Is N64 back?This cart sounds way better than ED64 which is what the sperg boomers recommend around here
>>11512115what does it do that an everdrive doesn't?
To my understanding, this is my go-to recommendation for N64 flashcarts.... but I gotta say, it really sounds like some weird ass marketing going on here.>Faster USB speeds (only matters to devs)>It's cheaper (legitimately a big deal)But that's it. What's the weird hate boner for EverDrive 64 v7?
>>11512138Chinese sellers from AliExpress are currently sponsoring YouTubers to review their product which comes with 700+ totally legitimately acquired game roms. Hard4Games mentioned in their video being offered sponsorship which they refused.
>>11512167It's open source, dumbass. You can literally build one yourself if you want to.
>>11512173That does not contradict anything I've said, dickhead.
>>11512132Nothing but it's cheaper.
>>11512115my ed64 plus has worked fine for years now, not sure why summer cart is being shilled suddenly
>>11512178You can't even be honest about your schizo conspiracy theory because you KNOW it makes you sound like a retard, but neither can you resist floating it anyway for attention. Kill yourself.>>11512183>Everdrive X5 cloneBecause this has better compatibility and a bunch of features that doesn't. Nor does it need the retarded reset hack to save. Plus it's open source, rather than relying on closed source Jewery with built-in time bombs and brick code from (((Krikzz))). Weird how technology progresses over time and a $20 chink flash cart you bought years ago isn't the best thing on the market in 2025. Must be a shilling campaign!
>>11512190>built-in time bombs and brick codeWhat?
>>11512167How do you non-legitimately aquire a game ROM?
>>11512190summer cart has been a thing for what, a year or more now? suddenly there's several threads the last few days...anyways i don't actually see how this is much better than the old everdrives, sure reset to save is annoying but I have to turn off the console when im done playing anyways so it's never bothered me.
>>11512183Shilled by who? This is the first thread I see in /vr/ about it.
>>11512218Summercart is a genuine improvement if you are either a developer who needs to test on a real console or a really devoted 64DD fan who needs proper disk rewriting support. Otherwise you are fine with Everdrive.
>>11512167Jesus, you're a nerd.
>>11512217a few ways to legally get romsa. dump them off the cart yourselfb. own the game thus the rom is a back upc. get permision from the owner/company who made the game.if a company sells for a profit a copy of any game not in public domain on a cart they are stealing what dont you understand about this? you dont have to care or feel bad that its theft but how do you not understand it is?
>>11512167I'm really surprised aliexpress sellers have enough money to even wanna sponsor youtubers. I thought it was a "hey, we got the lowest price, they'll find us" market>>11512173He's shitting on aliexpress, not Summercart, but this is the other weird part. Yall make summercart like it's your persona, your identity. Literally no one said it's worse than everdrive and you're already getting offended
>>11512183Because it's inexpensive and isn't missing any features from the more well known shit.
>>11512217Steal the cart from gamestop.
>>11512138>What's the weird hate boner for EverDrive 64 v7?Nothing, it's just marketers, like you said. Shills on /vr/ are some of the most obvious in all of 4chan.
>>11512132EverDrive, even the expensive x7, does not write its saves to storage during runtime. It holds it in RAM, and when the console turns off it uses the battery to keep that RAM powered until it turns back on at which point it moves the save to the microSD.The SummerCart will actually write saves to the microSD whenever you save the game which seems like it should be obvious yet the EverDrive could never figure that one out.It also emulates 64DD hardware meaning you don't need converted ROMs and can just run the originals, and I assume most homebrew devs are gonna be using the SummerCart going forward because it's a significantly better dev cartridge.I'm surprised it took this long for tubers to catch on to the SummerCart, but I'm sure you'll see tons of people shilling it now that they have.
>>11512115>le evil boomers
>>11512167>which comes with 700+ totally legitimately acquired game romsSo.. just 700 shitty PD roms?
>>11512138There is a lot of spite in the n64 dev community about everdrive being a piece of shit for development, which is why summercart exists. There's literally no reason to buy an x7 anymore, it's more expensive. That pretty much sums it up.
