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I recently finished this game and wanted to talk about it. I thought the combo system was neat, and everyone sharing a single mana pool for casting adds a nice amount of depth to the combat. I also really like the way gems and OOParts allow for a wide variety of builds.
Anyway, what's your favorite route and why? For me it's Janice's because of the epic battle against the Self-Eaters at the end. God bless those brave meatshield decoys.
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Also, I found this in the graphics folder, but I don't think I've ever seen it in-game. What is this?
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Shiki's route was probably my favorite. Comfiest home base, favorite main character, interesting reveals.

I forget if this is from the hidden route, a leftover from the original version, or unused entirely
I wanna say it's the 2nd or 3rd option since I don't recognize it at least
>hat world thread
>no one posting in it
what went wrong?
Leftover from the old version.
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>I don't know how it'd work as someone's first route
It was actually my first route lol. I was confused as fuck at first, but also interested in finding out more about the Self-Eaters. Learning more about the true nature of the hats while playing through the other routes made me appreciate Janice's route more retrospectively. I agree with you on the stuff with Big Mama and Jacou, though.
Based architect Fred.
Is every route long or/and repeate content? Asking because my monkey brain doesn't let me replay games.

Is this a new meme or are people legit brain damaged?
goburinbro pls go
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That pic reminds me, despite Backbeard's Boob-lover personality, if you throw Prim in a party of flatties he doesn't favor attacking her. Evidently her size is also one of Hat World's Locked secrets.
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>I could never stand you anyway... That Coalescence of yours? Putting everyone to a nice, peaceful sleep?
>Pathetic child's play, compared to the despair I once commanded!

Such a great moment. Glad Feuilletine got more character development in the 7th route.
Her size is not much of a secret for Vio, that's for sure.
So I checked out the old version of the game out of curiosity. These are the differences with the current version that I have noticed so far by playing a bit of Dora's route and taking a look at the files:
>Dora, Chocolat, Frederica, and Kelly have different designs
>Parties consist of 3 members instead of 4
>There are no visible stats, but there are "properties" that depend on your currently equipped weapon (ATK, DEF, AGI, and MAG). You can redistribute the values of these properties at the cost of crystals
>Instead of tactics, there are "positions" that affect your properties and likelihood of being targeted. Each party member can change their position as a free action every turn
>Many areas have different layouts
>Almost all the music is different
>You have charge actions by default
>Fred and Kelly are not recruitable and Prim doesn't exist yet
>There are no guns
>All endings seem to be basically the same. Routes are less distinct from one another in general
For anyone interested, I'll leave a link to this version with the files decrypted: https://mega.nz/file/428DVCbC#8V68Wq4Ne_hI_1ATEIjycCz9-ltAnFOqIIs1Bm8uZ1c
Are there any other interesting differences I forgot to mention? Sorry for the ESLness, yes.
Shiki had a slightly different hair color and shape when hatless, also you're playing the "new old" version which got an update somewhat recently.
Each route has the same sidequest list with mostly minor dialogue changes. The main stories are plenty different, but aside from midgame and endgame sequences they all involve running through the worlds of the six main girls in the same way. 100% on my first route was 20some hours, subsequent routes took me around 5 hours each rushing the main story, and I didn't carry over anything in the jewelry box that cost points so it could've been faster.
I do get the Dora change but this is nice too
man that 立 is in a very interesting place
Yeah, Shiki's route is the best. Makes a great introduction to the setting too.
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Found a weird bug
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lmao 2nat
Will need more information than that, what were you doing and what happened before you go back to home? At the very least it seems harmless.
Didn't notice/do anything weird before I got back home. I talked to Melissa and pressed Ctrl as soon as the Mille Noris background appeared (picrel), but for some reason the screen transition animation played, and a second Natalie came running at me from the other side of the screen. I couldn't get this bug/glitch/whatever to happen a second time after many tries. It seems like a harmless and very rare glitch, so I wouldn't worry too much about it.
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>Mille Noris
Mille Noirs*
Fucking hell
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I love Apocalypse
Two story questions.
In Mel's route, her hat is unleashed when entering the NPG facility, but it isn't in her world so she shouldn't be able to do this, and from what I remember Unleash Hat isn't available to her there either. Is that a leftover from the original game or just a plot hole?
Mel's route establishes that the role of Big Mama requires being directly linked to APES, but the replacement Big Mama in the hidden route doesn't do this, without ramification. Also a plot hole, or did I miss something?
I do recall that being a thing in the original but I'd just wave it as just Hat supercomputer shenanigans, Don't think too much about it, it's supposed to be cool more than anything
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I also have a story-related question. What was Jacou's "trap" exactly? At first I thought it was the explosion that destroyed Prim's body, but after reading the NPG facility notes in the hidden route I'm not sure anymore.
Oops, I forgot to spoiler that webm. Don't open unless you finished all the routes.
That was her trap. Increased data traffic to Cybernetics made her suspect the only person affiliated with them, and she couldn't risk digging deeper, so she took Prim out and made it look like an accident. The other notes are from later on, after she realized she'd been baited into that.
Final route spoilers:
The trap was something else not mentioned, Primrose entered Hat World way before Jacou's Notes were written, if you read the notes in the Final route they continue on the day immediately after the trap was sprung on Yuno and she turned it around to bait Jacou to Cybernetics.
The increased data traffic was due to the virus phoning home around the time Yoko's got plugged to the system and starting the calculations of the events depending on where she fell as the calculations ran on PEACH
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prim, my beloved
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Prim screenshots caught my interest last thread, I was not disappointed.
Is the TL still the one in the Mega link? Surprised they haven't made some page, or worse discord, for it
it's better that way
huh, I must retarded, had no problems installing it last year and now it's JP only despite all the files being there
You just move all the shit over and that's it, right? Or was there supposed to be a data folder there in the og files?
it's not a patch, the game in the mega folder is just translated by default
you're in jp locale or equivalent locale emulator?
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>it's not a patch
ah yep, I am retarded, thanks
Been playing a bunch of TL games and so many require hunting down OG files I didn't even stop to wonder why the ""patch"" file was so big
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>what's your favorite route and why?
Lavie and Nat for their final bosses, Shiki and Mel for their stories.
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>he doesn't know about the secret cat route
look at anon and laugh
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Ay yo! The legendary thread is back! Now, if only Enchant Farm did the same...

