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/vrpg/ - Video Games/RPG

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It's late and I want to try something new.
suits: a business rpg
Taima Miko Yuugi
Enchant Farm
I had exit fate recommended to me earlier tonight in a thread so check that out
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Fall in Labyrinth
Porn patch doesn't add much, although it's still better than the JP version (no mosaic)
Ask /hgg2d/ over at /vg/ and /h/ for more
This looks fun. Any other games with gameplay focus, lots of gear and options in battle?
I told you where to ask for more, didn't I?
But 99% of h-games are absolute trash.
Violated Princess
You are trash.
99% of RPG Maker games are absolute trash too. Might as well enjoy the tits if you're playing them anyway.
Besides, 95% of RPG Maker games are H-games and 99% of them are untranslated.
So shut up and don't be picky, "quality" and "RPG Maker" live in different worlds.
Go play FiL already.
99% of everything is absolute trash, we inquire to find the proverbial 1%
Why are you mad because i spoke the truth? Trash with some shitty drawn tiddies tagged on is still trash. I actually made an effort to find good h-games but it's hopeless. But since you are eager to defend your h-games give me your top3.
Let's just say you are right. It's still easier to find something good in literally any other genre.
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Black Souls 2 seeks to emulate Dark Souls combat in that you can beat everything on lvl 1 with the right gear choices and strategy in battle, but it's still possible to get your shit kicked in even with maxed stats if you don't have the right gear/strategy.
Monster Girl Quest: Paradox is full-on job autism a la Bravely Default or Crystal Project, but even more sprawling. The game balance is is completely fucked though.

Haven't played Hat World yet, but it's a SaGa-like so it should be at least solid.
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>Why are you mad because i spoke the truth?
Because you're making a shitty off topic requests thread asking to be spoonfed on what to play, then have the gall to say those games are shit anyway. It makes you come off as an uppity tourist.
Played them both. Both are good.
Not OP btw lol.
Hat World
Enchant Farm
Hello Charlotte
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Out of all of these, I particularly recommend The Witch's Heart.
There's only one ending (which is its own full chapter/game) done, and apparently there's supposed to be four.
I genuinely don't expect the others to be done any time this year, let alone translated by vgperson in a similar timeframe should the next ending come out any time soon.
what type of game? horror? rpg? comedy? be specific
See >>3508527
-Terry's Journey
If you want a more old-fashioned adventure (in terms of risk assessment and time management). Be aware this is a /vrpg/ game, and includes some nsfw humor (sparsely).
-The Gray Garden. You may have already played this, given the OP image, but I ended up enjoying this game despite disliking the moe feelgood stuff for the first third and the nearly-nothing combat. I get the former was buildup for what happens later, but I almost couldn't wait for 'the big bad event' after exploring entire an castle only to find boring joke dialogue constantly
-Goburin no Tower
Another /vrpg/ fave of mine. It utilizes a very accessible, but detailed design where events are listed as marks on-map. Some marks cue you in on others (allowing one to potentially avoid traps). There is some light puzzle solving and party alternatives. Short, but sweet.
-The Legend of Quandale Dingle VII: A Test of Thyme
Meme shit aside, a decent and straight-forward rpgm game. I admit I had some trouble with the size and layout of the map. Manages to play the 'goofy jackoff forced into a hero's journey' format well and straight as an arrow. Very good music and very simple combat.
end roll, if you havent already. seconding hello charlotte
I don't expect the other routes to ever come out. It's been years. What we got is I guess a good enough ending, leaves stuff unanswered, but good enough.
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Bibby Bobby, if you want a short game jam title. It has a full story, party roster, and puzzles. It is simple.
assuming you want an actual game not a hrpg, Lakria Legends but good luck finding a download now. The site it was posted on died.
Umbral Soul is pretty cool. It's a fairly standard turn based rpg, but you play as the bad guys working for the dark lord. >Bosses have a good variety of gimmicks and so you end up using the monster summoning system + switching out party members a lot
>Buffs/Debuffs, resistances and ailments are always integral, though not necessarily combat defining to be fair
>Characters are likeable, albeit sometimes cringeworthy since they're often cartoonishly evil
>Lots of different optional scenes to be found depending on the party members you take with you and most have their own unlockable backstories (including the generic dragon summon you start with), so they actually feel fleshed out parts of the world instead of just being stat choices (except Chimera iirc)
>Pandora a cute
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I downloaded EasyRPG to play some games on my phone during my commute. So far I have Enchant Farm, Ruina, and 7th Stand User, but what else should I pick up?
Also, where can I download games since rpgmaker.net is down?

False Gamergater was made by a /vrpg/ poster
apparently wooden ocean is really good, I haven't played it though
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Play Towelket, it's really good and translations for the games have been getting pumped out recently. It's a completely wild ride, the writing doesn't play by any real rules and I think it's home to some of the most unique stories I've ever read.
Some of the later games are borderline masterpieces but with how difficult it can be to swallow these games most people will probably never see them which is a huge shame.

