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Never trust anyone who would sing you a song for money or says that they know many tales
That fucking robot man
Who is best boy and why is it Lifetakey?
I assume "fae" is yokai in JP?
I didn't check. But given the region... I would be surprised if it wasn't.
How do you challenge yourself when you replay old SaGa games?
could be mononoke?
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In case you're wondering what the Salamander in Pulchra drops, it's just the usual red dragon stuff, so either Dragon Scales or a Nether Malistryx.
Earth Dragon=Dragonscale Blade
Red Dragon=Nether Malistryx
Blue Dragon=Ice Sword
Gold Dragon=Cinderforge Sword
Sleeping Forest=Gae Bolg
>black warrior kills white hatman and everyone and peacefully sets fire to the dojo
damn.. saga went woke
We told Red Squire to assassinate both of his bosses and he did
The absolute madman!
For unlocking Ameya's endings, does letting castles get CRYSTALED matter or is it only completing blue vision quests?
i told him not to and he STILL did, i wanted to beat his ass, stupid squire
Now his soul is stuck on a ledge I can't get to - how do you grab it?
Playing Siuggy.
>if an attack misses, it doesn't trigger the counter
man, brutal game
what the shit? his soul? a ledge? what? i didn't get that, he just took me to the salamander to fight it so he could get a scale to make a cure for the poison and the sisters made up, as diva, lmao
holy fuck, twice in a row an enemy attack just misses a counter ready target
Already did the Salamander fight and got the sisters back, what I'm referring to is Siugnas only, to grab Red Squire's soul/thralldom you need to go back to the Squire's quarters, which I can't access, at least after telling Grey Witch I'll go along with her retard plan. Reloaded and now going to tell her to fuck off.
>defeat a lizard fortress with a hati and a war hog from a junction red door
>ticket master has an offer of a museum ticket for y 4 art gallery tickets
Only completing the vision quests.
leg sweep is such an amazing move, put a human in the lead in speculation and enjoy a 1bp high damage high stun rate blunt interrupt (and use the other 3 bp to cast hasten time), or 2bp for humans on either side, custom techs are honestly broken, tracking flood, leg sweep, mighty inch (quell), motherfucking BLITZ BOLT, but also raised side kick for being a 1bp option to move rightwards in the timeline, oh yeah and of course COUNTER raksha, they're all just objectively better techs than their general counterparts so i'm not even mad that they don't have roles associated with them
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Hmmm, got Golem Willma somehow, not sure how I did it exactly but well...
She's slightly different from normal Willma but still overall the same, most notable difference is that her support skill gives a 25% resistance against petrification, most of her story is largely the same too, she does have different voice clips though.
Seems she's like Spear/Lancelot in that whichever version of the character you got overwrites the previous one in your records.
Yeah, Custom Techs make or break a lot of shit in this game, which is why I'm having issues with Knights and Blath.
I can give a pass to Siugnas because with Sanguine Gear he can kind of make up for the lack of custom techs, but I don't really see the value in Knights or Blath unless I pidgeonhole them into specific weapon types that don't suffer too much from the lack of Custom Techs.
To be fair, Blath still has access to some neat ephemeral skills but Knights...I don't really see the advantage in the long run unless you try to do a super balanced full Knight team where everyone has a broken ass Sanguine Tech to make up for the lack of custome stuff, even there it's questionable whether it's a better strategy than a full human team.
The good thing is that it's all viable in the long run.
i think squires are pretty pointless too, why have humans who arbitrarily can't use magic?
You can live without spells, I've done a few playthroughs with no magic whatosever and they were fine, custom techs really help you out though and a lot of weapon types feel miserable without custom techs.
Halberds for instance lose access to too much good stuff, Reaper alone makes such a massive difference, Flamers are good precisely because you can abuse a lot of brokenass custom techs on showstopper to stack a lot of damage, or have incredibly powerful counters and interrups, even the more balanced types like MA lose a lot from not being able to use things like Counter Raksha since their only other counter is KO Throw and it doesn't come cheap.
Spells are really powerful, but if I had to choose between not using spells and not using Custom Techs I'd choose the former nine times out of ten, it sucks to not have things like Spellbind, Gravity Bind or Delay Order, but having your weapon users crippled by the lack of extra unblockables or conditionals hurts way more imo.
yeah, not having counter raksha can be painful, but for blath, elder monk + center of speculation is a 2bp k.o. throw (and 1bp if you're willing to wristwatch them and it's past 5th turn), and the utility of ephemeral skills really comes in handy and covers a lot of blind spots that martial arts has and have a serious edge over spells since they're instant, a power risen blath martial arts showstopper has given me the highest single hit damage value i've seen with a 3400 damage k.o. throw at the end
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Well shit. Wish I knew about this earlier
what did you ship to get that offered? i wasn't able to get any progress on the dress shirt -> acrylic charm/etc path but i only tried the charms so far
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Just trading a bunch of 3 max upgraded weapons. However pic related is much cheaper to do
Probably collect 3 of them and see if they can't trade up into something else.

This seems like it should be the limit unless 3 80power weapons trade into something special
hmm, i already have one obsidian frontlet made, and i should still have 2 unused plumed hairpins, pretty steep cost but i'll go for it, thanks
3 tengu cloak also work. Not a lot of 3 maxed out armor seem to work. But I could also just be unlucky, and there's no way I'm going to cycle my Pulchran robes

I don't think there's a cheap weapon to max out though. The cheapest is definitely armor and accessories given you can trade up into most of this crap
i'm gonna try to figure out where dress shirt accessories eventually go and try to trade my way up to it, but i am also very unlucky, and the most 56 dress shirts got me was like i think 2 obsidians maybe? which might as well be dirt to me at this point, i'm swimming in obsidians, but i have to fight 5 battles to get the ticket master to give me an art gallery ticket for my street stall tickets, and my bids are really formulaic, 4 random mid to high materials, 4 random mid to high weapons, and my bids are often just materials, i don't know there seems to be some sort of reactive system going on where like you maybe have favor with a certain trader in the market, and/or everything you trade influences what shows up in the next market iteration and how good of a deal or what kind of wares each of these romancing saga 3 style business enterprises (as opposed to minstel song's big 3 trading guilds) are willing to offer you
like, you probably just have to eat up shit deals and offers you wouldn't otherwise take JUST to curry favor with each of them and get access to more of their wares and probably at better exchange rates
A hidden counter with vendors doesn't sound unlikely. I'm still at rank 7, but the Dolphin eventually switched from offering a squid fin for (I believe) demon blood to 6 native silver consistently within the same rank.
The bids just seem based on trade rank and likely pull on RND when determining the quantity and quality within ranges.
But also the ranges are technically stupidly fucking high.
E.G you can trade 300 elemental crystals for 200 elemental crystals
A certain amount of magical claws, pelts etc can trade up into great's
Silvers can (technically) go into magic stones, which can go into obsidians

I haven't once been able to trade into jewels or dragon skins at max rank so I'm fairly certain it either requires at max tier weapon (unlikely) or it doesn't exist as a trade you can make. Anyways I just have to get 3 master's crown and see if they can trade into anything.
God I hope not.
so far 4 tissues (dress shirt trade) can give a red hairclip, so that's promising, guess its tims to convert my millions metal crystals to dress shirts
glow stick* not tissues
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>it's another elemental cock blocking fight
Which one are ya doing?
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Was doing a second Mido run and just got through the four barrier fights back in Miyako where each fight was a demon with elementals you can't kill. Wasn't too bad honestly just wanted a reason to post that image.
Also caught some minor script mistakes here which was amusing.
Gilding Program II isn't a terrible mech skill, but the Bronze Mirror gives you that+expanded combo range, you can certainly use it to cheat through stuff like Emerald Union.
Yeah, after some 200 hours and some cross checks I'm noticing some mistakes here and there too, like the Carnivore lizard being mistakenly called Carbonia.
ok focused scatter is actually godlike, a grimhorn +2 on a humanoid turns a 1 chant time spellbind into a however many turn chant time spellbind until they die, too bad the ai can't consider canceling chants so as to not be distract-locked to death, especially when an overdrive goes off and they eat additional focused scatters in a combo, man forget the queen's address, i'm gonna be 3x tooting in the face of anyone who decides to start chanting
my nahoj just learned chaos disaster
his stats are
>75 str, 80 dex, 73 mob, 80 end, 83 int, 80 acuity
>6 blue, 5 red, 0 yellow, 1 white, 10 black
>30 1hs, 31 2hs, 39 1hg, 36 2hg, 42 ma, 46 sc
not sure which stats exactly are incorporated into your 150 cumulative stats theory, but that should be everything? 904 hp, if that matters
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>playing as Hatman
>finished Cinq
>Hatman got all the losers as cocksleeves
His bench is getting really big by the day
>His bench is getting really big by the day
that seems to be the point of hatman, you take on every loser from everywhere to make into your thralls to boost hatman's lp so he can use more blood techs and get more of them as he enthralls more losers
Yeah, he's the only one who can get all the losers in one go, which is really handy for thralling, makes sense too lorewise.
I mostly want the tech rank growth rate. Hitting 3/5 in a quarter of the time? Not too shabby. Ultimately you'll get there no matter what, but taking the time out of getting there isn't so bad.

Though from the perspective of mechs it's stat increases are relatively modest and I sometimes don't always take self-defense program so using a one turn negate loses it's luster when I'll eat shit before that turn (if the mech is in the aggro spot due to needing to apply Self-Defense before using Gilding) or after that turn (due to paralysis)
A good video about what are possibly all unique and rare drops in the game and how to get them, it's JP only but even if you can't understand it a lot of the explanation in the video are self explanatory
That scene in particular doesn't stick to the subtitles. Which is good because it is the ropey dialogue at its worst.

There's also the fact that they use possessive s wrong. "Suginas's" instead of the proper: Suginas' Although I'd be impressed if the localiser is ESL, Japanese native speaker given how much flavour is added to dialects of each world.
The localizer is EFL and skilled at their job, there was a decent amount of creative liberties taken with the translation although for the most part it is faithful, just extra flowery compared to the original. The game just has a few errors in its localization but this is mainly the usual typos and its forgivable considering how much text is in the game and how much it can vary based on different factors they're bound to miss some things.
It's even better when you get the Omindoor, because you do something like 14 worlds in a single run (no Brighthome, no Yomi, Pulchra and Capital City are mutually-exclusive).

What if you only do 1 mission for each faction and get the happy ending? Does he not get ANY cocksleeves?
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Holy shit
>There's also the fact that they use possessive s wrong. "Suginas's" instead of the proper: Suginas'
You can use either and most sources say the former is more common and traditional.
Some of the rare drops are really a pain to get, luckily I've done most of Sensei's trials by now so unless I feel like getting multiple Earth's Creation Prime for my mechs I can forget about them, but I still need to hunt down a lot of them through different worlds.
Seeing some of the Romancing SaGa weapons with the original SNES design that you'd only find in the old official guides is pretty nice though.
kawazu made this game for me and no one else, that's the only rational explanation, you just don't make a game like this without that being the purpose
Oh the more "obvious minor mistakes outside of the scope of localization" B&F has a line in the Siugnas recruitment route that's spoken by the wrong person.

