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Hows this game compared to Pathfinder/Wotr/other contemporary rpgs?

I played for few hours and game seems well researched, history wise
I find it better in terms of story and encounter design, but your skills in combat are less diverse than the ones in WoTR.
It's pretty good, the whole Praetorian missions shit gets kinda annoying but it's alright if you have your people well equipped. Historically it's so, so with 2 female companions but it does a good job in conveying a story where you are both Caesar and Augustus with the option to become Emperor or just try to save the dying republic anyways. I really like the segment before the Rubicon.

Game features the third Pontic war, Conquest of Egypt, Invasion of Gaul and the roman civil war.
It's weird, I had a good time with the demo but by the time it was over and I didn't feel really compelled to keep playing.
Always thought this games was a rts?
It shits all over Pozzfinder, really well-designed combat and has actually diverse builds.
>diverse builds.
woke faggotry
games should only have sword/shield DPS trees
Scipio AFRICANUS, chud.
>Verification not required.
>Hows this game compared to Pathfinder/Wotr/other contemporary rpgs?
Incomparable, Pathfinder games are actual RPGs, this is a nuXCOM inspired TBS. The only common thing they share is awful """strategic""" minigames that you're forced to interact with half/most of the game.

>I played for few hours and game seems well researched, history wise
>half the centurions are black
>Julia Calida is muh victim of patriarchy, but almost everyone you meet is approving of her for no reason
>a former gladiator is made a citizen
>velites, principes, triarii 30 years after Marian reforms
>greek fire 700 years before it was invented
>hoplites 300 years after they fell out of favour
>Egypt has New Kingdom aesthetics (1300 years after it fell). At least they don't try to pass of Egyptians as black
>Berbers weren't so lucky though. We wuz berberz n shit
>a consul makes HIMSELF a dictator
>despite other consuls disapproval
>nobody sees nothing wrong in you participating in human sacrifice
I like it, it's really good. I still like WotR more though.
Cleo pussy
>half the centurions are black
Didn't rome by that period had conquered large parts of western Africa? I know they assimilated conquered regions, so black Romans wouldn't be too strange.
>Julia Calida is muh victim of patriarchy, but almost everyone you meet is approving of her for no reason
Yeah this was strange that everyone though she was a boy when VA was clearly woman and her starter gear implies something is wrong regarding "his" armor. Still bit better considering previous expedition games
>a former gladiator is made a citizen
This isn't strange in slightest. Gladiators were freed semi regularly and slave could save up & buy out his freedom. I dunno if freeman=citizen though as iirc history classes, only way to be roman citizen was per military service or being born to roman citizen
I can't comment on other points as I'm not so well versed in classical history
Wotr is cool but at later chapters + higher difficulty, game is kinda chore as you have to min max a lot of your characters and enemies 'numbers' become quite silly

