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If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
What is the difference between the two in this game?
Fighter is sword and board, warrior uses 2-handers
If you use tired memes to start a thread, you didn't actually make a post.
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they play 10x better, warrior specially
>meleefag can't read
makes sense
spearhand is just superior
Not like anyone wants to beat it
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why do I need to read books?
will they help me chop down a saurian's tail?
likewise, will those books protect you from me splitting your skull with my axe, huh magesissy?
honorary martial vocation
but still too tainted by m*gick
I was hyped for this before it came out but it sounds moderately disappointing so far. I’ll buy it when it’s on sale half off and they remove the Denuvo.

Are there any more hybrid or advanced or hidden classes than we knew at release?
philosophy has been a cornerstone of the warrior ethos for all time and it's foundational to the very game you are talking about. you'd be killed by a smarter warrior, who actually knows what he's fighting for. not that you can read well enough to understand this post.
>The society that separates its scholars from its warriors will have its thinking done by cowards and its fighting by fools
no, everything is exactly as advertised and there are no "secret" vocations
Have you ever had a paper cut? Shit fucking hurts. I'd rather get cut by a sword than paper. Books are full of paper, and that makes them more dangerous than swords could ever hope to be.
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Any they really killed off Mystic Knight?
>Lightning riposte works on living armor
I guess I know my new strategy
yeah, you have mystic spearhand now which is highly more offensive but has a much better survivavilty due to the invincible bubble

What's weird is that the color scheme for vocations isn't complete at all so they probably were aiming for more vocations but cut them out, even still I don't think mystic knight would fit unless they changed mystic spearhand to green/blue.
>can’t play mystic knight in dd1 because my cloak clips through my shield
>can’t play mystic knight in dd2 because they replaced it with muh Darth maul
capes are even worse in dd2, the models don't fit correctly for many different sizes, big and small
The whole thing is three steps forward, but three steps back.
As it stands, BBI is about the only big strength DD1 has over DD2
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god i wish this game had better optimization to run on my toaster

whats fucked is that I can run better looking games no probo
That’s nice. I disagree with that, too.
Denuvo definitely isn't doing it any favors.
>fly, you fools
>Dragon's Dogma II is currently the most demanding game ever released.
>Its not even in the top 10 best looking
RE engine was a fucking mistake.
add in some more vibrant colors and its easily the best looking rpg to date on a technical level

Capcom should work on a good denoiser for the path tracing already present (but hidden away)
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Feels like graphics are evolving backwards.
The npcs of the those games are nothing alike
Also W3 doesnt have RT
The performance issues have nothing to do with the graphics and this is well established at this point. I get a stable 30fps at 1080p with a 1070, and almost 60 outside of cities. It’s the stupid shit they did with NPCs that probably sounded cool while they were developing the game, but clearly didn’t impact gameplay or the player’s experience very much because no one even noticed what it’s doing.
I've got a 1650Ti and an i5-9300H
8gb RAM
yes, it's a laptop. Shoot me. It played everything in 2018 when i bought it.
total europoor so upgrade is not a prospect without significant planning

I get like 40 in the field but Vernworth brings me to like 12-15. It's unreal
meant for
>who actually knows what he's fighting for
Some retarded ideology or "muh friends" does not make you a better fighter
knowing who to fight and why and what to think about death is important for your own morale, anon. a battle is more than a meeting of techniques.
that's a funny coincidence
I played my 30 hours on my alienware laptop: GTX 1660Ti plus a i7-9750H
1080p, everything on Low, got solid 50 fps on the open world (even while figthing a Minotaur and Griffin at the same time), 60 fps on dungeons and 30-35 fps on Vernworth
ultimately unnistalled because I don't like using my laptop for gaming and been meaning to upgrade my desktop for some months now (should do it after computex when AMD and Intel release their new CPU line)

have you tried setting the CPU affinity to High?
gives a significant fps boost and removed stutter even back in those initial few days before the first patch
It's shit but the Yanderedev-tier NPC code and Denuvo are doing it way more harm than the engine itself.
Cape clipping through the cape triggers me the most
I used Warfarer with Mace+Shield and Fire Hammer... checkmate.
>read 100 philosophy books start to finish
>receive your family sword, passed down through the household for 12 generations, from your father as your mother wishes you safe return
>depart for the battlefield determined to defend the good people of your soil and their heritage
>your opponent has been drinking piss and vinegar from a cup since he was a baby
>he kicks you in the dick and smashes your head with a rock
a fake anecdote isn't an argument, nobody is arguing that you don't have to be tough. but, amusingly enough, this is why you'd break before a fight even begins as you focus on the other person and not your own motivations.
Try very hard to read this again.
>do worse damage than Thief Chads
get brined
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Here's your Mystic Knight bro:
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this is now a webm thread
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for me, it's Beast Tamer vocation:
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spell synching would be a thing in tactical rpgs
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noble vs plebian
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this is just sad. one dude posting his lonely little webms with no response.
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had fun but it's so easy I lost interest before finishing my second run
Can't even play the game without horrific frame drops, no wonder people stopped playing
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please call me when mods and/or DLC fix the game, it seems like it's as easy as the first game, and it only has one difficulty?
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see >>3485232
Just got the true ending and came looking for a thread, man what a trip

The framerate issues soured the experience for some time but the game grew on me so much it became a GOTY contender even though this year already has so many great RPGs. I wish the game didn't have these performance issues because having your AAA title chug on toasters and modern consoles is honestly a death nail

The game also puts so much emphasis on exploration so I can imagine how people can burn out on it, which is a bummer because I feel like a lot of people are going to miss out on the latter half and end entirely. It's a crying shame I spent half of my post listing issues when I truly loved the game despite them
Wow, that mod looks amazing, I wish there was something similar for the original game.
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Performance is the real problem, but people choose to make a fuss about bullshit inconsequencial mtx instead
The game is quite CPU bound, as physics and npc's seem to be tied to a single cell
As such I'm not expecting the game to get any better than this performance-wise, really like Crysis more powerful cpus will unfortunately be the only solution to this

Yeah the game overall is pure fun
I have some gripes, but as it stands I'd say the only thing DD1 has over 2 is BBI
>The game also puts so much emphasis on exploration
On that regrad it reminded me of Gothic 2 the entire time
The world begs to be explored and you can easily drop 20 hours between each main quest just wandering around and doing side content
It's the one aspect of the game that's just objectively so much superior to DD1, that I can't understand how anyone might argue that Gransys overworld is better designed

MTFramework is quite old and a pain to work with
REngine on the other hand is quite straigthfoward to mod, weirdly enough despite no official tools and Capcom's current anti-modding stance

Still if you think difficulty tweaks is impressive, you ain't seen anything yet
>sad shill thread
Not an RPG.
rpgs would make much sense given its a quasi-medieval setting
but there are explosing arrows...
I don't get it.
At a fundamental level it do nothing to alter the core gameplay loop, just like most mods.