I find the translation to be fine most of the time and it's technically accurate 90% of the time. But I have a bone to pick with the localization and accent stapled onto Bonnie. As somebody who lives down here, her dialect is scuffed. But outside of the fact that entire strings of her sentences have been thesaurus'd and "greatest hits" into 1800-1900 eastern and western texan sayings and idioms, SOME of them are used in the wrong spot and the overuse OF sayings that often can also slip into belle has the unfortunate result of changing the tone of some sentences and the characterization of others.

Things like "Do you think I'll listen to you"(O) and "Bless your heart"(L) could, if you squint, technically be interchangeable especially if you don't live in the south or have older cohorts and family members who do. But the volume of these cut-and-replace jobs end up creating entire strings of sentences that nobody nowhere at any year would would ever utter intentionally. For the most part, I think their decisions with dialect, original though they may be, wasn't a bad decision. It's just different. With Bonnie? Likely as a result of me living in the region whose diction they're trying to emulate, it stands out in a pretty noticeable way.

I'm sure for people who are either younger or don't live in the south, it reads fine. I hope.
>end up creating entire strings of sentences that nobody nowhere at any year would would ever utter intentionally
that may very well be the intention, though, saga is high fantasy, even though it incorporates sci-fi elements and setpieces
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Damn, this thing looks cool as fuck, it was worth farming Susanoo over and over again.
i never came across a susano-o and i have that, can't remember where i got it, i think it was a whale lord of the earth?
This is factually false because you are not me and I know for a fact Kawazu made this game for me.
Holy Shit

The amount of animations for parrying is pretty cracked. Watching a toon 360 no scope deflects against Cosmic Rave is orgasmic.
Yeah, there's different animations for parrying states and also dodge states, the parrying animations are also different according to which one handed blade you have, one handed guns and MA dodges are also slightly different.
So I played the demo of this (the PC one) and though I liked it, I felt i was fucking up left and right. I'm gonna start playing the game next week. So, any advice on crafting/enhancing stuff? Are there repeatable fights in the main game in case I need to farm materials or spark new techs?
>So, any advice on crafting/enhancing stuff?
protective beads can be upgraded to cerberus's rings once you get the 'visual learning' concept, at +1 they give 100% stun resist, that and harmonium earrings +1 are permaslotted on my non-mechs that aren't wearing marrow breastplate +2s, getting stunned out of techs is brutal, having immunity to stun and paralyze really makes things so much easier
>Are there repeatable fights in the main game in case I need to farm materials or spark new techs?
yes, the repeatable fight spots were just turned off for the demo
>any advice on crafting/enhancing stuff?
Your first cycle is always gonna be rough on that, the game's built for the long run so in your first playthrough you'll be severely limited in power, especially when it comes to mechs.
Your main issue will be Ironstones and Magic Stones, past that it will be Obsidian, these are sort of universal drops that scale according to both battle ratings and BR, eventually you'll drown in them but again, your first run will feel pretty limited.
Much like other games in the series enemies drop specific mats unique to their enemy type, since this game gates access to certain enemies to specific worlds and routes you'll also have issues finding the more rare stuff like Dragon Scales, Demon Blood etc because there's no universal way to fight those things, it's all very route/world/character specifc.
Overall the main advice would be focusing on bids and exchanges, put bids for any surplus equipment you get because you can trade it in for mats, exchange should be the main way you get access to either rarer mats like again, demon blood, squid fins or jewels, or get access to specific exchange only goods, past that it's just being wise with what you're gonna use and not spreading yourself too thin, which is the same thing you do in other entries.
>Are there repeatable fights in the main game
Almost every world has repeatable red nodes where you can fight enemies in one way or another, some of these nodes will also rarely spawn boss types enemies you can fight for specific materials or rare equipment drops, in certain worlds you won't have stuff like that though but those are the exception to the overall rule, more worlds have repeated red nodes than those that do not.
Is there a potential battle in Delta Base for incubating the eggs on high temperature?
Low and medium would give me fights, but the eggs would just be wasted on high temp. Unless there's some BR gate for high temp working and giving you the fight associated with it.
Don't think so, incubating eggs at high temperature never gave me a fight, much like putting seeds in green soil only gives you more seed.
Then again I could be wrong, seems some events have pretty wild RNG in this game.
i just beat the final trial whale and i love puzzle battles unironically, that shit gave me 2 jewels, shit was SO cash, and i got some nice glimmers off it
speculation martial artist mages 1 - undead flying marine mammals 0
just beat the hill haniwa final trial too, god it's nice to have all the puzzle pieces on hand to arrange together to beat this shit, thank you based leg sweep, for owning the fuck out of anyone who tries to use blunt attacks
anyways, i got a bronze mirror from it as a bonus reward on top of the 2 meteorites the default reward gave
it has: expand combo range (!!!), 35% resist all (strange value), gliding program mk. II
>recruited original body Diva in Bonnie/Formia's scenario
>use carried over equipment to turn her into the fucking Terminator
Mecs are broken as fuck after a few playthroughs
white dragon final trial defeated, god i love this fucking game
combat rewards: 2 dragon scales, 2 obsidians
acquired items: victor's blade, 1hs (of course), raises overdrive activation rate, mech skill: tiger break, concept: discipline's covenant, block chance 28%, blocks after/to the right
surprised it doesn't have some meme flowing slash-like skill on it
>ivar learns hasten time after the first battle i use him in, after having casted sharp pain a grand total of twice
bald men really /are/ the strongest in the conjoined worlds
also now that i have this bronze mirror i can confirm that expand combo range does in fact work for comboing counters into chains (and pursuits ahead of counters)
i think a counter -> chain -> interrupt -> chain is still the most conditional combo you can pull off? the problem with adding a pursuit into that is the counter's extended combo range is just 1 on each side, and all pursuits and chains seem to be dotted combo squares, the chain that follows the pursuit (that interjects before the counter's actual attack, but after its activation) would push the pursuit out of the combo range UNLESS the pursuit killed the target and flipped the combo square(s) it had, maybe not impossible but it would take all the setting up to do and all the stars to align
but there's still one last rng hurdle: the overdrive
no overdrive, no problem, but since its a 4x conditional combo that killed the target, that's pretty much a guaranteed overdrive, and if that overdrive isn't a 4x then the interrupt that follows it won't connect because the 4th person in the original combo will be black squared, and of course that 4x overdrive also has to somehow not kill your interrupt target as well, so
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I hate that shit but good for you.
I'm still uncertain whether to actually farm a couple of those for multiple weapons for my mechs, I do wanna run a full mech party with Diva at some point and some of those Trial drops are ridiculously good for them.
I'm currently exploring Siugnas build possibilities and I guess Sword+Gun hatman is the best I've found so far, Leading the People alone is just too ridiculous when you can stack two of them in OD and give everyone 20% ATK buffs, I'm not sure there's any real incentive in giving Sanguine Gear to your bros when Siugnas gets stupidly powerful if he hogs all of that, there's some really OP sanguine arts like the alternate version of Windwhistle, but right now I'm not sure whether it's worth nerfing Siugnas for that, having a nearly invincible cheerleader that can also double as instakiller seems way better than having a "balanced" party with each Knight having some sanguine art but losing access to custom techs.

I don't really see why somebody like Lifetaker should ever be made into a knight for instance, why lose access to multiple unblockable you can stack on Showstoppers when Siugnas can simply be a general utility bot while Ichizo shits mad slash damage on OD/Showstoppers?
Same with Warrior, why lose your stacks of unblockables and multiple conditionals, let alone fucking Run & Gun for...a decent gun? Leading the People is broken but why not let Siugnas do it in the first place while ya boi Irmran acts as broken pierce DPS on OD and general combo glue/jammer with multiple interrupts, chains and other gimmicks?
It's not like they even get enough LP to actually use Sanguine techs to their fullest either, unlike again, Siugnas himself, it seems Knights are really strong in early game cycles but get less and less appealing later on.
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Got some Aged Gloves from a Kraken in Mare Nostrum, you can upgrade them into either Uncanny Gloves or Trompe l'oeil, which invert combo ranges
is hatman able to recruit scarecrow? if so is he able to enthrall him?
Yes and yes
that raises so many questions
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If by some miracle TLR were to get another game, closer to SaGa in structure (multiple protagonists, free scenario, etc), how would you prefer the party limits to be handled since they were originally plot-gated? Tie it to BR or have no limits at all?
>Beat the Brutal stage of the Warden of Wrath as Siugnas
>It just loops into itself
Well shit, and here I thought I had a big brain moment, you can use it to farm jewels I guess?
Tying recruitment to BR was even shittier than tying it to main quest progression so no, none of that bullshit at all, you just get whoever you find as long as you explore shit
I like a nice song now and then.
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Beyond One World was pretty tough but nothing the Dismal King and his bois couldn't handle after a few retries, and holy shit a universal +4% combo rate? That's pretty good.
Beyond Diverse Heaven will have to wait a bit.
Does siugnas get a different type of ending if he never enthralls anyone?
I really need to get a code for TLR. I just want to play it on my PC and it's so stupid they delisted it on steam just to never replace it with the remaster.
>finally bite the bullet and finish the third all monster playthrough I was doing in a series of all monster playthroughs
I shan't be doing a 4th.
This kind of team is... Monsters in this quantity are... Not very good

>no protects
>expensive as shit skills
>very limited AOE options, VERY squishy, only two attacks per monster with a defense direction period
>most relics give terrible resistances
>few items to train magic (I knew that coming in and tripled up on all 4 Cinq accessories to make it easier)
>Very low adaptability
>the cheapest quell is STILL expensive unless it's on one of the blobs
>no aggro manip roles
>no prompt, no poet, no good roles at all
>No boots or or helms or any good resistance items

You ever do a nacht with 5 monsters? It sucks. The final boss hurts the most. Even with everybody in charge of their own ailment protection via air walls, they still have to dump a hell of a lot of resistances (comparatively anyways) to protect from just dying outright. So you're on a hard fucking timer to overpower the shit out of the final boss before you bleed out in a few turns.
Byaku and Erytheia are the strongest (offensively) monsters by far and it's not even close. But they're still made out of paper. The higher up that BR goes, the more often you'll find your inevitable weak links (because there's not enough good resistance items for everybody) just DYING outright. Meow is the only monster in the game that can naturally raise it's enmity without taunt thanks to Instigator.

