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It's Monday once again, time to talk about monsters. What monster collecting or monster raising games have you been playing?
>/mon/day Anonymous 06/01/24(Sat)13:11:20
>It's Monday once again
The bot glitched out.
it's saturday
The /mon/ in /mon/day stands for MONster catching game general.
Everyday is /mon/day if were discussing monster catching games.
My favorite currently is Siralim Ultimate and I want everyone to buy it and play the crap outta it and rack up 300+ hrs building teams and ascending realms
>$20 on steam
>$10 on android

It's the same game right?
Based 26 kB image poster. I, too, recall 56.6 kbps
I tried to get into it but it just didn't click for me aesthetically and the turbo grind is not something I specially like, my grind limit is dqm games.
I played the story of SU twice, but didn't stick with the postgame grind and getting back into it seems super daunting (that's why I played the story twice), varying my team felt just like a huge grind before it became viable again, so maybe I'm missing something
Still pretty fun and I'd highly recommend it for people that like JRPG/party building autism
you can build teams with millions of hitpoints that hit for millions of damage. some people have built teams that hit scientific notation for damage and absolutely decimate anything they cross including gods.
yeah same game. you get both and can upload your save to the cloud and play it on the game and than at the desktop. very nice feature.
I love the graphics of it. very nice. tons of realms and monsters.
I was having a problem with teams til I joined the offical discord and got a bunch of tips for it. than I started making teams that hit for millions and really pushed forward in the game.
>Your favorite monster breeder
>Your favorite mon game
>the best mon game
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>Your favorite monster breeder
I don't play those
>Your favorite mon game
Medabots 2 Core
>the best mon game
Devil Survivor
>Your favorite monster breeder
>Your favorite mon game
Pokemon Crystal
>the best mon game
Shin Megami Tensei series
>>Your favorite monster breeder
>>Your favorite mon game
Digimon World 1
>>the best mon game
Monster hunter stories 2
>someone shilling their youtube channel killed the thread
Lets bring it back to life since its monday again with another threadwide question. Whats your favorite type of monster?
any as long as I find it useful. tho cute and slime and undead are fun. all skellybro team is good stuff
Thanks for censoring this cursed image.
Dragon Quest Monsters gbc
Dragon Quest Monsters gbc
Dragon Quest Monsters gbc
i think i played this for a few hours build a sick team, went into some fight that took like 1 minute per turn and barely got the job done and dropped it. should i try it again?
considering you can end up making teams that kill enemies on turn 0 or turn1 and takes less than 15seconds yes. you built a very horrible team that was weak if it took you that long per battle.
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Beat snorlax with Misdreavous cheese, now I'm gonna go back and finish SMTV.
Are there any Pokemon clones that don't suck or simplify Pokemon's combat system? I've played Nexomon Extinction (it was terrible) and Coromon (it was okay), but not really a huge fan of either.
So you are telling me i got filtered.
Ok, I just downloaded SU 1.1.1. I will now buy some food, get my new glasses and prepare mentally for the evening. I was looking for a new autism project after finishing Tactics Ogre LUCT 100% anyway. I played chained echoes the last 3 days and im glad i can drop it for something more interesting.
What can I say I like dragons and plant monsters. The basic and high tier slimes are cool. Not a big fan of mid-tier slimes though.

>Dragon Quest Monsters gbc
>Dragon Quest Monsters gbc
>Dragon Quest Monsters gbc
Starting now.
Where do you draw the line between a monger and a game that just has a ton of party members?
breeding or evolution makes a monger 4 me
I think being able to have multiple of the same 'character' has a lot to do with it.
Crono Cross has a shit ton of party members, but they're all distinct characters you can only have one of at distinct points of the game. With Mon games, even if you can only have one/two at a time like with Monster Rancher or Digimon World, they will eventually have to be replaced, and can be replaced with the same monster as before if you want.
you will end up joining the offical discord once you get past the story because you than will end up learning about all the new builds and stuff you can make as you get deeper into the realms. I think the final enemy you can run into is around realm 150 or so and there's over 1200 monsters you can combine into teams. thats also not even factoring in fusions of monsters to give them a 2nd trait. and artifacts that also can have monster traits on it. its alot deeper than people give it credit for and alot seem to dismiss it too quickly. once you play thru the tutorial story and hit realm 60+ it really picks up. I have over 1000 hours on my main save and im only just now about to hit realm 1000 soon. there's gods and false gods to battle and skills you can equip from various classes to give yourself even more power. there's just a buttload going on in this game if you get deep enough.