Legion attles are weird as they remind of endless space ' chose tactic cards and watch afk battle". Character battles are fun as they remind me of xcom and phantom doctrine with emphasis on melee combat ( it's more similar to phantom doctrine then xcom though)
roleplaying wise it's great, combat is also really good and turn based
the bad part is where the game slows down to a halt and forces you to down a mission with under leveled centurions instead of your main cast to pad the time
only complaint really
>Didn't rome by that period had conquered large parts of western Africa?
No. Only North Africa which is Semites and Berbers.
>I know they assimilated conquered regions
During late empire. When Julius Caesar integrated Cisalpine Gaul (which was so heavily Romanized that Titus Livius and Virgil were natives of the area) there was heavy outrage that he was letting barbarians into the Senate.
>so black Romans wouldn't be too strange.
It's as ridiculous as Aboriginal samurais and that you've been led to think otherwise is why I despise this game (on top of having bad mechanics and droll writing) and similar media.
>This isn't strange in slightest
>I dunno if freeman=citizen though
It wasn't, and if you don't know what you're talking about, why try to argue about it? Freedmen (liberti) couldn't be part of the legions.
>velites, principes, triarii 30 years after Marian reforms
ancient states couldnt drive massive military reforms as fast as modern states
>unsubstantiated claim with sarcasm
Thanks. Always interesting to learn new stuff regarding ancient history. Usually I mix things between late republic and early empire periods as my primary interest is 17/18 century ( I'm not historian though).
Are there any games you could recommend that has similar subject ( ancient Greek city states/ roman republic/empire that are somewhat decent from historic standpoint? Thanks again
The plan was always to show a false history in media to force it into reality.
At this point I guess there are a lot of devs who get in on program just to avoid SJW blockbacks and bad press
>>half the centurions are black
They are not forcing you to use them.
>>Julia Calida is muh victim of patriarchy, but almost everyone you meet is approving of her for no reason
Because she is Lucullus protege and you, if you are playing as a woman, his daughter.
You can see how much sexism there is in the story if you play as women, the most important being incapable of inheriting Lucullus's wealth and becoming a Proconsul.
>>a former gladiator is made a citizen
Only in the end of the story, after serving in three campaign for Rome, and you are Imperator or Consul
>>velites, principes, triarii 30 years after Marian reforms
>hoplites 300 years after they fell out of favour
It's mostly for gameplay, Only an autistic person would care about that..
>>Egypt has New Kingdom aesthetics (1300 years after it fell). At least they don't try to pass of Egyptians as black
>>Berbers weren't so lucky though. We wuz berberz n shit
Fair enough.
>>a consul makes HIMSELF a dictator
>despite other consuls disapproval
He only put his name for the role, The senate had only agreed it if you , a person who hates the men, agrees to keep an eye in him.
and only Cicero and Cato have been against the war on Gaul, Pompey and Cota just didn't want a person who never led a military campaign in command.
>>nobody sees nothing wrong in you participating in human sacrifice
They do, You lose a lot of reputation with Syneros if you sacrificed a servi.
and they care more about their supplies line, and the only way of doing that is being allied with the druid.
>They are not forcing you to use them.
They shouldn't be in the game at all.
This is the absolute worst of all three Expeditions games. By a lot.
Saved the republic and had loving passionate sex with cute tomboy while handholding for the purpose of procreation.
But enough about Viking we're talking about Rome
stealing this thread, what are some good rpgs that let you play in ancient greece/Macedonia.
Do other expeditions games have similar classes? (Heavy armored soldier, agile soldier, archer. Etc)
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>Are there any games you could recommend that has similar subject ( ancient Greek city states/ roman republic/empire that are somewhat decent from historic standpoint?
Now that's a tall order. Have yet to try it myself but heard good things about A Legionary's Life.

>They are not forcing you to use them.
"Don't play the game" is not the defensive argument you think it is.
>You can see how much sexism there is in the story
That's not enough. Everyone and their mothers should be sexist. As it is, the only non-villainous sexist is Syneros.
>>>a former gladiator is made a citizen
>Only in the end of the story
Lying cunt.
>Only an autistic person would care about that..
One could say that about anything.
>He only put his name for the role, The senate had only agreed it if you , a person who hates the men, agrees to keep an eye in him.
Educate yourself on dictators' role and appointment, so that you may understand the point I'm making.
>and only Cicero and Cato have been against the war on Gaul, Pompey and Cota just didn't want a person who never led a military campaign in command.
You think anyone but Cicero has any say in the matter? We all know you've no idea what you're blabbering about, but please try to be less obvious.
>They do, You lose a lot of reputation with Syneros if you sacrificed a servi.
According to Roman law, you should be executed.
>historian though).
Are there any games you could recommend that has similar subject ( ancient Greek city states/ roman republic/empire that are somewhat decent from historic standpoint?
Europa Barbarorum is great although not an RPG
Thanks. I'll check it
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More of strat game than an RPG.
It 10000% better than the putrid vomit that is pathfinder.
Of course, being superior to absolute shot doesnt make you stellar. I has issues. And the devs should focus on telling an interesting alternative historical story over puttting women and niggers in rome.
I really like how you basically take Ceaser's persona.
For what it is, it is pretty okey and the writing is considerably above other modern shit.
Viking had a classless system.
I like the game but the main story moves glacially slow and often forgets that years have passed between campaigns. Gaul annoyed me with how many ambushes you have to walk in to, following the orders of your enemy. They even force you to play as him to rub salt in the wound, with all your companions somehow acting shocked at what had happened.