I knew it wasn't going to be as smooth as full mechs.
But, I wasn't prepared for how miserable that ends up being towards the higher end of BR.
Just put the relic on a mech instead.
yeah byaku and erytheia objectively have an advantage over all other monsters for having ephemeral techs, but those seem to not give any roles, so they're still limited to only roles granted by spells, a major component of why i was able to clear the final trials is because of being able to double up on specific resist bonuses from the roles from both martial arts and magic
to add insult to injury to monsters, the related martial arts roles give twice as much bonus to elemental damage type resist (aside from fire) as the spell roles, and spell roles don't seem to have anything for physical damage type resist, and in the case of live wire you even get a damage bonus to shock on top of the resist bonus
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Took me a while to get a mech, Chain Horologe stat bonuses are pretty insane
i keep getting the 4x conditional with the appropriate interrupt ready, but the last enemy always trqgically dies to the resulting 4x overdrive before they can trigger the interrupt and complete the combo
TLR is pretty fun in spite of Rush probably being the lamest and dumbest protagonist in the history of the universe. I got about 1/3 to halfway through it before just getting lost on another game. I'd like to play it again, but it's been so long and I probably made half of my team Scouts because I had no idea how the class system works (still don't). Now that I think of it, my Nora's probably also screwed because I didn't think to commit to Combat or Mystics and since she can't dual wield she's super screwed in most Hybrid Classes.
ameya sure is emo
>30% resist all
i see, so you can do two 35% resist alls and a 30% resist all and be immune to everything while getting vastly more benefits than using 2 large magatamas
what is everyone's favorite tech animation? i'm thinking guanyin, but stunning shot is pretty gangster as a magdump, especially with the behemoth revolver
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>Triple Thrust
>Hell's Fury
>One for One
>Jolting Slash
>Aerial Rush
>KO Throw
>Blood Rage
>Leading The People
>Cosmic Rave
>Beam of Destruction
I also like some of the Virginia body animations in particular, like the body tackle for Frenetic Tracer/Divine Might/Tiger Rampage or Diva's various spin kicks that end with her dabbing
yeah virginia's animations are great, the mech animations in general are pretty good, aerial rush ko throw and windwhistle are good, i like all the martial arts animations, but since i've picked up 1hg i have to admit those animations are great in full showstopper format
>interacting with the trading drum brings up a loading screen every time
>all it does is open a menu that you always have access to
And you have to quit out of the menu and talk to the drum for literally every transaction you do there to maximize your laundry rewards. It's an insane implementation that could very easily be fixed.
No, Kawazu already said that thralling would not have any plot consequences months before the game released.
>i also deal in non-ticket items
not that i have ever seen, and you hardly ever deal in ticket items to begin with, you lousy lying lazy ticketmonger
alright, fess up, how the fuck do you get the emperor's crown? 3+ master's crowns? or is it from a specific event in a specific mc's specific kind of visit to a specific world?
If there's no info in the JP wikis then we don't know, there's still a lot of shit we don't know really.
Like, Siugnas is shown with the Final Empress' Moonlight Sword in some promo material but nobody found it in the game yet.
For the most part Ameya's route system is still undocumented and some of the worlds' routes like Yomi are still not fully understood.
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Literally who?
well so far i have emperor's jacket cape and mask, i figured there would be at least one weapon, probably two, and 3 accessories
The warden of gluttony being the most bishie of the bunch was a nice joke.
I don't really like how you have to lose to the warden of wrath no matter what though, it reminds me of the forced dragon loss in Minstrel Song's prologue with Albert but for some reason they put that shit at the very end of Siugnas' story.
There's the Masked Emperor helm, Final Emperor himself comes with one of those.
the crown is trade only i reckon, the other three are craftable
The strategy guide is coming out in a week so in all likelihood people will start dumping solid info over that weekend.
I thought the point was to corrupt him back into a murderbot that Hatman wanted?
Yeah, that's the point, but it still kinda sucks that you can win the fight and it loops into itself infinitely until you choose to lose.
Is saga over? latest game flopped again
but then again that never stopped SE from green lighting more before, but then again SE has never been in such dire financial straits as it is right now
The series just as alive and healthy as your eternal butthurt and inferiority complex.
Mainline SaGa is just to get people into the gacha
It's not working on me, then. I don't want to play Eclipse or Re;universe.
I took a brief break from hyper trade autism. I'm going to go deep in again soon(ish)
>I don't really like how you have to lose to the warden of wrath no matter what though
Does it go deeper than 3 fights?
>games have been "flopping" since the NES
>still get made
people need to realize that Square is an artists/autist's company and Kawazu is the most senior artist/autist still working
>outright mocked in steam and other review sites
>the butt of all jokes on 4chan
>worse sales than eiyuuden
>gacha is dead
>people dont care anymore about square
it is over
the game dropped the worst L ever made but people want to suck kawazus cock all the time because they think they are sooooo cool and not like your typical tranny
these faggots really are:
>defending mobile trash UI and menu scrolling that makes ff16 look good
>defending the visual novel writing that makes indie porn visual novels look good
>defending one of the worst battle systems with no defensive playing or heals and shitton more shallow gacha tier retarded mechanics like shitstoppers
cant wait for square to finally put an end to this failed series
> This is a game that looks cheap, feels cheap and shouldn't be $50. It is a poor showing from a developer and director that I know is capable of better. As a longtime SaGa fan, I had never imagined I'd see an entry in the series with so few of the series' core pillars. But Emerald Beyond never fails to impress with its complete disregard of its series roots.
> The combat is a tactical affair where you are meant to manipulate turn order, utilize interrupts and most of all mitigate damage. This is fine on paper, but the mechanics are so sloppy and so riddled with RNG that none of this works correctly. You will often have turns where there legitimately is nothing you can do but eat multiple AoEs, and your only hope is to prevent them from comboing or--god forbid--getting a showstopper.
> Even when you do everything right, RNG will somehow turn that wrong. And without healing (there is no healing in this game) defensive play is basically impossible. You want to get rid of threats as quickly as possible, before they inevitably eat through your limited HP.
> All of this is in service to a story that is at once nonsensical. Sometimes it is charming. Most of the time it is simply confusing and ultimately, you feel like you have wasted your time.
> This entire game is a waste of time. I never thought I'd see a game so effectively vie for the throne of worst SaGa after the PS2 era, but it looks like Square Enix has managed it. Great job, guys.
> I hate to do this as a long time SaGa fan, but I can't fully recommend this game. While I'm happy with the return of race mechanics and seeing Scarlet Grace's combat mechanics expanded upon... that about ends my pros for the game.
> Gone are the good old days of getting lost in an open world. Emerald Beyond takes on a much more linear and restricted approach. Traveling from one contained world to the next, each filled with an unsatisfying story which ends abruptly. The developers wanted to make every playthrough feel unique with varying outcomes, but the result feels more like a collection of barebones unrelated filler from a television show.
> The upgrade mechanics just adds to the games feeling of tedium. You're essentially restricted to the whims of an RNG trading shop which you must check after ever battle. And I don't even want to start with this horrendous UI they cobbled together. Please don't make me click through multiple menus just to check this RNG shop every couple of minutes.
> At the moment I'm not sure I would recommend this game to even a die hard SaGa fan. My best recommendation is to try the demo out for yourself and perhaps wait for a sale.

shit director = shit series = shit game = shit enix
quality assurance to always be shit
>is an artists/autist's company
You're actually out of your mind.
Some art driven games DO get made, Square is not an artist first company which is why the majority of their musicians, artists, scenario/event planners and storyboarders all end up going freelance.
>Square is not an artist first company
It absolutely is, but you aren't considering what that means. Since the end of the SNES era they've been primarily a 3D effects studio, which is why they keep spending millions on new (and pointless) engines they try to convince others to buy. Crystal tools w/ 13, Luminous with Forespoken.
Artist doesn't just mean character designer.
not an excuse to abandon 2d
just make another good SNES game like Romancing SaGa did and everything will be good
but nooooo it had to be such shit graphics

reminder that LOW BUDGET IS NOT AN EXCUSE FOR SHIT QUALITY its only just low talent
Luminous Tools was by their own admission primarily a creation to help streamline production. It had nothing to do with artistic intent.
Meanwhile games that should be creative driven weren't, Left Alive, the aforementioned Forspoken, the various FMA games, that soulless Lufia remake, Fronst MIssion Evolved, etc etc.

If all their games were on par with Army Corps of Hell or fucking FInal Fantasy Explorers, I'd believe that.

But you're insinuating that square is artist driven when the goals of the company for nearly the last decade of IR reports has specifically been to streamline and accelerate production and break into the modern market? That's the reason they pursued their foreign studios, gobbled up big IP's and why Yosuske Matsuda quadrupled down on that shitty AI/NFT initiative that got him fired.
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God, if only Re;universe wasn't the grindiest fucking game. Igomahl/Oriax is prime clussy though, especially her true demonic forms.
I was fine even with the grind but they kept accelerating the banner schedule to """"""""""catch up"""""""""""""" to JP.
Which is English for milking as much money out of the western playerbase as possible.

Once we hit the point where releases were at 3x speed and global exclusive content was reduced to near nothing I dropped it.
not like there was anything of value to begin with
It's no longer grindy after the autorepeat system.

Instead, they got rid of the grind and proceeded to lose their minds on where to go afterwards. They tried story, then tried new modes and ended up going with powercreep with bosses because that's the only way to really make the money with JRPG IP mobile games.
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I dipped right around the start of the second story when they added a bunch of stuff like the random weapon upgrade system and rotating boss battles that my teams were just way behind the curve for. I was honestly just there to collect Vampire Ladys and some other odd characters like Captain Silver and Tatiana at that point, and between the grind, Romancing difficulty being way above where my units were at, most of my favorites never really being anywhere near good, the writing still being meh, all the different ways to grind, and the acceleration, I just decided enough was enough.
Kinda funny that VL looks absolutely nothing like the RS2 enemy she's supposed to be based on and is for all intents and purposes an OC, but even in mainline games some actual named characters don't even have more than like 2 lines anyway.
honestly, i played it for a year on launch and enjoyed it until i burned myself out on it, but since i've returned to the game i find that the biggest appeal of it is to get the music box currency to unlock songs with and just use the game as a saga music box for mobile devices, i just wish it would install on my tablet but for some reason it's too big even though i have the storage space for it and its 5gb patch it has to do when you run it the first time
>scarecrow doesn't make sweetcrow's face for mightier than the sword
missed opportunity
Ooof Chang is back
I fought him three times and the battle was always the exact same, and I still got loops, so I don't think there's anything special down the line.
It's also a kind of annoying and long fight since the only reliable method of beating him at max BR is having a countertank in Desert Lance and spam Mirrorshade on everyone after you slap Delay Order on him.
honestly my preferred method with any single boss is just a mech with 40kg dumbbell and a lone showstopper that they guard while they pull off ridiculous showstoppers with soloist role and lead spot in speculation, it's just faster, if need be you can take hasten time for that extra 2bp oomph to the showstoppers, especially when you get a bad timeline role and have nothing else TO do really but start chanting hasten time
Guess someone's mad that the three Rean threads this week could not reach triple digits
You can't really do that with the Siugnas version of the Warden of Wrath because he has so much health and shits so much damage it's impossible for your cover mech to survive long enough for you to kill the warden.
I guess you might get extremely lucky with Delay Order but it's not particularly reliable, Bullblock and Absetzen hit for 3K raw so there's no real defensive option other than Mirrorshade, Parry and counters are too risky for this fight unless it's things like Counterfire or something on a weapon that has 40+ guard.
No, it's Chang, he's a mentally ill chink Mihoyo shill from /vmg/, it's not the Trailscucks this time around.
>lowest rated and most expensive SaGa game yet
>the retarded janny was watching over this thread like a hawk and praising the game as the second coming of christ
Oof, this didn't pan out so good huh? Reminder that Musashi was released on the same day, got higher userscores, and outsold it, but the janny wouldn't allow threads for it here because the competition made him assmad. And before the schizophrenia begins, this is my one and only post in the thread and the only post I will be making. Just wanted to remind how shit you people are and how shit you've made this board.
i am glad that you are so unhappy, truly
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>>lowest rated and most expensive SaGa game yet
Both blatantly false
>>the retarded janny
The useless janny isn't doing anything and he doesn't care about this series or the board as a whole, otherwise he would have deleted your systematic shitposting that has been punctually reported and ignored, I also don't see why you're trying to rile people up in here about Megaton Musashi of all things.
>before the schizophrenia begins
It already begun long ago with you and your incessant, unhealthy obsession with these games and their community, I'd tell you to take a good hard look in the mirror and think who's actually ruining shit here but it's pointless to reason with somebody who's quite clearly mentally ill and isn't tardwrangled irl as he should.
It ended up being just another /ffg/ schizo namefag who hates Final Fantasy so much it turns into an obsession of shitting on anything Square Enix.

