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I was reading through a forum and many people were recommending Underrail so I might as well give it a shot. I’ve played a bit of Fallout 1, and have been playing Quasimorph and actually kind of like turn based.
It's like Fallout but WAY more autistic. The combat is super fun once you get the hang of it. Don't neglect psi. You don't have to go full psi but don't ignore it entirely. Temporal Manipulation complements most builds.
Build autism if your playing higher difficulties and painful sudden random puzzles that appear 4 times. 1 maybe mandatory if your build sucks at the end. Their a puzzle solver that makes it somewhat easier.
But overall your prob gonna get to one of em in maybe like the 15th hr and puzzle difficulty is tied to overall difficulty so keep that in mind wanting to choose the hardest it can go
a system that rewards specialization to the point that battles are extremely repetitive and limiting. not a good fit for a solo character game, really.
>15 hour
I forgot that this is a super long RPG
best bit of advice i can give is do not be a jack of all trades
pick 1-2 ways to kill people that ideally use the same stats and specialize the fuck out of them
this is also not a talky game. consider persuasion/intimidate as bonus, not as ways to complete the game
Only if your not bum rushing everything but still theirs a lot of waiting mechanics that are annoying to mod out.
and modding is looked down on by the dev's autism
looks like Tibia
American Rollercoaster in terms of difficulty. Absolute resource starvation at start, massive power boost when you clear first few big quests etc. Also it has a bit of that Pillars problem with stats where the optimal solution is to really minmax them and gimp shit you won't use much to beef up the one for your main attack type.
Just all around antiquated, bad design. Imagine janky RPGs with steep difficulty spikes because of not enough playtesting. The beginning is too hard and riddled with mazes, only to become a steamroll for the rest 80% of the game. Then it throws bosses at you designed to be cheese-proof.

It's a glorified boss-rush with way too much padding.
So basically it's Fallout with more interesting boss mechanics
If you liked fallout 1/2, you'll probably like underrail. It's a good game though like other anon's have said, higher difficulties require you to be much more autistic about builds, but if you enjoy that kind of thing you'll love the game, there's a good varied amount of viable builds with vastly different playstyles. Really only 4 bits of advice I can give.

Use classic XP, oddity xp is just retarded unless you're roleplaying as a scavenger or some shit, nothing breaks immersion like a game where 70% of the gameplay is killing enemies and your character gets better at combat not by actually practicing fighting but by rifling through every single garbage can full of piss, shit, and dirty diapers just for a few measly crumbs of XP.

Crafting is king in this game. All the craftable equipment is significantly better than what you can find or buy and it's a load of fun making your own personalized gear, being able to choose different fabric, leather, insert pieces for armor for different benefits is a nice touch.

If you get to depot A and find yourself struggling with clearing it, restart with a new build or experiment with different mechanics like throwables and traps, it's the "learn how to play / your build will NOT carry you through the game" filters rolled into one.

And buy the DLC, expedition is a blast, honestly better than anything in the main game in what's already a solid title. Probably my favorite area and the one I look forward to most when I replay.
Thanks for the info
no, not really similar to fallout at all. it's a more of a pure combat game.
It's a spiritual successor to Fallout. Beyond that, it is entirely doing it's own thing.

If you're familiar with CRPGs, the emphasis on build intelligence is highly overstated. Almost anything will work on normal. On hard there are slightly more restrictions. On dominating, you must have a lot of prior game knowledge that a first time player wouldn't possibly have. For that reason, do not play dominating on a first run.

A lot of people still debate classic vs. oddity. I exclusively play classic now, but I also have over 500 hours and the reason I still play is to experience new builds. Classic lets you level up faster. For reference, by Depot A (roughly 3-4 hours into the game) I was level 10 with classic. On oddity, I'd be level 7. Oddity is good to experience. It's unique. But I'd hardly say it is a must. Some people say it is the quintessential way to experience the game.

As for builds, you can make whatever. I'd recommend playing whatever you tend to enjoy in these types of games. If you like magic, do psi. If you want a big dumb melee build, there's plenty of choices. Hybrids are a thing, but in some cases they require some game knowledge and if you don't time certain things right you'll be too weak to progress.

Some people knock the story. Underrail to me is very much peaks and valleys. I love some parts of the game and find it to be the best I've ever experienced. I hate others. It's part of the magic for me.
You didn't play this game for a single second yet huh
Does sixth shell work in conjunction with shotgun bursts or does sixth shell only work with pump shotguns?
fact: anything with a permathread on 4chan is soulless
Progression in this game feels fucked and unsatisfying no matter what. You can go to insane lengths with builds, but the game doesn't expect you to, even on the highest difficulty. Dominating in the beginning feels too uncomfortable for me, but later on becomes about right with semi-optimal builds. Hard feels pretty good at the beginning but quickly becomes totally shit and unsatisfying. Nothing you do matters anymore because it's too easy. The game is tuned for players to fuck up their builds partway through and decide not to restart.

Underrail or the sequel needs modular difficulty settings. Or, aren''t people always complaining because the dev keeps nerfing things? That could work too, if everything was brought into viewing distance of the baseline.

Fuck off. This isn't about my temperament or ability. It would be the same if I thought easy was too easy and normal about right near the end. And if it's about creating atmosphere via difficulty or progression, there shouldn't be settings at all. Don't get me started on Classic/Oddity, that's 100% a fuck up.
It works with all shotguns, blast away
so what's some sovl games then?
Underrail is a 9.5/10 40 hour game stretched into 80 hours. I'm v encouraged to hear that the developer plans to make the sequel much shorter. Still recommend it, though, it does worldbuilding better than 99% of RPGs.
>it does worldbuilding better than 99% of RPGs.
the lowest bar possible. people living underground for centuries is retarded.
Just admit that you want some kind of level scaling.
The game shines when you know how to build a char, but you decide to be just slightly sub-optimal instead of facerolling everything once its online.
>This cool scifi fantasy world has one dumb feature that obviously doesn't work in a non-scifi non-fantasy setting
did you think this was a gotcha? do you complain about the impractically large beetles that can shoot you with magic? also iirc, it actually is addressed because there are vents that lead to the surface where the air comes from.
>>This cool scifi fantasy world has one dumb feature that obviously doesn't work in a non-scifi non-fantasy setting
> it actually is addressed because there are vents that lead to the surface where the air comes from
jesus christ, i knew underrail players were autistic and not very intelligent, but this is just sad.
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>living underground for centuries is a bad
Literally most dwarf media is just that and or is going through caves what are you really complaining about
>the lowest bar possible.

People say "oh, that's a low bar" but if 99% of games can't do it, maybe it's more of an achievement than you think. Maybe it isn't such a low bar.

>people living underground for centuries is retarded.

Again, worldbuilding. The caves have been extensively terraformed, and it's possible if not likely that the humans were genetically modified back when biocorp and new frontiers had access to a higher level of tech.
>Underrail or the sequel needs modular difficulty settings
Styg is not nearly good enough at his job to even dream about modular design in any way or shape.
Besides, Underrail has bigger issues than the uneven and poorly thought out difficulty curve.
dwarves get a pass because they lack melanin and possess adaptations. all the people should be like morlocks in underrail.
>and it's possible if not likely that the humans were genetically modified
so your great worldbuilding needs headcanon...
NTA but
>them being genetically modified is headcanon
Entirely one DLC basically goes Eldritch horror and other basically is you fighting clones not to mention the base game regular mutants and augmented mutants. With megacorp names like Biocorp, Transandex, New frontier Tech... and etc. Also Psionics as a whole how far fetched is gene modification really when the place you live was once the Megacorp named Biocorp
>no one talks or writes anything about what adaptions they were modified with to live underground for centuries and people look exactly like people nowadays and still have discrete racial characteristics
great worldbuilding...
Well there was N.F.T (New frontier Technology) who were Nordics they became snake people at least the ones that weren't genocide. The eastern guys who are all Slavic. Really Biocorp seem to be the only one who was inclusive but they are based more around american/western european I say. I actually don't think they're asians at all even the cyber ninja is white
Would you play underrail if it was clichey "medieval" fantasy instead of "post-apocalyptic" (cant think of better term atm, also i'm a retard)
The best way to approach the game is to acknowledge that Underrail is effectively a puzzle game. Another thing to acknowledge is that if you're losing, it's your own fault. The game can be cleared on Dominating only using grenades and gadgets. If you get stuck using a real build and real weapons, it's on you, your strategy, and your prep.
It would probably allow for more flexibility with "wizard" builds so yes.
>get the quest to save Newton
I cannot be asked to deal with all those psi beetles. Those bastards are so tanky on unfair I cba to keep cheesing them with grenades again.
This is why higher difficulties are bad, finding the optimal solution is boring and repetitive.
I prefer scifi settings but I've played and enjoyed fantasy setting tactical rpgs. the one downside would be losing guns as a weapon category. Sure you could snipe with a bow or crossbow but there's no fantasy equivalent of gunning down hordes of enemies with an LMG
use molotovs
i can't imagine how it would be cheese to use an easily available item for its intended purpose
if you don't want tactical strategy gameplay, you probably shouldn't be playing a tactical rpg, maybe an action rpg instead. For a lot of people figuring out how to make your build work is large part of the fun.
that quest sucks but it gets immediately better in junkyard where you get access to better gear and crafting items.
After pouring dozens of hours in it, my main qualms with Underrail is that you get somewhat railroaded into certain weapon perks since they all stack well with one another (but mostly for the specific weapon you're maining) so that takes away most of your build versatility.

