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>Virtua Fighter was seen as popular and better the SF in japan

Why? Its just proto Tekken/DoA, they have VF charavters in DoA
because sega realised you don't need 3 buttons that all just fucking kick
I fucking HATE six button fighters
Light medium heavy punch? And each one has two or three variants depending on your proximity to your opponent or direction held? And they all fucking do the same thing except the sweep kick?
>cant tell if sarcasm
Tekken was very different from DoA right from the beginning. DoA was VF with extra jank but evolved into a different direction with sequels. VF set a new benchmark for 3D fighters with each release except VF5. It's very easy to see why each series have its fans. You can't replace VF with DoA and Tekken or vice versa.
No one gave two shits about VF4 and 5 when they came out!

What, because Razorfist said VF5 was better then Tekken and faster with no Hangups? That guy admitted that when it comes to media, he is just a contrarian.

And Tekken 6 wasnt well received.
Japs only like things if they're extremely casual and simplified. Go look at all their best seller charts, it's all jrpgs, VNs, Mario, and puzzle games.
Because their lifestyles are depressing, workinh themselves to death.
>No one gave two shits because I said so!
Fucking zoomers with their revisionism
I really don't know enough about early Virtua Fighter and 90s Japanese gaming tastes to comment
It was the first, the graphics were extremely impressive at the time and the fighting system was very well designed. DoA was just coomer VF and Tekken was just shitty VF with zany movement and more defense. Then VF kind of got surpassed during the long delay between 3 and 4 and it fell into obscurity as they could never find ways to innovate
People need to stop using "proto" wrongly.
Dead or Alive was loose but mostly just a VF clone besides explosive flooring and jiggle physics. Then it became a smooth fighter but also super titillation focused. Tekken was straight up absurdist from 2 onwards, and more of like the Sentai or Korean action idea of fighting where shit just got wack. Virtua Fighter toned down the moon gravity eventually and stuck to the roots of being hardcore martial arts first and foremost.
DoA was coomer VF2 specifically. When it came out, people were already playing a much more advanced VF3 and two days later Tekken 3 had a limited release in selected jap arcades. DoA was dated on arrival.
It's not sarcasm. Fighting game fans are so cucked they still buy into artificial depth decades later because they can't handle change.
Monolith ethnicity though, if I woke up and it was all white people tomorrow things would be 900% better.
Then what are you even doin here?
DoA2 mog the floor of VF2 and 3 even with its innovations, maybe not surpassing Tekken 3, but definitively Tekkens 1 & 2 and 4
Where did I mention DoA2?
>VF fanboys can't explain why it's better but ''muh VF2 was more popular''
The series lost its place to Tekken 3
>dumb cunt who couldn't force the 2D vs 3D fighters flamewar is now trying to force Tekken vs VF
>meanwhile most players enjoy both because both are fucking good
Do you think this thread is because VF (Sega fanboys) like other fighting games? Their argument is that VF is the only good fighting game and that Tekken is casualized trash
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>me, as a SF, KoF, VF, Tekken and DoA fan:
What is going on with this board? This is even worse than ps1/n64 console warring.
Are these VF (Sega) fanboys in the room with us right now? All these threads are just shitposting and falseflagging. Someone who actually plays the games would have better arguments than "casual" or "X game did Y earlier than Z game and therefore Z game is trash". At least some basic things like why do they prefer VF movement or P+K+G scheme rather than Tekken's.

The board goes to shit every time fighting games are brought up. Previously it was 3rd Strike vs Garou.
Maybe not fully related but I don't feel like making a separate thread.
Why do people shit so hard on VF2 on the Genesis? I have no experience with this franchise but I don't see anything immediately wrong with the Genesis port. Or is it that people were expecting polygon characters and not sprites? gameplay feels similar though.
VF2 on Genesis has VF1 roster (two VF2 characters are missing) and a lot of new VF2 moves are missing as well. The thing about VF2 was that while it was a groundbreaking game, it was rather stiff and dated by VF3 standards. It didn't use third dimension that well compared to the sequels. Its main attractions were graphics and how much bigger and deeper the movelist were compared to VF1 and other fighting games. Without those, there is nothing really standing out about the Genesis port.
It was hype. Right place, right time. The actual quality of the game and gameplay was secondary.
The gameplay was damn great, just quickly outdated with later 3D fighters.
Obsessed faggotry (possible koreans)
DOA2 came out half a decade later in newer hardware.