There is a reason why BBI added a lot of enemy variety.
the point of that mod isn't to change the core gameplay loop, but to make it more challenging (if the user so wishes it)
lack of challenge which the anon was lamenting about
can I ask why you removed one meme arrow from the quotes turning them into simply greentexts?
i wrote the entirity of that post on notepad++, then copypasted it on to 4chan
by the time I noticed it, I had already clickled the "Post" button
I see, thank you for the mod recommendations, I am impressed with how many mods there are, I always knew that RE engine was moddable, but I didn't expect this.
[SPOILER] Good [/spoiler]
>I am impressed with how many mods there are
you have no idea
so far the only thing that doesn't seem possible is altering and adding quests and levels
but otherwise pretty much everything seems possible, including entire new vocations
I fully expect this game to have a Requiem style total overhaul in 1 year
Whatever you say rape victim
Capcom is savvy, they know gamers hang out on 4chan and they sent their shill army here saying the game is a "blast'. Alas I fell for it out of sheer boredom and lack of good games to play
The point of Denuvo is to keep people from playing the game so the truth doesn't get out.
It's the AAA corporate strategy of earning ESG bucks while hoodwinking the consumer so they blow $76 dollars but don't even play the game because the game itself is inferior
>muh motivations.
Fuck off boomer. The best warriors are the ones who do it because they have bloodlust.
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seems (you) talk from experience
Shouldn't have said the g-word. Diversity is Gransys's greatest strength.
bloodlust is a motivation, retard. a mad dog is easy to put down though, because their reaction to stimulus is predictable.
>nearly a month old thread
>85 replies
>gaem is like 2 months old
kek even
They fix performance issues yet? Been waiting for them to fix it before picking this up.
The performance ain't gonna get better than what it is
The problem is that physics are all bound to a single cpu cell, hence why framerate tanks to the 30fps in Vernworth
But outside of that city the performance is fine, if you have something like a RX580 and a 1st generation Ryzen cpu, on Low you should get stable 60fps everywhere else on the game world
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Hello, when can I expect an expansion pack, gold edition or DLC that adds content to the game? Later this year would be too soon?
I wouldn’t expect it for another year or two. They’re still trying to unfuck the base game it sounds like.
>t. Not buying it until they remove Denuvo and it’s on sale half off
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>If you used any Vocation other than Figther or Warrior, you didn't beat the game.
Then how come I saw the credits?
It's mind blowing how hard they dropped the ball.
it will probably be late this year
MonHun Wilds comes out in Spring next year after all
I thought they took mystic Knight out.
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That's DD1
Now that the dust has settled...
What went wrong? Or right?
>no definitive edition
>no -75% off sale
still a lot of dust, bro
>What went wrong?
Doubling down on the open world meme instead of focusing on the game's potential as a dungeon crawler.
Doubling down on the open world meme and then using an engine that isn't built for open worlds and then not optimizing it to handle open worlds.
Not firing Itsuno and not putting Kinoshita in charge of the project.
>or right?
I think giving all of the vocations unique weapons was a good idea (I never played Mystic Knight in DD1). I like the improved physics from RE engine.
And more importantly...
>not cracked
>much much better open world level design
>improved enemy design
>sense of exploration and adventure
>side quests
>overall improved vocations (mage an wizards are the only one to really suffer from downsizing 6 to 4 skills)
>less jank and meatier animations and sound fx

>vocation balance is fucked
>no proper hard mode
>no mega dungeon
>all the good loot is found primarly on shops, instead of the world and dungeons
>main quest relies heavily on the player knowing well the lore of the previous game and also doing plenty of side quests to learn about the state of the world (as the main quest barely explains anything about the lore and the characters)
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>Bussin there doing the "I kneel" at the end.
NGL that was pretty good anon, lol
you are a retard, if you only played 1-2 vocations, you didn't beat the game. not until you master all vocations can you say you beat the game.
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>he played anything other than figther or warrior
I ain't playing Mage, nigga.
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it's official dogma bros...
this game is a flop
>accidentally died in the very first goblin fight because I slipped off a slope and got jumped by two other goblins while ragdolling
Okay, this game is pretty cool.
You can max it by playing a warfarer too, I believe.
I took a break from the game over 2 months ago and can't bring myself to go back to it to finish it. I think the next thing I was supposed to do in the main quest was go to the coronation, but I generally just fucked around and explored the map. Went to the volcano camp through the backpassages and such.
I’m waiting for Denuvo to be removed and then I’ll buy it on sale half off
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try another vocation to mix things up
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>he's just posting webms by himself again
sad... you hate to see it
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Are there any mods that are considered essential? Sort of like Dinput8 was for the first game.
Fluffy's Mod Manager and REFramework
Think of the latter as DD2 version of Skyrim's Script Extender