>Anyway, what's your favorite route and why?
Natalie - the ultimate hat user selection game is a great driver to motivate the player to seek truth, the main revelation comes off strong and the final boss where you fight against the whole gameplay system itself is very epic. The ending itself hits right in the feels, being the right mix of sad and happy.
I have a soft spot for Lavie's because it's the first one I did and I've known a few people who've died in horrible ways, and young, so her motivation resonated with me. The self replicating machines have a cool gimmick to their fight too.
The true route I liked but the final boss of that one is such a piece of shit compared to everything else in the game. I spit on her.
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I recall Dora > Janice > Shiki > Natalie > Lavie > Mel being mentioned last thread as the recommended play order for least spoilers to big reveal
Last person I recommended the game to I suggested Dora > Janice > Lavie > Shiki > Natalie > Mel, because Shiki's route is a big reveal so putting it later seemed preferable, but I imagine there's a bit more mystery to the day-to-day when she waits to the end to reveal where the numbers are coming from instead of spilling it to Natalie up-front
I think for people who haven't played the original game, the JP wiki suggests Janice > Dora > Natalie > Lavie > Shiki > Mel, and more or less the reverse of that if you have.
What do you think the best play order is? Does it matter?
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i simply went left to right when i played for the first time, except i swapped janice and mel
dora's is a good intro but a bit stingy with the interesting plot bits and i recall my motivation flagging somewhat in the middle before picking up again
i think shiki's is honestly good to do early, shiki herself is fun, the route is great, and while it does spoil a big chunk, now the other routes become trying to figure out how their plot slots in with what you now know which can be more fun than blundering around in the dark

but pretty much anything goes as long as you save mel for late/last
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Why the FUCK can't you recruit her and the rest of the Thousand Black Coffee Shop permanently?
that will be 1k crystals per battle, yes
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always listen to what prim has to say
always do the opposite
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low-key esoteric prim bullying is my favorite part of hat world
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Im playing it right now. Holy fucking SOUL
more people did this than i expected
i guess it beats going all the way back once you've finished
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hahahahahahahahahahah.... help me oh my fucking god this bitch is so strong that I learned like 9 new moves and I can't go to other Worlds and grind there HELP
oh no you did janice route first didn't you
do literally anything to avoid her OS triggering
if you have some spare crystals and have beaten shiki then getting time magic for the 1 turn freeze will do it
if you can't do that then maybe spam judgement skills to keep her OS down
kelly is the fucking stronk and her gameplay self reflects this
also make sure you lower her values to absolute limit, i can't remember if they remind you about this but hers works the same way as janice's world, you gotta run away from fights to lower it
If you can't prevent or survive Overextend, autores effects don't proc until it completes, so they don't get shredded by the multihits despite what you might otherwise expect.
Does Primroses weapon ever get like an upgrade with the same ability or do you just have to give up its special ability
you just keep her with keyrod forever because the skill is worth the damage loss by a considerable margin
it's not like prim really falls off damage wise, just spam star flare
I didn't flash star flare until several hours into sidequest cleanup after finishing every route
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Did you upgrade her gem? It still takes awhile to max out arts but I've found it to be useful.
Yeah. The main problem was likely me maining magic and not using mace arts often enough to flash it, though Star Flare does have the lowest flash rate of anything in the game as well.
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Serviata has a skill that just forces charm even when you have the literal one item in the game that SAYS IT NEGATES FUCKING CHARM WHEN EQUIPPED

