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What's your favorite Langrisser game?
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It was my first Langrisser
I liked how strong magic was, and the various story flags that changed the outcomes of things and how you could level-select to go change those flags like some sort of time-travel game
(I think all Langrissers have level-select but I had a real use for it in 3)
Of course the battle screen graphics are ugly and I turned that off immediately. They were wise to go back to the old way with 4.
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My favorite Langrisser game is Growlanser, though I never actually beat it but got 30-40 hours-ish in the game.

SRPGs are lame
>looks like only version not in moon is 4
What am I in for? Also, wtf do the cards do? I hate this cryptic intro shit in games, why do this?
corean dog eater
>looks like only version not in moon is 4
Nah, the first one was localized as Warsong on Genesis and 2/Der Langrisser were fan-translated in the early 2000s.
I'm finishing up my current Super Robot Taisen playthrough before I start on this series, but based on my taste I'm willing to predict that whichever game is the one with the honey brown elf girl in it will be my favorite regardless of all other factors.
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What happened?
Betty is best girl
Pauldron market crashed
I miss the era of big hair big pauldrons big tits :(
warsong/ langrisser 1 was the first srpg i ever beat, and is still basically my favorite in the genre.
1-3 are great on all systems. They shit the bed with 4. Mechanics are garbage but I guess they had to try something new.
Corporate goons think the old stuff is "dated" so they have it replaced with soulless slop made by some nobody
langrisser 1 got ported to pc engine and surprisingly its better (but japanese only)
Der Langrisser was then ported to PC-FX.
Yay, I guess?
Langrisser Mobile
>girls with small tits turned into titty monsters and vice-versa
The original artist was a legend who bankrupted himself on the best porn episode in his time. Other guy is some shitter who can only make decent guy faces and never heard of shadows to save his life.
thanks, alright I'll start with 2 because it gets to the action pretty quick. What does the blue around the hero characters mean? Am I supposed to keep the grunts around them?
Why do japs use this shitty artist to ruin their remakes.
The blue area around heroes is their zone of leadership, and their units get bonus attack/def when they're inside.
Damaged units will also heal 3HP when right next to their leader at the start of a turn.
I think there's some kind of tutorial that explains this in early maps.

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