Both these are required.
maybe DRAGON QUEST MOSNTERS 2 3D but I haven't finished it yet so don't quote me.
KAIJU because it can be all the others below it but it's huge.
>KAIJU because it can be all the others below it but it's huge
Based take
Undead/Ghost > Humanoid > Amorphous/Slime > Plant > Robot > Kaiju > Cute
If you stuck some other stuff in there like Reptile, Aquatic, Holy/Unholy, those would all go over Plants and maybe Slimes.
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meme fuckers
Ngl a few there are pretty rad
You forgot what favorite means
Nanimon is as cute as he is hard to look at
monster teams are cooler than generic cliche of human/elves/dwarves/
How many JRPGs even have elves and dwarves?
stop making sense
not many but still more than zero...same with boring AF humans. where's my jrpgs about skelebros going around doing skelebro things.
True but they are easier to make unlike the mongger
I want to keep pushing DQM3 because I love the series. But honestly I'd have more fun doing my literal 10th playthrough of the original game. Maybe I should have emulated it or waited for PC cause the switch version is ass.
I left it around when you unlock the upper echelon (timeline diverts), should I finish the game is it worth it?
Cyborg > Robot > Rabbit > Kaiju > Ghost > Insect > Literally a woman cosplaying > Plant > Amorphous > Undead
Mechasaurus with a bunch of guns on it
idk I stopped at the mid floor final boss cause I had already grinded for 40 hours just collecting everythign and leveling up and I got tired.
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>5-6 days until Monster Hunter Stories 1 is off 3DS & mobile and SMTV.5 comes out
>nearly time again to autistically and silently customise a bunch of shit tier monsters into optimised gods that solo the superbosses
Are you ready, /mon/iggas? Who are you going to max out?
I played through mhs1 like 3 times already so its gonna be a pass for me, hope it goes well and we get mhs3
I've been seeing a lot of hype for SMTV lately. Maybe I should give the series a try if I get some free time soon.
Little update. I played over 50 hours now and I can't stop playing. I loosely followed a build guide that kinda worked and now I'm planning my own build. I'm floor 200 or so and I thought I've seen everything. But then I realised I only have 800 out of 1200 monsters so there is still a chunk left.
The game is great. I dont know how they made 1200 sprites that don't look like ass but they did it.
psaro deserved to get cucked
oh man you havent unlocked guilds or false gods and battles with the gods. tons of classes to unlock to play as (bloodmage is my goto class of choice than necromancer) and there's tons of monsters to unlock and get and build into teams. congrats anon glad you picked it back up and are having a blast its one of my favorite games to play and build teams and fuck shit up with. im at realm 987 right now and just gotta push a bit more til I offically have 1000 realms under my belt. there's people in the offical discord that are thousands of realms deep in the game.
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There isn't one. On top of the clones you mentioned there's Temtem. It's an MMO which exclusively uses double battles. The mons are ugly and the combat kinda sucks. I forget if it's as complicated as Pokemon.
I've finished playing through Pokemon Red for dat nostalgia. Started a run in Blue and got bored with playing the same game again. Probably going to finish that Blue "speedrun" to complete the Red Pokedex later this year.
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I'd recommend Persona 5 for someone just starting to play SMT. It's got similar recruitment and fusion mechanics to the mainline games. The games in the main series are light on story and very difficult if you're going in blind.
I only read the first sentence since I don't want to be spoiled but I just unlocked the gate of gods and wasted 2 keys :]
Oh and it wasn't 50. I'm at 80h.
Anyway earlier i looked trough some monster traits in some online database to build a nice necromancer and found Muse to sound pretty handy. I think the source said gate of gods. But I didn't know what gate of gods was and assumed it meant godshop. Coincidentally I just unlocked the project to buy my first God by leveling a gate to 20. So I thought let's see what gate Muse is. There was no gate with Muse but with Emus. That had to be it. So I leveled her gate to 20, did the project and got Emus.
Unfortunately Emus is not Muse.
Important lesson.
SMTV, especially with Vengeance coming out tomorrow which also includes the entire base game along with the game with the new content, is definitely the easiest way to get into SMT. Most QoL and whatnot.
I disagree. P5 feels more like a standard JRPG with light Mon elements, as only the main character can change their Persona, with the party as a whole being a more traditional JRPG party.
Plus the Visual Novel aspect definitely isn't for everyone, especially when it can be hours between dungeon gameplay sections, filled with trying to max out Arcanas for their benefits with characters someone mine not care about at all.
