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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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did they copy Blizzard and why didnt he sue him?

here's now comparison of arcanist skills (GD) to wizard skills (Diablo3)

magic missile (diablo)
replicating missile (gd)
-they are same

shock pulse (diablo)
callidors tempest (gd)
-they are close enough

disintegrate (diablo)
ether ray (gd)
-they are same

diamond skin (diablo)
mirror of erectus (gd)
-they are same but graphical effect is different as diablo transforms players skin and grim dawn only makes a bubble around player

teleport (diablo)
teleport (gd)
-they are same but in grim dawn you need to buy teleporter augment rune from merchant and apply it to to your medal before you have this skill

energy twister (diablo)
wind devil (gd)
-they are same but not in grim dawn arcanist, you need to pick shaman instead, but devil is in the details

meteor (diablo)
meteor (gd)
-they are same but you dont have meteor skill in grim dawn as a player skill, instead you need to get it as a constellation augment power that is attached to some of your real skills, now the skill did what it did before but also shoots a meteor
those spells are all from D&D, dipshit
Grim Dawn was a good copy of D2. D3 was a bad copy of D2.
You're right, there are definitely similarities between some skills in Grim Dawn's Arcanist class and Diablo 3's Wizard. Here's a breakdown of why it doesn't necessarily mean Grim Dawn is an illegal copy:

>Core Gameplay Concepts: Many action RPGs share core gameplay concepts like magic missiles, teleportation, and elemental damage. These concepts are not unique to Diablo 3.
>Similar Doesn't Equal Stolen: While the skills have similar names and functions, they might have different effects, damage types, and resource costs. Grim Dawn might also implement them in a different way within the overall class structure.

Here's why Blizzard likely didn't sue:
>Fair Use: Copyright protects the specific way something is expressed, not the general idea. These skills might be similar ideas, but their execution falls under fair use.
>Competition is Encouraged: Similar games existing creates competition, which can benefit the genre as a whole.

Here's an additional point:
>Grim Dawn's Identity: Grim Dawn has its own story, world, and character progression system that differentiates it from Diablo 3. While some skills share similarities, the overall experience is distinct.

Even though the skills have some overlap, Grim Dawn carves out its own space in the ARPG genre with its unique features.
>binary claws typed this post
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Pathetic creature of meat and bone, don't project.
yes it is a good copy but was it legal
Warcraft is an illegal copy of Warhammer, so the GD guys said they'd tell Games Workshop to sue them if Blizzard sued Crate.
>Diablo invented ARPGs
>but was it legal
Yes, because they didn't use any trademarked terms. This is why you won't see games with an enemy called "Beholder" although you might see them called "Gazer" etc.
>too young to know that what you call 'ARPGs' were originally called 'Diablo clones'
>two games have skill called teleport
>using them teleports you in both games
Please, anon, everyone knows that 40k is just a Starcraft ripoff
>what if we call the Zerg, uh, 'Tyranids'
>how about they're uhhhh 'Eldar' instead of Protoss
>okay uhhhh how about we rename Dragoons 'Dreadnoughts'
Don't gaslight with your revisionist history.
Grim Dawn's DLC added Grifts to the game. It's definitely more similar to Diablo 3 than to Diablo 2. It's also piss easy like Diablo 3 is.
It's not even remotely similar to D3.
all arpgs r ez. subgenre for retards.
skills are
>skills are
not found. OP is retarded and can't make interesting threads
Post hardcore achievements
the term "Action RPG" was around since the late 70's.
ARPG is not Action RPG.
>mirror of erectus
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grim dawn is a clone of titan quest, torchlight was the diablo copy
>grim dawn is a clone of titan quest
Made by the Titan Quest devs themselves
>torchlight was the diablo copy
Made by the Diablo devs themselves
It's literally Titan Quest, but with niggermen instead of mythology.
Diablo 3 was actually original, it was just bad. Grim Dawn only copied itself, it is almost exactly like Titan Quest but with expanded mechanics. It's like Titan Quest 2 but in a totally different setting and with different classes.
Last Epoch is a game that copied some Diablo 3 progression mechanics.
>Diablo 3 was actually original
RMT is not original.
>what inhaling farts does to your brain
>teleport (diablo)
>teleport (gd)
Holy fuck I think I played a game but the skill is called blink but it's the same OMGGGGGG
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anon, please seek medication. perhaps even taking your own you have already been prescribed.
>phoneposter appeals to authority
>includes steam, forbes, and fucking reddit
roflcopter. dey don make no pills for jes being dumb, do dey anon?
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>Made by the Titan Quest devs themselves
why is this a genuine meme and why does it get repeated in every discussion about GD

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