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So I just started this, I downgraded to 1.3 or whatever and removed NOTR. It was a hassle to make work on Steam but It'd doable.

I've joined the militia in order to become a Paladin later and after talking to the commander in Khorinis I was sent to the valley of mines, after I tried again and again to run through the Orcs and reach the castle I was immediately told to fuck off to the mines to find the missing scrappers. Is this point in the game just supposed to be >savescum till you run past orcs?
I'm starting to get really bored of this shit, with 35 strength and a "fine sword" there really is no reason to fight anything besides wolved and rats. I remember Risen making you SUCK at the beggining but it wasn't like this, often soon after getting assfucked the game gave you what you needed along the way to be able to kill it shortly afterwards and there was constant sense of progression. In G2 I haven't reached this point yet. Should I stop following the main story and grind fetchquests and shit? Even if I do there doesn't seem to be anything worth spending gold on apart from more sword training which will not save me because orcs can 1shot me anyway. Do I need to grind 2500 gold for the "hardenned militia" armor they sell at the castle in the valley?
Also whats up with the cutscene playing once you pass the mountains towards the valley showing the dragon attack? Is it supposed to be a dream or your character sees it happen live but its a cutscene instead of an in-game thing?
>removed NOTR
Gothic is already a casual baby game for redditors. Now you've made it a complete retard game with no redeeming qualities whatsoever that shouldn't be played by anyone. Bad thread.
>that pic
Opinion discarded. Have a pity (You)
>repeatedly told not to remove notr
>assure people this isn't your first time playing gothic and you know what you are doing
>in comes this abortion of a bait thread where the exact reasons not to remove notr has now ruined your playthrough
What is there to discuss here? Just leave and never come back again. Retardation like this should not be encouraged.
>Should I stop following the main story and grind fetchquests and shit?
Dude, what the fuck. You should have finished every quest possible in chapter 1 before you fuck off to the valley. In NoTR I always end up around level 14 or something around that before I join a fraction.
That said, there are some easy ways to murder orcs around the palisade. You can buy scrolls of rain od fire, kite them around the ram and kill 20 orcs per a scroll used. You can also transform into dragon snapper but it's a shitty way to cheese. Not only you lose loot but every level up gives you extra HP. When you are transformed, the HP increase does not apply to your human form. If you don't want to do that, avoid fighting them until you get stronger.
>repeatedly told not to remove notr
>assure people this isn't your first time playing gothic and you know what you are doing
Who hurt you? I've never posted about this game before here. Seek help
You asked in the other completely retarded thread that was nothing but a picture of an ostrich, so I guess a consistent theme here is that all gothic threads are bad.
This is the average fatlard retard playing Gothic. So badly conditioned to bethesda shitslop with scaling levels and making it basically impossible to ever reach an actual obstacle you fuck up even the G2 base game.
>Chapter 2
>35 strength
oh shit nigger what are you doing
Also, orcs are meant to fuck you up in your first visit to the Valley of Mines, especially ones next to the castle. Also, as some anon mentioned before, you should have done as much as possible before joining any guild, which includes doing all recruitment quests on Onar's farm, everything avvailable in Khorinis and culling 80% of fauna encountered. Else you're just making game harder for yourself.
>everything avvailable in Khorinis and culling 80% of fauna encountered
Right. First thing I do after I get to Khorinis is learn skinning. Second is exterminate every troll on the map. Ton of easy XP and gold.
welcome to the Gothic experience, ENJOY IT
They're meant to fuck you up at that point of the game. You can run past them, learn their attack patterns or simply lure them to the castle or some other spot where you have the height advantage and shower them crossbow bolts, arrows or magic.
I played Gothic 1 a ton when it was new. Very nostalgic for me. For some reason I never got around to playing 2. Downloaded it today and started playing. Already loving it. Anyway, why did OP not download NOTR? What am I missing here? What's bad about it?
Not OP here. NoTR was meant to be played by experienced players. That's why a lot of things got rebalanced and made harder. Additionally, Jarkendaar's subplot encroaches G2's pacing. That said, I still prefer NoTR the over base game.
Also, after you finish G2 and if you still want more, check out Archolos.
Yes, I know. I heard about it last year which is what reignited my interest in playing Gothic 2. Genuinely can't wait to try it out
It's damn good but I should note here I'm Polish. Some people can't stand the dubbing, but for me it was amazing, especially because of the shoe string budget. As far as I know only russians are making their own full localisation. Other than that, there should be some programs that will use AI to read the voices in English but you won't find discussion on this topic on the steam page. Devs hate it with passion and zi understand them.