The othe is that the plotlines are shit. This is quite a failure because the background artist did amazing work, all the settlements and the dungeons are creme of the crop of wRPG genre.
Focus on one weapon-type skill. Attributes are mostly - mostly - for unlocking perks. And perks are where you might want to "look ahead" and tick "show all" so you can plan your route.
It's not really as IMPOSSIBLE without a solid build, you just can't really have a do-it-all dude.
It's a very long game if you do everything - and you might want to do everything if you want to reach max level
Foudry has the most fucking annoying layout. And you will hate it something fierce when doing that one quest that takes you back and forth from foundry to SGS
Yeah but when you do teleport like Age of Decadence guy did people just start using that and ignore the game. Better have chars forced to walk around.
I agree, and you are right. I also never used Dude's special brews, but I fucking hate Foundry for those walks just the same
No, it's that the depth of tactical options is tied into specialization to such a degree that you end up following a formula for the entirety of the game. I like tactics, I also like variation beyond the optimal.
but playing sub-optimal builds on dominating is the most fun you can have with underrail
This will probably go over your head, but that "sub-optimal build" consists of repeating the same actions over and over because it's optimal within the constraints of the build.
If I want to play pure melee am I better off doing a hammer or spear? Not interested in knife/sword.
right, next time i'll use a random number generator to pick my actions. wouldn't wanna get too stuck in a pattern
the fuck are you trying to complain about even? i'll do plenty of sub-optimal actions because they're cool or they fit the flavor of build i'm going for.
It's only fun if your build kind of sucks.
Hammer is stronger and easier to build around.
Any good knife/sword build?
Hammer is the most newbie friendly and good all around
Barefist has the hardest start but ramps out of control really hard really fast if you min max it well enough
I'm saying games built around extreme specialization are tactically boring. Toolboxes with more tools are more interesting. Like I thought, it went over your head.
Just dump on agi and dex and also run TM, either invest on mechanical and electronics or spend a feat on expose weakness to deal with machines.
before the psi nerf running pure psi was a very fun and varied build. You weren't limited to 4-8 spells and as long as you had psi boosters you didn't have to worry about a fight lasting too long. I still think there's plenty of different ways to approach most combat encounters, stealth, caltrops, traps, grenades, utilities, melee, ranged etc. On harder difficulties it's still easier to get through with just dumping one combat stat and sticking too it but nothing is stopping you from putting the game on easy and playing before the psi nerf to kind of just do whatever you want. Out of curiousity, what tactical games do have the variety your talking about?
Don't run knives, it always leads to disappointment.
Yes, PSI rework kinda highlights the problem and how it was an extension of the design being anti-player.
>On harder difficulties it's still easier to get through with just dumping one combat stat and sticking too it but nothing is stopping you from putting the game on easy
My first post >>3504205
>what tactical games do have the variety your talking about?
Too many to name, for single character and difficult, roguelikes are good about allowing you to pick up things and play with them, and any game that allows for creating a party is far superior.
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So Sword with TM?
if there's no specialization then anything works with anyone
if anything works with anyone then every playthrough is the same
you use the best tool for each situation because you can, which is the exact problem of "optimal actions" you were complaining about
if you don't want to use the optimal thing for each situation, then what is the difference between what you are doing and a specialized build

>too many to name
really now.
so many you couldn't even name one, put a tripcode on so I can filter your stupid ass
>any game that allows party creation is far superior
there's plenty of games where you control a party with way less depth, you aren't even trying
dunno what >>3504727 is talking about, knives are just better than swords. you get better playstyle flexibility too, knives have better synergy with stealth or mixed weapon builds, swords don't work well with either.
That's one way of dealing with them but it's still not very fun.
I got a shotgun from the junkyard vendor earlier but it still takes like 3 shots to kill them. I think the only weapon that can reliably kill them early game is the lmg.
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Knives/Thought Control/Intimidation/Stealth
Focus on DEX/WIL/AGI
Take INT as preferred
Larp as a psychopathic serial-killer. Stab people from stealth, poison them with a myriad of venomous cocktails, bleed them out, break their minds, make them run away in fear, then re-stealth mid-combat using Vanishing Grenades or Neurovisual Disruption to do it all again. Use gruesome (fun) combat-utilities like Nail Bombs and the Collar of Misery for more serial-killer flavor.

Random core feats:
Nimble, Cheap Shots, Ripper, Critical Power, Cut-Throat, Vile Weaponry, Taste for Blood, Yell, Brutality, Locus of Control

Fill out the rest of the build as you see fit. Agility feats like Sprint, Fancy Footwork, Blitz are all great. Quick Tinkering is strong but the build is already quite good at crowd-control. You could take the entire Throwing Knife package if that seems fun to you (not needed as combining TC and Knives is more than versatile enough). I always take Dirty Kick early on to smooth out the early game on these kinds of builds and I recommend you do as well. Depending on how deep into the bleed-oriented playstyle you want to go, Eviscerate can also be very strong. I played a Ripper's Glove fist-weapon/knife-hybrid version of the build focused on farming bleed stacks for fat Eviscerate damage using the Butcher's Cleaver, but that's mostly a meme (albeit a very fun one).

Death's Grin
Infused Rathound Leather Armor (Or whatever you prefer)
Your choice of Belt
Your choice of Tabi

The build mostly assembles itself, so make it your own. At it's core the build is just a knife-crit build with Thought Control added on, but that combo is very strong in and of itself and you can really go whichever direction you want from there. If you want you can also tack on TM easily enough, but then you have less room for the fun TC spells.

Stealth + High Will + TC also has the added benefit of being able to interact with most of the interesting secrets/lore.
I keep hearing the psi sucks but I recently played this game for the first time and I found my full psi character disgustingly OP. All that I had to do was use a psi breather every now and then and by the end of the game, I had almost 100 of them. I played on normal, though.
>For a lot of people figuring out how to make your build work is large part of the fun.

I really like the game, finished it once as basic tincan AR build, i want more, but i'm just too retarded to think builds of my own and can't find anything even close of what i want.
AR tincan is a pretty standard build. Theres tons of builds people post on the underrail and steam forums, im sure you can find something interesting there. I personally like more gimmicky builds like building my character around using a specific item like make shift chronorepeater or making an electric damage focused character
Yes, but i really have some problem understanding ie. synergies, which perks work together etc. When you add stats (and requirements) on top of it, it's impossible for me.

I know it does not matter if my build is not 100% min-maxed esp. on easier difficulties but then it somehow bothers me to play "too shitty" build. It's a game for autists, but not for autistic retards like me.

Thats the point of playing the game you figure out what works with what - and when you find some good skill synergy on your own that makes you feel like a god
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I beat the game a year ago but heard a new DLC came out. Is it worth buying and starting over a new game like Expedition? Judging from the trailer seems like the map is a giant military base.
>tfw my character has an A tattooed on his penis for +1% crit rate
its a military base but I wouldn't say giant. it's got about as many rooms as institute of tchort, about the same as or less than normal core city. stealthing the area makes it pretty short, but there is an optional "minigame" and wave assault room you can do near the end. The real selling point of the dlc for me was heavy weapons and grenade launchers. those are great for when you want to feel like an unstoppable killing machine.
>as many rooms as institute of tchort
Well that's was a nice map so if it's another quality>quantity design it's good enough.
>heavy weapons and grenade launcher
The machinegun looks sick but bruh I enjoy being agile so I always settle for double pistols or psyknives, did Styg leave any breadcrumbs for us dexfags this time?
Let's imagine I was duping bullets to feed my minigun addiction, how many do you think it would take before the game crashed on loading the inventory?
I've play this game like 5 times and LMG's were the most fun for sure, and i never even took sprint. There weren't any dex weapons added I don't think, if it makes you feel better, there's an enemy in the dlc built to fuck over grenade builds.
I was averaging a couple hundred bullets on my minigun playthrough, probably a couple thousand at most. You would need to get a really obscene number or put one bullet in every slot for the game to crash.
Due to the absurd crafting requirements my "minigun" playthrough is level 16 and has yet to equip one.
Wait until you find out they're also shitty weapons.

agreed with the other anon, miniguns are fucking terrible. LMGs all the way infact that unique one I used basically my entire the MG3-42
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You're in for boring slop mostly. Pickpocketing everything that moves, resolving every remotely difficult encounter with grenades until you get broken feats and sweep through 90% of the game, and a poorly designed setting that somehow managed to make spelunking a tiresome concept. I tried playing it on hard while doing a pistol/throwing knife build and I just got bored with it. The further I got the more boring it got.
>I tried playing it on hard
No you didnt
You did not play the game
Yeah I just thought I'd try them. It might be the worst experience I've had to date. Can't even get the gun until stupid late, it has the harshest upkeep and it fucking sucks cock. You also have like the weird versatility hump where your accuracy sucks cock unless you waste points in regular guns. But at that point just do an AR.
I posted some bits and pieces of my playthrough here. I used pistol in conjuction with time dilation psi and knives as a finisher. It wasn't very interesting.
>TM and knives
>Uses the strongest, metafaggy stuff in the game
>In hard
>Then complains the game is too easy and boring
Retard, and you opinion should be rightfully dismissed.

You used a premade build, buiilt for perfection in dominating -- in hard and wondering why it was so easy.

Kys unironically
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Are you telling me I'm such a super genius that I made the best build in the game just by picking feats that logically made sense in conjunction with obvious and braindead stat thresholds?
>Are you telling me I'm such a super genius
No I'm just calling you a retard and the other anon said you took a dominating build for Hard difficulty, which also makes you a retard if you complain it made the game easy.
But I didn't use any "builds". I just saw the way the game was designed and deduced that it's a shitty AP game with a broken action economy.
>But I didn't use any "builds"
That's a lie. You copied a dominating build on the forums.
>I just saw the way the game was designed and deduced that it's a shitty AP game with a broken action economy.
That's also a lie.
Stop shitposting.
if you can get the glashag, that's a decent one. I ultimately didn't use it that much but if you have the skills for it you can craft acid bullets and it will melt almost anything with high mechanical resist.
I took just enough strength to get brute aim, put like 8-10 points in con and dumped everything else in perception and still averaged like 30-40% accuracy at best in most encounters. But the funny thing about that is that it doesn't matter if you have a 10% chance to hit something when you're always firing 15-30 bullets every burst. taking full auto and mag dump means you basically never worry about accuracy.
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>The falcom avatarnigger decided to shit up Underrail threads too
Great, there's really no escape isn't it?
>You copied a dominating build on the forums.
What build did I copy? There's only so many ways to optimally configure a build. It's not complicated once you understand the thresholds. I don't think the dev is very intelligent or capable.