Just like the Pathfinder games they pad the hell out of it with shallow minigames and menus that take way too long to navigate, for no actual benefit to the main gameplay (tactical battles or conversations). It feels way more polished than Viking but doesn't end up being any better.
>"Don't play the game" is not the defensive argument you think it is.
Disingenuous fuck, Praetorians are non-companions NPCs that can be brought and renamed, You can easily ignored the black ones and still play the game.
The only black NPC that cannot be ignored is Bestia, a NPC that didn't make his race his entire personality, like in most woke games.
I do agree about the Berbers one
>Everyone and their mothers
They are, so is the mother of your MC. when she made clear that you ought to marry Cato.
>the only non-villainous sexist is Syneros.
Before meeting Lucullus, Caeso takes your female character aside to reminder her that she's not to engage in the war, something he doesn't do if you are male.
You have all members of Lucullus's party, with the exception of Caesar's mother, shocked and annoyed about your gender reveal, which has been hided for the whole ACT I from your legion.
Pompey, and if I recall, Cota will call you cunt if you choose to take control of the republic by force.
Your smith will ask what a girl is doing with weapons.
Thermus was also very patronizing.
None of them are villainous.
and the whole concept of villainous in this game is ironic, Rome is the invader and conqueror of the history, Archelaus, Mithridates, Ptolemy and the Gauls chieftains are the "good" ones.
You have also limitations playing as female, which I've cited already, or being a men dealing with your own family, namely being incapable of ending the marriage of your sister, who also becomes his property, with Scaevola if you choose to focus in preserving your legion at the of ACT I rather than securing evidence against him.
>Only in the end of the story
Fair enough, I've played the game a long time ago.
>One could say that about anything.
Because it's true, You're cherry picking a gameplay function, the real world isn't a RPG with classes, You may as well complain about the abilities that each class provide, Being a Veles with the Spear of Achilles was pure fantasy.
>According to Roman law
Because no Consul or General in Roman history has ever ignored its laws, right?.
The republic and its laws have been destroyed by Caesar and Augustus, two existences that your MC replaces in the game
>you should be executed.
Caeso, the ideal republican agrees that you didn't had a choice in the matter. because maintaining your supplies lines are far more important.
>You think anyone but Cicero has any say in the matter?
De jure? No.
De facto? Yes.
They have legions.
As I've said
Because no Consul or General in Roman history has ever ignored its laws, right?.
Roman law isn't the law of gravity, and the whole point of the game, and of history, is that since Sulla, the laws of the republic have been ignored more and more.
i've heard it's worse than viking and i found viking to be boring as fuck
>half the centurions are black
no, they are equally white brown and black
but americans see a brown guy and think yep he's black because americans are retarded
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>berbers weren't so lucky
i am a berber (libyan) and i thought they looked accurate in game
you realize there are berbers with so many different skin tones, some are white some are black and most are brown
why shouldn't they be in the game? mauritania and nubia were historically roman, and in this game you conquer them
it makes sense to recruit locally
>No. Only North Africa which is Semites and Berbers
you are absolutely wrong, not only is north africa not 100% berbers only (see tebou in libya) but rome controlled nubia and mauritania
seriously why are you americans so obsessed with black people?
>During late empire. When Julius Caesar integrated Cisalpine Gaul (which was so heavily Romanized that Titus Livius and Virgil were natives of the area) there was heavy outrage that he was letting barbarians into the Senate.
recruiting from conquered regions is not the same as fully assimilating a region, you dishonest fuck
>Freedmen (liberti) couldn't be part of the legions
absolutely wrong, they can be and it was the only way for citizenship for a lot of freedmen
Kinda mid.
Stupid legion mechanics; stupid battles with literally whos as your party; crafting.
Eh, at least I saved the Republic.
the legion mechanic is cool the first few times you do it, then gets tedious
I like it but it pretty much has the same problem as pathfinder where the game is pad out with a horrible minigames
one day I will finish Conquistador
Hispanola is always a blast, but I always burn out halfway throuh the mainland
NTA but if you don't understand the difference between auxiliaries and the actual roman armies then you are a moron
>were there black people fighting as auxiliaries for the romans?
>were there black romans?
>were there black legionaries?
absolutely not
I found it too restrictive with how it wants you to play a certain narrative which reflects the gameplay. Thus you cannot win a retreat mission, for example. I didn't like it, but the premise is admirable. Pathfinder and other crpgs still dominate.
This anon is correct.
auxilias were rewarded with citizenship at the end of their service, where they can continue to being legionaires or even centurions
you are the one who has no idea what the fuck you are saying
rome recruited from everywhere and gave citizenship as a carrot to get retards on board
to add : people who got roman citizenship gave it to their children which creates black families, arab families or german families
generals also awarded citizenship whenever they felt like it
Rome in particular was efficient at reorganising, redeployment and mustering new armies. It absolutely did not take three decades to enact.
The current Tebou are the result of the slave trade, you mongoloid. The Sahara has always been an effective barrier to cultural enrichment, so only isolated instances ever occurred before the seventh or eighth century.