>exclusively uses double battles
Okay. I guess I can try it next time it's on sale.
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That's true. Persona 5 is more of a typical JRPG that includes mons that the MC can capture and equip.
I haven't played SMTV but I've played the other games in the mainline series. They're light on story and heavy on difficulty. They don't really do a good job on-ramping players into the game. You're going to be walled by a difficulty spike going into it blind.
But, they are proper /mon/ games with you recruiting monsters into your party. Just don't get too attached to them your party members.
you got to place the gate of the god in your castle like you placed other stuff down. go into construction mode and look there for placing gate of the gods. I think thats how it works. good job on getting emus one of the god avatar things
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Here's your bird tamer
I played Persona 5 and it turned me off to the entire series of games. I hate the fomo time management shit where u have to use a guide or have no idea why you are choosing to study or whatever that day. Otherwise it was okay but the combat didn't grab me. An anon in /mon/ told me a year ago about SMT Nocturne and I do like the series much more. Still quite slow to go back without 2x spd on an emulator. Never finished the game but it's a cool series.
>Stories 1 remaster doesn't remove the pointless extra egg colors of the same monster so you still need a guide to know for sure what belongs to what
>they also kept the system of Gene slots needing to be in the same spot as the original gene, rather than being allowed to put them anywhere like the sequel
Man, that seriously would've improved the first game immensely and make it less one-sided on which is better.
I don't know why they call it remaster when its basically just a port, not even graphically improved.
Your thoughts on SMT5?
Mid as fuck. Gonna buy Vengeance and see if that's any better though.
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That's IF it's ever on sale. The Temtem developers are greedy.
>battle passes and micro transaction shops
>in a $45 game
Jesus fucking christ. That is fucking abhorrent. No wonder people stopped talking about it after the initial hype died down.
>game pass
I'm so glad I didn't buy this
It pops up on Fanatical and Humble every so often for their cheap bundle packs.
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More /mon/ games need designs like this
robot > undead > demon > everything else idc
So cronenbergs?
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This is pretty standard with MMO/Live Service games nowadays. I hate it too.
Temtem's battle system is less complicated but that doesn't mean better. The gameplay feels a lot like Coromon but slower. I've found the type chart to be unintuitive and still can't memorize it despite being at gym 4 of 8. I find it very hard to guess what a mon is weak to cuz of the poor creature design philosophy and the fact that most of them are dual-type.
Making a type chart with 15-20 types is a really bad design unless you're carbon copying pokemon. Coromon did it right with less types. Its a big fuck you to make the player learn all that when most aren't really intuitive.
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Do your part, anons.
Done, thanks for sharing anon. I hope we get some actual news soon. They are shilling wilds in full throttle and we're still a year away.
I'd say it's even worse if you're making a carbon copy of Pokemon, because at that point outside of memes/FOTM shit or the rare case of the game actually being quaint/good (like Touhou Puppet Dance Performance), why even bother over your preferred Pokemon game?
Could be, but I meant only the type chart. The point is that creating a huge list of interactions that no one will care to learn is not a good design. Pokemon got away with it because of pokemania, now games are forced to play on the usual tropes (i.e. water > fire > plant) or reduce the amount of interactions.
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Farmagia looks super interesting...
To be clear, Shin Megami Tensei is a sub series in the franchise. It's not the mainline of Megaten, just another series no different than Persona.
Is it being illustrated by the fairy tail guy?
I saw the devs in a spanish forum and I found it funny how people started mentioning the problems with the game with one of the responses talking about it being woke, and the thing the devs decided to address was just that one comment.
Nothing to the shitty battlepass, the lack of new mons or content or balance. In one of their twitter posts they stated that they were disillusioned people finished the "content" they made in a few hours after they worked on it for months. Honestly, I wouldn't touch any of their games in the future. They sold it as a MMO then started to blame the players for being incompetent.
As always most companies add woke elements so they can dismiss criticism as "le woke chuds" without addressing the actual issues.
Worst of all, all the shitposting started because Crema (the devs) released a Temtem vampire survivor clone instead of fixing their current game. Then shortly after announced they weren't gonna work on Temtem anymore after saying they didn't waste resources on the cash grab. They also seem to delete any negative comment on the steam forums (I was there and saw the posts criticizing them disappear after each refresh kek).
I mean
The red flags were there all along.
I dont know about all the farming stuff, but I might check it out due to the girls being hot.