You should really stop lying. People who play this game properly blind the first run have no idea how to build their character, you want me to assume you knew the exact breakpoints stats for your feats to take in the char creation screen in a completely blind play-through? no anon you are a liar.
you would only think this because you played TM and pistol, aka maximum actions per turn build. you made the most meta game destroying build whether it was by accident or not. if you had played something like sledgehammer, crossbow, sniper/etc you would have had a very different experience.
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>you want me to assume you knew the exact breakpoints stats for your feats to take in the char creation screen
It literally shows the feat requirements in character creation. Additionally, if I am breaking AP I can dump str, con, and will entirely, and obviously dex will be max and agi needs to be 7. So that only leaves a whopping 2 stats to activate the old almonds over, not hard to deduce. Don't assume everyone is as dumb as you are.
>if you had played something like sledgehammer, crossbow, sniper/etc you would have had a very different experience.
Are you telling me I'd have to throw more grenades?
less actually, you wouldn't have the AP to throw grenades and get off more than one hit with those weapons, at least on dominating where you can't rely on normal grenades to cheese enemies for you. But if you think grenades are still too good, go play the heavy duty dlc. There's an enemy in the there that invalidates grenade usage.
So you're telling me I just can't throw a molotov and shut a door
You could have said 'I played a tin can AR build in hard and I found the game to be boringly easy' people would actually believe you.
You are terrible at lying, dumb shitposter.
Your refusal to believe the truth only makes my epeen bigger and all I'm getting out of this is that underrail fans don't understand their own game and engaging with its systems is the "wrong" way to play it apparently.
every human enemy can open doors? and molotovs won't do shit to well armored or shielded enemies. just play something else if you find this boring. >>3505471
put on a tripcode so I can filter your stupid ass, go back to /b/
>every human enemy can open doors
How does that stop them from wading into fire or de-aggroing
Fun game. But frustrating. Some builds are obviously better than others, and more fun. Some things sounds like a hoot to me, but rapidly turned out to be gay because the weapon type doesn't get many feats. Or they just suck. Or the crafting options are lacking. Meanwhile, some builds get tons of options and variety.
Holy FUCK miniguns are bad lol
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kek yeah that's how it goes. most weapons have 1-2 power feats and rest is ~whatever.
If it's any consolation I just use my minigun to just blast contamination rounds in groups or give me more mech resistance from heavy metal.
I think the contaminated wound it leaves does 100 or more damage sometimes so if you manage hit everything that's 100 x (8 or 10) rounds.
Prob only really use is to 1 turn the final boss though. Even on Dom as long as you can stun something first they aight gonna be living even they manage to survive the initial volley
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NVM I remember that wrong contaminated rounds are even more fucked apperantly if you lands 2 bullets on something
I mean it doesn't do shit to robots but yes it fucks up living targets.
>what if we made a new gun like lmg's but it took more AP to fire once a turn
>but the lmg can fire multiple times for turn, shooting many more bullets for 6+ turns before the mnigun revs up
>what if reving the gun was tied to shooting consecutively, so every time you need to heal, reload, move or do literally anything else it resets it
>what if it took so much AP to use that any AP reducing status effects will lock you out of shooting or reloading the gun
>what if they had lower range than LMGs with a higher strength requirement
>what if they had worse enhancement options with worse accuracy than lmg's
aside from larping there is literally no reason to pick miniguns over LMG's. even contaminated rounds are less useful than acid or explosive rounds which you can both use on lmg's. I hope they get a rework, at least in Infusion if not heavy duty
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To expand on this, I think of games like New Vegas. In NV, they even added a secret bright follower with a recharge rifle in a cave near Goodsprings to throw energy weapons players a bone so they weren't twiddling their thumbs until later in the game. I think that is Styg's greatest pitfall in design. Some weapons/playstyles feel like a total slog, and not all of them feel like paying your dues until you get *that* weapon/feat that makes it all worth it. Some weapon types are just boring or bad or both and there really is nothing redeemable about them, and you might not know it until it is too late.

I'd really like to see better progression in Infusion. As much as I cherish UR's core gameplay, the more I have played it, the more flaws I find.
I kind of wanna do a pure metathermics wizard build, can i fight off the sentry bots at gms and depot A with just EMPs and/or acid bottles or should i just sneak past them?
The Mahiro poster is a fag but good on him for exposing the fragile egos of Underrail trannies. Literal trash "RPG" where every character is the same dysgenic autistic savant mutant tailor-made to one shot as many things in a single turn with his weapon of choice as possible.
>to one shot as many things in a single turn with his weapon of choice as possible.
Tin can hammerfag builds prove you wrong.
You mean a build that's more or less dysfunctional with core mobility feats like fancy footwork so it has to lean hard into tanking and still acts as a one-tap build anyways?
>You mean a build that's more or less dysfunctional with core mobility feats like fancy footwork so it has to lean hard into tanking
The build is tanky for the sake of tankiness, not to make up for being 3 AGI and with 95% armor penalty
Zerker builds also prove you wrong, being tanky and being able to move.
>still acts as a one-tap build anyways?
You're dumb
This is not nearly as interesting as you think it sounds.
It is way more intresting than your average TMfag build.
Hammerfag and tanky builds in general prove you wrong on the whole alpha strike argument.
>you would only think this because of a weapon type immediately available to you from the very beginning of a game alongside the most immediately striking psi school who's teacher grants you one of the most obviously overpowered abilities in the game (the ability to lower cooldowns)
Holy mother of cope.
>Hammerfag and tanky builds in general prove you wrong on the whole alpha strike argument.
You're still pumping up one damage stat in the end, whilst exploiting terrible AI.
Sadly too true of a whole lot of RPGs. Fun builds/skills that don't pay off until the end of the game so you either suck it up, put points into the skills you want, and enjoy a subpar playthrough for the first 75%. Or spread out your build to make the first 3/4ths of the game more enjoyable and end up gimping your maximal potential at the end.

It doesn't have to be special but if you have a skill available from the start of the game, devs should always AT LEAST throw you some scrappy, shitty but serviceable weapon or equipment that can let you make use of it to some extent near the start.

Seeing a cool option in the character builder, deciding to spec into it, then spending the first 10 hours of the game wondering where the fuck the gear for it is, the 10 after that not enjoying it and just pushing through to finally access it, and then finally realizing it wasn't worth it blows.
>You're still pumping up one damage stat in the end
That's a stupid fucking argument.
What? Should you do 1 damage and never kill the enemies? Is killing enemies and dealing damage a bad thing? Fuck off with your dumb shitposting argument.
Also, it's a sledgehammer build; huge ass, heavy sledgehammer SHOULD one shot. Because it's a fucking sledgehammer.

>whilst exploiting terrible AI.
Also dumb argument, tanky builds usually dont focus on alpha striking the whole map without the AI act, and they still get by in Dominating.
The fact that, for example, tank builds have to plan around the AI acting first and making back up plans and strats just shows how wrong you are. Unless you also consider this to be exploiting the AI somehow.
So your point is moot, your argument is shit and you should fuck off, shitposter.
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*masturbates furiously*
NTA but I'm supposed to play this game blind? Haven't started my first playthrough yet but some people recommend looking up a build.
What build should I go for if I were to roleplay the most femininely feminine female possible. Unironically.
>NTA but I'm supposed to play this game blind?
Just use the character builder, type in what weapon type you want to use, view all the related feats, and build from there. It'll tell you exactly what skill threshold you need to get that feat, how much strength/constitution/whatever you need. You don't want to miss out on the bread and butter of certain weapon types, because you could be fucked. For example, if you're playing a sword build and you don't have 6 dex because you pumped strength because you thought that's all that mattered, you'll miss out on flurry and then you're probably fucked.

Looking up a build is acceptable if you're totally new to crpgs, but the need to do that is totally overstated. This game isn't half as hard as people make it out to be and if you've made competent builds in other crpgs on your own you can easily do that here.
People say that because they tried to make a character that could use every single form of attack in the game at the same time. You can't do that. The entire point of a character build system is that you can't be good at everything. If your character was meant to be good at everything then it wouldn't need builds, you'd just start with everything at max.
All you need to do is pick one weapon type and focus on it and you'll be fine.
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i can't make my plasma pistol because the game won't sell me a circular wave amplifier
Underrail doesn't have stats or skills which would represent a characters personality. In fact, it has very little personality at all.
high agility from doing yoga, max will because she's a bitch, max intimidation put spec points in yell, spam enrage and bilocation during fights to make other people fight for/over her, raise persuasion enough to pass any check but only use it for lying
What's a fun professional fister build? Could I hybrid with any of the psi skills?
Pure psi I guess. Use mind fuckery. Max persuasion.
I think you should your first time, at least get as far as you can.
Psychokinesis intertwines with punch builds a lot, there's corporeal projection if you wanna run fist wizard
Regardless you could either run high str or high dex depending on what you wanna do, you still may want to invest a couple points on the stat you didn't favor, 8 dex gives you combo and 7 str gives you wrestling, both pretty good feats but if you wanna focus on just one that's fine too, str might need a bit of int to craft gear like spiked armor and pneumatic gloves and tabis, i believe you can still time heavy punch with the pneumatic glove bonus too for huge damage, high str also works better with fist wizard than high dex.
Then there's high dex, since you can punch a lot more,anything that triggers off of multiple hits like fancy footwork, cheap shots and especially combo is what you should go for, also If you go high dex you should probably invest some points on throw, nets can make dodgy faggots a lot more bearable, dex still works well with PK but it's going to be more for utility than anything.
Defensively you either get good agi or good con, i don't really run high con ever so i can't help you there but if you go high agi either pick uncanny dodge or memorize the locations of every crawler in the game.
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Questions about tac vests:
1. Is it worth taking ballistics?
2. If yes, is it worth spec'ing into ballistics? I'm honestly confused about how damage threshold works and the people I have seen talking about it on the Styg forums don't explain it well.
3. Reinforced or laminated panels for vests and why?
1. no, but its okay if you do
2. no, but its okay if you do
-both because tacvests basically only protect you from the lighter bullet attacks, which are very easily blocked by energy shields
consider that fully specced ballistics only grants you an additional 18 DT (a bit more with kevlar) vs bullets; thats not much in the grand scheme of things
3. laminated for higher DT, which is the whole point of tacvests
the only time you'd use reinforced is if you were going to use a nanocomposite plate, because those decrease the damage from critical hits, which are going to be high damage attacks, naturally, so those will most likely target your DR
nano plates can only be used in tacvests
Get cheat engine and find the cheat for underrail that refreshes merchant inventory immediately. finding good crafting parts being rng sucks dick, and that cheat fixes it.
just get a tacvest or even a riot armor and you can tank them forever and kill them with 0 skill temporal distortion or whatever.
Might as well skip straight to the editing items.
Like anon said, buy/find an insulated vest. They make early game bots a joke. Buy some HE and EMP nades and you'll waltz straight through them.
I was considering on whether or not i should use vests for the psi beetle carapace, so this pretty much convinced me, thanks.
add a kevlar balaclava if you can get the cloth and you're almost entirely immune
its the best armor choice for any character at that point in the game
not even remotely the same. your options are either, not get the things you need when you need them and having to back track between vendors every real time hour and hope they have it or not waste your time and just get the crafting parts or whatever else you need. There's a massive difference between being under equipped and having the right equipment in fights. but nothings stopping you from wasting hours of your life vendor hopping and getting owned in fights because your weapon accuracy sucks, you do you.
youre intended to make the choice between
>wasting a lot of real-time to get exactly what you want
>not having exactly what you want

If you wouldnt "waste" real-time to get it, you shouldn't have it. You're cheating. Make due, as god intended.
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>not even remotely the same.
>goes on explaining how it's exactly the same
very amusing. also
>under equipped
>getting owned in fights
fully and completely a skill issue.
have you ever beaten the game without cheating? but hey, it's a single player game, so you do you lol.
I have too many build ideas that I need to play to waste my time vendor-hopping for crafting mats.
>hyperallergenic gland
what the fuck how long has this been a thing
about a week
right on then, shame it doesn't work with throwing knives where it might actually be useful
anything else drop with that? i see a couple new psi magnifiers
just check the devlog on the site
kinda lame, though i seem to have missed that crowbar update too
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I forgot to bring the TNT
Is there a cheat engine code for giving myself items?
I would rather kill myself than cheat even once in an rpg. That would spoil my whole playthrough.
okay but hear me out
hypno goggles + cutthroat
only 45 ap!