Freedmen were forbidden entry into the legions except on emergency basis. Freedmen were those who were formally emancipated from slavery and did receive citizenship as a result, but were also socially stigmatized until their own children were born free (freemen).

Nubia was never controlled by Rome, and Mauritania was the the NORTHERN part of Africa, the part closest to Spain, not the modern country of that name.

I assure you, there were no blacks fighting for Rome. They were so rare as to be non-existent. Even a statue of one got the same reaction as Yasuke the pet monkey did in Japan.
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>The current Tebou are the result of the slave trade
the most idiotic statement ITT holy shit please kill yourself
>The Sahara has always been an effective barrier to cultural enrichment
i know you played a paradox game where the sahara was this inpassable wall but it doesn't work like that in real life and migration (although not in big numbers) and trade have always been a thing
tebu were always there
>Freedmen were forbidden entry into the legions except on emergency basis
>Nubia was never controlled by Rome
also nonsense
>and Mauritania was the the NORTHERN part of Africa, the part closest to Spain, not the modern country of that name.
you are handicapped, i am convinced you sniffed a lot of lead as a child
mauritania was always what it is today, the region may have been smaller but it still had the same brown and black people there
>I assure you, there were no blacks fighting for Rome
i assure you, there are and your weird fucking fixation with blacks in any historical setting is fucking tiresome at this point
there was blacks browns and whites fighting for rome, because rome was massive and needed meat for its endless grinders
ah of course, it's a culture warrior from xitter
kill yourself
>at the end of their service
>where they can continue
??? absolute retard
I thought it was worse than Vikings at everything except for production value. There is more voice acting in this one and better music.
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>auxilias were rewarded with citizenship at the end of their service, where they can continue to being legionaires
Wrong time period. The practice of granting citizenship to auxilias around Tiberius' rule, which is almost a century after the events of the game. Before that, the Roman state used mercenaries and socii, and the Auxilia were only institutionalized after the big civil war around 30 BC.

Lots of retards on here don't realize that Rome was a politically dynamic state that continuously changed for centuries. Rome in 50 AD was a different beast from the one in 50 BC.