What is seriously wrong with FF fans nowadays?
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I feel silly asking this being 60+ hours in but is Reverse Delta in this game?
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Yeah, it's the ultimate tech for the axe tree, it's Impact Divide>Hell's Fury>Four Season>Reverse Delta.
Works more or less like Reverse Delta in Scarlet Grace, strong slash attack that pushes you forward in the timeline.
I really hope they keep patching this game and rebalance monsters for postgame content because they fall off to shit so hard and become completely redundant to mechs.
>I really hope they keep patching this game and rebalance monsters for postgame content
90% not gonna happen bro, they never made anything like that for the other games.
Mechs also can't do a lot of shit monsters can do, there's very little overlap and using relics on mechs to turn them into monsters-lite is not particularly wise either because you're gimping them hard statistically, not to mention monster relics have the same problem as guns in that they do not give you a guard stance and mechs suffer tremendously from this.
I really do not understand why you can't get shit like a monster's cover skill though, it's completely nonsensical and gimps playable monsters incredibly hard, I get not being able to use things like Welcome Dance but monsters being unable to cover other party members is really puzzling considering they can as enemies and they gave them a shitload of counters and interrupts to begin with, being unable to get the brokenass chase tech of Megawhale Servants is stupid too.
>finally able to handily take out every notus, ishtar, gyronny, earth dragon, whatever else the door of combat throws at me
game is amazing, i love puzzles
nta but as a person coming off the back of nightmare monster playthroughs (now at max BR)
>Mechs also can't do a lot of shit monsters can do
The only thing they can't do is cast magic and guard with monster skills (unless you're on Diva's playthrough, then you can just use Wednesdays sword. Is 100 less hp, 6 to 8 less resistances, and 3-6 less stats worth taking 32% less damage with a monster skill? Yes.)

> there's very little overlap
Good relics are EXTREMELY limited, Monsters fight to the death over the 2 good ones;
The Sealed Deity's Insignia (which is also coincidentally a good mech item owining to 140HP 10 all resistance, + stats + monster stat absorption bonus) and Djinn's Belt (less good but still usable without gimping a mech). Everything afterwards is the best a monster can get but still sucks and is unusable on the mech.

Neither of them can justifiably hold full relic slots, monsters due to only Kina and Imakoo having anything approaching reasonable resistances in spite of that (which are still terrible) and Mechs due to the stat demerit.
But there's other things;
>No monster is as good as inflicting ailments with monster abilities as Diva and Wednesday.
>lack of even an ability to change slots means your claw abilities are essentially locked in come end game bridge shenanigans which really fucking sucks when it comes to adapting them to specific sensei trials
>low power aoe offerings outside of magic
Bigger issue being that only the blobs make good mages and the worst human mage can deal far more damage than the second best monster mage AND take less damage while channeling.
>Far inferior resistances compared to mechs
>Rigid absorption system makes changing skills for scale (such as being at the end of the playthrough and running through sensei's trials) either outright impossible (dependent on abilities you want) or extremely time consuming (cycling for "harder" fights when you're not Mido)
>Mechs being configured in a way to take as much damage to the face as a monster does to a block
>outright near total status immunity
>no protect
>only one taunt
>Far limited gearing options due to gearing items being reset after a playthrough.

If you removed that last one alone monsters would be significantly better

Also surprisingly little specialization on mechs compared to mages. Kina and Imakoo are virtually interchangable (and due to poor relic options, literally are). So are the cats excluding hiss who is the only monster with an aggro manip role.
Compared to mechs: Gold gets +4 timeline manip
Sarab; flying, 60% quell, stealth
BX10-EX is combo cheerleader
Simon aerial melee attacks, cosmic rave
Minstrel immune to mech stun
And then there's Diva...
There's also funnier things. Like on the second turn any mech that can taunt and has taunted in a particular setup can become outright immune to boss damage for 11 turns under their own power due to Gilding being able to be used in setups that still give the mech top priority. It can be VERY silly to just casually go on auto-pilot by turn 3.

Monsters seem exclusively balanced for low BR/new playthroughs. At that point the resistances don't matter as much (given they'll still be able to tie humans) ailments won't be that big of a demerit (due to full party immunity through items not being possible yet), you won't have 5 wave/swells, the Ur-mage known as Ameya, and incoming damage will be manageable for them and not (if they're hit 2-3 times by literally anything the ones without the good relics fucking die).
Honestly I think the bigger thing is how monsters effectively have diminishing return after as little as 1 of them due to relic availability.
Ailment Resistances and (most) immunities can be handled with air wall. But there's still just the sheer stat difference that can only be made up with late-game grinding. You could take your hit to resistance and use accessories for ailments (but this takes things like the cats into 1 to 3 tap range).
Due to how absorption works, there's also very little incentive to continue doing so once you understand the system and have your abilities. Not due to a lack of expansion of tactical advantages mind you. Mostly due to a severe hit to opportunity vs time reward.

And making them all mages (which I did) comes with the reality that the worst human mage is still nearly twice as good as any non blob casting monster.

Or put more succinctly, now that I've done (nearly) every challenge available to them I can finally parse my thoughts and feelings.
They're kinda bad.
I wish they had added a cut Conqueror interlude in the Remaster so we could actually get some context and background to the main villain of the game. Or not to make desert tower an easily missable dungeon that also held context and background for the other main villain.
But yeah, TLR has so many characters that you can make multiple scenarios and even factions. Add tooltips for jobs's abilities, some sort of movement control in combat (flanking is a job ability), add ranged weapons and unarmed combat, and you have a juicy game right there.
>The only thing they can't do is cast magic and guard with monster skills
That's not exactly minor considering all the things you can do with that stuff.
Mechs are also severely lacking in conditionals, they have exactly one of each type which is super limited compared to monsters who get multiple interrupts, multiple counters some of which like Break Guard are extremely fucking good and overall they're still heavily limited because outside of Wednesday's Fragarach you're losing access to guard stance, which is not a good trade even if you buff your mechs to death with their programs, using relics does give you much needed variety in an otherwise lackluster toolkit, but mechs are fundamentally designed to fulfill different niches, and resistance wise they're not really better off than monsters outside of being immune to most statuses that aren't Mech Stun/Paralysis, to which you also have nearly zero native defenses that aren't tied to in-battle buffs, which also sucks because things like Magnetic Smash or Logic Bomb are a bitch.
>Good relics are EXTREMELY limited
Yeah, this is a massive issue, admittedly that's only a thing for Bonnie and Formina but that too hints that full monster teams were never a priority so they still got the shortest straw all along like in the previous entries.
Though even if they did double the amount of relics you could get it still wouldn't solve the inherent problem of all of them outside of the Fragarach not giving you a guard stance, which is what I consider the single biggest hurdle in this system, you NEED to have a guard stance because at some point you will start carrying over BR and Max BR doesn't fuck around, Sensei's Trials and Beyond One World/Diverse Heavens make that even more mandatory.

Really, just give them proprietary, inherent guard stance on skills, more relics and less stupid discrimination on which monster skills you can get or not, especially werewolves' Protect, and they'll be much, much better.
Someone was asking about moonlight, you get it by trading dayblade
Shit, you're telling me I have to make another Hatman run just to get a spare Dayblade?
It's so obvious in hindsight too, I really should try out weird trades a bit more.
and emperor's crown is gotten how?
Why the fuck did they do this? I don't even know how to consistently get Final Emperor.
>That's not exactly minor considering all the things you can do with that stuff.
Magic is indeed not minor but casting a magic spell drags you right back to "why aren't you using a human".
>resistance wise they're not better off than monsters
Do you mean in regards to attributes? A cat with the best in slot selection ends the game with 38s and one 50. A mech will end the game in the 60s with multiple 80s. In regards to ailments wind wall takes substantially more time to come online than Self-Defense Program.

Diva herself only requires Protection pack 2 to take her to 30% and gets a 15+ to magic resistance. When I say that a mech can take a hit to the face equivalent to strength to what a monster eats when they guard, this is what I'm talking about.

>Beyond Diverse
What makes this fucked is that boss having unblockables. If your monster isn't being constantly covered it's going to eat shit; 30% with capped (for a monster) out resistances and a monster can still hold over 200-300 minimum from instant fucking aqua sphere. Humans don't eat that, they can crank their elementals to 90s. Mechs don't, they're in the 80s + 30% defense they gave themselves. Then there's the eternal issue of not having protects, emerald union is no fucking joke. At 30% MA/ 30% Atk malus and a 30% buffs monsters still fucking get absolutely annihilated by the third one. A full team of Humans, Vamps, and Mechs don't have these issues.

I mention relics at a demerit but not every monster gets saved. You're not getting "that" much even with 3 sealed's
Cats start with 18s and 1 33
3 Sealeds take them to 48 and 1 63. Not bad but still worse than humans and mechs.
Blobs, bug, and dog are in a much better state with 3 sealeds. Bug would end with like 112 pierce, 54 slash and 48 blunt and 54's in all elements. That's not bad.

And...! wait... Goodness gracious I realized now I've done way too fucking many monster runs that I can close my eyes and literally visualize their stat spreads.
What Relic carry over would do is offer more tactical flexibility even though you'd still be cucked depending on what you put on your claws. Slash counter and you're fighting a kraken? So sorry kiddo, don't attack from that direction anymore.
I'll add that these worst thing has to be watching my autistically trained up cats get fucking 3 tapped on those stupid ass trials. Completely resistant to any and all strategy other than hoping they don't get targeted before I finish setting up by turn 3.

