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Just finished it as a Half-Oger technologist. Fucking incredible. Best rpg I've played in a long time.
why are a nazi
Sorry but you and the gnomes aren't welcome here.
What is it with rainbow haired faggots falling out of their rockers over Arcanum?

Did I miss something? What about this game is triggering these far left retards?
give it a rest zoom zoom
no one cares about this ''cult classic'' garbage anymore, all e-celebs moved to jerking off the next turd CRPG
Gnome hands typed this post.
Redditors lost their minds over that image that shows a lot of inspiration/references over nazi figures in this game.
it was pretty funny to see
NTA, but link or screencap? This is news to me, and I remember buying and playing this game back in the early oughts.
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this is the only reason /v/chuds pretend to like this garbage
I don't see a problem with literally any of this.
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this is a really bad version of the image. here's a better res.
>this is what chapocels actually believe
This game is designed to mirror the atmosphere and style of the turn of the 19th century. All of these references make complete sense, especially since they were taken for inspiration. The idea behind Donn Throgg is also clearly a satirical reference to the fact that unions, which started off as noble endeavors, became co-opted by bad actors later, and is clearly foreshadowing the fall of Throgg's "activism" into a totalitarian regime in the future.

This game was intended for 18+ year olds, who would be familiar with at least some of these references.
Kek, does anyone have a reaction image of their meltdown?
yeah, it was made by homos. you can even fuck a sheep in it, not exactly "based", but that image is a shitpost to cause a reaction. people just like the game because it's an interesting setting.
>yeah, it was made by homos. you can even fuck a sheep in it,

>current generation is so brain-broken stupid they interpret an obvious joke in a video game as a clear reference to the real loves and interests of the people who made it

Imagine unironically being this fucking stupid.
i'm far older than you and since you can't even tell my post isn't serious, i'd "unironically" be careful throwing stones from your transparent abode.
You're right. You would have to change sheep to children for it to make sense since Tim Cain is a homesexual aka a pedophile.
Fun fact: inteligent humanoids in Arcanum come only in two colors: white and green. There simply aren't any other ones. That is some dedication.
He does live in a country where child brides are both legal and are still being married of to adult men. Pedophilia is american national pastime.
>child brides
Not really. There's only 4 states where this term could genuinely apply. For the rest of the 46 states, you have to be at least 16 years of age or older, the same age to drive in most states. For Kansas you can get married at 15.
>Half-Oger technologist
Did everyone treat you like a retard?
sodomy and bestiality are the same degenerate filth
pedophilia is a meme term, being attracted to sexy little girls is normal and only a faggot will deny this
What's a good gun build. I want to wear a power armor and use the biggest gun
Just started playing this recently. It's my first isometric crpg and I'm having a good time, I had a few issues with using the map because I'm a brainlet but other than that I've had a really fun time doing the quests. I'm currently in Tarant and just recruited Magnus
I remember playing this 20 years ago and using techno-axes almost the whole game, what's the easy mage build
>easy mage build
Harm and willpower. That's it.
what do you guys think about the xp per hit mechanic? do you disable it with UAP or not?
I am a min/maxer so probably would prefer to not have any follower over losing exp because of them. I check the max exp option in UAP + de uncap and then do this
to slow down the leveling and make it more fair. I already have to suffer a lot with how painfully bad the UI is and the lack of QoL features to even add more frustration like not using followers just because I want to max exp (it doesn't even make the game much harder in general, just slower)
>It's my first isometric crpg
Why would THIS be your first isometric RPG? Wtf is wrong with you?
>I am a min/maxer so probably would prefer to not have any follower over losing exp because of them.
You can reach max level quite early without companions and then it's over.
He's too based for his own good
I think "retarded" is the word you were looking for.
Starting with Arcanum isn't a bad thing. Nowhere to go but up.
Funny enough it was my first one as well if I remember correctly. My cousin had it in early 2000s for whatever reason.
You somehow managed to skip both Diablo games?
I was poor and mostly played what I could borrow. He didn't had diablo till about a year later or so.
You should use an axe. Fuckface.
I did that twice, I want to use guns now
I heard good things about it and it was cheap on GOG. What's wrong with starting with it?
Anon has autism, ignore him.
I'd say most people would be surprised with Arcanum as a first entry. It's not really a game you just stumble on.
The only problem I have with this game is that it's really weirdly hard and I'm not really sure what I'm doing wrong. Most of it is easy but then it will throw something at you that wipes you and your party out.
You're making me feel old. I remember seeing it on shelves in a game/toy store at a mall in the early 2000's and begged my parents to get it for me for Christmas. I don't think it was my very first, but it was one of my first isometric RPG's. Looked like it had a really cool steampunk fantasy setting.
I would assume people who are just now getting in to RPG's wouldn't be old enough to see it hit the shelves. The point I was trying to make is that most people who know about Arcanum are probably fans of the developer or previous developers, and new people are more likely to see those more famous games like Fallout first. Arcanum is fairly nitch and wasn't a huge success for a variety of reasons.
Invest in charisma and get as big of a party as you can. Get a dog. Or use turn based for hard encounters.
Also, I recommend heavily investing into explosives. They are super OP.
I just recruited the dog. I wish I could name him :(
I noticed there's an option to turn auto-leveling off for the followers. Is that a vanilla option or does UAP do that? If it's an UAP thing, does it make the game too easy?
The funniest thing is the picture makes no sense
>Donn Throgg - half-Orc unionist and portrayed as a good man who stands up to oppression
OK, so half-Orcs are Nazis/brownshirts?
>The Orcish Question outlines the inferiorities of the Orcish race and parallels the Jewish Question
OK, so Orcs are Jews, what's wrong with the first poster then?
>Gnomes are portrayed as miserly, greedy, and cruel, based on Jewish stereotypes
What the fuck, so it's the Gnomes, not the Orcs that are Jews then?

