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How are you enjoying Arcana Invoker, lads?

>AQW Guides and Information
Boosts and Events Calendar: https://www.artix.com/calendar
AQWG New Player Guide: https://sites.google.com/view/aqwg-net/new-player
Enhancements: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1wupDvLuPnRC0fF0aNPc7rzrri7X1YcYy7S2s5Z6o_F4
Boosted Items: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1iQZopOtK7PJNCwhXoOawYvxYgECX1X6ksOzOUNOU-rE
Challenge/Ultra: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/u/0/d/1SakAPZrSGG1tl0BIV8bCFjVXxB5WqXGmOzJROlt7pdk
Farming Data: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1RoPfjKD4Hy-gP_rETUISMllKoi8VpRkMApZdTPP5fe8
Balance Patch Notes: https://www.aq.com/gamedesignnotes/AQW-Balance-PatchNotes-9515

>Other Games Guides and Information
AQC New Player Guide: https://adventurequestwiki.fandom.com/wiki/New_Player
AQC Content Order: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1gUeAhoF2rg0pKxbmXpRO9SLEBmrGA44-Sga1SplSEKc
DF New Player Guide: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1g6AYyWQhVUi_wx3ITTMaBVzL2D6MZQ0bLfiGXcR1USk
Guide to DF Guides: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1gyr3vcvJtlBkxUud89iPe8r68_Qp6TY2cBDl3ujQDOw
AQ3D Starting Tips & FAQ: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1fZEXvZIL5MrdcZHr0gi6aM6Wh_b0s7X1BJx8GnrWHTY
AQ3D Game Plan: https://aq3d.com/game-plan/
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I don't farm any hard stuff at least for a year after the release, but I did the first quest for the neat wings.
I don't want to farm again, aaaaaaa
>Arcana particle calls you "Dear Dragon"
>Wing item was made to better match you
Just use the insigs, sis
>Ultra Bosses
One day, I'll get around to actually beating a few.
They're really not that hard
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>Varna used us to become the actual goddess of war and gain influence far beyond what she actually deserves
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Zhoom got a makeover
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ruffy hair is gone...
>at least can tell Zhoom is Zhoom, but dislike how his hairstyle is 'realistic' kinda
>crulon is completely different all the way down to different eye color
just because a character has development doesn't mean he always needs to be nearly unrecognizable, at least keep the shaggy hair or some variation of it
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>Not using a variation of Fuck, Marry, Kill
>Princess Ai No Nagger is now jap goddess
At least call them pink/purple eye sluts bruh.

Fuck no, I'm never paying child support.
We committed mass infanticide too lol.
I don't think a single parents needs to pay child support
>Zoom Zoom
Playing MechQuest normally must be so shit its incredible.
>Open Shop for a quest line you just completed
>You know, your REWARD after completing +10 long missions
>F2P Junk
>SC only stuff
>NC only stuff
>F2P Mech (Main gimmick doesn't work unless you're SC)
Thankfully there are all those events that are permanently up but still
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I honestly wonder how Gravelyn would feel about the Hero being super horny for her
They really should just make MQ completely free. Any money they make of it is a drop in the bucket compared to AQW so it wouldn't hurt them at all
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damn I didn't realize AQW was still live. Is it worth starting over in 2024? (I realize this place will be biased but still lol)
No, lol. Unless you uave a HUGE amount of nostalgia. An upgraded version is coming to Steam soon(tm) anyway.
Won't progress from old AQW carry over to this new version?
NTA but I also barely keep track of anything and my AQW account is like level 33 so its whatever either way.
The game is a grindfest. If you have some viable gear from back in the day then seeing all the new shit is kinda cool and you can make progress, but otherwise it'd be a huge timesink to get up to the point other players were at five three years ago. please tell me forge enchants aren't older than three years
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Which one of you is this?
Let's make a guild, bros. What name should we have? I was thinking Order of the Clover
That works if we want something more covert
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>Tell me the truth. What would you do if I began to give someone else the same sort of trust that I give you?
>>To be honest, I would hate that. I want to be the only person you truly trust.
>That's so selfish and perfectly Evil. Yes, that's the kind of Evil I prefer. Be greedy, self-serving, ambitious, and treat your prizes well.
>Whether you want to conquer an entire country or just want all of my time for yourself, I want to hear it.
>Haha, don't worry about the question I asked. I just wanted to see you squirm a bit. But admit it, wasn't that a huge load off of your chest?
A bit surprised, but flattered by lust and pleased you picked her faction of Evil I guess?

