Any brand consumer CRT + composite is all you need. RGB and PVM is cringe
Having used both, I prefer RGB with my PVM.
This topic always comes across as insecure validation seeking, much like "composhit" posters. It's not hard to find component sets, and nobody who plays games will criticize using composite unless they are also insecure and are seeking validation for their own choices.
Spend more time playing games and less time thinking about how to play games.
>>11512857>It's not hard to find component setsYes it is. I've checked thrown away TVs a lot, and none of them had component. It was a late CRT thing, most commonplace TVs with it are LCD
>>11512926higher end sets had them in the late 90s/early 2000s, not that those are any easier to find than CRTs from the mid 2000sback to OP though, s-video is the nice middle ground where you don't need to mod most consoles or buy fancy cables, and you still get good image quality
>>11512839I always wonder this, something like the SNES has a 256x224 or something resolution but a CRT is at least 440 in either direction, what does something like S video, SCART or RGB give you in older games like that?
>>11512898>having reasonable minimum standards is sour grapes
>>11512959Sharper picture quality, little to no artifacting, and better colors.
>>11512926If you're determined you could go outside your area. I suggest trying flyover states, and check listings like "tube tv" rather than "CRT" as those generally are from less informed older people who want to get rid of what they consider junk. I got a free JVC I'art and it even came with a GameCube. I wish you the best of luck in your searching.
Having access to both, I've developed a preference for RGB over the years. Composite is only for a nostalgia kick once in a while.
I cant go back
composovl for nes, md, psxrgbsovl for snes, saturn, pcesimple as
Nah, you need S-video for PS2
>>11512854That’s because you’re an underage newfag. The pvm+rgb gives you the closest appearance to a scanline filter on a flat panel HDTV so of course that’s what you perceive as best.The beauty of consumer crt + composite are the beautiful imperfections and blending. Phosphors bursting through blended colors. It is the stained glass in our church of memories and common dregs who can’t remember a world without broadband internet will never understand.Next to nobody was playing video games with rgb on a pvm in the 80s and 90s or even early 2000s. Your preference is for a form of retro consumption that existed as a drop in an ocean of composite beauty. It is a false past outside of specific circumstances.
>>11512839I have a 28" 16:9 crt so we can play multiplayer easier on the cube and PS2, using RGB shart. Who gives a fuck how we did things as kids, I want to enjoy my old games for what they are and I'm not trying to capture the past or whatever bullshit nostalgiafags say to themselves.
>>11513805>I'm not trying to capture the past or whatever bullshit nostalgiafags say to themselves.Then why aren’t you emulating them in HD on flat panel television? Why aren’t you retrotinking them on a new tv? Why aren’t you emulating and using shaders on a new tv if you aren’t trying to relive the past?What’s even the point of owning the CRT if not to experience things the way we used to?RGB faggots are scum truly, they don’t even know what they fucking want, all they know is that they jumped through hoops and overspent on tons of stupid cables, console mods, and pvmemes and need a reason to validate their stupidity.
why choose one input when you can have every input with one convenient connector?
>>11513825I already owned all this stuff anon bar cheap RGB cables. Also I'm europoor so no modding required. Don't own a pvmeme as already stated. I emulate anything I don't own. Check and mate, poorbait faggot.
>>11513848You’re Jewish, not European. You also claimed “who cares how /we/ did things as kids”, but if you are living in Europe you always had access to scart so who is the /we/ you’re referring to?You’re playing ps2 on a 16:9 crt, the worst CRTs ever produced. You’re retarded.
>>11513798>>11513825It is understandable why someone wouldn't care about PVM quality displays but the assertion of hardware in need of a tune up being a superior experience only serves to demonstrate your ignorance of why old hardware is deserving of upkeep and also why others play these games for reasons other than nostalgia.While most people are perfectly fine emulating on a chinky flatscreen since they're not playing games at a level where input latency matters, those people's opinions are equally unrefined as yours for treating hardware degradation as "the way it is" just because you don't care to learn how to repair your set in the name of childhood authenticity. Obviously there's such a thing as diminishing returns when it comes to image quality, yet if someone else wants their set looking as good as possible when you're too chickenshit to open up a CRT casing says more about you than it does them. Ultimately, enjoyment is a matter of choosing a set that works with your level of technical skill and when your assertion of superior enjoyment is founded on lazy ignorant assertions of having a superior childhood then you are deserving of ridicule for your pathetic insecure whining. Feel free to respond, because you have demonstrated your opinion will never mature.