The modding scene is already quire varied, DD2 might just be the most moddable game Capcom ever released
Which is ironic considering that their recent anti-modding statements and supposedly DD2 comes with an advanced form of Denuvo (called Enigma) which has purposefully implemented not to allow mods lol
Rehashed the main storyline from DD1 that went absolutely no where after certain point, all the dialogs have 0 meaning aside from what the dragon says.
Post-game is extremely underwhelming, there's no new content, there are like 2 new boss monsters and you get to fight them back to back, no cool collectable gear to look forward to because the best weapons are purchasable from the shop right away.
basic: Fluffy's Mod Manager, REFramework, Graphics Suite, Low Poly Lantern or Smaller Lantern
gameplay: Wild Loot, Custom Difficulty Tweaks and/or True Difficulty, Random Encounters or Epic Encounters
if you're a lolifag/shotafag or a heightlet that wants to make yourself, Smallman's Height Mod
Enigma isn't a more advanced DRM, it's a shittier one that they stuffed in just to still have something in there when the Denuvo license expires.
Thanks, I'll check'em out.
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I maxed them all out because I am not a H O M O S E X U A L
Tell Capcom to remove Denuvo and put this on sale so I can buy their trash already, I refuse in its current state. You hear me Capcom? I know you’re lurking here motherfucker
Tell Capcom to remove Denuvo so I can pirate it*
Capcom is waaay too out of touch to be lurking a hip and cool website like 4channel.
It's 2024 and the monsters in their games still have the aggression of deer stunned by headlights.
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i personally recently added No Stamina Sprint Out Of Combat, which is invaluable and still has stamina behave otherwise normal in that stamina consumption is vanilla as soon as soon as you pull out a weapon.

Also not as essential but massive quality of life is Throw Me Up, which lets you bind the launch ability to a button to have your pawn do it whenever you want- separate from their actual selected ability. Makes no sense that my 7ft pawn knows how to throw me up and suddenly forgets because somehow its the same tier of ability as golf swinging goblins across the map
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>i personally recently added No Stamina Sprint Out Of Combat
nice cheat dood
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thanks, it really saves alot of time over long journeys not having to slow down and walk for literally no discernible reason other than someone forgot the quality of life from the first game except not when youre in towns. yknow out of combat
I refuse to believe cats can live in that place.
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truly, they are the superior race
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Mystic Knight invalidated every other vocation
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That's literally what anon said anon. You're agreeing with him.
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Kill goblins, behead goblins, dropkick goblins into the brine.
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You can now do a free trial of up to 2 hours, seems like a weird way to do a demo, but it is what it is.
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And what about Trumpus?
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How's the performance now? Did they finally fix it?
That's not a demo that's desperation.
>this is just sad. one dude posting his lonely little webms with no response.
>nearly a month old thread
>85 replies
>he's just posting webms by himself again
>sad... you hate to see it
>60 day old thread
>150 replies
>most of the posts are one guy image dumping
This guy is mad.
I'm still getting 40-50 in Vernworth, 120 in open world. They fixed fuck all.
maximum fps remain the same, but 1% lows have increased by a lot
I used to get as low as 30fps in Vernworth, now it rarely drops bellow 50
the game was clearly rushed for that sweet fiscal year bonus
Warrior feels so fucking good to play during skirmishes.
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What if I just used them to get augments?
you trained in the only non-gay vocations to make the others less gay
Not an RPG.
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more rpg than disco
>DE is not an RPG nigger
so that's who you are?
the salty weeb that plays this piece of shiet mixed review flop of a ""gayame""
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>caring about "reviews"
no wonder you think DE is an rpg kek
pretentious faggot
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>more people are playing DE despite it being a very niche sub-genre and 5 years old
I will never be able to recover my sides from this
>caring about popularity
why are you gay?
>more people enjoy commie gay slop over a classic ad&d adventure

also lol at very niche, who are you trying to fool?
the game was shilled by every pretentious game journo, indie dev and crpg "essayist"
it won multiple awards even in Dorito Pope's goty show
and the firing of the lead writers was one of the most controversial game news when it came out
why would i want to beat (or even play) a game with purposeful design flaws designed to sell microtransactions?
there's no purposeful design flaws midwit and if you paid for those mtx then you're retarded
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>muh gommie propaganda

dd2 isn't popular for a reason and the reason is _______shit________gayem_______
and there is nothing ad&d about mindless island-chink button mashing slop mate
>lol at very niche
the sub-genre is niche though
it exploded because it's such a great game, not because the genre was popular
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>isn't popular
seriously, why are you gay?
>there is nothing ad&d
the monster design is straight out of a ad&d manual
the combat gameplay is inspired by Capcom's official DnD games from the 90s
the exploration gameplay are designed to emphasize the feeling of grand adventure
the setting like Mystara and Greyhawk are purposefully generic to function as fantasy sandboxes
and you, as evidenced earlier, are fucking retarded and don't know your talking about
>it exploded because it's such a great game
its a shallow point-and-click adventure game that doesn't demand much from the player, with added bonus of serviceable, but pretentious, writting
its the perfect bait "game" for social media trannies and other faggots such as yourself
cope, seethe and dilate
>generic fantasy gaem has generic fantasy monsters
>some retarded anon: literally adnd!!!
mental gymnastics levels worthy of dd fan
>it's adnd because it's action oriented like these 2 dnd licensed action games capcom made in the 90s
we are reaching mental gymnastics levels that shouldn't even be possible
>doesn't demand much from the player
yeah but so is dd, at least de is good and interesting
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That was almost a disaster.
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I abandoned Fighter when I unlocked the Warfarer. Gotta get those fashion points.
Still only used Sword and Shield, tho.
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why do trannies always say dumb shit likevthis? my personal theory is that because they themselves are complete failures they think they can bring others dpown to their leve;l if they can trick them into buying their convoluted logic
>W3 doesnt have RT
they added RT in the next gen update. the PS5 version is probably the best looking console game out there
hes right though. glad to see discord faggots are still obsessing over dd2 lmoa
>shitty pc port
How did they manage to make this shit worse than the first one??? I got this bullshit on release and it's worse than the first is every way even in combat. Lmao they even fucked up sorcerer's; the games crown jewel.
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>it's worse than the first is every way even in combat
lol no
aside from mage and sorc, every vocation and enemy plays so much better
>sorcerer's; the games crown jewel
magesissy, figures
Were there truly picnics in medieval times?
white people have been having picnics since prehistory
but how? they didn't have picnic blankets back then...
They had picnic grass on the picnic floor.
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>empty world and too much backtracking that you can solve with your wallet
>no purposeful design flaws
>empty world
it's a combat centric game and the world is filled with combat encounters midwit

