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is this really shit? i got it for free from Epic so i'm wasn't hugely invested in it. the beginning is very fun the first time, the open world, gunplay and quests are so much better than people give it credit for and the companions while not super deep are pretty funny,
this just feels like the perfect mix of action and rpg.

The only bad thing i can say is the last main quest is too cinematic.
What, Fallout 3?
Fallout 3's really good. People on here won't like it as much, since this is a place of hardcore RPG fans, and Fallout 3 is a consilized action RPG.
And some people hate it because they don't like what Bethesda's become and don't want the complication of Bethesda having made a good Fallout game in their heads.

It's fun, great atmosphere and exploration. The side quests are good.
It's generally pretty solid
3 is kino, anyone who likes 4 should kill themselves thoughbeit
3 is a great game, it just doesn't hit the same way New Vegas does. The exploration is top notch, and the quests outside the main quest are very memorable. I just wish the main quest gave you more freedom like NV and Wasteland 2 ended up doing, and even Morrowind before it.
no it's just mediocre
I like Fallout 4, but it's not an RPG.
If one considers Fallout 4 an RPG, then they should also consider Fry Cry 3 an RPG, since they share the same RPG mechanics.
New Vegas is better since it focuses on what generally is the more fun side of Fallout 3, characters and quests, and downplays the combat and dungeons which aren't as enjoyable.
New Vegas, by virtue of having over 200 quests alone, is better than 3. And that's not even
considering the improvements in writing, main story, gameplay and more.

Though New Vegas could have used more of the desolate atmosphere that made exploration in Fallout 3 so special.
why do jannies keep making these "is x game shit???" threads
Some people are just insecure and want their own opinions regurgitated back to them. That way, they can feel justified, knowing they are not the only person liking a particular game/thing, which general consensus deems not worth of admiration.

It's to make sure that they don't feel bad about having shit taste in entertainment, as if it's important. It's the whole "If other people like it, then that means I'm justified in liking it!" kind of thing.
It's more fun than New Vegas because it's not a railroaded adventure with an awful selection of weapons.
Fallout 3 is basically standard bethesdaslop where you run around and clear dungeons and do quests and shit. Literally just oblivion with guns basically

NV is worse because it eliminates pretty much the only good thing about bethesda shit. There are basically two directions you can go in New Vegas and one of them basically ruins the entire progression of the game if you do it(going north immediately instead of south). Going south involves completing the exact same boring quests and visiting the same tiny towns you will never see ever again in the exact same order it always is. The weapons are also retarded and imbalanced. Once you have a shotgun of any kind the entire game is over. In that sense it is more of a true fallout game, because the combat is basically an afterthought between getting to speech checks. That too, I guess as well. In 3 you just get small shortcuts in quests by passing speech checks and in NV you get to do retarded shit like make the final boss run away in fear instead of fighting you. So basically play 3 if you want a bethesda game and NV if you want a reddit game
it was pretty good for the time. NV one upped it, naturally seeing as NV was an expansion.
There hasn't really been a decent Fo3 alternative made ever since.
if you take what this anon >>3436784 said along with the fact that jannies are troons fueled by narcissistic hedonism and deserve nothing short of death by suicide it makes perfect sense
I don't know much about the psychological condition, which convinces people to "transition", if you can call it that. In my honest opinion, taking a few hormone pills over a period of time only constitutes a physical change in characteristics and aesthetics, not a change in the underlying biological manifestation that is the original condition of sex.

Basically, cutting off your balls and dick does not inherently change anything. That's just cope.

As for what you're pointing out, hedonism and narcissistic behaviour, I would agree. Once an individual is entrenched in their current situation, be it especially true if it's by their own choice, the underlying thoughts and doubts never goes away. Your unconscious is powerful.

Insecurity and narcissistic behaviour with a touch of hedonism is like rum and coke with a touch of lemon juice. It's self flatulence to have your life choices become admirable through echo chambers by other people in the same situation.

This is true for a lot of other people, but as for trannies, this is especially true.
I hate them. My primary occupation is a teacher in a first world country (not USA, just be clear), but after actually working as a teacher in a real schooling environment, I am despised by some teachers handling of sexual development. I work in primary education, these children are only between 7-10 years old.