>implying tours of duty in the auxilia never end
>implying there was no one who wanted to keep soldiering after getting citizenship
picrel is for you
thing that anons don't realize is that being a soldier paid well, so people kept doing it even after getting citizenship
as for your other point, yeah the dates are wrong in the game too but we were discussing black people in rome
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>mauritania was always what it is today,
No, it wasn't. It is like saying Texas QLD is representative of Texas USA. Different places, different people.
>your weird fucking fixation with blacks in any historical setting
It's wrong, made up, bullshit. Get your own history, creep.
>trump gif from 2016
>you have to go back
>retarded opinion that amounts to "let me tell you about your country" to a north african
>brings texas in for some fucking retarded reason
>get your own history, in which case implying i am black because i called him out for his obsession with black penises
anon i am sorry but blacks always existed, and always were part of the civilizations that rose and fell in that region like everyone else
i am sorry this angers you, but i can't change the past
Ty for this post, now I know not to bother with it.
>It's wrong, made up, bullshit. Get your own history, creep
Ok. Im Italian. Youre retarded and obsessed. Also lmao that gif like 10 years old isnt it?
>seething about trump memes
>immediately thinks about BBC
god, you niggers can't even assimilate as well as the election tourists
anon projecting that the others are the tourists and you are not new is not gonna work
that gif is from 2016, an election tourist special
>thinks of bbc
i was calling out the other faggot for obsessing with nigger penises
>an italian and a libyan telling him he is wrong
i love this thread
I played about half of Expeditions Conquistador before getting bored of the repetitive and restrictive combat, did it get better in the later games?
This game has great soundtrack
>make shit up, provide 0 sources
>ackhsually i am 1/10th italian so it's true
go back
but enough about what you posted anon
>2.9% population of that specific part of africa
>of which Rome barely controlled 10% of the region
>of which their own maps show they dont live anywhere near the damn area Rome held sway
>uhhhh they were recruiting from the conquered region
Oh piss the fuck off making me search for this irrelevant and blatantly false information you want to be true.
what are you babbling about you incoherent imbecile?
oh so they weren't a majority of the population that means they didn't recruit? what is this nonsense
I like expedition games, even if I never finished the second one. I want another conquistador game, I love the part where the leader of a village gives me his daughter as a wife and then I get to fuck a hot amazon and then I go to my tent and my wife is all sad folding my clothes.
When she confront the amazonian later she slap her and the amazonian beat the shit out of her, I felt kind of bad for that.
Anyway Rome is good, Cleo is my wife
I used cheats for conquistadores because the story was fun. Rome is way better gameplay wise but i did take my time during the Gallic campaign because I didn't want to play anymore but the ending and last act was nice
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Your fucking ramblings are full of shit you lying cocksucker. That you made me waste 15 minutes of my life checking maps and sources.
What's so hard to understand about that you retarded piece of shit?
Oh right, you're a historylet that couldn't bother to even check a map.
The unbelievable audacity of your dumb ass. Pretending you're Italian when you can't even get your borders right
Here let me fucking enlighten your worthless mind with a map of the Roman Republic the day Caesar died the setting of the game.
You see fucking present-day Mauritania or even Roman Mauritania in there you retarded fuckstain?
i read your walls of text before ITT and they were pointless drivel, therefore i am not reading this one
i am sorry that actual natives telling you to fuck off with your american obsession with race hurt your feelings, hope you get better
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your map is wrong retard kun
oh wait he is saying rome in 44bc because he thinks this game cares about dates
yeah nevermind, sorry
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Oh and look that map also shows the that NUBIA is still controlled by Cleopatra
So you were wrong there too dimwit.
Now heres the comment that really got me checking, the Tebou, I mean I should have known you were wrong when you couldn't even spell Toubou correctly. But I gave you the benefit of the doubt.
Now notice in this Toubou map that they are nowhere near any of the Roman settlements compared to this map here >>3514233
But thats not the worst part the worst part is that of the Toubou people of today only 50,000-85,000 of them live in Libya.
I'm not the same anon retard kun and since it took you a few minutes and you couldn't read the pic name
It sure sounds like projection on your part.
>i am sorry that actual natives
You are not an actual native, but if you are you are probably 2 standard deviations below the average IQ. Therefore irrelevant.
Oh an look even when you bring up the Roman Empire in its absolute height they STILL aren't anywhere close to the region.
Im supposed to believe the Romans traveled all the way down south into the desert to hard press a population of 50k who live in said desert herding sheep into the legion? Fuck off.