>too much backtracking
you don't belong in this board
I run Fighter with my main pawn as a Warrior, it feels good. But I wanna get those augments from the other classes Anon, can you forgive me as long as I return back to the best classes?
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There's nothing to forgive
Martials are pratical Vocations and learning your enemies ways are the best path to knowing them
Go get those Augments anon, but don't lose yourself
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Was it really because of the ice block? I think the other pawn behind the player hits the cyclops head just as the the cyclops touches the ice block, looks like it must be an archer pawn that hit it at that moment causing it to stumble.
>the PS5 version
series x
Any easy way to rotate the rift-stone pawn selection? First game had a button to dismiss one and roll for another with the same search conditions.
Trying to find pawns with the "kill Sphinx" pawn quest just to help a couple people while I do her quest.
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Why recreate the DnD book in a strange way when the official artists did one and an anon modified it?
I heard this game is kind of mid
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if you want a combat focused ARPG with a great sense of adventure, then this game is great
It is more than mid it is not worth playing. It needs another 2-3 years of development at least. The best part the exploration is ruined by the shit enemy placement, lack of enemy types, no interesting places to explore, and the difficulty curve being way too easy. I bought a new GPU for this game and bought it at launch and dropped it at 18 hours.
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>It is more than mid it is not worth playing. It needs another 2-3 years of development at least.
the salt this game managed to generated is nothing short of astounding
despite the flaws it's still a solid game, but reading these seething replies make it sound like it the game is even more broken than Alpha Protocol
>It needs another 2-3 years of development at least.
If Itsuno was given 2-3 more years he would squander them making the map 2 to 3 times bigger and filling it with more half-baked content. I say that but that's probably what he's doing RIGHT NOW, assuming a DLC is in the works.
I am actually surprised the game is a stable and polished as it is despite being obviously rushed, the worst thing about it is the performance, but I don't think anyone can say this game is buggy or broken, it just... Works.
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if you've heard that on /v/, then it was probably by one of these "people"
Are these "people" in the room with us right now?
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i didnt beat the game regardless because its boring
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Someone explain to me what the point of this character was?
>she's featured prominently in the promotional material
>she's on the fucking front cover of theg ame box
>she's empress of half the game world
>you do a grand total of one (1) quest that indirectly involves her
>if you fail the quest she just dies and the story quickly moves on
>if you do keep her alive, she's never relevant again after that so nothing changes
>even her fucking bodyguard is a more important character than her
Before tables were invented, every meal was essentially a picnic.
what's the issue here? cowards are smart and idiots make good soldiers.
Because Dragon's Dogma approach to characters is more systemic.
They don't make a narrative or scenarios like in Starfield where tons of characters are unkillable and just sit down to recover if they get reduced to 0 HP and then stand up.
You can kill pretty much anyone, you can romance pretty much anyone, you can complete quests or solve scenarios in various ways because the game is also systemic.
While that's partially true, it doesn't actually answer the question. Anyone who's played the game could easily name a dozen characters who are more noteworthy than her, despite multiple of those also being killable. Her being killable isn't the point, the point is why did they choose to focus on her so much when she has literally nothing to do in the game? Why put her in all your marketing material, why choose her as the face of your game on the front cover, when she's only relevant for what amounts to half of a single quest? They could've made her a quest giver like Brant except for the Battahl, which would've been a great way to flesh out that area a bit more, or at the very least included her in the actual story in some way. Instead she's sidelined literally minutes after she's introduced. It's like the script just breaks at that point and the game immediately segues into the endgame. The poor way she's handled contibutes in no small part to the way the Battahl half of the game feels so undecooked.
firstly, nice trips. And secondly, you have good points, if she was a more major player and provided quests (that were worth having) she would have a much greater impact. And maybe that was the intention, a lot of aspects feel like they needed more time and fleshing out after-all.

But to answer why she is so heavily involved in promos. My best guess is she is the only "major" beastren character, and so they had to use her to show to people who might not be familiar with the series, that the beast race exists.
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You're asking why she isn't a bigger deal because she's on the cover/poster and the answer to that is simple. It's the same reason Ulrika is there.
>both represent their respective races
>both look appealing from a design perspective (not some ugly old man) and not too slutty (like Wilhelmina might be perceived as)
>they serve as juxtaposition to each other, with one being more of a queen like ruler and the other a commoner adventurer
They worked for marketing purposes.

Could they have chosen Brant and Disa or something? Sure, but would that have worked better for marketing? No.
Obviously, the piss and vinegar drinker actually read 300 philosophy books start to finish, hence his drinking and disregard for his own life and morality that makes him a supreme head-smashing warrior.

You need to walk the path to truly embrace the power of nothingness.
so it's all superficial dressing that serves no purpose other than maximizing profits. symbolic.
It was a major disappointment and put capcom on my shitlist forever, no matter what form their next so-called 'redemption arc' takes. I just wanted a game that was better than the original, even by a little bit. I don't even want a DLC at this point.
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>she is the only "major" beastren character
Her bodyguard is a more significant character than her. Unless of course you're talking lorewise in which case yes, we're told that she's the empress and thus a very important character, but my issue is that nothing in the game actually shows this importance. The way her one quest is handled only highlights how meaningless her presence in the game is. They could've left her out of the game entirely and nothing would have changed.

>It's the same reason Ulrika is there.
Ulrika plays a role in multiple parts of the game and is one of only two special romance NPCs. She's absolutely not the same as Nadinia. In fact she's the perfect example of how the game is perfectly capable of having an "expendable" character who still has her own role to play. The game has dozens of characters who get more content than her (Brant, Ulrika, Disa, Wilhelmina, the two Elf siblings, Sven, Lennart, Sigurd, the Dwarf guy, Phaesus, and that's just off the top of my head). My issue is less about the fact that she's on the cover and more about why they didn't actually use their cover character. If Nadinia is such a pivotal character from a marketing perspective, why not give her something to actually do in the game? If she really is a character that the devs made to appeal to the players, why did they refuse to let the players interact with her in any meaningful way?
There is no character they could've put on the cover that would actually be "important" in the way you imagine because of the systemic nature.

