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will sega saturn prices go up or down in the future?
Everything retro in a decent state will only go up in the future, due to ever increasing rarity.
He wanted an actual answer not a sales pitch
i just had two saturns break on me
i see some really nice ones for $110
i need to wait a couple months to get the money
Do you know what the issue might be? You may be able to fix it.
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one would just go to this screen
and the other one would freeze in the middle of games
first sounds like a failing laser most likely, but could also be something fucky with the power supply (most likely a capacitor issue if that's the case)
unsure about the second but i'd guess probably overheating due to bad fans or a psu issue again
if you want to try to fix them but don't want to solder, a laser replacement on #1 is where i'd start, although there's like a ~30% chance that the laser isn't the issue there
if you're comfortable with soldering i'd inspect all the caps on both of them and potentially replace them if you have the time and a little bit of cash to spare, keeping in mind that a cap replacement may not fix them
You can get them cheaper on Yahoo Auctions Japan. I got a mint unyellowed one with the box for $45 usd.
just emulate
>noooo I need to own the plastic!
(You) problem
you cant play light gun games with emulator
even with the disc in. its just stuck on that page with the music player.
prices will probably stay about the same, i don't see the collectable games ever going down since saturn collectors artificially inflate prices and disc rot will lessen the supply over time.
I don't see consoles getting too expensive since there's still a ton of broken ones that need repair and the saturn isn't a very popular system to begin with
It's the laser.

Good news is that it's relatively easy and cheap to buy a Saturn replacement laser. Better news is that it's not hard to install. Bad news is it's still possible to fuck up, but if you succeed you will get at least another 15-20 years out of it.
Ah yes, the crazy light-gun aficionado who didn't play those at time of release so that's why he needs hardware to play the games he loves so much now (but didn't play because he's a massive zoomer)
I want people to stop liking the Sega Saturn
Down or stagnate most likely. We're past the COVID peak for retro game sales and consoles never really got the spike the games did. Saturn is in a weird place as they aren't as common as a PS1 or N64 but also most people don't want one.
Whens the bubble was going to pop?
3D printers will eventually recreate the obsolete technology
How much was the shipping?
Never, it's just going to slowly deflate over the coming years. The extremely rare games will always cost a lot because most of the supply at this point is in the hands of collectors that expect to get as much as they paid or more out of the games. Until they die it's not going to change much. Uncommon games I think are the most likely to go down, most franchises that occupy that space are dead now. It's a lot harder for new people to become nostalgic for them, and the people that grew up with them are old at this point. Comics might be a good indicator about the future of retro games, most of them are worthless with only a few rare ones being worth gangbusters.
He was right, that is the answer. It's only going to go up in price.
>Comics might be a good indicator about the future of retro games, most of them are worthless with only a few rare ones being worth gangbusters.
Sweet, all we have to do is wait for video games in general to die out as a hobby.
Mechanical device with a million ways to fail.
So yeah, probably see some kind of rise.
Up. If you import one with a "broken" drive, they'll be under $75. Reason I say "broken" drive and importing is because Japs don't truly test their stuff.
I'm not sure, but I bought one over 10 years ago and I love it.
>i need to wait a couple months to get the money
why are you spending time on video games if you need to save to be able to spend 100 dollars
wait, how? I have a modded japanese Saturn that has worked beautifully since I got it 4 years ago. Are they prone to have issues like this anon claims?

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