They have it with English text though, right? I don't mind the dub to be honest. It would actually help immersion in a way cause it would feel like I'm in some foreign fantasy land
>They have it with English text though, right?
Sure. The initial translation apparently was pretty awkward but I think they ironed it out. And they also want to make a version 2.0 with extra items, locations, some quests and activities and so on but it will be out when it's ready so don't hold your breath.
I played it in Polish with English subs, I didn't even realize there was a dub... The sub was a perfectly fine experience. Also the game was great.
>Also the game was great.
Yeah, if it came out before G3 people would have paid the full price as if it was an official continuation. I could even see threads were two groups of fans duke it out which one is better, NoTR or Archolos.
Reporting back in to say I'm still having fun. Still only in act 1. I won't lie though I followed a youtube guide for some of the early stuff just because it's a hard game and I want to get off on the right foot. Won't be checking guides anymore though. Though, there is one thing I still want to know which is how do I make the stat boosting potions from those rare plants. I will probably look that up eventually. Also, if I join the ring of water can I still joint the mercenaries or is it one or the other?
>Also, if I join the ring of water can I still joint the mercenaries
Yes, you can. Ring of water is independent of the main three fractions.
Theres an alchemy trainer in Khorinis. I haven't bothered with alchemy though myself. I joined a faction too fast and had to find a way to level up since I'm almost chapter 3 now and I suck. Got to level 8 now, I guess I'll do whatever and then rescue the miners at level 10 after I get some more 1handed sword training in
>removing NOTR because it's hard
I will never get it. If it's too hard - just cheat?
Removing addon that adds so many things to the world, lore, plot, cameo and Nostalgia is fucking stupid.
People who play gothic for gameplay are clowns.
NotR is literal fanfiction tier trash the developers added just to spite the cringe fans whom complained about everything being too easy while simultaneously leveraging every possible advantage they could gain to beat the game
NotR is why Gothic 3 is trash, these "fans" crushed the creative soul of Gothic with their tryhard attitude
finished G2 Notr several times there are some things which are botched in the expansion
>start is needlessly harder if you don't go the cookie cutter route, first hidden sword behind tombstone cannot be used as opposed to vanilla game or Gothic 1's philosophy which immediately rewarded you reinforcing the idea that exploration is rewarded
>magic is severely narrowed, summoning path is generally the more reliable and easier, trying to play classic mage with fireballs and shit won't be a pleasant experience (seriously try it without staff cheese and summons, a lot of creatures got buffed and are more resistant to magic)
>LP economy is rather strict, if you want one / two handed weapon skill at max as well high STR you need to save every single consumable and plan way ahead, as a bowman you don't have that luxury you don't get extra damage from skill, crossbow became subpar in NoTR (not enough LP to get justify it's use)
and like >>3453041 said a lot of modders are just trying to morph game into souls clone
I am not saying vanilla G2 (it had plenty of flaws as well) is better but something to consider when looking at NoTR
>NotR is literal fanfiction tier trash
What do you consider "fanfiction"?
Like i said, just cheat if it's too hard.
And it's not even that hard, compared to retarded russian mods.
>What do you consider "fanfiction"?
wish fulfilment
I've been playing this all day. It's been years since I've been this hooked. I get some of the complaints though. Yeah, it does suck to have such high strength reqs to use weapons, but I bought myself a fine short sword early on which punches way above its req limit so I'm doing fine on that front. Also used a single fire rain spell to clear out the entire bandit camp which was hilarious. I was honestly just fucking around and had no idea it would be that powerful
>Also used a single fire rain spell to clear out the entire bandit camp which was hilarious. I was honestly just fucking around and had no idea it would be that powerful
Try buying every scroll of fire rain, if you can. There are a few nasty fights in NoTR, most of them optional but cheesable with the spell. I already suggested earlier to holocaust the orcs but there are other instances where one cast of fire rain will give you ~8k XP, give or take.
If I ignore clearing the map before starting Act 2, am I loosing exp or new creatures will be spawned on top of existing ones?
As far as I know, in G1 and G2 mobs don't respawn (aside from very few very specific monsters). They just spawn extra with every, or almost every new chapter.
nice, thanks for info
Yeah to be clear by "bandit camp" I meant the one Dexter was at. I'm at Jarkhendar (or whatever it's called) now, and I bet their base is one of those "8k xp" places you're alluding to right? haven't gone into the swamp yet, but I would have to imagine
>and I bet their base is one of those "8k xp" places you're alluding to right?
Yes. Burning Dexter's cottage and his buttboys is one of the things that powergamers do. There is a few more but I won't spoil them. Just be aware that Gothic rewards exploration but some dungeons are meant to kick your shit in, unless you raid them in later chapters or use fire rain.