It kinda sounds like Farmacia = drugstore in spanish or Fromaggio = cheese in italian lol.
do you collect the girls or...
You grow plants and they turn into lizards and foxes.
Aethermancer never ever
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How much do you like bugs in mongers?
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They're some of the best mosnters in their games most of the time because IRL bugs are gross.
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I love them equally to other mongs, I almost always have 1 in my party. I hate that we can't have hermitaur or zeltas in mhs.
Alright, I've always wondered this and now I can't help but wonder this again: what the fuck is the lore explanation for random eggs being found in a monster den in MHS 1/2? Do monsters just shit out eggs of a random species and raise them like they're their own, or is there some bizarre monster orgy every night that the player's kept away from?
I think if I would have a head canon its that they are communal nests where several species put their eggs there.
Iirc seregios is known to usurp rathalos nests and make them rise their children. Its also something that happens in nature kinda often. But yeah I think in this case its just suspense of disbelief for gameplay reasons (the reason being it plays like gachapon which makes the player keep playing)
Depends entirely on how I like their design, like with everything else
Sometimes it can serve as a little narrative as well. I farmed the dlc Rathalos quest a little and noticed the only eggs in the nest I've found were Aptonoth (iirc). So I assume Rathalos invaded the nest and killed the parents.
What I really don't like about this game is that I can't swap Ratha for another monster. Limits my team unnecessarily. Especially now that I have Yian Caruga who can also fly
Speaking of exclusions in that game, why is Agnaktor unobtainable? That makes no sense to me, it has the same pattern we see everywhere else in the game where you have the small goon and then the big one that you can actually catch, and massive size isn't the reason for other monsters either. It has gear too. And it's just a cool as hell monster, so extra disappointing
I can only speculate but maybe it was difficult to put a saddle with its back spines? I just think they left stuff out because of a schedule compromise. Hermitaur is there in the files but they didn't add it as a monstie.
>can't swap ratha
I think you can later in the game (or was it post game?) but its been 3 years since I played it.
Agnaktor and Daimyo were planned to be rideable. Agnaktor was even in some beta pics showing his icon among other rideable monsters. Apparently every monster in the game was planned to be rideable, so including Duramboros, Tetsucabra and Seltas.
Best guess it's a combination of saddle placements woes, time constraints and the game being developed during covid.

I think with Capcom rereleasing Stories 1 and in general pushing Stories harder, if/when we get a Stories 3, it'll get more budget and time.
>it'll get more budget and time
One can only hope
I imagined it would be something like that, I forgot about covid funny enough. Thanks
>I think you can later in the game (or was it post game?)
I'd assume post game then so it's after he's no longer relevant to the story
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Since we are in the topic of monster hunter stories, I found it really funny that Kingdom of planet of the Apes started with an intro very similar to stories 1.
>tribe that forms kinship bonds with animals
>3 childhood friends climb a nest to get an egg
Idk but it seemed really similar in that regard even if it has pretty much nothing else to do. Is it perhaps an old trope that I'm unaware of?
Personally I'm hoping they decide to give some other monstie than Rathalos the spotlight, though I wouldn't be able to say which other one I'd like to get the focus instead.
Highly unlikely, they'll charizard the hell out of rathalos unless something else comes in the spotlight by popularity. Althought it seems there was a popularity poll sometime after mhs2 release:
I could see other wyverns becoming a "lead" monstie.
I think the best option is, if they HAVE to have some important 'main' monstie for the player, they they let players pic between some of the flagships. Rathalos and Lagiacrus are obvious picks for 'main mon' but others don't really have that 'protagonist' feel to them.

I think the best option would to just not have a story effected by some 'main monstie.' Problem with that is that cutscenes would be limited by that.
I just hope they decide to never mention Navirou again.
I love Dragon Warrior Monsters, the original.

How does Monster Hunter Stories compare? I didn't realize it even had breeding until I read the thread. Will it be enjoyable for someone who has undiagnosed autism and enjoys breeding back to grandparents, leveling up kids for stat boosts and to unlock spells to be passed down, etc? I just want a good breeder bros.

I checked out Siralim but it's not really for me. I'd like to play something modern if possible. The DS DQM games just don't do it for me, and 3 was a let down.
It doesn't have breeding. You steal eggs from random monsters in the wild and then brainwash their genespliced offspring into being your pal. Sorry, anon.
I might look into it still. I've heard good things and Im pretty sure I can play it on android now.