>>11512839This one actually works best, and gives you a much sharper picture quality for a retro system on a modern TV. The problem is finding a modern TV that has that 4th input.
>>11512839emulated raw pixels on an LCD is clearly the best choice. clarity is king. vaseline is for plebs
>>11513798>I was 5 years old at the time which means there weren't more adult hobbyists seeking a better image quality and thus 100% of the world gamed with RF/Composite! all the shop listings with RGB cables were FAKE! only when I became an adult, hobbyism was created
>>11514137>emulated raw pixels clarity is king.Raw pixels often result in a loss of clarity, specially with games relying on dithered patterns and sprite shapes in need of being rounded to make a lick of sense of them. Rawfagging is how you get the "misinterpreted sprites" phenomena. One example I like to point to is that in arcade Ghouls n ghosts, the dollar sign in bags looks like a boot in raw form, but a dollar sign on a CRT and/or with shaders.
>>11513891>but the assertion of hardware in need of a tune up being a superior experience only serves to demonstrate your ignorance of why old hardware is deserving of upkeep and also why others play these games for reasons other than nostalgia.This is meaningless and doesn't apply to anything I said.>Ultimately, enjoyment is a matter of choosing a set that works with your level of technical skillThis guy is trying to posit that I'm retarded and creates a fantasy world where I've never had to crack open a CRT before because....I said composite is superior to rgb.He has to create a fantasy world to stroke his ego since his preference is to consume home console games in a way almost nobody (in the USA/Japan) consumed them. He has to position that I am simply a caveman retard and that he is in fact the connoisseur. >While most people are perfectly fine emulating on a chinky flatscreen since they're not playing games at a level where input latency mattersModern PC displays, especially gaming monitors, and even many new TVs have extremely minuscule input lag and high refresh rates. This point is mattering less and less every day. You also combed over the fact that this was in response to him saying "I'm not trying to relive the past by using a CRT". Well if he isn't, then there isn't a fucking point other than to be an aimless hobbyist.You're a pretentious faggot who's dumped countless hours and resources to play retro "the best way" when in reality the best way is how we originally consumed them. Your post is self-fart sniffing of the highest order, over fucking tube televisions. Nobody fucking played home console games with RGB on professional monitors at home, period, over (in the USA and Japan). Furthermore, a majority of video games, especially between the 8 bit and 32 bit eras, were made with composite blending in mind.Composite is king, it will always be king for retro (in most circumstances).
>>11513189Mega drive and PCE should be switched. Mega drive does native RGB and it's composite is really bad. PCE is the complete inverse.
>>11514167I said next to nobody, not nobody at all. You ignore this and tell me I said 100 percent in order for you to be correct. Picrels of the 90s were dumping cash into buying professional and broadcast monitors and importing cables, and that accounts for at most 1 percent of people who played video games, slightly more who were videophiles.
>>11514207I guess in 30 years I'll dismiss those with PS5 Pros, 4k Monitors and 4090 GTXs as "next to nobody" despite discussion of them monopolizing places like /v/ today. Good thing we're not in "/vr/ - Normalfaggotry consumption habits of old video games"
S-Video is very common with crts and it leans heavily towards component quality.I have a s-video crt and using it with proper oem cables is plenty good enough for me considering I grew up with the games on rf. Literally Ps2 on rf. Channel 3 go brrrrrr. I never want to relive that shit.
>>11514302>I guess in 30 years I'll dismiss those with PS5 Pros, 4k Monitors and 4090 GTXs as "next to nobody"Completely false equivalency on every possible level. You're being purposely obtuse.