Oh, I misrrad it a bit. You can technically burn the bandit base in the swamps but the game doesn't expect you to. There is another way to finish this questline. I don't think I ever used a fire rain in Jharkendar.
>Burning Dexter's cottage and his buttboys is one of the things that powergamers do
Yeah it's kind of intuitive I guess. The first time I aggrod Dexter I noticed that Greg pops up out of nowhere and starts executing the whole camp but doesn't share the xp, and I was like fuck that, so I decided to try fire rain for the first time just to see what it does
>Greg pops up out of nowhere and starts executing the whole camp but doesn't share the xp, and I was like fuck that
Ah, a true Gothic fan.
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Any good mods for it? Trying Atariar, but I'm willing to go for something else
>What am I missing here?
Retards think it's impossibly hard to play
I finished it as 10 years old but i guess it's too much for modern gaymers
very smart anon
mom must be proud
This is hard to answer: Few mods have English versions and it depends on what you want from the mod. Gold Remaster is purely visual and works with every language. Atariar is basically enhanced vanilla. L'Hiver is a hard and pretty mod. New Balance is a total overhaul with more extra Russian fanfic content than original content.
Killed Raven which was disconcertingly easy, but holy hell the Valley of Mines is a nightmare
You don't have to slaughter everything. I hope you bought the hooch that speeds you up from the pirates.
>Valley of Mines is a nightmare
The only dangerous mobs you have to encounter in valley during act two are two orcs near the ramp, everything else you can, and are excepted to move around, not down and come back in act 4 to kill.
She is
Yeah, I had like five of those. I also found a spot where you can jump on and climb the whole mountain flanking the path to the valley of mines, though I'm pretty sure you weren't supposed to go that way. If you follow it all the way it drops you off where Grimes is, but I just ended up reloading and going the conventional way into the valley, then sneaking around the orc camp and taking a speed potion to run up the ram
>come back in act 4 to kill
Man act 1 felt so long and act 2 is feeling just as long if not longer (though maybe I shouldn't count the Raven stuff?). I can't imagine 4 whole acts of this. Though I don't mean that in a bad way, since I'm loving it
Assuming I ever start this game any time soon, what are some Dos and Do Nots in early game to worry about?
Its a retard game, just squeeze every drop of exp from the map. That's literally it.
Have you played the first game? You should be able to figure it out fine if you have
When training stats get them to 29/59 and then do +5 training option
Donate to fire mage in city for permanent hp bonuses
Keep all consumables that raise stats until you get to at least 64
Learn potion brewing for str or dxt potions(and don't eat dragon roots, goblin berries on their own)
Do not waste lp on any hunting skills except for skinning
Learn how to pick locks even if you don't go for dxt build
You can get a lot of exp by using scrolls with area attacks in ork siege camps
The most important thing I can think of (that wasn't mention by the previous anon) is that if you play with NotR always go for just one build, do not try to go hybrid str/dex because your character will end up being shit and suck at both. You cannot be jack of all trades in Gothic 2 NotR. If you go for a str build and REALLY want to use some of the dex weapons it may be worth raising it with training until 34. The rest only.
Also, do not use the Claw of Beliar. Just destroy it. Because it is so OP it completely breaks the game and makes some difficult fights in the future trivial.
The rest only by potions and tablets* I meant to say
To be honest, from Act 3 onward everything speeds up. First coming into location is filled with content, there is some of it added at the beginning of Act 3, 4 and 5, but it pales with what was available from the beginning. Act 5 is just wrapping up Khorinis situation and collecting crew (which pretty much depends on what sidequests you did beforehand) and Act 6 is a single dungeon.
I have now traversed the mountains all the way across to the other side of the valley of mines where Diego is, which involves "swimming" across the mountains (don't ask). I have become a god of Gothic mountaineering
I killed a dragon
Good job. Post your build.
STR: 170 (with amulets/rings)
DEX: 50
One Handed: 73%
>pay 12k for the medium dragon armor
>immediately beat the guy up and take all my money back
>he compliments me for how good of a thrashing I gave him
I love this game
NOTR might be the most out-of-place, garbage expansion in history of gaming.
I'm having a blast
There is this one schizo who reliably shits out complaints about Notr in every Gothic thread and every off topic gothic discussion.
In reality Notr saved the okish but not great receptions back when it was released for a reason and adds a shitton of important ingame lore to characters who were just random named npcs before.
Schizos just mad that Notr isnt a cakewalk and you cant bethesda it by having all skills maxed out. Notr is one of those few rpgs where your character wont ascend to godhood in the late game.
