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It may look like shit but it will offer a choice of real RPG (that is realtime) combat instead of strategy game combat, which is so rare these days. It also takes inspiration from the best RPG of all time, BG1. Hopes, fears, dreams?
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I played the demo and it was extremely bad.
why? im playing Shadowrun: Returns and its bad but still gonna finish it
is it even worse?
Another slavshit RPG right?
>from the creators of ATOM
The game that was filled with shitty Russian board culture references, whilst also unapologetically ripping off Fallout?

Unless they hired someone professionally to write their game for them, it's a hard pass
Too low fantasy for me, unlike BG1. Same reason I didn't like Witcher 3. Never go full medieval filth.
yeah Atom was awful, half-finished slav junk
thing is theres no more new real RPGs out there anymore. just some LGBT faggotry a nigger culture slop for kids
i gonna try demo if its ATOM 2.0 then fuck this game
Yeah, combat isn't interesting at all and there's basically a focus on tons and tons of really lazily implemented skill checks in dialogue.
eh i tried it, game crashed but its clearly early alpha. nothing special, very predictable dialogues, fights were meh. im dropping it for now
I hope the game turns out as good as Atom RPG and Trudograd did. I think it will be fun.
>im playing Shadowrun: Returns and its bad but still gonna finish it

You know you can stop eating garbage any time. There are good games you can spend your energy on. Other activities. You can read a book.
>read a book
got any recs? been looking for something new.
Solaris by Lem
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>Atom devs
These guys are absolutely closet troons. Notice how the majority of Atom's content is for female MC. The companion roster is a total sausagefest, the only available female companion can't even fight. Every town is filled with sexual encounters where a female MC gets fucked by old men but there's barely any women for a male MC to fuck. Autogynephilia issues guaranteed. Fucking weirdos.
already read years ago, and the cyberiad, which i prefer.
>self-inserter tries to relate himself to others
some people see controlling a female being like controlling a doll. and russians seem to enjoy manipulating and forcing women to do things. so i don't think it's autogynephilia, but rather misogyny.
Annihilation then
you have a particular fetish, huh?
science fiction you mean?
try Pale Fire by Nabokov then
Really if you're not a misogynist these days, something is wrong with you.
I don't like puppet NPCs in the first place though, all your party members should have AI.
Russians do like putting dolls inside dolls. Lesbian MCs make more sense now.
demo sure was barebones shit
looks like an atom prg reskin, fuck off not pirating your slop
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Sell me on this game. I tried watching a video of this and the player character had like 30 HP at level one, got surrounded by a pack of wolves, took 1 or 0 damage from their bites despite wearing rag cloth, and stabbed them all to death with a dagger with 2 hits each. Really didn't impress me.
>Sell me on this game
It's free.
Three guesses what games the developers previously made.
Why are the cuckold devs stealing the bg 1 plot?
Why did the cuckolds at Bioware steal Highlander's plot?
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>Sell me on this game.
They fixed the "DEX = God stat that determines your AC, chance of hitting/damage whether you're melee or ranged, your action points, your spell resist and literally every other fucking thing"-favoritism that has plagued every single CRPG's ever since third edition D&D rolled around and made heavy armor builds actually viable. That alone makes this game the single best CRPG released in decades.
LonaRPG is a thing you know, and I bet its still 100x more immersive that this shit.
Bg1 plot was originally the highlander plot?
Take the Dostoevsky pill
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There can be only one Bhaalspawn, says the Ku-Sarevok.
i won't, if only to prove that i'm not a rational person
Dostoevsky is for dumb teens.
>sell me on this game
>mindbroken D&D/PF baby starts rambling about the base stat system not being as putrid as the games he normally plays
>nothing mentioned about encounter design or difficulty
lol ok
Reminder that the retarded paypigs on codex bankrolled this then realized it was complete dogshit like 2 days later and can't get their money back.
Thinking it's for dumb teens tells me you're incapable of understanding it beyond the level of a dumb teen. Let me guess, you read Crime and Punishment and your only takeaway was "Raskolnikov feels bad about killing someone"? Please go back to reading "A Court of Cunts" and kindly stay out of the aisle for actual adult literature.
>fart-huffing rich post-modernist pseud attempts to deconstruct and dunk on the work of giants that utterly eclipse his own in the literary and cultural spheres.
You can't just dismiss the entire existence of literary critics like that, anon! They need to make living, too.
>plagued every single CRPG's
you didn't play a lot of crpgs did you?
not an RPG >>>/lit/
lol did this really happen?
Not really, there was no massive call for like with pillars, numenera or pathfinder and there was a combat demo so most people were aware what they were funding*hard to be tricked unless you fund without caring).. You can check the actual thread anyway, no need for registration
Yeah, they donated thousands of dollars while they were downloading the demo then the thread went dead silent.
nta but you should have read the article in it's entirety
It's damn good
The duality of /vrpg/
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The poster i was responding to asked me to sell him on the game, not autistically critique every single encounter in the free proof of concept demo. Play the game and make your own judgement, for me personally the most immediately exciting thing was the realization i could dump dex freely.

