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Did you "save" your world?
No, but I've been making the sack (the compendium for those who have played some Persona).
You buy monsters from a giant cunt in exchange for pubic hair.
I think it's the last menu I still had to make.

With sound: https://webmshare.com/play/7aO65
Alt link: https://files.catbox.moe/9h5c1b.webm
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Am I in all over my head? I’m trying to make a MMO-lite, on a small scale. How feasible is 10 concurrent players if I were to use a cloud service for a dedicated server? Is making a MMO-lite a bad idea?
What if it's relatively simple? I.e. Not that complex.
I'm using Unity. I just want to continue the world I made in RPGM, Mongol and The Great Conclovince of Mithrithnogg and turn them into an MMO.
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No such thing as being over your head. If you have the will, the time, and the intellect, anything is possible.

Progress update so far.

Got a party and reserve party system set up, all of my menus display my custom character parameters, and with help from a friendly robot bro I was able to learn how to add <notetags> to equipment, skills, characters, etc. With this I was able to set up different skill types, such as Attack, Healing, Items, Support, Melee, Ranged, Magic, etc., which I can then cross reference in states allowing me to easily make states that add an additional effect to all skills that match the referenced tag.

For instance I have a skill called 'Horrifying Stance', which costs 2 TP and makes the next Melee Weapon attack have a 100% hit rate, 100% to bypass block and parry, a 100% to inflict any debuffs the character has or is using, as well as guarantees Fear status on the struck enemy, and the state is removed after a swing. Basically Terrifying Strike from Tactics Ogre.

Learned how to add functions to different items as well, allowing me to make a leechseed type state, where the inflicted battler loses 10% of current HP every turn like poison, but this 10% is then given back to the battler who inflicted the state. I actually am down to #220 in my state list, and will be finished once I get to #270 or so. All of the skills are coded and working, with correct weapon animations playing when a character equipping them attacks, counter attacks working correctly, confusion, charm, berserk, etc. Really have been making some great progress and I may be able to get a demo out sooner than I thought.
Can you even get 10 people together to playtest it at the same time?
I'll try. Perhaps on /vm/. Atm it only works on lan/ hamachi. Until I buy some cloud service for a dedicated server but I need to actually add something in the game first. And change the ui so it doesn't look so dogshit.
Getting started. Any engine recommendations for a dungeon crawler? Heard good things about Godot.
Depends on your programming knowledge. I would start with RPGMaker if you are a novice. Even if you have some experience with code, it is a good engine for a first game to get a feel of what game development is like.

That being said, Godot seems pretty awesome but if I wanted to go for a more professional approach, I would use Unreal or possibly Unity. Godot does seem to have quite a few free scripts and add-ons however. I remember looking into it to make a card game, and most of what I needed was already available from various authors to plug and play. Unreal and Unity have similar plugins and whatnot, but a lot of them are commercialized. Godot seems more oriented towards opensource and free to use types.
Depends on what kind of dungeon crawler you're trying to make and what you're trying to accomplish.
>deleted thread
>deleted thread
>deleted thread
>finally someone makes an actual op
>it's ai slop
fuck this see you retards in a month
yea the original image is pretty generic trash, and I don't even mind AI.
Programming is going to honestly be my strongest area, as I actually went to school for it. Now, it's been a good number of years, as my career went more business then software design, but C, C++, Unix, VBA, Basic, MDL, HTML, Javascript, C-Syle, etc... all live in my brain somewhere.

Honestly, what you said about Godot kinda makes it more appealing to me. Curious if this sort of thing can be done as a one man show, so I'm going to see if I can teach myself the other parts. Haven't looked up Godot deep yet, but the option to do either 2D with the flip book screens like proper old school, or just building them in 3D and snapping the textures to a frame to achieve the isometric view is probably going to be the next choice.

Honestly, trying to make one I'd like to play, but with a few updates to bring it into 20XX. I never did like navigating the crap ton of menus, so the interface in combat would have all your options at top level. Going for more of a single player then a party dynamic, not to say the occasional member would join temporarly, depending on what you would do. Abilities would be free form, I think. Classes wouldn't define your abilities, the abilities you picked would define your class, if you wanted it to. Or not. Fuck the rules. Mix and match, be a weirdo. Also think I found a way around the God Stat problem, but I'd want to tinker a bit to make sure.
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>did you save your world
Yes! First they don't, but then they do. They fail, are assumed dead, we meet new characters.
Later on the second group finds members of the first. After everything they went through, the party questions if they can even do it anymore and begin to split off.
The second group rallies them together and we go from 8 characters to a total of 16. (if you choose to find them all)
They finish what they started over the course of two generations and through their perserverance they prove that it was *not* pointless and that it was all worth it in the end!
Yes, incredible how the jannies decided that deleting the two previous thread was good but this using sloppa is ok.
jannies are on the payroll of triple A studios, what do you expect? You don't think they miss the 10+ fallout threads due to not seeing them, do you?
I'm actually thinking about completing other people's abandoned projects. I need closure.
Like what?
Mainly the stories. A loose dungeon. Something fast and sloppy.
>And everyone died. The End.

It's not like I know where they were going with things. I don't think they really knew either. Beside some obvious revelation like the heroine being the reincarnation of a goddess or something.

I don't have a problem with the isekai setup and OP stats. I just want to see a conclusion.
Anyone know a good font without any legal bullshit attached?
>Anyone know a good font without any legal bullshit attached?
Everything on Google Fonts is OFL, which is the least amount of legal bullshit possible for a font.
I'm sure you can find something there. Just download it.
Absolutely mindbroken by AI. Shouldn't you Luddites be smashing up a data center or whatever?
Is this really how I find out there's fucking copyright attached to fonts? Jesus fucking christ I'm pissed off.
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Just re-added fixed cameras. Turning it into a Survival Horror MMO, with tank controls and limited loot :D.
It's kind of weird.
There is no copyright attached to font faces. There IS copyright attached to font software, which is a fixed implementation of a font face.
This allows things like metrically identical clones (e.g. the Windows fonts that ship with Wine). But they have to be cleanroom. If you just copy the glyphs directly from another font, that's a derivative work which is infringing.
On the other hand, that .ttf file you downloaded from the internet is font software, and absolutely has copyright attached.
What kind of retard decided to copyright the way to write letters anyways?
I don't see many communities with an outlet for story generation. I think people pick up bad habits and write narratives with meme recognition as a goal.

When I first joined the rpg maker community I wasn't familiar with anime. So their stories all seemed really interesting. But I didn't realize how derivative they were. In retrospect, it doesn't surprise me at all that they were never completed.

Like, I had never seen Death Note. I would not recognize the character name "Light Yagami". So when a game introduces a shinigami, a grim reaper, named "Yagami", I didn't realize that was a joke. That this character had no future, no backstory. At the very least it had unspoken characterization of targeting criminals that would have made sense in the context of the scene. But instead it was a mystery character that I expected to explored in the next release that never happened.

On top of that, they were using Nauto soundtrack. Which, again, I had never seen at the time. But it sounded appropriate. And they were using "weed" as a healing herb. Which was kind of funny. But it wasn't obnoxious like "Lol, 420. Get high".
It all seemed like it was in good taste at the time. But in retrospect...I can't look at it the same way anymore.
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If Interactive Fiction with stat systems count as RPGs then so far so good, got 84k words done for my eastern fantasy martial arts game's next update, putting me at 389k so far with 6 chapters. Trying to figure out what else to offer on the naval adventure for people who don't want to commit piracy.

Link if anyone's interested: https://dashingdon.com/play/cultivator-anon/aura-clash/mygame/
Fucking obviously? Are you retarded? If you're making commercial software of any kind you need to procure the appropriate licences.
>know that it looks like shit
>takes it incredibly personally when they get called out for it
>gets mad when nobody wants to be around it
ai bros are basically trannies but at least trannies actually make their own shit. yes, i AM disgusted by the use of big corporate sludge in independent projects that are supposed to be concentrated individuality and human warmth, how could you tell?
avaricious, rent-seeking retards in suits.
>word count
I'm not having a go at you or anything, but this is something I don't understand about the CYOA community. I keep seeing games shilled by their word count, and even players dismissing games due to insufficient verbosity.
When you study writing, a common theme is doing more with less; fewer words are always preferred over more words. Perhaps it's different in vidya. Perhaps not though, according to some practitioners:
Do you have any insight as to why CYOAs value size qua size? Is it a phallic thing?
Style changes by authors but amount of content to text rate is probably similar, so word count is very imprecise measure of how much content there is.
While I agree with you for short stories or isometrics, the point of word count in CYOA means either that choices matter (branching requiring more words) or that the game has more story. CYOAs don't have any time spent playing that doesn't involve reading, even the combat scenes will be nothing but words and options, which are written with words. So while Pillars of Eternity or Pathfinder: Kingmaker might do better with less words because it has gameplay and voice acting, for CYOAs words are the entire game. A good CYOA is 500,000+ words and that'll give you a 4-5 hour story with enough branching that your choices matter so it's worth replaying.
Curious about what people think about all the parameters and stats I am using that can be modified by buffs, debuffs, and gear.

As it stands, I have 14 different stats displayed on all menus. Is this overkill? The only one I feel I could safely remove/merge would be block and parry into a single value (each would still be its own stat however, just the displayed value would be a factor of both)

Atk and Def are self explanatory, same with Str and Dex (dmg and def modifiers), mind and resist are mat and mdef, accuracy is a base value so perhaps this can be assumed to always be at 95%, Initiative is a chance to debuff or bypass block, p evade and m evade are obvious, as is parry and block. Luck is less obvious and is more of a general all around hit modifier for everything that has a chance (crit, block, eva, hit, debuff, etc), and move is self explanatory as well as I am building an SRPG.

Need some feedback bros, as I am about to do a final runthrough of my skills to get a demo out. Do I cut some things or leave it as the autistic complex system it currently is?
I didn't think that corporate greed extended to the way letters are written.
>commercial software
I'm not making commercial software. As far as I know US copyright law prevents people from sharing copyrighted materials for free.
first looked at all the stats on your picture then boiled it down to attack, defense, strength, accuracy, move. i don’t think excessive information is bad, but pevade/mevade & block/parry could be paired if you give those the same stat values. only thing I would change besides that is mind -> magic. did a double take because a lot of games use mind/resist interchangeably as mdef. maybe a small help text to explain initiative but everything else is explanatory.
>corporate greed
It's actually artist greed. Since it's one of the few software products that doesn't take a team to build, most fonts are made by independent designers like the one I use.
Isn't the point of a CYOA that you only read a fraction of it? 50,000 words is like a short novel. And if you're only reading a fraction of that - what are you really getting? 5? 10? pages per "adventure"?
Your dad was right, you should get a real job.
okay tranny
hmm, well p evade and m evade will be different depending on gear equipped, buffs, and whatnot. The base values are the same at level 1 but the moment you start building a char and leveling up these will change.

I do think parry and block can be mixed though as these essentially function the same way, just one is with a weapon and the other with a shield. Getting rid of that leaves me with 13 stats, which is an uneven + unlucky number so that is a bad aesthetic, but if I could find one more to remove I would be alright with 12. Will consider changing Mind to Magic like you suggested, and yea having a sort of tooltip popup when examing the stats (or a way to hit a button which gives you a cursor on all stats with a help window displaying specifics like in FFT/TO).

That leaves me with either Accuracy or Luck. Lets see how TO does it for comparisons sake...

Only 8 stats, however they do have a parry modifier that is hidden and only has several versions, this is shown on the weapon/shield stats instead of character stats. A bit simpler of a solution, but considering parry is only influenced by the weapon itself, that makes sense to only show this on the weapon stats vs the character stats. I don't think I have any other ways to change block/parry values in my game outside of equipment and specific in battle buffs/debuffs, so perhaps I could do this. Only showing block/parry values on the items themselves that provide to them, and then on a preview screen before confirming an attack, which actually could be the result of defender Block/Parry/P. Evade/M. Evade/Initiative/Luck vs attacker Accuracy/Initiative/Luck (with all debuffs and buffs applied to reach an end Success % value)

12 isn't much less than 14, but at least that is a bit less clutter.