yeah we've had that idea before
you can also just wait for a cheap shots incap
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Besides 6 dex for flurry, what else should I want on a sword build?
a taser
if you're not morally opposed to it, TM for limited temporal increment because whiffing a flurry hurts bad
i prefer high agi dodgy sword for fancy footwork

i was idly wondering what possible use the goggles could have more than anything
another source of incap is nothing to sneeze at
getting a combat use from persuasion is neat, if not that great in practice
beeeeg pers boost
Nets are pretty good for securing that 95% too if >>3507085 can afford the throw skill
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fair enough, i usually want something else in the head slot though
feels like styg chucked it in at random going "fuck it, the autists will find a use for it"
it was a part of the factions update
jkk got the vest and the goggles (skill and init boosts)
praetorians got new armors/helmet and chemhaze (anti-riot stuff)
coretech got their armor and respirator and the robot hacker utility (hacking/electronics)
drones got nail bombs (tfb nades aka the melee choice)
protectocucks got anal lube (the guns choice)
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>5 str
What's the point of all that dexterity? Swords don't get AP reduction but they do see scaling damage with strength.
initiative, skills, crit chance
str just gives more base damage which we honestly dont even need with all the other damage sources we have
Are thermobaric grenades worth pushing to 110 chemistry? I'd just be stopping at 60 for napalm grenades and cluster grenades otherwise.
I think they're the strongest grenade in general
they do more damage than HEs (and hte extra damage is heat which is less commonly resisted) and have a larger radius, though somewhat less resistance bypass
an off-hand knife or off-hand sledge
or versatility for an off-hand LMG
sword basic attacks suck, flurry or nothing
One of the worst games i have ever played just after lunacid, after depot game become total boring shit for retarded autists. Played to almost end just because there is nothing me to play.
Is there a cheat engine code that makes the characters interesting and well written?
Don't bother with the alternative XP system first time around, it's interesting but if you're on your first run you can end up basically softlocked from poor choices.
go back to your gay dating sims
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What should I do for my first melee playthrough?
build a taser
keep your taser equipped
use your taser any time you have less than 90% hit chance
its the smoooooooooothest build there is
How long do you have to wait before fighting dread lord? I shredded that psi nerd. I LOVE shooting my pistol and throwing nets at people.
You don't have to wait, just go outside the building and then back in.
>melee builds are gimmicky
>most gun builds are boring
>psi builds are nerfed
Crossbow masterrace

CAU are based as fuck, too bad their in-game portrait sucks ass. Player portraits changing with equipment when?
Most fun psi schools? I've only ever used TM to supplement builds and I have 500 hours in this fucking game so I figure it is high time I make a pure psi character.
I made a Metathermics+Psychokinesis character and I never ran into any problems clearing normal mode during a first time playthrough. It was easy as fuck and could handle everything.
i've done a couple pure MT runs as a blaster caster, even an ice-only one and they were all fun
optic blast with the cyclops eye was also really fun and hilariously OP but you gotta be mildly autistic to get that kind of enjoyment out of only ever using one spell
TC has a lot of interesting debuff/fuck-with-your-enemies spells but only a single damage one and you pretty much have to combo it with TM or PK against robots
Thought Control is very fun, both for a pure Psi character and as a supplement for other builds.
>Enrage, Frighten, and Mental Breakdown are all incredibly strong crowd-control spells.
>Bilocation is one of the coolest spells in the game and can be used very creatively to box people into doorways/corners against their own shadows.
>Neural Overload is relatively lackluster on it's own, but when properly built around will absolutely brain-burst anything and everything you cast it on.
>Pseudo-spatial Projection is an incredibly powerful defensive engine that requires no other investment to work.
>Psychosomatic Predation and Neurovisual Disruption are both neat and can be very fun depending on your build.
>Motor-cognitive Transference and Psi-cognitive Interruption both exist I guess.
>Locus of Control is an awesome feat that spices up gameplay immensely. All of a sudden you can Bilocation an entire room, Mental Break everyone to ping them down one-by-one, Enrage everything and watch them kill themselves, or just go all in on a big Neural Overload crit to kill everything in the AOE in a single cast.
>TC gets all of this while also having ALL of the cool lore/secrets associated with it that are locked behind Thought Control skill, including unique dialogue options.
Thought Control really is just the favored child of all of the schools.
What's the point of a purely combat focused RPG when encounter Designs are extremely repetitive and you need to clear half the game to have a working build?
What are the point of dungeon crawlers?
Exactly. I just don't get it. Only played Underrail due to the comparisons to Fallout1/2. Don't see it at all.
Bros... was I supposed to kill sergio?
Miniguns are just so fucking terrible that it's painful. It doesn't help that gunner's high is awful too. I doubt we are going to get a rework anytime soon and because of Styg's autism against mods nobody can actually fix the weapon archetype themselves.
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its not for everyone

gunners high makes the reeeeeeally long fights possible, but its super niche
People like to explore, loot, build their character, enjoy the background lore, etc. I don't know what else to say besides that it's not your type of RPG.
sheeeeiiiit, i've never tried doing that before
is there an infinite number of faceless? might be fun as the final build test, see how many i can down before dying
Can a shotgun build make it through dominating?
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yes, infinite
I underestimated how long I would last, so I didnt bring enough ammo
turns out im only limited by how much I bring with me; ammo, durability, napalm mollies

I tried it with my psiblade once for the hell of it; got 25 kills before I died
cant find the pic so you get this instead
shotties are stronk
Yeah but doesn't psi require intelligence? Women are dumb so I'd like to make a low-intelligence character. Too bad this game has no charisma attribute.
it adds to regen and it limits how many spell slots you have
Only played through the game once as a tincan. I fucked up and killed the faceless, and turned the Tchortists hostile by not answering their questions right. I don't want any spoilers (which is why I am staying off the wiki) and I was wondering:
1.) How much can I side with the Tchortists? Am I forced to betray them at some point or can I basically become a full fledged member?
2.) Can I be friendly to the faceless and tchortists to potentially see both sides?
1. yes, no, yes
2. yes
oh whoops, misread the first line
1. basically all the way, no, yes
also lol you should see what the arm looks like w/ fusion cannon up
Some dude made a giant ass guide for psi
Even if you don't follow it to a t, there's a bunch of useful tips and recommendations you can use.
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found it
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guys it's getting hard to see anything
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i think this is the end
out of psi, dilation and fatigue kicking in so i can't shoot, adrenaline's on cooldown, gun's at like 30% remaining durability
fairly good showing but i had to savescum the opening turn with twitch and sodie pop in order to not get bilocated
they wont go through the fire
you can wait it out
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against all odds i survived another 10 turns or so until a TCer zoomed up and incapped me
was down to like 40% accuracy shots but it's hard to miss with an AoE cannon
welp, that was a lot of fun, i probably won't beat this record for a long while
shoulda threw that molly
very few of them seemed to give a shit about the fire though i think it got them to bunch up at the spawn points
if i had literally any points in throw it might've helped to put fire in the right places but i didn't bother on this build since just regular shooting made nades irrelevant
i was like 2-3 shots away from breaking the gun, wouldn't have mattered much anyway

luv me fusion cannon
How do i put custom portraits in the game?
drop them in the custom portraits file