Grooming is not exactly the right word, but there's definitely a culture of affirmation. Some girls are just more into playing with boys, and some boys just like playing with girls. These people actively seek a sexual explanation, which is absolutely abhorrent.
just a reminder, the game is 100% an rpg. while you can play it like a shooter, don't expect the mechanics of a shooter.
And that's why it's a good arpg
It's good, but a downgrade from FO1 and 2. NV is FO3 if FO3 was closer to FO1 and 2.
FO 1 and 2 are unplayable
Nah, you're just a zoomer retard with brain rot.
Zoomers played more games so they can tell at first glance the combat in fo 1 and 2 sucks
Good one, zoomzoom.
You could just say you don't really like fallout
+1 they are way too fucking easy and the interface sucks
Fallout 2 is not "way too fucking easy." Play on rough difficulty and head south instead of east. The only UI issue the game has is the inventory. Everything else is fine, and the aesthetic is 10/10 to this day.
People who play games RPG's that only care about good/serviceable combat is the reason we have Fallout 4.
Fallout 3 is alright. Just not as good as New Vegas.
Yeah, and people who only care about writing should read books. Gameplay is pretty fucking important in GAMES
People who don't like 3 are NMA fags.
Fallout 3 caused quite a tantrum among the autistic FO fans, it was fucking stupid
I agree, FO3 was fucking stupid and its autistic fans still throw tantrums when its pointed out.
FO1 and 2 have better gameplay than FO4. NV has better gameplay than FO4. FO4 sucks. You are a zoomer retard and have no valid opinions about video games. See yourself out.
Thank you for telling us you are brown
its fun and was good for its time. It wasn't a good Fallout game in regards to gameplay or story. It also didn't have good gameplay or story as a standalone game.
Despite this, it was fun. And mods make it even better.
>It wasn't a good Fallout game in regards to gameplay or story.
I don't know, I think Fallout 3 did pretty well in turning the isometric CRPG of Fallout into a more conventional first person, open world, action RPG.
VATs brings the whole limb targeting system into the format of a conventional shooter in a really novel way.
The random encounters from wandering across the wasteland really well imitate the encounters you got in Fallout 1 and 2 when traveling via the overworld map.

I think the DC subway system, even if it's a bit annoying, made the city seem as large and menacing as travelling to LA in Fallout 1 was, with the overworld map slowly turning black around the old city and then cutting to that picture of the ruined skyscrapers.

They could have done more to make it more of an RPG, done something more akin to Vampire: The Masquerade: Bloodlines where the skills and stats of the player character were super important for the player's ability to say shoot or whatever - while still having it be a playable thing and not just % chance to hit.
But I guess Bethesda were more interested in making a more conventional game which would appeal to those who aren't just hardcore RPG fans.

Hell, I think the combat even being kinda shitty works in the game's favor. Because it makes it so the core appeal of the game isn't just shooting, you're playing for atmosphere or exploration.
It helped the game feel not like a standard shooter game, but something different from the sea of other FPS's which were being made in the mid to late 2000s
>FO1 and 2 have better gameplay than FO4
That's like saying minesweeper has better gameplay than Star Fox 64, those are entirely different genres.

Though you're definitely in a minority opinion here, (maybe not on this board specifically) but a fluid modern shooter is much more popular and seen as more fun then awkward controlling, highly difficult, somewhat dated 1990s CRPGS.
I don't even think most people who love 1 and 2 would agree that they are more fun than 4 on just a gameplay level.
>since this is a place of hardcore RPG fans
I think you mean "insufferable virgin autists with no hand-eye co-ordination."
>RPG mechanics
Look this is a dedicated RPG board, the people who browse here obviously aren't going to love a consolized action RPG from the mid 2000s.

The mid 2000s through early 2010s where the dark age of RPGs, they being made by and large by western developers, and Japan was making terrible MMOs which no where near as satisfying narratively or gameplay-wise than the single player games which preceded them. Or really linear 'RPGs' which made the JRPGs of the late 1990s seem like some hardcore CRPG.

Hardcore fans of the genre would have hated that Fallout 3 and Oblivion were the closest things to an RPG on the 360 at that time.
You say tomater, I say tomatermorts.
An RPG mechanic is any mechanic where the player's ability to do something is based not of their personal skill, but the skills, stats, and abilities of the player character.