Another question, how smart should enemy AI be? I want to make it rock solid, but the chance or option to do dumb stuff (attacking vs 100% dodge buffed target) makes it seem more human and less formulaic
Double posting here, but the attack value displayed on the char screen for my game is misleading, since it is a sum value of all 3 weapon atk power. Each weapon has its own attack that only uses its own atk value, so perhaps in addition to showing block/parry on shield/weapon data, I could also just display atk value on the weapons themselves. Just would have to find a neat way to do it that isn't ugly.

Getting rid of atk, accuracy, block, and parry would bring the number down to 10.

Also not sure how many equipment pieces should be available. I am torn between just the basics (mainhand/offhand/sidearm/helm/armor/accessory), or full decked out style like Diablo 2, where you also get gloves, belt, boots, and multiple accessories. I kind of like the latter but the same issue presents itself, I don't want to give the player so many options they become paralyzed in their decision making or feel overwhelmed as a consequence.
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this is a hard question to answer. it is mainly going to come down to how you want to do things, and how you script it. firemblem enemies are very mindless, while tactics usually does the best attack it can, but sometimes it just skips their action for the turn? This post goes over a bit of FFT’s code and tries to describe what’s going on. there is other info like this on this site: https://ffhacktics.com/smf/index.php?topic=11590.0

as for big equip based systems, I wouldn’t say decision paralysis is the problem, but more likely there is going to be a lot of items that are just better than others. and with this much equipment on over 20+ characters?? it will be hard to keep track of who has what.

if you go for a heavy equip based system, some rules you can borrow: less equips on a character = higher priority target for enemy (they will likely have worse stats than someone better equipped), healers,thiefs,mages = higher priority for physical attackers, least highest for magic attackers. this is a lot of theoretical stuff, im not familiar with MV but I wrote down some ideas for enemy patterns. work on getting the basic stuff like enemy units moving to attack ally units first, then you can decide whether to add more complex things: https://pastebin.com/S3x9q5EK
At least it's not another RPG Maker OP, those guys already have enough threads to post about their soon to be abandoned pixel slop projects.
Does anyone know any games where towns are just menus instead of typical maps? I'm looking for those to use for reference.
Soul Nomad, Final Fantasy Tactics, etc. I think it's more common in games that are more strategy/RPG than pure RPG.
No? Can you provide a reference for the reference?
>moved to resources requests
>snarky reply about using search engines
>appreciate fake engagement or else
Hmm its not for a tactics game but I don't see the point for towns beyond
On one hand I agree with that.
On the other hand, a lot of the motivation for playing RPGs is exploration. People want to run around in the world and see what's there. They want to look into the weird hut next to the weapon shop and find someone that is offering a reward for returning a sack of bear assholes.
The strategy games don't really have that exploration anywhere, so players are a lot more willing to accept menu-towns. Us autistic nerds probably even prefer the efficiency and clarity of a menu rather than running around.
That's not to say it's mandatory though for non-tactics games. I remembered Shining In The Darkness also. The town isn't exactly a menu, but since you "navigate" it by panning a static image, it may as well be one.
I guess that's a lot of words to say "it depends on the game."
rpgmchads run this board. without them you wouldn't even have dev threads.
I think Etrian Odyssey and other games like it have menu-only towns.
Oh yeah I do agree with exploration being important, perhaps I'm being a bit cheap by removing that from towns but I also wanted the main focus of the game to be "exploring the wilds".
Thanks for the suggestions will check them out.
When you lower the bar so much it's just silly to say they can run anything, they barely know how to run a sprite engine for babies.
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Progress continues. Not sure how to really quantify it. Lots of bugfixing etc to try and get the central mechanics really really ironed out. Like, it's a DQ ripoff, so it's not exactly super complicated, but there's some stuff I wanna do that I wanna do well.
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and what games have you released?
Late to the party but Rance 01 does that pretty fine, but that games revolves entirely around minor puzzle-solving in a single town.
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I almost never show overworld stuff because the art is MUCH more placeholder, but the puns continue over into the whole game.
I can't stop, man.
Stop troll feeding, he's not gonna budge.
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Removed some of the PP and added a PSX renderer. Working on adding more survival horror features to the MMO. Any advice will be greatly apprecaited.

Like, how do I balance the multiplayer with the survival horror aspects?
Do I make the fights unwinnable?
Is this rpgmaker?
It's not a troll. You guys literally shit up threads or flood them asking how to install basic scripts or something. Like it has any value to anyone outside of your circlejerk. If you like to do that then that's cool, but you're not running anything or making any useful contribution. When you guys stuck to your own threads at least you would leave the other dev threads to legitimate dev posting and discussion of design, asset creation, and programming. Isn't it weird when a supposed troll has a more nuanced take than your weird sense of superiority """rpgmchads"""?
Why won't I show progress? I only post my development progress when I'm not telling a bunch of angry RPG Maker trolls with too much free time what I really think of them. It's that simple.
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Heh. I've got a 2 month old and since they cry so much and overload your stress capacity I just see this lil foldable chunk and want to pinch the cheeks. I'm this guy btw >>3474757 so don't expect updates soon, baby taking up all my time.
>babbling about shit that never happened
RPG dev dad here. You'll have more dev time later when the kid grows, but it's going to take a while.
Working on floor tiles. Grass tiles. Can't wait to get some assets finished to start making the game world.
I love butthurt artists so much. They’ve destroyed art the last 60 years. They’ve produced nothing but trash. AI is the light. The image in the OP is one of the best images I’ve seen in my life. “But it’s not ironically terrible!” Ya. That’s why it’s GREAT art.
Rpgmaker is so powerful
Nailed it. Any time anyone had any sort of custom thing in their RPG Maker shit: UUHH WHAT SCRIPT IS THAT UUUH WHAT PLUGIN IS THAT UUUUH WHY ISNT THERE A PLUGIN FOR THAT UUUH I NEED MORE PLUGINS
Fucking kill me. We don't have to go back to that. Let these incapable retards rot in their own thread.
>be 2k3 chad
>no plugins available because 2k3
>have learned a lot by keeping tabs on the jam threads when the other 2k3 chads post techniques and methods
feels good man.
Sorry but when you say chad it just sounds like cope. We can all see that Skyrim modding and NWN modding both involve more and result in greater results than the typical RPGM game which are basically below the level of game mods.
>NWN modding
I see we're going back to 2021 with this one
Yeah sure, no idea what you're referring to though.
>skyrim modding
>greater results than anything
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Shrubmarine lol
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>such a great dev that he has to piggyback existing games instead of making his own
How do you market an RPG? Shit's so complex that is hard to call attention to the main selling point of your game
Have you considered looking at how everyone else has done it since the beginning of time?
"Everyone" includes corporations who pay money for ads and press articles?
ask this guy
I think you're confusing a market for an advertisement.
Yes. Stop making excuses and learn from what they've done. You can learn from their subject matter.
You can't learn to have millions to pay for ads.

desu though, you sound fairly low IQ. I wouldn't bother making a game if I were you.
When I think of Fantasy writing I immediately think of C.S. Lewis and Tolkien. There's a lot to take away from Lewis because he taught literature.
What about you guys?
The bible.
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In Exodus, shortly after the Golden Calf incident, Moses is talking to God (manifested as a pillar of cloud). Now that he has led them out of Egypt he's telling Moses that he should leave before the Israelites do something else to cause him to smite them. But Moses pleas for God to stay with them. Because his presence distinguish them from the other nation.

This need for a cultural identity is not a divine directive. It's subversive and exploiting God's ego. Whenever he is around other temples or acts of other Gods, he's got to knock their statues over and one-up them in some manner.
The Pharaoh's priests turn their staff's to snakes, just like Moses does, but his snake is bigger and eats the other snakes.

Moses knows the power of God, and his reputation. But he's never seen the face of God. So he asks to see God's "Glory". But he is denied. Because "none may see it and live".
This can be interpreted a number of ways. In Indiana Jones and the Lost Ark, people's faces melt off. God tells Moses that he would cover him with his hand as he passes by so that he may only ever see his back.
Man was made in God's image after all. I think God is saying Man isn't just standing in his shadow, they are his shadow.

In Kabbalah, the circle of Hod "Glory" is an emanation of God. We can't see the fullness of God, the face of god, but we can perceive this glory/ Catholics believe God made the world so that we may see the light(glory) that creates us that would otherwise be obscured. A reflection, through a glass, darkly. We can look at the light, but not the source.

In the Neverending story, The Auryn is also called "the glory". It is on the cover of the neverending story. As well as the amulet carried by the Point-of-view character within Fantastica.
I'm somewhat proud of my save/load scripts.
To be fair Skyrim mods have turned into a spinoff game or two, and it more dev work than most rpg stuff which is just piggybacking existing games. If you want me to accept one then I'll accept any other mod that's a conversion or spinoff.
>and it more dev work than most rpg stuff
*and it's more dev work than most rpgm suff
I'd rather work on rpgmaker game than a big skyrim mod. Write dialogue for mod? Now you need voice acting. Need to add an object? Well it's more work than a few pixels on ms paint i tell you that much
Most mods can be created in a few days work with no programming knowledge needed. Just the same, the bottom of the barrel of RPGM games can be done the same.

To do either well requires some programming knowledge. Cherry picking the worst of either can prove either point valid. I feel like I am watching tweedle dee and tweedle dum right now struggling for the best position to stroke each other off.
The truth that people don't want to face: making a game in RPGM (or Unity, etc.) literally IS modding.
At least with a gamemaking engine I can bring some skills home with me, such as learning a programming language. I don't think the same can be said when it comes to modding most games. The ones I have modded did not require any programming knowledge in the slightest. But even with RPGMaker I am finding myself spending most of my time just writing or editing javascript functions. Big difference there.
Wow, amazing logic here.
this whole bit was a little more believable when it was "dude stop making your own games you need to make nwn2 mods"
at least nwn2 is closer to being a video game, nothing can fix how dogshit skyrim is to play. i'd take the most mediocre rpgm default gameplay over that any day of the week.
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In Tales of the Abyss all the major cities are named after the sefirot. "Hod" in particular was destroyed before the events of the game, and was raised/replicated as the final dungeon by Van.
The closest thing to religion in that world was "The Score" which is a guiding prophecy of the future. Van hated it.
In a sense, it's just "Fate" by another name.
If everything is scripted, how can there be free will?

Tolkien was also Catholic. Although you wouldn't know it from the movies, the world of middle-earth, Arda, has it's genesis as music, or a song. There is a designed harmony to it, but it's not necessarily scripted. The villains in this universe mean to create discord to disrupt that harmony.

For a long time, the catholic church was the center of musical theory. It's a misconception that they believe tritones, musical dissonance, were evil, sinful, and summoned the devil. It was just conventional to avoid it. In contrarian fashion, it challenged generations of musicians to use tritones more frequently.
Likewise, in storytelling, we have conventions to avoid anything that might ruin immersion. Things like plot holes or out-of-character moments, breaking the fourth wall, ect...
There is a trope, however, to utilize story derailment as a means of character development. Force characters to gaze into the abyss and resolve to be something else; do something else. Or even continue doing what they've always done despite the evidence.
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It's particularly common in stories framed within virtual realities and simulations.

The Amazing Digital Circus just released ep2. Anyone could have predicted that there would be an inevitable existential crisis as game physics break and they no-clip into the backrooms. But less predictable is how they come out of it.
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Not just "how" they come out of it in terms of action and consequence. But "how" the characters move through the scene on an emotional level.

Many stories have a Deus Ex Machina asspull that saves the characters in the end. And how the characters perceive this phenomenon is almost as if by clairvoyance.

