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This game is such a huge step back from 3 in terms of world design and atmosphere. Everything is packed together and there's nothing to discover or any sense of exploration. Most of the map is just back alleys and the only spot that isn't is a gigantic beach with absolutely nothing on it. Just wandering around Liberty City finding hidden packages and exploring the map is one of the best parts of the game.
While the gameplay mechanics are undeniably improved, especially aiming and the camera, VC feels like a cheap budget title ripoff in comparison in every other way
I'm Lance Vance.
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I disagree. Vice City was much more alive because it is indeed densely packed.
At the time it came out it was especially cool since it was a period piece you could treat it as a faux Time Machine. That was a novelty all in its own. I stand by Vice City having the most finely crafted environment of any GTA to this day, limitations and all. Liberty City didn’t necessarily feel like New York in the year 2000 while Vice City absolutely feels like Miami in 1986.

Vice City also has the best licensed soundtrack of any video game to this day. That soundtrack was so unbelievably good that you found the cd box set at every store that sold music in the USA.

Because it’s also ripping off movies and television more directly, it has the better and higher stakes narrative. Tommy is a more compelling character to play since he isn’t just a blank slate for the player to project onto.

Vice City came out basically exactly a year after 3 because they were working on it before 3 even came out. It is an expansion, but certainly not a budget expansion. If you really did explore GTA3, you would have seen this sign.

I’m not sure where the “vice city is bad/inferior to 3” revisionism is coming from lately but at minimum they are equals.
VC > 3 > SA
GTA was a franchise built on novelty, not game design. Our brain thought it was magic, even though we were following a linear story, it felt like it was us exploring it.

Stuff like yellow paint, didn't exists. You never know what you are allowed to do or not. So it was exciting.

As the series goes on, you realize oh that pink marker is the only intractable activity. Oh a button prompt is the only thing that indicates interactivity.
Yup, 3 is good but VC was a great spin off and novelty. Still my favorite GTA
Instead of starting a new thread I'll ask here:
Was version 1.0 of re:3 and re:VC the latest version before the take down?
Does anyone have a link to re:LCS?

I just want the latest versions of everything.
Anon, once you are on that path. You should just bite the bullet and start writing your own dream game. Watch Handmade Hero, and just do it.
*taps sign*

All gta games are the definition of slop, made for lowest common denominator muttmericans. it also started the "dude what if we open world" trend that has destroyed the gaming industry and ruined countless once-beloved franchises.
...I just wanted to know if I had the latest versions of the sourceports.
>Vice City was much more alive because it is indeed densely packed
>Vice City also has the best licensed soundtrack of any video game to this day
Vice City Stories takes a massive shit all over VC.
>Because it’s also ripping off movies and television more directly, it has the better and higher stakes narrative
...Oh you were shit posting the entire time, never mind.
Honestly it's time someone just nukes your country. You know which one.
I never played GTA, what's the best way of playing them today? on the PS2?
There's no need. These games have 0 focus on game design. People who like these, are those who played these games as a sandbox when they were kid.
My parents banned me from playing the games when I was a kid 25 years ago, so I never really played the games but I wanna try them now.
GTA 3, VC and SA on PS2, then LCS and VCS on PSP.
GTA SA is all you need, then. But remember, the feature that caused the controversy about sex was removed from most versions.
>getting this big mad over VC
i found vc disappointing compared to 3. i stayed in line for the midnight release and the next day at high school i was the only one who wasnt gushing about it. it was quantity over quality. cop ai wasnt nearly as fun to fuck with. graphics took a huge step back. animations felt like they had less frames and there was tons of jank. the only thing they added that i really liked was motorcycles, but even then for some reason they made you fall off the bike if you tried to flip. i thought san andreas was even worse and i stopped playing it once i reached the vegas area.
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godfather > gta 3
scarface > vice city

Vice city was originally just going to be an expansion pack from 3 before they decided to make it it's own standalone game. I think the small kind of empty map is a hangover from the expansion pack focused design.
you can jump out of a moving car in VC so it is better
*taps sign*

/vr is full of pathetic sexless virgins who only understand how to play two button bing bing wahoo games, anything more complicated or expansive than that and it triggers their weapons grade autism.
The game relies far too heavily on its soundtrack for atmosphere. In 3 simply running around on foot, listening to NPC lines, watching people get mugged or carjacked, hearing horns honking or crashes happen, it made the entire city feel alive.
VC for some reason removed almost all that. Barely any NPC lines, the world is very static and lifeless. You're obviously intended to always be in a car listening to the radio
>The game relies far too heavily on its soundtrack for atmosphere. In 3 simply running around on foot, listening to NPC lines, watching people get mugged or carjacked, hearing horns honking or crashes happen, it made the entire city feel alive.
>VC for some reason removed almost all that. Barely any NPC lines, the world is very static and lifeless. You're obviously intended to always be in a car listening to the radio