Fuck whatever faggot made this picture honestly
Where can I pirate this game? No, I'm not paying anything to Jew Old Games or Jewteam. I can't find it on 1337x and the Bay has been a malware infestation for a good 10 years now so
>is clearly foreshadowing the fall of Throgg's "activism" into a totalitarian regime in the future.
The ending slides make Donn Throgg's success into a positive thing.
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It's genuinely one of the greatest RPGs ever created. I doubt /v/ chuds would exalt the game otherwise considering a literal faggot was involved in its creation.
The racist stuff is just a nice bonus really.
>What the fuck, so it's the Gnomes, not the Orcs that are Jews then?
The Orcs are niggers, Gnomes are Jews.
I'm glad I could be of service anon, hope that clears it up for you.
>The Orcs are niggers
Wrong, they are the white underclass. Ogres are blacks. Have you even played the game?
Have you?
Have you?
Don't answer my motherfucking question with a question motherfucker.
Okay, how's this. The Orcs are niggers and Ogres are white people (golems) who serve at the behest of their Gnome (kike) masters. Better?
No. Then the interbreeding doesn't make sense. Also, what are Elves? Or Dwarfs?
>Or Dwarfs?
Hassidic Jews.
>what are Elves?
gog-games.to dumb nigger
And you never heard anything good about Fallouts or Baldurs Gate or Neverwinter Nights before?
If you’re white and not a nazi at this point you must be mentally insane.
Define white for me please.
my favorite game
it's open, there's so much freedom, and i am allowed to approach quests the way i want to
Mestizo, mullato, hapa. Brown people are the new white people.
Define nazi for me please.
The bad guys, chud
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I've played New Vegas, launched Baldurs Gate Dark Alliance but closed it after 5 minutes and I've never heard of neverwinter nights
Someone who doesn’t have a negative amount of in-group preference.
>I doubt /v/ chuds would exalt the game otherwise considering a literal faggot was involved in its creation.
really showing you don't know much about anything "chud" like since half of them are faggots anyways.
That race was a good choice for you based on your inability to spell.
Any tips for a guy who just bought the game?
Anything that can make the game as fun as possible
Get the unofficial patch
>Anything that can make the game as fun as possible
Turn based
Half Ogre
Max dex
Max strength
Look up the magic schools and get all the OP shit
Have fun
>make gunslinger
>go to tarant
>no bullets, no money
what am I doing wrong? should I make a gunslinger/thief hybrid instead?
if you have a spare fate point, use it to steal ristezze's key. now you can replenish your money supply once per day
>half ogre
Hang yourself you fucking nigger
>It's genuinely one of the greatest RPGs ever created
It's hard to take you seriously when you post bethesda shit
Get a job and buy bullets.
>what am I doing wrong?
You're not playing the build I told you to play.
>1 point in harm
>49 points in fatigue
Arcanum is isometric skyrim. It attracts retards who solely play goyslop, as evidenced by this thread.
Not even you belive what you just said anon. Fight your inner autism
I genuinely believe this. Arcanum is a retard game that is only praised in retard circles. Anyone who praises it immediately discredits themselves.
>I genuinely believe this
No, you don't.
Bad bait.
What is the correct build for diplomatic and high social skills MC? I heard it was boomerangs.
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Yes I do. Arcanum is a bad game and you'll see it praised in the circles that like new vegas, vtmb, gothic, and morrowind rather than actual rpgs. It's for people who only have a superficial interest in the genre at best.
(You) are a faggot
>a list of games I haven’t played in decades because now all I do is play absolutely embarrassing slop
For a diplomat you need high charisma and inteligence. You don't need combat skills. Everyone who you can't persuade will be murdered by your private army.
That's not very diplomatic.
>What is the correct build for diplomatic and high social skills MC? I heard it was boomerangs.
Anything really. Throwing is great, but I'd say throwing is best with tech because you can make grenades. That means explosives discipline and perhaps chemistry if you want to make more advanced grenades. Of-course if you go tech then you want the first three levels at least of Electrical, for Charged Rings and the Flow Spekctrometer. This gives you free +4 DX and Expert Spot-Trap. That +4 DX will get as standard character to rank 3 or Expert Throwing Skill, which is all you need.