You may as well argue that Quake mops the floor with Wolfenstein 3d.
VF was a very good game series and impressive for it's time. Great graphics, great music, even the characters were cool. The characters may not stand out like Tekken does, and there may not be as many hot women as DOA has, but VF has it's own charm.
I remember there was a lot more mystique to """realistic""" martial arts back in the early-mid '90s, people still believed the chubby white guy with a mullet at the karate dojo in their strip mall got trained by a master on a mountain. There was a lot more fascination with strange/foreign martial arts styles, and there was very little distribution to see old kung fu movies beyond a couple bruce lee and jackie chan films at your tape rental place. Since VF has always been relatively grounded it fed into that. Then MMA ripped all the bullshit out and people naturally returned to SF style shonen battle manga magic. Tekken walked a middle ground with it; back in the '90s they put a ton of effort into making a weird jinga-ing capoeira and hundred-stance taekwondo guy but I don't think they'd bother with a brand new character like that these days.
Was around before VF. It's called UFC and the championship belts back then looks glorious compared to the ones they use currently.
Different moves have different hit/hurt boxes, come out at different speeds, can be linked/combed in different ways, have different utility, etc, etc.
Its not a complicated concept anon lol
It took time to soak in fully and for all the circus retard element to fade away to make martial arts believers admit in their hearts it was over.
>The thing about VF2 was that while it was a groundbreaking game, it was rather stiff and dated by VF3 standards.

VF3 was really clunky with its new features, and they just didn't work well. Most of its additions got tweaked or outright removed in the sequels. VF2 was much tighter in every way in comparison.

There's a reason VF2 keeps getting ports while VF3 got quietly forgotten.
VF3 is still alive and well in Japan
>while VF3 got quietly forgotten

didn't model 3 emulation only recently become a thing?

also the dreamcast port was mediocre
>Japs only like things if they're extremely casual and simplified.
They also like things that require rote memorization to win. So things like Shmups, Run N Guns, and rhythm games are ultra popular with Japan. Absolutely no games that have any random elements.
>No one gave two shits about VF4
VF4 was the most popular entry worldwide to the point where Evolution got released overseas for a budget price.
>What, because Razorfist said
That you invoke that faggot makes you even gayer than him.

Please fucking die of aids
The Dreamcast got a 1:1 of DoA2 and Soul Calibur, but sucked at VF3, Sega should up team up with Tecmo as a software company and fue DoA with VF
>The Dreamcast got a 1:1 of DoA2 and Soul Calibur
Dreamcast SoulCalibur is much, much better than the arcade version, especially graphically. The arcade version is basically a PS1 game on steroids. It's one of the first games where the home version completely mogs the arcade version
Help me understand fighting game autism. These games are all the same to me. The only difference is that VF was the first 3D one.
Dreamcast VF3 port was fine, it was at most missing some background bitmaps and such. The reason it was "mediocre" was because VF3 was a 2-3 years old game by the time the Dreamcast came out. Things like the shoulder joints looked really fucking stupid on all characters especially compared to motherfucking soul calibur.
Heh, out of the two, which one would you have preferred at the time?



I am not talking about new features and additions in VF3. I am talking about basic things like inputs, framedata, the camera, the moves being more 3-dimensional etc. VF3 has a more modern flow and snappiness, it's very close to VF4.
by new features I meant the new things in like dodging or block animations. They were pretty poorly done back in VF3 and as a result the game just wasn't as snappy as VF2. If you've played it, you'd understand it - the inputs just didn't flow as well.

Other games did those failed VF3 features and did them right, DoA2 for example manage to figure out uneven terrain and walls.
Wrong, VF3 is a smoother and snappier game than VF2. The latter still has that early 3D fighter unresponsiveness.
DoA2 has very few instances of uneven terrain. It has steps on the opera stage and great wall (DoA2U exclusive, not present in OG DoA2) which cause the same jank.Other stages are mostly flat arenas. VF3 has you dealing with uneven terrain half of the time.
See, VF threads come and go.
>Its just proto Tekken/DoA
You can't judge something like that in hindsight, cockbreath.
UFC is the MMA championship. The actual sport is called MMA. And it's existed since the 80s, sure, but back then it was barely a step above clandestine bare-knuckle streetbum fights. It didn't properly professionalise and gain mainstream exposure until the early 00s when they instituted boxing-style rules and weight classes. And the point the other anon was trying to make is that MMA destroyed the mystique around all the "ancient folded 1000x shaolin monastery" kung fu techniques, because it was the first serious attempt to try and pit various fighting styles against each other to see what was the most effective. Really basic pragmatic styles like kickboxing and Brazilian jiu jutsu absolutely dogwalked all the fancy stuff kung fu movies had spent decades hyping up. Guys going into the octagon with stuff like wing chun and monkey-style getting dropped in five seconds by regular fucking boxers.
>They also like things that require rote memorization to win.
Funny you say that, because Virtua Fighter is the only major 3D fighter franchise where some interactions are decided purely through an RNG coin flip rather than hitbox/timing shenanigans.
You mean VF has a 50/50 problem?

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