They're not as frustratingly head bangingly difficult to use as FFL. But they certainly don't feel as good in that game once you get a couple of playthroughs under your belt and start routing through the few dozen permutations that are worth a damn.
>"why aren't you using a human".
Because it's an RPG and sometimes I do not want to use a human and prefer playing with monsters' mechanics, winning isn't important, it's how you get there that's fun.
>A cat with the best in slot selection ends the game with 38s and one 50.
True, but you also have people like Kina who have skewed defenses here and there like his enourmous Pierce defense, not saying they couldn't be balanced better, this is one reason why it sucks not having monster forms because you're hard locked to a resistance set that can't be meaningfully customized and more often than not it's only good for a vanilla run, which is against the spirit of this particular entry.
Not to mention, mechs do end up having better resistances, but require a lot more resource investment since they're tied to equipment, and they really don't get much in the way of actual resistances until several cycles in where you can rock fully upgraded equipment and/or strong unique items like a Lohengrin+2 or a Magellanica, mechs do win out in the long run but that's kind of its own situation that opens up many questions that aren't purely limited to monsters vs mechs scenarios as the hardest content in the game is exceedingly human biased.
>Then there's the eternal issue of not having protects, emerald union is no fucking joke.
Yeah, this is something that really riles me up as well because how you actually measure up against that varies A LOT on who you're playing as.
Siugnas has it easy because he can just rely on his brokenass Sanguine Gear that makes him a demigod, add some OD% boosters with certain weapon selections+Leading The People and you're looking at him instantly giving EVERYONE 30%+ ATK and probably triggering two ODs every single round, meaning you can outrun the Emeral Union clock pretty handily, everyone else is much worse off because they can't rely on anything as powerful as that, even with Siugnas as a party member since he's gimped by his 9LP pool.
This is why I've been saying that I want to move on from the current system.
Yes, it might be arguably more "strategic" and tight than what we had before, but it ends up too strict in terms of what is viable and what isn't especially when it comes to harder content, it kills the RPG side of the games when there's simply one or two objectively correct solutions and everything else is either wrong or horribly subpar, it doesn't feel like I'm making a team and roleplaying, it's more like a series of tests on whether I know what they wanted me to do on certain encounters or not and if I choose something that isn't the intended solution I get fucked for no good reason.
This is an even bigger issues in this game because races, by definition, cannot work by the same rules and cannot be too similar in what they do, otherwise what would even be the point of having them?
Such a system that is focused on very strict strategy doesn't really work well around that side of roleplaying, granted, some of the issues that are there such as the weird restrictions on monster skills available to us and how relics are handled are not directly related to the system's nature, they're just mistakes that could be easily fixed, but when you look at the big picture it's hard to make all the races viable in all possible configurations, the game is simply not designed for that sort of stuff at a basic level, from the fact that recruiting is way more convoluted to the basic battle mechanics.

Which I guess it's okay if you consider how this game really wants you to go with the flow rather than making long term plans, but it's hard to reconcile it with what we used to do in previous entries, and it's especially hard to accept when engaging with the hardest content in the game.
On one hand it's good to have genuinely well thought out battle mechanics that make you think every single round, on the other hand some inherent limitations of this systems are extremely unfun.
This game is probably the worst game Kawazu has ever made. Anyone who likes this mobile game UI menu simulator has some serious mental illness or really bad stockholm. I seriously lost respect for Kawazu and think he is now worse than even Nomura
Which is weird, because Nomura got all of those SaGa devs to work with him on Versus XIII because they knew how to make combat work with multiple weapon types that wasn't just a blunt sword.
>did not play Scarlet Grace the post
i love scarlet grace
Quite literally nobody asked for a Scarlet Grace sequel. Reviews are already mixed in Japan too with loss of confidence. Being second last is worse when everyone wanted an actual Romancing SaGa instead of this mobile travesty. Where is the 2DHD pixel artists and why is Kawazu not able to get them to make his game more presentable? Unacceptable
It's not a Scarlet Grace sequel, Scarlet Grace was also well received by fans
>Reviews are already mixed in Japan too with loss of confidence.
Reviews have always been mixed, Famitsu gave Romancing SaGa 2 a 24 back in the days, reviews are fucking meaningless and you keep outing yourself as a poor shitposter and a massive mental midget
>everyone wanted an actual Romancing SaGa instead of this mobile travesty
Who is this everyone and why did all those people refuse to buy games like Minstrel Song, which also got extremely mixed reviews?
>Where is the 2DHD pixel artists
Making shovelware that has nothing to do with this series.
>Stockholm Syndrome the post
Enjoy your garbage when this shows Square Enix as being incompetent
Oh I am actually enjoying things, unlike sociopaths like you who are wasting your life in here trying to rile up complete strangers about things you don't care about and are frankly too mentally challenged to even understand
>nobody asked for a Scarlet Grace sequel
wrong, i did
>t. professional nonsense writer
Only thing riled up is you when being told that your game fucking sucks shit and is mobile menu nonsense
i don't know what that guy is talking about with 300 elemental crystals -> 200 other elemental crystals thing, when i ship 300 crystals i only get offered 50 other crystals, it's only when i ship 400 crystals that i get the 200 other crystals offer, something is up with this disparity in the trading mechanics and i suspect it's MC-related
You haven't even played this game and as I said, you're not intelligent enough to afford it, just like how you're not intelligent enough to shitpost and sage your own posts instead of giving these threads free bumps
I also honestly doubt whatever dumpster fires you like have high production values, not like you even have the balls to tell what games we should buy and play anyway since you play none
I am waiting for Dragon Quest 3 2DHD to show you retards how a real JRPG should be. The only thing that is disingenuously anti-intellectual is you, retarded shill, who thinks this game even invites intellectual gameplay when all it does is invite RNG after RNG bullshit that goes absolutely nowhere at the end boss while you trade and trade until the end of time.
Again, stockholm syndrome and brain issue. I suggest you get your brain checked before shilling for anything Square Enix related ever again
>I suggest you get your brain checked before shilling for anything Square Enix related ever again
He says, while shilling for another Square Enix game. as I said, you're too stupid to post in here and also too stupid to incite infighting, neck yourself
i think this rpg rivalry angle is pretty stupid, different rpgs cater to different audiences, there is no one rpg to rule them all, i don't give a fuck about most other rpg franchises and even the scant few that i do, it's generally only limited entries, and if someone is mad that i like saga, then good, i don't care
Still does not prove that EB is a good game. It is terrible, one of the worst things Square has ever made and proof that Kawazu should be ashamed of himself.
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The simple fact that it mindbroke you this hard proves that it's an excellent game
Keep talking your magic words, professional essay writer. Nobody had fun with the combat. Nobody.

Even Final Fantasy XVI had more RPG mechanics than this visual novel mobile nonsense. Further every quality feature like restarting eats away at your LP for some stupid retard reason.

Final boss also is shit in balancing. Everything past mid game is balanced as shit. Everyone who ACTUALLY PLAYS the game knows this.

What is wrong with you, shill? Do you actually play games? How do you find this even fun? Only ones who likes this bullshit are ones with stockholm syndrome. They could have made a SNES RS3 era game and everyone would love it but no it has to be this Unity engine poorly budgeted nonsense.
>retard stops posting
Goes to show you talking to a emerald beyond loving clown is as much of a waste of time as playing potentially the worst SaGa game ever made but what is expected of Square Enix? Good job, retarded nips. You ruined everything good.
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>Nobody had fun with the combat. Nobody.
Even the most embittered reviewers admit the combat in particular is top notch though.
>Even Final Fantasy XVI had more RPG mechanics than this visual novel mobile nonsense.
FFXVI is a shitty action game where you can't even do something as simply as changing Clive's weapons, it is less of an RPG than random Gacha out there, throwing buzzwords around like that further exposes your true nature as a shitposter
>Further every quality feature like restarting eats away at your LP for some stupid retard reason.
Heaven forbid a game gives you a slight slap on the wrist for being retarded, something that existed since Minstrel Song anyway, Romancing SaGa 3 also permakilled party members regardless of their LPs but I don't see you complain about that, well, you should have actually played that to know, I guess
>Final boss also is shit in balancing. Everything past mid game is balanced as shit. Everyone who ACTUALLY PLAYS the game knows this.
Nobody who actually played the game says that though, BR in particular is probably the best it's ever been in the series, if you're having troubles with finishing the game you're just stupid.
>Do you actually play games?
I do, I play many in fact, do feel free to show everyone here how much you played this game since you're so eager to shitpost in here, I do expect you to come up with actual facts rather just giving us free bumps like the monkey you are
>Stockholm Syndrome the post part 2
Only thing stupid is you justifying this waste of time like how that awful gacha has powercrept so hard everything in this shit series is dead
Whatever you say, Chang
The only Chang here is the one who thinks this mobile game UI is tolerable, Jimbo
Sure sure, keep bumping the thread for me, I do thank you for being the useful idiot you are, only a complete clown would think behaving like a clueless idiot and getting exposed countless times is making these games look bad
>Jimbo melty
Oh no! Schizo needs straightjacket!
>stalking this badly after being blown out
Stockholm Syndrome part 3
sorry, i'm too busy playing saga emerald beyond to obsessively hawk over the thread to respond to you the moment you post anything, the game is a lot of fun, you should try having fun sometime
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I know SaGa games are meant to be heavily complex mechanics-wise, but this was a mistake.
Panels are the best building system in the series by far, it's such a shame Kawazu didn't take some time to polish the concept and fix the issues it had in Unlimited like he did for some other games.
Hopefully the Unlimited remake will do it to some extent, it's an absolutely brilliant system brought down by a couple of critical flaws and some wasted potential, it's not even particularly hard to get or use.
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Cinq guys are pretty fun
I've been waiting for that Unlimited announcement, but we probably won't be getting that before Frontier 2. I should just play it again now. It has such great ideas, but yeah, it really needs some adjustments like not making it feel like you're wasting precious resources using things like diplomacy to avoid encounters that (I believe) ultimately stunt your HP growth for most of the protags' finite quest selections. Sure, you can grind it out a bit in the final quest if you need to but that feels more like a bandaid.
another thing that isn't explicitly stated or explained anywhere, combo range increase buff turns dotted line combo squares into a green combo square
i have yet to play ameya's scenarios at all, but just from her in-battle quotes and how she appears, i suspect her of actually being a golem and either she doesn't know it or does know it and of course doesn't care because she's a golem, but something about her is just so uncanny, and soulless in a doll-like fashion, it's like it APPEARS like the lights are on but obviously nobody is actually home, or maybe that's just how witches just are, all of them are bizarre and otherhumanly in some way or another
>it's like it APPEARS like the lights are on but obviously nobody is actually home, or maybe that's just how witches just are
There's a plot point about that that you'll see in one of Ameya's extended endings with the Gray Witch, other MCs like Siugnas also notice that, witches in general are sort of their own thing and are fairly different from normal human beings because they're excessively egothistic by nature and are unable to think about long term consequences.
Pulchra as a society is fairly deranged as well
>Witches basically kidnap men to fuck and have daughters with, then after the deed is done they make them fuck off and raise their daughters without them
>Squires are literally magically castrated people who are treated as literal pariahs and aren't even given a name, they're referred to through barcodes and segregated in a small, separated slum village
>Squires have no rights and whatever order they get from a witch is imperative, even if it contradicts other witches' orders, Red Squire's quest is all about that, Kato himself not so secretly really fucking hates Pulchra
>Archwitch knows a lot of shit about the calamity but obviously doesn't tell you anything, the Gray Witch is a fullblown sociopath that is even worse than the other five sages
Ameya is a relatively well adjusted and decent person compared to other witches, even Lita comes across as inhuman in certain parts of the game, Ameya's still a part of Pulchra's system but she's a bit less indoctrinated, probably because it turns out she's a Watcher in her own continuity and eventually gets exiled forever if you do things right
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>mixed reviews
So considering it's probably only the hardcore SaGa fans playing this game in the west... what went wrong? Why is the community split over the newest game?