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>you are handicapped, i am convinced you sniffed a lot of lead as a child
>mauritania was always what it is today, the region may have been smaller but it still had the same brown and black people there
Now tell me glue sniffer, where is present day Mauritania in this roman empire map?
Please enlighten me, I wish to witness your mental gymnastics Mr. "Italian".
look at this anal devastation holy kino
This is why you always need to bring sources and maps so you can shut retards up when they stupid shit like
>mauritania was always what it is today,
That just reeks of a imbecile that can't even read maps.
anon i've given up on arguing with your lead poisoned ass a long time ago
niggers exist, i am sorry this bothers you
you are wrong, byebye
How convenient you gave up just as soon as the maps literally disproved all your bullshit talking points.
Seriously, study and read up on your sources before replying so that you'll never get anally devastated again and waste other peoples time.
Also post a pic of the front cover of your Italian passport with your post number on a separate sheet of paper.
You may at least prove one thing is true and not you being an idiot.
ok amerimutt
>couldnt do it
I knew your dumbass wasn't Italian.
i am not the one who is italian, i am laughing at you for being told to fuck off by a libyan and an italian and spamming unrelated maps and walls of text to try to save face
there was niggers in rome, as north africa always had niggers
noone said they were 99% of the population, but they existed and had citizenship sometimes like everyone else rome invaded
apply ice, please
see >>3514288
Interesting how one minute youre talking about arguing with me and the other saying you're not that anon
Meanwhile following the reply chain there are only 3 people not including me the 4th that just entered the fray
Of the 3, 2 of em hates your guts for not getting basic roman history right
Why lie about something I can easily check?
anon i think you just lost your shit because you got called a faggot
there were black romans, i am sorry this you are upset
No? That's not what happened at all, I'm upset at blatant lying and someone being so stupid he can't get the dates right, the provinces right, or even read a map correctly.
Yet having the absolute audacity to pretend he's an expert on the subject.
> i am sorry this you are upset
And now someone who can't even write sentences correctly.
You're an 18+ man, don't you have any shame at all? Literally any at all?
I feel bad for your parents who devoted a fifth of their life for someone to fail the 3 most basic fucking skills required for a functioning adult.
>op asks how's the game
>Thread derailed by history nerds discussing niggers
>thread derailed by amerimutts obsessing with niggers
>fail basic fucking history
>durrr why are you obsessed with niggers
>what are you a nerd?
NO, its because you fucking idiots are double digit iq morons.
lol malding still i see
I mean yeah I get it, nigger get placed in every movie and historic stuff gets really tiring but I guess it isn't huge detraction from game as most npc aren't niggers, so you can ignore most of niggers in game by just recruiting different centurions, etc. I know there are a lot of people (you including) that hate historic and media black washing, but imo it is lost battle and most of devs just include niggers by default to avoid bad press.
Tl;Dr I agree with you that there is too many niggers in European history in modern days but that's just the way it is now, sadly
>Mad over a retard that cant even read a map or write sentences correctly
Yes. It would be one thing if you were actually smart. But you're a complete dumbass.
No you don't get it. Fucking lying and white washing history is one of the bitchiest moves you can make. If a Russian Slav or someone from China suddenly showed up I would still be pissed.
>Rome is the invader and conqueror of the history, Archelaus, Mithridates, Ptolemy and the Gauls chieftains are the "good" ones.
horseshit mithridates even outright says that he's an invader and conqueror of bythynia just like the romans are, there's no difference in justifications.
>half the centurions are black
Retarded rng and reused assets. I'm with you on this one

>Julia Calida is muh victim of patriarchy, but almost everyone you meet is approving of her for no reason
Bit of a mary sue character there. Decent waifu material though

>a former gladiator is made a citizen
That was a thing, yes

>velites, principes, triarii 30 years after Marian reforms
As class names it works quite well

>greek fire 700 years before it was invented
Supposedly Assyrians used something similar about 500 years before this game is roughly set

>hoplites 300 years after they fell out of favour
The game does make an effort of having phalangites, pezhetairos and thorakitai as well

>Egypt has New Kingdom aesthetics
Ptolomeics did use some of those aesthetics

>We wuz berberz n shit
Would you prefer them caked in vibranium?

>a consul makes HIMSELF a dictator
Both Sulla and Caesar did that

>despite other consuls disapproval

>nobody sees nothing wrong in you participating in human sacrifice
Now you're just lying.
It's Libertini, and yes they could you spastic clown. It was probably the best way they could earn citizenship and or even land. What's more veteran ex-gladiators were often prized as instructors when raising new legions same as veteran legionaries were prized as instructors when drilling gladiators.

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