I like it. Game is still challenging even with 170 STR, and it punishes me whenever I get too cocky
You're playing the perfectly balanced version. NOTR is fun if you've already beaten Gothic 2, and the extra tropical/swamp area is a fun go around the first few times, but falls off multiple playthroughs later.

NOTR overall completely fucking bork-raped the balance of Gothic 2, and it's almost mandatory to automatically give yourself twice the training points every level-up.

>Is this point in the game just supposed to be >savescum till you run past orcs?
Get a potion of speed, or eat a Snapper Weed to give yourself a speed boost, and bolt past the orcs.

>Should I stop following the main story and grind fetchquests and shit?
Your first mistake was thinking that all of the side quests are fetch quests. Your second mistake was not doing any of the side quests, or even just doing a bit of exploring to level-up.

>there doesn't seem to be anything worth spending gold on apart from more sword training
You can also pay to improve your Strength by the way, and both Strength and Weapon Training increases the damage you do.

Also, you gain +12 HP every time you level up.
What are some things I should do before setting sail for Irdorath? Do I need all those dragon eggs for something? Seems like a hassle to get them. Also what's the strongest weapon in the game (besides claw of beliar) that I can get before leaving? And how do I drink the tears of innos without exploding
>And how do I drink the tears of innos without exploding
I don't remember exactly but you either need to do militia or fire mage route
You can make some special potion when you get there but all i remember about it is that you need black pearls for it with other otherwise useless ingredients
Place isn't that hard so whatever you used will be enough for weapon
Man, the game is almost over then. I was gonna do Archolos after this but I just heard about some "Game of the Decade Edition" and I'm wondering if I should just wait for that before starting Archolos but who the fuck knows when that will drop
I am waiting for update(to do a second run) too but it's been promised to
>Release soon
for more than a year already
Just play it as is
>thinks every poster shitting on NOTR in one and the same guy
>calls other schizos
Irdorath is not "hard", so much as it's just a slog. Lots and LOTS of orcs, and Lizardmen.
Yeah I just started it, it's kind of annoying. I almost want to just call it quits and watch the end of the game on youtube or something. It just feels like homework at this point. I'm like this with a lot of games for some reason, where I just drop them near the end and stop caring
Tears of Innos are for mages, if you're a paladin you can use them to consecrate your sword if I remember correctly. For dragon hunter they are useless, sell them.
Use marvin mode and teleport around using k key.
nah it's ok lol, I'll just trudge through it
Fuck did anyone else have a bug where if the dragon in Irdorath hits you even once he knocks you outside the game map and you die of fall damage? Is there a console command I can use to just instantly kill him or something
ok nvm it's literally "kill"
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>not F8
F8 is for traversing the island. K is for clipping through the walls.
im never going to play piranhabyteslop if i cant even play as female.
Nobody cares.
That's stupid, but I do think there's a mod for that..."Velaya"? something like that
the correct sequence is:
>f4 and fly around holding shift for extra speed
>at destination press f2 to open the console
>type 'gc' which should autofill into 'goto camera'
>press f5 or f4 again I can't remember it's been over a decade
That's fast and precise, and you can make some nice screenshots.
>if i cant even play as female.
Did you just assume Nameless Hero's gender, shitlord?
i played gothic 3 on release. im literally traumatized.
I started Archolos today. Fucking comfy as hell
Also feels way easier than Gothic 2. I don't think anything can phase me after NOTR
Also, a question about Archolos for those who have finished: given that it seems to be easier than NOTR so far, can I be more relaxed about my build or should I still go for something ultra specialized? Cause I kind of want to dabble in a bit of everything this time around but I don't know if it will be viable...some one handed, some bow, some two handed, stealth stuff, etc
>Cause I kind of want to dabble in a bit of everything this time around but I don't know if it will be viable...
It's doable and easy. I played as a swordsman for the first 15 levels and later branched into magic. Later I even trained crossbow but frankly I didn't even use it.
Have fun.
I didn't waste lp on two handed or ranged but i did get enough dex to steal from NPC and the only fight that was a slightest bit tough for me was the final boss
It's easier and that's why they're making an update which adds a hardcore mode.
At least it's optional. One time was enough for me though
Try and take on orcs one at a time
When the orc is down slashing, you can interrupt it with a basic slash every time. If you're careful, it will never be able to hurt you.
Archolos is way way more relaxed, both because it's just easier but more because they did things like separate permanent stat buffs from lp investment
There is a mod which does this too with Notr btw. Also comes with Mana/life reggen obtainable at shrines for gold and lp and has some weapon balance fixes. Basically fixing mages being bad melees for 80% of the game.
Are you gonna tell us which mod or what?