You're looking for characters that wouldn't fit in the more systemic approach they went for.
Repeatedly shouting "systemic" isn't an argument, especially considering how linear and non-systemic the story is. And even if it was purely systemic, that didn't stop them from giving other characters much bigger roles than her.
ulrika is cute and totally had sex with my female arisen
Ulrika is a slut and totally raped my male beastren arisen.
It's a fact. The game as a whole was designed to be systemic. Including the characters. You failing to grasp this is not my problem.
You're clearly completely unfamiliar with design direction. The more they leaned into the standard approach you seem to crave, the less systemic they would have to make it. If they then made everything in the game except the character systemic, that would create a hard clash which would've been genuinelly awful.

You might not have liked what they did, but they would've needed to make a very different game to make what you want.
But this is clearly a topic beyond you and I would have to explain so many other things in regards to game design, game direction, game dev and so on that I frankly don't have the time or patience for, considering how there's zero benefit to me. It's not like you're interested in challening your ideas anyway.
If it's truly impossible to make characters play a role in a """""systemic""""" game, how do you explain every other major character that isn't Nadinia? Why is the the only """""systemic""""" character that gets sidelined like this?

Please think before you post.
>this is clearly a topic beyond you and I would have to explain so many other things in regards to game design, game direction, game dev and so on that I frankly don't have the time or patience for
This is what mindless fanboy delusion looks like.
>thread has been up for 3 months
I thought everyone who bought DD2 already played it and dumped it?
Game and story just suck, story boils down to gay meta shit everyone is doing nowadays
>Pathfinder is basically the DM and he just wants a story with dragon fights over and over again you the player free the cardboard characters and give them their free will not just your pawn
Itsuno is a hack
I could forgive the generic story if he didn't gimp the vocations and outright remove some of them or gave some interesting places to explore that weren't the same copy pasted cave
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>2-digit IQ trying to sound intellectual
>I just wanted a game that was better than the original
the game is better than the original in most regards

the Pathfinder is actually the Seneschal
DD2 story relies on the player being familiar with the worldbuilding of DD1
what the Pathfinder wanted was for the Arisen to break the false cycle the world was trapped in and return to the "normal" cycle (i.e. like the one in DD1)
>if he didn't gimp the vocations
aside from mage and sorc, all the vocations play objectively better (and even those two have some welcome additions)
The fuck is this gay ass meme.
Next bloviation you should try to work in "media literacy" in between systemics.
The pathfinder is not the Seneschal, it's literally the beastren guy who founded vermund.
You didn't even play DD2 and yet you shill for it
All the vocations are gimped and suck
In the Japanese dialogue, Rothais is literally referred to as the Seneschal
Whoever translated the game into English did a piss poor job when it comes to these details

And ultimately it would make no sense for the Pathfinder not to be the Seneschal
He's a higher being, with near omnipotency, that rarely intervenes and seeks to guide the Arisen into becoming the protector of the World
Literally shares the same characteristics and fills the same role as the Seneschal did

>All the vocations are gimped and suck
prove it then
Nah the piss drinker simply doesn't know any better
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DLC/Expac this year or the next? Keep in mind that Dark Arisen released 11 months after the original game release...
More like Dragon's Ligma heheheheh
If DLC is in the plans (and most major Capcom releases in the past 5 years had them within 1 year of the original release) then yes
TGS is the most likely announcement date imo
I doubt they would launch it next year as MH Wilds is due in March - avoiding product cannibalization is in their commercial interest after all
Do we have an official release date for Wilds? I thought that was just "2025", though it would make sense to release in March, Capcom loves releasing their big games on that month.
>Do we have an official release date for Wilds?
No official date, just speculation
But March is the most reasonable estimate

>Capcom loves releasing their big games on that month.
Because in Japan, end of March coincides with the end of their fiscal year
So by releasing major games in the final weeks of the month, they get a nice fat boost to their financial numbers
Stonks go up and their investers are pleased and sated (probably get a surprise bonus too)
Of course this means these games are pretty much rushed out of the door (what happened to DD2), but for Capcom the reward outweighs the PR hit
Plus these games all get at least 1 year of post release support, so by the time the final DLC drops they have given all the techincal polish they will ever care to give

Capcom is dead set on at least a 10% value increase each year
Gonna be funny when the DD2 dlc is like 2 hours long and maybe gives 1 more enemy type
Unsustainable growth at the expense of everything... God, I hate kikes.
that's an interesting distinction, but 'Fighter' is has always been and will always be a terrible term.
If you can be a summoner, then I don't know why they'd have to or would be specifically beasts. In Skyrim it's like spirits, which makes more sense.
Itsuno already fumbled with Devil May Cry V. So Dragon's Dogma 2 being below expectations is unsurprising.
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I don't understand, why would that be funny?
Because the series is plagued with rushed and cut content
I don't think they need to worry about product cannibalization for DD2, only people that are going to buy the DLC are diehard fans that can't let go. Capcom absolutely slaughtered any chance they had of bringing in and retaining a fresh audience.
you never know
like >>3572738 said, the series problem is the fact its games keep been released in a undercooked state
the reason for this imo is because Capcom just doesn't believe that open-world ARPGs can be successful, despite the fact that since Oblivion and specially Skyrim all evidence keeps points to the contrary
Capcom said DD is now a "core brand" (whatever that means), but until they all in on the concept the franchise will never achieved Elden Ring levels of success

Honestly if they weren't stupid, after DD2 fully wraps up, they should start production on DD Online 2
But this time release it to internal audiences and keep the game regurlarly updated
It might not still dethrone WoW, but it would have the potential to get close
the best part was the exploration, but that also meant once I reached the volcano area I dropped it

>pawn banter
>first half of the game (before I realized there's just variations of most enemies I've fought a thousand times)

