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> Trained NPCs should take cover a lot more now. They should be significantly more aggressive and engage you from longer distances and many other tweaks, give it a try!



The anemic enemies is one of my biggest complaints about the game, and most mods do into the other direction (making the player more agile, stronger, or with better equipment, or buffing allies).
Looks like shit.
sisters, new vegas has been fixed!
shit gaem
a lot of these mods usually break a lot of level layouts by aggro-ing every enemy in a dungeon.

for example, the nipton area which has two separated combat encounters has them merged together because the ai suddenly gets really good at hearing, meaning you have to deal with every enemy at once
Is there a mod that fixes the DLC guns accuracy? Or even the LMG from the base game?

Even with 100 Gun Skill in the vanilla game those guns are practically unuseable due to the insane spread (and lackluster damage).
>because the ai suddenly gets really good at hearing
You can literally hear a single gunshot from miles away on a quiet day.
Jsawyer makes the BAR from Dead Money just slightly more inaccurate than the LMG (LMG has 1.5 spread, while Jsawyer's Automatic Rifle has 1.6), which incidentally makes it a fucking monster with handloaded JSP .308 rounds.
Reminds me of another semi-popular AI "overhaul" mod for Fallout 4, which basically made NPCs aggro from across half the map.
It was pretty dumb but it did spice things up, you ended up finding a lot more dead NPCs due to infighting or end up fighting encounters you're meant to come across from a completely different part of the map. I guess it made the world feel a little bit more alive, but the main problem was you were pretty much always in [Caution] or [Danger] and thus unable to fast travel or sleep/wait.
Playing through a decently modded playthrough right now and even on hard mode people are dropping a lot faster now, not sure if it's because of JSawyer's or any of my other mods lol.
Yeah Jsawyer makes some general changes to health on both sides to make it less bullet spongey. What other mods are you using?
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Mostly QOL and some graphics stuff.
>spice things up
It might "do", but better solution would be to add random encounters. AI shit probably opens a can of worms messing with the way things were designed
I cringe remembering playing Bethesda games and installing fifty borderline pointless mods like this in an effort to make it feel less like a janky piece of shit
Yeah, I made myself a three part installation guide whenever I reinstall NV.

Part 1 is about the bare basics to make the game run vanilla style (shit like unofficial patch, or how to disable the godawful mouse acceleration)

Part 2 is QOL stuff that makes it feel more modern, like better meshes, ragdolls, better colission models, open freeside, weapon inertia etc.

Part 3 are gameplay changes and graphics stuff like texture packs but I usually just stick to Part 1 or 2.
They got better with it in Skyrim and FO4 luckily, there's still a handfull of mods I need to enjoy Fallout 4 (like FPS boosters) but at least it works mostly out of the box, unlike FO3 or NV.
Although that said, I still can't believe Skyrim runs like a pile of shit unmodded. Disabled background keyboard so I can't even change the sound volumes?? Fucking Bethesda.
And why does the game run like utter crap on my modern rig, I look on the ground and suddenly I'm getting mad stutter and/or frame drops OR even worse +300 FPS and everything breaks. Dogshit engine, dogshit company.
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Half my NV mods are scripting mods that don't do anything but are required for actual content mods.
Seems like more and more Bethtards don't like modding in general. Is this due to computer illiteracy and poor attention spans among the youth?
I wonder what type of person is forcing this retarded meme. FO3 contrarians?
I shudder at the idea that my computer could brick itself one day and I'd lose my meticulously set up New Vegas mod load order.
It'd be cool if they used AI voices to give npcs FEAR style AI callouts. As in like "he's reloading, rush him!" type stuff, those always make enemies feel more alive even if the ai isn't actually any more tactically threatening
Like hearing
anyone tried this?
>a lot of these mods usually break a lot of level layouts by aggro-ing every enemy in a dungeon.

Have you thought about using stealth? This makes it more consequential.
>The list of changes is massive, so you'll have to trust me bro. Just try it.
What a retard.
You're confusing "based" for retard.
You are confusing "retard" for based because you confuse masculinity with laziness.
Nice try carxt, nobody is going to download your shitty mod.
why does everyone mod their npcs too look like shit
Easy to do.
The combat needs like 20 mods to bring it on par with stalker call of chernobyl from 2007 lel.
I would probably rather reinstall ShoC than NV desu.
10% of the game is spent on combat, so whatevs
Looks like callah dootah now.
I do that for Skyrim and F4 cause they're both so many options and things that are borderline necessary (SKyUI and that one dialogue mod for 4 come to mind) my only real mod for new vegas is a joke that replaces House with Todd, other then that I just play vanilla
Better AI is a start, but you need serious work to unfuck the rest of the combat.
NPC recoil is a neat and underappreciated mod, and ammo types injectors are also nice to have.