>Towelket 2
>Heavily inspired by Earthbound
It's pretty funny, apparently the developer of the games has never played Earthbound, or at least they said they didn't in like 2015 or something, but I keep seeing guides saying the games are inspired by Earthbound. I can say as someone who has played the games that there's very little Earthbound-like about them.
T2 is a lot like Earthbound thoughbeit. You have mute protag, kidnapped heroine, aliens, boomer references, urban setting, mad scientist, animal based transport, mental world to get powerful, nostalgic exploration after the final boss
i'm glad we agree nekoashi otome is peak taoruketto
Most of what you said applies to Mario RPG games too, that doesn't mean the Mario RPG games are like Earthbound or inspired by Earthbound.
Pretty much all of those elements you mentioned are played completely differently in Towelket 2's story and that's what matters. Things like Paula getting kidnapped for example barely matter in the story because you don't even see her get kidnapped and you rescue her like an hour in and then it's never brought up again. At best it's simply an obstacle for recruiting your next party member. In TK2 on the other hand the heroine getting kidnapped is a major story point that the game builds up to and affects the entire story all the way to the very end of the game.
Hat World, Ruina: Fairy Tale of the Forgotten Ruins, Enchant Farm, and Helen's Mysterious Castle
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Nekoashi Otome is a really great game that I think is also the easiest Towelket game for someone to enjoy outside of maybe Towelket 1.
I think some of the other games afterwards have much stronger stories, but most of the games after Nekoashi Otome will probably fly over the head of anyone not autistic enough to understand them.
Towelket 1 is the best in the series and it's not even close
I tried that game and thought it was crap. A few good abilities like reliable possession elevate the combat a little bit above bog standard RPG Maker combat, but it's still more tedious than anything. The characters are joyless, uncharismatic, and unbearably repetitive. Villain protagonists should be having a good time doing what they want, unshackled by the laws or morals, but the Umbral Soul crew just bitches and makes empty threats at each other in 90% of their conversations. Couldn't finish it.
Tried enchant farm but the constant sounds during dialogue, the absurd random difficulty spikes all over the place, the complete absence of direction and the overall grindy nature of the gameplay turned me off. After I got stuck 30+ minutes against a random dude that could heal 100 hp per turn indefinitely, but also couldn't get past my defensive squad, against which I couldn't run despite the fact that the fairy told me 5 minutes earlier that I could run from red enemies, I just dropped the game. Cute chiby not-pokemon girls is not enough to carry the entire game by itself.
I also played Ruina and it's one of the best jrpg ever created, hell even one of the best games of all time, what a surprise.
play enchant farm as though it is a souls game because it pretty much is one
you can sneak into high level places by dodging enemies to steal sweet loot
you have to actually pay attention to things enemies are weak to and your own party composition
it's not grindy at all if you put a little effort into understanding how things work
Maybe if you are a wikigamer and know in the first place what and where is the "sweet loot", where are the character and elemental fragments/ores to have a balanced team that can deal with all types, and have a deeper understanding of the gameplay mechanics so that you don't have to rely on levels.
As a blind player the experience is complete dogshit. In dark souls you are rewarded by exploring, experimenting and by getting better as a player, here you just get stat checked and fucked over and over again, and the in-game tutorials/hints give you next to no explanation on what's going on, sometimes straight up lie or give partial information.
Couple that with the fact that, unlike dark souls, the world, characters and setting aren't alluring at all. In souls games where you really want to see where and who the adventure is leading to, here I couldn't care less, the stakes are lower than a SEQUEL game and the random humor is not for me.
As a 2024 game that is recommended as strongly as ruina I was expecting much more. I guess I'm mostly disappointed.
no, i played this blind and did exactly the same exploring and experimenting thing i did with my first time with dark souls and ended up having a grand old time
>stat checked
sounds like skill issue to me, there was nothing i ran into that i couldn't either figure my way out of or at worst, leave and go somewhere else and come back later and there were plenty of other places to go check out until i could come back later with the tools i needed
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What "skill" are you talking about?
This entire game is
>Go to a random direction
>Progress until you get completely stat checked (don't fucking come to me with the "actually the game is strategic" bullshit, when the normal enemies deal triple digit damage despite through elemental resistances and all your skills miss half of the time you are just stat checked and can't progress in that direction)
>Go in another direction
>Progress until you get stat checked again
>Backtrack into the other direction now that you collected enough souls/resources to not get stat checked anymore
This is not fun, this is just mindless stat autism, it's like siralim, except worse. I wish there was ANY incentive to progress, but when the only interesting character I found so far was the 1 HP girl I chose as the starter, the story and humor being this barebone, I'm just not seeing how this game could get any better.
>the stakes are lower than a SEQUEL game
It is because you are a degenerate coomer that I know your opinions are invalid.
Ok you got my attention but why shouldn't I start with release order (3 first)?
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Honestly you can, I'd encourage people play through the whole series, but since there's so many games I know that could be an intimidating aspect.
Towelket 3, while it's a good primer to Towelket's absurdity and weird humor, lacks any sort of strong or interesting story compared to the other games and might even have some aspects that'd turn certain players off of it. It's definitely not as good of a game to possibly hook someone into the series as Towelket 1. That said if you're up to trying out the whole original trilogy first then I would gladly recommend starting with Towelket 3.
It's too bad that the one ending we did get was the one I was the least interested in.
You sound like a complete retard who gets filtered by games that focus on actual gameplay.
That's the point, this game's setting is so bad that a random coomer game is more interesting and has better characters.
When the gamplay is pure dogshit yes, I do get filtered by it. In fact, I usually enjoy gameplay-focused games much more than story based ones, for example I enjoyed siralim which is everything this game tries to be but just better. I really want to warn everyone else that might get baited in wasting hours on this game because it got suggested alongside other great works, it's disappointing.
Enjoying Siralim just means you're a midwit who falls for dopamine scamming rogueslop gameplay loop grinders. But don't let my reply interrupt your busy day of gaming. I'm sure you have 4 more hours worth of resetting for viable games in Balatro to feel like your day counted for something.
Choosing Wind I as your main will obviously make the game a lot harder. Use shields to adjust your team's elements so you resist enemy attacks. If anything, enchant farm has a problem with making it too easy to overlevel. Also adjust your attack elements with weapons. Weakening the enemy with status ailments is generally effective too. Burn for example, is easy to apply with Flame I and weakens physical attacks. You can see what attack the enemy will start with on their next turn, check that against anything dangerous.
3 is kind of mid, most of them are. It's fine but 2 and 1 are far more unique and interesting. The combat is crap in all of them btw. At least it's easy.
Yeah I had Towelket 3 downloaded from the itch page when I made that post. How long is it? I'll post at some point in the future if/when I get around to playing.
The Towelket games are pretty brief, most of them are between 4-8 hours. I think Towelket 3 is probably around 6 hours long.
???? At the very least do a google search before showing everyone you have no clue on what you are talking about
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Boy, do you ever look stupid.
I don't see the EB influence. When I played Towelket 3 it felt like "/b/ makes a Paper Mario game"
There's nothing about a "roguelike" on their Steam page description.
Boy, do you ever look stupid.
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Even IF you weren't moving the goalposts, it is still randomizer sloppa either way, which automatically makes it a bad game by design.
Is it that upsetting to run into an enemy above your level every now and again? It's not like getting around in Enchant Farm is time consuming.
A lot of what makes VIPRPGs interesting is that it was possible to make them in an ancient shitty engine at all, they're tech demos before anything else. That's not going to be appreciated by random EN rec askers.
Who? Western indie devs are the new face of the RPGmaker games. Japs have gotten comfortable and have literally not released anything worth playing in a decade.
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You should be banned for how terrible of a post this is.
If westerners knew what the Japanese were doing in RPG Maker, they would think twice about wasting a single penny on western garbage like Fear & Hunger, Andy & Leyley, Omori, and other shit that only sells because of retards and dedicated shill squads.
Helen's Mysterious Castle is a legit excellent game
>Western indie devs are the new face of the RPGmaker games