"How are we still alive?"
"It's a miracle! Thank you sweet baby jesus!"
"No, I mean, first...and then ...ugh, whatever. Thank you sweet baby jesus!"
"Yeah! Sweet Baby Jesus!"
"Sweet Baby! Whoo!
>schizokun and nwnposting
Next post is gonna be a cg from Wadanohara with a thousand elipses.
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schizokun, do you have any storyboard ideas for plot or world building you want to see included in a game? I am building a FFT/TO inspired indie RPG and have spent the last 2 years developing the battle system and creating sprites, but have not really had any time to develop a story or do much worldbuilding. I would love your unique perspective if you are interested in collaborating.
Brandon Sanderson is at the top of a lot of lists, if only by the sheer quantity of fantasy novels he writes.

He also taught writing courses and spoke on podcasts. I think the only thing I've really learned from him are some thoughts on magic systems and economies. How things should have limits with high stakes for the sake of keeping things interesting.
But that just make his brand of "fantasy" very rational and realistic
Where as Tolkien's idea of fantasy would be like "the moon is made of cheese" and there are no implications.

Brandon isn't on the podcasts anymore. And maybe that's a good thing, after a while he just ends up saying the same thing.

Their last podcast was about economies. That's not necessarily "money" or "business". Just consequences that reinforce behavior and create values, or vice versa.
Post-scarcity could lead to artificial scarcity in order to motivate or exploit people. Reputation economies are based on trust and intimidation, but they fall apart at a certain scope and scale. Being tough and ruthless might make sense in a prison or amoung hitmen, where it doesn't pay to be soft and squeamish. Visibility and impressiveness are only useful in context to a trade or service.
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Started drawing again... haven't drawn since I was in fucking elementary. I've looked up some tutorials, practice guides and shiet, remember doing a lot of them as a kid without any guides at all...
If I stuck with it, who knows, maybe I'd be halfway decent by now instead of absolutely shit.
I feel you, anon. I didn't draw anything for decades but decided to pick it up again in January of last year.
It was tough but I'm enjoying my journey so far. Keep at it, man.
How's my writing style?
You would have been shit because your mindset is already wrong.
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Final Fantasy Tactics is a weird story. It's framed within the Durai Papers, but covering events that Durai wasn't even present for. It's not actually a story within the story because we see nothing of the narrator reading it.

It would be ambitious, but I would like to have more nested stories in the annotations, footnotes, and appendixes. For a House of Leaves type narrative. The book, House of Leaves, is presented as an academic analysis, of this guy's manuscript, of a documentary, of a report about this family in a mysterious house. There are these synchronicities, patterns, echoes across these layers.
It's like Bastion realizing he's already in The Neverending Story. But with more complexity and less handholding.
The house is the book. The narrative structure is the structure of the house. When the narrative changes, the house changes. A team of explorers go into the labyrinth. They punch a hole in a wall and find only an empty room, but we the readers then see a window of text, like a hole through 25 pages.
That might be difficult to storyboard even for David Lynch.
the people who read house of leaves for the johnny truant stuff are fucking insane to me. about 30 pages into the book i just started completely ignoring all of his rambling annotations.
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Tested my animations. Freaked out because like 10 npc's were causing my FPS to drop to 20 fps. Turns out I just needed to download something for unity, collections or something, in the package manager. All good now.
I'm starting a game with RPG maker. I don't have much use for mana so I want to treat it like moral from Disco Elysium. How do I go about making it when mana reaches 0 it triggers game over?
google Yanfly scripts and ask on rpgmaker forums, not here
If its only being drained during battle you can make an in battle event that checks if mana is at 0 and give you an instant gameover
Hi Yanfly
I forgot, you can get the full selection of his scripts for free here: https://archive.org/details/yepenglish
It depends on the game and how open it is to modding. For NWN, it was released with the intention to allow you to create your own module adventures just like the base game, with the ability to expand on the mechanics. The C-like compiled scripting language makes it possible to extend it in pretty much every way for gameplay purposes short of changing rendering and engine basics. The possibilities also let you change the game rules from D&D 3.5 to 5e, to Pathfinder, AD&D 2e, and custom skill based progression systems. Furthermore, since you can add custom GUI and even your own programmable shaders now you can in fact change the graphical presentation. All of this is pretty extensive and the base engine is more advanced than a sprite based 2D engine from the outset. So while we call it modding what goes on is far more advanced than what we see in the average and even popular RPGM games, which as >>3480682 says, they're literally just mods.
The crusades saved all of western humanity, from constant and aggressive muslim attacks. We were forced to unify and come together to push back and save our people.

Now it's called bigoted, if I had the chance to save the world I would just not bother.
i've literally done all that and more with RPGMaker, but I know you are trolling so have a (you)
No you haven't.
2D is better than 3D.
In women yes, but what about games?
At least you never stop outing yourselves as fanboy brained instead of dev brained.
I think of pagan/non-Christian religions/folklore because all fantasy derives from it. Tolkein/Lewis just makes me think that they're racist white dudes.
Yes, I have. Faggot.
>racist white dudes
That's the staple needed for 90% of creations.
I don't know.
In a typical fantasy narrative you're pointing to fantastical things. In this case the fantastical thing is the nature of the world being a book.

Arazlam places himself within the book by writing annotations. Writing on the walls in a sense. Slipping into the margins. Manifesting in the world of the book, in some way.
The equivalent to the Auryn might be the Blood Sin which we see in Vagrant Story as well as the Tactics Advanced games, marking the protagonists.
Alternatively there are editorial marks, such as daggers †, asterisks *, and reference marks ※.

If you were reading Tolkien, and it mentions the song that created the world, you might find a someone has written in the margins possible context: manuscripts stitch together gatherings of pages known as quires or "choirs".

Of course, in today's print, handwritten notes are immediately recognized as someone other than the author. If not by the color of the ink or the orientation of the text.
Unauthorized. Heretical. Marginalized.

Ramza was marked a heretic. Not with a bloodsin aka "inversed rood", but with a bull head. Possibly a minotaur, imprisoned in a labyrinth, or perhaps Byblos. This is only seen in concept art.

Johnny is a tattoo artist, but his ink doesn't touch a lot of skin. Some people think his sex stories are all made up. Others point to a theme, that his sexlife is devoid of connection and intimacy. It's supposed to mean something. Like living in a house together is supposed to mean something. But it doesn't. This house, this manuscript, was just some trash he salvaged. He has no connection to the author or the family beyond a share page space. Although there might be through his mother.
Some think Johnny is the minotaur of the labyrinth. Many think he doesn't belong in the story at all. Like he's violating sacred space. But on the other hand, Johnny himself seems to have been violated. Growing up in foster care rejecting comforts and embracing pain
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Meet Kith and Kin. they are my favourites
R34 of Kith NOW
Everybody understands that no rpgm project anyone has ever posted or will post is going to match what was described, especially nothing you have ever created. Not without a completely new engine.
There are only a few serious rpgm devs here, maybe less than a handful. I doubt any of them would go around being antagonistic to other devs like the typical rpgm fanboy does, or claim that their project is superior.
Oh no, how embarrassing
Uh oh! What a blunder!
I don't understand the purpose of using rpgm. If you're going to spend a year making a game you might as well just learn to program. End the journey with an employable skill. Have a resume project. Or if it's just for fun, you now have the skills to do more fun things. Whereas at the end of the rpgm project you have, a game. Which is fun. But I don't get it. Maybe in a world without chatGPT it made more sense.
soulless and ngmi. it's literally owari da
Achieving goals, being productive, being useful. These are all religious aims, religious paths, that one must follow in order to fulfilled spiritually and psychologically. Having useless skills that take years to acquire which nobody cares about but your mom, lead to people becoming twisted and dark inside. RPGM was suitable in an age where knowledge was harder to attain. If you're even 12 years old just watch youtube and learn to code.
>you have to abide my religion
thinking back fondly on the days when this site wasn't overrun by unironic christfags. literally go the fuck back to >>>/r/eddit
You can make this same argument for most hobbies, really. Video games are a "meaningless" hobby as well and somehow you're posting on this board dedicated to video games.
It’s not my religion. It’s existence itself. You can try and defy the universal rules of existence but do so at your own peril and don’t cry when it doesn’t work out. You don’t get to ignore the hero journey just because you’re atheist. Psychology doesn’t work that way.
I covered this. If it is purely a hobby you’d still be better served programming because it allows more options in the same hobby. But whatever. I’ve made my argument. People can decide.
>get called out
i shouldn't have given you a single (you) let alone several. you should look inside yourself and ask why you think people need to make what you want instead of what they want.
You’re calling known science and 10,000 years of collective information gathering and examination of human life “my religion”. Regardless, you give off massive sissy energy. I don’t converse with sissies. You sound like my post is giving you a fucking panic attack or something. Common of someone who ignores the hero journey and finally gets confronted. Total breakdown. So goodbye.
The virgin "I'm not going to abide by a random stranger's petulant desires"

The chad "I don't care how many times I contradict myself, I'm going to keep acting like a fucking retard in public and then act like I won"
I think this is why there are hundreds of people making games here, and yet only a handful found success. Any time people put forth ideas they are attacked and it’s usually a form of annoying reduction. Like calling Jesus a sky fairy. Like no, the story of death and rebirth is a bit more fucking complex than sky fairy, pal. My post was not a Christian post but was reduced to that, or at least there was a feeble attempt to do so.
It’s an npc response trying protect its own ego and state of non existence. When the light, my posts, shine through, it blinds the npc rather than enlighten. Sad. Even Buddha couldn’t save everyone. I shouldn’t let it get me down.

Whatever. I’ll go forward with my game. That will make me millions of dollars and world wide recognition. I will go forward with “my religion”.
Post your progress.
it doesn't get more christian than making a bunch of posts about how it's your manifest destiny to bring light to the poor stupid backwards savages that use rpg maker instead of spending 9 years coding their own engine from scratch to sell 3 copies of a hentai game, so it's no wonder your post wasn't received well. bible says lift your fellow man up, don't shut him down, but you'd literally rather die than practice what you preach.
>it doesn't get more christian than making a bunch of posts about how it's your manifest destiny to bring light to the poor stupid backwards savages
Uhhh based? Converting to christianity rn
I lift those that can hear. Some don't have suitable Karma and have been infected with demonic beliefs.

Also I didn't say you need your own engine. Coding empowers you to create custom game play. An engine would only be needed if your vision wasn't possible on a pre-existing engine. Which might be the case, but for most, it's not.

Your feeble attempts at logic bore me. Your simple spells easily ignored. "Muh bible says" As if you can even understand the meaning of the words you read and regurgitate. You're a living example of those old tales of sorcerers using magic more powerful than they can control and they go insane. Stick to arguing about my little pony or something. Something more your level. Magic at your ability.
let he who is without sin write the first post accusing others of being "demonically possessed, lacking in karma, impossible to help, insane, and obsessed with my little pony"
"How would jesus feel about you accusing people of being low karma." Pretty sure he wouldn't give a fuck and or agree and drive a fucking spear through the heart of some of the demons walking around these days. He lost his shit at Jews carrying out simple deception, greed, at the Temple. Imagine what he'd do to Walmart people of today.
>year making a game you might as well just learn to program
And the drawings?
And the music?
And the story?
And the maps?
And every other single aspect of making a game?

"Learn to code" idiots are annoying. You really deserve to be replaced by AI.
pretty sure god said that humans don't need to be judging each other for him and especially not in his name, and christ would be pretty embarrassed to see you saying "yeah i'd totally kill someone for using rpg maker," but here we are!
>And the music?
>And the story?
>And the maps?
>"Learn to code" idiots are annoying. You really deserve to be replaced by AI.
Post your progress
Free music.
Story? You can't think up a story?
Free assets,

"No you can't heckin stop us from raping, murdering, castrating children, Jesus wouldn't approve!" Shut up demon.
>pretty sure god said that humans don't need to be judging each other for him
No god said to go out and slaughter the Amalekites until there were none left. He would most certainly judge you.
I was thinking the same thing lol.
People who know how to do music and know how to draw don't go around pestering everyone with their bullshit like you do.