And that's where I started using cheat engine. Little cock sucking slanty eyed nip don't you fuck with me and give me that bullshit
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You're supposed to lose to Serviata on your first try, anon.
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There is a gem to counter EXACTLY that. Plus, she's not that hard.
>Fight Prim
>She has her own little theme song

What all do you throw in the jewelry box? My first run through all the routes I only put in things with no cost, but thinking about using it more for a second go. Feel like dropping in characters would trivialize most of the game, but there's some really good swords and guns available early, so other weapons for the sake of variety would probably be fine too...except then the weapon has to not be equipped at the end to transfer it by itself.
you really, really, really want to put your characters in there. all of them. yes this makes subsequent routes easier but that's kind of the point, you pick up speed as you go through the routes. final route will probably be borderline impossible if you haven't been putting your characters in the box.
otherwise i'd just stick a couple weapons in there, i dunno if you found the secret freebie weapon upgrade machine but you can make a beastly weapon by running it through there, boxing it, and then repeating through each route
Nah, I already did that once without it. iirc without carryover they start with their favored masteries at 20 and high rank weapons, it's not always an ideal loadout for the times you get them but they're sufficient for what you need to do (and always a better weapon than I ended routes with anyway). Matryoshka in that route was pretty rough though, so I'll probably at least box accordingly for that one this time.
somehow my brain just omitted the >through all the routes part of your post, my bad
that's nice as a failsafe though, i figured if you didn't carry them over they'd just be clean slate
still probably requires some grinding to get them back up to speed but at least you're not completely softlocked
Put in the characters you invested most in, goodn accessories that are limited per route, and higher tier weapons.
>What all do you throw in the jewelry box?
A starter kit for the new MC(Dual Guns or dual swords), the red shoes accessory to plop on the Yoko. Then Yoko,Prim and the helper from the last story.

>Feel like dropping in characters would trivialize most of the game
The majority of the game is trivial to begin with. Especially on NG+ where you by default have ALL your tactics and ALL your OOParts carry over. Only the last bosses and late side quest enemies have much of a real chance of KO'ing you. Everything else you just spam auto battle on Decoys to get their Values down otherwise their health is too inflated.

Also I very much hope you're just clout posting or something with that whole bullshit about not carrying over your characters. That's a TREMENDOUSLY retarded,perhaps even autistic ass choice. It takes hours to level up one character properly. Even putting aside the gems(Which all start back at fucking 50 in NG+) you'd still have to dice roll with the Flash skill stuff. Never do that again if you are being serious,that's a waste of air.
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If the character isn't free, they aren't going in the box.
>It takes hours to level up one character properly.
I don't think individual routes are long enough to care, but I also don't make an effort to max things out, so I can understand that pov with a lot of time and effort sunk into characters.
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All the characters you used during that run and maybe a weapon or two if you have space.
In my experience the time spent on routes gets shorter and shorter as you skip more sidequests and have less grinding to do.
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anon please for your own sake
put the side characters in the box. this is not a request.
i know you're not starved for space unless you have like 20 swimsuits in there
I hate to admit defeat, but I can't figure out how to get 100% in Graveyard City District 1. I'm stuck at 96%. does it have to do with the yellow grave? I dunno what else to try or where to look. I've fully finished all other maps and quests.

while I'm at it, what is Decoypedia entry #145? and what is the weapon upgrade thing that one girl is talking about? I think those are the last things I'm missing
she's a cutie
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got a lot of use out of this baby, it's either the room in the pic or the one the arrow's pointing to, or both
#145 is the gun dudes, fight sword dudes in the colosseum until they call for backup
weapon upgrade is to the right of where ancient laser beam robot is hiding, in the quicksand labyrinth. gotta charge jump over the wall
damn, thank you. definitely was never going to find that room. never even considered having to fly over that many rooms to find something. sad thing is I even tried going left from up there instead... never would have found #145 either, that's just fucked up.

disappointed I didn't find the upgrade room though. went back down there so many times, must have done the jump wrong before
Has anyone played his other game that got a tl this year? Is it any good?
Just upgrade her weapon??? Duh
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I finished Mels route but there this door left in her final area that really has me curious. How do you unlock it?

I'm keeping a save here just in case. There's a lotta lore shit in her final area.
That's for another route.
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Think it's unlocked via completing an earlier sidequest.

