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What are the best JRPGS for both of Sony's handhelds?
7th Dragon 2020(both)
Last ranker
Fate extra(don't bother with ccc)
Sol trigger
Metal max xeno(with patch and overclock)
Digimon cybersleuth(both)
Lost dimension
Akiba's Trip
>Ignores Kiseki
Why wouldn't you ignore that slog of a game
Persona 4 Golden was pretty much the reason to buy a Vita.
PSP has FFT WotL.
Dungeon Travelers 2 on Vita is pretty fantastic
Oreshika Tainted Bloodlines
Because i wouldn't recommend anyone without drooling type of autism to play those games
They're irredeemably boring
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Trails is the best one, the growlanser remaster was very good, disgaea 4 eas very good, wild arms XF was pretty cool, DT2 was okay i guess but kinda shitty, everything else I played on those handhelds I just emulated.
I mean... You wouldn't want someone to play the Evo trilogy considering the PSP version of 3rd doesn't have an English release/patch.
>Digimon cybersleuth(both)
Hacker's Memories literally includes an upgraded version of CS1 in it, saying "both" sounds like you're telling people to play vanilla CS1 which is just plain inferior to the HM version.

Not that guy but all of them got superior releases on other consoles so there's no point going back to the PSP/Vita for them. CS on the Vita had really bad load times too which console war cunts used as ammo back in the day.
for an action rpg FF Type 0 since compared to the PC port this one doesn't have censorship or removed content (yes PC version suffered from that).
You also have phantasy star portable which was the best.
For psvita Phantasy Star Nova which is just phantasy star online 2 single player mode.
Any kiseki is better on PC
OP is too fat to sit at a desk. He has to play in bed.
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You WILL play all 7 Kiseki games
You WILL play all 8 Ys games
You WILL play Nauyta
You WILL play the spin off fighting game
You WILL play Brandish
You WILL play Gurumin
You WILL play Tokyo Xanadu
>You will play cs1 and never touch anything falcom related ever again
Okay but which of these games are actually worth playing? I never wanted to buy a PSP tho my brother loved his. What would be worth emulating now? A Peacewalker remaster on console was a bit of a let down for me, and thats my only experience playing a psp game.
If you need to ask such retarded question after being spoonfed then you aren't going to play anything
Play some fotm instead and fuck off
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Play Brandish
You can play them all on a laptop tho
7th dragon is pretty fun and the art is great
Shame it never managed to get any traction and basically died after VFD
I bought all the 7th Dragon games years ago but I've been sitting on them because I keep bouncing off the first one for the DS, does it get better? Can I skip it?

And I actually really hate the DS/3DS as a console, is playing just the PSP ones viable?
PSP has Valkyrie Profile and P3P. I imagine Reload existing and being pirate-able makes P3P a lesser selling point, though.
Just play 2020 and vfd
First one is meh and besides one part in vfd it won't be mentioned again
That VFD was made at all was a small miracle.
I like the first one.
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>nothing but imageepoch trash
ImageEpoch was a kusoge dev with zero originality and janky horribly designed schlock. Oh and to top it off they shut down because of some money laundering scheme or some shit. Shady as fuck company. They deserve to be forgotten.
>is playing just the PSP ones viable?
Yeah, the PSP ones and VFD are standalones except for a couple of references here and there
>Shady as fuck company
>Not my heckling lawerino not my cuterino governmenterino noooooo
Who gives a shit you retarded mong
Those games are genuinely great and you didn't play a single one of them
art looks good.
Incidentally, I'm currently playing (and about to drop) Luminous Arc and it's the epitome of HOLY MOTHER OF JANK. It's like the devs never even tried to actually play their own game, it's borderline painful to interact with. Also, I'm playing the intended way, on the real hardware (although it's a 3DS rather the DS). And here I thought TO:LUCT needed 1-2 more button presses than necessary to do anything; this garbage requires 5 (and 50 if it's a cutscene).
I'll probably drop this piece of shit before the sunk cost is too high (currently at around 1/3 in, chapter 10/25) and skip all the way to the Vita game.
I played Luminous Arc back when I was a teen in 2007 and it was decent enough that I was able to fully finish it. I think mostly it was cuz I wanted to fuck Vanessa tho.
Played Luminous Arc 2 on emulator years later and it was pretty much garbage. You are actually forced to grind, if you just play the chapters straight you get one shot by overpowered boss dude who solos your whole team when he shows up. Couldn't even bother with more than a stage or two of Luminous Arc 3.
I beat Arc Rise Fantasia, it was good enough as a knock off Tales Of game if you play it undubbed.
Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross
Chrono Trigger and Chrono Cross
>Luminous Arc
I didn't like it along with og 7th dragon
They just didn't had enough experience making games at the time and it shows
It's still far from complete trash all things considered doe