Why don't you post some games that differentiate themselves from the trend, then? You do know you don't have to be a contrarian retard to literally every single thing ever said to desperately try to fit in, newfag-kun? There's a reason "i am sure to win because my speed is superior!!" has been a meme for literal decades.
For contrast, the devs came here and cried because we did not like the demo.
>Why don't you post some games that differentiate themselves from the trend, then?
ok, here we go
DOS games don't do that
PoEs don't do that
Age of Decadance doesn't do that
Underrail dex has a lot of impact, but AC stuff is agility
Wasteland 3 doesn't do that

now it's your turn, list the games
because in fact the only of at least somewhat recent games that come to my mind for which it is partially true would be the PF ones
Sure they did
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>PoEs don't do that
Not an RPG.

>Underrail dex has a lot of impact, but AC stuff is agility

>Wasteland 3 doesn't do that
>Age of Decadance doesn't do that
Two whole RPG's that buck the trend, wow.

>now it's your turn, list the games
Fallout 1 & 2
Neverwinter nights 1 & 2
Baldur's gate 3
Atom RPG & Trudograd
Both Pozzfinder games
Literally every single other CRPG that's been made after 3rd edition D&D. Once again, you do know you don't have to be a contrarian retard to literally every single thing ever said to desperately try to fit in, newfag-kun? There's a reason pic related has been a meme for literal decades.
I liked dostoi until I realized he only became a good writer after being buckbroken by the tsar.
>tsar did the needful
An epic story worthy of the ramayana.
>Not an RPG.
"I accept your concession"
no, idiot, it has both dex and agi and they govern different things
I see DOS is just skipped

now let's see your list
>25 yo games... as part of a trend lol
>20 yo games... as part of a trend lol
>DnD5e ok somewhat true
>DnD5e ok but same system
>that's true, forgot those existed
>DnD3.5e also I already listed those
obviously disregarding your pathetic attempt to include games that are US legal drinking age
thats yours 4 vs my 5
of which 3 are pretty much the same retarded dnd system, and one even more retarded indieslavjank garbage no one actually played outside of a handful of countries that still use cyrillic

that's hardly a trend
pwned your ass
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>obviously disregarding your pathetic attempt to include games that are US legal drinking age
Woah, it's almost like my entire point was always that DEX = king stat that governs literally everything and/or is required for every "build" has been dominant design ever since 3rd edition D&D aka almost 30 fucking years, zoom-zoom.
DnD3e is 2000
so thanks for acknowledging you are a retard and included fallout 1/2 for the sake of making the list longer

let's recap on your words, didn't you say
>that has plagued every single CRPG's ever since third edition D&D rolled around
so we've pretty much established it's not "every single one" it's just those using retarded DnD system and retarded DnD-based systems, innit?
>They fixed... That alone makes this game the single best CRPG released in decades
yeah let's just forget that almost every out of numerous non-DnD based crpg of 2010 have already fixed that

