought a retrobit saturn (wired) clear
took apart my FUCKED up and partially broken saturn pad
swapped the guts into the clear shell

just leave them yellow anon
buy a couple more & choose fucking black next time
They only made the desr-10 in white
I guess it matches the yellowed remote I also have.
Don't be afraid, the printed logos and text on the controller will survive. The extremely weak nes cartridge flap text survives. Do the submersion+uv light method and it will come out great.

desr-10s only come in white
I tried to make retrobrite once in 2011, it made my plastics brittle but no less yellow. Overall made things worse.
I've never had any of my shit get that yellow, but they're definitely worth cleaning up at the very least. Personally, I don't mind a little UV patina.
Retrobrite will definitely get rid of the yellowing and keep the labels intact, but I'm not sure exactly how brittle it will make the plastic.
Yellowing is SOVL.
If it's yello, it's mello
if it's brown, flush it down
1. take controller apart to get only the yellowed plastic
2. immerse in equal parts 5% hydrogen peroxide/water solution
3. place in UV light for a few hours.

There's tons of youtube videos showing the de-yellowing of plastics like this.

You need no more than 5% hydrogen peroxide. Retrobrite is a much higher %.
>Buy hydrogen peroxide
>Put it in a clear box with some water
>Submerge plastics
>Leave in bright sunlight/under UV bulb
>Wait until done.
It's very easy to do. De-yellowed my wife's Dreamcast.
wtf OP don't ruin your controllers. I wish mine aged into perfect 90s yellow.
I'd start with a good cleaning first, most of that is dirt
Only if it's with its original first owner, and only if they still have the console.
you're a fake nostalgia rider wh o just bought them aren't you
>dirt perfectly covering every surface equally.
lmao no. it's probably cigarette smoke.
I did it with the original PSX power, reset and eject buttons and it didn't mess up the labels. I bought hair bleach and used one of the ingredients (you have to look up which one contains hydrogen peroxide on the label). Smear it over the plastic and then put the plastic in a transparent bag with some holes in it for air circulation. Expose that bag to sunlight for a few days, you can flip them over somewhere during that time so that every part gets equal exposure.
Is the peroxide really an unnecessary step?
It's an essential step.
Quit smoking while you're at it, OP
I like their new look, custard yellow controllers could become a thing
Explain this then.
It's easier, more even, and much faster to do it inside with some peroxide. But if you have high uv at your location during the time you want to do it, and you don't want to buy anything, why not?
Might be. These ops1 controllers arent the same as SNES plastic. this could realistically be a simple cleaning with isopropyl or something that is tough on goo/resin but safe on plastics
I would keep them like this and use them as my primary controller on a beige sleeper pc. Don’t sleep on beige. I like the colors of these so much that I would go a step further and swap the buttons and sticks from a PSOne controller so it was grey on beige.

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