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>I took Joseph from a manga; it is a reference to 'Joseph Joestar' from Jojo’s Bizarre Adventure.
Guitar Hero has a bunch of them with the song and band names they came up with.
Anon, I...
In Castlevania, Simon Belmont is always standing. This is a reference to Stands from JoJo
The Castlevania and Street Fighter series are loaded down with JoJo tributes/ripoffs.
If you select Japanese audio in Sonic Adventure 1, Eggman ora oras during the Egg Viper fight
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I am unironically glad that 80s-90s japan pop culture ripped off everything from western media or their own foremost innovators.
Like what?
The Japanese name of Jojo is Jojo no Kimyouna Bouken - ジョジョの奇妙な冒険.
The Japanese name of the game Link's Adventure is Link no Bouken - リンクの冒険... sound familiar?
the tripartite god is twin peaks, jojo, legend of zelda
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Japanese videogames in the 90s and especially the 80s aped the fuck out of big western action films like Terminator, Predator, and Aliens, to name just some, and they were so fucking based for doing that.
We wouldn't have had Contra without that, and those games are a world heritage. Hell, some of the best western games also did that.
Based and music-illiteratepilled.
I didn't know he was fucked over like that, fucking robot loving tryhard fag mikami.
Nah, I'll keep Mikami, the actual based developer, you can have your whiny faggot.
Yeah it's cool, I like it.
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Finally read Phantom Blood because some cool faggot on /a/ decided he's gonna storytime JoJo in all parts.
It's just as good as the anime adaption, Jonathan Joestar is my noble hero.
now play the PS2 game
You named the two least annoying autistic pedantic fanbases in anime
Answers must relate to the question.
Every fanbase with the exception of those two
It's one or the other.
How's it like?

The Twitter and Reddit fanbases of any anime.
One has bouken and the other has no bouken, hardly comparable.
Streets of Rage 2 has Galsias named Jonathan and Joseph, and Electras named L. Lisa and Sug Q. it gets overshadowed by the even more obvious Berserk and FotNS references though
top b8, and I mean that honestly.
Like everything
Anime and games of that era are chock full of references to Western movies and novels, they especially liked Alien and Blade Runner.
Stuff like Dirty Pair, Bubblegum Crisis, a bunch of space mecha series, etc., in video games there's often xenomorph-looking bosses.

That's also the reason we have Kojima, a huge westaboo and cinephile.

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