>just those using retarded DnD system
oh yeah and that one slavshit-gaem-no-white-people-play from the same devs that I keep forgetting was also guilty of the same flaw as DnD games but to a greater extent

lol you keep getting pwned in the ass, starting to think that's what you are coming here for
They literally did on the demo release day. Which you didn't participate in because you don't pay attention. Look up the last thread in the archive.
i don't remember them crying, they came in and took their licks saying they didn't expect anything else from this place.
yeah looked it up.
Doesn't sound to good
Shame, I like the visual style
anon that was fixed by pillars of eternity like a decade ago
>hey what if there was one single stat for damage and healing called might
>and what if there was one stat called resilience that literally everyone dumps
Come on, now.
You can see what Pillars was going for. They were trying to make it so nothing was a dump stat, that they would all have their use.
Didn't really work out, but it seems like too many RPG players have been trained for too long in dump stats and exploits and find it hard to give them up.
If they wanted that they shouldn't have made RES useless. They didn't even learn from PoE because RES is still the most dumped stat in PoE2.
RES is important if you’re roleplaying and want to resolve certain quests in certain ways, and can be worth taking on the main character for that reason alone, although obviously as a combat stat it’s not great. I’ll build a tanky paladin MC with high str, high res, and a dash of int.

Personally I never dump anything in pillars, I leave everything at 10 and then give everyone (custom parties are the only way to play, naturally) either a 20 and an 18, or maybe two 18s and a 12. Races chosen for roleplaying and not min maxing, of course. Agreed with other anon, the “every stat is useful to everyone” is a neat idea but poorly implemented.
>it's the players who are wrong
holy cope.
Well it does fix the 2 issues you originally mentioned, there is no king stat since everyone benefits from every stat, and heavy armor is important for tanks

I also disagree that everyone dumps res, but yes for ultimate challenges lot of builds do

Anyway, from what I've seen about s:ic, you would be much better off playing pillars instead of that junk, implying you haven't already of course, as that was my impression
The real fix to attributes is to not have them. Skyrim wins.
this. stats are a type of braindead essentialism, attributes should flow backwards from skills, they aren't static and all problems about them flow from their prominence in character creation.
>Didn't really work out
how so?
almost everyone I know dumps stats in dnd and pf crpgs, but almost no one I know dumps stats in poe games
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No, the true fix is to make them all essential. You want to use an axe? You better have the stats:
>Strength to lift it
>Dexterity to swing it without falling over
>Constitution to swing it more than once
>Intelligence to swing it at the right target
>Wisdom to know when not to swing it
>Charisma to look good while you do
>almost everyone I know dumps stats in dnd and pf crpgs, but almost no one I know dumps stats in poe games
Look at the challenge builds and how many of them absolutely dumpster res. Yeah, you can roleplay or theme build or whatever but that's just fluff in the end and you can do the same in dnd and pf if you really want to.
so judging by absence of any discussion on the game itself, i recon no one played and/or it's shit?
Correct. Good posts.
Wrong, possibly bait.
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Manletbros, why they have to do us like this?
Does that affect character model?
it's a demo to fish for kickstarter money where potentially everything will change in the release. i have no interest in playing that kind of thing because i don't do crowdfunding.
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Not in this demo. There are a few backgrounds like that with "your character is visible fat/tall/short/muscular", but they don't show on the player model. Maybe it will come up in dialogue.
>[Short of Stature] *You look up at Lady Arabella through her cleavage. This battle can end only one way.*
>i can pick a lock better and be more dexterous because i'm short
Dude, they are throwing you a lot of bones there. There's zero advantage to being short.
>i'm sure to win thanks to my greater dexterity
>Look at the builds a tiny percentage of players are doing
> you can do the same in dnd and pf if you really want to
>if you REALLY want to
exactly you have to really want to
That's not my point, dude. It's that at the highest levels of difficulty Res is dumped for a reason. We're talking about mechanics here, not "for roleplay reasons" or any of that nonsense. And "if you really want to" was about crippling your build's effectiveness for roleplay reasons, not for optimizing. Reading comprehension.
The demo is insanely bad, the thread is just full of retarded slavs shitting up the board as per usual. Of course none of them even tried the demo.
>t. board shitter who constantly complains
>at the highest levels of difficulty Res is dumped for a reason. We're talking about mechanics here
you obviously either don't know what you are talking about or are dishonest
during challenge runs, the hardest thing the game has to offer, res and con are dumped due to the way people exploit meta knowledge about other systems (in particular level design, stealth system, consumables and summons) to not get hit at all. Not because res and con don't provide mechanically sound benefits
no one plays the game like that normally