gotta have an "l" at the end of the name and they need to be pngs
Do they need to come in different sizes?
naw, I just use a single "l" one; the game uses it for all other sizes and it looks fine
Alright, thanks man.
Is there no way of changing the character's hair color? I see no options in the creation screen and the in-game hair color doesn't match my portrait
no, your guy/chick is always pale, skinny, and black-haired with the same hairstyle
it won't matter much since you're character sprite will look like whatever outfit you have on.
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>There you go. Something like that. Beaten dominating twice with variations of it(before and after the CP nerfs). Can drop pickpocketing for more stealth if playing classic. It's super-strong, but has a very high player skill-cap. If you do have the skill to play it - it's the strongest melee in the game. At least out of everything I've ever played.
>Crit focus, trap focus, grenade focus, TM
You're not even going to acknowledge the fact he has 3 STR and is using a Sword build?
Never played with swords
Dont care for swords
It looks a knife build that keeps a sword in the offhand for when he has the +2 str boost from adrenaline shots.
>It looks a knife build that keeps a sword in the offhand
This is fine.
>for when he has the +2 str boost from adrenaline shots.
This is a shit build.
not really
my psiblades either end fights or handle the actual dangerous parts of fights before their adrenaline runs out
if you stack ap boosters and have the flurry ap reduction spec, you can kill a lot of people in those 3 or 4 turns
what's that mean?
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JKK outfit does notably change your guy's hair, though it does cover up most of it anyway. Pretty strange that it does that. It also only does it to male characters for some reason.
The quest design is really kino in underrail.
It's occasionally inspired. I'm pretty sure no game has something as clever as joining Oculus where the quest is not only unmarked but the NPC will ghost you if you make a mistake and you'll have no idea.
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I always thought that was one of these things, but you're probably right
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post your brags
I wanna see what you other niggers have been up to
I guess I need a long time between playthroughs, stopped playing my melee one after a couple of hours, probably because I felt too weak after being a glass cannon wizard and that's not a good feeling for someone who want to be Bad Guy McAsshole that kills everything
Post something about infusion.
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imagine the smell.
He looks like he fucks 3 cons.
>post your brags
I played the game once on normal and had a nice time without trying too hard
I hope stygg completely rebuilds the game instead of building on top of underrail, because if it has the same pacing and level design style I am not gunna play it
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oh anon
we're not "trying too hard", its fun for us
you feel threatened because youre not very good at it, BUT, you dont seem to understand that its fun for us while its not fun for you
you probably have some other game where its the other way around
he's doubling down on all the stuff you hate
its going to be glorious
could you explain in detail? curious
wow the whole game is gunna be that remote controlled drone "puzzle" segment?
Seems like a great idea ngl
pretty much
you start out moving empty milk totes for basic pay
>without trying too hard
I just meant that I did it without putting in much effort, I wasn't really trying to accuse anyone of anything. I started to feel overwhelmingly strong pretty early on.
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normal is pretty easy, even your first time
thinking of making a 'nade launcher man
anything i should know? best frames?
If anything needed to be added for an update being able to craft or smelt metal scrapes/plates into about 100 casing should of been a thing. It make making special ammo less of a hassle but hopefully in infusion it could be implemented at the start
there doesnt seem to be a particularly good launcher frame
id pair launchers with a sniper rifle desu senpai
i guess for big hp single target enemies? i remember magnar being the literally singular enemy to give me trouble with my fusion cannon run because the mf could evade like 90% of the damage even with tricky trajectory
more for evasive enemies, but yeah that too
with shooting spree you can get that AP right back
you will easily 1hko anything in the game with a smart 12.7 anatomical rifle, and since we're using spree, the ap cost doesnt matter so you can use a bipod for extra precision vs evasive fuckers
well now i kinda just want to make a sniper
see i was gonna pair it with PK because i luv me grounding and i figured that plus the other stuns would be able to deal with anyone evasive
grounding doesnt work on everything, but yes it should work on the troublesome enemies like magnar
i'll see how things go
shit's incredibly feat light so i can easily pick up some sniper rifle feats if i need to
thanks for the advice
Made a decent meme one with only using the thumper and going 3 str. You'll want packrat hound as soon as possible though. The funny thing with it is that with the grenade straps it cost less to fire and reload the thumper than it does to shoot a regular 40mm twice.
You could go without advance sprint though and prob put the 3 points into Per or STR if you to use other grenade launchers. Getting it though allows you to to meme around with Stasis and Blitz for near constant AP spam and free MP if you take hit and run
By lvl 14 or sooner you can fire it 3 times and get a grande throw in or another reload.
Other one that prob can be decent is a max gun build since their damage is high and benifit from the multiple hit effect of splash damage shrapnel and cluster bombs
>meant to say Gun-Nut
>it cost less to fire and reload the thumper than it does to shoot a regular 40mm twice
already locked in with 8 str for super steel but it's pretty funny you can do that
thumper seems straight up busted for how early they basically give it to you for free
If you can getting the stunner early is a godsend for evasive guys
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in a while, crocodile
>in a while
disgusting berenstain fucker, it's 'after a while'.
i have, in all my years, never heard a single soul say it that way
back to the hell dimension from which ye came
you are from the awful universe and got transplanted here.
i take no responsibility and choose to blame my upbringing instead
my grandma always just said "after while" with no "a"
What a masterpiece, Bravo.
I like the Fallout NV version better.
>doesn't throw a molotov at his feet catching himself on fire
8/10 it's okay i guess
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Was I the only one who got insanely filtered by https://youtu.be/TAn1HaCyHew ?
Was my first character, had a spearman and I just couldn't keep up with this part, and was too stubborn to just stealth it.
How do you spearman anyways? I don't remember exactly how my build went but at some point I pivoted from strength/melee to just chucking spears because I couldn't fucking hit anything in melee, plus I had that trait that let you onehand spears for riot gear shields.
what weird dialect of slavic did styg end up writing for the whole gray army/West Underrail
Too lategame focused, the mutant ending would be perfect for this too
I'm sorry but if you find any of the puzzles hard in underrail you are mentally challenged. I still laugh seeing that people have problems with the music cipher challenge.
block feats are pure trash
grey army base is really tough if you aren't prepared for it, stealth is ideal
Alright, you all convinced me to try it out.
What's the most fun class of build? Magic guy? Gunner? Melee? Something else?
Depends on your definition of fun. You will get assblasted regardless of your build so it doesn't matter.
What I can tell you is that the least fun probably is AR Tin Can. It's a strong build, but fights will play out largely the same, so I don't recommend gunner playstyle, at least not that one. Some gunner builds are fun though. Snipers can be fun, same for crit energy pistols. Chem pistols is the geneva convention build.
Psi is very complicated for a first playthrough so I don't recommend it. Some psi can be put in pretty much any build so you can have it, but full psi is a bit more demanding.
Melee is fun, and knife build is really strong. Hammer can be more fun, but a bit harder to play.
In the end it depends on what you like, really. Just stay out of pure psi for now I'd say.
Depends, do you find more fun gambling for the potential highroll or would you rather have a reliable yet "boring" build?
chemical pistols (3 per max dex versatility)
nothing can hurt you if it can't move or is on fire
Tank everything? MG Tin Can.
Do everthing? Pre-nerf full PSI
Pure highroll kino? STR sword
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>snipers can be funny, same for crit energy pistols
holy fuck dude stop trying to ruin that guy's experience
the two most unpleasant builds in the entire game what the fuck is wrong with you
Snipers were really fun for me, maybe you can't appreciate kino
I have 350+ hours into the game excluding the ones I have when I first pirated the game ages ago and the only build I truly enjoyed to this day is full INT energy guns
The funniest sidequest in this game for me was the one where some guy's widow near Forge(?) turns out to a serial killer. My guy was an unarmed martial artist so he woke up to this bitch holding him at knifepoint, kicked her in the groin and then punched her to death. The mental image of how that played out is really funny to me.
You build like shit that's why
In the foundry quest, I loaded up the cart with 30 blades and dumped them into the furnace. Btw, I did repair it, but it still doesn't work.
The funniest side quest for me is also in Foundry, It's that quest where you get to assassinate the wife of some guy. But instead of doing what he wanted, I told the wife about his plan, and convinced her to kill him. Then I reported both of them to the cops and had them arrested.
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Feeling really good bros, just beat Tchort on Dom for the first time. First try no less.
did you initiate the process?
based, there's nothing like the thrill of being able to accidentally 1shot yourself at any given time with the wrong crit electroshock pistol rebound
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good for you anon
now go talk to people about DC
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the one time i roll up an LMG man is the one time omega outposts doesn't drop me a freebie LMG
i blame you personally for this, styg
This game is retarded. Someone REALLY liked Fallout and a bunch of other old CRPGS and tried to make their own without understanding the concepts that made them like CRPGS so much. Perpetual feeling of something being missing. Unsatisfying game top to bottom.
You could always get Brno going past the early pig/warthog cave area
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newton what the fuck are you doing out here

yeah i know, but i wanted one nowwwww
plus the piggers are pretty tough on dom that early on
you can get the brno at lvl 1 with 3 agi
you need to max stealth and get stealth boosting gear
ive done it before
id also get pickpocketing because all the AR guards in the early game have a bunch of 8.6 ammo
i don't like stealth and have pretty much never used it in any playthrough, nothing against it, just not my cup of jam
this is going to be a crafted 9mm only guy anyway because i want to use acid rounds and have an acid chem pistol in my offhand
because i am in a godless, synergyless build mood
The only thing missing is your nostalgia goggles.
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wait huh
surely this bit on the wiki is just complete bullshit that hasnt been edited, I just did the DOM void battle without TC on my first try after getting the ethereal torch
surely other anons can corroborate this and I didnt just turn out to be freakishly lucky
What build did you have the most fun with in this game?
vers smg
throwing knives, chem pistols, cyclops eye beam, and fusion cannon are my favorites
Quite sure it's a one of a builds i dream of but i'm mentally incapable making of ;__;
You were freakishly lucky. It's not impossible, but it is extremely RNG. I bet if you have an old save and try again you'll get fucked.
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damn, somehow not only did only one other eel survive but the cans all got slaughtered
we rollin in the loot now boys
One of my nightmares in Stalker (modded) was when there was a huge battle and i was looting 20+ corpses and then some friendly faction patrol came along and started to loot them also. My loot!!! Imagine if underrail npc's could loot enemies.
>Imagine if underrail npc's could loot enemies
then all of underrail would be my enemies
gives me kenshi flashbacks of having to cheese bandits by dumping my inventory on the ground when my units get knocked out so they can't find anything to loot
fuck you i'm not chasing you halfway across the globe to get my shit back
Funny enough that actually happened to me
Anomaly, killed a huge attack wave from the zombies and monolitha, then after the battle ended, a single freedomer looted like 10 corpses
He ended with a bullet in his head
Wdym? Turn on the conveyors?
Can't help picture the harvesters scream but in this case it's loot instead of meat
dump metal
turn on conveyor
wait a little bit
initiate melting
go into enclosure, deploy emitter
activate emitter
Thanks for the guide
Chem Pistols (rushing the Protectorate questline for the CAU armor mostly for LARP purposes) by far.
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hard to choose from STR swords, chem pistols, or .44 pistols.shotguns get an honorable mention.
redpill me on psychokinesis
>He sided with the free drones
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>He sided with pussy northerners
The only justification I ever needed to go drones was fuck the norf. Simple as.
>The only justification I ever needed to go drones was fuck the norf.
Anon... The drones are from the north too.
>Anon... The drones are from the north too.
The drones aren't a government. By fighting for them, you're solidifying SGS' independence.

By the way, the drones are also retarded. I'm not defending them in any way. I only use them because I want my SGS to stay solo and strong. Simple as.
>No evil ending for foundry where you summon the monster and have it destroy everything
>fighting for the drones
Yep. Completely derailed. Not unsurprising for a frog poster.
Always gas 'em alongside their tin can buddies.
>I don't pick ANY side!
Just as insufferable as the guys in New Vegas threads who pop in to say wildcard is the best ending because their maxed out Jesus-like character can run things better than anyone else. Drones and becoming an SGS councilor is the only ending that makes sense.
I see. I wish I recorded it just to evaluate how much I got away with, but it was only my third ever Void Battle attempt so I didn't expect much (first two I did just for shits and giggles before deciding I would come back after getting the torch.)
I remember having really bad RNG on the initial power-levels of the demon swarms or whatever but somehow I managed to hold it together. Towards the end I was comparatively getting very lucky on their power-levels. The very last front was entirely composed of three "most vulnerable stage" storms despite that same front being much stronger for the majority of the fight up until that point. When the fight concluded I had roughly 10 guys left.
What exactly does having Thought Control even do in the fight? Is it entirely a passive boon or does it give you unique dialogue with your soldiers like Intimidation does? Is it related to the "project light/project unity" options you get? I didn't know exactly what those were meant to be doing when I used them.
>>I don't pick ANY side!
I pick SGS, you pick unwashed rats living in the underpassages. That's not the same and the game acknowledges that.
No clue about what you guy are talking about. But I'm thinking I'll be siding with the Oligarchs. Just to maximize misery in the underrail.
>80 metal scraps to craft 10 frag launcher grenades
get the fuck outta 'ere
Beat the game on hard using chemical pistols and energy weapons. Now what should I use for dominating? I'd kind of like to try psi or melee or (if I have to go ranged) some of the new DLC weapons. The only thing I for-sure want to do is put enough points in persuasion to get most of the optimal quest outcomes, with boosts. So what do you guys recommend?
do you still level up normally as mutie? can i ride jetskis if i have one already? kinda tempted to get myself gassed early on and see how far i can make it

psi's good, guaranteed hits in dom are very welcome against overjuiced dodge stats
TM sword is a classic if you want to blend the two, i'm also partial to PK sword for all the stuns and incaps

knife tm build was the most fun i've ever had in this game
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First time ever using psi (except temporal manipulation because I'm a shitter). Decided to roll with psychokinesis and thermics. Having fun so far. Pretty much larping a jedi, though I just learned apparently I could learn lightning and that makes me regret not larping a sith. Oh well.