I've only played RS3 and SaGa Frontier. Enjoyed both of those so was looking at the new game, but now I'm hesitating on purchasing.
Literally just people being filtered and not understanding the game, complaining about lack of traditional JRPG padding such as NPCs and set piece towns
Mechanically, it's like Scarlet Grace had a baby with Frontier. I found Scarlet Grace a little hard to get into, but I love Frontier. Emerald Beyond has delivered a top tier battle system by hybridizing the two.
>what went wrong
its a phone game
>So considering it's probably only the hardcore SaGa fans playing this game in the west
The hardcore fans don't complain about anything other than the shitty UI design, it's only the filthy casuals who simply don't get it, which is the same as the other games.
The hardcore fans also don't bother with Steam forums or the other functions because it's a cesspool and honestly we're tired of questions like these anyway, it's always the same shit.
If you read the reviews you'll actually see who's an idiot and who actually knows what they're talking about anyway.
>I've only played RS3 and SaGa Frontier.
The game structure is nothing like those games so I can't say whether you'd like it or not, the setting is kinda, sorta like Frontier but it's actually way closer to the gameboy games, in that sense if you liked Frontier you'll probably like EB, there's quite a few of Frontier references too.
Gameplay wise it's almost nothing like those games outside of the basic mechanics like sparking and most growth systems, but even there the actual ins and outs are different, it's way more complex than either of those games and a lot more demanding in general, if you have any specific question ask away though
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>already maxed out Trial Rank
>only Rank 7 Trading
I don't wanna do this anymore, fucking hell. What the fuck were they thinking?!
8 is the last trading rank
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>The hardcore fans don't complain about anything other than the shitty UI design, it's only the filthy casuals who simply don't get it, which is the same as the other games.
That doesn't seem to case from the reviews I'm reading and the threads I see on the reddit page. The reviews for SaGa games on steam are mostly positive except for Emerald Beyond. Doesn't seem like a "normie" problem.
Filtered, simple as
Emerald Beyond is peak SaGa IMO
At Rank 7 you get constant high trade ranks for Obsidian or +2 stuff that gives you 7-9 EXP per trade so it's not that bad if you actually manage to curb the hoarder mindset and take the plunge, it took me like...two runs to go from Rank 7 to 8 by trading semi regularly.
If you actually play those games none of those people know what they're talking about, if you seriously think people that have played the game for less than 100 hours, let alone one fucking hour and call themselves fans of the series are anything but retards than it's your personal issue, either that or you're just trolling
aside from Saga 2 on GB which I loved, and a bit of RS 3, Emerald Beyond is my first proper Saga game and I knew full well what I was getting into. I'm playing blind, completed Ameya story and going through Tsunanori story and so far I am having a blast with the characters and the battle system. My only complaint so far is that the menus are a bit annoying to use but that's more of a nitpick
The reason why half of them even bitch is because of the $50 price tag and their obsessive hatred of Square Enix that has escalated to everything that wasn't the fault of SaGa. If Scarlet Grace was released with $50 it would have been eviscerated on the spot too.
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The funniest part is most of the boomers claim that they should just remake RS2 or RS3 in 2DHD but do not know most people would fucking hate RS2 and RS3 because of how cryptic the games are compared to SG or EB.
>RS2 or RS3 in 2DHD
>2DHD without budget
It already looks ugly as shit, but now you want to make it even uglier? Actual retards
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SSG originally was priced at 50 bucks on Vita, Ambitions was an exception to the rule because it was an expanded port so the price was slashed to 30 baseline, which is fairly honest considering Ambitions did change and fix a lot of shit and also added some more content, including voice acting.
I have no idea why some people are so riled up about the pricetag when the shit they praise so much like Asano's games costs just as much and has a fraction of the effort put into it, let alone the content, I have no idea why these so called "old fans" are so outraged about this game following the minimalist style the series used since Unlimited came out, as if SSG wasn't a thing either, it all feels so absurd to me and have my fair share of criticism for both SSG and EB.
Why do you still like SaGa after all this time? What's the special sauce?

t. never played them
I'm really, really bad at understanding systems and this makes me feel smart
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tl:dr; cool stories, characters and settings that actually feel lived in and alive, very nice mechanics and also one of the few longrunning series that are actually experimental and unique in many ways to this day.
I'm sure it doesn't say much to you but that's how I feel about these games, they're fairly love or hate since they're so unusual and don't really play by the rules, the only way to understand them is to actually play them, they're chinese boxes that you can only truly figure out and appreciate by playing them over and over and decoding them.
Open world jrpg that is light on story. At least the older titles.

Newest game is just a visual novel. Probably the easiest game for jrpg fans who want a completely handheld linear experience.
Why do you pretend you know anything about these games?
Why are you people in denial trying to pretend this isn't the most railroaded experience in the series? Yes, even SaGa 1/2 had more freedom.

If you like the game that's fine, just don't try to pretend this isn't a glorified visual novel.
>0.9 hours
Meh, hardly think that wall of text is warranted when they probably barely understand the game.
>Yes, even SaGa 1/2 had more freedom.
Ah yes, SaGa 1 or 2 totally had more freedom than a game with multiple main characters, multiple routes for each of their worlds and completely modular progression, multiple endings etc.
There's more freedom of progression in a single world in EB than the entire GB trilogy, if you actually played any of those games you'd know, but no, you have to insist on this clown show.
man saga did not age well
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>SaGa 1/2 can create your party from the start
>MS / SF / RS3 freedom to explore the world and recruit whomever after the intro sequence

>EB, railroaded experience where you might get a new party member once every two hours
Wowweee so much freeeeedoommmmmmm
They did okay with Scarlet Grace and real well with the gacha game. But with Japanese players also shitting on the new game I wouldn't be surprised if SaGa dies a second death.
Many are shitting on it because the graphics fucking suck. It's a square issue but it has always been a square issue so they might as well put money where their mouth is and finally start killing AA starting with this mobile game UI having backwards Stockholm simulator
even the menus provide less of a headache compared to SaGa
if this is a celebration of the series you might as well kill it now LOL
retards acting like muh experimentation when the experiment failed decades ago when actual games like chrono trigger and final fantasy vii shows how you actually do it
gacha devs = gacha quality = gacha game = DO NOT PLAY
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Reminder, even the Japanese are shitting on the new game
each one is different, even remakes and remasters of remakes differ from the originals, the turn-based jrpg combat is the best in the genre, the music is great, the character designs and overall atmospheres and vibes and aesthetics are on point, the stories are impactful (pretty sure saga 1 was the one that began the killing god jrpg trope, and saga 2 and 3 kind if continued it but in those games the "god" you kill wants a fight to the death whereas in saga 1 god is caught by surprise by the willingness of the party to fight him) and because it's comfortable, i know what to expect from a saga game, conversely i don't know what to expect from a kiseki game other than being an incredibly overglorified dating sim visual novel with a jrpg hastily tacked on last minute and that every single entry in the cursed legend of heroes franchise are the worst most bland milquetoast run of the mill middle of the road middling fucking boring ass jrpgs in the history of man, bar none
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>Clutched out the Phase 2 Final Boss in B&F story with a pixel health remaining with pic related right before work
I was about to go to work SOOOO mad until I got the extra glimmer at the end of the showstopper to trigger

>At 43 hours and this is only the second story/character I've beaten.
Why am I so behind? It doesn't feel like I'm doing anything out of the ordinary but it's like people here are already on like their 5 or 6th playthrough in the same amount of time.
Some people don't have jobs lel
And they probably started with the shorter scenarios
i'm hundreds of hours in and i'm only towards the end of my 3rd diva playthrough, i could probably easily finish and do beyond one world if i get the ticket, but i still want to get things from trading and i still want to tech up my recruitables (dolores, ivar, nahoj) while i have them
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>Chang at it again
It's really, really sad how you still think you're somehow killing these threads by samefagging and trying to sell a distorted narrative that everybody hates the game when you can find plenty of praise for it, especially from old fans in japan, the positive reviews on steam alone outnumber the negative ones 3 to 1, I can find you several JP blogs or magazine articles that have nothing but praise for the game.
The only thing you're doing is parading your mental illness around this place, especially by spamming your endlessly copypasted shitposts.
All I'm gonna say is that I'm very glad I played Diva before Bonnie & Formia
I used Cheat Engine to speed up the game. Otherwise I probably would have quit after the 3rd playthrough due to the slow UI.
i don't mind the slow ui, i find it helps break up the time spent in battles, which was the one thing about scarlet grace, at least for me, i would just take battle after battle after battle nonstop and there was rarely a reason not to and no end of recruits to grind up, so i would just be in the battle screen 90% of the time, which is fine but it gets monotonous
>play on PC
>start using the mouse
>it's actually great
Being able to click stuff in the timeline directly is amazing
Try it if you haven't already
Strategy guide comes out in a couple days so the JP wikis will finally unlock all the secrets of Kawazu's Wild Ride.
Don't really agree on that, being sluggish is never a good thing, the main menu in particular doesn't even suffer from being slow but from being needlessly convoluted, especially the trading section.
I think the worlds having a more clear cut set of gimmicks for navigation and progression helps breaking the monotony a lot though, SSG's main issue was that they didn't really do much with the world map in terms of navigation mechanics, progression was more open ended but it was still just running from one point of interest to another, EB's worlds act like pseudo-dungeons where you have a set of rules to follow, like the triangle puzzles in Vermiglio, the pseudo wargame progression in Brighthome and Pulchra, Avalon's monopoly progression or the weird Q-Bert layout of Great Tree, unlike SSG where for the most part you'd just arrange a simple quest order outside of a couple of places like Cerenaif where order actually mattered.
>still like SaGa after all this time?
i haven't played one since beating Romancing Saga 3 and Saga 1 i think.

it's mostly nostalgia and the fact that other RPGs of Saga's /vr/ golden age were mostly simple ass , when not kinda autistical and unfun with DnD 2nd Edition rules or worse.
>games like chrono trigger and final fantasy vii shows how you actually do it
why are you even here? go buy ads for FF7 remake flop.
>I think the worlds having a more clear cut set of gimmicks for navigation and progression helps breaking the monotony a lot though
the thing is, that isn't the case when you grinding doors of combat in the junction, but instead you have to zip back and forth between the door and the trading drum and spend time trading
well, you don't necessarily have to, but you have every incentive to, and trading rewards being one at a time further extends the time between fights in the junction
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Picked up the Minstrel Song Remaster since it was on sale. Found out that there's a bug that lets you swap locked equipment, and now I'm tempted to run with the generic Amazon and Sorceress and their cool animations now that one of their bigger weaknesses - crappy gear - is easily fixable.
>emerald beyond so awful it killed imperial saga
>reuniverse is next
lol GG
>90% positive reviews on steam
>versus a visual novel with a pathetic 60% on steam
you wish ""flop"" loving tranny
Doesn't answer why a third of the posts in this topic are your pathetic whining about something you could simply ignore, but instead waste hours of your time whining about
Just do anything else with your life instead and it'd be better for you and everyone having to slog through this shit
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Just hide and report him, it's been literally over three years since he's doing this shit on /vmg/ on an almost daily basis, and with EB he's starting to doing this on other boards too.
He's desperate to stop any sort of discussion about these games, which is why he pumps this sort of really pathetic demoralization shitposting every single day.
M8. Let me put this as succinctly as possible. Stop.

You're shitting up the thread just as much as he is. You're not "winning" an arguement or making a point, you're helping him do what he wants to do, which is shit up the thread.
That righteous indignation that some guy said something bad about thing you like is fucking everything up.