So from there consider three points of dodge and melee and then 1 more point of Electrical for the Shocking Staff, an excellent melee weapon. Chemistry will both enhance grenades and let you make batteries.

Otherwise all you really need is Charisma and the five ranks of Persuasion. So any excess points can go into whatever you want.
Arcanum is my first and only isometric RPG and I did fine. The game is brutal your first time when you don't know how the skills or gameplay really work, but my first character was a gunslinger and he would have completely the game if not for a game ending bug that corrupted my save pre first patch.

It can be done. Anyone starting out with a gunslinger should be prepared to spend a lot of time digging around in trash cans. Also, get the third rank of Firearms and at least a Fine Revolver as soon as you can.
>What's a good gun build. I want to wear a power armor and use the biggest gun
Firearms works best with Charisma/Persuasion and Throwing. As a gunslinger you will probably want to invest in Gunsmithy. The Fine Revolver, Repeating Rifle, Looking Glass Rifle, Hand Cannon, and Elephant Gun are all good, but it takes a while to get that many degrees.

An alternative option is Electrical. You will want the first three ranks of this regardless as that gives you Charged Rings and the Spectrometer, which will grant you +4 DX and an ability to spot traps easily, essential in dungeons. Get your perception to 12 as quickly as possible to reach rank 3 of firearms; you can hit things reliably then.

I would suggest at least 12 Charisma and the first three ranks of Persuasion. This gives you up to 3 followers and Expert rank will also let you talk your way out of most quests and encounters. Three followers to rush in while you open fire works wonders.

Another great support skill is throwing. You can make molotov cocktails for just one rank of Explosives and they will get the job done through most of the game. They don't always do high damage as enemies get tougher but they will knock most enemies away from you. It's worth it though to put more points in explosives to get stun and explosive grenades. You can sell these to merchants for big money and they are very useful in battle.

