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What are some good lighthearted fantasy JRPGs? Dungeon Meshi has me craving the setting
what are some video games
Fuck off, anime only.
>Dungeon Meshi
Dragon Quest.
Yes. Saying it isn't light hearted is objectively false
Fantasy Life. Can even cook monsters.

Also 2nd game coming out in 5 months.
Rance quest magnum
There aren't any. Dungeon crawling is brutal, hard work and you are killing for a living. Have you tried playing Farmville or something?
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Mana Khemia is a school based one. Most Gust games are light hearted, and a decent amount have an emphasis on item synthesis.
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Trails in the Sky is exactly what you are looking for.
Fuck off, pusher.
Sorcery Saga: Curse of the Great Curry God is a spinoff of Madou Monogatari. It has vocal songs (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HonIuYoBJE4) on the OST, a rarity for a budget game.
I was hoping for something more medieval
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Kamidori Alchemy Meister.
It's funny how the sex scenes are the least interesting part of this game.
Try Ys.
Not only that, they’re mostly terrible. It’s kind of baffling.
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Grandia is a perfect JRPG adventure
Growlanser IV makes me feel like I'm playing an 80s anime.
It's extremely lighthearted, even when the lion demon is about to swallow the world It's lighthearted about it. That's probably why I like Dungeon meshi as much as I do. It's antigrimdark.
all it comes to mind is adventure bar story
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It never stops being a lighthearted comedy.
Kind of the problem with harems in general. Casual sex is really boring with no emotional weight underpinning it.
rideon releases the same game for the 3rd time
Lunar 1 & 2, unbelievably soulful games.
The SEQUEL series is RPGmaker hentai games but are still good games in spite of that, at least the first three (haven't played the others yet). The third game (Colony) has some really dark moments but overall the tone is pretty lighthearted.
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Potato Flowers in Full Bloom is cozy
and has a demo so try it out
Which versions do you suggest?
I emulated the PS1 versions, AFAIK they're the best.
can confirm
played back in PSX time, had fun, were really comfy games
>Dungeon Meshi has me craving the setting
Fear and Hunger.

You want comedy grimdark? The Rance games.
This. Even the Lion's curse on Laios ends up being a joke because everyone knows that he cares more about monsters than he does his sister.
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Mangaka drew this which reveals some of her influences.
>dat obvilion meme face.
I would just hold down the skip button so I could get back to harvesting ingredients and stocking my shop.
Man she has really shit taste in crpgs, no wonder dungeon meshi sucks
this is just wizardry with cooking. i love it
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Just poppin in to say that Danjon Meshi is great. One of the highlights of my week these days. The character designs, the backgrounds, the deep jp voices, the comedy. The story's a little lacking as an anime-only, but it's a great time.
>Japanese Mangaka
>huge westoid CRPG fan
westaboos are real?
I would have either expected her to like the classic stuff like Wizardry or Japanese crawlers in their style
wouldn't a westaboo be a westoid, since the -oid suffix means not actually the thing. you nu-weebs suck at coming up with names.
Dungeon Meshi has its roots as a riff on Wizardry (I think 6 specifically?)
She had some ancient posts on her blog where she posted what were early versions of the main cast's designs with what classes they would be
no idea why but i dropped this after episode 3. then i rewatched it with english dub and it easily became a favorite for me.
No wonder all the characters look just a bit ugly if fucking Dragon Age is the author's "inspiration"
and all that subversion, muh dindu nuffin' good-boy orcs, the useless elf and magic, the always-right uhly dwarf... I mean I appreciate it's not the usual anime cliches but replacing them with the usual western cliches is really not the answer
I too dropped it after episode 3 or 4. I may try to pick it up again but I dunno, it was too annoying
And no I'm not watching the fucking dub
Westaboo has been a thing on /co/ since Weeaboo itself was established as more than just a wordfilter.
Just read the manga and pick it at Volume 6 when the story starts getting more serious. At that point is more "Mission to kill the BBEG with instances of how an OD&D party would take out an unique, party wiping monster."
i'm talking about westoid, genius. that shit makes no sense.
The problem with harems in stories is that 99% of the time they are just written by horny no social skill dudes who want to sleep with a variety of different women. So they don't add any relationship building apart from either surface level jealousy that is easily solved/ignored or psychotic level jealousy that ends in murder.

I have read interesting harem content before, but it has always been when it is from the perspective of people in the harem and the drama/intrigue between harem members etc. I've only seen this done with stories set in the inner court of the ancient Chinese imperial harem so far. Though I see no reason why a writer can't handle doing something like this in different settings. You just need them to keep their libido from turning their brain into the maturity of a young teen when writing it.

tl;dr like majority of bad stories, its the writer not the concept that is the problem.
Yeah, I was just thinking it feels like I can somehow see a small bit of that "steven universe" style of cartoon mixed into the anime style. Disturbing.
Yes, you need emotional weight underpinning sexual relations. Actually interesting characters interacting.
Original manga creators were westaboos since for example Osamu Tezuka was open about taking inspiration from Carl Barks.
Yes, there's a bunch and it's funny to read about things you're more familiar with through the Jap lenses.
Toriyama, Douman Seiman, Kui. They hit closer to home than Nisio writing about Kanji desu.
Only zoomers like dungeon meshi
>Only zoomers like dungeon meshi
i fucked your mom and i liked it. tell your cuck dad to watch it too.
I'm the guy you replied to, I think Dungeon Meshi is great fun and I was born in the late '80s. I'm about to queue up today's new episode once I down a few shots.
In most real harems the guy probably enjoyed nutting in ovulating women twice a day quite a bit BUT 99% of his focus and drives were probably about maintaining supremacy in a violent world of personal domination and political allegiance, and they usually only stuck around for a year or two before they got a knife in the head
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In terms of classes, races, monster design and brutality Elminage is the closest game to Dungeon Meshi.
Yeah, there is even the samurai and the useless Thief.
In fact, its fun to notice that these sort of dungeon crawl games inspired the whole discourse in fantasy anime around the tragic life of an Adventurer, that does early in the dungeons and those who live are eternally mourning their companions.
Elminage is a great game, I just dont know If It is as lighthearted as Dungeon meshi is, but It certainly has many of the Dungeon crawl things the anime references.
i got filtered by the psp version of this. it said to make an item. i paid the 200 gold to use the alchemy table and i couldnt craft the item.. i backed out and he didnt refund my 200 gold. i turned the game off after that
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I just find it funny that you are asking for a lighthearted fantasy JRPG when Rui herself has said that Dungeon Meshi was heavily inspired by Wizardry going as far as saying what class each character is.
Guardian TAles
No one remembers that Nippon Ichi came out with a "Dungeon Meshi with the serial numbers filed off" game?
What that has to do with what OP said?
>OP asks for a lighthearted jrpg due to Dungeon Meshi
>Dungeon Meshi was inspired by the author playing Wizardry

Do I need to draw it with crayons for you?
You got many weird picks. I think Etrian Odyssey is the closest JRPG to the vibe of Dungeon Meshi.

I second Grandia as a very good old school JRPG.

Solid pick
Yeah it's lighthearted, even when Warhammer style Oblivion gates show up and demons are literally eating people and reality is warping in weird ways at the end it's still light hearted.

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