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Do you also struggle to name characters in vidya?
Nope, I have 3 names I've been using for the last 25 years. Normal, fanatsy and sci-fi
let me guess
john knight, john shepard, jonas quinn
"You" works wonders in any untranslated jap RPG Maker low effort trash tier porn. Anata/hero in jap speak is fine too, depending on the subgenre.

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hot dog
1 of them is John based. Johann.
i was actually going to say john johan and jonas before deciding last names are to be included

Cookie. Nailed it.
peanut butter my beloved T-T
Bundáskenyér (french toast but more batter and oil)
No I love it. I like trying to make up names where names of the same race or class seem etymologically related.

I'm currently playing Sword of Aragon (more of a strategy game than an RPG but has elements of both) and the best part is I get to name the army units as well as the individual heroes. I first thought about naming them with a number system (like 95th Rifles etc.) but then ended up going with local (or made up) place names where I imagine the recruits come from (the Garrish Bowmen, Aladda Spearmen etc.). And then I have some personal bodyguards and hirdmen named after the lord they serve. It's great.
Parmesan is a cute name for a kitten.
Popkorn too
Noodles :3
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Pork Sandwich.

And not really. I have a few names I always use, and if I'm doing a wildly different character I'll find a name generator with a theme that would suit them best.
I don't use the names straight from the generator since that seems lazy; I run it a few times, get the general gist of the rules for that naming theme, and then make up a name that conforms to it as best it can while also sounding fitting/pleasant to me.

I'll also look up the ingame characters to see exactly how fantasy/sci-fi/etc their names are to make my character's name fit better.
Don't want my high fantasy in a low fantasy or my low fantasy in a high fantasy.
Cake Pop.
buckwheat makes for a cute kitty name :3
>t. chinkoid
Yes, especially if the setting is low rp and doesn't engage me.
Mousse Cake
i always name jrpg protags Setzer or Nakajima
ive been doing this ever since i was 13
Cobb Salad. We can just go with Cobb.
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Kinda based name for a cat
How do you eat that stinking slop?
Ziti the kitty
cough drop
>not a single post said Pussy

Anyway I pick a theme and go from there things like king Richard and notable members of his court or how many ways can I came everyone based on the name "Adel" sp on so forth
I’ve got a common name I’ll use if there’s only one character and I’m not strictly roleplaying. Otherwise, I’ve used the same name generator site for probably over a decade, and it’s added dozens and dozens of series- and context-specific generators. It really comes in handy to make lore-friendly names for stuff like Elder Scrolls games.
>not a single post said highschool-tier joke
Thank God it's not summer.
I got over my naming woes by having a set of names I use for everything, depending on sci-fi, fantasy, race, class.
Taco the little Vato
ancient one
No, I just use ASOIAF character names
It tastes pretty good actually. Try mixing it with fruit or honey.
i'm calling all my characters tony or thomas
emily if female. those are average names and suits my characters well, i prefer to play as a normal ass dude surrounded by usual rpg supernatural bullshit

Also, not really. I have a name that I use whenever the game lets me self-insert, but in other cases I either use a word from another language or use some themed names(for example, I named my party members in Wizards and Warriors after Kabbalah's sephirots)
Nah, its pretty simple.

The mc gets my own name for immersion purposes
Characters i dont like will get a name like "pussy" or "retard" or other shit depending on the situation (example: in final fantasy 6, i remember finding a female party member who was being tortured by some baddies, so when it came to actually name her, i decided to name her something like "Masok" because i joked about her being masochistic)
And of course, i give what i consider fitting names to other chars
Mia, Tania or Lenneth
Ark, Marco or Guy
>Unisex if necessary
>The cat
Taco de pastor
Sometimes I use my own name.
When I'm playing an SMT game, sometimes I call him Shin.
Or I just make some shit up, there's not really a pattern.
the cat is Winegum btw, pretty cute name

and yes I do struggle very much, at least on the first playthrough. If I like the lore enough I'll take a past name or something from another character and go from there
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No. I already have go-to names for both genders if the game lets me use only one character.
If it's a jrpg where I have to name an entire party then I'll usually go with a theme like for example pasta names for males and pasta sauce names for females. Or herbs, tea, coffee, anything really as long as there's a theme.
I'm always half afraid whenever I have to choose a name someone else in the game will show up WITH that name. It's never actually happened. But I worry about it anyways.
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Take their name and be the superior character.
I liked how in Baldurs Gate when you picked someone’s portrait they had an alternate backup portrait they switched to

I just always name male characters Nate Higgers and name female characters Kate Hikes
Bottom bitch or Chinese
Mostly do the same as this, though I have more names and I sometimes make new ones to fit a setting like if a game has gaelic names I'll use a gaelic one to fit in.
>Bottom bitch
People really think so?
A good game wouldnt let you have the same name as another character anyways
I think he ate only one chicken tender, so now he's curious if he should give the cat the plural or singular form.
bro or dawg
>struggle to name characters in vidya?
i just give them the default name if im playing with a walkthrough.

but sure. it's "Cadbury Chocobakes". now i fear that i hunger for more!!!
Joanhan, Jonas, JJJiggalo.
i like it
You know what? I would actually name a cat that!
I would also like to join the he-man woman-haters club. That kitten has the right idea.
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I use defaults or Lupin III characters.
Pepper Jack
>Do you also struggle to name characters in vidya?
No, I either use my name or my dog name (Merlin) for any other character I go with the default ones
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Cat on the right. Some assembly required.
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Nutella with bread
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I name every character I play as Jon.
but what did you name the cat?
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Never heard of it but damn that looks / sounds great. I'm so sick of US food that's just carbs.
His name is Jagariko
Men's Daily Chewable Multivitamin. Medachmu for short.
i am so uncreative
i named my cow cowy in harvest moon as a kid
I used to, now I name them after my cats.
But how do you name your cats?
Earlier in Etrian Odyssey Nexus I named all my party after Fish, because they are the Dead Fish Family
I always go with the canon names and if there is non canon name i name it anything-ton
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You are not alone, even adults do that, in porn that they sell even.
Tuna Steak
Shrimp, or grits, both of which are great.
naming characters is so fucking easy if you don't suck.
Terrible post
not really, if its medieval fantasy, I'll pick a name a olde germanic, French, or English name. any other genre it's some anglo name

cat's name is chimichanga
pick biblical names they are timeless and fit anywhere then add some japanese ones for the east and you are done
Just name them after kings or historical figures, maybe change a few letters to make it sound different
Breakfast Burrito.
Cookie Dough
Bean. Kinda fits him heh
Burger King Royale with Cheese is a really shit name for a cat.

For naming characters I iust start at a letter and add shit to it. Like:
Are these good names? No, but I don't give a shit, I wanna play the game.
Jammy dodger.
i feel gay using my own name so i either look up the cannon name or make up some vague Japanese sounding bullshit.
That cat is now named hot dog.

And no, if I don't have something in mind already I mash on my keyboard for a bit, then edit and prune the result until I get something that looks appropriate.

Jif Feiskinjak
Oakmal Foi
Tiowin Ojen
I don't struggle at all with naming characters in video games.
Goulash the Cat
Naming the protag "my dude" like that Zelda meme is fun.
Been doing a Pokemon run like this but works the best with more serious ones
No I have a stable of names
not really.

I go with default, or my name, or pick something from this list:
I always use my name. Always. Maybe 2 or 3 times I went with 'anon' because I was worried the porn game I downloaded from F95 could be dialing home
Just you and me, macaroni salad
that cat would be named Ramen then
also no, i name my player character Anon in every singleplayer game

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