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>>And the music?
>>And the story?
>>And the maps?
At that point are you even creating the game or is the AI creating it?
I can sympathize with your view however, I'm learning to draw despite AI existing.
It's like wanting to dig a hole, seeing a shovel right next to you, but going
>Nah, fuck that, technology is gay. I'll just dig it with my hands.
NTA, but I wasn't pestering anyone. I made a case, gave some career advice. When demons see the light they violently react, not my fucking problem.
These people forget that heaven has gates. Lucky for them they open if you truly repent and accept Jesus. But this might as well be asking for the universe for some of these demons.
You have completely derailed this otherwise peaceful thread with your bullshit, the fact you reveal yourself like slopplatard just makes obvious your type are mostly fucking idiots.
I could be wrong, but I feel like art skills will still be useful for various things for a long time. Like 2d artists all lost their shit at 3d, but now there's more 2d art than ever. All the menu art, shit like that. I wish I could draw. AI will be really really great at drawing single images, or even animation to some degree. But it's just so hard to get EXACTLY what you envision with it. I feel like AI will eventually be as complex as photoshop. So even though it's powerful you'll still need a 110 IQ to operate it, and artists will be a bit ahead of everyone else.
>worships the devil's tools yet claims to be christian
interesting... interesting...
>using a tool is worshiping it
We're all Hellenic Romans then, retard.
They also think using RPGM looks good on their resume besides being the greatest game engine in existence.
I don't know if I believe it, but supposedly Alexander had visions from the Christian god.

I don't think grappling with concepts should be viewed as derailing. My game will have spiritual concepts thrown in. Both overtly and more subtle.

I'm actually surprised at how little this thread, and other game dev threads, actually talk about game theory. Nobody seems to have any ideas on what makes something fun. It's all very basic shit. Kinda sad.
In fairness if someone showed me the toad game above I'd respect it. Not the game necessarily, but the taste of the creator. So I concede this point.
Just learn to code, do art, make music, write the story, make the maps, and everything else. If you set the bar as low as you already do then it's not difficult.
>sigma stops posting
>religious schizo starts babbling about how everyone who uses rpgm is a demon who must die
after being rejected by the rpgm community he has become even more schizo than ever before. and if this isn't the case this guy can take comfort knowing he's the first ever anon on /vrpg/ to be a bigger schizo than sigma.
I didn't say rpgm makers should die. I just said it's potentially problematic long term to use it.
Cringe honestly, but I did know someone that used a java game to get a job. Which is admittedly only two steps up from an RPGM game.
I can't decide which are more annoying, the AItards or the RPGMtards. If only they could cancel each other out.
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I'm using Godot.
>man tells you to improve yourself and do real work
>"he's literally trying to kill me!"
Reminds me of the holocaust
There are people in this generation that think commission pricing is gatekeeping, because the thought of doing it themselves is so alien to them that it's like a death sentence.
Holy rekt
>>man tells you to improve yourself and do real work
I can see you've never worked in an office environment.
The dumb-dumbs who are fucking around with RPGM in their free time are actually doing more work than like 50% of office drones. Not because the office drones are lazy (although I guess that's also a factor), it's because their "job" is bullshit.
I don't disagree with you there, office work is also not real work. For 80% of office workers it's an allowance-based system meant to keep you busy. The goal is to work on your project in the office and not get caught.
>The goal is to work on your project in the office and not get caught.
kek, based.
>do real work
>by using ai
What is funny is that I actually agree with the 'Call to power' guy on a lot of his points, but I am still using RPGMaker, kek. I mean, outside of my former business website, I have zero experience with coding anything aside from HTML and some CSS. But after a year+ working on my game, I now am a decent spriter (I prefer pixel art to polygons), and I know a basic level of javascript. I use custom sprites for my game and a custom battle system for which I had to rewrite and edit many parts of the base code and those of other plugins. I honestly don't think I would have gotten this far if I would have started with Unreal, Godot, or Unity. Furthermore, for most everything I have set out to do, I have figured out how to do it. And last night at 4 am I finally realized the sheer scope of what I am building. Perhaps RPGMaker is the wrong engine simply due to the stigma attached to it, and perhaps when I have a working demo I will port everything over to another engine to get the developer stamp of approval. Either way, it doesn't really matter because by the time I am finished it won't even look like an RPGMaker game. What I have now seems closer to a game built using javascript that is housed within the RPGMaker editor UI. I don't really see how this is that different than doing the same thing with another engine. It isn't as if I am using default assets, sounds, or features. If everything performs exactly as I want it to, what is the problem then?
sigma pls return
the fact of the matter is that rpg maker posters DO lower thread quality, but only because people who use other engines are intimidated by the presence of "devs that might actually finish a project within their lifetime."
It's not hard to finish a project, nobody is intimidated by it unless they have no concept of what goes into a project. Using Scratch or RPG Maker is more likely to result in an unfinished project because the investment is almost nil.
I can't wait to finish my game and rub my success into everyone's face that attacked me on this day. When someone is posting bank statements in 3 years, that'll be me. I won't even post context. I'm just going to spam my bank account. Again, again, and again.

My game will be the greatest rpg of all time. On the level of Stardew Valley. It won't sell as well as Stardew Valley though, that game struck a cord with normies. Good game.
That's some real Falco Girgis energy, just make sure you don't get sidetracked porting it to 20 obsolete platforms.
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idk, I actually might get to a playable demo this weekend. Mostly for internal use and checking balance between the 36 classes and 20+ weapon types. I have over 500 coded skills, virtually zero are duplicates at that. Once I can confirm everything works as intended, that the AI plays strategically on the grid based battle scenes, and that there aren't any lag or frameskip issues, all that is left is to polish up the assets and start creating the story. I don't see myself stopping until I am finished. The only thing on the back of my mind, is that perhaps I have too much content. Might be best to cut half of the skills or more, maybe even some classes, and release these in an expansion assuming the game receives positive attention.

Not sure how invested people will be in a new SRPG game that has more build variety than FFT. Far more in fact. People seem to prefer simpler things these days.
This is wild. I was just about to respond to - >>3483224
Saying I only respect Eric Barone and Hironobu Sakaguchi. Idk who Falco is, other than a good Smash Bros character.
Nobility in poverty is a jewish concept for the goy. Stay easily abused. Stay helpless.

Going back to Tactics, I bet if the game was done somewhat well, people would love it. Maybe cut back a bit on the campaign to focus on gameplay? Really get a good feel for it.
You haven't posted progress on your game yet, big guy.
>10 day old thread
>Doubles in length in 4 hours
>Implying fake ass zeitgeist

Happy one year anniversary, False Narrative.
Yea for the demo I am just going to build roguelike kind of dungeon to let me and other beta testers get a feel for the game and system. Story is really the last thing on my mind. Making sure the system itself is rock solid comes first. This is RPGMaker, but it is my first dev project in over 20 years (which was also RPGMaker when I was a kid). If the engine comes up short I will port. The coding hasn't even been the hardest part. I was surprised at this, but balancing all of these classes and making sure there are no duplicate skills or abilities, coming up with over 200 unique states, all of this was the real mental work. Fortunately however I have this all saved in the engine and fairly organized, so if I ever do need to port the entire skeleton is just there waiting for me to extract its essence.

I am fairly happy with RPGMaker for the time being though.
You guys are fucking weirdos.
There is nothing wrong with it if that's your goal.
Obviously people using real game engines or making their own have goals that go beyond merely completing a project. That's such an arbitrarily low standard that the point is silly.
It's not a competition to finish, but those devs obviously want to make something specific. So, they're not going to be intimidated by one out of thousands of RPG Maker boys finishing something they don't even want to make. If they wanted to make a simple RPG Maker game they would have done that.
Falco Girgis is the Elysian Shadows guy. He spent a few months coding his own rpgm clone, and then spent the next 15 years porting it to obsolete and obscure consoles, but never finished they game because hurr durr don't know how to do gameplay if/else/then programming. He also talked a big game but decades later most of the people he dissed published several games and he's still looking for a gameplay programmer or something.
I think it's a great idea overall. The re-release of tactics shows people are hungry for this stuff. I'm not familiar with the limitations of rpgm. But if it can do it, then I guess that's all that matters.

You can't read code anyway right. I don't cast pearls before swine. Why should I show you systems I've added. Just for you to stalk me in the shadows like fucking Gollum staring at the ring. I'll pass.
Right. Well I support other devs and see the good in people. There are a handful of games in agdg I could see being good games and have supported publicly. It’s just up to the dev to hone in on the fun and finish it.
Ever minute spent talking about your supposed game is another minute not in active development.
bruh I stayed up til 4 am last night jacked on stimulants plugging in skills. Only a few hundred more to go, kek. If you don't take a breather every now and then you will go insane. Trust me on this.
I was going to post progress but then I became a vtuber and might just keep it for that.
Just wait until you realize that people want good uses for their skills in game, and all the branching options to give unique gameplay.
I may not even have an overworld desu. Just do it like TO/FFT. Makes it a lot simpler to focus entirely on the combat aspect.

Puzzles are fun though. Maybe in a future project I can give it a more Lufia II sort of vibe.
Made a little bridge puzzle to give the slums I'm working on some verticality
Yeah, I doubt anyone is going to appreciate hundreds of skills you spent a few minutes each on integrating into your game.
Ya I’d focus on what you can do that’s special. FFT story was so in depth I’d be scared to even try beating that. I’d come at from it a totally different angle story wise. But realistically I’d probably just drop the story nearly entirely. Keep super generic like defeat the demon king or something. And then ya just copy the paths from Tactics Ogre. And then just figure out some fun combat. Add a few concepts to keep it fresh and interesting. Tons of abilities alone might not be interesting. Or it could, just need to figure it out.

Or have a story like Diablo. A labyrinth appears. Must fight to bottom. Either is fine. Just some excuse to get into battles.
Maybe, maybe not. I certainly know haters won't get anywhere. As a general statement, anyways.
Diablo was exactly what I was thinking. At least for a first iteration. Just a big ass dungeon you can explore, with semi-permanent debuffs for injured characters. Darkest Dungeon style in a sense. I can worry about the cinematic stuff later. Indie games can't compete with triple A studios in this regard. But if we are smart, we can absolutely obliterate them when it comes to gameplay.
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Looks like he got banned or suspended. All his posts are deleted. What is odd however is that this happened at the same time the anti-sigma trannies got banned for raiding as well.

Was Sigma samefagging as his detractors in order to generate controversy and gain attention? Or did the mods just nuke everyone and everything associated with him?
>first ever anon on /vrpg/ to be a bigger schizo than sigma.
>he doesn't know
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ff8-anon/schizokun would like a word

lets see if I can summon him
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You could go through the RM discords for FF8 related subjects and get a good idea of who propagating those threads. But you'd have to concede it's not 1 person.

The fact that they are moderators, that can't go a week without reminding people that they're moderators, may be enlightening.

