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File: IMG_0508.jpg (24 KB, 334x299)
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Underrated. One of the best games to play when drunk or high with a friend or two
dude weed lmao
I actually don’t smoke weed. Only got high off painkillers that were prescribed. Played this drunk, but threw in high because some people actually like weed and it would be a good time for them. For me though, weed is overrated as all fuck
The one game that is good to play high is Dragon Ball Final Bout.
>weeb trash
>wah wah i have no friends
I was obsessed with SP when I was a kid and rented this game and was severely pissed I wasted my weekend game rental on a fucking trivia game
Retard, I just made a thread recommending people play Chef’s Luv Shack with friends, like I do

Still better than those other two annoying as fuck games they released around this time
I feel that way about Knuckles Chaotix but it's not a very convincing argument, because it also applies to way better games
not when you're 8 years old and just want to hear swear words and run around South Park. an adult trivia game is a boring as fuck to a kid. not even that, the questions weren't even about South Park. it was random pop culture shit
>getting high off prescription meds
the absolute fucking state of zoomers
We used to play this on my friend's n64 it was great
What gives you the strange idea that millennials or Gen X weren't doing this
Prescription drugs were only for sheltered kids who got scammed. Everyone else did street drugs.
Weird how oxys were a lot more sought after than brown heroin...
That's cute.
don't care
have sex incel

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