In both Far Cry 3 and Fallout 4, the way in which the player character grows better at something is through just leveling up and choosing one new perk per level.
The only different being that Fallout 4 is also geared around the SPECIAL system, but since you can upgrade that through levels too, it basically ends up as the same as the perk system.
Hence it's basically the same level of RPG.
that's just your avarage 4chan user.
>character skill vs player skill
It's hard to do a RPG where stats matter AND you have control over your character in a first or third person view. Especially something with guns. No one liked the FO3 approach, so NV added aiming down sights.
The "fluid modern shooter" isn't even more popular than the wonky FO3/NV shooters, lmao.
Vampire: The Masquerade Bloodlines was a good mix, the combat was all through player control, but your skills made it basically unusable if you weren't going for a gun build.
Fallout 4 is more popular among normies.
How you can enjoy F3? I tried but I don't know if is the green filter or what, but I always get headaches.
I can't enjoy it.
I've never had that problem. It must be something in your brain then, something about Fallout 3 bothers you.

Well I don't get headaches, so I like wandering around the waste and the sidequests.
Also I like doing stealth in Fallout games.
Maybe it has to do with the first person view?
The combat is fun though
I've played 1-4 and NV. I have the most fun with 3; it's my favorite of the series.
You can enter 'teofis' into the command prompt and it removes the filters, same with NV and skyrim. Those filters also take a lot of resources.
Based, Oblivion and FO3 are the Bethesda golden age
Its got the same brutally retarded writing and design as oblivion with flagrant contempt for imagination, demonstrated very obviously with the timeline and world state. If you already knew Fallout before you played it the little ways it is stupid about using the setting will be like stepping on tacks over and over the whole game, like making it 50s themed

If you are a 360 kid I guess it's for you
This is perhaps the most pretentious post I've read on this board - and that's saying something. Did you whack off to the smell of your own farts after typing this?

>Oh why did Bethesda make the 1950s themed CRPG 50s themed?
Because it always was.
I mean shit, the only way the 50s theming is played up is that, in Fallout 3, the characters act like 50s archetypes - which even in later Fallout games by Bethesda they abandoned.
Ok, I can see that being annoying to you.
>Flagrant contempt for imagination
Fallout 3 is one of the most out there and imaginative games in the series.
Maybe not as much as 1, simply because that game had to come up with the whole setting.
Its not a pretense, I hated it
I don't know if it's some visuals.
I finished Fallout 3 and NV a bunch of times but at some point I started to get a weird feeling from how movement and physics work in this game. It's not like real motion sickness, but something really bugs me about it and it's part of the reasons why I will never play those games again I figure
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Holy shit, you've taken the cake for being the most pretentious asshole on this site.
'pretentious' has no etymological connection to 'pretense.'
Hence why the former is spelled with a 'tent' and the later with 'tense.'

But you're such a faggot, you thought there was a connection between those words so you could weasel your way out of addressing me.
Holy shit.
Wasteland 3 > Fallout 4
Wasteland 2 > Fallout 3
Wasteland > Fallout
Literally who
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>'pretentious' has no etymological connection to 'pretense.'
NTA but this made me curious because I like etymologies so I looked it up. Looks like they do both come from the same Latin root, so they are related, and the difference comes by way of the French intermediate step.
Yes it's shit.
I played it years ago, but I recently modded It for TTW, plus some other mods. It's been pretty fun. Fallout 3 feels more like an ARPG.
Regardless in English you wouldn't call someone who often using a pretense, or anything pertaining to a pretense as 'pretentious.'
A pretense is more of a front or justification. Pretention is conceitedness and self-importance
Fallout 3 was 9/10 when it come out

It just didn't age well
it's good. 4 sucks ass
>I have had nothing to do with the series previously and have shit taste
You are the target audience so you should be enjoying it.
>nooooo you must play the games with shitty combat first
The ants filtered another one
The main quest sucks hard.
Nah, it's fine I like how you can skip the whole father search if you know where to go
fallout 3 gets a ton of flak for getting game of the year while reusing a lot of fallout lore to keep the feeling of the games consistent but then not following through to make it sensible. its a great game, but starts the degradation from wasteland survival to junkyard cosplay.
i've probably beaten fo3 more times than everyone itt combined and think it's an extremely flawed, stupid, retarded game that somehow keeps you engaged and attentive the entire time. it's almost genius in the way it keeps you going despite nothing in particular about it being outstanding. i'm not even being facetious when i say this.

that being said, the pitt and point lookout are some of the best content bethesda has ever made and i will start entire playthroughs just to experience those two xpacs over again. i do wish somewhere in the creative process they had just not brought in the brotherhood, enclave, etc. and did what they originally wanted: a post apocalyptic action game set shortly after the bombs fell. instead we got this chimaera abomination.
honestly the idea there was a mad rush or crusade to the east coast by BoS and Enclave is a cool idea.
Just repeating the entire muh water plot but on a larger scale and muh father is kinda lame.

