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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
What is the difference between the two in this game?
Fighter is sword and board, warrior uses 2-handers
If you use tired memes to start a thread, you didn't actually make a post.
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they play 10x better, warrior specially
>meleefag can't read
makes sense
spearhand is just superior
Not like anyone wants to beat it
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why do I need to read books?
will they help me chop down a saurian's tail?
likewise, will those books protect you from me splitting your skull with my axe, huh magesissy?
honorary martial vocation
but still too tainted by m*gick
I was hyped for this before it came out but it sounds moderately disappointing so far. I’ll buy it when it’s on sale half off and they remove the Denuvo.

Are there any more hybrid or advanced or hidden classes than we knew at release?
philosophy has been a cornerstone of the warrior ethos for all time and it's foundational to the very game you are talking about. you'd be killed by a smarter warrior, who actually knows what he's fighting for. not that you can read well enough to understand this post.
>The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools
no, everything is exactly as advertised and there are no "secret" vocations
Have you ever had a paper cut? Shit fucking hurts. I'd rather get cut by a sword than paper. Books are full of paper, and that makes them more dangerous than swords could ever hope to be.
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Any they really killed off Mystic Knight?
>Lightning riposte works on living armor
I guess I know my new strategy
yeah, you have mystic spearhand now which is highly more offensive but has a much better survivavilty due to the invincible bubble

What's weird is that the color scheme for vocations isn't complete at all so they probably were aiming for more vocations but cut them out, even still I don't think mystic knight would fit unless they changed mystic spearhand to green/blue.
>can’t play mystic knight in dd1 because my cloak clips through my shield
>can’t play mystic knight in dd2 because they replaced it with muh Darth maul
capes are even worse in dd2, the models don't fit correctly for many different sizes, big and small
The whole thing is three steps forward, but three steps back.
As it stands, BBI is about the only big strength DD1 has over DD2
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god i wish this game had better optimization to run on my toaster

whats fucked is that I can run better looking games no probo
That’s nice. I disagree with that, too.
Denuvo definitely isn't doing it any favors.
>fly, you fools
>Dragon's Dogma II is currently the most demanding game ever released.
>Its not even in the top 10 best looking
RE engine was a fucking mistake.
add in some more vibrant colors and its easily the best looking rpg to date on a technical level

Capcom should work on a good denoiser for the path tracing already present (but hidden away)
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Feels like graphics are evolving backwards.
The npcs of the those games are nothing alike
Also W3 doesnt have RT
The performance issues have nothing to do with the graphics and this is well established at this point. I get a stable 30fps at 1080p with a 1070, and almost 60 outside of cities. It’s the stupid shit they did with NPCs that probably sounded cool while they were developing the game, but clearly didn’t impact gameplay or the player’s experience very much because no one even noticed what it’s doing.
I've got a 1650Ti and an i5-9300H
8gb RAM
yes, it's a laptop. Shoot me. It played everything in 2018 when i bought it.
total europoor so upgrade is not a prospect without significant planning

I get like 40 in the field but Vernworth brings me to like 12-15. It's unreal
meant for
>who actually knows what he's fighting for
Some retarded ideology or "muh friends" does not make you a better fighter
knowing who to fight and why and what to think about death is important for your own morale, anon. a battle is more than a meeting of techniques.
that's a funny coincidence
I played my 30 hours on my alienware laptop: GTX 1660Ti plus a i7-9750H
1080p, everything on Low, got solid 50 fps on the open world (even while figthing a Minotaur and Griffin at the same time), 60 fps on dungeons and 30-35 fps on Vernworth
ultimately unnistalled because I don't like using my laptop for gaming and been meaning to upgrade my desktop for some months now (should do it after computex when AMD and Intel release their new CPU line)

have you tried setting the CPU affinity to High?
gives a significant fps boost and removed stutter even back in those initial few days before the first patch
It's shit but the Yanderedev-tier NPC code and Denuvo are doing it way more harm than the engine itself.
Cape clipping through the cape triggers me the most
I used Warfarer with Mace+Shield and Fire Hammer... checkmate.
>read 100 philosophy books start to finish
>receive your family sword, passed down through the household for 12 generations, from your father as your mother wishes you safe return
>depart for the battlefield determined to defend the good people of your soil and their heritage
>your opponent has been drinking piss and vinegar from a cup since he was a baby
>he kicks you in the dick and smashes your head with a rock
a fake anecdote isn't an argument, nobody is arguing that you don't have to be tough. but, amusingly enough, this is why you'd break before a fight even begins as you focus on the other person and not your own motivations.
Try very hard to read this again.
>do worse damage than Thief Chads
get brined
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Here's your Mystic Knight bro:
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this is now a webm thread
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for me, it's Beast Tamer vocation:
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spell synching would be a thing in tactical rpgs
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noble vs plebian
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this is just sad. one dude posting his lonely little webms with no response.
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had fun but it's so easy I lost interest before finishing my second run
Can't even play the game without horrific frame drops, no wonder people stopped playing
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