So far, I gotta say, I am disappointed with this barrier ability. The aoe is tiny and I rarely find a space short enough for it to completely block an area off. It at least can make NPCs have to run further to get at me, I guess. This might be even better once I get my infused hopper leather armor and tabis and I can zip all over the place.

Any other recommendations as far as abilities go?
>inb4 'get TM'
No, I told myself this run I won't use it.
force field's good for doors, sort of. it's one of those buys you a turn if you're desperate spells.
you going psychosis or tranq?
I went tranquility. I didn't realize the two were exclusive until now. Oh well, tranquility fits my build more because I'm 3 CON and am trying to be as mobile and heavy hitting as possible. So far kinesis seems more support spell like and thermics seem to be mostly direct damage. I don't know much about any of the spells available, I'm taking it all as it comes so far.
oh right on, totally new to it
yeah that's fine, pk and mt are a decent enough combination, should cover nearly all your bases. finding the higher level abilities is probably going to be a pain though, i won't judge you if you need to peek at a guide.
>fighting for a train station
>natives have overrun my expedition
>at least 15 natives to deal with
Am I fucked bros? I cannot beat this screen no matter how I turn this around.
Bros, I think I fucked up.
>Specialize into thought control / psychokinesis
>Can't do shit to robots at all
yeah but they want to keep northerners in the north, where they belong, and they want you to help them do it
game was too much lolrandumb for me
you can level up as a MUTANT
cannot ride jet skis or take trains
Psychokinesis destroys robots with ease.
>cannot ride jet skis
fucking GAY, i wanted to visit mutie island and try doing all the expedition/black sea stuff

bro your electro trap? your dual implosions?
its an old-biocorp military installation
its just called "south gate station" as a nod to final fantasy 9
you can portal at least
reeeee i'm assuming dude isn't exactly going to teach me how if i'm already a mutant so that means i gotta do it first
fuck it i will ooze it up as much as possible regardless
I'm level 8, what about it that is available to me will kill robots?
at lvl 8 you can get mania, if you went psychosis
even without it, psychosis + survival instincts is 50% crit
lvl 8 is high enough to craft your own EK-filter headband too
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He can show up in your neet bunker, at the rail crossing train station, in upper underrail one map south of panacea labs, and I've heard he can show up in drop zone but I don't know where exactly. Have you ever seen him anywhere else?
Last two fronts are always easy. It's taking the second front that's usually impossible without thought control. There's a very high chance your guys will take massive losses every turn and you'll run out before you can get the second front done.
High thought control doesn't do anything obvious, it just gives a hidden bonus that makes attacks more likely to succeed/guys less likely to die. It took a while to even figure out that TC did anything there. There was a lot of confusion where some people were saying it was easy and some people were saying it was impossible until we noticed that everyone who found it easy happened to have high TC.
I initially told him that i'll go and get the thing for him and actually did (stashed it in my house first), but when i came back to the bar, he was nowhere to be found. Never appeared anywhere after that, though i did not wait for days as i was already finished.
is it just me or did styg get new profile art for all characters? i remember when jon the beautiful was a black man with red goggles.
he was never black
that portrait is meant to have tanned skin, and its always used on stealthy-leather-armor sprites of white guys, like eddy

and anyway no, some updates would give 1 or 2 characters new portraits/sprites
dude, balor, oligarchy characters, jon, cornell, maybe a few others
how the fuck do you get a tan when you live underground
Tanner did it.
Decided to go with Psi and got to GMS. Fuck me, did NOT realize that you need 25 lockpicking to open vents. This is going to make the compound much, much harder than it needs to be, especially considering that I didn't invest any points in that, and I'm not going psychokinesis
the compound vents require so much lockpicking they might as well not be there
SGS is my home. I don't care if half of the inhabitants are ex-Biocorp researchers that committed various crimes against humanity. Even Ezra gets a pass because he teaches me thought control and sells pretty electronics.
lot of loyalty for a hired gun
Is this the kind of game where a higher difficulty is better from the start? Or should I go normal?
Sure, retard. I'm 22. The golden age of CRPGs happened nearly ten years before I was born. Kill yourself.
Depends on how good at building characters you are. Except that's really difficult to judge, so it's impossible to say if you should be playing normal or hard.
Don't play dominating, it's designed for people who already know everything about the game.
>The golden age of CRPGs happened nearly ten years before I was born.
Its sad that zoomers get mindraped into thinking like this.
The game isn't as difficult as it's reputed to be. If you're familiar with isometric RPGs I would recommend starting on hard. Just decide on a weapon type you'd like to use, look up the relevant feats on wiki, and make sure your build qualifies for those feats at the appropriate level. You'll inevitably have some extra resources to pour into secondary strategies, like stealth, throwing, a psi dip, or persuasion.
It all comes to preference. I have played Fallout 1, 2, and UnderRail now for probably 500 hours each. At least. I prefer UnderRail overall.

My biggest gripe with UnderRail is the main story. I love certain aspects of it, but when you really get down to it, nothing gets answered and the most interesting parts of the world are so open to interpretation they wind up not being interesting the harder you think about it because there are no known, concrete things.

On the flip side, Fallout is frustrating in it's own right. Persuasion by far is the perfect example to me. It is the "pick me and you win" option. Less so in 2 than in 1, but still very much a problem in 2 (and 2 has many more problems than 1/UR to boot). I hate when games are so pussy in making things happen, they give the player an out. And 1 does that over and over again. People bitch about how underused persuasion is in UnderRail, but my God, I will take that over classic Fallout's system any day of the week.
The answer is crowbar + strength boosting armor + strength boosting food plus strength boosting combat drugs.
At 3 base strength, the green coke will get you enough to get to 9 strength for forcing vents in the compound if you only have the Rathound Regalia and Rathound bbq
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How's it going, did styg just update the game again a few weeks ago
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Metathermics is boring because it is mostly direct damage spells. If you're doing war crimes chemical warfare there is something to be said about throwing fireballs but beyond that its mostly uninspired. Thought control is cool. Basically mind rape everyone. Doesn't work very well on stuff that doesn't have a mind (robots). Psychokinesis is probably the most well rounded and, in my opinion, the most interesting school. You have support and direct damage spells. You can take on anybody with it. It even has stuff for unarmed hybriding if that is what you want. I love psychokinesis. Temporal manipulation is cheesy but can be quite fun if you ignore stasis and contraction. I've been saying forever I am going to make a pure temporal tank but I've never gotten around to it.
>People bitch about how underused persuasion is in UnderRail, but my God, I will take that over classic Fallout's system any day of the week.

I hear this alot, but I beg to differ. Persuasion is balanced reasonably well as a secondary skill you use to complement your main strategy. It gives you easier ways to resolve quests in the same way that investing in, say, traps would also help you get through certain situations more easily. And a heavy investment in the skill gives you access to certain exclusive content, just like how there are rooms you can only enter with hacking or items you can only buy with mercantile.

I do feel like persuasion could be used slightly more, but if Styg added additional content for it we'd probably bitch that persuasion is a useless skill point tax designed to lock away parts of the game.
Does Expert Throwing eliminate the last 5% chance to whiff grenades?
>People bitch about how underused persuasion is in UnderRail, but my God, I will take that over classic Fallout's system any day of the week.
ha, nigger
there is no "last 5%"
there is a last 10% though
If you read more carefully, you'll noticed that I never actually accused the anon I was quoting of saying persuasion sucks, just seconding that I'd seen people complain about it for (mostly) bad reasons.
I wish Stygg could have made a proper Aliens level full of Underrail xenomorphs in the darkness
We already got get raped by 50 death crawlers in the dark and then a big one in the basement area tho
In the caves. The old Biocorp facility only had a few with a chokepoint, there is that one small place in the underpassages but it's not enough.
yeah, moreover theres none that you HAVE to go through
shit, as soon as I posted I remembered arkes basement
its not big enough either but you do have to go through it
Now to be fair, there would have to be some unique gameplay mechanics for a proper xenomorph-like level so long as there are unbreakable doors. Allow the shadow bugs to get into closed rooms by the ceiling vents but they have to take two turns, also give the PC some kind of screwball motion detector. Something like that.
Would kinda be fun to have turrets to set up, weld doors, activate system defenses and traps, that kind of shit. Meanwhile the creatures would find ways through vents, tunnels, etc.
Why did Styg design a game where you're incentivized to use only 1 single weapon and pump 1 single attribute. Is he retarded?
No that's good game design, he's a genius
1 type of weapon, anyway, yeah
theres a couple exceptions, but that's generally true
however, you're wrong about pumping just one attribute, assuming you mean going from 10 to 18; theres only a handful of builds where that is the optimal choice
Imo: 6 AGI mandatory for sprint, 7 for Fancy Footwork if you want very high mobility.

If you're a bad enough dude, skip psi and get strength 7 and the armor sloping feat so you can wear super steel metal armor while still moving fast. Use the Claymore unique sword because it's fucking badass and be a tough, fast knight.
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what do? Are these motherfuckers scripted to be alerted the moment I grab the circuit board? I snuck in pretty easy but it's impossible to sneak out now
your problem sounds nonsensical