Perhaps that's why you hate them so much.
Oops. Image was for >>3483240
Close enough.
no idea what you are talking about, I don't hate sigma or the trannies or schizokun. Just a bunch of other retards riding the shortbus with me.
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This drawing shit is so fucking difficult.
I've spent the last 3 days doing nothing but drawing.
No improvement.
I'll never get good.
I draw at a fucking preschool level.
>3 whole days
that must have been rough. but seriously, drawing is a lifelong skill. you should try to find the joy not in making something "good" but making something by hand at all. that's going to become more and more rare as time goes on, after all.
>2 progress posts every 50 shitposts
Not good
If you're the same anon from before, don't give up, keep at it. It took a solid month before I had my first Aha! moment.
It's a slow process, but you can do it if you keep at it.
Above average.
>3 whole days
you can give up now and be a 三日坊主, or you can keep going.
shit like art, game development/coding, math, language, all have a very powerful way of making people feel like retards. because you are a retard in that sphere for a long time it feels like.
when you look back 1 month or 3 months from now you will understand how far you came and learn to believe in the process of getting better. not if you give up though.
post your art fags
Could you post something you drew? I promise I won't mock you.
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This is a piece I like to call Amerikkka.
that isn't bad at all
Thanks anon.
I'm on mobile right now so I'll just explain it through text in a very reductive manner. Any half decent drawing program has the option to create and move layers, pick whatever is convenient. Drawing is divided into the following stages:

This is the anything goes stage. You can mess up and fuck around as much as you want, doodle, and generally experiment. The point of sketching is to take that image you got in your head and put it on paper in the most "whatever" way possible. Think of it as a big placeholder. It doesn't need to look right because no one will see it in the final version.

See how the lines look all shaky? Unless you're going for something stylized, you can fix that after sketching. You can also draw the guys without clothes first so you can tell if their proportions are right (guy on the left has small arms). Since it's sketching, even drawing tubes and noodle arms works. You'll fix it up later. Finally, you can play around with gestures and body language (references are useful here) so they won't look all stiff. Don't be afraid of copying, anything short of tracing works.

Now you take that layer and you reduce its opacity and/or change its colors to blue/red/whatever. You draw on top of it, fixing up your mistakes as you go. Because you have a sketch ready, it becomes MUCH easier to tell where everything is. Don't worry about adding details yet, you can always return to this step later.

>base colors
You grab the bucket tool and select the "midpoint" colors. It will look flat and awkward, that's normal. Color theory goes here.

Now you apply shadows. There are a bunch of ways to do it so fuck around with layer options and colors to see what works (or cheat and steal colors from an existing work). If you don't know how to apply shadows, try to imagine a little lamp pointing at the object from your desired angle.
>final touches/details
You study the reference and steal all those little techniques you noticed.
I'm this guy >>3474757 and got another 22k words (including code) done in the last 8 days, but it's not rpgm.
I mean, I mostly posted it as a joke, but thanks for the tips anon, /vrpg/ is the last place I expected to see solid advice at.
Also what about height and width of the canvas, can I just roll with whatever or?
Whatever works. Ideally, you would want to adjust the canvas to whatever you are doing but I personally like to start with a 1500x1000 (or the opposite) canvas because a wide canvas reminds me to be careful with size. You'll find artists who work with fuckhuge resolutions but it's not really necessary.
Really cool thread image!

>Game Progress Update
I'm nearing my next game release ('False Spaces Part 1' though considering changing the title) and may not be posting about it until I'm done with it.

So, until then. I'll just be posting clips of False GamerGater (on the YouTube channel, for marketing).

did you get suspended? all your posts got deleted.
I recently discovered Vroid Studio.
It's not new, but nobody outside of youtube really talks about.
It's kinda cool, but kinda sucks. They don't have nice presets for male characters outside of femboy mop heads.

But I guess people primarily use it for avatar creation.
C'mon, man - please take the hint and go away.
He uses this place to advertise. He isn't going anywhere, and the more you give him (You)'s and post about him, the more attention (and advertising) he gets. If anyone should take the hint, it is you.
Ok, Salik.
You are a god damn idiot. I don't give a shit about Sigma or you trannies. I just want to stop hearing about them.

Are you only here to say his name?
Post progress
no u
ps, fuck your cult, satan
Omg did you just a measly 3 days on a skill you've just begun! You should be a renowned artist by now.

Take a chill pill anon, holy shit
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Nigga, Mozart wrote a symphony or an opera or a whatever the fuck when he was fucking 5 man.
>comparing your artistic skills to a guy with Art in his name
Glancing over the thread, I wouldn't post progress here unless it was a throw away project.
Imagine actually creating something... something good, and it becomes successful in a niche way, in certain circles, and then you become
>that retard who posted on /vrpg/
If I ever do end up creating anything, you'll never hear about it /vrpg/.

Idk why I even ask. People who post conclusions without supporting evidence are usually lame anyway. “You all should care about my opinion even though I’ve demonstrated no value. I interact with the world like everyone is my mommy and loves to hear my thoughts. No need to qualify myself.”
>implying I have progress
I know I don't. I'm not holding out on you. You're not missing out. You can look away. Think about something else.
I wanna make post-apocalyps game, and I really like retro-futurism, but I dont want it to be "fallout? its like fallout, right? RIGHT?". What would be a good way to differentiate it from that.
>What would be a good way to differentiate it from that.
Add a magic system to it. Like radiation fucked with people and now you have several schools of magic.
I had an idea to make radiation = magic in a literal sense, stuff like magic items polluting enviroment unless used, that sort of jazz. Yeah, that could work. Tho post=apo and magic is... difficult marriage.
So Adventure Time.
And thread schizos don't even have any pretensions of "we're not like the rest of 4chan."
Not everybody has autism, I hope you understand that much.
Never watched it, I assume Fallout meets magic would look slightly different.
Underrail did it, but because it's not really post-apocalyptic in the same way as Fallout it goes the sci-fi PSI route of magic.
>Dark Souls
Sure, but that's medieval fantasy with post apocalypse smashed into it, a Fallout game with a magic system is post-apocalypse with medieval fantasy smashed in.
Another nothing post. I understand. You’re scared to put forth a thought.
I also don't get why you're referencing media that already did something similar, originality is overrated desu.
Ya I was kinda joking but that is the plot to adventure time. But in practice Adventure Time was more like DnD set in a unique setting of candy and wizards. The moment after the bombs dropped did look like fallout meets magic, but that part isn’t really in the show. Only during the Ice Kings back story was it shown much.
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angry ladies
what engine?
Early AT episode gave that impression. But you later learn that magic has always been around. With the Ice King's crown having a history going back to the dinosaurs.

The writers are pretty knowledgeable in ceremonial magic and altered states of consciousness.
Do they eat you if you lose?
gamemaker studio 1.4

no, you just respawn at the nearest save point
why should I be ashamed about posting on /vrpg/?
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thread theme: https://youtu.be/DhKTnTMX-aA
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I woke up this morning, and I just hated everything.
>Was Sigma samefagging as his detractors in order to generate controversy and gain attention?

It was pretty obvious that he was samefagging as both detractors and supporters. Detractors so that he could reply to himself and try to look clever, and supporters for obvious reasons
I tried to learn Godot and Unreal but i dont see the point when we are able to prompt whole games in a few months. Better to wageslave now and prompt games in a year or two...
Cause it's one of the most mentally ill corners of 4chan, which is itself a giant mental asylum.
You ain't gotta be ashamed, just don't tell anyone.
>when we are able to prompt whole games in a few months
Fair point actually.
Just listen to this 8 minute video of pure copium.
Both of you are failures. You will never make anything of worth.
>we are able to prompt whole games in a few months
you don't REALLY believe this, do you anon?
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Hope everyone's weekend is going well. Don't forget to back up your progress!
happy mothers day do you have any milfy enemies
unreal amount of soul.
kek, prolly right.
I don't mean to be a doomer, but I really don't see how AI doesn't end up taking over the vast majority of digital jobs.
The only way is if it's all one big giant scam, but I really fucking doubt it.
Currently there's still two reasons you can use to stay optimistic:
AI still doesn't make money for anyone but nvidia. OpenAI outright stated that they don't have a plan and need trillions for their mad rush to AGI. And if that succeeds we won't have to worry about jobs because the ruling class will kill us all.
The second is that people can't describe what they want at all. Give that AI to a CEO to make a new online store and things will burn because the boss doesn't know how his own shipping process works, what the relevant laws are or how much bullshit is required to keep their business relationships running. Good luck training the AI to recognize that you should use a specific payment provider because one your major shareholders is their landlord.

Nonetheless, automation is always happening. The only job that matters is shareholder, so learn finance shit and get to investing.

I once saw a GDC talk specifically about armor systems, but I just can't find it. Might be burried somewhere in a Pillars of Eternity talk.
Personally I went with these mechanics:

>Effective Defense = ElementResistance + CurrentArmor
>Damage Taken = Attack * (Attack / (ElementResistance + Attack) )

This makes for a parabolic curve where it's easy to gain attack/defense while your behind, but gets harder if you're already stronger than your opponent.
Most defense comes from Elemental Resistance. Armor applies to every damage type, but gets reduced with each hit.

The system exists like to enable more variety of abillities. One of the healer classes buffes armor, the rouge can bypass armor, the barbarian can strip it, etc.
Ive watched J Onions-yer presentation about it, and heres my takeaway/thought on it.
One of the major points for armor he argues (from his experience with POE) is it needs to work in a way, that intuitive to the player. So, his examples - DT or DR from Fallout. Its either your attack reduced by X points, or by X percents. The benefits are clear. I think the system youre talking about is bettermechanically, but its not very clear the fuck is going on, from player POV.
how is armor being replenished?
> I'm getting review bombed?

I just received two 1-star ratings on False GamerGater.

These are jealous game devs, giving my game the lowest rating, to bring its overall score down.

And so please, play the game, rate & review it. And let me know if it deserves the lowest score.

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/v/ poster here. Why are people ashamed of letting others know that they browse here? You surely can't be worse than my home board.
It's not like the player can see those mechanics, for them it's just more defense = less damage taken. You rarely manipulate those stats directly since equipment has multiple stats.
I admit the armor depletion might be unintuative so maybe I'll rename the value to something like Barrier or Energy Shield.

Per encounter and through abillities. E.g. the druid can cast Barkskin to restore armor but the Cleric doesn't have such spells. You gain skills through equipment and a cheap Restore Armor abillity is the default abillity on all shields.

Personally I just don't want the average 4channer to know about this board because quality goes down when a board gets popular.
>write code 2 weeks ago
>eh its good enough
>retest today after doing other stuff
>holy shit why is it so crappy and riddled with bugs
Being your own QA is difficult
Yeah, player cant see mechanics, but they can see numbers. Id imagine with this, it can go something like that
>oh, this armor has x2 more def then my old one, cool! wait, wtf, I still take the same damage, should I find even better one?
Something like that. Its like a fucking armor formula in DOTA - for some reason, 1 point of armor reduces damage by 6%. Why? ??? ?
Everyone should use source control. Git within visual studio is actually very easy once you get it. Just imagine a series of pipes. You pull main. Make your changes. Check them in. If working with someone else you pull main again to deal with conflicts. Otherwise you Push to main. And then merge. Your pc and git are the two locations the pipes go to. Easy.
I can't defend you on this one. The battle mechanics are not intuitive. You can't expect everyone to be familar with RM's touch event triggers.
Even though the first battle is optional, there was no tutorial until the second part. No hp bars. No recoil or charge up animation to sign post who is attacking who.
I'd give it a 1star review too.
You're a /vrpg/ poster because you're posting here.
Your game is about murdering gamedevs because you disagree with them. I'm sorry, but I had no choice but to give it a one star review.
>Your game is about murdering gamedevs because you disagree with them
Holy based, 5 star time
>AI still doesn't make money for anyone but nvidia
I think you're overly optimistic, everyone and their mother (in terms of actual players, corporations, the government, etc) wants to get into AI because the potential benefits of having it far outweigh it being a money sink for a certain period of time. They'll fucking throw money down that hole like it's nothing.
>The second is that people can't describe what they want at all. Give that AI to a CEO to make a new online store and things will burn because the boss doesn't know how his own shipping process works, what the relevant laws are or how much bullshit is required to keep their business relationships running. Good luck training the AI to recognize that you should use a specific payment provider because one your major shareholders is their landlord.
You're underestimating the fact that once AI does become good at creating something, the creation of that thing is now a fraction of a penny on the dollar, in comparison to human labor.
Again, the benefits far outweigh any negatives.
Come here from the codex post?
I just visit this board like once per month, except now.
I just want to say one thing.
Fuck whoever invented hands.
I have written you a review. I know you're prone to censoring criticism, but I really hope we can actually engage on this man. Bury the hatchett and that.
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Can you two kiss already
I wish
Lol he IMMEDIATELY turned off comments/censored the review. So disappointing.
Do you wish you were the other Mr. Hussein?
Naw. Not sure I could take being married to someone who says things like "please leave a review" then immediately censors the reviews he gets. Too mentally unstable.
>Go to resource requests
>ask for hand job
>Most marriages in Pakistan are traditional arranged marriages
You don't have a choice.
Then my husbando has mistreated me and broken his word. What a shame
If this happened to any other dev I’d feel terrible for them. Having someone flippantly work to destroy potentially years of work. But since you want to be Mr special and annoy the fuck out of everyone. I couldn’t care less. I actually left this thread because of you, for a month or two, and only came back because I didn’t see you. Idk if you’re trying to be like Andy Kaufman or what. Well you built up the heel role. You got some heat. Some real haters. Enjoy it I guess.
When people said you got banned I was curious why. But I never asked. Because even writing your name is just sickening. It lowers whoever says it.
So what you’re saying is American business rediscovered r and d after decades of stock buybacks, firings, and no r and d. “Wait we can be set apart from our competitors via technology? WHAT THE FUCK? OH SHIT WE GAVE ALL OUR TRADE SECRETS TO CHINA? OH FUCK.”
Suppose you are in game dev thread and see something you like and are thinking about wanting to hire that person for some work on your project. How would one go about hiring other anons without shitting up the boards?
I really don't see how your post has anything to do with what I wrote, but yeah, sure I guess.
I did some commission work last year in for a anon in a thread.
Ask to post their their discord or give out your discord.
Make sure what you know the specifics of what you want, so there's no miscommunication.
>censoring reviews
>of a game about gamergate
> False GamerGater Game Clip