>It doesn't have breeding
Yeah but the fusion mechanic is pretty good.
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What the other anon said. It doesn't have breeding, but gene autism could scratch a similar itch you seem to be going for.
That's only Stories 1. And that's been on mobile for years now. Stories 1 is still good, but I'd recommend Stories 2 over it. Has more to the combat and the gene autism is way more usable because it doesn't have the placement restrictions the first game has. But, the first game does let you swap a monster's elements to a different one if you try hard enough, which the 2nd game sadly doesn't have.
Game looks good but holy shit. Ever since DQM3 i'm so turned off by these companies.

>Base game 40$
>Expansion 40$
>Deluxe edition 60$

sigh. I don't have a vpn I might just roll the dice and pirate it
If it's any consolation neither Stories game has any expansions, and any content DLC they added was free. Only stuff that costs DLC is all cosmetic.
I wouldn't be surprised if Stories 3 happens they do give it a G-rank expansion like they do for mainline MH.
ah my mistake. I thought Wings of Ruin was a dlc not the name of the base game. Got confused on that somehow
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Oh yeah no, it's a proper sequel.
I feel you on DQM3 though. It's DLC really just shot my interest in buying it, which really sucks because I want DQM to succeed and do well.
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Have you played the sequel on the GBC?
I mean if they added new monsters and areas it would be great. I kinda hated how they handled dlcs being in online mode only instead of areas you reach in the world.
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Going by the leak of the original pitch documents of Stories 2, there were plans for a Rise-themed expansion for it. Guessing it'd be something like that if we ever did get a more extensive DLC.
And hell, I'm wondering if they'll ever go through with the 5x5 gene grid they were originally planning too.
5x5 would be a lot but then 4x4 doesn' work well I guess.
Yes that was what I was thinking about, it would have been cool but it seems the team shifted immediately for wilds. I like that they are implementing mounts and mounted combat in main monster hunter but its unlikely they would give it much more thought to that mechanic or more monsters to ride.
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4x4 could be a good compromise yeah. I think a bigger gene grid if anything would help make element swapping more viable if they brought it back.
I don't think there'd be too much overlap in dev teams. The mounting in Wilds is clearly an expansion on the Palamute from Rise. And Stories 2 and Rise definitely had to have been developed at the same time given their release dates. Hell Stories would've definitely been in the works during any development of at least Iceborne.

I wouldn't be surprised if they waited until after Wilds to put at a Stories 3, so they can put Wilds monsters in it. Even if that's pretty hard to imagine given the sheer contrast of art styles. It'd either be that, or Stories 3 would get a Wilds themed expansion.
>I wouldn't be surprised if they waited until after Wilds to put at a Stories 3, so they can put Wilds monsters in it. Even if that's pretty hard to imagine given the sheer contrast of art styles. It'd either be that, or Stories 3 would get a Wilds themed expansion.
I wouldn't mind waiting a few years if they include wilds monsters to be honest. Wilds as a concept is really good if they applied it to stories as well. Thinking how Pokemon did "open world" I think capcom might try to go a little bit more in that direction.
Personally, I think that if they go 5x5, they might be better off making some genes larger than just one space. Kinda like MMBN's customization grid that I've forgotten the name of. Less of an incentive to just throw all the good genes you've got onto one monster.
>Happy /Mon/day

I've tried a few times and never could get too into it. I did complete Joker 1 & 2 and half of dqm3. I'm going to try mhs2 soon when I have more time to sit down for some 6+ hour sessions. I haven't looked in depth but the fusion system does seem like what I'm craving.
I find it a tad strange that you beat the DS DQMs even though they didn't do it for you yet the game that is basically a more polished version of the first game is the one you can't get into.
The navi customizer.
I couldn't get a copy as a kid so I replayed DWM for years. I even got hard copies and bought an SP or used an emulator multiple times when I was in drug rehab. It's the game I know best. It's hard to go back and learn something from the ground up at my age even if the changes are small. There's something special about just running through the procedurally generated maps that I can navigate with instinct at this point. It is simply my game.
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I'm neutral towards them. If they're good then I keep them and switch them out if they're not.
>Kept GranKuwagamon in my party in both CyberSluts games.
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I'm going to wait to see how Farmagia reviews. The gameplay being split between farming in order to create mons, raising mons, and battling without mons comes across as unfocused.