>pawn system seems worse
>last half of my time playing the game
>""""story""""" and """"characters"""""
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>pawn system seems worse
imo about the only thing about pawns that declined over the original was the "knowledge chair" equivalent
it's specially bad considering on extensive the system was in DDO
otherwise, I found pawn AI far more reliable and the Pawn Quest mechanic was a touch of genius
if you played this game your a fag
Pawn AI is still pretty bad, just like with DD1 they fall off of cliffs/into the water all the time. They also still cannot handle golems by themselves, they also repeat dialogue waaaay too much.
>hey fall off of cliffs/into the water all the time
not my experience
golems will always be troublesome without blunt weapons, otherwise they figth well enough, but biggest improvement to their use in combat imo are the new commands
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Rip bun
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He was in the neighborhood and decided to drop by.
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>A treasure chest!
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>I'm ready to be taken back to Firelink Shrine please
looks like a ps3 game
I think I'll pass on buying it
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>people expecting DLC
oh nonononono
that doesn't prevent the DLC
Kinoshita is still the lead game designer (he made Dark Arisen) and if there's going to be a DLC this year like the leaks suggested, that would mean the damn thing was being made even before the game released so Itsuno still had a hand in it

still, it's a shame
with Itsuno gone there's nothing to expect in the future from Capcom
he mentions moving to a new studio, could it be he and Kamiya (possibly Mikami) are working together?
Man, this is sad.
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T'is ogre...
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It's over.
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I haven’t bought this yet, are these faggots going to remove Denuvo yet?
Capcom takes like 2 years to remove Denuvo from their games, so maybe in March, 2026.
Do pawns have functioning genitalia?
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Possible DLC shown at TGS
I don't trust this Rift faggot and neither should you.
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watched some Asmongold stream and he said DD1 is a much better game. the shitty steam reviews and the shit performance issues made me shy away from playing that. I guess I'll wait for an insane price drop to consider playing this shit.
If Asmongold tells you that sucking dick is good will you do it too?
You're essentially sucking his dick playing this game considering he's one of the poster boys for it alongside the tranny Sphere hunter
I thought your fave streamer said DD1 was a much better game than DD2? But now he is a poster boy for DD2? Also, do you have any original ideas and opinions or do you just let content creators think for you?
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>content creators
I fucking hate this phrase so much it’s unreal bros
Different anon, just saying you're sucking streamers/content creator dicks from you playing this
That doesn't make much sense since pretty much every streamer turned their backs on this game, they got wowed by the trailers and game previews and then forgot about it in a week, I played it for about 150 hours, greatly enjoyed it, wished it had more to do and will probably replay it next year or when an expansion is released, despite the game's many issues, it's still quite an unique experience.
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I can literally see you mashing one button over and over while cinematic animations play out. It's been 130 days, man.
>I can literally see you mashing one button over and over while cinematic animations play out.
But enough about your PoE thread
I can see your inputs right in the webm, you are mashing like a retarded monkey.
She's clearly not into vore.
Has one schizo seriously been astroturfing this piece of shit for FIVE months!?
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I still regret buying this. Think of everything you can do with $76 dollars. After this I will never ever buy a Denuvo/Steam/Capcom game again. Fool me once... and all normies must die
>press square
>press square
>press square press square press square
sip... now THAT is gameplay
>Has one schizo seriously been astroturfing this piece of shit
You contradict yourself. That’s one autist, not one schizo, and if he’s actually just one dude who is playing a game he likes, that’s not “astroturfing”, even if you personally dislike the game and don’t care for it. Perhaps the schizo is you, anon.
Well, that enemy is quite easy, you could probably let your own pawns kill it and you could just watch and be fine.
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until we get insight into the game's development, we'll never know for certain
but my guess is simply that the Battahl was gutted to meet deadlines

unfortunately The Rift seems to have deleted that video for some reason, but he had a video of all the cut content for Talos which included plenty of attacks and scipted interactions with the terrain
Is DD2 worth playing? Is it true devs abandoned the game?
>Is DD2 worth playing?
there's no ARPG with better combat, plus enemy design and feeling of adventure are still exceptional
>Is it true devs abandoned the game?
no one knows
the last update was in july, but steamdb lists some depot updtes a few days ago and there's been rumors of dlc announcement at TGS
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>Fighters the only valid class
>Uses a barrel attack completely unrelated to fighter
Damn guess you didn't beat the game
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the greatest weapon of a figther/warrior is his mind
and a true master makes use of everything within reach to defeat his opponent
Spearhand op
A mystic knight died for this.
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>Mystic Knight died to be replaced by a superior Vocation
C'mon now. I liked spearhand but mystic knight was amazing. I would have liked having both. Spearhand felt more green blue than red blue to me personally.
mystic knight was essentially a fighter with access to mage skills - though the magic parries were cool as hell, they should've kept those at least
warfarer basically allows the same thing (a shame it sucks without this mod: https://www.nexusmods.com/dragonsdogma2/mods/951)

I also would've preferred to have both, but between the two I prefer spearhand because it is an entirely new playstyle
I used none of the spells, I used cannon and magic parry to make the cannon shoot a billion times and there's nothing like that in 2 that I'm aware of. I like doing perfect blocks with an enchanted shield but I still miss my boy MK.

Hopefully dlc brings a couple new skills or vocations. Though I'd dump 100 hours in a new BBI.
>desert faggotry
>weird furfaggotry
The lolishit of the first game was bad enough, but why do they just fuck everything up so bad?
what's wrong with deserts?
>posts a picture of an inferior vocation
>calls it superior
I prefer the overpowered Paladin in DD1 to the underpowered Darth Maul in DD2
I feel like it's the opposite and spearhand is way too overpowered. Then again, combat in DD2 is all piss easy with shitty linear progression so everything felt piss easy.
>the opposite
>MK has a big shield which can negate damage
>Spearhand has to rely on a timing stun
Whuh? Spearhand has an entire invincibility bubble that tanks everything for several seconds and is highly spammable. I think they even had to nerf it because it was that dumb.
>the vocation icons implied we'd have perhaps 20-30 vocations, possibly more
>there's only 10 in the actual game
>vocations from the first game are missing
this better be one big fucking DLC
this $70 turd is woefully unfinished
i can't wait to upgrade this 70$ unfinished turd into a 110$ unfinished turd
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*Capcom poops on a dinner plate in front of me*
*licks lips*
*picks up spoon*
*starts ravenously eating shit*
*discards spoon*
*starts eating with fingers*
*licks shit off fingers, resisting the urge to bite my fingers off*
*thanks Capcom for the meal and asks for seconds*

that's kind of how I feel about it
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>every patch notes post on Steam is like 15 words long
what the hell are they doing
Imagine being the retard that shilled this every single day obsessively for an entire year and winding up with this as an end product.
>someone liking something and wanting to play a game is “shilling”
How embarrassing… for you.
oh look another retard copy pasting buzzword that he has absolutely no idea the meaning of
Dlc news?
not until later this month at Tokyo Games Show 2024 (supposedly)
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wait for TGS bro (next week)
I want now!