>actually a few more enemies aggro on the player.
You're one dramatic bitch.
That song is obnoxious.
So I'm forced into a specific playstyle because the map is too small to compliment the mod? That doesn't sound very fun.
Skyrim with a ton of mods still runs better than vanilla Oblivion. That game is a janky mess.
>a lot of these mods usually break a lot of level layouts by aggro-ing every enemy in a dungeon.
It might break the pacing. Let's say the enemies are placed in different spots so you have combat encounters throughout the dungeon, with little breaks inbetween. An AI modification can cause them all to aggro together and leave the rest of the dungeon empty. Not a big deal, especially on replays, but still deviates from the original design (and difficulty)

In bethesda games, some enemy spawns are specifically activated only after the player reaches a certain point, to prevent specific enemies from aggroing too early. This could happen due to dungeon layout.

And yes sneaking is a band-aid fix, but w/moving at 60% speed isn't a great solution for non-stealth characters.

Plus the "AI" mod is mostly placebo, does very little to ACTUALLY enhance the gameplay.
> Plus the "AI" mod is mostly placebo, does very little to ACTUALLY enhance the gameplay.

Seems to extend range of attacking, more aggressive to flush you out and more likely to take cover. It is minor tweaks that have to be combined with other mods.
New vegas is the only “best game ever” where they are still fixing day 1 buts 14 years later.
This is essential too.
Every piece of software has bugs, what matters is that the game survived the test of time just like the classics did.
>Every piece of software has bugs,

LOL we're talking about shit like the ground being the light source at night. That absolutely should have come up in play testing.
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This thing fucking sucks
It changes like every 3 days
The fug is that?
a shitty guide for Tale of Two Wastelands
>years later modders still trying to fix this turd
kek. just give up, it will never be good.
Yes, it's so temping. I'm a fan of New Vegas and Stalker, but I accept their problems and limitations. new Vegas is at some points one of the best games ever, but also at the same time one of the absolute worst slogs to actually play. Thus the temptation is that you can fix it. But there's limitations in terms of budget, and skill, and you can only polish a turd so much.
How would you fix New Vegas?
The shitty engine is the biggest thing holding it back. I just think short of completely decompiling the source engine and re-writing it from scratch, you can't fix the deeper flaws. Everything is just polishing the turd. But bug fixes and engine fixes are polishing the turd enough to make it a playable turd.

The role playing is shallow (100% of builds play the same), SPECIAL is mostly irrelevant depsite it being the key in character building, gunplay weak, enemies brain dead, and most of the enemies are just a sea of lightly armored tribals. You start with powder gangers, move up to vipers and fiends, and end the game on Legion. Making the DLCs post-game would help this a lot, as Hoover Dam could be the half-way mark of the game and everything else post-game.
>100% of builds play the same
Hyperbole is not a good sign, but I'll respond anyway.

My first thought was it would need to be in FO2 engine (completely different game), but even that would be far from your requirements.

Stats will always matter less in games where you have direct control over your character. So build autists and the like will never be satisfied in these types of games.
Very, very, few people are going to play a pacifist, so your build just changes what kind of gun you're running around with between rumaging for shit and blowing people's heads off. The RPG elements are pretty shallow, plus there's no level design (open fields plus simple buildings). Deus Ex did build variety better, but at the cost of turning away many players by making the character seem weak and inept early game. Hitting a headshot early-game is really hard in deus Ex, but I didn't feel any more or less skilled at the beginning or end of New Vegas.
Playing melee stealth is different from run and gun explosion guy
i lost interest when they took rebuild the capital out
looking at the changelog now, it appears they handed the list over to some guy who's obsessed with stripping out quest mods and anything deemed "unnecessary"
Unchained AI or something. I played it for a few hours before going down the fallout 4 ai rabbit hole.
I'm trying to sell Arcade Gannon into slavery, but as soon as they bring him into the tent everyone becomes hostile. What did I do?

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