Also, the Charged Rings you made will again let you easily boost your Throwing skill to rank 3 with that 12 DX you'll have (depending on initial character stats).
>Deus Ex
>Actual RPG
lol, wannabe who inherited his opinions detected
You don't really need to invest into throwing for explosives. In fact I am not sure if throwing actually has any noticeable effect on explosives and I wouldn't bother unless you wish to use throwing-specific weapons (they are great, do recommend). Just one point in explosives for early game (and will last you through mid-game too), and then more later on if you wish to make end-game explosives for end game. Which is nice since it leaves you so many points to play around with and customize your character in any way you want. My gunslingers typically have plenty of points for melee and charisma left-over.

Electrical I do recommend for any non-magic build, charged rings are pretty bonkers given how much you can stack the odds with them and also how low investment they are.
>You don't really need to invest into throwing for explosives.
A few points are useful if you want to throw at anything that isn't right at your feet.

Electrical as a whole is easily the best Tech discipline. Only bad item is the Electric Light, which is just not useful for anything really. A couple years ago I did some modifications to the tech tree. I replaced for example the Hand Crafted Flintlock with the Fine Revolver and in place of the Fine Revolver I put in the Shotgung (with a large To Hit Bonus but short range). I replaced Pure Ore with the Balanced Boomerang. Did some other switches to make all of the degrees functional, but I can't remember what they were. Oh, I think for Chemistry I replaced Poison with a tech version of the Liquid of Skin Thickening.

I wish Drog had taken an interest and put those changes into his patch as an option.
the playable half ogres are the result of a loving union between a man and his beautiful ogre wife
I bet Ogre-wives make the meanest meat stews and great at cuddling.
How many skills can I realistically invest in?

I wanna play a thief character but it seems expensive to get Melee, Pickpocket, Prowling, Pick Lock and Backstab + stats and I haven't even touched tech or magic yet.

This game seems stingy on points. (first time if it wasn't obvious).

I got to Shrouded Hills and stole a few things off merchants, like their keys and shit, and now I'm not too sure what to do.
You get 64 points total (if you play with the default level 50 cap), and since any skill is only 5 points that should be plenty. Just keep in mind there's no respec, so don't waste points. If you want a thief, go with halfling and get Stun and Haste spells. Stunned (or unaware) enemies receive 5x backstab damage which is HUGE, and Haste gives a lot more turns, and you'll be playing in turn-based anyway because backstabs are impossible in the twitchy real-time mode.

Prowling sadly gets good only late game when you get master training which lets you stealth mid combat, allowing for easy 5x sneak attacks without the Stun spell (or stun grenades). But it's really OP at that point.

Pickpocket is honestly a waste. Anything worth stealing can be stolen with fate points, and you're not gonna pocket 100 coins from random ass NPC's because dungeon loot sells for fuckton anyway. But sure take it if you want to RP, the master quest is pretty hilarious.

Also note that lockpicking is a tech skill and will boost your tech aptitude a bit, but the spells will balance it out so no biggie.
If only you could actually get a big strong beautiful ogre wife in game.
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Halflings seem to be male only though, which sucks cuz I made a whole ass custom portrait for a human girl (based on picrel). Will keep that in mind though.

What should I focus on early game? On creation I got 2 Melee and some dex but I still struggled with the big wolves, had to reload until I got lucky and could only fight them one on one.
lets see your custom portrait
Well pick an Elf or Half-Elf then, they have the second highest DEX cap. Humans only get 20 max, elves/half-elves 21, and halflings 22. Doesn't matter THAT much, but extra turns are extra turns.

