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Is it worth buying a Summercart64 if I have one of those cheap ED64plus clones still working? besides Animal Forest for obvious reasons the only games that I couldn't play on my flashcart were No Mercy and Puyo Puyo Sun.
Also, are the ones being sold at aliexpress legit?
IDK about AliExpress, but I got mine from PhenomMod, and I say it's definitely worth it.
>Also, are the ones being sold at aliexpress legit?
Technically Summercart64 is open source, so every version of it is fair. You get what you pay for, so you can pull a chance and buy from a cheap vendor if you want.
It's only really worth upgrading if you want to do development. Testing anything on an Everdrive is a pain the ass because USB upload is so Goddamn slow.
dang, i kinda like puyo puyo sun. but i feel like that's a lot of money just for puyo
The ones at aliexpress cost $50
If you want another Puyo 64 game there's Puyo n Party
I'm thinking of getting one because I don't have any N64 flashcart. Is there a list of games that won't work with it?
i got one on aliexpress as a present to the house. two weeks later and we havent found a game that wouldnt work. can even play 64dd games. I would say it was worth the $50
which one you got? the one I've seen the most on Aliexpress is that black one.
>Maximum speed 23.8 MiB/S
Isn't that the same as the x7?
Or is it comparing to the other chinese KO's?
>no GameShark code support
Other than that, it's basically perfect.
Does it do the no reset save?
Yeah I'm pretty sure no reset save was confirmed in the MVG review I watched earlier
SummerCart 64 is open source, but the AliExpress sellers don't technically follow the license and generally use cheaper or salvaged parts which is why you might see the developers shit on them, but they will *probably* work - just don't expect support from the guys actually making the thing if something doesn't work. Phenom, like this anon mentioned >>11510225, will sometimes get wrongly called 'official', but what they actually mean is they're built properly to spec and not thrown together from scraps in China.
First and foremost, SummerCart 64 is designed to be a development cart like >>11510280 said, which is why the biggest feature is its USB bandwidth which enables you to load games very quickly directly to the memory from the deployer app for testing. Loading from the microSD is roughly the same speed between EverDrive and SummerCart which is why you'll see some confusion about that like here >>11511278. The fact that it also happens to be the best flashcart on the market is another reason why you might see the devs frustrated because a lot of people confuse what its purpose is and then try to track them down for help with simply pirating stuff.
Like >>11511031 mentioned it will also emulate the 64DD hardware, making it capable of playing 64DD software directly instead of needing a conversion ROM like every other flashcart.

It doesn't require you to reset your console to save. It's actually better than the EverDrive in this regard because even the X7 requires a reset despite many claims to the contrary. With the X7 your save is stored in RAM with a battery until you turn your console back on and THEN it properly saves. The SummerCart saves your game whenever you do, and you can watch the activity LED indicate that in real-time.
What the fuck... I bought chink ED64 like a year ago...
It's a good thing it has an "N64 Cardridge Connector" at the bottom.
This and saroo just came in and totally obliterated the competition last year. Very impressive stuff. Most flashcarts this good in general cost significantly more
>is stored in RAM with a battery
I think it is stored in flash, not with battery, so it is effectively a moot point
>With the X7 your save is stored in RAM with a battery until you turn your console back on and THEN it properly saves.
what's the difference to the user?
The only real difference to the user is cost and USB transfer speed for dev
I also bought pic related last year. Is the Summercart worth buying? Is it better compatibility-wise?
>saroo just came in and totally obliterated the competition last year
I doubt Saroo is better than having a Fenrir.
Fuck forgot pic.
Is there something this thing won't run?
I bought one from AE before Christmas and have been very happy with it. It just works as you'd expect, and allows me to play US/Japanese games at 60Hz on my PAL console without modification. I did swap out the unbranded SD card that came with it for a decent 64GB one (pointlessly large, but they're no more expensive than 32GB or 16GB these days). I also flashed the latest firmware just fine. I have zero complaints to be honest. This is the seller I used:
I have that one and from what I remember:
No Mercy will not boot
Animal Forest can't be played
Puyo Puyo Sun will not boot
Pokemon Stadium 2 boots but I think it had some save issues and graphical glitches
I heard Perfect Dark would not boot either but I tried the japanese version and it worked
Same with Star Wars Episode 1 Racer.
Banjo-Tooie, Jet Force Gemini and Donkey Kong 64 need cracked roms to be played without issues.
No, the X7 stores the save in battery-backed RAM until the console next turns on which is when it moves the save to the flash storage. The only difference from the X5 is the battery keeps the RAM powered, so you don't immediately lose your save if you just turn the console off.
The difference is until you turn your console on again your save isn't actually stored properly, and if the battery dies or becomes disconnected it simply goes poof. The SummerCart actually writes the save direct to the storage device instead of holding it in RAM.
>Is it worth buying a Summercart64 if I have one of those cheap ED64plus clones still working?
it plays 64dd and seta games natively, that alone makes it worth it
There are raspberry based carts in development, I hope they're going to be even cheaper
If you're talking about the PicoCart that's just able to load one single ROM.
There's dreamdrive64 and this: https://github.com/pdaxrom/N64cart
I've been waiting for N64FlashcartMenu (summercart64's OS) to be compatible with ED64P and its clones (their github says that they're working on it and there's a build right now but its an experimental build).
I'll consider getting a Summercart64 if they say they're not bothering anymore with ED64plus compatibility.
DreamDrive64 doesn't look like it's been worked on in years, and the N64cart is just a fork of PicoCart (but at least he's got a ROM manager on there I suppose).
My reset button was faulty so I couldn't handle having to hold reset in order to preserve saves. Also, my cheap Super 64 cart wouldn't save at all for some games. Only problem is the firmware for the Summercart64 doesn't have controller pak (memory card) management yet.
Any good places to buy one for 50 online?
>but the AliExpress sellers don't technically follow the license
The fuck are you talking about? Shut the hell up, there's nothing wrong with the aliexpress carts, the components are coming from the same factory that digikey/mouser/jlcpcb are using you know nothing about the license or pcb fab.
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Ok, here's the guy who created the board saying the same thing.
>there's zero guarantee later firmwares will work on them
This is something I'm wary of about getting a Summercart64 from aliexpress.
you might as well be paid for marketing for this shit
so what's the most reliable retailer/seller for them?
Like I said if you just want a cheap, reliable flashcart then the AliExpress sellers will *PROBABLY* work just fine, but don't expect it to be built well and always confer with other people who own the AliExpress carts before updating your firmware in case it's incompatible. You shouldn't need to update the firmware anyways if you just want a cheap flashcart.
If you want the cart to be built to specification, though, then the only person making them en masse currently is Mena who runs PhenomMod. You'll wind up paying almost double the price as AliExpress, but it's a guy using new components on quality PCBs who will provide you real support if there's something fucky. Plus he's helping implement cheat support for the SummerCart right now, so he actually knows what's going on under the hood.
Again, it's up to you. I'm not gonna argue morals or anything. For a standard flash cart either one will likely work just fine, and you'd have to be quite unlucky to have a negative experience from the AliExpress carts.
have a (You) for effortposting

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