>>11514193>The beauty of consumer crt + composite are the beautiful imperfections and blending. Phosphors bursting through blended colors. It is the stained glass in our church of memories and common dregs who can’t remember a world without broadband internet will never understand.>the assertion of hardware in need of a tune up being a superior experience only serves to demonstrate your ignorance of why old hardware is deserving of upkeep and also why others play these games for reasons other than nostalgiaIt had everything to do with your writings. Those "beautiful imperfections" can look even better when your TV is properly serviced by those aimless hardware hobbyists, some of whom used to be TV techs. People don't play games just for the sake of composite blended nostalgia and claiming sets without component being superior due to childhood authenticity is literal child logic. If you're this bad at understanding your opposition, forget trying to be reasonable and keep up the childish antics. Keep asserting that nobody should care about component sets just because you didn't have one. That would surely prove me wrong.
Talking about obtuseness, how about this?: popularity isn't indicative of quality, specially when said popularity was born out of ignorance in most cases. I couldn't care less if millions did their playing with RF/Composite back in the day; S-Video/RGB/SCART/Component simply looks better and I choose that way. Even the issue of blending dithered patterns is way overblown. Do you freak out when you see dot patterns in mangas?
>>11514340Games were typically designed to be played on consumer sets, and they tested them on consumer sets, and consumer sets (in the USA and Japan) had composite. In practice, I think RGB gaming is great, but it's imagemaxxing pretentious faggots like you who think it is the apex that ruin those three letters.>>11514341>Do you freak out when you see dot patterns in mangasthis wasn't the epic win you though it was you fat manga reading bitchDithering also is a big deal. PS1/Saturn games look drastically better on composite because of this. You are looking "behind the curtain" when you play them with rgb and are actually ruining the way they are supposed to look.
>>11514368>Dithering also is a big deal. PS1/Saturn games look drastically better on composite because of this. You are looking "behind the curtain" when you play them with rgb and are actually ruining the way they are supposed to look.The problem with you blendfags is that your only argument is "LOOK! THIS ONE ELEMENT LOOKS BETTER AT THE COST OF EVERYTHING ELSE" while I can say "Look, everything looks better at the cost of one element". You live in the world in which 1 > 9999 while I live in the world in which 9999 > 1.
>>11514368I was talking about tuning consumer sets and using composite. Next time try to focus on what was written without feeling a need to read in a huffy condescending voice, you might actually learn something rather than miscommunicate due to your own frustration.
>>11512839I play in RGB through a RetroTink on a Sony Bravia
>>11512926It is on 20 inch tvs and smaller. Like, sry not bringing in a 32+ inch tv with most likely shit geometry into my home. Fortunately component sucks dick anyways.
>>11513838SCART is retarded when you think about it >Let's uhhh have all input types in one connector>Let's make the connector a wobbly piece of shit>Separate pins for luma and chroma so that we can have working S-Video and RGB on one connector? Nah fuck that, instead we WILL leave three unused pins>Pins for H and V sync for compatibility with VGA? No>The customer is confused and doesn't even know which signal his TV is using, because the manufacturers don't bother to inform them? Perfect
Being a bong almost every consumer TV after a point has an RGB SCART input on it which is nice. S-Video is a good compromise if you're in the states though.Like >>11514612 kinda says the SCART connector is simultaneously brilliant and retarded. It was designed in the mid 70s though so to a degree the S-Video fuckery can be explained by that not really catching on until the mid 80s.
>>11512839Sounds like cope from someone whose television lacks the inputs and skills to implement them.
>>11513798I'm 36 years old, you absolute faggot.>The beauty of consumer crt + composite are the beautiful imperfections and blending.A blurry image filled with artifacts isn't beautiful.>Next to nobody was playing video games with rgb on a pvm in the 80s and 90s or even early 2000s.I don't care.>It is a false past outside of specific circumstances.I just like good picture quality, nerd. Get a life.
>>11514612>>The customer is confused and doesn't even know which signal his TV is using, because the manufacturers don't bother to inform them? PerfectIf you have seen RGB, S-video and Composite (the signals themselves) you can usually tell
>>11512839I cannot disagree.
>>11514681Games were build around the picture you would get from composite on a normal crt.