>What should I focus on early game? On creation I got 2 Melee and some dex but I still struggled with the big wolves, had to reload until I got lucky and could only fight them one on one.
Try to get 3 melee / 3 dodge ASAP, otherwise the combat can be frustrating. Also ask guards around for apprentice training in melee / dodge. I'd also highly recommend getting Dagger of Speed (sold by magical smiths in other towns like Tarant), it's the best weapon for thief type characters and will carry you the whole game. How does it work? It's the fastest weapon in the game and backstab damage is INDEPEDENT of the regular weapon damage, so if you're making sure to stab them in the back you'll be doing tons of damage for only 1 AP per attack.
I literally just cropped it.
Thanks for the tips, will keep that in mind.
The Ogre / Mountain Ogre combination from the unofficial patch can be pretty fun. The story is pretty funny, too.
>you weren't even on the zeppelin, it just crashed near the cave you live in
The idea that the entire story of the game would play out because of a retarded ogre who virgil managed to sweet talk into helping him...
Meanwhile, the +4 to melee/dodge with 18 strength is just ridiculous for early on experimenting.
I felt dumb when I couldnt figure out the constellaton puzzle and looked it up, cause its really not that hard when you focus on the right thing
Yeah playing an half ogre technologist is like the closest thing to playing a power armor wearing super mutant in Fallout.
Youtuber made a video that the game will never live down
see here's a reference to it right there >>3479077
Get the fine revolver as soon as possible. Then your options open up later in the game.
It turns out Arcanum was a Diablo killer after all.
Neverwinter nights is fun.
Are you talking about the ssethtzeentach video?
I hated gnomes for two decades by now. I need no influencer for that.
Honestly I've discovered the game through L0rdVega back in 2008, you should try it anon.
I've kinda felt like the only thing this game does wrong is the poor itemization. Like I want to make a mod that edits all that hexed items to be something less shit, because finding magic items should be fun. Maybe also add in a few other items for various builds.
wasn't it made by tim cain. and he expcitily NOT nazi.
God it has been a long time since I saw that let's play. Too bad some of it gone since he put parts of it on another website that no longer exist. Losing Megaupload was one of biggest loses of good content of that time period.
Were you one of the products of the (((Gnomish))) inter-racial breeding program?
lol, newfag
>have slightly above average beauty and average charisma
>convince the leader of the assassin group to fuck off because i read some texts about their history or something
>make the elf queen's daughter fall in love with you and follow you into the void even though she's a confirmed hoe
felt like a modern movie game desu senpai
also both virgil and raven sounded completely emotionless during their final monologues as if they were mindcontrolled which was weird to me
is there a way to change the companion AI? I'm playing a tech character, Virgil wastes all of his fatigue trying to heal me even though it does nothing
What about shitty pathfinding, shitty UI or garbage combat?
I can't make it work in W10 and it makes me mad
No, your best bet is getting a medical arachnid to beat him to the punch
Get Jayna (IIRC) as a tech healer.
>install UAP
I'm in the dwarf city of the clan of the wheel and honestly what disappoint me the most so far is the lack of companion dialogues/banter. Specially Virgil who seems to be, more or less, someone important in the story. He doesn't participate at all in my dialogues with npcs like he did in the very beginning of the game. There isn't much dialogue either with neither of the companions I have, even if you ask about themselves.
Besides that, it's pretty fun so far. If you like classic fallout games this should do it for you
If jewish supremacism is fine then white supremacism is fine too. It can't go only one way.
So what games did that before Arcanum came out?
where does Virgil go if you tell him to leave the party?
>I'm in the dwarf city of the clan of the wheel and honestly what disappoint me the most so far is the lack of companion dialogues/banter
Perfect example of what zoomers want out of RPGs, a fucking friend simulator.
This isn't limited to zoomers, it's why nerd shit went to pot in a lot of areas, when lonely people joined into hobbies from loneliness and not from an actual liking for the hobby itself.
Virgil literally did that at the beginning and in Tarant. Then suddenly go mute forever all of a sudden.
And yes, I not the biggest fan of the 80's 90's rpg philosophy where your party were composed by lifeless manikins with human faces which were there just to make combat easier
For not to mention that the most pure and classic tabletop roleplay experience is of social nature. But of course, in videogames you don't play with another 5 real people, so you have to put some interesting companions to compensate it
unofficial patch
low int, max strength, max dex half ogre
turn based
get dog
There's a big mid-game gap but he'll start up again as you hit triggers in the late game. Seems like the devs had big plans for Virgil that were cut to meet deadlines.
>I'm in the dwarf city of the clan of the wheel and honestly what disappoint me the most so far is the lack of companion dialogues/banter
ARE YOU BLIND? WHAT IN G- I mean, better luck next time!
You can give him some Bandages, so he'll use his Healing skill instead of spells.