works on my machine
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>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>side quest
That's the worst possible thing to fuckin' hear because I did absolutely none of them. If it's connected to the World Of Friends chick side quest that door can just go fuck itself. That shit takes so much time If it is tell me and also let me judge if I wanna bother,what's inside those rooms? Some more lore? A good or useless item?
pretty sure you all you gotta do is talk to the old lady in graveyard district, alone
it's not super lore heavy, more like a rest stop than anything
Are there any differences between the characters beyond a few points of starting stats and how much I like them?
All the main characters get unique features in their routes, some of which are quite powerful.
A couple non-main girls have unique abilities as well spoiled in case you want to find that out organically Prim, Kelly, and Frederica
For the rest of them, it’s just their starting proficiencies, which match what they level if you leave them alone, but those can be changed with gems and equipment, so it is mostly down to taste. That said, even those ones react to situations differently - some have a lot more to say in specific routes than others.
So do what weapon type I put them on matter for the unique skills?
For some yes but it’s the obvious and apparent choices for said characters?
Janice - Dual Swords, Kelly - Dual Guns, Prim’s are tied to her unique weapon that she comes equipped with
So gun Dora is a go?
Yeah shoot the crap out of ‘em
Hell yeah let's go USA
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You can't pay me jack shit to touch Natalies route again after her final boss. It's literally one of those fucked up bosses where you spend probably like 15 minutes getting their inflated health down while they do half of yours a hit or one shot youthen when they're at that last sliver of health they practically toss a coin that says if you win or not Granted though as you can see I didn't get to use Prims Cypher shit but again that's because the fucker hits too hard
Probably should have saved hers for last because that was actually worse than Mels who I thought had the most defintive boss.

IMO there's two ways to approach the game whch is gameplay balance (PRIMARILY because of the varied final boss fights) and story. I'll ASSUME a bit with Lavie because I haven't done hers yet but

For gameplay balance I think it goes
Shiki > Dora > Lavie(Maybe) > Janice > Mel > Natalie

For story it's
Dora > Lavie(Maybe) > Janice > Shiki > Natalie > Mel
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Please update.
kinda confused as i found natalie's final boss to be fairly easy, it was one of the few i didn't have to retry and i did hers third so it wasn't like i was overgeared to hell and back
having someone with high fist prof helps massively for the last leg but i'm not sure what else happened there, unless you forgot to lower the place's values or something
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Final boss difficulty I'd probably rank something like
Shiki > Lavie > Janice > Natalie > Mel > Dora
Natalie's is squishy, with less effective Life than some Keepers, but the gimmick kneecaps some party setups and can screw you on the wrong turn.
Janice's is more long and overwhelming to set up for than hard. Doesn't help that the advice to lower your own Values is sabo when 100% Janice solos phase 1 and decoys tank everything for you phase 2 so long as you prevent OS.
Dora's is long no matter what, and becomes significantly longer if your damage dips too much, or if you don't have good damage output in the first place.
If I'm not completely delusional in my belief that I can read Japanese the point of fists is that you can use fist arts without equipping the gem right?
not the entire point but yeah, you can
this is very useful for the magic tournament if you want to cheese it as a muscle witch
they also have a nice well-rounded skillset, you don't have to worry about getting new weapons, and they build stats fairly quickly too
you could just use the translation unless you're practicing your moonrunes
Her last boss doesn't have values you can lower and even if you can i'm certain it's unexplained what the quirk for that is because beating up decoys doesn't do shit which I did a lot of since I grinded my ass off there to get Nats up because the main part had 66,000~ health and the other 3/4 parts of it had like 30,000~?