anyway whatever, just open the door in stealth, get back out of the way, wait for you stealth timer to cooldown, then throw a grenade somewhere to lure them and restealth while the grenade is in midair
they're not scripted.
you just need to be more careful
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Expose Weakness. Lots of stuff has physical resist and EW helps quite a bit. A guy on here told me how he did a sword build without it using laser mods but he also did a psi build. I'm far too smoothbrained to do a sword build without expose weakness.
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No, there were definitely units on the other side who were already red for some reason. They weren't in combat but they're red-eyed as soon as we get into LOS. Instead of going from green to yellow to orange to red, it's no-eyes to red-eyes instantly. After multiple attempts at sneaking out I just fought a battle instead.
3 conlets keep seething
then your stealth is too low for their detection
Have you tried having 10 CON?
Nah it's definitely some sort of bug. There were enemies with green eyes, whose detection went up normally, and enemies with no eyes, that instantly become red eyes in the next turn.
I'm playing as a w*man >>3506118 so 3 CON is realistic.
Yep. Mutants have 3 per, mutant dogs have 8. Probably your stealth isnt enough for the dogs. Just post your effective stealth score and there will be an end to the madness.
Oh shit I think you're right lol, my effective stealth was 40. Didn't realize how low it has become with anti-acid armor and mine detecting goggles lol. So it seems that there's a cutoff point where you get instantly detected instead of having a fast but gradual rise in detection.
>So it seems that there's a cutoff point where you get instantly detected
each enemy has a threshold
The stealth eye has a pulsing sort of animation if your stealth is low enough to be instant detected. It's not really obvious but you should be able to notice it if you look for it.
It's not very helpful since it only appears when you're in enemy vision range so they've already seen you, but it's something.
Thanks now I see it
You probably could do a temporal tank build but pure TM synergizes better with dodge/evade builds because of precognition which will add around 20% evasion chance by end game. I did a pure TM build made around the makeshift chrono repeater, which is only 5% armor penalty and still lets you put on tabi's and siphoner leather and still get the bonus from the nimble feat. It's not my favorite build, but it has a lot of cheese potential once you've maxed out continuum ripple and your spreading time warp fucks up every enemy in the area while you wait it out with flashbangs and stasis.
minor updates like adding the crawler venom that prevents medicine use.
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>psi purely for evasion stacking
or just drop evasion entirely
>gets killed in single lmg burst
>lmg user shoots your greater siphoner 800 evasion toon
>hits two shots at 10% chance to hit
pseudo-spatial projectors keep winning
>Tasers you
>stuns set dodge/evasion to zero
>enemy kills you
>stuns do not get rid of the pseudo-spatial projections
>enemy still has to burn through the copies
was this supposed to be a win for you
>Tasers you regardless
d-dont stop...
>Keeps tasering you
>Drops mk5 red pineapple at your feet
>10CON + Thick Skull because didnt have to waste points on gay agility attribute
what now pineappleman
Shake your hand out of respect and walk out
What if underrail had multiplayer mode and you could play 1vs1 arena against 4chan autists? What about 2vs2? Which builds would be overpowered? Depends who get first turn?
it would be a hellish nightmare of 1 turn kills that likely comes down to initiative rolls
root soda 18 agi fusion cannon meta
fusion cannon's super weak to high evade so unless you got a guaranteed stun in there too, someone can probably get around it
my money's on plasma beam
with 500 evasion I one shot myself with a grenade launcher
you think cannon won't kill someone?
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with the right armor and build, it would be very difficult even for the fusion cannon
i merely do not underestimate the autism of buildcrafters
shit was only doing like 200-300 dmg a shot to magnar so i figure anything with high evasion and a decent shield could tank that first shot easy
18 dex 10 agi paranoia trigger happy root soda twitch wearing jkk uniform with a big iron on his hip would be the meta
magnar is evading 85% of the damage before any resistances, and he has stoicism at least

85% evade
75% blast cloth (from one piece; multiple pieces stack multiplicatively, but tabis and clava won't get to 75% each)
I imagine your energy shield happens before blast cloth, but im not sure; regardless like 300 from shield
then the armor resistances itself; galvanic greater siphoner for instance has both electric and energy resist
then you have aegis and morphine/nervo, plus stoicism if they have it
okay new rules: pvp underrail but no drugs OR food allowed
naga blasts do no damage anyway
try that against my 40mm that cuts your evasion by 40%
actually they do about 450 damage as you can see in my pic

>This feat also ignores your own evasion. Evasion caps at 340 skill for 85% AoE damage reduction. At 485 evasion the reduction cap of 85% would be maintained.

unless you were referring to shell shock in which case good luck hitting me 5 times before I kill you
485 is at 30%
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oh no
i forgot how good flurry feels
How does the "evasion modifier" stat listed on the wiki's jet ski page work? The descriptions don't seem to cover it.
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shaka when the walls just didn't fucking show up
Temba, his ass wide/open
i appreciate this
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im sure one of the wiki turbo nerds can answer that, but nobody ever even talks about that
ive been playing this game for like 7 years now, plenty of evasion builds, all of them on good jets, and I have no idea
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anyone manage to get a dick spawn when going looking for the torch. Got it on his ass this time and the dialogue was different from how I remember it usually being.
What's with the hat?
he found it let him wear his little pimp hat anon
just be glad he didn't shoot the guy in the dick
any anons have a guide for installing custom portraits without a background so the game can apply its own?

I -WILL- have the console and there isn't a goddamn thing you can do about it

based fuck stygger
You have to make a png with a transparent background, just look up a tutorial on youtube, then make 3 copies of that image and end their names with _l, _S and _H.
what size file for _H?
the sizes are on the underrail wiki i think
i can’t believe it but i’m getting filtered by depot a by a lack of AOE outside of grenades

i have a quad psi build with very little points to spare for crafting or anything else. i’m starting to think i’m incompetent if i can’t do depot a at lvl 8.

any anons have good sources for oddities pre depot a?
>quad psi
styg officially disapproves of your build, get filtered by the build filter is by design
Did you go tranquility? It's not very adviceable with quad psi, you aren't really going to be able to economize psi usage at that point.
Try following that guide, you'll find a quad school build if you scroll down a bit.
Only advice i can give you myself is try to do every quest you can do before going into depot a (abram's questline, getting back the lucky knife, finding the engraved ring, completing one of the gang's questlines, etc)
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it is unbelievable how hard cold MT gets cucked by a couple of dudes sitting around a barrel fire warming their hands
Just set them on fire
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fire...? you mean like, molotovs? yeah sure that sort of works but it's not very reliable
any advice for quad psi tranquility builds?
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haha great joke styg
real fuckin' funny
There's a chance that a super psybeetle cave will spawn in each seed, there's 4 of them, each themed after one of the psi schools
this is the most aids shit i have ever seen in this game jesus christ
there's like 30 of them and they're all spamming contraction/dilation/timecancer
and some of them have neural overload just for shits and giggles

and now i HAVE to beat this place out of spite
Haven't played since expedition, how are grenades launchers? Are they viable or just a meme?
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well i did it and i got absolutely fuckall for it
115 quality beetle shell which i guess is nice

they're great and you can get a sweet freebie in depot A
heavy and expensive ammo however
Great stuff. If you have a character with skill points in Guns you can use them to a good degree even without further feat investment.
As far as i know the only beetle cave that's worth it is the fire beetle one on account that it's the easiest way to get plasma beam for MT builds.
and of course there's like a 0.003% chance of it spawning so it's not like you can count on it
it wouldn't ruin the balance of the game to give us a 1 pt unique oddity/luxury item or something in there, just as a trophy
Well technically you can hard save farm for it if you didn't enter any of the areas it can be yet. But mostly I find it handy for the Leprechaun event just for the shoes.
still not sure if the krampus one the same because I have never got it to spawn yet
He's also the only source for refreshable barbed nets
Which is kinda stupid
>quad psi
Not as good as it used to be unfortunately. But it's still viable. I never understood people complaining about Depot A unless you're completely new. You have options. Do all the sidequests, you can reach up to level 10 before even stepping foot in Depot A. Siphoners have a spawn right near Junkyard, go kill them and make some boots/armor. If you can't do that, you can almost always find mutated dog / siphoner armor on bandits. Odds are you did at some point but never noticed. And if all else fails, wait around and buy a shield from somebody. Ezra and a few of the Junkyard vendors have a chance to stock them, even that early on.
Is not going to be the most optimal but it will probably be worth it for that archmage feel, tranquility's ap cost reduction can only do so much with that fat fucking +30 psi cost, you can reduce it to a +10 with an early psi carapace tac vest and the flexibility feat you could also just run three schools at a time and switch depending on the situation to keep the psi usage at it's base level.
You'll probably be stuck doing either of those until you can get mufflers good enough to override that last 10% but once you're at that point you're pretty much good to go.
You won't be casting 6 spells per turn like most tranquility builds but you'll have an answer to pretty much everything, you may not even need throwables at that point.
what sre the sidequests that would let you get to lvl 10 pre depot a? i did harland’s, two of the scrappers then completed the black eel’s, jack quicksilver, kohlmeier, abram’s, and it still took me to doing most of Depot A at lvl 9 and 1/2 on oddity.
Which xp are you running?
Probably should be running an ice pistol and cryo grenades too if you're roleplaying as Arnold Schwarzenegger.
i get more oddities early from killing siphoners, burrowers, and boars, and there's probably a few tucked away in corners that you haven't discovered yet
did you know that there's an oddity on a shelf inside a room at the junkyard front gate? near archie
There are only two beetle caves. Temporal beetles and metathermics beetles. The other caves are darkdwellers and leprechaun.
Temporal beetles have boosted drop quality, so that's why. Normal beetles cap out at 105 quality or so. So don't waste it.
don't forget hoppers
where do you find boars?
Ah, there's your problem. You will always be a lower level on oddity than on classic. Not that that means you're doomed, it just means you need to be more strategic. Try sneaking around Depot A. Set up a bear trap fortress. If you're quad psi, you should have plenty of CC abilities, especially with psychokinesis. Lots of narrow chokepoints to use barrier on, electrokinesis for stuns, punch for stuns, abuse the shit out of molotovs or other thermic abilities. If you went psychosis you'll be able to abuse CC with psi significantly less, but it is still doable.
From the SGS train station, go south twice, then enter the cave entrance to the west. Pigs and warthogs. No guarantee they'll actually drop what you want though.
It's part of the same route you can take to get the Bren on an LMG build. You can get it at level 1, but it's hard since the warthogs will fuck you up if they catch you.
I put some points into sneak between Level 8 and 9 and as it turns out that was all that was needed to dominate Depot A. That and MK II frags, molotovs, and flash bangs.

How shit is this? I just want stealth autist with grenades and pistols who opens every box. I'm also a retard (irl) so i'm not fully sure about feats and stats. I also have so much skillpoints left but i don't think i want crafting. Maybe for grenades? Oddity and normal difficulty (finished the game once on easy lol). Should i take critical power instead of ie. burglar? How's the general playstyle in combat? Just throw shit and start shooting from stealth?

it's still awful but this is closer to sanity without just making a normal pistol build (which I have never done)
i don't wanna get autistic on your ass cause it seems like you're pretty new but
burglar is a total fucking waste, sure step a very big waste
you got 11 agi but no dodge or evasion or blitz or even fucking sprint

lose burglar and sure step. pump dodge and evasion. drop agi down to 10 if you want blitz or lower if you don't. get ambush. some points in bio and chem will help you make grenades and drugs. if what you really wanted from all that agi was move points, then put points into tailoring so you can make sick tabi boots and put like 2-3 of those agi points elsewhere
>get ambush
Ambush isn't that great for pistols. The shit range makes it hard to use it reliably.
I agree with the rest.
I really hate having to think about ambush so I always skip it.
Nothing to think about if you can cast tk proxy. LMGs + Ambush(Proxy proc'd) is the most disgustingly strong and braindead build I have played so far.
If you can't cast proxy you should at least have good throwing and/or stealth.
eh he did literally say "start shooting from stealth" so i figured flavor was more important
i've never made a normal pistol build either
I have played a lot of chem and firearm pistols (different characters obviously), and I have tried to make Ambush work with them. It's never worth the hassle with the range they have.
>so i figured flavor was more important
If flavour is important let him keep the garbage feats like Burglar, it will be more relevant and useful compared to Ambush. Trust.
Hoppers drop oddities?
a 2 exp one
>he's never done the 2-30 minute RNG grind of wasting all your early game ammo shooting hoppers before the newton quest
If he has sure step he can spawn camp them with burrower caltrops
just net them and punch them to death and reload if you run out of nets
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Thanks. Already cleared outposts, lvl 3. Actually refreshing to be able just skip some rathounds because i already got 3x ear oddities from them. Yeah, burglar was kinda brainfart, i somehow missed few other feats from the list. t. retard

did not even restart when i saw coral hanging out in the docks
the idea is obviously to use infused rathound leather and whatever unique pistol you want
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I have some questions. I have never messed with psi.