the only reasonable way of telling if poe's system succeeded at discouraging dumping starting attributes is to look at the fraction of players' dumped-stat builds. And while we don't have access to such data apart from anecdotal evidence, we can compare build recommendations [for normal game modes of course] found online. And PoE will have a statistically significant 'less dumpy' builds compared to say DnD or PF. Which I just confirmed by doing a quick search and you can do it yourself
>There's zero advantage to being short
Smaller target for incoming small arms fire
More energy efficient in terms of kilocalories required
>t. Tall
this game is fucking insane because it has a toggleable isometric setting.

isometric on, it looks amazing. isometric off, it looks like asset flip vatnik slop

I know

but its an excellent highlight.

I have to wonder, maybe it's a good thing isometric fixed camera is an obscure game design choice. We would have so much garbage that is hard to distinguish from actual good games if it was more common.
Eh,acceptable, and they make far better fighter pilots too. But, still not worth it in the context of medieval combat.
>look like shit
What? It looks comfy
Why? What's wrong?
Have you been living under a rock
That hasn't been an issue for a loooong time, just take poe as example
>manlet gets dex
Meh.. seems the system is really uninspired
It looks exactly the same. Are you retarded? Go actually fix your awful game's gameplay.
>game's gameplay
retard detected
you are an idiotic idiot and your dumb use of words is dumb
another kickstarter grift
nta, anon, nta
ps I'm sorry no one likes your favorite slav junk dev
Call it soul, mystery, or whatever, it lacks something to keep me interested.
Will buy it hoping its a slow burn (it won't be).
saying huh like an idiot is a dumb use of words by a dummy too, retarded anon, when i'm calling "game's gameplay" retarded. lol, what a retard.
games have gameplay
the wording could be better
but what's retarded about it?