Selective memory and bias at work. NPCs are just as talkative and reactionary in VC as they were in 3. It's fucking ridiculous to make this claim just because you like 3 more.
>because they were working on it before 3 even came out
>you would have seen this sign.
You retarded?
I just finished 3 which I've played around the holidays almost yearly since it's released. And I just started playing VC which I try to go back and replay every so often, but usually drop because of the issues I mention.
VC is absolutely more of a dead static world than 3 is and I don't even know how you can debate that. Part of it is the design, because the cramped back alleyways leave you away from people and roads, but even if you just go down the strip nothing happens. At most a cop will chase an NPC so you can get the good samaritan bonus.
Most NPCs are mute unless you run into them, and the cars are much more robotic with far less AI scripts.
Going from Red Light to Saint Marks on foot you'll see muggings, gang fights, maybe a car jacking or wreck, you'll hear 30 different NPC lines, see the tram go by, watch two NPCs get in a fist fight.
VC is dead in comparison
Nobody likes you, that's why your country is in serious danger.

These are complete dialogues, not including cut-scenes, of both games.

The entire word count for GTA3 dialogues wiki page is:

The entire word count for GTA:VC dialogues wiki page is:

There is more unique pedestrian/gang/police dialogue in GTA:VC than GTA:3 by a significant amount.
And none of it plays most of the time
I'm playing VC after III again right now and I have to agree on exploration. Liberty City has a great street layout with lots of notable landmarks so it's easy to learn and wide streets make it fun to drive through. Vice City, especially Vice Beach has narrow streets with ungodly amount of cop spawns, making it easy to get busted on a mission like fire fighter or paramedic. Shoreside Vale was also pretty bad but it was just a small portion of a larger world.
Exploring was also much more rewarding in III, nearly every little alleyway had something of interest like a package, weapon, vehicle or rampage. Vice City is barren by comparison.
As for the music, VC is cool but nowadays I'm so sick of 80s nostalgia that I can't help but favor III's turn of millennium OST. I'm listening to the Rise FM set every day since the last time I've beaten the game. I also like how entire two radio stations in III consist of in-house songs that complement the pop-culture satire aspect of the game. Later entries have almost all licensed soundtracks and feel more celebratory.
It does. You have a bias against VC because it's clear you prefer the original, but lying about VC is a bit ridiculous.
I have played 3, VC, and to a lesser extent SA since they come out multiple times.
I have no idea why you think this other than bias because it simply isn't true. Even if you stay in your hotel in VC, you will hear nothing but pedestrian dialogue, cops, fights and shoot outs without even leaving the building.

I also don't think they changed vehicle AI whatsoever.

I really don't know where you are getting any of this, because there is no proof of it. Anyone can play these games and see for themselves.
Maybe if a construction worker isn't always screaming "IN THE NAVY!" you think everyone is mute?
I'm literally playing the game right now, and have owned all three games since their release date.
Since no one is being very helpful and basically just being /v/2.0 YOU FAT FUCKING SPASTICS I'll give you my recommendation as a skinny good looking spastic:

Go get GTA1 Ready2Play and just play the first city till the first cutscene, should take more than an hour. If you enjoy it them play more, if you don't at least you can see why the jump to GTA3 was mindblowing back then.

Play 3 with fixes so it runs - don't start getting HD models etc. unless it's the xbox ones, play with a controller and appreciate the top down view option if you don't use it. Play it as a VIDEO GAME, as in have fun with it, dick around - it's not a simulator. You HAVE to remember when it was released and the dramatic jump forward - it's jank as fuck and if you can't get over that then, wrong board, chief.

Addendum: if you like the first one the GTA2 is tremendous fun but completely detached from pseud-reality, more cyberpunk. Personally I love it but I'm a fag who still loves the first one. Something about the faux radio just makes that game so replayable for me.
I have literally given you hard evidence there are more unique pedestrian interactions in VC than 3. I'm not even saying one is better than the other, you have very autistically convinced yourself that VC is a silent, linear game.
By the numbers, VC's pedestrians interact with one another more, to the tune of about 500 words more.
IDK what else to tell you man, believe whatever you want to.
>While the gameplay mechanics are undeniably improved, especially aiming and the camera,
Bot post. Clean it up, janny.
nuts, 3 is kinda a bad game and Vice City is better.

Stay away from the garbage 'definitive' versions. 3 and VC have reverse engineered pc ports and for San Andreas the old Steam version modded. I don't know if they have removed songs and other bad changes though.

PS2 emulated isn't bad though. For Vice City, use either 1.40 or 2.01, avoid later revisions like the plague. They remove and censor a lot of content. If you use 1.40, make sure not to save at the ice cream factory, there's a chance it can wipe your save but other than that it's a good version. 2.01 removes bugs including the ice cream factory save bug and like one shitty song from flash fm, but they kinda change the guns to look a bit worse imo.
It's bad enough you're a fanboy, you don't need to be dishonest and evasive on top of it.

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