Since this is "4"chan, Quatrefoil or Quadrifolium if you want to be subtle.
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It's kind of amusing just how much Gravelyn cares about (You)
Lorewise fortune is tied to the Shamrock fest, so 4sham or Foursham could be some meta play on words thing. If maybe a little blatant. Where my /shammers/ at?
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>I joined the Empire because I thought it would give me the freedom I was looking for.
>Empress Gravelyn's hot, so they have that going for them.
>Sucks that she's as annoying as Ai No Nagger, and got mad when she found out her recruiters signed me on.
>I bounce to the Legion and Nation every once in a while to keep the heat off.
Asian/Rat, (mentally) 16, edgy, hates parents, Gravelyn simp, joined every evil faction.
This really is the generic AQW player.
>He thinks he could even COMPARE to the Hero
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Celestia bros, how are we feeling?
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Sisters, you ARE reading the story, right?
I am, yes. I just take week breaks between every AQW session.
of course xister
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You now remember Carri
Is Gravelyn really considering destroying all of Greenguard for your sake?
Lara croft at home
>The crystals crumble to pieces with very little tampering. This isn't what they were like when the Chaos Lords were active. Maybe the Queen doesn't need her Mages to conduct such dangerous research. Chaos is so feeble now, even an inexperienced squire could handle them.
DraKEK sisters?
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This thing is surprisingly sweet.
>Read through the items
>The sword and wings are made out of your own flesh
Are we Alex Mercer now?
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>By consuming a part of us, you will undergo a transformation. We will become an extension of you, and you shall become an extension of us.
>This is not an offer we would extend to anyone…not anymore. Great tragedy was brought about by our interference, but after everything you've done for us…we trust you.
>Your journey will be fraught with chaos, so allow our power to aid you - the one who gazes upon our true self, and resists madness.
>What is the point of us? Of gods who don't have a chance to experience what they represent? That's why we've chosen to do something selfish with you.
>Do you feel us sprouting in your heart? Our roots extend through your veins, changing you the same way Lore has changed us.
>Help us grow in your heart. Nurture us with love, and trample on us with loss. The Fool will only learn through experience.
>This garden of ours has become your warm cocoon...Soon, we will help your new form emerge, and dream to be like you.
>Goodbye. Good morning. Farewell. Happy birthday. Safe travels, dear Dragon, and we hope that you will think well of us. Invoke our name in times of need
>Your joy, your tears, everything you have gained, and everything you have lost all have been engraved into the core of our being.
Their flirting is so lewd, I bet their sweet talk is how they convinced the first King of Astravia to fuck them too.

The fleshy growth is the result of us eating the Arcana's flesh, so technically those are our children I guess?
Why are we such a SLUT
I can't believe we met Drakath's actual mom.
why isn't there more yara art

and also is there an archive of saved artix/aqworlds fanart anywhere? lots of old deleted stuff form between 2014-2020 iirc that i can't find myself because i accidentally lost them
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AE in general doesn't get much fanart, so it's pretty much a miracle that Yara has any at all. I sometimes go "diving" for fanart, but I rarely find any.
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What the fuck is she
>Actually maxed out on Treasure Chests
>average of 1 twitch streamer a day playing DF
>refuse to shield
Why are they like this
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I'm a strong, independent dragon and not going to let stuff like children or parenting stop my body count.

Currently on a honeymoon in Skye with Lady Celestia, proving yet again EDoT > "Strongest" DragonLord.