sounds like you are a venting midwit ngl, hopefully you didn't get misgendered or something you kids don't like these days
its the moeblob tranny whose whole schtick is pretending to hate games he thinks are or will be popular here.
>gAMes hAvE GaEmpLaY
>random tranny accusation
ok kiddo
Whats wrong with low fantasy or no fantasy? Something like KCD or Warband are fucking amazing. Really the only thing you need to do is make it somewhat realistic.
KCD is terrible
KCD is great, wym? The world is genuinely one of the most beautiful I have ever seen in a video game with a good story and good RPG mechanics.
>good RPG mechanics
>Has a separation between player skill and character skill that is tied to the story and the characters background
>You quite literally have to learn to read due to your character being a smith and not know how to do so, also words are visually fucked until you learn to do so
>You can't fight for shit until you learn from Bernard
Touching on the gameplay mechanics, aesthetic choices for armor design and world building it literally mogs pretty much every other RPG, fantasy or otherwise. The only other game that comes close is Warband/VC due to both placing an emphasis on verisimilitude.
>gameplay mechanics
>it literally mogs pretty much every other RPG, fantasy or otherwise
lol, lil' broski doesn't like rpgs and hangs out on an rpg board. what a maroon. what nincompoop.
what stats are essential? is an unga bunga intimidate STR build viable?
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I do, hence the reason I am replaying NWN 1 and Morrowind. Both would be better with more realistic armor and weapons.
ngl but I've never made it more than 30 minutes in to NWN:2 because of how ridiculous and over the top the starting gear looks. It all looks like late game mmo schlock.
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Realistic armor is a really big pet peeve of mine tbqh. Most games, especially those set in medieval/antiquity settings have terrible, cartoonish armor designs. The worst offenders are anything relating to NW-Europeans who end up being a mixture between someone's homo-erotic fanfic and African bush people tier civs instead of this. European society in general is always portrayed wrong. I have no idea why considering we have so many historical sources and artifacts.
>I am replaying NWN 1 and Morrowind
I can't help that you have shit taste in aesthetics and games anon.
This is crap for 90 IQ slavs that think playing BG2 with cheated stats over and over again is entertaining.
Stop projecting and sperging
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>It also takes inspiration from the best RPG of all time, BG1
It's just that if the dev really wants the BG1 audience, he has to take the aesthetic into consideration. There's a magic temple and shop in every town, because it's that kind of adventure.
lol, you sure have great taste in rpg mechanics...
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Thank you, I know. I like things to make sense narratively and tie into gameplay, and I also expect most worlds to have internally consistent logic.
yeah, i know your type. it's called little brained autism and it leads to constant whinging about "muh immurshun" that has nothing to do with game mechanics.
What's up with all these slavgames these days?
>art is all asset-pack retard shit
Just look at the fucking fences man. What the fuck
> constant whinging about "muh immurshun"
Being able to immerse yourself in a game world and story is quite important though. Even if the game is bad you can often power through it if the story and world space is enticing enough.
>that has nothing to do with game mechanics.
It often does though. Even something simple like armor types working differently against different weapons and actually being effective while looking functional is important. Look at Mount and Blade, or KCD. There is genuine progression outside of "healthbar bigger". Militia weapons and bows with low draw weight stop being effective at a certain point. While KCD's need to eat and sleep mechanics may not be as good as say, Outwards, they provide something to break up gameplay and a need to manage resources.
I can't think of a single reason why you would want the badly design, mismatched ugly dogshit that is fantasy "armor" or to go with the awful tropes that fantasy games often portray about certain cultures, when the real thing is at least 10x more interesting.
As long as they stay away from the hoity thoity british accent faggot dialogue tropes, or the anachronistic swearing new yorker in new amsterdam tropes.
BG1 did it so perfectly. Having almost no voice-acting helped greatly. Come to think of it, voice acting fucking ruined RPGs
I agree. I don't mind character barks but I find a shit ton of resources and time is wasted on mediocre voice acting, when effort could have been spent elsewhere.
mountain blade is horribly inaccurate mechanically, aesthetics aside. bows are far too good because they are assigned piercing damage and blunt is ridiculously focused on knocking people out rather than crushing skulls. bg1 did damage types better. you aestheticsfags are invariably idiotic.
>KCD's need to eat and sleep mechanics
wow, very roleplay.
Hell even "good" voice acting is terrible. BG 1 did it just right. Have a line or two voiced over so you have an idea of what the character sounds like and how they speak. Then your mind can work with that as you read the dialogue.