Most people connected their console with the cables that were included with the system, which were UHF up until 5th generation systems started coming bundled with composite cables. PVM/BVM and video input autism is a dead giveaway that your nostalgia for old games is really nostalgia for emulators, which is not inherently bad, but it really doesn't belong here and should be posted to reddit instead.
For me it's S-video
>>11514716and they look even better on an RGB monitor
Do compositefags know that arcade games used non-blended dithering patterns on RGB output? They seem to think that if there's any pattern of any sort, it's destined for composite.
>>11514907Thats subjective. What isn't is the developers intention.
>>11514927So did PCs. Dithering was everywhere in the dos/3.1/9x era, even images you’d look up on 90s internet would often be dithered to save bandwidth. There is a lot of clear intention with dithering on console games that were expected to be viewed on a consumer tube with a standard connection. Even bog standard pixel art was typically designed to be blended on your television thereby giving them MORE, not less detail.Composite is king. It doesn’t matter what RGBitchboys think, it’s not how you’re supposed to play the game on a home console.
>>11514716okay billy bob
>Composite shill mental gymnastics>It was somehow by pure engineering accident that all these consoles output natively with no modifications S-Video, RGB and that the A/V pinouts managed to align by sheer luck>Misshaps at the manual printing press managed to include these unintended options>Despite the games never being intended to be displayed through these outputs the official console manufacturers decided to release official cables to plug in the system with these options>All games were designed around composite despite composite never being used for jamma arcade games.
>ITT uninformed americans thinking that rgb through a low/mid end consumer tube is BVM tier sharpness
>>11515006The cables literally came in the box with the console. Why wouldn't they?
>>11515081>All games were designed around composite despite composite never being used for jamma arcade gamesThis is now the second time someone claimed I said all games were designed for composite in order to win an argument.I said home console games were. 98 percent of TVs people owned in the 80s and 90s in the USA and Japan only had RF and composite. It’s Europe where scart/rgb was standard. Thats what developers were making their games for and testing their games on.Dithering has multiple purposes other than to be blended, but there are countless games where its intention is to be blended. Silent Hill 1 is a prime example of this.You just posted a neogeo, literally a consolized arcade board, and used that as your gotcha. Get real.
>>11515081You had to call them up if you wanted those cables. They expected only a small minority to want them.
>>11515105>You just posted a neogeo, literally a consolized arcade board, and used that as your gotcha. Get real.Wrong >>11514641
>>11515120Your picture you originally posted is a manual on how to connect your neogeo cd to a televsion with the proper inputs through rgb. I have no fucking idea what on earth you are trying to prove with this.
>>11515128>, literally a consolized arcade board, and used that as your gotcha>Posted SuperFamicom earlierDisingenuous prick
>>11512839Composite adds positional context to every pixel, increasing the resolution.
>>11515136the CRT mask does that
>>11515134Right, you could get a rgb signal through some snes models with the right cables.Tell everyone what 98 percent of televisions had in the USA and Japan. What fucking inputs did a vast majority of TVs have? What were devs making their games for? What do they say in countless interviews they were making their games for?I’m disingenuous? You’re a fucking delusional chimp.
>>11515138only partially. if you find a tv old enough to have composite input and connect a Genesisn't or Saturd, you'll get transparencies and gradients
>>11515142an LCD or plasma or DLP tv with composite, i mean
>>11515143Not related but I bought the cheapest tv Best Buy had last year as an emergency purchase (Hisense brand) and it has composite input on the side.So as of 2023, there are absolutely still flat panels being made with composite input.
>>11515141>Right, you could get a rgb signal through some snes models with the right cables.Only the SuperFAMICOM JR doesn't output RGB tardo.
>>11515156Right, that’s why I said some.Why did you ignore the rest of my post?
>>11515147just looked at the first result for "tv" on amazon, and it looks like they still domost of y'all probably have one so you should check how it displays dithering patterns before posting misinformation
>>11512839Before the market got overrun by grifters and conmen everyone told you hook up it up with the best inputs supported by your televisions.Straight up only hear composite shilling from americans. A bunch of shmucks trying to peddle their shitty overpriced 14" inch Daewoo rebrands.