>Swamp Tortoise
>is a wolf
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>mfw the new fanbeemon line won't probably be in the next digimon story game
Vespamon has been there so idk why the others wouldn't be
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>Vespamon has been there
you mean TIGERvespamon

Vespamon is one of the new ones (they'll probably not put any of the more recent digimons in the game)
I hope we get a Gotchard mongger, I've grown rather attached to the Chems.
You're gonna have to start coding or find someone who will. If there was ever going to be an official one it would've happened by now.
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>I now remember the CannonBeemon episode of Colon
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I think they're neat. I don't like them to be giant/kaiju sized. I prefer mons to be small or pocket-sized instead.
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The remind me of Appmon. Which had a game that kinda sucked.
both are bandai so there is probably overlap in the designers
speaking of crappmon, bandai finally acknowledged them and gave their own DRB on the official digimon site

they're still shit though
goddamnit MHS1's egg gacha sucks so bad
this is the sixth time I'm hunting this goddamned Teostra that refuses to just give me its fucking egg and just gives me an Iodrome egg instead
Two questions for Mon people.
1. Whats the best way to play DQM Dark Prince currently? I want to avoid the lag on switch but Yuzu is dead now.
2. I saw a mon game on steam I am looking for. It's a western indie game very i spired by the original Dragon Quest Monstere. Sprite based, has your mons follow the tamer in a conga line, procgen worlds, and a western/grizzly monster design. I can't remember the name!
Siralim? BTW i tried to get into it but it was too autistic for me. So many fucking effects and shit I couldn't wrap my head around.
That's the one. Thanks. It's on sale so I can get it and see how it goes.
anyone played monster kingdom jewel summoner? just found out about it and thinking of trying it out after im done with smtvv
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Really cool anon, is that from a monger or just random artist stuff?
>gym leader ed posts upcoming mon games
>they are not even mongames but phone games with a monster collecting motif
Is the industry that bad atm? I don't want another pokeclone but an inventory mangament game? Really?
I tried it but could not stomach less than a hour of it. It had too much wish fulfillment anime vibes.
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he covers my SMT-like sometimes, is that not enough? cmon man
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Just random artist stuff
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Just wait for the savior of Monggers...Hiro Mashima to take over the stage. I hope Farmagia doesn't shit the bed.
I wasn't complaining about him, just the state of what counts as a monger.
i know i just wanted an excuse to plug my shit sorry anon
No worries, release soon hopefully?
the way things are going it's looking like we're gonna have to postpone to early next year. a lot of people seem to complain about how long we're taking, but honestly I saw this coming from the get-go and I'm actually way further along than I thought I'd be by now. I was half-expecting I'd have to delay it by an entire year rather than a few months
I'm always an advocate for delayed game eventually good, rushed game forever bad so don't worry about the complaints.
based. hope you end up liking it
I finally could swap him out after the final boss, which was its own story. I was just about to hit my max kinship brute tigrex attack and it forcefully swapped out my guy, brought in ratha, and made me use his kinship for the epic cutscene; I clicked it voluntarily, so idk if it would've actually made me, but I was so taken aback by the audacity of the situation that I didn't question it any further. That was the unintentionally funniest moment in the game.
In a similar vein I've been actually building monsties in postgame now and jesus christ having to exactly match genes is fucking annoying since you need to get multiple exact rng results. Might just drop it and move on to mhs2. Well I want to test my water element + explosion immunity ruby basarios vs molten tigrex first, it just needs levels and the immunity gene.
Yo it's actually mirrored soul, I knew I recognized it. Let's go dude. Best of luck with your release!
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On the other hand, the worst thing a creator can do is keep delaying the release of their precious little baby. There's nothing wrong with reducing the scale of a game, boiling it down to its core elements, and releasing it.
You'll get more feedback on what works and what doesn't from a broader community of people.
I mean it really depends perhaps for an indie dev you risk getting bored and never finishing the project.
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On the other end of the spectrum: as an indie dev you can put so much love and care into the game that it becomes unfocused.
It can be released buggy because it had so many game mechanics added to it during development that didn't have the time to be play tested thoroughly.
Worst case scenario is that the game simply becomes too long. It becomes boring and tedious to make it to the end.
Horace is a prime example of this happening. It would be a good game if it wasn't such a slog to get through.
I remembered that we'll never get this and I need to share the pain.
>traded mons gain exp faster
Is there a monger that encourages cooperative AND competitive multiplayer better than Pokemon does?
I'd say cooperative is rarer than competitive.
Good fucking good cooperative is rare as shit. Trading tends to be the closest and I genuinely cannot think of anything further then that. I'd love to be proven wrong and the closest tends to be the Open World Survival types like Palworld.