Doras is long but all you really need is just 2/3 people spamming Arts and a healer with Soul items which really isn't all that different from how the vast majority of battles can be facerolled through anyway.
The Values there are fixed at 25% (the minimum) the first time through, so you're right that you can't lower them. I've heard after winning once you can raise the Values from the midboss room, but I accidentally saved over my Natalie clear so I can't verify that.
The main things that make me consider Dora's the hardest are not being able to burst it due to 10 phases, and Overdose meaning you're banned from buffing. Phoenix/Greenheart and wind/Wonder World buffs can pull you through the other final bosses at around 700~800 Life, sub-20 stats/masteries, and treasure chest-only equipment, but it feels like you need a higher baseline than that for Dora's. That said it's a simple fight when you have enough damage to guarantee one phase per turn and don't have to worry about reviving someone each turn, Giga Life Drain undoing your phase progress, or sweating over Soul/Mana depletion, but at that point nearly everything is.
Iirc you can manually adjust the values where you fight Papi, though that’s only after you’ve cleared it once. I think someone else’s (Shiki’s? It’s been a while) works the same way so yeah that lines up.
I didn’t find Natalie’s to be that bad in my experience, and she was my first one so I wasn’t pulling up with heavily upgraded equipment or anything. The last phase of it is a bit luck based, but for the first phase it’s pretty easy to distribute damage around and only remove what you have to once everything else has been damaged a lot (Kelly as usual pulls a lot of weight if you want to use her).
I had a lot more trouble with Lavie’s than Mel’s or Nat’s - more than any of the other ones you really have to go in with a plan of what you’re doing or it’s just not going to happen.
Lavie's is weird to rank relative to other bosses since it's more of a puzzle than a fight, and you have to trial-and-error some elements of it. Best case going in blind you probably wipe the first attempt and win the second, worst case you misinterpret one of several things and get stuck for awhile. I got stuck on it for an hour or so because I think I had a Carnage or Genocide Heart happen somewhere unexpected on an early attempt and thought I had to use a combo before a certain point, also not realizing for awhile that combos limit you to hitting 15? targets since the big info dump before the fight conveniently doesn't mention that unintuitive quirk
i'm pretty sure combos work but ringo drive can only "grab" a max of 16 units
could be wrong, it's been a while since i fought them legit
that said once you get to higher numbers it's detrimental to use combos anyway
Nah, other way around. My first clear involved setting Independent so OS Ringo Drive Tempest spam could kill ~70 instead of just taking out the onscreen ones and wiping to Carnage.
If there's one flaw to this game its the agony of doing all the god damn dungeons again from the beginning on each new playthrough. World of Life,Law and Battles last stages get real old real fast come the 3rd time you have to do them.
bro your charged dash w/ damascus ring and instakill trash mobs enabled?
castle of thorns you can do in like 30 seconds if you go through the secret push wall up top
i'll give you Law though, god forbid you forget the teleport order
Idk, like I get what you're saying, but with movement tech unlocked you can just not fight anything you don't want to aside from the bosses, and you know all the map's layouts by that point anyways so you don't have to waste any time either.
Natalie's clear bonus also speeds up everything like x4. It's one of the reasons why I'd recommend doing her route first, or at least early on.
Natalie's clear bonus is a godsend if you're redoing side content each route. The benefits are minimal if you aren't, since you need to run each map manually the first time and won't be backtracking much to use it.
You get different end scenes for the 3 big questlines depending on your MC, some of which are pretty good. Plus I like having the ice place unlocked as well, so I’d end up doing everything anyways to get that.
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Don't get me wrong, I think the side content is worth redoing for the differences as well as the unlocks. Just adding that it doesn't help with anon's
>doing all the god damn dungeons again from the beginning
problem, outside of like, not having to do another lap after grabbing the Law 2 Fatima, and if 30 seconds of dashing through maps is too much redundancy I don't think they're redoing sidequests.
Can I buy it on steam yet
Is Kelly recruitable outside of Janices route? How
beat her
How do you fight her
Talk to Jasmine in the Cafe after getting 3 Hats to start the Battle Tournament sidequest and then win it.
Yeah that just unlocks the battle tournament. Be more specific pal. She doesnt show there as a contestant.
You're in the Magic Master League not the Battle Tournament.
Then where is the battle tournament?
To the left, two rooms before the boss get the ticket from fighting decoys in the area.
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Is it some kinda sick dev joke that Chocolat tells you to stock up on Soul Tablets in the final story with Yoko before you fight Mashyo-however the fuck its spelled? your resources are so stupidly thin youd be lucky to make the lowest tier of healing items.

Is there somethingim missing because this shits quite cruel.
You've probably got a pile of high tier materials you can dismantle for the lesser ones you need.
Immediately before a route boss is when you’re gonna have the most materials available to you during your run.
You guys use items?
a quickie mana pot helps the ringo drive go down smoothly (assuming you don't have lovie)
soul tablets help if you don't have the leisure/patience to pull off wonderworld cheese
Soul tablets are nice for the longer final bosses, or if you're doing some Soul-inefficient strats like dual gun ringo drive railgun or doublecast Mana Gain
Mana pots I mostly just use before starting fights since it's faster than waiting for mana regen
Had a Mana Potion unexpectedly restore 0 mana. From what I recall, sequence of events was selecting Mana Potion S on Chocolat > Chocolat gets charmed (but wearing a Fallen Angel Bandaid) immediately before her turn > successfully uses the potion > Mana doesn't change > potion confirmed absent from my inventory afterward. Admittedly I wasn't paying much attention to other actions in the turn since I was focused on the mana number, so maybe there was something that consumed 30 mana before it visually updated? Against not-Dora route Matryoshka, I think phase 6 or 7, mana at a single digit number both before and after the turn.
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weird, maybe getting charmed screwed it up
good luck with that fight, it's a pretty nasty one
I mean like it’s very possible Matryoshka used up the mana if you weren’t watching
That was my initial assumption, but the mana number itself never changed from a red single digit, and with 3 mana available enemy AI normally wouldn't commit to something that eats 30.
It's the first time I've seen anything like this in 200 hours so I thought it was worth mentioning at least. Wish I had it recorded so I could reference everything that turn. The boss did completely ignore magic for the last three turns at 12/14/16 mana for whatever that's worth.
if i remember correctly the area itself has a default mana succ but it's pretty low
i'm more inclined to suspect it was a weird interplay with the charm/bandaid interaction
so is this game actually yurishit or is it just all girls
If by yurishit you mean smut than no, there's absolutely none of that in the game.
There are 2 couples in the game though, one a set of major characters and the other a set of relatively important side characters. No porn, no make-out sessions, nothing like that, but the first are married in all but name and the second are also together.