>>11515183People started to shill composite when PVMs/BVMs got too expensive. Which is weird because you can have sharp image with consumer sets too but I guess they're just lazy to get a cable or mod their consoles.
>>11512839>better video quality is.... le cringe???Does this shaming bullshit ever work out for you, you cretin? What are you, 6?
>>11514954PCs used a version of RGB (VGA), retard
>>11515203No he's just a butthurt American who grew up with composite only TVs and missed out on better visuals
>>11515187>mod their consolesNot what the dev intended you to see.
>>11514949I'm almost certain they would agree with me. :)
>>11515203>What are you, 6?Unironically, zoomers seem to be behind most of the composhit shilling. They think it's vaporwave-like and nostalgic or something. Meanwhile everyone older than them sought better and sharper image quality.
I experimented it all. RGB, SCART, S-video, framemeister...At the end of the very very very day I ended up coming back home, to composite. The developer intentention.
Developers don't know what they fucking want. See the horrible retro Final Fantasy iOS games that featured the original sprite artist but looked like fucking ass. Or film home releases having a different color grading each time despite constant consultation of the director, who seems to change his "intention" every year.I rather think for myself.
>>11515217And furthermore, the most commonly used mode (13h) was line doubled, so you got clear pixels with little to no scanline visibility.
>>11515217No fucking shit you braindead orangutan, that’s why I fucking brought it up.
>>11514949Developer intentions are grotesquely overrated.
>>11515397This. "Developer intentions" is a meme.>>11515374It's weird, we were doing RGB back in the 1990s and it was great, now I'm seeing zoomers stomping their feet about composhit.
>>11514954Cope harder, poorfag
>>11515367You will not find a shred of evidence. For console developers it was composite all the way.
>>11515397Who gives a shit what the guy thought 20 years later. What matters is what he was thinking when he made them originally.
>>11515698Not even then.
>>11515141>8 percent of televisions>He's a cookie cutterLMAO
>>11515426You said composite is king and it clearly wasn't the king of the PC world
>>11515827Then play an on an oled. Clearly that is even better with the proper setup.
>>11513182Unironically, what is the difference? They both look like AV cables to me. Which systems use composite cables, and which use RGB?
>all you needis a cope lineIt's perfectly fine to use composite cables or an RF cable with a CRT, since that's literally that they were designed to handle and display.If you wanted to game on a PVM, you would want better cables for a cleaner connection since the PVM's sharpness will not do the standard blending that a CRT uses to display the standard cable output.If you are gaming on a flatscreen LCD/LED TV or monitor like most people, you want to avoid older cables and connections because they are only supported (if at all) as a legacy thing for displaying film or VHS content.
>>11516546nta but it depends, I'll use Nintendo as an example.The NES and N64 need modding that solders in circuit boards to output an RGB picture. From what I recall, NES doesn't even operate with RGB internally which means that the RGB signal from the mods is converting the NES video into RGB. N64 produces RGB picture information before it converts it to analog, so this mod catches the RGB video before conversion and outputs it to the screen.SNES, however, outputs RGB natively and you need only to buy an RGB cable to get it.
>>11516549Always funny to hear these dog shit American takes.
>>11515698Yeah that’s right. So other anon is right. Why don’t you play games integer scaled on an oled then? That’s the most perfect clean picture possible. What the devs made their games for doesn’t matter.
>>11515102>>11516848Chimps.Nobody was arguing sharpness, we were arguing blending.
>>11514381>"LOOK! THIS ONE ELEMENT LOOKS BETTER AT THE COST OF EVERYTHING ELSE" while I can say "Look, everything looks better at the cost of one element". You live in the world in which 1 > 9999 while I live in the world in which 9999 > 1.lmao they can keep their shitty ass waterfalls in sonic running through the shittiest composite implementation ever.>>11515374Euros don't cling to 50hz out of le nostalgia, unlike Americans with their dogshit image quality.
I like component on 6th gen but I'd go out of my way to avoid even S-Video on 5th or older in most cases.>>11514196PCE does have native RGB on this thing but lmao
>>11518003Even Famicom has native RGB through PlayChoice or Famicom Titler.