How should I play the game as a mage? What fighting style should I prioritise as a backup source of damage, considering how much mana is limited?

And above all: when is the right moment to start using bonuses to raise stats? Thanks, have a good one!
I played years ago NOTR version anyway but you use potions and such to raise stats near the end of the game (as learning stats near max is costly. You also could go OVER max learnable by using perma potions).
As for mana as you should kill everything on the map and teleport runes are a thing you should go to sleep often (it won't respawn anything anyway) and only use potions on large enough encounters (at least i did so in risen). Anyway you only should use mana pots casually near the end of the game as you should have a big ass supply of them by then (buy as much mana potions as you can through the game just in case). If you want to cheese gold is infinite (blacksmith route). Also that should be obvious but kill everything you can on the map in each chapter for max experience.
based foreskin owner
mage playthrough in NotR is pure jank
if you are planning or fireballing shit to death forget it, get skelly summon runes asap, playing pure mage is also harder, it is easier to dip into dexterity a bit for bows as a backup and master sword
few glitches to mention, dragons are not immune to fear spell, abuse it
the staff you buy from mage ulthuar in monastery gives mana bonus, equip and unequip it to get temporary mana out of nowhere to save on potions
NotR raised resistances on a lot of creatures to make mage playthrough as painful as possible, base game is a lot smoother for mage
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OP here. I just want to say I beat it.
>separate permanent stat buffs from lp investment
I'm sorry, what?
You don't need to wait in order to optimize stat buffs from potions because it does not affect you stat progression. Your learned stats/skills are tallied separately from your total stats/skills
>I just want to say I beat it
>Removed Notr
Nah ya didn't
Man I think I had like 180+ strength at this point
I'm still a little mad that Gothic 3 isn't (you) and black mage bro going on an adventure to the unknown while ditching the whole orc shit.
I'm more mad it sucked.
I feel like Gothic games are at the ideal graphics level. Better graphics feel unnecessary to me, and anything worse becomes detrimental. M&B Warband is in a similar sweet spot. I also appreciate that both have extremely normal looking male characters. It's not that grotesquely buff shit that a lot of games do, nor are there any slender instagram model esque twinks. It's just the most normal looking guys you could possibly imagine. Idk why but I just appreciate that. Aesthetically it looks right
For me the perfect balance of graphics is something like VTMB. It looks very good and detailed but is not a blurry mess that gives you headache to look at like modern games
the artistic design of games started to deteriorate after the late 2000s. the hunt for realism plateaued after the ps3 era and the resulting dive into hyperrealism evoked uncanny effects. idealism with distinct artistic cohesion had to make space for realism to accomodate the latest trends in graphical "improvements". the set of "realistic" games no longer resembled an abstract environment to immerse yourself in. no art design meant aping the world without a care for what it would cause. a blurry vaseline-smeared screen to look at, cluttered empty worlds that waste your time and irritate you, and characters that look like wax puppets. it doesn't help that they stopped entirely making a cast of gorgeous and heroic characters and instead opt to have dwarfish, sexually monomorphic, sexless, mundane looking, dysgenic creatures that they call "real".
Gothic 2 has a sort of stylized realism. It's got relatively detailed graphics, and it's artistic design is pushed more towards imitating a real look, but it has just a slight bit of exaggeration that lends itself to feeling just a little bit fairy-tale-esque.
Are we buying the remake COLLECTION editions for € 199.99 / $ 199.99 / £ 169.99?
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no, they can shove GENUINE LEATHER NOTEBOOK up their sphincter.
where is the gameplay video, why is Bloodwyn an actual nigger now instead of metaphorical one?
>199,99€ =$213,66=£171,07
No and it looks like shit anyway.But fuck these prices they always do this.
Why?It's one of the few expansions that is actually integrated into the base game.
What the fuck? Are they remaking and selling the trilogy with some shitty merch for 200 Merkel shekels? I could barely stomach the final third of both PB games that I have played, I'm not gonna spend money on remakes bound to be trash with more diversity slapped on
>why is Bloodwyn an actual nigger now
That's actually hilarious. Nothing can replace the original Bloodwyn though
no, goy. you're going to pay 200 shekels for the first game: Gothic Remake (Part 1 Vaseline Goyslop Edition). reminder that gothic 3 forsaken gods was outsourced to pajeet =)
Did they remove the annoying "funny sarcastic comments from the MC" for the Z generation in the remake? That was prominently displayed in the demo/preview video.
>funny sarcastic comments from the MC
Do you mean his constant monologuing about everything he does? It was one of the more common complaints about the demo, so I have to imagine they probably did. Doesn't really matter, though, as they will certainly find other ways to fuck up and make the game shit

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