Though finding your father sort of ties in with the whole nostalgia trip Bethesda wanted to create, which i think they did a very good job of doing.
>honestly the idea there was a mad rush or crusade to the east coast by BoS and Enclave is a cool idea
i could not disagree more, that was the lamest part about it. i'd rather the republic of dave and little lamplight duke it out than see these two corpses be dragged out again and again. colonel autumn had great potential, however, but the way he was squandered makes even including him in the game a massive waste.

however, a easter egg is john henry eden is voiced by the evil vault leader in the movie that inspired Fallout: a boy and his dog. that was a pretty cool move by bethesda.
The crusade to the east isn't a focus of 3 practically at all.
Theres brief mentions like them encountering the pit.
But its not the focus of 3. I disagree. the idea the two factions were rushing to claim the capital is cool.
hard to dispute with noticing
>however, a easter egg is john henry eden is voiced by the evil vault leader in the movie that inspired Fallout: a boy and his dog. that was a pretty cool move by bethesda.
Its more fun to play in a pvp and pve open-world type just like vault76
>however, a easter egg is john henry eden is voiced by the evil vault leader in the movie that inspired Fallout: a boy and his dog. that was a pretty cool move by bethesda.
That is pretty funny, never knew that. Never got far enough into FO3 either, but still. I'd say Wasteland was more of an inspiration overall, but it's certainly where the vaults and Dogmeat came from.
>Blood: Now let's run through the modern Presidents.
>Vic: What good's all this history crap gonna do me?
>Blood: Just do the Presidents.
>Vic: Oh, God! Eisenhower, Truman...
>Blood: TRUMAN, Eisenhower!
>Vic: Truman, Eisenhower, Kennedy, Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Kennedy, Kennedy, Kennedy...
Hey, maybe Vic was named after him, too.
The problem people have with 3 isn't about how fun the game is or not, but that it's bad at being the fallout world. It was basically just nostalgia bait like so many other modern day slop. Only they were lucky enough to have the blueprints of oblivion and an experienced team to pull it off in a way that made it a hit with general audiences.

tl;dr: bethesda fallouts are fun action rpgs but bad fallouts
Not an RPG
Fallout 3 is a different take on Fallout.
Unlike 1, 2, or New Vegas; 3 isn't interested in seeming believable as a living world. It's more about being zany and atmospheric.
This even sets it apart from Fallout 4 and 76, which at least tried to humor such concepts.

In some ways Fallout 3 is more like Fallout 1 tonally than any other game in the series, the tone of the world design and mechanics is dark and depressing, isolating and lonely. A very oppressive open world.

However the game also is the only one in the entire series to have the characters act like nifty fifties stereotypes.
All other games in the series - even the other Bethesda entries - balance the mid century Americana by keeping it as a relic of the old world, with the new world and thus the NPCs following in to more the 1990s cynicism and post apocalyptic setting.

I like what Fallout 3 does, I think it's more compelling than 4 or the TV show.
I, on the balance, still prefer how it's handled in the Interplay through Obsidian line of games, but at least 3 seems to go for something which is also of artistic merit and not just a generic focus-tested appeal like what Bethesda later did.
It's an ARPG.
Whether or not you count those is up to you
I have no idea why Bethesda changed the tone so much in 4. Fallout 3 was bleak, drab, depressing and melancholic. Like if the world gone to shit and there was no chance of saving it anymore.
>I have no idea why Bethesda changed the tone so much in 4.
A bleak and depressing atmosphere is less commercially viable than the hyper-violent, and gaudily late 50s' glorified parody of Fallout which 4, 76, and the TV show are. (I like the show, but it's clearly going for the least interesting version of the Fallout world)

I think Bethesda also internalized some criticisms which missed the point. Like people who complained about the lack of obvious logistics or how grey the game was.
Both of those were intentional design choices meant to build the bleak atmosphere and setting, but many weren't appreciative of them.