Why Games Journalist want a Gamer Purge

> See Video:


>Enjoy it I guess.
I am indeed. XD
you are embarrassing beyond embarrassing
Nice to see something cool and unique come out if this community. Keep it up, Sigma
>refuses to engage with critics
>repeatedly makes games about murdering people he disagrees with
>won't even talk to people about his game unless they're praising him
ooh yeah, it's pissbaby time
Hmm, is it okay to have 2 combo systems in the game, at the same time? Or is it just bloat
Are you going to make that yaoi game or not?
>>refuses to engage with critics
>>repeatedly makes games about murdering people he disagrees with
>>won't even talk to people about his game unless they're praising him
KEK what a fucking chad
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How are you holding up lads? Excuse my placeholder art.
ok Salik
I'm not even in the beginning stages of development, I'm fucking pre-pre production, just thinking shit out and I'm already hitting roadblocks.
This shit is brutal.
>hitting roadblocks
That's the real shit in game dev, the fun part
The start is the hardest part bro. "I want to talk to that npc over there." That's like 3 weeks of part time work. Assets, movement, interaction, layers, the dialog itself, UI for speech, source control. What kind of dialog system? Will this dialog system be extendable when you want to add more functionality later? It takes work bro's.
I used to think games took long to make on the difficult systems. When in reality adding systems is a relaxing project. Updating UI is the nightmare.
I'm not even talking about the technical aspects (although I've given those some amount of thought and they seem equally as nightmarish).
>Alright, well I wanna do the not-Byzantines
>Okay, so do I want it to be low fantasy, high fantasy or historical (this alone has untold amounts of implications on further design)
I could deal with this somewhat, but the big question is how much do I want to include Christianity in the game.
Because the one thing I absolutely do not want is to end up with a Jordan Peterson with a schema jacket of a game. Using religious motifs purely for the aesthetics feels sacrilegious in ways I can't even describe.
I might just drop the Byzantine thing... which is the core of the entire theme for the game.
>the fun part
Yeh, ha-ha, "fun".
>the big question is how much do I want to include Christianity in the game
If you're doing historical, the only answer is "all the Christianity."
If you're doing faggy fantasy, do like Dragon Quest and have a church with a priest (give him a beard in honor of Orthodoxy tho), but otherwise ignore it.
There's something wrong with RPG developers.
In other communities you'll see people asking philosophical questions like "Why do we play games? Why do we make games? How do I keep going?"

And they're coding casual games like Tetris. Right. Simple rules. Simple mechanics. They don't spend years reaching for a vision because they don't have one.

Meanwhile RPG developers are obsessing over everything outside of the game itself. Players. Publishers. Behaviors. Conduct. Social values. Religious sensitivities.
why are you on this board? not even thread, but the whole entire board? what are you doin here? are you lost? here i'll help
>Religion isn't a philosophical question
I've already completely shitted up the PoE thread, don't make me shit up this one as well. Just stop here.
Incidentally everything that you, schizo-kun, post about isn't about games or gameplay but rather some insane bullshit that you think is related
Only Sigma cares about any of these things, or he'd just be straightforward about his views. Please don't tar us with his brush
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>It's looking at us!
>(you). (you). (you).
was hoping it'd improve but thread's turning shit again. i'm glad i waited before posting progress.
guess there really is no place to actually yesdev anywhere anymore on this godforsaken site.
Post progress. Progress. Social Progress.
Artificial Scarcity. Valuable progress.
Precious progress. Validate my standards. Progress.
Pretend to care what I think, progress, while I rip on literally everyone that posts: progress~
Everyone cares about progress because "we" say so.

Extra! Extra! 1 year of Sigma occupation; still doing jack shit.
Remember what it was like before. Remember Progress.
No, I don't think so.
We all know why. I hope the Jannies take the hint, or that the dickhead leaves.
God, I miss those days.
this guy is implying that it's bad to yesdev.
>AI slop
You HAVE to go back.
I’m not posting progress while Sigma is here. Not for the content of his games, idc about him killing his enemies, but the content of his posts. It always derails everything. Was nice hanging out while it lasted. To be clear I’m not the other dev who also just said he’s not posting while sigma is here. So there are at least two of us leaving this already slow moving thread.
It sounds like you're prioritizing world building over interactivity. Before wondering about how you're gonna approach the story, think about the gameplay and let the cultural stuff click into it. I've played so many RPGs that tried their hardest to present an interesting world but fell flat because the gameplay was boring shit. All that effort will be wasted if the player isn't having fun.
I don't really post here that often, is that Sigma fellow really that disruptive? Can't you just filter him, or ignore him?
some day we'll see each other again
no, he posts and replies to himself over and over and then people tell those fake replies to not do that which causes him to post even more. on slow boards a single shitposter really can annihilate the entire thread especially if there are no jannies
That's kinda sad.
That's fine. It's not like people have been calling out your collective bullshit for the last 4 years while you've produced NOTHING.
I have no idea what you’re talking about.
I don't give a fuck about him. He seems retarded and unhinged but the people bashing him are other retards from discord and the RPGMaker forums who are notorious idiots who like circlejerks and hugboxes. I think this guy is like a pet who barks all day but at least keeps the intruders outside.
>first statement
Just some of the RPGM web (+RPGM reddit) community members lurking here.
>last statement
Not RPG Developers, just the same people I tried to group together before.

I suck at finding enough will to do anything. I lurk the thread every now and then

Being almost 40 I may get diabetes or whatever and die sooner or later, I'm a local joke
wrinkle ugly old person playing minecraft hardcore, dying and removing the world every now and then... or just-- idk.
RPG is more about a story where you don't have any choice other than to succeed and save the world though.
Imagine Final Fantasy 7, but then with the added twist of Cloud being able to fail, and sephiroth destroying the world, but then the game hasn't ended yet, and now you are in the final sequence of the newly destroyed world (and have to battle him again at some point or something). You rarely see an RPG where destruction is at least 'a' legit outcome of the world.

I'm interested in designing a story's overal flow I guess, not so much in programming. I fail at everything and tricky stuff works stresful on my depression. Laying in bed all day is nice.
but the world ends that way, or at least I may.
This is some real /cow/ tier shit going on in this thread, holy shit.
Must be an act of god stopping people from reacting the way you want them to.
There's really no point in posting progress here huh, people just care about drama
all the old original devs from the first jam threads have probably fucked off to their own private discord or something which is why we never see jam threads anymore or progress from the devs who made this place in the start.
Looks good
Makes sense, I don't even see jam threads in the archive.
I came back today to see how things are going because I want to make a remake/sequel of a game I made last year, but it's not lookin' too good. I'm really only interested in DEVVAN and DRAWAN, and not in this /pol/ brainrot/middle school drama.
>guess there really is no place to actually yesdev anywhere anymore on this godforsaken site.
I feel you.
Draw Threads are all about "botfag" and hypocritical retards whining about requests, only for them to make a billion requests all the time.
Dev Threads resolve around [insert obnoxious namefag here] or about how trannies/jews/[boogeyman of the week/month] are the source of all problems.
It's so tiresome. There's no point in Filters if people keep feeding trolls or "just scroll past the shit bro" if the entire thread is shit.
We had a good run, I suppose.
Yeah, I noticed they’ve been gone for a while. Everything must end someday, I guess, but it would’ve been nice to have one final Jam with everyone.
GLHF with your new endeavors, bros.
> Game Clip

The Vivian James (cameo) I put in False GamerGater

>See Video:

>you are embarrassing beyond embarrassing
I really don't comprehend what it means to feel embarrassing for someone, who is completely proud of what they do.

>Nice to see something cool and unique come out if this community. Keep it up, Sigma
Thank you... (T_T) thank you... really needed to hear that.

>refuses to engage with critics
*Cry-baby bullies
>refuses to engage with cry-baby bullies
There we go.

>Meanwhile RPG developers are obsessing over everything outside of the game itself.
I think it's uniquely a disease with 'RPG Maker' users.

>I’m not posting progress while Sigma is here.
I'm an optimistic person.
If you post progress, and it's really good. I get excited, seeing competition. And it makes me work harder.
If you don't post, then I have less competition.
I'm happy either way. XD

>is that Sigma fellow really that disruptive
There are toddlers here who dislike me, so they constantly make noises when I'm here. To force the adults in the room to get ride of the thing they dislike.
Does that make sense?

>I think this guy is like a pet who barks all day but at least keeps the intruders outside.
That's a respectably clever analogy. XD

>Must be an act of god stopping people from reacting the way you want them to.

>There's really no point in posting progress here huh
I'll keep posting, regardless of how people respond, and even when no one does.
I'll keep posting.

>Looks good
Good sir, what font are you using? It's very readable despite small screen size. I'd like to use something similar but I'm afraid RPGMMV will just blur the hell out it.
You’re not my competition. Your game is fucking stupid and in no way impressive. Me not posting progress doesn’t mean my game won’t release. It just means you killed the thread you fucking retard.