These modern voiceover cinematic animations are doubly terrible; they speak slower than you read, and a lot of time is wasted on pauses for flourishes in animation. FUCK it's filling me with autistic rage just thinking about it. This is why I never post
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>mountain blade is horribly inaccurate mechanically
For when the game was made and for the gameplay style they are going for, it shits on everything else. Fuck, it even mogs most other action RPGs like TES series despite them trying (and failing) to implement directional combat.
>bows are far too good
They are good in the players hands, not so much the NPCs. They fall off fairly hard once you start fighting against anyone with mail armor because at that point you need an actual war bow, not something for hunting small game like the militia have.
>lunt is ridiculously focused on knocking people out rather than crushing skulls
Two handed? Yes. One handed? No.
>bg1 did damage types better.
No, not really. The AC system as is present in D&D games or really any system based off D&D is pretty shit. European metallurgy reached a point where you basically couldn't kill someone without wrestling them down and stabbing them with specialized daggers through the visor / after lifting up the visor, beating them for several minutes with dozens of men all of whom are equipped with two handed AA weapons as in the Hussite war, or using guns. D&D and the AC system doesn't really represent this well. Accuracy doesn't mean shit if you literally can't hurt your opponent with the weapons you have on hand.
>wow, very roleplay.
More so immersion, which was your point but it does help playing a role, yes.
I don't think I mind it as much for New Vegas or KCD as compared to any other game. No idea why but it doesn't bother me there too much. I think its the fact that the people you run into who have voice lines aren't the same 3 voice actors you have been hearing all game, especially those who are important to the main quest or followers. NWN1 bothered the shit out of me with its voice acting because majority of it was cheesy, goofy and shitty. Most Bethesda ARPGs bug me because they have the same 3 voice actors between 100+ characters.
Any games where adventurers wear practical armour rather than full suits of plate? I mean like just a gambeson and a breastplate.
what is wrong with this retard
Not that I can think of. Aside from KCD, historical armor is usually left out of RPGs in favor of cartoonish and Conan tier "armors".
KCD doesn't have historic armor. What in the everloving fuck are you talking about.
Yes it does, the fuck you mean? Some of it is slightly outside the scope of the time period, but I can't think of anything that is extremely out of place like with say, Morrowind where full plate armor exist right beside armor that should be in the 500s.
>what the fuck do you mean
>go on to explain why it's wildly inaccurate, and that's ignoring that the representation of and usage of said armor is wrong anyways
>doesn't even play crpgs and is just here to turn this thread into his personal schizo blog on off topic subjects because he got bullied off /his/
Alrighty then.
Crazy that every single person who actually played the demo for this game in this thread absolutely hated it.
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>go on to explain why it's wildly inaccurate
What the fuck are you on about?
>doesn't even play crpgs
I am literally in the middle of replaying NWN 1 and going through all the core modules with my character. The fuck do you mean.
> is just here to turn this thread into his personal schizo blog
I asked what was wrong with low fantasy and stated that armor that was present in KCD or Warband was great. You then got side tracked on KCD being an awful game for some reason, even though that wasn't my main point.
>I am literally in the middle of replaying NWN 1 and going through all the core modules
Why would you EVER play the OC in NWN? Are you retarded? Why haven't you played the swordhaven demo? Why are you even in this thread?
Anon, this is a picture of like one hour into the tutorial module. You've been bumping the thread for 15 days....
Why the fuck would you not do a marathon run importing your character into the next module? I do that shit for Warband all the time and have enjoyed doing so for NWN1 the last 3-ish times I played. I am going to move onto user modules after I run through the campaigns again.
>I am literally in the middle of replaying NWN 1 and going through all the core modules with my character
Holy fucking BASED
>Why the fuck would you not do a marathon run importing your character into the next module
Because the good modules are community made and you can't even port your character to the decent module because SoU is a level 1 campaign and is a broken slog if you import in. And you sidestepped my question about the demo like a malicious kike.
My first post was yesterday anon, what the fuck do you mean? >>3503425
See the post below yours.
NWN fans are genuinely mentally ill and have low functioning autism. They literally don't understand what's happening around them. It is unironically that simple.
He really has been in this thread the whole time and didn't play the demo. He has zero interest in the game and is just camping in here. Jesus Christ.
>Because the good modules are community made
Which I intend to get to....after I do another run through of all the official content.
>Why haven't you played the swordhaven demo
I have but I wanted to see what other anons thought of it so far. I also got side tracked by the discussion of low fantasy being "bad" which then devolved into KCD apparently being a bad game lmao.