I'm on my way to maxing out it for a 3rd time after Drakath Armor and Wheel of Fortune's Destiny.
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Can ANYONE stop his insane bloodlust?
>Alternate timeline where he isn't a murderhobo adventurer
>Instead murders all of the gods and beats up his son once a week
This is your Hero?
Pretty based of me, fuck those dipshits
Most streamers are legitimately fucking retarded. I once saw someone get filtered by a game's fucking tutorial.
>Racing cockroaches for an hour
What did the Arcana mean by this?
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i look like this
>Finally learned how to use Archmage
Holy shit, the AoE damage (with Elysium).
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Speaking of Archmage and enhancements, what the fuck were they thinking with Acheron?
>Requires actual money spent on a gamble to get it
>Self DoT is so fucking high that any class that isn't Archmage in Corporeal form dies in seconds
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>Named my character Idota because it sounds like Idiot and that was funny to me
>Gave her some somewhat weird hair on the barbershop
>She looked a bit weird too because she was using some early game helmet
>Play for a while
>Start thinking she's cute
God fucking damn it how does something like this happen
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You are clearly mentally unwell. Post her, dork.
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The only thing that can match my bloodlust is my sexual degeneracy; I make sure my amount of kills and fucks match.

LR, AA(S), UOK(?), (D)MoM can use Acheron, but they require attention since IIRC brain-dead Penitence spam is mid.
The entire Arcana Invoker quest line feels like an extended date
>A tiny part of our Authority will live within yours. Perhaps it was always meant to.
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how the fuck is this the same armor
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Post your current set
holy shit mamizou
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DF UI got updated, thoughts?
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>Feet still look weird
Well, what's the point?
AQW character models aren't the best. Shame they didn't learn from that and botched AQ3D's base models too.
>Enter boss farming room
>Nothing but LRs and VHLs
>Have to switch to SC again
Arcana Invoker is so fucking cool, bros
I still have no idea how to fight Malgor
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Genuinely don't recall the old UI.
It's been too long since I played.

See pic related, I suggest 3-man.
>need to quix and prax in 1t
not worth the effort, can't carry shitters which is why you should just 2t or 3t lol
>Do the quests for Vordred
>Instead of giving him back his body, the Hero steals it and wears it
How are we so fucking based?
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Apparently coming soon. Related to >>3493971
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>tit mole
>thigh mole
for what purpose
It's based
Okay I found this and finally read it
>In the start of AQ2D everyone will start at level 1 and there will be less stuff than AQW
So its dead on release
>inb4 But you get to keep all your items even your rare items
>inb4 But you get to get bonuses from previous AQW
>inb4 But the game is going to be better
I see all that, but the problem is that its not gonna happen

People aren't going to abandon their level 100 account to play a game with less content than AQW on release, specially not the current audience. Then, if the game is dead a few months after release, its not going to be able to build up momentum. So it'll just be dead.
This is just a new project created to fulfill Artix's dopamine addiction, isn't it?
If they're still sticking with AQ3D all these years later, I can see them sticking with AQ2D.
By dead I mean 10 players total, though.
Suckle points
Except nothing is being abandoned as they want to keep both games running.
Level 100 means fuck all
I’d be happy starting again at level 1 and having the game be fresh with everyone else starting again along with new players.
AQW Is a massive fomo and “You just had to be there” kind of game, have friends that didn’t back in the day and wanna give it a go with me when it comes out. Will be nice being able to experience the game again with new people. Hope they start with the early stuff and release everything chronologically so we can experience the chaos saga again. All in all I’m pretty excited as IMO there’s not much reason to even play AQW as it is. Im max level, have everything I’d ever want, it’s time for something new
>Doesn't have LoO
Get out of the room, scrub!

>Okay I found this
Literally pinned in OP's link.
I do have LoO, though...
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>Uses SC when there isn't a LoO and already a bunch of LRs.
Even worse, I can excuse laziness, but not ignorance and stupidity.
is there a key that let's you switch targets without clicking on them?
I think it was one of the brackets? I would have to check again.
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nvm i found it i must be blind. default was "t" but when i tried using it, it only switches between random monsters instead of cycling though so you need extra presses and sometimes it doesn't even work by targetting the same monster already. fucking useless ae
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Would you?
Why did we kill her again?
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Isn't it funny how there isn't even a Queen of Monsters Ultra Boss?
No, just sad. Almost as sad as there being no Good ultra bosses
>Cucked out of her storyline
>Cucked out of her finale
>Cucked out of her boss fights
>Cucked out of her ultra boss fights
>Faction has literally nothing worth showing
>Guy who replaced her is significantly more liked than she is
Imagine being the QoM
It goes deeper than that
>the QoM story passes through at least 3 writers, none of whom had any idea for what the direction should be
>2021 AQW birthday is an abridged version of what the QoM storyline would have been
>the other QoM children are other mindless beasts
>every LoC bad guy used to be a good guy
>everybody is hunting for the mcguffins from DF because apparently AQW doesn't have any
>there was another failed chaos champion before Drakath
>the QoM loses but forces the pre-LoC to reincarnate into the LoC
>all of this is presented as canon
>Reading through some item descriptions
>One of them says that Gravelyn is stunning in appearance
Imagine this being your mom
I wonder what Drakath feels
>People aren't going to abandon their level 100 account to play a game with less content than AQW on release
I will. The current game is a bloated mess that has needed a reset for years now. I know they’re keeping AQW going, but I’ll be really surprised if anyone is left there after a couple years.
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>But you get to keep all your items even your rare items
What dogshit. Just look at this:

Search for Sword category: 5354 results
Search for Sword category tagged rare: 1622 results
Search for Sword category tagged pseudo-rare: 806 results
So effectively 2926 Swords are non-Rare, and 2428 are Rare. Almost 50% of all swords in AQW are permanently unobtainable.
I don't care to run this search on other items but its obvious. Unless this AQW update does away with the concept of rares then 50% of the game is unavailable to you as a new player.
If you consider monthly slop shops any % of the game then sure. But there are only like a handful of permanently rare maps or quests, which are, you know, actual gameplay?
If rare items don't matter why release +10000s of them?
Peer pressuring teenagers and paypigs into buying them? "Oh no you could miss out on these amazing items!"
Almost got SDKA...
And got it. Wasn't too bad of a grind.
If all of the Ultra Bosses fought each other, who would win?
Ultra Flibbiti Toilet
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They fucked up the new boss or something, lmao
I feel like VHL is vastly overrated. It can do good damage, but it's outtanked by CAv, out DPS by AI and Chrono classes, and doesn't help in ultra fights at all.
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For those wondering why the wiki is down, apparently Wikidot is blocking all user agents that shows Windows.
Use an user agent switcher add-on to change it to Linux/Android/macOS/iOS. Year of the Linux desktop soon!

>I doubt you'd be interested, Brentan will never love another after Brittany, and Felix's thoughts are with the Warden of the East.
Lady Celestia doesn't get us at all! Also, Indradeep x Felix confirmed again, based elderly twink enjoyer.
>Why did we kill her again?
She would've been mind-broken from tasting our Eternal D(ragon).
Putting her down after a short fling was us being merciful.
If you kill her enough times, she becomes a guest in your house!
Mind spoonfeeding me on her story? Is it going rare anytime soon?
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AI only surpasses VHL in DPS/KPM on damage sponges or repeat kills.
However, for solo CAv beats it with Ravenous and Valiance unless it's a sponge.
It scales with Smite/Dauntless better than CAv though and Ravenous requires it.
I think it's in a good place now, but the range nerf was BS when LR exist.

How so? Seemed fine when I briefly tried it right after release.
AI is pretty much the best DPS against any boss with >700k HP barring Chronos, I'd say. Especially on repeat kills. The damage you get in THE WORLD mode is insane. I recall easily reaching around ~60k DPS against Desolich with only a CAv backing me up.
>How so?
I have no idea. For some reason, it just kicked everyone in the room out multiple times when I was trying it.
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The version without the wings, which we buried after beating her, costs ACs. What does this mean AE!? Also, yes it's going rare.

A bunch of classes beats AI if you only need a single ~750k boss kill, but realistically only repeat kill times are worth nitpicking.
Oh right, they did rebuild the map. Castle Elbana was rebuilt on the 1st too, I think that was because some drops were missing.
>Buy her with ACs and she arrives at your house pretending to just be an extravagantly dressed woman
>Murder her enough times and she arrives at your house in her true form
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Our son (female)
Anyone going to try out the AQ: Infinity demo?
Hey bro you forgot the accompanying fanfic

“Queen Victoria is it? So glad you could make it.” Queen Iona greeted. “I do hope the voyage wasn’t too bumpy.”

Victoria lamented her situation; trapped in her own body as she was kidnapped by the Kingdom of Skye’s representatives. Anyone tried to stop them and that snake, Lieber, would force her to kill herself. Hopefully, the hero would come to her rescue despite the meeting prior.