I mean pokemon LGPE had co-op but I haven't seen any other monger do that yet. Would be cool to see. Perhaps a breeding game were you need to join forces to micromanage stuff like in stardew valley co-op.
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In Robopon 2, you used sparked, or fused, 2 batteries to create one the games bots. You and a friend could create a new bot by fusing 4 batteries together. Most of the high-end bots were multiplayer-created exclusives.
Hey that's cool. I know I hope for more proper couch gaming in this style but I'll take some unique looking things like that.
Cassette Beast is really fun.
Woman in a bee outfit
the art sucks though
Only for the humans, the only attractive girl is Rayleigh's replacement but most monsters are ok.
Everything looks bad imo, 3D and pixel art don't mesh well.
Isn't that your average DS game?
I see, it's been an enriching conversation.
Was digimon world 1 the peak of the series?
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Re;Digitize is better. Next Order is alright. Both are better than Digimon World.
CyberSluts is its own thing, building off of the DS games. It's also better than Digimon World.
I think that the graphics for the Vital Bracelets are the absolute peak when it comes to graphics for the virtual pets.
No those games have garbage File Islands are garbage. The fun part of the game was exploring then dandoriing and you can't do that in the sequels. Also Re has a shit roster.
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Hey, I'm just sharing my experience with the Digimon World games. And I couldn't really get into the PSX game at all.
What does that mean?
It's a Pikmin word that means doing and delegating tasks efficiently. To put what I mean in English DW1 is built in a replayable way and you could plan different routes and orders to recruit all the digimon with how open-ended it is. The sequels aren't and have a lot more railroading and cutscene because they think having a normally structured story isn't fucking retarded in a game with a lifespan mechanic. So when it sets you up for a boss or something your digimon might just die forcing you to grind yourself back up to it and it feels way more intrusive than in 1 because you could at least explore a different area and feel like you're progressing. I got kinda ranty at the end there but you get the point.
Nta but I see and I did foun it difficult to finish re digitize and next order because of this. Most of the time it seemed that I had cleared all available stuff and I needed to grind to go through the story bits. I think non linearity is essential to a game with a lifespan mechanic.
btw I'm making a monger with a lifespan mechanic wish me luck.
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I figured this might be the right thread to post this. I've been toying with the idea of making a mon satire via rpgmaker:
1. Very happy, chipper setting where everyone assumes mons are meant to be battled for fun and profit.
2. The mons are used for labor outside of battling. For example, generating electricity or helping with gardening
3. The mons are mute human or human-like creatures that are treated like dumb animals, think like Planet of the Apes. They just happen to have psychic/magic powers.
Game starts with the MC receiving a surly mon as his starting mon and sets out on his journey to become a man.
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The point would be to show the ridiculousness of some things in our world. So far, using the mons as a metaphor for:
1. The trafficking of exotic/wild pets. Saying that moving them across borders is for the pet’s own good. So, that makes it okay.
2. Treating people like they’re not really people but subhuman. Using that as a justification to exploit them.
I’m brainstorming on how to keep it from being too heavy handed. Or maybe to go even more heavy handed like Pokémon Black & Blue did.
What are some issues that you think could be looked at using this premise?
What are some things you'd want to see in a game like this?
Cool also while I do think progen stuff is a red flag you should probably add a dungeon or something with it to give the player something to do to minimize when that happens. As an MR fan, I am not a fan of doing the same few tourneys when I'm several hours into the game on my 5th or so guy.
I think there was already a japanese game that did something like this where you collected and fought salary men
>things I would like to see
For designs demihumans like centaurs or mermen since it makes sense with spoiler text. For gameplay I think you're looking for something like palworld were you use mons for labor but you'd have to have a base for that.
>issues with the premise
Would you have the player take sides in this issues? Would you have people release the mons at the end? These games require some suspense of disbelief because taming doesn't work as easily as in mon games in real life, and since you're looking to question the tropes it might be tricky to make it good
>other notes
You will probably need a plugin for the monster catching and party system in rpg maker, depending on the version I can recommend some.
I'm doing most levels custom. Only procgen stuff is how some mons and items are spread in the map. A difference from MR is game has dungeons in campaign and tournaments as post game.
>Both are better than Digimon World.
they absolutely are not.
Everything I'll say it's just about my personal enjoyment of things. It's not really valid criticism.
>What are some issues that you think could be looked at using this premise?