How's the 3DS one? I hate the 3DS but I do own it so if it's worth playing I might check it out
Tradeoffs I guess. If you have any intention of playing through the female MC route, P3P is still the only way to do that and get that content. But Reload is definitely a lot nicer looking and playing package
I thought the PS1 version of CT was bad?
Only because of load times which are fine on the PSP and Vita
It's fun and gameplay is improved but there are few annoying story characters
Gake adds two back lines(so you will have 9 team members by the end of the game) which give you bonuses/skills in combat(they get exp along with your main team so you won't have to grind)
Graphics don't differ much from psp version
Postgame dungeon ending is perfect farewell to series
PSP and PSV can play SNES games, you know.
Yeah, but I don’t think that’s what OP was asking for. PS1 eboots are probably already stretching it (though that’s become my favorite way to play PS1 RPGs with the options currently available to me).
Jeanne d'Arc
Phantasy Star Portable 2 Infinity
Shiren the Wanderer 4
Summon Night 5
Wild Arms XF
Grand Knights History
Valkyria Chronicles 2
Valkyria Chronicles 3
Growlanser: Wayfarer of Time
Monster Kingdom: Jewel Summoner
Tales of Eternia
Valkyrie Profile: Lenneth
Final Fantasy Tactics: War of the Lions
Sorcery Saga
Oreshika: Tainted Bloodlines
Exist Archive
Dungeon Travelers 2
Shiren the Wanderer 5
Summon Night 6
Ragnarok Odyssey Ace
Freedom Wars
Soul Sacrifice Delta
God Eater 2: Rage Burst
Toukiden 2
Tales of Hearts R
Grand Kingdom
Muramasa Rebirth
Dragon's Crown
Odin Sphere Leifthrasir
Star Ocean R
depth heaven series
What about the PS1 version of FF6?
Do you plan to emulate it or are you going to play on a real PSP? The thing with the PSP is that a lot of its best RPGs are already available for modern systems

>PSP only, not available on PC/PS/Switch
Digimon World Re:Digitize
Digimon Adventure
Jeanne D'arc
Wild Arms XF
White Knight Chronicles: Origins
Crimson Gem Saga
Kingdom of Paradise
Final Fantasy Tactics
Final Fantasy 4 Complete
Persona 1
Persona 2 IS
Persona 2 EP
Breath of Fire 3
Star Ocean 1 (not available on PC)
Disgaea 2 (not available on PS4/Switch)
Valkyrie Profile Lenneth (not available on PC/Switch)

>PSP games that are already remastered on PC/PS4/Switch
Crisis Core: Final Fantasy 7
Final Fantasy Type-0
Persona 3 Portable
Trails in the Sky
Trails in the Sky SC
Trails from Zero
Trails to Azure
Ys Oath in Felgana
Ys Seven
Star Ocean 2
Disgaea 1
Kingdom Hearts Birth by Sleep
Meant for >>3490747
>Persona 4 Golden was pretty much the reason to buy a Vita.

Kat's game too, anon
the ps4 version to gravity rush is better across the board though right?
Hence "was"

There really isn't any reason to get a Vita now aside from as a slightly better way to PSP games than a PSP
>There really isn't any reason to get a Vita now aside from as a slightly better way to PSP games than a PSP
I like playing UMVC3 on the go
>slightly better way to PSP games than a PSP
It's always funny to see retards lie through their teeth about subjects they know nothing about on the internet for some nerd cred
Vita has higher resolution than psp and doesn't upscale it
I hacked my vita recently and started by loading up all of the personas, trails of the sky, xenogears and ff tactics
Valkyrie Profile on PSX, undubbed, is better than the PSP port.
Sorry, I'm not an autistic weeb
what version of trails
The English voice acting is not great...
Haha... I love kiseki...
a laptop doesn't fit in your pocket
see above
They're on Switch too
Why does your Steamdeck look so small?
only zero + azure and cs3 and beyond
cs1 + 2 only got released in asia
if you mod your switch you would still be missing 3rd because it never got translated on psp, not even a fan translation
hopefully there will be some remedy to that
My stance on English dubs is:
best case scenario, it's a genuinely well-made dub
worst case scenario, it's so bad that it's just funny to laugh at how bad it is
Should Disgea be played in ENG or Nihon?
Good Lord, am retard Disgaea*
It's not DW3 tier. It's just annoying. The graphics on the port are also annoyingly stretched and hard to look at.
If you are NOT american, I don't see the point of going dub over sub considering both aren't your native language and the later has clearly better quality voice acting
If you ARE american, I don't see the point of dub over sub either because even a monkey would notice how bad most english dubs are
Anyway if you don't mind ruining your own experience with story heavy games then you're very retarded
Disgaea shouldn't be played at all
congratulations you spent 40 hours playing through a game ruined by a shitty low budget english dub but at least it was funny right
I havent played it yet but I'm pretty sure its the original psp release
This is why I'm about to play Yakuza for the ps2 lol
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I've tried Kiseki, I really wish I liked it but I just can't
I liked Ys1, looking forward to giving the rest of the series a go.
Will look into the rest.
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Maybe Yggdra Union?
People often praise it, though I couldn't get into it myself.
>Someone actually mentioned VC2
Fuck yeah, I'm not the only person who lieks this game
wow anon I have not heard of any of these except fate and digimon. Congratulations on having developed esoteric taste
>The company was filed for bankruptcy in 2015, due to its declining sales and increasing debt.[2]
Wow, REALLY esoteric taste
Disgaea 3

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