“Why are you doing all this?” All Victoria can do is talk.

“Why?” Iona scoffed. “I thought Lieber would have made things clear by now. But perhaps staying in your castle for so long made you dull to your surroundings.”

Victoria knew what she was talking about. “Dreadhaven no longer exists! The Drakaths are not the rulers of Greenguard anymore! Swordhaven does not have any qualms with Skye.”

“You merely replaced one king for another, but the rule is still the same.” She retorted. “But let's say you are different; why haven’t you returned the stolen treasures of Skye? Why haven’t you sent aid to cure our lands?”

Iona continued. “Your father spent most of his time fixing the sins of his predecessors, yet listens to the nobles who once supported the Drakaths. Never once did he bother contacting us. And from what I gather about you, it appears you will follow down the same path as your father.”

“Are you going to kill me for revenge?” Victoria asked.

Iona laughed. “Why would I step on such a pretty flower?”

She came too close for Victoria’s comfort as lightning formed in her hand. “Energy, the lifeblood of Skye. And soon, you will feel its embrace. Your body, your mind, they will belong to Skye and to me.”

Victoria could only watch in horror as the lightning changed the neurons within her body and mind to becoming subservient to her Queen Iona.
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“Now then, go find the Eternal Sovereign and bring them to me.” Queen Iona commanded.
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“Yes, my Queen.” Victoria of Skye obeyed.
Do AQW players really?
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Really what anon
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Tried it, hope everyone got the decade+ old rares they re-released.
Will do a write-up of the crazy stuff Artix didn't mention/elaborate in his post.

>Not a 2638 word fanfic like the Beleen/Vordred one
Pathetic stuff, this coomer has clearly gone soft.
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Going back to the OGs, are we?
Gonna have to reread this when I have the time. How long has it been?
They're still alive?!
They sure are
Are the game servers down?
Finally got Chaos Avenger
congrats sis
Unidentified 13 farming is such a fucking pain...
I know the new ones are objectively better but something about the old ones just make me SOVL
Fire one looks dumb tho too muscly for an elemental
Anyone got a good guide on getting Void Highlord? I remember starting the grind a couple years ago when I had a brief surge of AE Nostalgia but never finished. Now I have a ton of time to kill this coming month so I figured I may as well jump back in and finish the job.
>Step 1: Do Elder's Blood 17 times
>Step 2: Visit yulgar-9889 for Nulgath quests
>Step 3: Visit Tercessuinotlim and find your away around until you can talk to the Void HighLord
>Step 4: Do his quests a bunch of times
>Step 5: Kill Ultra Nulgath to make things a bit faster
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Do Wrong Turn at Voidbuquerque at /originul daily, it gives an Unidentified 13 and a reagent of your choice.
However, I personally use The Assistant and Swindle's Return Policy since you have an excess of gold at endgame.
Ideally farm during a Blood Gem or Totem 2x boost, but those boosts only happen once every few months.
Do the birthday pet rota. You can get multiple uni 13s per hour, plus a bunch of different shit in the meantime.
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Congrats, CAv is great. Only nitpicks are the slow CDs and needing Forge for decent soloing DPS.

People seems to generally like the Earth/Ice redesigns better than the Darkness/Fire ones.
IMO it's too busy since they're only adding detail without removing anything from the silhouettes.
why is Aria a fucking nigger in this one
Tan from working with animals all day
Are you two serious?
>CAv is great
Yeah, it feels nice to be able to solo a few of the daily bosses without needing to focus on SSoT's combos.
Almost done with the Ravenous farm...
Just need 13 more Uni 13s and a bunch more other reagents...
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Please be understanding, Shadows scare AQW players.

I just use HighSeas Commander as my lazy dodge class.
Though CAv can also solo several undodgable bosses.

Still debating if I should bother with farming Ravenous.
I don't do Ultras that often and have no use for VHL.
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The Fiend Shard shop has an armor set with +40% boost against all enemies with tags, so it's a nice replacement for Polly Roger if you don't have Radiant Goddess of War yet.
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>Working on converting the winning entries from the weapon contest. So many little details to try to match.