Your game has nothing in it that would make anyone want to play it. Stupid looking characters. Stupid dialog that I would mock but again it’s not even funny at this point. Stupid mechanics. A plot nobody cares about.
And you’re not some some up and coming entity anymore. You’ve been graded. You’ve been judged. Your game received 1 out of 5 stars multiple times. You’re a 1 out 5 star dev. As we can see via your post quality, your YouTube video quality, and your game quality. All bottom of the barrel.
What's your favorite rpg? What are your top 10 games of all time?
Its custom since no existing fonts cattered to all my needs. I made it with this website
I think I used some free pixel sans serif as a base and then added the seriff details myself. Its a fun process, I recommend it.
>Anyone who disagrees with me is a cry-baby bully
Haha kill yourself
On the blurr it depends on the size. If you know the height of the font in pixels you can match that in rpgm settings (or put x2 the height depending on what you need)
What do you think about censoring bad reviews of a game about Gamergate?
Isn't it ironic?
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Not him, but RMMV will assuredly blur the hell out of pixel fonts, on top of the fact that the higher resolution makes it necessary to scale fonts up properly to retain the pixel-ness while still being a nice size proportional to the overall screen.
You're either going to need to write scripts/plugins that render text in your own way that doesn't blur like MV's default does, or rely on someone else's pre-made plugin (SFont) to do it.
Anyway in a few minutes I was able to make a replica of it in FONY just eyeballing it and making educated guesses on the rest of the glyphs that weren't in the gif. Making fonts is a good time. I hate your uppercase "A" by the way.
>original devs
>jam threads
Wait, this isn't a jam thread. I never posted in a jam thread and I've been here since the board started. I don't know what happened with your jam threads but I don't really see the upside of posting progress. I get more in depth discussion and feedback if I just share it with individuals.
The idea of a dev thread is that devs post in it, progress of not, but I don't think there are many dev posters at all right now. It's like that with other threads too in recent years. You have an initial burst of people that want to create something, and then later you have the fans join in too, and then they start going wild and basing their identity on thread related things.
I mostly come just to check and see if the diablo clone dev posted, or some of the others, usually the ones with 3D projects like the dungeon crawlers, because they're doing the most interesting stuff.
This brings up another point. Like 1% of people even know what gamer gate it and are up to date on what points each side has. What the talking points are. His whole video just shows he doesn't get it. The video posted was such a piece of shit -

Nobody knows who Vivian James is. 1% of consumers give a shit about gamer gate. Calling it False GamerGate makes it unclear which side he's even on. No music. It's more of a horror atmosphere. Leaving people confused. Then he tries and make these grand points about game testers being fired. Nobody knows the context going on in his schizo fucking head and will have no idea what's going on.

Repeating self help book mantra doesn't help. "I just go one step at a time and I will never stop!" That's cute, but being a delusional faggot doesn't make you a good dev or produce a good game. The whole game comes across as a conversation in his own mind that nobody will understand. As if a Karl Pilkington with no charm, wit, or personality sat down and decided to make a game and just rambled incoherently.
Interesting I guess its really easy to trace fonts. Should I be worried?
>I hate your uppercase "A" by the way.
Yeah I was probably going to change that and others but its on my before launch to do list.
>diablo clone dev
He only posts in agdg nowadays.
Shame really but understandable.
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>Interesting I guess its really easy to trace fonts. Should I be worried?
The design of a font and its glyphs isn't something someone can hold the rights to, so there isn't anything to worry about by default.
The file itself can be copyrighted and require permission from the maker to use, and iirc there could be trouble if someone can prove beyond a doubt that they literally copy+pasted the glyphs from the font file into a new project rather than designing them by hand using them as a reference, but that's the extent of it.
There are also some caveats for making a bitmap image using a font and including it in a game (many older games, for instance, don't use font files proper but instead pre-made images with all necessary glyphs printed on them), but aside from that...
Pixel fonts are just so easy to make that it's a non-issue.
And if you're like me, you've always got several FONY + FontForge windows open at a given time waiting for something to come up that requires you to make yet another font, for reasons. I really need to update the font collection in my catbox link dump one of these days.
>>I’m not posting progress while Sigma is here.
Virgin RPG Maker faggot
>I'm an optimistic person. If you post progress, and it's really good. I get excited, seeing competition. And it makes me work harder.
>I'm happy either way. XD

Swear to god, RPG Maker FAGGOTS are their own worst enemy. Fuckers can't do anything but whine, fucking pathetic.
>"oh no i totally can't progress because this one post on the thread
No one is buying that shit, you drama queens. Nut up or shut up.
Ok, Salik
Hey faggot, get out of the way, people like Sigma are posting progress over here
You called me an RPG Maker faggot. Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't that what Sigma is using?
I'm using Unity. I'm making a real open world RPG. Not some piece of shit where the author uses the game to jerk themselves off. "I'm so fucking smart, listen to my rants for hours, I'm so deep!"

I'm not a huge fan of RPGM but actually I've seen at least 2 rpgm games that have some promise. Not Sigma's though, that game is a piece of shit.
or shut the fuck up, no one cares
Thanks for removing all the posts janny, now stop obsessing about Sigma and post progress
NTA but all I can see is that Sigma guy they brought in and the fact they're always shitposting like "it's the best it's the best it's the best it's the best it can do everything bla bla bla" and derail all helpful discussion.
Which games do you think have promise?
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Well, this thread is in a regrettable state. Fwiw, it was my reviews that sigma took it upon himself to censor, and then call me a "Cry-baby bully". I've literally only tried to help by giving frank feedback. I shan't bother in future and will just keep myself to myself! Astonishing how little it takes to poison a community, innit.
>Astonishing how little it takes to poison a community, innit.
Yeah, stop doing it, you retard. It would be better to have 10 Sigmas than one of you fuckers.
Already said, keeping myself to myself from here on in. Just think it's a shame that he won't engage at all with legitimate critique.
Good, see ya. We'll have less of this Sigma shit without you.
I mean, I'm not leaving the thread, I'm just not engaging with him any more. Was that not clear?
>better to have 10 Sigmas
Well can you fucking stop talking about him? Hmm?
That's the plan.
Thank you. Let's move on.
Ok, Salik
Well that didn't take long.
you guys are so good at this
I still hang out on this site because i have nowhere else to hang out. Jams were trolled all year last year so people seem to be burnt out on them.
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>What's your favorite rpg? What are your top 10 games of all time?
Ummmm... I'll just list some RPGs I recall thoroughly enjoying. (Most, from my time with the PSP. As on other consoles, I mostly played local co-op or versus games with family and friends. So, my list of RPGS:)

Fate/Extra CCC
Sol Trigger
Final Fantasy Type 0
Black Rock Shooter: The Game
Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky FC
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Persona 2 - Innocent Sin
Persona 3 Portable
Summon Night 5
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy VII
Disgaea 2: Dark Hero Days
Valkyria Chronicles II
Shining Blade & Shining Ark
Mana Khemia 2
G.O.D. Growth Or Devolution
Pokemon Emerald
Final Fantasy XIII Trilogy
Tales of Berseria
Dragon Quest XI: Echoes of an Elusive Age
Digimon Story Cyber Sleuth: Complete Edition

(Some of these were only available in Japanese at the time. And I played through them, in Japanese, while not understanding the language. Simply because I found the gameplay & graphics so fun and engaging.)
>literally one good game on the list
C'mon, man - you make it so hard to root for you
Yeah, pokemon rocks
PSP pirate zoomer reporting in.
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So, back on topic; I have a boss that roams one of the lategame areas - but is invisible on the map due to my love of random encounters. Is this shit design due to it being a challenging encounter which "cannot be avoided" (although it can be run from), or is it a fun little jumpscare? I have other specific/roaming maps earlier in the game but they're all gimmicks rather than challenges.
rare encounters like that are fun. if he's an extremely powerful enemy and has a chance of being able to easily finish off a party that's already worn-down a bit, i'd consider programming him to spend his first turn doing nothing (menacingly) but idk what your game's design philosophy is like. neat idea though and cool deign
What game inspired you the most? Like, if you had to choose to make a game like one of those you mentioned, which one would you model your next game after?
shut the fuck up sigma
I'm not him. Stop ruining the thread.
Seems like a non issue then, in any case I don't really mind people using my font.
Yeah he is forbidden to one shot you and can be run from easily. I like to think I'm a semi competent designer so he's as non frustrating as possible. Thinking of giving the player a compass that tells you how close he is, too
shut the FUCK up sigma
You're a schizo
shut the fuck up sigma
>RPG Maker faggot. Maybe I'm wrong, but isn't that what Sigma is using?
I think his point is that people who only come here to shittalk sugma are also rpg maker users.
Keep it up. Let people see how you're the problem, not Sigma.
shut the fuck up sigma
You know 90% of these posts are sigma false flagging right?
NTA but now it makes sense.
If you truly want to gatekeep someone from your community, you can't just sit there twiddling your fucking thumbs and hoping he just goes away on his own.
From here on out, every single person that responds to sigma as well as sigma himself will receive a "shut the fuck up sigma" to every post they make until they stop responding.
If you want him out of these threads, I encourage you to do the same. Or you can sit there going "it's impossible he'll never leave." Because ignoring him so far has obviously done nothing but let him settle down comfortably.
No, see this obsessed faggot:
shut the fuck up sigma.
1% of posts is sigma, the rest are the mentally ill crying about sigma
>NOOOOO sigma is ruining our community!!!
shut the fuck up sigma.
This btw will have the bonus effect of discouraging the retards that followed him here from whatever place he came from posting as well. Two birds, one stone.
Seriously, I posted progress and design questions and got one reply but this drama shit gets endless discussion. Come on, guys.
shut the fuck up sigma.
>This btw will have the bonus effect of discouraging
Are you trolling or you seriously believe this?
shut the fuck up sigma.
you want to whine and boohoo about how you don't want to post in these threads anymore because sigma is here. okay, what are you going to do about it? hope that someday he gets bored of replying to himself?
Hey guys I think it's working!
shut the fuck up sigma.
>hope that someday he gets bored of replying to himself?
If he gets bored of that, he can start replying to your replies
Jesus christ can't we just get back go work
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Great. Then that one anon will be pleased with this.
The zip contains the original .fon, as well as a .ttf and .otf version of the font (I added in generic punctuation/symbols).
Mind, this isn't guaranteed to be 100% exactly what the anon's font is since I had to make a best guess about some letters.
In addition, I have set the numerals 0123456789 to an equal, fixed width because proportional digits triggers my autism.
Dude, even if Sigma left, this "community" would still remain a gaggle of retards more interested in drama than actual game development. See the dude who refuses to post progress in favor of drama.

If you're a sensible person wanting a dev environment, look elsewhere
Final note is that this font is intended to be used at sizes in multiples of 12.
I've been in this place for years, it used to be pretty great for discussion
So you're telling me you improved and completed all characters in my font? Thanks man I totally appreciate.
Sounds like an apt name too.
>man says he's disengaging
Retard alert!
>>man says he's disengaging
>doesn't disengage
I'm only engaging with other people who aren't him though, that's not engaging.
No, I'm here to talk about design. It's why I've posted design stuff and tried to discuss it. Why not reply to that, rather than this, chum?
Because you keep shitting up the threads with drama. We've been over this.
So I'm just meant to take it when you slag me off? Alright. How about you post some progress or something instead of contributing to this utter cance?
I'll do that when you go one week without drama.
You stupid cunt, you're the one carrying it on. Just fucking post something worth posting for once. Christ, I'm out.
I've been one of the few people actually continuing to post progress through this. Neck yourself.
The state of this thread makes /agdg/ look bearable in comparison, jesus
if only people would post about literally anything else itd be over
Could it really be that easy...
Yes. Now post some progress
Maybe, if these threads stay drama free.
Post progress to fucking avoid the drama rather than posting about drama. It's just that simple
Once I know you can behave.
That doesn't make you innocent.
I can filter sigma, and I have done so for a while, but I can't filter you. You're the problem now and 'progress' won't save you. Shut the fuck up or put on a tripcode.
>I can't filter you
nta but that sounds like a you problem to be honest
Thank you for all the response. Never expected my first roadblock in gamedeving is scouring the web for fonts, but here we are.
Just took a gander, it's about the same except /agdg/ is a lot faster.
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(not the one that asked but...)
I didn't get much out of my psp, since it was end of life cycle basically before I obtained it. (I needed an income and to get enough I also had to be adult so.... yeah)
I never played most of these games.

What, I guess got me interested into game development was, seeing Ocarina of Time, and then Majora's Mask. It started clicking that, using shit they figured out ways to create more interesting gameplay features, develop a story for every character, etc.

I also discovered RPG Maker XP at some point and saw people throwing their own indie attempts, prototyping and creating some incomplete game.