This is definitely no Baldur's Gate and the party members are even called "followers" not party members, Don't forget, the devs' previous game was Fallout 1/2 (well, they quit in the middle of 2's development to found Troika and start working on Arcanum).

Virgil does have a fair amount of unique dialog though and will respond to multiple story important NPC's later on. If you've been paying attention you probably noticed that Virgil's karma meter is a perfect mirror of yours, unlike all the other followers. This will have big repercussions later on.

All NPC's return to their initial locations, for Virgil this would be the Crash Site (unless your Virgil has had a personality change, in which case it will be in front of Caladon's Panarii Temple).
Arcanum is just another example of a game that was rushed to completion, the second half really falls off and it shows. Is what it is.
Same here except I bought it with my own money. Vampire the Masquerade Redemption and Arcanum were the shit man. I still have my Arcanum CD on the shelf behind me.
Finally made small Machined Plate. Not sure the strength bonus makes up for the heavy ass weight, but I'm happy. Hoping for a gun schematic in Vendrigoth better than the long distance pistol
Z'an Al'urin has a lot to say about different places
So does Raven
Even Sogg Mead Mug has, in fact he talks about every tavern he's been in.
You just got to prompt them. Banter isn't there, except for some few like Zan and Raven hating each other, etc.
Hey, guys. Me again. I just beat the game. I did a charisma build and had a great time, I had a good alignment and it was 100 by the end. Talking the final boss out of the fight was amazing and a lot of fun. I had a great time and if anyone is thinking about trying it out I would highly recommend it. Make sure to get the UAP and do as many quests you can, if you miss out on some of these you'll hate yourself. All I can say is that some of the parts drag on a bit and the pathfinding was weird a few times but far from bad
I always restart the game around Tarant because I want to try a different build then I repeat it a few times and drop the game. I have so many hours in this but I only beat it once...
disabling the retarded combat music improves the game so much
It is, unlike JA2. Just because he is a retard doesn't mean he is wrong about literally everything.
>in videogames you don't play with another 5 real people
Except when you do
Baldur's Gate, NWN and even Arcanum used to have wonky multiplayer
So if you want an actual "classic tabletop roleplay experience of social nature", you play multiplayer. If you want friend simulator for dysgenic losers, you play any modern mainstream slop with shitty quips and le mommy romance roleplay.
Best team comp for battle banter is Geoffrey, Loghaire and Payne.
>Orcs are a disgusting race and inferior race, therefore Jews
>gnomes are greedy, and therefore Jews
I hate these posts, it’s the same retards who say Minecraft is racist because there are stereotypes.
The so called "modern" slop actually has the best co-op implementation. You can play the entirety of BG3 or DOS2 in co-op, that's why these games are so popular, the MP is not wonky like in the old crusty boomer shit.
You need friends for co-op. Something zoomers don't have between playing braindead slop and watching twitch streams.
companions are for faggots
ur moms a faggot
>>have slightly above average beauty and average charisma
>>make the elf queen's daughter fall in love with you and follow you into the void even though she's a confirmed hoe
I think she falls for you no matter what. Also, Beauty only affects reaction, there are no dialogue checks for it specifically.
>I think she falls for you no matter what
The reqs are Beauty 10, male Human, Half-Elf or Elf.
>there are no dialogue checks for it specifically.
no dialogue checks as far as I can remember, but people do mention it in dialogue, and I'm sure it does affect a rare quest or two.
i literally made a useless bimbo elf with almost-maxed Beauty and she was mostly useless except for buying stuff at lower price.
>Machined Plate. Not sure the strength bonus makes up for the heavy ass weight, but I'm happy. Hoping for a gun schematic in Vendrigoth better than the long distance pistol