Dislike (Celesti/Infern)al ArchFiend's looks and it has no gold boost. Not a big deal, but still.
I never bothered with the parrot, used Archmaster of Awe then HotLB with +50% Chaos/Elemental armours.
Holding out hope they release a +40% Chaos & Elemental armour, maybe in Cold Thunder?
>I now have more 50% swords than Forge enhancements
What the fuck do I do with these
>Added chest physics
I feel stupid for saying this knowing who Miltonius is but isn't that just how boobs work?
So fucking… zased…
zased on what
zased on my cock and balls
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Bludrut Keep 2 can't be the first location in the game. Does it just not list locations that were in the game since launch when I search for stuff like this?
I assume Bludrut was in the game at launch, and it's shown first due to alphabetical order.
Can't be. Bridge is listed a bit later.
I'm gonna assume this list is just outdated.
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>Next Test & Estimated Release Dates
>We have already made a large number of the improvements from the last test. Next week we need to do a number of mini-tests.
>But past that, we need a larger pool of testers and also to move testing onto Steam where the game will auto update-- so you do not need to download the game client every time we update it.
>Which means, it is probably time to do that Kickstarter. We will make the final decision on that based on next week's mini-tests.

>I'm gonna assume this list is just outdated.
>Using "outdated" about which page is older.
lol, lmao even. Anyways, I'm alpha and IIRC Invasion was oldest.
We didn't settle on Wikidot until later so that's probably why.
Whatcha farming for now, anons?
I'm taking a break to play the Elden Ring DLC
I should probably get back to farming for Ravenous and/or Malgor stuff for RGOW. I really don't want to do ultras though.
Ravenous, like the other anon. I fucking hate Nation farming...
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It is my misfortune to announce that AI generated AQW basedack memes are a thing.
shit's not bad ngl
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>Dragon girl
So these guys have been pumping out the same slop nonstop for years.

Which one of their games is worth playing nowadays? I remember palying some AQW to waste time while I was in the army but I dont remember why I stopped playing.
AQW if you like soul crushing grinds
Thats the og we played back in highschool? Says release date was 2006
AdventureQuest is the original
It might have been Adventure Quest instead, depends.
By the way, my unbiased opinion, unblinded by any nostalgia

>AQ: Never liked this one, now I'm way behind the curve because when I came back turns out they added bullshit mobs that deal 1000 damage because they expect you to have maximum damage reduction (87%) to every mob. Bad timewaster.
>Dragonfable: Decent if you can ignore the oddly progressive writing in newer stories.
>MechQuest: They somehow lost the source code to this one and then it died. They found it again a few years later, but by then the will to update it again was gone. Okay timewaster.
>AQW: This is where everybody is. As poster above said, the grinds are absurd because that's what the current playerbase of edgy teenagers like.
>AQ3D: Artix's vanity project. Looks bad, doing worse.

>Epic Duel: P2W garbage unironically.
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>Here's your Scarletta, bro
Is either DF or AQ actually playable F2P? Not just random ass content. DF really seems to only have the initial classes, and the other classes are paid, or absolutely terrible AND seasonal, or half their skills are locked. I just want to have some fun for a few weeks without feeling like I'm being constantly nudged towards making a purchase.
she's a big girl
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Finishing up Arcana Invoker, just waiting on a TLaPD seasonal quest so I can do it all together in one go.

>AQ:...they added bullshit mobs that deal 1000 damage because they expect you to have maximum damage reduction (87%) to every mob...
The last time I checked AQC's meta was mostly full-offensive builds, did they really do a 180 on the meta?
>MQ: They somehow lost the source code to this one and then it died. They found it again a few years later, but by then the will to update it again was gone.
No, the main reason was because the only developer quit due to wages so they didn't want to keep updating it.