First off: I want to do metathermics and temporal manipulation as those seem the most interesting to me. What spells do I want out of both of those? I'm not sure if learning certain things locks me off from others, but I'd like to avoid any rugpulls if I can.

Second, the main debate around psi seems to be psychosis vs. tranquility. Which do you faggots think would pair better with my build? Tranquility seems like it'd be hard to maintain. I'm not horrible at this game, but I wouldn't say I am great, either. If it matters, right now I am leaning on doing 3 con 8-10 agility.

Lastly, I have no idea what armor I should utilize. Everyone seems to recommend tchort robes, but those don't come up until late game and even then they seem pretty mild.
>tell me exactly what to do
What's the point then
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I'm just asking what the good spells are, armor recommendation, and what's better for metathermics: Tranquil or psycho. Nigger.
Yeah literally everything. Why do idiots play this game over and over when all they do is copy other people's builds? There is nothing beyond that gameplay-wise, so what are you even doing?
you can't lock yourself out of anything spell-wise
psychosis glass cannon is more fun
you will need cryo orb to unlock said fun, it's in the mutie-infested back alleys behind core city
psi beetle tac vest will never let you down
Tranquility if you want to cast many spells per turn, high agi and low con work with this because you'll be getting one shotted either way so you may as well invest on feats like nimble and sprint so you can snipe shit.
Psichosis is for stacking crits and going for one turn wins, you probably want 7 con for this so you can get hemopsichosis since you won't get to cast more than one or two spells per turn otherwise and since you don't have to be at full health you can afford to go for a "tankier" build.
Tchort armor only boosts thought control i think, so it's either a leather armor that let's you move around a bit more or a tac vest with a psi carapace to further reduce psi consumption.
With time manipulation you'll probably want distortion to deal with robots unless you have points to spend on throw, besides that there's contraction and stasis, those two carry any build they are in, metathermics can kill anything that isn't a robot, all of the skills you learn are SGS are pretty useful, besides that the orb is the best ice skill and plasma beam the best fire skill, barrier can help if you're going to do expedition and destabilization can help you with bosses that fight with minions.
Exothermic aura is a meme skill but it's a funny meme skill.
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>got the MT beetle cave spawn too
this sure is a psi seed run
time to prove ice > fire
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i'm the best
motherfuckers had like 1.2k hp each but the cave layout made it ezpz
Which mentor?
plasma beam, can't even use it since i'm lvl 14
going to try to go pure cold as long as i can however, at least until strongmen/naga make me reconsider
>psycho ice
Interesting. What's your build and what difficulty if you don't mind my asking?
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it's just ice, something like this
robots are a bit of a pain but with mania i can punch through most things
depot a was the biggest hurdle with only cryokinesis and cryostasis, had to use a lot of grenades, but everything after that has been golden once i picked up orb
I'm not shitting on you for it, just curious.
it was a why the fuck not, i had a ton of points left over and nothing else really i wanted to put them in
plus i like yell, it's fun and it's really fucking handy against death stalkers
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>4 dex
>4 con
Unless I'm missing something here, this makes no sense. But I give you props, man. Dom with what looks like a shit build is impressive.
i don't need 10 int for psi slots since i (should) be cold only and 8 is easily enough to craft all the good shit quickly
my loot goblin autism hates seeing locked stuff i can't open and 3 dex means i have to put more points into lockpicking than i like
and i had one point left over so fuck it, more hp

i don't really like chunky hemo psi so i nearly always go high agi
again, except for depot a it's been smooth sailing for a meme build
Okay, so how do I deal with Silent Isle on dominating? I can kill the rathounds easily but there's still a cluster of Azuridae with a Goliathus on the way to the cargo. My best idea is to throw burrower poison caltrops on the periphery of their roaming area and wait for them to die of natural causes. (I'm playing a psychosis char focusing on TC and PK, btw). But there's gotta be a more certain strategy, right?
should be possible enough with TC. break them up with molotovs, have flashbangs handy for when things fail, mental breakdown + fear will put a big boi out of commission for 8 turns if you can get the first one to land. NO can do solid damage even to goliaths
you popped into the cave first, right? helps a lot not having to deal with doppels

if all else fails, i usually clear out the right side, chuck a grenade or something really loud on the bottom left side of the island and then run up the right and by then everyone's gone down to check out your loud noise, or at least moved a bit out of the way
molotovs and if you got psichokinesis stun them on top of the fire, you can also flashbang them and throw a gas grenade under them
Does telekinetic proxy copy electrokinesis?
No, only telekinetic abilities. So TK Punch, Implosion and Force Emission.
No, in PK there's 2 subclasses of spells, Telekinesis and Electrokinesis
Proxy only copy Telekinetic spells, like the anon above said
I mean i get it but it kinda sucks
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Huh, first time seeing this.
>double implosion double punch
>hit something for 70% of it's max hp+1000
you suck
I like that part, i just wish i could get double bouncy lighting too.
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Imagine a sort of open-world full loot PvEvP setting with respawning enemies, you lose a fixed percentage of your XP bar on death. You can get together with other noobs and go raid the siphoner pools or attempt to clear out fort apogee with a squad of decked out CON builds, one of you was a mole and turns on you once shit hits the fan. I wouldn't know how to remedy the eventual gankers camping city gates or some high level players clearing out SGS and farming new players.(fallout online ring a bell?)
This is just a pipe dream because of the balancing nightmare involved(even a single feature such as stealth/detection needs to be tweaked), possibly the removal of manually starting combat
Best solo psi school?
No other combat oriented skill to support it whatsoever?
Probably MT, but TM has potential too. Doable also with PK.
Obviously TC is completely powerless against robots so at least you need to use EMP 'nades and/or stealth to evade them.
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TM's great and never suffers from problems damaging anything but also trickier to get the hang of thanks to your 2 turn buffer for hurting anything,, while MT just werks
iirc nagas are probably your biggest issue even with plasma beam, but they're not impossible
>try pure tm build
>14 stacks of ripple on one enemy while all enemies are bunched up
>nothing fucking dies
>ripple gets nerfed
it's the flurry of psi
when it works it makes pp the big PP
when it doesn't it's fucking miserable
you don't want to stack it all on one enemy though, because it only actually triggers like 1-2 of them before they die so all those other stacks are wasted
spread that shit out, or put like 4-5 on one big enemy. you want to just barely kill them
PK if your monking it since EW helps alot with implosion and PK Punch.
PK is the most self sufficient when it comes to resistances, unlike MT who struggles with robots until obtaining plasma beam which is really not an easy psi to obtain even on the late game.
From my testing it is PK. You get direct damage and cc abilities, all with answers to any resistances you might run into. It is the variety blend of psi schools.
I have yet to meet the all woman gang as a woman PC, they always appear when I pick man
What do they do?
What's a good area for farming psi beetle carapaces? I thought i would try the area next to the hanging rat but that shit is fucking infested with goliaths.
there's the area immediately after that that has only a couple goliaths and a lot of smaller ones, you can access it from above, about halfway between rail crossing and core city
also the spot right before the lost vault provided you enter from the bottom/left and not the top
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they challenge you to a dual and fight you with honor, if your a man.
>pic related
when your a woman they say sis, and tell you to girl boss it up
Jesus fucking Christ man, i cleared out camp hathor and rail crossing's quests and the game still refuses to give me one miserable muffler.
If I wanted to get into MT but was autistic enough to force myself to only use either fire or ice which am I better off with
Prob Cryo just because at least you have a basic attack that doesn't use all your AP like the flame thrower one does. That and Crit Orb will still fuck shit up even for warmed up guys or robots since it deals Mech damage.
Just going for utilities stuff it's more equal though
i'm doing a cryo only run right now
it is fun, just cleared grey army base. learn the ways of freezing people in doorways for 6 turns or you will suffer
come join me in autism land
Are you throwing gas grenades at them? The gas doesn't break the ice.
nah, doesn't fit my build flavor. i just ping everyone behind the frozen guy until mania/premed/cryo orb comes off cooldown again
i wish cryo grenades weren't so abysmally shit though, i keep some around but they're just not good
How do you avoid not breaking the cryo'd guy out with the orb?
well when you drop it everyone else usually dies too so there's no longer a problem
or you place it behind everyone, the shards follow a physical path and can be bodyblocked. i've dropped an orb two behind a guy squares away from myself and been untouched because he took the hits
I never noticed the body blocking, thanks.
orb has some weird interactions, like you can't shoot the orb itself through fences but if you shoot it AT the fence, the shards will pass through and hit stuff on the other side. or how i think it's still kinda bugged and you can chill robots with it that should normally be immune to chill
I've never done phreak's quest before, is it worth it?
For the Exp I guess except maybe if your a fistfag then you get contact-paper that deals energy damage.
It can be painful for Perlets though
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Probably not on this character then
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come get me
How does that work? did it expand from the water on top of the ground?
yeah, as long as the center of the aoe is in water you can cast it, so it expands like 3 tiles onto land
you can block off bridges and fun stuff
enemies will also attack the barrier if they can't reach you, it's real fun popping it near the goliaths by oculus and watching them all go nuts on it
you can get night vision gogs to skip the only perception check in the core city basement, otherwise it's straightforward
I meant specifically for the puzzle part though I'm not sure how much they enjoy those sudden parts STYG throw in
At least I could say though its not as bad as the Ice T "fight" or the music puzzle
Man, psychokinesis fist sucks ass. It really is crazy how bad strength melee compares to dex.
t. 3 STR
what's your STR at. You literally have a feat that scales with it by a shit ton and gets a free boost everytime use adrenaline or cocaine for a free 10-20%
I want to do another psi build but I don't want to wear a fucking trenchcoat for my entire run again. Fuckin A Styg why couldn't you give some cooler psi clothes
i have a TC guy who beelined for the intercessor exoskeleton from the dlc, it's pretty neat and looks sexy
you basically start every combat with 35 ap the first turn but it's also a huge boost to TC and isn't made of wet tissue paper like the tchort robes
post your build, with implosion i can otk bosses
3 str, +1 net from powering it on and +1 from power fist should negate that
yeah there's plenty of ways to get around it, i just went base 4 str since i was planning on swapping between the two native sticks so no room for power fist
psychophract exo seems super gimmicky but also like it might be interesting in a "can i make this shit work" meme way

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