New ass, you mean?
>he doesn't have scurvy
>If westerners knew what the Japanese were doing in RPG Maker
what are they doing?
what japanese devs are doing is only impressive to rpg maker devs but their games are ultimately all style no substance
The story is weak.
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Full length RPG from the creator of Embric
why does this image make me want to troon out
>no porn
>deviantart style
>default assets everywhere

To this day I can't understand why Bomber gets so much praise
kirky dialogues.
>I can't make anything good with default assets therefore they're bad
zoomers really think "dark souls" gameplay is what they need in their boring ass turn based japanese rpg with dumbass poorly written story made by some middle aged loser with zero life experiences past high school
General Hashasky never ever
dark souls is a better base than dragon quest or walking sims
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>zero life experiences past high school
like the 'horror' walking simulators of old were any better.
A Blurred Line
Western thing bad
Japanese thing good
it's that simple
He only advertises here, he isn't actually an anon either, considering the namefaggotry
>I also played Ruina and it's one of the best jrpg ever created, hell even one of the best games of all time
Seconding this. There's nothing else quite like it. Waiting for the remake but it probably won't get an English translation.
I don't think starting with Wind I makes the game a lot harder. She's ironically very tanky.
Extremely based. Seconded.
rpgmaker.net is back up, mostly. Game downloads don't work but they say they should be back around the end of the month.
Demon roots.

H-game that is actually good. Pretty much a good jrpg with above average H content tacked on.

The H content is done in a way you visit a town to access it, so it's not in your face.