Don't even respond to this message. I won't see it. I'll have hidden it like you should have hidden the mental case.
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Dengeki popularity polls:
1) Diva N.5
2) Siugnas
3) Tsunanori Mido
4) Shinobu Kato
5) Ameya Aisling
6) Warrior
7) Dolores
8) LoLo
9) Wednesday
10) Formina Franklin

>Favorite Tech/Spell:
1) Scattered Petals
2) Mightier than the Sword
3) Brusque Slice
4) Flowing Slash
5) Hell's Fury
6) Guanying
7) Sparkling Mist
8) Water Cannon
9) Vermilion Sands
10) Lifesprinkler

based Diva topping both lists
Surprised Airwave isn't higher up, that was my bread and butter in multiple playthroughs lmao
The SaGa browser games only stay alive about 5-ish years, anyway.
>Bonnie didn't even make the list
Japs and their shit taste
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Bonnie was actually 11 right behind Formina, Formina got in the top 10 because she's cuter and people like her girly personality more according to the Dengeki poll, overall there's some funny details
>Qu Magis and based Market Man apparently received a lot of votes and were pretty close to the top 10
>Most popular mech outside of Diva is Administrator Gold
>Philosopher is the second most popular Brighthome boy after Warrior
>Boh is the most popular Kugutsu
>Red Division Chief received the most votes of all the Delta Base division chiefs
>Seems monsters in general received a lot of votes, that includes enemy monsters too
Airwave/swell are so stupidly strong that I had to stop using them.
The BP to damage ratio is actually just insane.

>Warrior #6
#free warrior
I want him on B&F
I like how they're confused/amazed that Market Man got nearly as many votes as Mags did, and that there's such a big gap between Diva and Siugnas.
for me, it's green division chief
Ah, an M-preg enthusiast I see
nah, i just like her broodingness and being the straight-man to qu magis's doofus role
now that i think about it, it's strange how only qu magis actually has a name, everyone else in delta base is x division <something>, is it because she's too dumb to hold a title or is she the only actual human in the base and everyone else is a vat-grown lab-human?
ISEC was already an animated corpse once the main story ended one year ago.
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Bean, Shi Kat and the other minor characters all have a name, only the overseers are referred to by their title.
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yeah the miyako city theme is a vibe, i think union city also uses it? the song wouldn't have been out of place in the pso 1 soundtrack
for me, it's kamala's theme
The character themes really should've been more rare. Sometimes I would sit at the start of the world just so I could hear the world theme before the character ones took over.
Could've made a unique theme for each world, that would have been a nice start. But it's hard to strike a good balance between thematic world/event themes and the main character's theme due to the game's structure; during the demo I was convinced that Diva's theme WAS the Delta Base theme until I went to Grelon. For instance, in Minstrel Song each town and dungeon has its own theme, while "overworld" areas tend to have the character's theme song playing instead, which works alright. But Emerald Beyond's structure doesn't distinguish between towns, dungeons, or fields; they're all map markers that you maybe interact with as part of the CYOA system but don't dwell on.

I suppose they could have retooled the character songs to battle themes, like how Ameya has her own goofy track, but it's still not a clean solution.
ok, i think the real "that thing" about this game is the way it "previews" techs and their targets just before they go off with a camera pan that has usually all the characters involved, aside for all-attacks, but like, just before someone does a tech that triggers an interrupt it will pan from the target character in the extreme foreground, past them and the interrupter in the background, to the user of the tech, which then goes off and then triggers the interrupt, each with their own camera angles and seemingly random arrangement of any characters in the field that might appear in the background while the techs are going off, including their corpses lying there on the ground, which is especially funny with dead golden baums
it's strange, i didn't mind the mc themes in scarlet grace, my issue is these worlds have such cool themes that you often only hear during events
Character themes in SSG kinda worked because the regions themselves didn't have a theme and instead you'll get something for towns specifically, in this game worlds do have a theme but for some reason the characters' themes will override it every time it's a green door, which is a shame because places like Mare Nostrum or Crowrealm have amazing themes that you'll rarely ever hear outside of world dialogues that are also way too short for those themes to actually shine.
i get mc theme in blue doors too, but i suspect it's because those worlds don't really have themes? cordycep comes to mind off the top of my head
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When you see it...
i don't get it, but it looks almost like the rs2 map, kinda, ish
Looks like you can get infinite oak from trading.
3 magic beast xxx -> 1 great beast xxx -> 2 oak
1 oak -> 3 magic beast xxx
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You missed by one game
ah, walon isle being so big threw me off, made me think it was the volcano island in 2
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so wait, gliding program is better than safety release 2?
also what is everyone's skill that didn't get in? for me, it's submission
I'm mostly sad that bows aren't in at all
No it's dog, I'm just collecting all items in game
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so anyone has it?
>gliding program is better than safety release 2?
Not really, Gilding II is good for provoke tanks because they get guaranteed invincibility for tanking, but you need backups with Safety Program to avoid getting smashed after Gilding wears off since you have a forced Mech Paralysis proc the round after you use it, slap Smart Shot in there for almost guaranteed provoke and you'll make sure bosses will keep wasting multiple rounds trying to kill a mech that takes 0 damage as long as there's another mech in there that can prevent Mech Paralysis.

Safety Release II is for damage purposes, you use it on mechs that are built for damage only, especially considering showstopper strategies, the damage boost that you get get through safety release is fucking insane, especially if you have somebody with Fortification Program II to buff them.
Some guy on the SaGa Discord got it a couple of days ago
Crimson Flare

They copypasted numerous animations from Scarlet Grace but not the one where people fall into the sun in favor of same lame fire tornado?
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>he says this right to the face of a naked robot
Most animations on the player's side are either new or heavily retouched, there's very little that got actually copypasted outside of the returning monsters' animations.
I personally find weird how they didn't include some SaGa Frontier techs that were in SSG, like Rising Nova or Rosario Impale, also very weird how they insist on having so many snake fights in this game but only used the generic eyeless worm model from SSG, SSG had three different snake models ffs.
Is there a best / worst starting character?
Puppet guy and cat magic girl are short and easy playthroughs.
diva is worst
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Diva is unanimously considered the worst possible starter to the point there's already memes about her, only start as her if you got a good grasp of SSG and you don't mind kicks in the balls.
Best starter would be Tsunanori in the sense that you're not gonna have troubles with him at all since his first cycle is babysit mode.
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>this game's animations are bad
Beyond final boss cheese
Interesting exploit, I guess you need to stack OD bonuses through equipment like the Gae Bolg and abuse specific techs/spells with high OD% like Stardust and Gale Blast by having nothing else in your command list, never thought about trying this but it makes sense in theory.
I do wonder if the OD charge is actually meant to work like that past the third OD, seems strange they wouldn't include dynamic scaling for the OD multipliers since this can lead to infinite loops in certain scenarios.
lmfao, brilliant, kawazu mad af
i started with and have so far only played with diva and it has gone pretty swimmingly i'd say, but i started with saga 1, and loved scarlet grace as leonard, so
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>mfw just finished Diva's playthrough
What the fuck? I've heard people said that her ending is really abrupt, but I didn't expect it to be THIS abrupt.
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Sometimes it feels like half of these mechanics are so the devs themselves can be wowed by all the random shit happening on screen from time to time.
Wish this had sound, love when my man Elore explains shit
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It's kino in one way, but everyone wanted to see Constantine get BTFO after all she put Diva through, her second cycle has a slightly more expanded ending.
I miss Vortexes, some of them like Chariot, Dragon and Scissors were really cool, the mechanic is really cool in general especially when you find out they act as prayers for the gods and actively change your alignment
At least she got an ending cutscene unlike Blue
You can actually activate vortex semi-reliably if you know what you're doing, but the element of randomness is always enjoyable
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Finished up Ailing Emperor at ER10. I'm thinking about skipping the Espada for that 10k payout so I can buy even more armor. I've been relying on basic +1 weapons I've scavenged from other recruits up to this point but I dunno if the game will expect me to have better weapons sooner or later.
I hear that some people do vortexes to farm favor to unlock all the endgame locations. And that you need to do a specific one if you want to recruit DK, but that's about all I know about vortexes. So I was pretty surprised that I stumbled into a four character one.
The Espada Ropera is arguably the best rapier in the game, but if you don't plan on using one it's better to get the armor or the money instead.
>I hear that some people do vortexes to farm favor to unlock all the endgame locations.
Yes, since every Vortex gives some favor with the various deities you can spam vortexes to unlock all possible quest endings provided you don't actually start any of them by that point in the game, it's a fairly tedious process though unless you plan around it since the very beginning of the game, going from Neutral to Good/Evil doesn't take that long but going from Good to Evil for instance takes a hell of a lot of grind.

The minimum number of characters to trigger a Vortex is two, although technically you can also do some one man vortexes with Overdrive, Vortexes trigger depending on your formation, the number of characters and the techs you use, after you get the trigger conditions you can proc them pretty reliably since the additional RNG layer to trigger them is minimal, especially because there's also a specific mechanic for Saruin's second phase that rewards the use of Vortexes.
Can't believe that is fucking possible
you may get triggered over vortexes, but it's surges that get my goat, hate when my second wind gets surged into a focus palm which means they got less healing AND didn't get the regeneration buff, and focus palm doesn't even hardly do shit for damage on top of that
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Damn Silver has some high bases for where I'm at.
The armor isn't that great considering that Garal-forged Field Plate effectively only costs a few grand more if you go for the cash payout and can be specialized further. Actual Garal Armor is supposedly better still due to some quirks in the damage calculation, but that 23k price tag is a bit steep. Pretty cool that A'la Melviranna gets to be a relic in The Last Remnant though.
> hate when my second wind gets surged into a focus palm which means they got less healing AND didn't get the regeneration buff
I know that feel
Yeah, RS1/MS in particular get a lot of references with Remnants like the A'la Melvirana, the Obsidian Blade, the Schiavona or the Malystrix.
I guess the Amber Mariche counts as well but that one was originally introduced in SF2.
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Heya SaGachads, did two runs (Siugnas and then B/F), then took a break. Thinking of replaying B/F, is there anything interesting in their story that shows up on second+ playthroughs?

The Minstrel bot also has a song that mentions Galahad and the ice sword, but iirc thats a meme in the japanese community anyway.
For B/F? No not really. The final boss changes and you get a larger number of worlds to go through.
Some worlds will change if you repeat them but that's not B/F exclusive.
Yeah about what i expected, but am curious about final boss changes so i’ll go for that. Not really feeling like doing a new story immediately after my previous break, so i think i’ll do B/F and then finally do Mido.
You get an alternate and cuter ending, and of course you go through different worlds and fight the other version of the final boss.
Also, B&F are one of the MCs like Diva that get an option to skip parts of their openings, at first glance this looks like some QoL stuff but this is actually a specific route choice mechanic on replays, if you choose to skip the opening then you'll enter their alternate route, if you don't skip the opening you'll repeat the standard route.
Bit of a spoiler but this is also how Pulchra works after you go there, Ameya/Lita will ask you if you want to skip the explanation about the Watcher and shit, if you do skip it then the Pulchra continuity stays the same as your NG+ cycling decided, which means whichever internal questline in Pulchra you completed in previous cycles won't reappear.
This is important because if you want to recruit Willma or Red Squire but have already completed their quests in previous runs it means you won't be able to do so, whenever you want to recruit them again you need to listen to the explanation as it will reset Pulchra's world state to neutral, allowing you to retake all of the five quests again as many times as you like.
Oh wow thats actually really good to know, thanks. Havent really been in these threads lately, so i missed a lot of discoveries/development at this point.