crafting is so crap compared to finding random magic weapons in a store. crafting healing items at least seems economical. that said, crafting is more useful in the Diablo-like expansion game.
It's more of a support/flavor stat, no doubt, but ultimately you still do have to pick something else as your "combat" stat, because unlike charisma and extra companions, you can't just win by being pretty. The few situations it may or may not have an impact on are irrelevant to the rest of the game.
>make bimbo
>is useless
i was trying to beat the game with a meme. i got bored of it fast.
>got bored of it fast
sounds like exactly the experience you'd expect from being around a bimbo.
>Diablo-like expansion game
is this the 2nd Module i saw in the menu?
recommend me a build that lets me just effortlessly breeze through the combat so I can just enjoy the non-combat stuff
high charisma, get all the companions and just wait while they kill everything
I remember crafting the pyro axe or whatever it is and then everything died in one - two hits. Even the last boss died by round 2 just by attacking it. It was way more broken than spamming harm.
How viable/fun is a solo tech thief?
Get harm (lvl1 necromantic black spell) and spamclick it in RTwP mode. High constitution and magickal aptitude for mana is welcome, but not needed. Later, you can learn Disintegrate (Force 5) and Unlocking Cantrip and Teleportation (level 2 and 5 conveyance).
Get expert persuasion, companions and level temporal magic, get stun and harm.
Guess how I know you're a massive faggot
Play with the unofficial patch and make a Ogre with Mountain Ogre as your history. Most of the game will be an absolute breeze with how much of a difference capping a stat makes, and you might even laugh too since you have to be retarded.
One point in explosive, then do whatever else you want because explosives carry hard.
Make a pyro axe and then every dies in one to two hits
how early can you make it?
You can make it as soon as you get to Tarant, which is the first major city in the game and usually the second place you go to after starting.
learn harm and run over to ashbury to get the dog
is it turn based or RTWP?
It has a turn based mode and a turn based w/o pause mode which is basically broken. So turn based.
ah so it's good then
It has bot, but the game is clearly balanced to be played as TB. Some stats like speed are crucial in TB, meanwhile in RTWP are useless, and doing backstabs is impossible too. RT is only for fast clearing trash mobs when you're already way more powerful than them
I heard they only added RT because they had to do multi-player for some reason, so this makes sense. Also considering doing my first (somewhat) magick-aligned build as a backstabber, is Prowling worth raising for that?
it's awful in low levels, but really good after you get master training
>RT is only for fast clearing trash mobs when you're already way more powerful than them
Realtime pretty much makes you unkillable against slower enemies if you have any ranged spell or throwing weapon.
I'm starting to think my solo gunner idea was a mistake
Mainly because guns suck lol, they're so boring. It looks interesting on surface but 90% of them are just straight up outclassed by guns you'll make earlier. I see a schematic, it looks interesting so I get excited and start working on it, then turns out it's shit and my gun is already better. It's not fun at all
>It looks interesting on surface
that's arcanum in a nutshell, everything about the game is entirely superficial
Yeah, Troika were basically a bunch of idea-guys who had no idea how to build systems.
The balance is a bit off, but you likely aren't investing enough in combat stats and skills.
Also I'm about 90% sure you can do called shots with higher skill levels. Shoot legs to knock people down, arms to disarm them, head to stun.
Firearms is a very rough start and takes a long time to pick up, in contrast to both melee and magic. Archery struggles too for a variety of reasons. Mostly once you get the mid/end game weapons, it becomes really fun... but that's a long time to struggle.
The combat is fun, it forces me to rely a bit too much on traps and molotovs but that makes it interesting. My problem is how useless most craftable weapons are
Half of this is embarrassing nerds who think referencing real life conflicts and ideologies makes their setting gritty and the other half is schizophrenia attempting to call a compass a nazi symbol.
yeah my gunner was mostly carried by charisma and pyrotechnic axes on every follower, pretty much until the end. my grenadier/boomeranger on the other hand was much stronger pretty much right away

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