Check out the reviews on steam.
literally me lol
I overall like the story but Demon Roots's combat is just bog standard RPG Maker combat and it doesn't make up for it with interesting gameplay outside of combat like Ruina does.
>interesting gameplay
>the gameplay: a point-and-click read-'em-up
yeah... fantastic taste you've got there dude.
The writing is good, far better than Demon Roots, the point and click exploration is novel and works well, and Ruina is also strong in resource management and choices and consequences.
It's a tabletop RPG but in digital form, distilled RPG with none of the nonsense. Maybe you need constant stimulation and cannot read.
>tabletop RPG but in digital form
So, a big sloppa. I've got it.
>includes loli
>on steam
how nigga
>download enchanted farm yesterday
>play nonstop cause it's great
>forget to save in front of cancel before fighting her like I do every time
I had so much shit done too...
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To the anon who translated Enchant Farm, thank you, as someone who's been playing RPGs since the NES era this is now one of my top contenders for favorite game of all time.
Is the hero of the refusal ending beatable with wind 1 in enchant farm? Don't see how I can stall enough to kill him through his buffs so is it just a meta fight that you lose? King busted my balls for way too long and he seems even worse.
Yeah, I used Wind I for it the first time I got that ending. Don't remember what I did for it but if he buffs up it can go downhill fast regardless of who you're playing.
My Wind I fell off so hard. She was a monster in the early game but in the late game there's much better damage options so all she has going for her is her tankiness, which isn't great either since a Wide Guard tank is enough to protect the rest of the party in most situations.
Ara Fell
Gaia's Melody
Heartache 101 ~Sour into Sweet~
Homework Salesman
Helen's Mysterious Castle
Magical Camp (eroge)
Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening
Space funeral
Fear and Hunger
-The first 2 are free
Cherry Tree High Comedy Club

the company that made cherry tree went bankrupt, only way to play it now is through archive
Anyone got any fucked up transhuman horror stuff like Blame? I don't care how niche or bad it is so long as the atmosphere is good.
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>10 years since Gaiden announcement
>Still hasn't come out

Also OP check out Faust's Alptraum and END ROLL
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I know it was mentioned earlier in the thread but play Towelket. As someone also suffering from Gaiden being a never ever game, it's good.
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>tfw 38 and single my whole life
everybody who posts this shit list needs to get banned. this list was made by yume nikkers and they have a clear bias towards complete shit.
/vrpg/ also has no good taste either. it's always the same few weeaboo games that they keep repeating like a broken record. you subhumans fucking digust me.
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god damn she's a baller
I have a couple of them downloaded I just haven't had the time to play them.
Also to be honest I could live without Gaiden the same way I could live without a new Kouri game. What I miss about Okegom isn't much the games but rather the community surrounding her works which basically died in 2018 with the Tumblr porn ban and the lack of content from Okegom herself.
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>Weird and Unfortunate Things are Happening
I did not expect to like that game as much as I did. I only played it because it was free and I was bored.
Artstyle is tumblr as fuck but it hooked me hard.
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Karen: An Outrage Simulator
I mean, like, it's reported to be getting one, we just haven't heard anything about the remake in a while period.
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Any other RPGM games you particularly like? Asking because I loved Ruina.
Capella's Promise
this one is made in rpg maker 95, worth looking at for that alone
also has questionable character designs
Wait, doesn't RM95 have issues running on newer OS?
works on my machine
It looks gay. Is it gay?
Yeah, looks gay as fuck. What the hell is that?
Can't get enough of basic FF/Dragon Quest clones
this ain't it bro
>default tileset
>custom menu
>pixel art character battle portraits
>stock monsters
>tumblrshit portraits
>AI-generated backgrounds
I've been scouring Steam for rpg maker stuff, and I'm puzzled by this one. It's not an asset flip and someone put a considerable amount of effort into this thing. How does one not take a step back at some point and see that their game looks like a disjointed mess?
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Same way as usual, you need a a patch from the fox's website to uncensor the steam version.
Good artists are making their own indie RPGs and not your average grindfest porn AI slop.
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>and not your average grindfest porn AI slop.
imagine actually believing this
>shit opinion
how shocking
>good artists
>background clashing with charsets
LISA: the painful
Hylics 1
Porn aside, it's a genuinely fun lighthearted game.
>except it's porn
>and not free
why though
You can't fuck your sister in ruina.
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yeah, that's exactly the reason why more people are willing to try it than some blatant coomer shit.
neither can you in sister travel since she's NBR
dropped, abandoned, cast aside, ignored, blocked, dumpstered, heaved off a cliff, dismissed, defenestrated, begone from my sight, foul demon
I strongly recommend his newest game instead, proper blood related and the game does very based things like acknowledging that you just fucked your sister whole day long
I've heard this was good, is it mostly plot focused or is the gameplay also good?
What then is that great game everyone ignores and only you know, mister anon?
christ. it's like they don't understand perspective or art style but are otherwise artistically inclined somehow. you'll see this a lot if you check the rpgmaker reddit. people who do impressive things but are held back because they have absolutely no eye for aesthetics
Literally worse than vanilla
the gameplay is standard rpg maker fare, for better or worse. everything else, from plot to art, is stellar
I see, might check it out then.
You really should. It's one of a kind, and there's no gurantee the remake is releasing in english sometime soon.
there's no guarantee the remake is EVER coming out at this rate. aside from the TGS demo and the hardcore shilling during RTA in Japan's Ruina speedrun last year, there's been no word. nothing meaningful anyway.
The battles are mid but the adventuring gameplay loop is great
Give me the shilldown pixel blade. I'm open to being convinced.
>Retro RPG that takes inspiration from SNES and PS1 classics
into the trash it goes.
i wish i knew japanese so I could play ten times as much rpgmaker slop as i play now
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it's a simple, but enjoyable life
Check this out. I have had it on my wishlist for a while, saw it for a whole whopping $2 (and howlongtobeat suggests ~40-60hrs), so I grabbed it because even if I don't complete it, I'll get a bunch of gameplay and time out of $2.
Here's another similar title I attained through a similar measure except it's even cheaper:
Where the fuck is that key for the green doors?!
YAMI Dominion
Ah, it was in the one little area I kept skipping that was only accessible by mine cart. Now I have all the keys, thanks.
beaten this one yesterday, and it wasn't that great. It's like the dev just gave up on the second half of the game, and balancing in general. You're going from one boring cave to the next boring cave fighting hp sponges with 0 resistance to status effects, so all battles (bosses included) boil down to "stun the enemy then wail on him for 5 minutes".
With rpgmaker.net down for so long now, how do you even play games that were never uploaded anywhere else?
Be thankful.
Most of the shit on RHDN was trash anyway.
Find a fren who played them and ask them if they still have it downloaded.
>site where I found translation for picrel
Everything just dies as soon as I discover it, such is my luck.
I just discovered Neolithic: To the end.
...It's pretty much what you'd get if one guy had his own RPG for decades as a passion project, because that's exactly what happened. No description of mine can do it justice.
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Feels good man.
Can you upload this somewhere? I was interested in playing this too.
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how do i fix picrel issue? im using easyrpg on linux, if i just use proton and run Player.exe from the game folder i don't get any music :/ but then if im using easyrpg-player the text / encoding is scuffed somehow?
im using this launch argument:
easyrpg-player --patch-easyrpg --project-path "$HOME/games/ruina/Ruina/game/" --rtp-path "$HOME/games/ruina/drive_c/users/steamuser/AppData/Roaming/KADOKAWA/Common/RPG Maker 2000 RTP" --encoding 932 --fullscreen --vsync
>la goblina sprites
>shittiest RM engine
>tons of text