Also, Bethesda wanted to make Boston much more vertical given that it was a fully open world city and not just a series of different load zones separated by tunnels and invisible walls.
And that verticality would look pretty boring with just the monotonous look of grey Art Deco skyscrapers. Hence the playing up of the the more kitschy late 50s to make the city more visually distinct.

Bethesda also toned down the content of the game. There is no prostitution or slavery, or rape, or torture, or any other taboo in base game Fallout 4.
It's far less edgy.

All of those things combined to make a less interesting tone
FO4 tone & visuals seem to invoke the pulp comic style, which works amazingly well in my opinion. A fitting, unique choice executed well.

Fo3 is great, but based on visuals I would expect it to stick with realism, and not super mutants wielding fire hydrants. Still, very good.
Out of the 3D fallouts, I like 3 the most, although, I weirdly end up replaying NV and 4 more, I think the fact NV has better build variety and different endings and the more open ended quests tends to make playthroughs fast and unique. But I can't get over how dogshit the map is in NV and I don't really like the exploration or side quests as much despite being more open to tackle it in different ways compared to 3, I think the side quests in 3 tend to be more memorable.
I think all of the main Fallout games (1, 2, 3, NV and 4) are good in their own way. My favourite is always going to be 2, but I'm always disappointed that 3D fallouts could never quite get it right, they all have things in them that's better than the other 3D entries but is then let down by some other stupid shit. Like the perfect 3D fallout could be done, but it just doesn't reach it, I feel the same way with The Elder Scrolls where none of the games feels like the "definitive" TES game
>perfect game could be done, but it just doesn't reach it
I used to feel this way, but at some point realized that feeling is a normal part of life lol, and not to expect perfection. And it has nothing to do with dev competence or modern gaming, or whatever.

That feeling is good fuel for creating something though.
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Fallout 3 is for people who enjoy exploration and being able to play the game anyway they see fit.

Fallout New Vegas has more similarities with JRPG's in that it has a very specific narrative it is trying to tell you and is trying very hard to corral you in specific directions, doing specific things, and removes a lot of the gray/evil morality of Fallout 3 in favor of having different variations on "good" choices.

I think this is mostly why people on 4chan prefer New Vegas. A lot of them are weebs who prefer to play JRPG's, which is why vrpg has a ton of Fallout 3 fans, it's full of western RPG enthusiasts. Also, mix that with the autists who suck Black Isle's dick endlessly and consider New Vegas the second-coming of the franchise because they hate Bethesda and are coming from the shithole that is the Fallout fan forums, and you have an alliance that is both annoying, and borderline impenetrable.

I tried playing New Vegas a couple times, and I got pretty far in it one of those times, almost beating it, but I just lost interest 80 to 90% through it and dropped it and never picked it up again. I've beaten FO3 once or twice, picked it up numerous times since then, and it's always a drastically different experience each time.
It's Calhoun's Mice all the way down is what it really is. Prison gay behavior aka subconsciously giving up.
>Insecurity and narcissistic behaviour with a touch of hedonism is like rum and coke with a touch of lemon juice. It's self flatulence to have your life choices become admirable through echo chambers by other people in the same situation.
The based award of the night, I give you all my echoes, in the hopes that you may chamber them into such philosophical weapons of high caliber.
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>And it has nothing to do with dev competence or modern gaming, or whatever
That is always something I (and maybe others) tend to forget, devs aren't production machines. I think it's something John Carmack once said on but even the best people in the industry are going to have times where they're not going to be perfect or they make a less than ideal call and it just has to stick with the game, maybe sometimes a certain idea can't be reached, and it's not from lack of trying but it could be things such as budget or deadlines or the need to experiment or bring in new people to drum up interest for future endeavours or whatever else.
It's a good game, the hate comes from contrarians tying to seem smart by hating "oblivion with guns"
I hate oblivion without guns too
Wasteland 3 was fun enough but it went full bazinga with the humor. Within like the first 10 minutes you meet "Major tom" a cat in a cowboy hat that can join your squad. Very borderlands. I don't know why so many post apoc games feel the need to go that route.
fallout is the best game ever made and anyone who says otherwise has only ever played japslop made for little kids and girls

need moar threads
different experience literally in what?
Westoid crap does not affect jrpg in any way, unlike the latter.
>is this really shit?
F3 was where the millenial-writing first stuck out to me.
Everything is retarded but its buried under so much pathos and faux-emotional moments that you only really notice when you sit down and think about it which is why the plot is so desperate to rush you along so you dont notice it falling apart at the seams.
>plot is so desperate to rush you
Might be the consequences from Morrowind being criticized for the uninteresting main story at the time it came out.
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Pretending bad thing is good because it was the first Fallout-game you played doesnt make you interesting either.