And then there's a lot of "female character being close to another female character" because duh (almost) the entire cast is female, and if that's your line for tolerance then why the heck are you even here.
okay dropped, thanks for letting know not to waste time on it
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Your loss, anon.
Just a fyi for my fellow club penguin tards: the game seems to have some dll loading problem in wine 9.0 and up so use a 8.x version. Copy the font files from the game's font folder to the wineprefix' C:\windows\fonts folder and launch the game with LC_ALL=ja_JP.utf8 envvar or you won't get text in dialog windows. Use gamescope to upscale the game if you don't use a Proton fork of wine (which does it by itself automagically last time I checked).
Does the text bubble in the mega fix not work?
I wanted to make it work with the normal version. For some reason with wine it won't load the fonts if they're not "installed globally" aka in the windows\fonts folder but that might be either a wine font loader limitation or I need to set something, I dunno.
"LC_ALL=ja_JP.utf8 wine some.exe" is basically the equivalent of using AppLocale on Windows.
>There are 2 couples in the game though
>Only one listed is major
Are you implying Tsubame isn't munching the shit out of Shiki's carpet or that Natalie isn't taking Lavie's strap? Frederica is all 926 keepers bike while we're at it.
Kelly and Janice definitely don't stop at battling.
Don't even ask about Dora and Meshleia.
The ghost girl sidequest.
The major is Nat x Lavie, the side characters are Vio x Prim.
The others aren't there. They're close but it's not the same - easy for a fanfic writer to make them into a romantic couple if they wanted to, but it would still be fanfic.
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>Don't even ask about Dora and Meshleia
okay no but seriously we need to talk about what the fuck is going on with all of that post-final route
some kind of quasi incestous/selfcest/schizo foursome with two people
or does Sera just politely look the other way while Dora does her daily "maintenance" on Mesh
>Prim is a side character
In what universe? I thought you were talking about Eris and Melissa.
There are only 7 main characters anon, unless there's been some new DLC that I missed completely.
You play as Prim in every single route. The whole game takes place in her coma. All the girls are dolls, why do you think she gives you a Vio doll? What's more believable, the events of Hat World or a girl having a long dream in a coma?
That's what I thought.
For the second question, the new Big Mama is only really in name, since Meim's still present in that route and doesn't exactly have the means to vacate her role.
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Saying this to Janice is very justified. She has a thong up her ass at all times and probably gets very sweaty from her fights. She's gonna get drippy dirty ass juice all over that chair.

Anon stop youre making me wish I was her seat
And i dont say shit like that lightly or often
>Replaying Lavie's route for fun
>Get curious about Love Grand Magic, if it even exists
>Turns out it makes you invincible
I wonder if there's anyone who beat the final boss of her route by using it instead of the intended way.
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it's an absolute lifesaver if you are replaying her route multiple times for reasons like playtesting
takes a little bit of finagling on when to pop it and to not get interrupted by thunder balls fucking up the gauge but boy is it better than doing it normally
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If I'm going that route with the fight I just go for wind instead. The Love gem's only level 5 in her route and doesn't reach level 6 until after that fight in the hidden route, so you only get to flex it there on a replay after full clearing the game.
You should try Despair Great Magic too while you're at it.
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How many ending variations does Janice get? I did "save everyone" and "only save Janice", and I assume everything in-between is the same as the latter, but I heard Janice apparently doesn't have to beat her self-eater if you take out at least one other, does that have another variation or two?
"save everyone except Janice" is the same as "save everyone" minus the final scene in the water
don't know how the others compare
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Huh, figured it would've changed the scene with the World of Battle collapsing at least.
"Only save Janice" is the same sequence of events as saving everyone, but Janice pulls back her hand when reaching out to Jacou, Jacou and Big Mama have a different dialogue, and no water scene.
Want to try this, but I noticed the latest version is 239 while the latest fantranslation is for 237
Is that going to be an issue?
stuck at conductor boss in shiki's route
carefully read the names
i'm supposed to attack "conductor of time" right?
let me jump into this and ask how to 100% Holy Land Sephirot? mine's at 95%
Anon... you've seen Back to the Future before, right? What could make someone in a later timeline cease to exist?
I got it. Thank you anon
The EN download is really the whole standalone game so not really.
clear the old man's final final challenge
won't be possible at least till you have the endgame area unlocked
do you have to do anything special to flash moon scraper on janice? I can't get it and I'm starting to go crazy. I need some reassurance here
be using dual swords i would imagine, otherwise maybe it's just shit luck/low level enemies
She can't flash it until during or after a certain late game boss fight
specifics? because I've already done 100% on all 7 routes, and I still can't get it after many hours of trying. I've flashed basically every art on every character at this point and none of them have taken close to this long
i just beat Janice's route and i got it on my battle with the self-eaters if that helps
Well that's unfortunate, you'd definitely have access to it at that point. It becomes available during World of Violence, when fighting Jacou. Flash rate on dual sword and gun-kata is the same rate as the usual strongest unblockable weapon arts, or apparently guaranteed if Janice gets hit by Moon Scraper in that fight and gets to take another turn.
I'm assuming it is just shit luck since I had the same experience with Star Flare (granted Star Flare's flash rate is worse), but you get the best odds fighting max value Keepers or the last two side bosses.
What's a Star Flare? I don't remember coming across anything with that name
Prim's unique mace art
Witnessing it sets a flag that allows you to learn it that route.
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well I give up then. either I'm the unluckiest man alive or it isn't possible to flash on route 7, which is quite stupid. I tried refighting jacou multiple times and letting janice get hit by moon scraper but it still didn't work