Sorry dev, not my cup of tea
Recently got into Heisei Pistol Show.
Play it now, it's less than 2 hours long. Don't spoil yourself too much.
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I fixed that issue by going from Easy RPG 0.8 to 0.7. Just seems to be a weird issue with the newer version.
That said I got/fixed that issue while playing the Towelket games, so hopefully it's the same thing.
The hells going on with their site anyway?
No one stops you from starting learning Japanese. Definitely beats a stagnation of constantly sitting in a couple of imageboard threads and hitting that spicy "Update" button every five minutes to see if someone replied to you.
Some games are extremely worth the hassle, like ANEARTH.
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Agree with this. EF is overtuned relative to how its taught. It's one thing to have an open map and difficult enemies you can't beat right away but it's not really even clear to the player what their own skills do or the fundamental mechanics.
Even a lot of other JRPGs with souls influence like blacksouls are at least straightforward about your initial kit and let you get oriented to the game for 1 decent length section before they let you loose.
One of the issues is that while the game is incredible easy to break, most people probably aren't going to see most of what skills the characters have to offer and just get comfortable using the starter and the first 3 people they pick up. Grinding each character up to 200 just to see what their full skill loadout is, hiding the skill upgrades behind things most people aren't even going to notice during regular play (or obscure conditions in general), all run counter to the game's alleged build freedom.
Not to mention that you essentially have to take an hour and datamine the game yourself, reloading saves over and over just to see what all the item crafting trees and skills are.
And shit like Starlight I's body taker not making it more clear what happened after eating an enemy (and the game never telling you how to view that information, so you might eat something extra shitty and have a completely worthless character without realizing), Burst's color bomb not showing the actual effectiveness (leading you to think it will hit for a lower % when really you might have a 400+ multiplier, and vice-versa), bosses showing only 1 attack when your entire strategy will hinge on what their 2nd attack might be, no clear info on remaining durations of buffs and debuffs besides manually keeping track...
and then there's the problem of, once you DO know all the bullshit of the game, then it's a joke. tactical hardcore isn't as challenging as it would have you think because cheese strategies are so strong that 99% of bosses can be defeated even if there's a 20+LV gap between your party and the boss (which is the case a lot of the time in tactical hardcore).
tl;dr game has a wonky learning curve that goes from extremely hard to suddenly extremely easy and no in-betweens, all based on prior knowledge.
just a fun optional miniboss fight on a floor full of devils throwing an interdimensional battle tournament
she asks you what wish you want granted, money, power, fame, and then the last option is "i wanna fight you." naturally i choose this one.
every three turns she forces you to draw a fortune, everything from great luck to terrible luck fucks you over hilariously (full party unresistable confusion, deletes all your frontline's MP, reduces everyone's HP to 1, etc.)
after doing this 5 or so times, she finally says oh no i've run out of fortunes to draw, here's my last one (it hits you with like every status ailment in the game)
two turns later and i've finally got her down to red hp, she laughs and says "j/k, psych, i've got plenty more" and buffs herself to the moon while making you draw another fuck yourself over card
beat her by the skin of my teeth