>>11512260The only marketers are people like you still trying to sell people an Everdrive for three times the price of this thing, despite it being an inferior device. Krikzz better get ready to head to the frontlines, because the dominoes are slowly falling when it comes to the Everdrives being the best option for any console. N64, SNES and GBA are already outright wins for the competition, whilst cheap clones are perfectly fine for the likes of GB(C) and Genesis.
>>11512295Stop being a condescending jaded bald prick then
>>11512115This, saroo, exciting stuff for cart loaders. It's worth supporting creators making good hardware like xstation and fenrir. Wish them all the best because they did the right thing in producing them to be affordable and easy to use with great software integration. Krikzz makes something and seems to move on from it fairly quickly once the fw reaches a satisfying point for him. His prices are high outside of sales too.
>>11512328Literally no one here is saying get an everdrive, just that the hate boner is weird and the defensiveness is weird.I'll say it again. Summercart is better and cheaper, ED64x7 is outdated now. The hate boner and aggressiveness towards it is insanely weird.
>>11512328>Most people generally don't actively hate Everdrives.>ONLY A MARKETER WOULD SAY THAT!Okay, sure.
>>11512396The "hate boner" for Everdrives is well deserved and well earned. Krikzz held the flash cart market to ransom for years with Nvidia-tier price fixing for a bunch of off the shelf parts, simply because he was the only game in town for most systems. All whilst his army of paypigs gaslit people about "build quality" and "OMG he's le poor widdle man in le poor wartorn country have a heart :((((" to justify it. That's before you even get into him adding fucking brick code to his firmware to destroy people's property, which cemented his status as a scum fuck only interested in the scene if it's personally making him money.Seeing him get out-Jewed by the Chinese and now superior open source projects appearing is delightful. I will continue to enjoy the shining new dawn where people no longer have to pay a tax to that greedy rat in order to enjoy some old games.
>>11512115fuck that guy he threw the emulation community under the bus to keep his job porting games.
>>11512553? his videos are very pro emulation
>>11512579He criticized Dolphin despite them 100% being legally in the right.
>>11512138>What's the weird hate boner for EverDrive 64 v7?It's expensive. I have one but I mostly paid for it with Amazon vouchers.
>>11512115I like that it's cheaper, but is there a way to patch Game Shark codes on N64 roms? If so, I'd be more than happy to buy the SC64 cart.
>>11512183>not sure why summer cart is being shilled suddenlyOP image is a YouTube thumbnail. YouTube is an absolutely massive advertising force.
>>11512217By obtaining it from a source which doesn't have the rights to distribute it.
dumbass question because i dont know shit about these cartsif i buy this from one of the first party resellers, it comes empty and i would need to load all the roms myself right? are N64 roms easy to find or do you have to dig around a bit
>>11512654Every complete rom set from NES through N64 is available on
>>11513137All locales?
>>11513252I think so, but it's been a long time since I've looked. Just go there and search around.
What even is the difference between all of these carts? Don't they all let you load ROMs natively on original hard? Then what can go wrong?
>>11515281Everdrive can't load .ndd files (64DD floppies).
>>11512167Better than shilling "made in ukraine" trash from krikzz that is actually manufactured in China anyway
>>11512502In the PS1 scene we feel the same for the psio guy. Iirc he's also a Slav.
>>11512273>I'm surprised it took this long for tubers to catch on to the SummerCart, but I'm sure you'll see tons of people shilling it now that they have.Same here and true enough. There's been a several that've talked about the thing months ago. Some other guy did one recently in December, but I didn't get suspicious until I saw MVG's a few days ago since he typically gets a lot of views and is likely why normalfags and viral marketers are coming here making threads. I guess it's not bad unless prices start skyrocketing. I somewhat feel bad for the devs since everyone'll go for the chink carts at half the price. Hopefully there won't be any drama over that.
>>11517774There is a bit of drama, but fortunately it's mostly contained to retards asking dumb questions about their knockoff cart and being told to kick rocks. The main dev that started the project has soured on the whole thing and as of like a week ago doesn't care to continue it himself. He's still giving some input here and there, though, and there are some people working on the flashcart menu at least (which is its own different project). The guy doesn't even physically produce or sell the flashcart himself. He just created it and made it open source, so he doesn't even see any kickbacks except for the rare donation. Can't really blame him for checking out.