did I miss anything else? think I'm satisfied now. truly great game, easily one of my favorites
I edited a script July last year for someone else who was having a similar problem but I'm not sure if it will work on route 7 still.
Other than that you're pretty much done, congrats.
How the hell are you supposed to beat the infinitely self-replicating machines? What's the gimmick? Is there one?
Like Dahlia mentions before the fight, more splitting means both split HP and more targets. You've probably noticed things get scary once a certain amount spawn, so you want to get as close to that point as possible and unload with all-target attacks.
I'd recommend using Independent, combos won't split them until after all the attacks and only the ones onscreen will take damage.
Any gem recommendations?
Resurrect+Recover is the ever reliable in getting you to survive a little longer.
It can be nice to start the fight off with a Fire Grand Magic
Remove Counter gems if you don't want an agonizingly slow turn 1 wipe.
(Cover) Blocking, Resurrect, and Recover help set up safely.
HP threshold's pretty lenient unless you're trying a max Values fight, so long as you aren't running 4 fist/time magic exclusive characters damage output shouldn't be an issue.
I'm doing 2k~ damage per character. Does that sound good?
A touch low, but with some buffs, OS Power Up, or good planning it'll get the job done.
If all else fails, don't forget Lavie's Twicia or Dahlia having access to Wind Grand Magic
Matryoshka mk2 is a fucking cunt
I crutched on Prim and Kelly too much and I can't even go back home or farm mats on this route anymore
That was the hardest point of the game for me. Wonder World's Soul recovery helped a lot, Meshleia joins the party with it on that route.
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How do you get past this wall?
Beat the Quicksand Labyrinth
Then how do you beat the machine
I believe in you anon! Analyze the tools you have and come up with a plan! You can do it!
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disc 2
>Beat Janice's route yesterday after not playing for like a year
>Sad because the only self-eaters I managed to beat were Janice's and Mel's, everyone else got devoured
My own damn fault for only ever improving Kelly, Prim and Melissa. Everyone else was way too weak.

Anyway, since I haven't played in so long I can't remember the systems too well. Any reason not to just give people whatever weapon I please? Starting Mel's route and wondering if I should just make her unarmed for fast stat growths.
Also forgot to ask, whose route gives you the most lore on hat world itself and/or big mama?
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You can do whatever you want, with the asterisk that characters who learn unique arts (like Janice's Moon Scraper) have an extra selling point for sticking to their preferences
Lore's split across routes; everyone explores different aspects of Hat World, Dora and Natalie are the only two who don't touch on Big Mama at all. Mel's route has the big reveals.
>characters who learn unique arts (like Janice's Moon Scraper)
Is that ever sign posted by the game? I learned moon scraper on Janice but just assumed it was a standard sword art.
Not that I'm aware of, but the only uniques that require flashing are Janice's Meikyo Shisui and Moon Scraper, and Primrose's Star Flare.
Congratulations, you did it.
>man tries and fails to resist becoming a lolicon
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Tale older than time itself.
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Cute cat
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for me it's last stand
that's weird, i don't remember making this post
it's true though, defending is for chumps and anything that doesn't kill you will give you enough OS for a full heal
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what's the condition for Mesh to put her hair down? she only mentioned it on Janice's route for me
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Completing all sidequests.
Wish it carried over in the jewelry box, drills are great but I love her hair down design and you don't get to see much of it.
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I jumped into the game without really reading anything about it and just found out you're supposed to leave Mel as the last route, yet i'm almost done with her as my first route.
Just picked cause she looks cool as fuck.

How fucked am I?
You're fine, just probably getting to know alot more than you would if you did otherwise.
might i ask where i can get this game?
you may, i will allow it
hey, alright.
been seeing this every once in a while and finally thought to give it a try.
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enjoy, ask the thread if anything comes up
maybe don't start with mel like that other anon just above
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i can't believe yoko is fuckin' dead
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I didn't realize until recently that the Zone of Judgement is repeatable
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It's alright. The game's short (the main story takes around 3-5 hours to complete) and very easy except for the post-game superboss, which I haven't beaten yet. It's also a lot lewder and gayer than Hat World, there's literally a yuri meter that fills depending on how gay your dialogue choices are. I loved the characters, especially Galatea and her shameless horniness.
>Jacou wears a lewd outfit to "mentally stimulate" others
Providers confirmed for sluts. Btw take Jacou and Dahlia to the magic tournament if you haven't, some of the masters have unique lines with them.
i want to try the game out. where do i get it from? googling it just takes me to a cohost review.
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Damn, I just noticed that RMN is down. Here's a link to the princess game https://drive.google.com/file/d/1POZ0yY5yYivlF7KdTWbrJ7DP_XWbPrvk/view?usp=sharing
And if you meant Hat World, the download link is just a few posts above yours.
>Btw take Jacou and Dahlia to the magic tournament if you haven't, some of the masters have unique lines with them.
Huh, didn't think of that, neat. Sadly not much of substance, but cool to see there's some unique lines for it.
There’s a lot of that care to detail in the game, it’s one of the best things about it. So many little things can change based on the order you get hats for example, or even if you do a level but don’t finish the full world in stuff like Nat’s route.
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>Best final boss AND best girl
How does she do it?
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Tried to draw Dora. I might draw more hats later, does anyone have any requests? Oh, and I apologize if the post above is of low quality. I wanted to bump the thread more than anything.
Hell yeah! Lavie need some love, abusive household and all.