SaGa chuds, your response?
>having Bonnie be retarded in Avalon and unable to solve a kid’s puzzle gives me a different character
Damn, sorry Bonnie gonna have to make you act retarded. Sorry, Guinevere i wanna try out this dude even though you are better due to actually having techs/spells from NG+.
Pretty much what you expect, it's a kusoge franchise.
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If you're curious to know, yes this guy is a complete retard
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>Has to look up a guide to figure out a fucking gameboy game
>Drops every single game after barely an hour because he's admittedly too stupid to read what NPCs tell him
>Tries to mindlessly grind his way through the games and get buttblasted even harder
>Thinks he has the right to have an opinion on games he barely played and is admittedly too mentally challenge to figure out
Once again, this series exposes mental midgets, nothing new under the sun
>when agarest war exists
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This fight took waaay too fucking long between all the respawning meat shields, healing, Aegis blocking attacks, and some attacks just randomly doing no damage at all with no block message or anything explaining why. Probably my fault for not spamming AOEs at literally every opportunity to help outpace the heals.
Think I'm gonna recharge Amut's Chalice and then poke the Jewel Beast again in its lair while it's still asleep now that I got most of my team armored up. For the most part it seems manageable, then it suddenly decides to self-combo 5 spells or its basic attacks and nukes a character.
I really gotta buy this when i get the chance
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>One of the first NPC's tells him to visit the guild and recruit more allies
>Leaves town and goes off on his own, then blames the game for not telling him he could recruit more allies when he gets his ass beat
He's getting ripped apart in the comments and he deserves it.
I you see attack animations ending up with no damage message at all it's because you're either hitting immunities or your stats are not high enough to pierce through an enemy's defenses, it's pretty common in early game fights when you're dealing with ghosts or inorganics like slimes, most physical attacks won't do shit to them, Soulgutter is probably one of the more annoying cases of that.
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Nigga didnt even finish the Emerald Beyond demo
How long are EB routes? Was going to start then realized SMT VV is coming out this week. I know I cannot do 2 jrpgs at once.
Some are extremely short, others are longer.
Tsunanori has the shortest scenarios even factoring his NG+ loops, it's only four worlds+Miyako so you can finish a run handily in four hours or so.
Ameya's initial scenario is shorter than Tsunanori, but as you complete quests in Pulchra with the other MCs she gets more and more possible content you can choose, can vary from 2 to 6-8 hours or so.
B&F are medium length, they go through quite a few worlds so it's around 8 hours.
Siugnas has access to both Blue and Green doors so he can alternate between Green and Blue regularly even before getting Direct Warp, his scenario tends to be longer if you don't speedrun through his green doors as a result, say a possible 10+ hours if you really wanna exhaust all possible content.
Diva has the longest campaigns since she's similar to Siugnas, however, she can't speedrun through her green doors as she has a minimum requirement of blue doors to go through before she can access her last green door, so you're looking at a possible 10-15 hours.

In truth the length of a scenario also largely depends on the worlds you go through and what you do in them, Tsunanori or Ameya can completely skip many worlds' contents by going straight to their main quest objectives and ignore a worlds' main questline entirely, certain world routes are longer than others and certain worlds like Cordyceps have a longer scenario at a base level compared to others like Great Tree which can be finished quickly, some worlds like Delta base have minimal fighting while others like Brighthome have lots of fights etc.
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I'm guessing that he might just have resistance to slashing considering that my low Str Sorc with a club seemed to reliably deal damage. But it just felt weird when Gray with his garbage 10 power Walloon Sword and 29 Str was having an easier time dealing damage in the fight than Silver with 39 Str and a 20 power Rosalian Saber, even on turns when I'm not using higher power skills like Blood Rage that Silver hasn't had time to Glimmer.
It's pretty fun whether you go in totally blind or with some assistance. I really like Mardias as a setting now that I've done most of the quests and have started putting the pieces together from the little bits of lore here and there.
That looks more of a visual bug for Aegis procs honestly, Ewei doesn't really have high resistances, especially not physical ones
Yeah last time i played Minstrel Song was a long while ago, and admittedly i wasnt as invested at first as i should of so i dont remember near as much about it, so thats also another excuse to replay it.
I didnt have a bow user then so i am thinking of using that as Claudia, but we shall see.
this is the kind of retarded zoomers who play FFXVI
Small interview with the old man, inb4
Long story short
>Kawazu would like to port the DS remakes of SaGa 2 and 3 to modern platforms but says some redesign in certain areas is in order and there's no concrete plans at the moment
>SaGa Frontier 2 remastered will come out next
>Still no idea what to do with Unlimited, but it's highly likely the battle system will be reworked
>Next mainline will experiment to be more "conventional", whatever this means
There are no concrete plans because the series was cancelled.
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>>Next mainline will experiment to be more "conventional", whatever this means
Back to Romancing, perhaps?
Coping really hard with this huh? Nothing stops the SaGa train
Yeah, that's what I thought as well, probably a return to the classic open ended SNES format with a couple of twists, since the current generation is pretty divisive.
Wouldn't mind that either, as much as I did like both of the recent mainlines I'd like the series to reimplement complexity in certain areas, although I fear the possibility of going into TLR territory and losing all the complexity in other parts of the game.
/ffg/ is that way, anon.
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After nearly two hours of resets and 11 Hani Stone fights I'm finally free
>SaGa Frontier 2 remastered will come out next
>Still no idea what to do with Unlimited, but it's highly likely the battle system will be reworked
>Next mainline will experiment to be more "conventional", whatever this means
KAWAZU NOOO! Don't sell out to jpig normfags, they're not worth it.
Where you get all epic katanas? I only ever got comet blade and I've been stuck using Exorciser just because frenzy is awesome on tank builds
deus maris is søyfacing at hatman
>Where you get all epic katanas?
They're specific rare drops, mostly from rare bosses
>Invincible East
Euros drop in Sensei Trial 4, this trials seeds either Euros or Zephiros so you'll have to reload a bit to get the one you want
Specter of Benkei in Miyako's bridge, same as Cometblade, but you must kill the specter when its in the Benkei personality shift, the other personality gives you the Cometblade
Gargantua in Sensei's Trial 5, this is seeded with another possible boss so save before starting and reload until you get Gargantua
>Seven-Branched Sword
Hani Stone rare fight in Capitol City's alien simulator machine, this is randomly seeded on the Hard setting for fights together with the various mechs and the Space Drakes, so reload until you find Hani Stone fights.
You can also get Antinomy fights in there and they drop Duelist Pistols.
This is a true SaGa 2 Haniwa fight like the Hill Haniwa and not one of the minor ones like Terracotta Warriors or the Desert Haniwa in Crowrealm, so make sure you can actually beat it, beware of its interrupts.
>Cinderforge Sword
Gold Dragon fights, you can fight Gold Dragons as much as you wan in Delta Base through the Monophid Seed plantation machine, iirc you need Red Soil for that and you'll get either a Red or a Gold dragon so prepare to reload a lot, alternatively you can try farming it with slightly less hassle in Siugnas' version of Avalon if you're in Guinevere's cycle, as it's the last boss fight of the main quest there, but you must get all of Guinevere's artifacts to do so.

Then there's the Dark/Dread/Deathblaydes from the swordsmith in Providence, but those are largely "joke" weapons.
>Next mainline will experiment to be more "conventional", whatever this means
Almost every SaGa game is different from one another, so what is consider "mainline" at this point though? Is Scarlet Grace's format (simple overworld, picture book aesthetic, CYOA-style story) gonna be consider the main one from now on?
Mainline is simply anything that isn't a remaster or mobage
>Is Scarlet Grace's format (simple overworld, picture book aesthetic, CYOA-style story) gonna be consider the main one from now on?
It was until now, it won't survive past Emerald Beyond if Kawazu says the next game will be more conventional, I expect a return to more standard game structures now, he already said some time ago that he was looking forward to making something different and that he was kinda getting bored, EB was probably more of a second attempt at SSG's model to fully realize his vision since he had a bit more money to work with
>wolfboy asks me to call him at the end of the Yomi world
>no option after collecting all four triangles
Well shit, sorry wolfboy. I even tried doing a red door and nothing, i guess B/F cant get him? At least Dolores joined up.
Cheers homie
Imako is definitely recruitable in yomi but I forgot the conditions (it's definitely either Tsunanori or Ameya at least) because it was the first time I did the route and I can't replicate it.
Yeah, maybe for B/F it depends on which one is taking the lead? Bonnie could be retarded while Formina remembers the promise, would need to replay their route again.
He's right, they literally canceled the series after this game. Like a week after its release.
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This Red Mage fellow seems on the level. Couldn't hurt to give him some Fatestones, as a treat.
Iirc you need to have Imakoo deal with all of the Wardens if you want to recruit him
>already patched infinite overdrive cheese
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Now you have to beat the game for real, bitch
i mean, i was already intending to anyway, i just think it's funny that all the changes seem to have been exact things touched upon in these threads
Trying to organize my thoughts on Yomi, are there any details on how Siugnas turns into a monster in some versions of that world? There was a run where Siugnas was just missing and none of the wardens knew where he was, i assume that world is basically Yomi during a Siugnas playthrough, except his place gets crashed before he makes it back.
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I didn't even realize that Macha was uniquely gimped until I read about it on a Japanese wiki.
As far as I remember he just kept draining people until he turned into a giraffe, then locked himself away. I haven't bothered to play to see the Dolores as boss route that alternates with the giraffe route to see if that gives any insight or any of the baby Siugnas routes. But the game is big on coming up with new, contradictory truths depending entirely on how you go about things.
both times after my initial diva playthrough, i got the wardens showing saying they have no clue wtf happened with hatman and they don't care because they get to rule in his stead and they fight me for no other reason because they want to get their asses kicked i guess, first time through yomi it was hatman giraffe
also on those two yomis, i wasn't ever given the option to NOT fight the warden of wrath, unlike the first time around, i do not understand what's going on there, i even crawled out of the well both those times whereas the first time i wised from hatman's gwave
No custom techs for macha, should be obvious if you played with her for a while
i wonder if golem willma is the same way as copy macha, no custom techs, so basically a blath without ephemeral stuff
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There's at least three possible continuities in Yomi
>Siugnas is missing
>Siugnas is there but something went wrong so he either turns into the horse or the baby and a lot of possibe shit happens
>Siugnas is there and he doesn't turn into the horse or the baby
This game is really weird in that the entire multiverse has multiple states in which completely different continuities with their own lore happen, you can see it clearly in places like Grelon where the Final Emperor may or may not be an external force or Alexandre or Crowrealm where Pandora may or may not actually exist, even the "main" plot changes depending on the cycle.
Yeah, Macha's a weird humanoid in that she can't learn custom techs, probably because she's a gimped copy and not the real Macha, both Kato and Red Squire are magically castrated as per lore reason so neither can learn magic.
I really like how when you get to Pulchra as Ameya Kato switches to his Squire armor and the game also changes his name to his original Squire barcode, it was a neat detail
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What's this about favored weapons that I'm seeing on one of the Japanese wikis? Do characters get better glimmer rates or some other advantages when they use specific weapon types?
i think it's just from the lore because when she is the boss she has a one handed sword
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Holy shit finally managed to take down one of the super bosses down. Minstrel tanked it all like a true champ.
I really need to make more use of stat drops/buffs.

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