Aside from classes/skills, DF's other P2W feature is understanding your Dragon. In a game that's mostly story it's annoying.
DF's current devs said they treat Amuletless as a extended trial.
>No, the main reason was because the only developer quit due to wages so they didn't want to keep updating it.
Yes. They still lost the source code sometime in the past.
Dragonfable feels somewhat empty for a 16 year old game...
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Why does AE keep making 7 player challenge bosses but only make LoO buff up to 6 players?
So fucking stupid
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>completely forgets about Warpforce
Bros, I don't feel so good....
I only started playing it because I'm a truck driver who needed something to do once I run out of hours driving, but I'm actually kind of enjoying AQ3D a fair bit.
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Nice to see Dragonfable's Book 3 closing after 12(?) years.
Not much of a bossfight compared to Jaania preceding it, but I'm glad it's over either way.
This is the longest book by far in terms of IRL time, right?
Book 1 took about 5 years and book 2 took less than a year.
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Are any of the trainers/cheats for the singleplayer games working? Specially free MechQuest Star Captain, I'm not paying for that.
A little bump from me
>Got a full stack of Uni 13 before a single Totem
I hate RNG so much it's unreal
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Is mobile play ready yet?
i look like this
Did MechQuest actually get updated?
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Kinda lame they just went with Discordia even though he's not actually a Chaos Lord, though I guess they didn't have permission to use Kimberly's likeness or her music. Some of these are pretty boring too, like Khassanda and Wolfwing. No idea what's going on with the Ledgermayne, Kitsune and Tibicenas designs either. They might as well just be entirely different characters.
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Looks like they took inspiration from the Hero of Balance and updated Chaos Realm versions.
I think Ledgermayne is fine, they got rid of the plant motif and emphasized the mana & tentacles.
The character is still recognizable and it's preferable to just adding more details like poor Tibicenas.
Wolfwing & Kitsune are lazy though, Kitsune is entirely AQW art and Wolfwing mostly AQC.
Escherion is the best redesign overall, perfect balance of AQW's design and DF's aesthetic.
Heard Kimberly and Junior married and had legal issues though, nuked all their music online.
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Escherion is the most aesthetic Chaos Lord anyway, so it's no surprise his DF version is just as cool.
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Oh shit, it really is just Blademaster + some player items like that nine tails cape.
Honestly not a fan of any though desu. The twins even look too western comic styled for me, but I guess Vath and Iadoa are objective improvements. Khassanda is still hot too, I suppose.
I think Iadoa is the best of the redesigns. The longer hair makes it seem more like he's on the verge of losing his mind
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There was concept art for full chaos and uncorrupted Lionfang armors. Really wish they went with the full purple because the version that went in looks incomplete.
Is there an official 4chan guild in AQ3D, like there are in other mmo's?
No because it sucks.
So this is a sex game, right?
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Only if you max out affection
>The Hero hasn't impregnated this yet
Good to see they've finally started to do them. been waiting MONTHS for any sort of news.
I don't see mine anywhere though....
post it sis
>Star Light of Destiny Axe
>Weapon deals 75% more damage to both Undead and Dragonkin when equipped
>>Ascended Light of Destiny
>>Blackhole Light of Dread Space
>>Void Light of Destiny
>>Polished Blinding Light of Destiny
>>Hollowborn Shadow of Fate
>>Obsidian Light of Destiny
>>Ultimate Blinding Light of Destiny
>>Sanctified Light of Destiny
>>Star of the Empyrean x28
>>Star Piece x100
>>Dragonblade of Nulgath OR Dark Dragon Slayer's Halberd
oh boy...
of course you have to do an ultra boss for it. if it wasn't for that I would have gotten it for sure. but now fuck it
I wonder what the Hero's non-mumbler kids would even look like. Would they be half dragon?
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Shame Tomix grew up to be a faggot.
that's Dove, my nigga. Tomix died a long time ago and was never tainted by this
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I want Zilla-chan as an NPC...
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Question, if I was really into DF and later super into AQW, mind that this was like 12-14 years ago, is it worth it getting into it again? Or maybe they have some new games that are better? Hell, I might even recover my old ass account, since I know there was a shit ton of quests and story quests and I guess that tripled over the years?
Perfectly worth getting back into both. It will probably take you a few weeks to finish up all of the new storylines.
What's the current best f2p class in AQW? I've got archpaladin, necromancer, elemental dracomancer, collector, and blood sorceress. Its been many years now so I'm sure the metas changed.
Archpaladin is still S tier for tanking in most cases. Void Highlord, StoneCrusher, and Lord of Order are also classes I recommend getting.
Change Blood Sorceress to Scarlet Sorceress as soon as you can.
Start farming Elders' Blood for VHL because its timegated and start doing the questline for LoO because you can only do its quest once per day (10 days in total).
You should also start doing the Awe-scension questline and also get x% more damage weapons.
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For support, Lord of Order is the most obvious omission, meta in every party comp and decently easy to get.
Frostval Barbarian, StoneCrusher, Verus DoomKnight are useful, but not mandatory if you have AP and LoO.