It makes you typical utterly mid zoomer.
It's great and I love it. Playing it again right now.

The massive problem it has is that not only it did age poorly, but New vegas build upon it and surpassed it. So in retrospect... there's no comparison. But that speaks more to the success of NV than the failure of 3.

If you see 3 for that it is, it's a great game and there was nothing really like it at the time. Besides maybe The elder scrolls stuff, but that's already too different.
I don't buy this at all. New Vegas is not a great work, it's just fallout 3 except not written by tasteless morons with an idiotically broken storytelling work culture
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I have no idea why people post that image macro so much, it is completely retarded.
It only addresses the main plot, which is not why people like Fallout 3, and even then it pulls ridiculous nitpicks and misunderstandings.

It's not hard to call Fallout 3's main plot bad, but somehow this image fucked it up and lied about it.
>F3 was where the millenial-writing first stuck out to me.
First off, you misspelled millennial, secondly you're misusing that term.

Millennial writing refers to the meta, incredibly self-aware dialogue, which refuses to take itself seriously, from mass media from the late 2000s to now.
Fallout 3 isn't that. It isn't ever meta, isn't self-aware.
It's zany, intentionally so. It never strives to be incredibly serious, but when it wants strong emotional beats, it lets them land without bathos.

99% of people who bitch about Fallout 3 are people who are such sticks in the mud that they can't handle that Fallout 3 is more goofy than New Vegas.
Like, sure, it's not a great written game. It's a Bethesda game, and like all Bethesda games, the dialogue reads like a combat-focused D&D campaign.

But idk, people just have no clue what they're talking about when it comes to FO3.
I agree, there's only a short list of things that Fallout 3 does better than New Vegas.
But I love 3.

I love New Vegas, and so a game which is very similar is something that I'd enjoy.
I don't get why people are so either/or about New Vegas and 3. I mean, if you like one there's a 90% chance you'll like the other.
They're basically the same game, the main difference comes from tone.
Maybe if a person absolutely couldn't stomach either the whimsy of 3 or the exaggerated realism of New Vegas, then maybe they won't be able to enjoy the other.

But that can't be the case for most people.
I think a lot of people trick themselves into hating the other. 3 fans convince themselves that New Vegas is a tranny game or whatever, and thus prevent themselves from enjoying it.
New Vegas fans hear that Fallout 3 isn't a deep RPG and so prevent themselves from enjoying the fun action rpg that Fallout 3 is as to stay some RPG elitist.
>Fallout 3 isn't that.
Fallout 3 is exactly that completly with meme-vaulta and LE HECKIN REDDIT SCIENCE memes.

Just because that you autistically decided that it doesnt encompass redditisms doeant make it so.

>99% of people who bitch about Fallout 3 are people who are such sticks in the mud that they can't handle that Fallout 3 is more goofy than New Vegas

99% of people who defend it do so because it was their first Fallout.