And then I noticed the horror games of course, which is where my rpg story telling interest grew more with. I saw all these different ways to get through a simple task as well; methods rarely explored.
For example: a set of candles, 4 are unlit, 1 is lit. The standard routine would be to lit all 5 candles.
However, one game dev decided to do the opposite and make the door only open if the room was dark without providing any hints to this. This kind of thing caught my interest in game dev basically.

There are two ways to make a game top 10. One where you list the games you enjoyed from a player's perspective, and one where you enjoyed the design decisions and creativity put into it (and practically ignore the story, battles, etc.)

I'm more interested in design. It of course includes graphic design and sound design choices; so I tend to play a game just staring at it and the objects placed within up close or enjoy a particular mechanic I guess.

"Oh wow, cool and smooth menu"
>*open close open close open close
>graphic design and sound design choices; so I tend to play a game just staring at it and the objects placed within up close
I can relate to this, got me thinking about all the things that made me stop and appreciate them. Day/night cycles in pokemon silver, grass texture in halo, bump mapping in Oblivion, water drops on visor in metroid prime, lighting in stalker.. I like the verisimilitude, doesn't need to be high fidelity graphics.
Let's stop the bullshit for a moment. How you make money with your RPG?
>Muh hobby
Shut up. Seriously, how you make money with this gig? Nobody will spent years making a game to not make anything out of it
By making your own game you save money by canceling TV subscriptions, staying home, and not doing drugs.
agdg is a shithole, but when sigma posts there nobody responds. the fact that anyone here would try to engage with him in good faith is honestly embarrassing.

become japanese, sell h-rpg on dlsite
>but when sigma
Yeah for some reason people here have to bring him up constantly
He's an actor who stirs paranoia and dramafags here just can't resit having him live rent free no matter how often you tell them. No matter where, It's like a dangerous narcotic to make everything always revolve around forum celebrity bullshit whenever someone starts gathering more attention they deserve.
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>if you had to choose to make a game like one of those you mentioned, which one would you model your next game after?
Sol Trigger
While making the RPG list. I noted down an idea for a game I want to make, that gives a similar feeling to my experience with Sol Trigger.

So... a game where there's no legible dialogue. (Because the game was in Japanese, I couldn't read. But still had an idea of what's going on, who I am, what I'm doing. And the cutscenes were still fun to look at.)

+ With a fun front view battle system, and an engaging progression system. (That had me playing through the game again and again. Even when nothing was carried over in the next playthrough.)

I want to make a game like this, just as a test. As it would allow me to be less reliant on dialogues to carry my games. And will allow me to polish my skills on the gameplay and game progression elements. (While attempting to tell a story without using legible dialogues, or any dialogues.)

I hope this makes sense.

>How you make money with your RPG?
Keep releasing decent free games, keep doing devlogs, and keep a Patreon.
I make some money that way. More than some of my fellow devs who've done commercial releases.

>By making your own game you save money
Absolutely true!

>Haha kill yourself
Don't you think you sound like a cry-baby bully here?

>What do you think about censoring bad reviews of a game about Gamergate?
I think you lack empathy and understanding for the pro-gamergate side.
GamerGaters are for censoring the people who have been (or would be) censoring them.
They are for creating blacklists, of entities working against them. (Sweet Baby Inc Detected, for-example. This blacklist kicked off GamerGate 2.)
They are for gatekeeping, dogpiling, banning and silencing anti-gamer voices from their spaces. (As these were the things done to them, by the people who they are doing it to now.)
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>Like 1% of people even know what gamer gate it and are up to date on what points each side has.
My game is in part, an educational game, about GamerGate 1 & 2.

>Calling it False GamerGater makes it unclear which side he's even on
This a good thing.

>"I just go one step at a time and I will never stop!"
>doesn't make you a good dev or produce a good game.
So the first step (for me), is to finish games.
The next step, is to increase the quality and fun factor, as I work on and finish games.
And so as I'm finishing each game, I'm also figuring out how to make a better game.
And so like this, eventually, I'll finish a game that ends up being a hit. (I hope, I pray.)

This an honest way to go about being a game dev. Where I'm not creating fantasies in the audience, of some amazing and unique game that I'm cooking for years and years. While taking in their financial support. Only to deliver a dud, or nothing at all due to some tragedy in real life.

Instead, I'm releasing games, to the best of my current abilities and resources. And I keep improving at my craft. And I keep getting faster and faster at it.
Eventually, resulting in me getting to a point in the future, where I can deliver that amazing game.
And keep on delivering afterwards. (Because it's not a one-and-done dud, or a fluke. It's something I've built towards.)
Make a steam page, try to advertise, if your game is a niche try to message known youtubers or something.
>They are for gatekeeping, dogpiling, banning and silencing anti-gamer voices from their spaces.
Then why are you "silencing" bad reviews of your game from your "spaces"?
Don't you think it's fucking sad to censor bad reviews of a game about Gamergate?
>This an honest way to go about being a game dev.
You're anything but honest if you censor bad reviews of your game.
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>Don't you think it's critically important to delete anti-gamer reviews of a game about Gamergate?
Yes, I believe so.

>It is your duty as an honest person, to delete maliciously dishonest reviews on your game's page.
Correct. Thank you for being so understanding.

>What a chad. What do you say to people who try to spin the good that you do into something bad?
Cry-baby bullies.
>Don't you think it's critically important to delete anti-gamer reviews of a game about Gamergate?
All bad reviews of your shitty game are "anti-gamer"?
How can you distinguish between the honest reviews and the trolls? You look like a schizo, I don't think you can do that.

>It is your duty as an honest person, to delete maliciously dishonest reviews on your game's page.
Your game is shitty, and I'm being honest.
If I would have posted a bad review in one of your "spaces", you would have labeled it as "dishonest" and censored it.
If you're not able to tolerate criticism, you should stop sharing your shitty games in public.

>What do you say to people who try to spin the good that you do into something bad?
Honest review: your game is not good. Period.

I thought you were just a pariah and not a schizo, but after seeing how have you reacted to bad criticism (in the worst way possible), you deserve all the hate you get and more.

Please fuck off and never come back, you don't have what it takes to make and share games in public.
>I want to make a game like this, just as a test. As it would allow me to be less reliant on dialogues to carry my games.
Interesting as a challenge! It's a good idea to push yourself and your skills, I think.
>It's a good idea to push yourself and your skills
I'm learning game making, while game making. XD
So, yeah.

>All anti-gamer reviews of your gamergate game are "anti-gamer"?
Yes... all anti-gamer reviews... are anti-gamer reviews. XD

>How can you distinguish between-
I can read.
And almost every single time for every review I've deleted (up until today), I know what that reviewer has said privately/publicly, that gives me more context about the malicious intentions behind their review.

>Your game is good, and I'm being honest.
Thank you, thank you.

>If I would have posted a review on your game page, you would have deleted it.
Post it first, see if it gets deleted. And then start crying about it.

>If you're not able to tolerate bullying, you should stop sharing your high quality games games in-front of low-quality jealous devs.
I delete all bullying messages in my spaces.

>Honest review: your game is good. Period.
I hear you. Thank you for repeating yourself on this again and again.

> after seeing how have you reacted to bullying, you deserve all the love in the world
Thank you... (T_T)
Thank you!

>Please stay here, and keep pushing through the bullying. You have what it takes to make great games. So keep sharing your work!
I will! Thank you for your encouraging words! (T_T)
Keep making games. Don't listen to drama hungry crabs in a bucket, they're only trying to bring you down to their level.
Like me, you took Sigma as an honest dev. I even defended him at one point. But when you have any kind of engagement with Sigma is goes south. I unironically believe he’s schizo. The way he reacts, it’s all very paranoid and delusional. Even his game, it’s a game about being persecuted. The schizo mind obsesses about being attacked by enemies, even if it’s just friendly people saying hello. They’ll flip that into an attack. He took my defense of him, quoted me, and attacked me.

And wow, no matter what containment Strat is used, this thread is now a sigma thread once again. Good job everyone!

“Just dont heckin respond!” Ya let me just ignore 50 posts in a row. This is a Sigma thread. Always has been.

For progress, have some floor tiles drawn. Will start making my game world soon.
>Responding to honest criticism like a 7-year-old after censoring reviews.
Keep it up champ :)
I guess that's the drawback of anonymous boards: it's too easy to destroy everything with a couple of retards.
The Dessert.gif shows the game. I have no idea if the game itself is good. What sort of hook they have to make people interested. But the art is unique enough that I'd consider working with them. I have an artist currently and am making my own game. But I'm just saying, that the art is unique enough here that I could see a great game being made. Now I think it's RPGM so it might be hard to make the rest of the game unique enough to actually sell well. I don't know enough Steam, about Patreon, and all that stuff to know what audiences exist and ways to monetize, it may very well be possible to get by on style idk.
>“Just dont heckin respond!” Ya let me just ignore 50 posts in a row.
Ya, 50 posts of people responding, mentioning and obsessing about Sigma.
Ya like you just did. You’re the worst offender and should be banned along with Sigma. You’re just as annoying and at least sigma but don’t post anything BUT OFF TOPIC comments. You claim you want people to stop posting off topic but then you’re the first to jump in with off topic posting complaining about off topic posting. And you obsess over getting the final word so you shit up the thread worst than anyone. Another retard with a disagreeable temperament who probably doesn’t even know they have a disagreeable temperament.

Added a scheduling system. NPCs can be dynamically updated to change their routines. Go to new places of interest. I haven’t tested it yet. Still waiting on some animations to finish with some NPC’s. Once they are up and walking properly I’ll put time into testing the new systems.
So only you can talk about him?

I made a sprite for my game.
show your work retards
I'm not going to show my work faggot. Show your fucking work. What do you want a fucking code snippet. Fuck off.
How is this game an RPG again?
I just wanted to talk about how Sigma is bad, I don't have anything to say about game dev, but I also don't want people to think I'm offtopic.

I worked on sound effects earlier.
I'm sorry, did your game not feature the murder of most of the developers at a game studio? Inb4 he doesn't respond because he can't without indicting himself
This is the most pathetic thing I have ever seen. I hope you get help.
Thanks, friend. If you ever wanna try a build, reach out. Always wanna hear feedback
Strictly speaking, nothing in-development is even a game. That doesn't mean we can't talk about FF7r part 3, or some vaporware kickstarter.
That game is released though, so please try again
So you admit to being off-topic? Ironic.
>Keep making games. Don't listen to drama hungry crabs in a bucket, they're only trying to bring you down to their level.
Got a bit distracted, and started responding to them. But reading this... I opened a powerpoint file on my phone, set up a scene, and started writing story and dialogues under its notes section.
Just to get some work done, any work done.
So, thank you. (T_T) For getting me back to focusing again.
Have you really decided to accept the assessment of your wonderful game as mediocrity on rpg shit. I think you should keep going, maybe your amazing brain and skull will crack realizing that what they criticize is better than yours. In any case, success in continuing to make games, flies should also eat something.
Please keep posting progress here: >>3489260
> Made a game clip compilation of bits from my game

All News Segments about Terrorist Gamers and D.E.I in False GamerGater

> See Video:
Posting the word "Progress" isn't progress.
You've got nothing to contribute.
>Let's stop the bullshit for a moment. How you make money playing video games?
>>Muh hobby
>Shut up. Seriously, how you make money with this shit? Nobody will spent years making interacting with meaningless, wortless pixels on a screen to not make anything out of it
This is some Steiner school bullshit, no one saves the world, neocon jew
Silence in the library.
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Prompt: Pretend you're a indie game developer. Post progress.
Can you answer this question?
We are experiencing heavy server load. To ensure the best experience for everyone, we have rate limits in place.

Keep your hand on your skinner box device and wait patiently for a variable scheduled dopamine reward.
Based Sigma making /vrpg/ trannies and autists seethe.
Doing God's work lad.

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