game's full of fun/interesting fights, it's absolutely bursting with soul
if you can't read it from the pic you might be out of luck
zakuzaku actors
I don't agree with the anon you replied to since clearly he just has skill issue, but the game could use an actual tutorial or at least a manual to explain the mechanics.
>Burst's color bomb not showing the actual effectiveness
This is the most infuriating shit in the game.
Copper oddysey its fun until you finish i guess
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Here, have your 22 yen worth of Andy (Ancient)
ye, EF pretty jank but right I'm having this real problem where I think the game just fucking broke. Like randomly a character won't follow the correct input and just decide to "main attack" for a few turns before finally following the right command I give them again.
Could be a broken sav, still able to manage somehow, just everything is now pure RNG more than ever.
>Like randomly a character won't follow the correct input and just decide to "main attack" for a few turns before finally following the right command I give them again.
That's a an enemy skill called Taunt. The enemy you're fighting is using this.
>bosses showing only 1 attack when your entire strategy will hinge on what their 2nd attack might be
Surely there's some way to make a mod to show every attack the boss is going to make that turn. This is actually my biggest problem with the game.
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I've thought long and hard about making a sort of unofficial patch that fixes things like
>updating the key input handling to make it more responsive and give it longpress scroll (how many times have you gotten hit by a monster when you wanted to open the menu to warp away? how much quicker would leveling be if you didn't have to click each one manually with a weird delay? etc)
>fixing some of the unnecessary waits/etc that were probably intended to combat lag on toasters, but serve only to add some clunky feeling to the menuing
>adding indicators for buff/debuffs and providing a way to check durations of existing buffs
>adding additional attacks to the up key view
>adding a bestiary (mainly for the benefit of Starlight I users, but also not bad to have in general)
>adding the ability to skip entire scenes at any time rather than having to wait, especially for longer ones like Darkness III/Starlight I/Starlight III
>quicker way to view synthesis results and skills (or just release the spreadsheet I made which I have not yet made public)
...As well as fixing what I believe are some bugs in the way certain skill calculations are handled (in particular, based on the way it is evented, I feel Quick Move's Overboost was incorrectly evented and is meant to account for buffs/debuffs to AGI since otherwise you basically have to rely on Paralysis or Choice Scarf to get any kind of multiplier against anything in the late game).
But I don't really know yet. It wouldn't be too difficult to do any of this, but at the same time it'd basically an extremely niche improvement patch to an already niche game.
I would appreciate it, and I'm sure everyone who tries the game would as well since this is very frustrating nonsense that doesn't need to be there. The developer clearly meant you to strategize around upcoming boss attacks but also forgot many bosses attack more than once per turn?
i have absolutely nothing of value to contribute but i am going to giggle at undead rapie
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Ah, forgot to include it's a glitch that behaves just like the "taunt" ailment, however the status window remains completely blank as it just started on Yami. I noticed it occurs more often right after a character has just been revived.
I guess upload your save and I'll have a look.
That sounds like Frenzy, which afaik is functionally the same as Taunt but doesn't display a status.
>I noticed it occurs more often right after a character has just been revived.
There's a revive skill that inflicts Frenzy on the revived character.
This was a cool title. I went in expecting Kill Bill x JoJo and got deviantart schizokino
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Found the culprit, had absolutely no idea about the frenzy status after all time. I tend to overlook many details in my ADHD fueled plays.
Also that's a skill on the weapon she's using not her innate skill.
Is there anything decent that's been released/translated in the last year?
Enchant Farm
Play every game mentioned in this thread and then come back
Allegedly, there is a translation for another Parun's game which is not Heisei or Re:Kinder. Some sort of walking simulator, can't remember the name tho.

Kinoko Nun
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Stuck in the dogscape.
Wat do? Where is a fish?
he's fishing for moons
there's always a way out, i don't think it's even complicated. probably just missing an exit or something
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Sorry, still stuck. I went through the picture book world and got the husbando. Can't go into the mansion because sicko mode Warau instantly kills you. All other doors in a hub are locked. Palace has nothing inside. Am I missing something from the hospital?
>Can't go into the mansion
it's been a while since i played so i could be wrong but can't you dodge her? i remember there being a couple of shitty chase sequences where you gotta run away from instant death monsters
there's definitely something in the hospital but fuck me if i can remember what. something that makes you invisible?
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Found it. It was in the damn hospital all along.
I was afraid that I softlocked myself or something.
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Play The Jingol
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RPGMaker's site is currently being rebuilt (quoted from their Discord) but they do have at least two main backups that work (mostly the first link):


I'm confused when looking at the "order" of these games. Which are the actual order and is there a wiki I should be looking into for context?