By the way, does anyone know if the creator finished the new costume for the hat master Yuko or not?
No specific costume for that form but she does have a new sprite in the latest JP version
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Here you go
extremely cute, saved
is dahlia an AM or an FM kind of gal
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AM radio is mostly sports and politics, so I'd say FM.
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It took me forever to notice this background seam but now I can never unnotice it
Is it still there when it opens up? That might actually be on purpose as a hint
No, it fades out with the wall. It's already marked on the map and I don't think other rooms like this have anything similar, so my money's on it being accidental.
On that note the one in Law 1 reopens while already open if you walk away and then towards it again, it's kind of funny
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>Dual Glock 17s + 2 Chekhov Guns
>Suppressive Fire base power: 1128 (1353 with Meikyo Shisui)
Is this the strongest attack in the game besides Combo Counter?
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Should be. Haven't tried it myself so I dunno how much you need to enhance the guns to make it the best in practice; I'd imagine it takes investment before it beats Railgun, Bow/Axe arts, or Moon Scraper off higher rank weapons.
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>drive me closer, i wanna hit'em with my bat
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Thread's kinda dead.
>Then how do you beat the machine
Flip turn tactic
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Man, prim talks about sandy shitholes but that looks like an actual ass hole made of and.
So what did you guys think of Yoko's route? I thought It was fun, and challenging all the way through. My favorite part was probably the sidequests (getting to see Serviata's portrait and fighting against Serena, training with Fred, and talking with Christina, to name a few moments I particularly liked). I'm not 100% sure what the "message" of the route was. Like for example the theme in Dora's route is coming to terms with the bad parts of yourself, but the "killing God" stuff in Yoko's felt kind of sudden... Though I finished the game in like 2 weeks of non-stop playing, so I probably missed some things. I should replay the route when I have the time.
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Any of you got a copy of or a link to the fan TL of The Princess and the Rose Knight, another game by this dev?

It's been uploaded here
but the download doesn't seem to work
It was cool, I enjoyed the better outcomes for other characters' stories. The altered side quests were cool too. I like Maris as true last boss, especially how she ties into the wonder world spell. But the story did feel rushed at the end, with how you never really interacted with other organizations in the consortium of five, they all just kinda get defeated off screen. I was hyped to fight against them in the real world. I like how the story keeps going if Yoko chooses not to trust Yuno until it suddenly ends.
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Why should I play this game?
Play it now before normalshitters get their hands on it. You're early.
... So the only relevant highlight of the game is that it's niche?
but anon your general is dying that you had one of your own begging the gamedev general to save you.
one of your number invaded us
t. /erg/
also wow /vrpg/ is dead as fuck huh, a FOUR MONTH old thread
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hi guys
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"Have you ever felt the curse?
With your whole being, the pox upon life itself. Feared and despised by all. The Reviled blessing.
Apparently not.
You are but a lamb. A stranger to defilement. Ignorant to your own ignorance.
You no longer interest me.
I've been long without peace. Don't spoil my quietude."
"I asked you not to disturb me. Be thankful of the Hold's serenity.
It is all that keeps your death and defilement at bay."
What the FUCK was his problem?
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Why have you summoned me here?
>summoned from both /erg/ and /agdg/
>want horns
>no horns
fuck guess i'm gonna start killin
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Sup dudes
hmmm seems like this thread doesn't have troon off topic posting, the conversations are nice, there's no cringe drama and attention whoring, if you ask a question people actually respond instead of shitposting

I will bump
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What the fuck?
can I play as a cute girl in this game?
it's literally OOPS ALL CUTE GIRLS the game, so yes
ok I will test it out then
You people want to fuck kids don't you...
not at all
I wish to be the little girl
I've made multiple attempts over the last few years and I still haven't gone much farther than the first 20 minutes of shiki's route
If Kids is your name and you're speaking in third person, the answer's still no.
Do you have adhd or some other brain problem
>Why should I play this game?
Well executed saga-like combat in an interesting setting and a roller coaster ride of plot twists.
Try to stick to it until you get to the big plot twist. You'll know it when you see it and at that point you should have a good idea if you want to keep playing.
had the same info on /agdg/
soo... someone wanna try my demo? It has RPG elements and cute girls

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