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this is an SNES game
if it was a snes game you could save
>>11626915 (OP)
>an SNES
>an ess-ness
opinion discarded
it's "an ess enn ee ess"
snez but yeah
It's called the super NES. as in "super en ee es"
>>11626915 (OP)
It really is. Third gen has nowhere near the technology able to run such a game.
>>11626915 (OP)
>this is an SNES game

That's what YouTubers say

Even a guy from my village parroted that shit
no you say it like a word like “snez”
Why do you say it with a z?
nta because that's how english works.

How do you pronounce the word "frees"? - do you prounce it the same as "freeze" or do you pronounce it "fress" like a retard?
Shit tier:
>Ess En Ee Ess
Mid tier:
Top tier:
>Super Nintendo Entertainment System
GAWD tier:
>da soopa
Essenniess was a rather swell console
everyone in the 90s just called it super nintendo
An ess enn e ess game
And we called the NES "The Nintendo"
Our moms also called the Genesis and Playstation "The Nintendo"
Correct tier:
>Super Famicom
Yeah. I was in my mid 30s when I first heard someone call it a Sness. It sounded really weird at first.
This or "sness"
>>11627657 (you)
Or "super nintendo", I forgot
I've never heard anyone say "snez" before, it sounds weird, like a sneeze
>>11626915 (OP)
Naw. That's like calling Star Fox a Jaguar game. It had a chip in it that allowed it to do more than NES things, but the SNES was way more powerful. SMB3 would be the worst looking SNES game, or close to it from a technical standpoint.
>>11626915 (OP)
No, that will only play on NES control decks. You need Mario All Stars in order to play Super Mario Brothers 3 on a SNEZ.
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>This is a Super Nintendo game
Did someone beat you to within an inch of your life as a child for you to be so God damn stupid?
MOM tier
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>>11626915 (OP)
this is a NES game
>not saying "an sness" to trigger the non-ESL crowd
This manlet plays may-rio on his znez
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the only reason they made this was to prevent the generi-fication of their brand. In a US court if you can demonstrate that a brand name is so ubiquitous with a product then the copyright holder can no longer secure its protection.
Needs a troll edit with Alex Kid and Sega System
reddit used to cum and shart themselves upvoting this
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>nooo you can't call it a nintendo think about the hecking trademarkerinoes
>Super enn-eee-ess
>he said the words
Uh oh
nuh uh it's called regular nintendo
SNES rhymes with chess

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