Also, I've looked at basically every game in this thread and all of the related links and would like to ask for more suggestions for non-porn, non-walking simulator, actual battle RPG games. Enchant Farm looks good, so I'll try that, but there's got to be something else out there?

My suggestions for games as well, all free:

- https://bitbrosgames.itch.io/monigote-fantasy
Goofy, full length RPG. It will make you think you've "beaten" the game many times only to find out that it's not done yet. Pretty cool in that regard.

- https://pep.itch.io/undertale-2
Undertale 2 (not a real sequel, obviously). Tons of secrets, Touhou references (I don't know Touhou well enough to get them), and a surprisingly good fishing mini-game, one of the best, even.

- https://scumhead.itch.io/franzen
New RPG Maker game that came out near the end of last year. Not too long, has a unique, dystopian art style and steampunk setting with some interesting characters.
>Also, I've looked at basically every game in this thread and all of the related links and would like to ask for more suggestions for non-porn, non-walking simulator, actual battle RPG games.
3 AM Cathrath and Sister (Goburinbro)
They're made by anons too

Hat World is also amazing
Reo and Mono is great too, how could I possibly forget
It's also made by an anon
I didn't like Franzen, it was lame and corny. Really corny. Having a character literally named 'Fucker' doesn't help. But that's the kind of game it is
>non-porn, non-walking simulator, actual battle RPG games.
In that case you should look for old games made in RPG Maker, since that describes pretty much everything people made back in the day and it wasn't until later did people start making their own subversions
I wasn't able to get through Franzen because of the default battle system but I did think the story and world were well developed. The MC and his lolibaba wife were super cute too
I've actually played both Reo & Mono as well as their other game Hodgepodge High. Both were a good time.

3AM Cathrath's description sounds kind of rougelike-esque, and I'm not sure I'm a fan of that idea as I hate that genre.

Sister looks right up my alley though, so I'll get that for sure.

Hat World I know of but I'm not too interested in the all girl party. I'd like a little more variety, be it an old dude, a dog, or a monster.
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Yeah, the battles were honestly VERY easy, and it was also really easy to get overpowered as the game has a shop at some point that sells this item that gives all of your stats +50 points. I had a good time with it though.

And yeah, I've been looking all around for older RPG Maker games. The ones I listed, especially Monigote Fantasy, much better scratch that tradition JRPG-like feeling of 4 dudes in a row fighting all sorts of monsters and the like.

I forgot to say it but I also HEAVILY prefer the games to have unique art assets UNLESS it's a much older RPG Maker as those engines unironically look more soulful (the people in MV, for example, are gross chibi things that I hate).

Oh, and I remembered another good one that I didn't see here called Demonpact Clarice. It has a lot of party members, bunches of secrets, multiple endings, cheat codes that you can find that do fun things. Another surprisingly fun free experience:

>I'm confused when looking at the "order" of these games. Which are the actual order and is there a wiki I should be looking into for context?
Release order is the best bet for you. Games will share a lot of characters but they are not connected (except for 5 and 0 which is a golden ending to 5). Think of them as AUs.
Towelket 4 has this fanservice collaboration thing going on, starring elements and characters from all the previous games but you definitely need to be familiar with Towelket 3 and 1 to understand some of the plot points. And, even if Towelket 2 and Towelket 1 are not connected in anything but name, 1 provides sort of gentle closure and context to 2's ending. "Fury" is a wild ride, to say the least. 6 has fun moments but it is incredibly short and unfinished. Nekoashi Otome and Laughing Warawau are standalones as well, but familiarity with a couple of previous games is recommended to get some easter eggs and context clues.
No thanks, I would rather play MY]R.
Was Hello Charlotte 3 just the dev wanking over how miserable he is or there was more to it? I dropped the game when they got on the boat.
I’m looking for an RPGmaker game that had a niche following back when 4x2chan was booming
it was a grindfest game about a group of heroes using instruments to play the song of the world. The main character was an unlikable bitch, Her friend was the real hero and there were two others I don’t remember much of other then one being nonbinary worm person or something like that. If anyone remembers what it was, That’d be appriciated!
>Pornslop over Schizokino
it wasn't for you anyway
>- https://pep.itch.io/undertale-2
Did you do the secret pacifist route? It's a clever premise and the constant trolling was funny
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At the time I played it, I believe it was early enough that the Discord for the game only just found out about the Pacifist route and wasn't even 100% sure how to do it.

If I remember reading correctly it might have said that you have to avoid all battles, even just enemies touching you for encounters (?), which would be pretty difficult as the enemies rush straight towards you.

Random general question to whoever might know, but I'd like to try Doom & Destiny: Advanced on Easy RPG but looking at the Steam files for the game I'm not sure what would need to be copied over to get it to work on my handheld device. I'm fairly certain it was made with either RPG Maker 2k or 2k3 but I can't seem to find the specific information for that anywhere.