For soloing, Chaos Avenger and Void HighLord are the best currently. Only need one unless you're a completionist.
CAv takes less grinding and is tankier so more useful for endgame monsters, but requires doing an Ultra(raid) boss.
VHL does more damage, especially if you don't have meta enhancements, and is needed for some endgame items.
There are other classes with similar DPS & tankiness, but are P2W and/or require endgame enhancements.

For farming, there's tons of options and the performance difference isn't as notable, see Farming Data: >>3481908
Do note that DroT is needed for an important enhancement, LR is extremely versatile, and AI is also a top soloer.

That's because the Hero's canonical sex is female, chud. Non-mumbler kids would probably look like Nythera.
How do I leech in Ultras?
Play support
use LOO
I feel like most of the time spent doing dailies is waiting for other players...
Why wait for others when you can use 3-7 bots?
They really have to make Elysium quest be tedious as possible huh. Thankfully its all just Ultras next which I'll never do.
Wait, did Elysium require ultras? I recall it being one of the earlier Forge enhancements I got.
Bones from the Void Realm x15
Blademaster Sword Scroll
Archfiend Essence Fragment x3
The Divine Will
Oh yeah, no ultras but really fucking annoying.
Yeah, Divine Will is a pain in the ass, especially if you don't have a group.
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Finally finished (along with AM bonus quest) and now my AM actually feels really good now. Archfiend Essence Fragment is really annoying because you constantly need to keep jumping between maps for the Willpower Extraction quest mats. It wouldn't be so bad if you didn't need 30 of pic related.
Almost done with the Fiend Shard questline
>grinding worse RGOW
Bro, your Ravenous?
>Artix server full
They should honestly just delete other servers if I can only do my dailies in Artix.
https://x.com/DesperaMon/status/1810394852561219842?t=AGNRu_ov4s6r29XyPDvNNA&s=19 pls complete it!!!
The headthing looks like shit and goofy, like its something just tacked on so she looks "unique".
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People hype Despera up and then it's just "X piece of clothing but disproportionately massive"
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Send me one gajillion ACs so I can get Acheron.
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Here is your Acheron, bro.
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Gross. Don't you ever tag me with that filth.
Played that shit as a kid.
Ruined Shadow's clips got into my feed again and I watched despite not playing over a decade, got spoiled, but the cool new plots and music kinda roped me in to play again. I finished everything in book 2 and 1, completed Ravenloss, Amitivale, Sulen Eska and Caitiff saga, where do I go next?
>Pay actual money just so you can kill yourself
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AM memes. Though when I think about it, only AM and AA has use for it and good thing I only spent 200 ACs before doubling down.
>Happy summer, Hero. I know it may not seem like it, but this time of year is close to my favorite. All of my warriors are brightly bleached and my enemies are either exhausted from the heat or playing pitiful games in the sand. Because of the alliance, I decided to enjoy myself this summer. Would Father laugh at my weakness? I know you wouldn't.
>You do so much for me, even when I do not ask, or worse, push you away. Your kindness is always appreciated and you are one of my most trusted friends.
>Should you not be too busy saving Lore or lost kittens this summer, I hope you can join me in enjoying it. You might catch me on the beach trying to relax or helping lifeguars, if only to prove my versatility beside "Lifeguard" Victoria
>To: Lore's Greatest Hero
Holy cute
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Don't forget Peanut needs J6's Saga, which until recently reset all progress if you picked the wrong side.

Maybe Book 3 which recently finished, see DF New Player Guide and Guide to DF Guides: >>3481908

IIRC Acheron also works with UO(K/N), LR, (D)MoM. Haven't tried myself since I'm not a whale or lucky.
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Book 3 is finished already? So I guess there is no particular order of what I need to do after finishing Sulen Eska
Just keep following the book 3 timeline.
Wait, Tomix really died in rl? Or did confuse him with Falerin in AQ?
Tomix died (in spirit)
Its a joke.
Dove is Tomix's new dev character.
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Around elves...
Goodness gracious, she's naked!

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