That I want a pretty fairy tale, not to think about the hecking animalerinos IRL.
>What are some things you'd want to see in a game like this?
That barring the satirical nature of the game, the gameplay and monsters designs were made with genuine love and effort. They have to be good.
>That I want a pretty fairy tale, not to think about the hecking animalerinos IRL
This is valid criticism. We play this genre because we don't think of animalerinos like your average green peace vegan drone.
Different guy but then it would be the hecking slaverinos. And people will thing the monster people are black.
Seems to be a new Chinese monger with Yaoling: Mythical Journey on steam. Looks interesting but no knowledge about it aside from battles going up to 7
7 what? niggas in a row?
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Appmon with textractor or redigitize? I already played world 1.
>People that like chadimals are vegans
What kinda libtard post is this? Nigga people like monster coomlectors for animals humans and robots. That's why poke and digi are still the kings. Who tf wants gay elvs and demons?
Wake me up when chinks release roco.
I beat it back when it came out, I agree it's a ton of fun. Don't know why that other anon is malding, probably angry there's a black woman in the game.
I really shouldn't post while half asleep. Basically battles that feature up to seven mon at a time... So yeah seven niggas in a row.
The art for the humans is really bad, black women or not. And I don't say this in a fappy sense.
I have no problem with the overworld, maybe it's because there are things I hate more like RPGM assets.
I think that's what anon is saying, "our" way of "liking" animals is not the same as the way the vegans do. That's why inserting real life animal activism in a mongger is lame.
I think you misread my post, I was implying that the anons criticism was on point. We don't want to think about mon's rights in the terms i.e. PETA does. A game centered around "mon liberation" is flawed from its conception. The whole trope is humans and mons both have something to gain from the relationship as do irl humans and pets.
Ok zoomer.
Art is bad, period. I don't care about your racist bogeyman.
Hell yeah
is that THE motherfucker that reflects physical?
And it's not like master-slave and abusive relationships in mongeed are common enough to be satirized. For example some Digimon games force you to take care of your monster so it doesn't turn into a literal piece of shit or in most of SMT where you need to use dangerous demons to survive an abnormal situation.
The only way to make a successful mong satire would be like those cop movies with Leslie Nielsen or Scary Movie. Making a comedy with references of different games instead of working with an idea that only works for very few of them?
>Making a comedy with references of different games instead of working with an idea that only works for very few of them?
like pokemon clover?
That's not satire that's a spoof.
Yes, but that's just a joke game not a satire. Satires are supposed to be serious business.
Clearly we need the monger equivalent of The Devil's Dictionary
This goes well with the nature of mongs
dqm3 is a great game ruined by graphical slowdown. If it was 2d sprites I would have had more fun.
Didn't have any graphical problems playing it, wdym?
I just started playing the yugioh capsule monsters game on the gameboy.
Neat game so far but holy shit is it grindy. I've resisted the urge to savescum so far but the monsters having permadeath is making it hard
Which mongers do you consider to have the best music?
This is my top 3
1. monster hunter stories.
2. Early Pokemon games.
3. Digimon the newer games like CS, Next order or Survive.
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Yo-Kai Watch is the king for me. I also really like The Denpa Mens BGMs but I won't ever be sure if it counts as one or not. Fossil Fighters has a good amount of nice tunes as well.
I don't get the appeal of CSes soundtrack. Shit was like the MM11 where all the techno blended together so it was mostly unmemorable.
>mostly unmemorable
Kuremi theme is really memorable. Even then the point is that they really nail the feel of the game. Its consistent with the general theme.
Also I forgot about Medarot.
>Kuremi theme
This lives rent free in my mind
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someone on /v/ brought up monster girls and the mysterious adventure 2. it looks interesting, but i typically hate roguelikes. anyone played it or the first one?
I did played the second one but my PC died sever months ago.
I loved it but I also really love roguelites so I'm not sure if I'm qualified to give you a unbiased opinion lol
Its the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon style of roguelike.
So the Shiren kind AKA actually good?
I'm not the biggest fan of them but I've played that game. It's pretty good, a bit jank in some places but not in the way that generally detracts from the experience.
do i need to play the first game for story related things or is it safe to start with the second game?
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PMD is a very specific niche of Shiren-likes.
Anybody have any opinions on the Nexomon/Coromon games? Or should i just play Cassette Beasts for a non japanese Pokemon clone?
Do not play this. Has less mechanical depth than Pokemon RGB.
It's alright, it's not as good as the worst Pokemon game though.

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