Also also, does anyone have a link to download Black Souls, by chance?
MY]R is schizokino though anon.
everything made by takamakuran is better schizokino than the jingol
Jingol and Mongol always felt off to me.
They try too hard, everything is done wrong in them on purpose. There is nothing grounded in them which can be used as a contrast for weirdness.
Is insane how most of these RPGmaker games are lazy grindfests, you would think most of these games would have cool art and story but these are actually the minority holy shit
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Looking for a RPGM game similar to From Frontier, Yes My Lord or Re:BF

With a nice artstyle.
With a good story.
With a fun gameplay.
With or without H-scenes (it's not really matters).
this >>3536451
Gran Ende 2
Girlfriend Rescue
Oh shit, I remember Hikkikomori Quest. Was it really that long ago?
This image needs an update. Anyone?
Secrets of Evil
Bumping all of your shitty generals at once huh?
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Here's the latest update

Kek somebody really wasted his time on this
I know I sound like I'm bitching here, but utahonotatari doesn't deserve to be on any list like, at all. The game is objectively low quality low production value, literally it's claim to fame is one specific jumpscare that you have to find on the second game and everything else about the game is straight ass. I'm saying this as the most jumpy and sensitive dude you can think of, it's just not good, even Witch's House could surprise me a few times, Utaho is boring the whole way both games
Half the games don't belong on there because they're garbage walking simulators and schizo horror shit.
It's so sad, there are a lot of shit games on that list.
I understood MeguriMeguru as being a somwhat Elona inspired but is it even translated yet?
I think I'm one of twenty people who have played dark eternal.

Is it getting better? I started it but it felt like it's overfilled with characters and plotlines, so I put it aside after several hours. Can't really say I hate it but it just didn't hook me up
Histoire (イストワール)
Kyuusei no Megalomania (救世メガロマニア)
Souzou no Memoria (創造のメモリア)
There is a RPGMaker port of SMT 1 with new contents like Law and Chaos heroines, new dungeons etc... and you can use mods to change/add more stuff in.
>Kyuusei no Megalomania (救世メガロマニア)
More like Eien Menumania (永遠メニューマニア)
Cool idea for a game? Yeah. Interesting gameplay? Absolutely.
Actually fun to play? If you really like flipping through the demon fusion menu, maybe. Because that is literally going to be half of your played time.
It's been too long since I played it but I don't remember the fusion system being significantly worse than the old SMT games.
It is significantly worse because in SMT, and even Souzou no Memoria, you pick monster A and it gives you a preview of your entire party's list of possible fusion outcomes at a glance.
Menumania's fusion is entirely separate and asks you to pick the Demon 1's Race followed by the Demon, then Demon 2's race followed by the Demon... takes so long and it doesn't even give you a preview of which monsters are in each race. If you're not sure which ones are in which and have to hunt/peck for one, you do a LOT of pointless clicking around.
Again it's a cool game with an interesting and highly strategic battle system, fun progression for your human characters, but dear god is it a slog to assemble the teams you want because of how poorly laid-out the Demon Fusion menu is.
I'm a huge fan of Mio's games but Megalomania's menu design is terrible despite looking and sounding slick.
Nepheshel sucks
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And just to be clear, the left is clunky and bad.
I honestly wouldn't have minded the style on the right and limiting fusion to just the demons in your party. But the whole system separating fusion from your currently summoned demons just makes it a huge mess.
And then to summon them you have to do it all again in the OTHER menu, which would be fine on its own, but is just silly after doing this whole song and dance the first time.
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What am I supppossed to do here?
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Getting a character to react gives them an upgrade.
Don't remember them all offhand but for example Water I gets the spell Water I upgraded to 120 power
Sounds kinda underwhelming for a mega evolution.
How does burst I system work? Do I retain the new type after a battle. What are those inspirations I occassionally see
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The mega evolution is something else and far more obscure. If you recruited her from the jail cell or started with her, it's not possible to get it during a normal run. Spoilers ahoy for the curious.
Burst I's type gained from Paint Guard is retained until you either manually revert it from her skills menu, or allow it to be overwritten with something else.
Burst I's Sketch remains whatever type it is until manually reverted from her skills menu. The exception to this is during certain special fights when the Inspiration message appears, she will temporarily revert Sketch to its baseline form and you have the option of either Sketching that foe's unique skill, or doing nothing. If you leave it as-is, the skill will revert to the type it was before the battle started.
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Forgot to spoiler this before.
One last question. What character do you recommend for a solo run? I picked burst I, because she seemed like a jack of all trades, but I keep getting dicked at the dwarven forge, since enemy parties are now 3-4 foes.
Easiest is either Wind I or Darkness I, followed by either of the barriers and Stone I. I personally have not attempted a solo Bursti run because I'm just not cool enough and have reservations about using any of the more offensive-minded characters solo. I'd imagine the hierarchy probably goes Water I>Burst I>Flame I though.
For the record, of all the solo runs I managed, Windi is the only one I ever did a HC+Tactical solo run with for what I feel are obvious reasons since she is the least impacted by the level cap overall.
I used Water I for mine. Third form has good bulk+magic, can't miss, and gets STAB on Drain (or whatever the water "recover 1/2 damage dealt" spell on that one mace was called).

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