How much are the chancis to make game Dd2 better via seasoning pass?
>'bout three fiddy
Anon... I... Itsuno is gone (from Capcom)...
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Dark Arisen wasn't directed by Itsuno. Kinoshita Kento is still in Capcom and credited as Lead designer for DD2, just as he was director for Dark Arisen and DD Online.

I have no real expectations for this supposed DLC, since most of my complaints are core issues that added content won't fix. But I'm wondering what the actual legacy of Dragon's Dogma will be now that Itsuno fled.
>But I'm wondering what the actual legacy of Dragon's Dogma will be now that Itsuno
Slopidity slop
And will proceed to produce further slop

>Owari da
Plenty of RE engine games run perfectly fine. Don't blame the engine for poor optimization.
But it is delicious and nourishing
Second for me please!

This guy gets it
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Sleepy griffon.
Does the game run worse after the patch for anyone else?
I'm getting lots of stutter on the seafloor.
>for anyone else?
you damn well know no one is playing this game
gimme a break i missed it on release
I’ll be playing it when these faggots remove Denuvo
by all accounts the newest patch significantly improved 1% lows
i have a hunch it's got to do with some kind of a particle effect
but i get 1-2 sec annoying slowdowns somewhat regularly now

whereas up until now the game was perfectly smooth outside of cities with a 60 fps lock
so in my case it feels like it significantly expanded 1% lows
or idk i want to convince myself that maybe i simply didn't notice the slowdowns before but i don't think that's the case
this guy is the perfect example of how undercooked / butchered the game is

he has his own ending slide with Phaesus if he survives, even though most people probably throw him off that ledge and therefore never get a chance to resurrect him
the pawns comment on him being some renowned warrior
but in the actual game he's just some random shmuck that you meet three times in a completionist walkthrough and never learn anything about

Julien is a character of similar caliber in DDDA and he's involved in five quests
For me, it’s reviving him after killing him
>you have to resurrect him and then visit him in jail several days later to get the best magic shield available at that point
i never would've figured that out without a guide
I think they cut several questlines
Lanzo is also good evidence of this
people meme that he has more cutscenes than the cat queen and I think has some truth to it
it's likely the devs intended for most quests to have that level of polish and the reason Lanzo's side quest had it and the cat queen's main quest didn't was simply because the they did the former first and by the time they were working on the latter they had already been told by Capcom's higher ups to quickly wrap the game's production
the fact that Batthal has not even half of the quests Vermund has is also solid proof of this...
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Spooky, that's modded right? One of those random spawns mod?
possibly the Enemy Spawner mod
the cave itself is the one connecting Battahl to Volcanic Island
As a big fan of Dragons Dogma 1, is this game even worth buying?
Why do people play this when I've heard nothing but negative reviews? Apparently the story is awfully short too?
>Why do people play this when I've heard nothing but negative reviews?
because the game is fun
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DLC tomorrow (maybe)
Nyo, nyot yet.
Tokyo Games Show
I don't see it happening, it's too soon, it would be cool and there have been many important DD related announcements at past TGS events, but I feel like they might just briefly mention DD2, mention its sales, talk a little about the last patch and call it a day.
>when you nut but she keeps sucking
So anyone's surprising nobody DD2 is abandoned. TGS had zero mention of DD2. I don't expect there to be any dlc
>mfw I want to buy and play dd2
>mfw I won’t until they remove Denuvo
>mfw Capcom are faggots
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They're still working on the game
Steam DB was constantly getting significant updates during TGS
But it is baffling just how tone deaf Capcom's handling as been
At this point I am equally interested to know the full picture (i.e. the amount of retardation that happened behind the scenes) of DD2 production as I am in a sizeable DLC
Dragon's Dogma Online 2
Coming soon
>Japan only :)
That's great, I would want the full Japanese experience and not the localized, globalized, intended for America experience, VPNs exist and that's how a lot of people played the original DDO anyway.
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DD success is largely due to international audiences, not the japanese one
and international audiences don't speak in moonrunes
also one of DDO biggest issues was the absurd amount of griding, because asians can't help but be autistic about that bullshit, so an international release would curb that stupidity
What do you want to see in the necessary expansion?
>What do you want to see in the necessary expansion?
Remove Denuvo
Breast size slider
Mystic Knight
dungeon crawling
Just moar stuff.
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If you only used fighter or warrior you didn't even experience the game, let alone beat it
Same here bro, but I won't but it until they release MegaMan legends 3
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we will go to the moon yet...
Yes. Buy it. It goes on sale fairly frequently too.
>I've heard nothing but negative reviews?
The people you heard are retarded.
>Apparently the story is awfully short too?
Doesn't matter. Short story = good story. The point of the game is the pit at the end or Bitterblack Isle. Everything before that is just filler.
It's a shame they're not giving us a mega dungeon like BBI. That's what this game is missing.
I cope by thinking of the roads and cliff formations as the dungeon. Just install a mod to put real loot in the chests instead of shit.
>real loot in the chests instead of shit
chest loot both in DDDA and DD2 is meant to be just shit for you to sell on shops
it's not like more exploration centric rpgs like morrowind and gothic, where finding a weapon/armor in the world is a special moment, as even the few chests in DDDA and DD2 that do have weapons/armor lose all their importance once you realise that after 2 in-game days they will reset that loot
getting new weapons and armor is entirely related to shops
the only worthwhile loot is monster drops for weapon/armor upgrades
So if a thread isn't even close to bump limit after 6 months it's pretty safe to assume /vrpg/ will always hate that game, right? The only other game to even approach this level of "epic fail" was daggerfall.
Saga is coming close to joining the group.
I doubt anons check the date of the first post
in that regard dragonsligma anon single-handedly is carrying DD2's perception in the eyes of some tourist
for them it's just that vrpg has a 400 post DD2 thread