>dialogue reads like a combat-focused D&D campaign.
Stop talking out of your ass you never even played Tabletop.
Lots of games are better than people give them credit for, without being very good games, which means a bunch of faggots never played them and a bunch of other faggots like you took what they said at face value
>Fallout 3 is exactly that completly with meme-vaulta and LE HECKIN REDDIT SCIENCE memes.
If this is so common, give me examples.
Did you stop playing after you talked to Moira, the one character who is both comedic and obsessed with science?
>Just because that you autistically decided that it doesnt encompass redditisms doeant make it so.
What the fuck is a 'redditism'?
idk dude, the Enclave could really have just let the dad repair and set up the purifier without interfering. Then after it was running for a while they could bribe a night shift worker or something to attach their mutant killer device. The mutants would be all dead long before anyone realises why its happening. Would have been a much smarter way of going about things.
>game farted out by boomers and gen x devs
retarded slav
Super Mutants are cringe, them being on the East Coast also breaks the lore. Giant ants are cringe. Bunch of quests involving children are cringe. Over the top vault experiments are cringe. Building a town around a bomb is cringe. A "bad" guy wanting to blow up that town, for bothering his view from his tower is cringe. Ghouls crying about bad treatment is cringe. Troonquality Lane is emasculating. Little fucking Lamplight. Retarded Ant-agonizer quest. Retarded emo quest. Not one fucking good quest in the entire game. Not to mention the retarded Add-Ons, one about aliens, and other is the worst anti-white propaganda I have ever seen in a video game, you'll know it when you see it (also that add on is so broken, than unarmored swamp rednecks can tank a full clip of ammo, aimed at their heads, beucause they level with the player).
New Vegas is just a better setting, that actually fits into the lore. Start out with a killing spree against criminal niggers is a blast, but the mood gradually is ruined with all the talking, which is basicly most missions. Killing fiends is also a blast, killing druggies is public service. But aside from that, once inside New Vegas, that game becamse cringe and tiresome too. Also giant insects are cringe, tunnelers are lame, robots are lame, the enemies in the casino add on are lame, killing tribals was fun though. All factions are flawed and shitty, so you might as well help House, or go your own way. Also the map is so fucking tiny, main quest literally baits you to go in a large circle, and it's still tiny that way. And that 200 quests are stacked into a few locations, for example the agricultural Vault 22: BOS quest, Veronica personal quest, The Thorn Creature quest, NCR quest, ED-E memory trigger, all in one. Most of those quest are single click discussion options, like "fix Snuffles leg", and "repair generator", "give radscorpion fang to Ruby", "give X to Y", "talk to Z", not real quests.
What's so great about shotguns? (one of the add-on packs give you one at game start)
In my most recent run, I used cowboy repeater, outside of vats, as a sniper, it's pretty good at range. And used service rifle, also without vats, which is good at mid to close range. Shotguns are basicly anti insect weapons, except against Giant Radscorpion, which have armor tier shell.
So you ran into end game monsters on the coast, without gear, without being leveled up, and complain about why the game so hard. Unless you meant run for Reno, in which case it's not that hard that direction either.
>open world
>"You must use the tunnels!"
>"B-b-but I could just climb over that"
>"The tunnels, you must use them"
>"B-b-but places like that are scalable in other places"
It fucking sucked, it wasn't open world. Also no artistic merit in hearing a fucking nigger in the radio all the time. "SHieeet it's 3dog, waoooooo" fucking trash.
Complaining about the tunnels is like complaining about the map screen in Fallouts 1 and 2. It's a technical limitation.

There wasn't the tech on consoles or most PCs when Fallout 3 released to depict an open world apocalyptic city of an appropriate scale and size.
And so the DC area is a bunch of little areas separated by tunnels and loading screens.

>Muh black people
Yes, this is a game set in DC, one of the most black regions of the country there will be black people.
What's your fucking problem? /v/ and more of 4chan just spergs the fuck out over any woman or black person in a video game, what do you want? For them to cease to exist?
>them being on the East Coast also breaks the lore
Look, if FEV was given to a military base to test, and the Enclave shows us that the military, corporations, and government were al collaborating - then why is it shocking to hear that the forced evolutionary virus was given to a vault as well?
>But why didn't we know about it?
Why the fuck would they reveal that the vaults were testing grounds to the people at Mariposa?
It makes perfect sense that there is no communication between them.

>Giant ants are cringe
But the giant mole rats and scorpions in Fallout 1 and 2 weren't?

The rest of your post devolved into schizo babble and so I'm not responding to it.
>black person in a video game, what do you want? For them to cease to exist?
Yes, the game is set in the future, stateless society, no pressure to tolerate them at that point.
>I'm not responding to it.
Because you either did not play enough to get the references, or you cop out of admitting the flaws.

>But the giant mole rats and scorpions in Fallout 1 and 2 weren't?
They were cringe, but seemed less so with that graphics. Also oversized rodents already exist, capybaras.
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You really only need 2 guns in new Vegas. Survivalist rifle and anti material rifle. Or tribeam and kcy if going energy. Plus maybe an automatic for fun and dps or cheap ammo to use on easy stuff.
Paciencia (unique hunting rifle) can do higher DPS than both Survivalist rifle, and anti material rifle, while having lower weight than either, more accurate than either, and have an avaible ammo that reduces enemy DT.

Ratslayer (silenced varmint rifle) is pretty good for sniping against low health targets, and it spares your ear, uses that most common ammo in the game, and can also use ammo that reduces DT.