Has it ever occurred to you that your contributions to this board are entirely negative?
Yes, what of it? I enjoyed my time with it other than the occasional hiccup I had due to my old PC and the UI looking like something out of a flash game.
I could say the exact same thing about you lol. You can't actually articulate why low fantasy is bad, you just have to scream that everything is shit at the top of your lungs for some reason and then cry about shit being off topic even though you started it lmao.
Anon you bumped this thread off page 10 and started blog posting in it about off topic garbage.
>I enjoyed my time with it
How? Elaborate.
>Anon you bumped this thread off page 10
Uh no, it was pretty high up in the catalog when I clicked on it and only started yesterday, not 15 days ago, as was claimed.
>started blog posting in it about off topic garbage
Because I specifically asked why low fantasy was bad and provided examples where low fantasy world building and aesthetics were done well in games, only to be met with "lol game bad". If you want to point the finger at someone, point the finger at the other anon for jumping down the rabbit hole of claiming those games are bad.
I enjoyed the character creation quite a bit. I wish there were more options other than "fart sniffing peasant turned bandit" and "royalty", but thats okay. The threshold perks at journeyman, expert, ect. are pretty cool and I wish more games had them. Distinctions are neat, as are the actual weapon skills.
I have a disdain for the UI, character portraits and the inventory sprites. They look fucking UGLY and cheap, again similar to something you would see in an early 2000's flash game. The actual world space (ground cover, textures, ect.) are very beautiful. I liked what was present of the architecture.
The combat is nice, and the animations are well done. I didn't particularly like the absence of opportunity attacks and it was genuinely a bit jarring at first as they are ever present in most turn based CRPGs, but its not something I would drop the game over. I didn't find myself snoozing through combat like with BG3 or DOS2 and the XP gain wasn't bad. I did find myself eager to explore more and see what all was going on in the world space and what character threads I could travel down.
Pretty sure its my PC (i3 and 8b of RAM) but I found game stuttering or just outright freezing when fighting the alligators annoying flying fuckers. No idea why considering it works fine for most other games.
>I enjoyed the character creation quite a bit.
Huh? Why? Its just a clusterfuck of non-descript abilities. I just dumped everything into combat and raped the game to death. (combat abilities scale dialogue abilities anyways?)
>The combat is nice
Now I know you didn't actually play it.
>Huh? Why? Its just a clusterfuck of non-descript abilities
More so in the way its laid out. I have actually always had a hard on for Fallout style character creation where you can meticulously minmax shit and again, the passive bonuses from journeyman/expert/master were also cool. Aside from Oblivion I can't think of another RPG that did that, at least not one I have played. I guess ME1 technically did it as well but it just didn't click the same, if that makes sense?
>Now I know you didn't actually play it.
If you say so. I enjoyed my time with it aside from having no attacks of opportunity and my PC wanting to shit the bed when I ran into certain enemies. I don't think entering combat, or being in combat taking a chunk of your AP is a good thing but again, I was immersed and amused enough to continue playing
Apparently we just don't have the tech to recreate 90s crpg.
>It also takes inspiration from the best RPG of all time, BG1.
Yawn. Not interested.
>Every town is filled with sexual encounters where a female MC gets fucked by old men
I will now play your game.
Nigger in PoE perception is the king stat instead because almost every ability needs to hit and if you're accuracy is shit you will do grazing damage and your tank won't be able to hold aggro. By maxing perception on everyone (followed by dumping res and con on your damage dealers while maxing might and int) you acquire aplha strike capability which lets you win the game.
"balanced stats"
I’m still going to play PotD with no stat less than 10. Per is good though and I’ll max it on certain chars, like wizards.

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