I'm actually kinda impressed with that one anons dedication
but on the other hand clinging to shitty forgettable games like that can't be healthy

let's just hope he leaves a warning in this thread once he is inevitably going on a killing spree irl since people don't appreciate his fav game
/vrpg/ doesn't really like action games, so it's not a surprise that Dragon's Dogma 2 (or DDDA) isn't popular here.
/vrpg/ doesn't really like games, let alone fun ones
and since /vrpg/ is mostly populated by midwits, this rabble is predominantly enamored with their misconceived idea of an rpg, not the actual realities of role-playing video games
so it's no surprise the peak of the role-playing video game genre (the Action RPG subgenre) isn't popular here
The loot resetting while also being mostly worthless is one of my biggest gripes with DD1. Because it otherwise has some of the most fun exploration and dungeon delving I've ever seen in a game.
Does this game have a story that's more coherently structured than the first? That was the main thing I was hoping for in a sequel.
The story is significantly worse.
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the whole loot system is basically set up for the benefit of the upgrade grind system, not the exploration and dungeon delving aspects
its one of those elements that show DD really still is a jRPG at the end of the day

>a story that's more coherently structured than the first
no, the main story is very "raw"
for one you must have knowledge of the setting's cosmology (i.e. the Dragon, the Rift, the Seneschal, the Eternal Return, the place of the Arisen in all of this)
then you must be willing to search for information yourself outside the main quests - because in the main quests all the characters assume your avatar is caught up with all the latest events, so they don't waste much time explaining things to you outside the most important stuff - if you want to know more, you have to engage with the side content: you have to do side quests, talk with key npcs, read the few documents present in the game and generally explore the world (the pawns are useful in this, because they usually reveal lore when you discover points of interest)
once you get over these two hurdles the main quests are logically consistent
but then you get to Batthal
and it fully hits you just how incomplete the game is
now conceptually I like Batthal, it's a relentless high-level region with a though geography (with a difficulty mod, it makes for some pretty intense adventuring)
but content it's painfully incomplete - it barely has 1/3 of Vermund's side-quests and even less main quests and the production levels are all over the place (some side-quests are clearly finnished as they have proper cutscenes and everything, but the main quests have none of that and in fact are very poor in terms of presentation)
the region overall just lacks the depth of Vermund and it's content is awfully rushed - it's clear the devs were told to wrap up production when they where in the middle of making this region
once you're done with Batthal you get to the Volcanic Island and the game ends
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Its even worse.
>178 days
Dragons Ligma 2 sisters...
No one cares about this gay game
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So why Dragon Dogma 2 flop?
Its worse than the 1st game.
Its boring.
tits not big enought
They failed to make a good game.
They fucked up
Major performance issues at launch combined with bad word of mouth from the game being shit.
Relatively poor technical performance even on strong current gen hardware, which bodes even worse for weaker older hardware.
Echo chamber amplified and blew out of proportion how bad the performance is, acting like it's literally the worst PC port of all-time.
People that never even played Dark Arisen seeing the hype from Dark Arisen fans and subsequently buying into the hype, but since they never played it, they had unreasonable expectations of what to expect since they never had a frame of reference in the first place. So, they get disappointed when the game doesn't meet their purely imaginary preconceived notions of what the game is supposed to be.
Game launched at $70. And the bonuses of the $80 deluxe edition is just stuff that turns the game into braindead easy mode that actively disincentivizes you from actually playing the game.
Ragebait right-wing content creators complain that the presence of non-white NPCs make the game "woke" and therefore bad.
Lack of post-launch support. IItsuno is no longer at Capcom. No indication that an expansion a la Dark Arisen is on the horizon. Until last month's update that added QoL changes and Casual Mode (to an already casualized game), the only updates had just been bug fixes.
Loud vocal minority of people that just wage hate campaigns against niche games solely because they have a small dedicated following decided to hate on this game, purely to troll its fanbase (see also: SaGa).
>p-people's expectations were too high! they never played the first game! they're waging a hate campaign against my niche game!
I was just posting how I observed it's reception pre-release and post-release. Also, I posted legit criticisms of the game (performance issues, too expensive, too easy with deluxe bonuses and casual mode, lack of post-launch support).
It sold well, it was just disappointing to newfags who expected some Assassin's Creed game with dragons.
>Ragebait right-wing content creators complain that the presence of non-white NPCs make the game "woke" and therefore bad.
And they were right.
No, I'm not going to acknowledge the first game had black and arab characters in it or that the setting in both games is based in the Mediterranean where they wouldn't be out of place.
Deal with it.
The sad thing is, people unironically agree with this.
This: >>3644173
It's also important to note that while we the consumers might perceive the game as a failure, Capcom's execs seems quite content with the game's commercial achievements - imo specially because DD2 success managed to sweep the actual failure that was Exoprimal under the rug (it's my suspicion this is the real reason why they rushed DD2 to release to just before the end of the fiscal year)
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I'm sure this will be a lot of fun once I upgrade my computer and the expansion comes out

haha there's definitely going to be an expansion... right?
Does this game have missable quests/locations and such that you can lock yourself out of without realizing, like the first does?
I refuse to replay games. Too many games to play, too little time in a single life. Need to know if I can justify getting the game or not
yes but unfortunatelyit's a lot more forgiving than the first one in that regard
>Too many games to play, too little time in a single life
then play less games dumbass
How do i get stronger?
By killing enemies.
But im too weak to kill enemies they kill me instead.
Then get stronger
By killing enemies
But i cant kill enemies they are too strong for me.
Kill some weaker enemies first before you take on the stronger ones then
Oh ok.
But how will i know which enemy is weak and which one is strong?
Look it up online.
nice way to end the thread you guys
Dragons Dogma?
More like Dragons Sugma
If the dragon from Dragons Dogma has a human form like dragons from WoW do would she have a big GYATT?
I think her GYATT would be flat but she would have very big boobs instead.
that actually makes a lot of sense
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