Sleepytime (10mm SMG) can silent kill outside of VATS from closer range, with multiple shots, without being noticed (Alice McLafferty, Dead Sea).

Assault carbine (GRA) with mods attached, light weight, extremely common ammo, and it's AP ammo have -25DT, it's good for close ranges.

Silenced weapons are optional, mission specific, and mostly a flavour, but it's funny that sniping while sneaking with Ratslayer is so similar to Skyrim stealth archer gameplay.
Watching a let's play isn't playing the game.
Watching FO1/2 combat isn't that far from playing it to be honest lol
>3 fans convince themselves that New Vegas is a tranny game or whatever
This bullshit isn't helped by the jeets and fanboys that spam this retarded meme in every fnv thread.
>New Vegas fans hear that Fallout 3 isn't a deep RPG and so prevent themselves from enjoying the fun action rpg that Fallout 3 is as to stay some RPG elitist.
This behavior is almost certainly what started the tranny spam in the first place.
I love both games. Like New Vegas more, but still enjoy and replay 3. Both have merits, and both should be enjoyed without being called a tranny/normalfag/whatever.
3 gets really damn good if you lean into larping with your character. Like within 10 minutes of leaving the vault you can blow up megaton, become an absolute psychopath who attacks children and gets kicks from putting live mines into people's pockets.
Trannies do love New Vegas, it's a meme apparently in their spaces. I once saw this video by this voice actor, I forget is channel name, but he was doing his Columbo impression and in the video he said that everyone who loves Celest and F:NV were trannies.
But like, in a pro tranny way. It wasn't ironic or meanspirited at all.

Granted, that's just because New Vegas is a popular and good game.
And 90% of trannies are just autistic people who have been gaslit into cutting their dicks off. Autistic guys like New Vegas for being a deep RPG
You dumb nigger the oldest millennials at this point are 23 or 24. Look who wrote the game and its not millennial writing at any rate which just comes from marvelsop games and movies over using sarcasm.
lol what im 37 and a millennial. You mean Gen-X
>You dumb nigger the oldest millennials at this point are 23 or 24
1982 was 62 years ago. Feel old yet?
from the date when the game was released.
anyone who uses Tim's chink spyware doesn't deserve to post
Reading through this the first thing that came to my mind is that you havent played either of the games you talk about.
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I have no idea why people post that image macro in reply to that other image macro when more than half of the answers in it are just plain wrong as proven by the fact that neither you nor he know what a G.e.c.k is or how it works and how using it in its intended purpose instead of taking it apart would provide the same result but better.

Its like you are proving to casual observers that not only are butthurt about pointing out that the bad writing is bad you try counter it with.... More bad writing.
>If this is so common, give me examples.
>provides example himself but that doesnt count

Poisoning the well fallacy.
Do better.
>1982 was 62 years ago.
>idk dude, the Enclave could really have just let the dad repair and set up the purifier without interfering.
But then there wouldn't be a plot.
The Enclave are the bad guys, and they have their own scientists, they didn't care about James or his team.
Kek you didn't have more examples to give?
What the fuck are you talking about?
You're acting like you know what a GECK is and what it does.
The GECK is just a mcguffin, it doesn't matter what it is. It's all fake sci fi bullshit anyway.
And the brotherhood knows about GECKs, so James learned it from them prior to living in 101
4 is feeling a lot more polished to me than 3 did, the community management and power armor/more armor layers gives more depth to me than I remember there being in 3 but it has been a long time
The companions are way less janky and buggy and feel like actual npcs.
3 felt closer to real fallout on theme though, I guess it is the more colorful environment of 4 that clashes to me, the ghouls and mutants have more polygons but aren't as scary as the ones in 3
It's also that 4 has more content which conflicts with the feeling of a desolate environment.

Theme and story I give it to 3.
Gameplay and actual RPG things to do I give it to 4.

This is my remake and back into it since the show take since I didn't touch fallout since 3. Sue me O 4chan nobodies that can't afford lawyers.
>You're acting like you know what a GECK is and what it does.
Are you trolling?
A Garden Eden Creation Kit is a terraforming device that sucks up the radiation in a certain area.
Both Shady Sands and Vault City used one which is why they became flourishing cities in the Wasteland.

Instead you destroy it so you can fix a water purifier when you could have purified a watersource AND the sourrounding wasteland.

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