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Squeenix just stealth dropped a patch for OT2 that includes several new bosses, including OT1's party members, with zero marketing. Why are they like this?
Both games are shit and you deserve to be treated like a little bitch if you play Square Penis games in 2024.
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I'm sorry you feel that way.
Played the ot 2 demo, it's filthy slop.
Tried octopath and it was terrible.
>Game has break/stagger mechanics

>Squeenix just stealth dropped a patch for OT2 that includes several new bosses
Got a link?
>game has break mechanics
instant kino what happened to this awesome trope?
They did this for Star Ocean 2R too, right? Just randomly dropped a bunch of extra postgame fights and gear.

Feel like a company where some dudes with love for the genre are desperately trying to do their thing before the board notices it in't working.

OT2 was great fun too. A bit too long, but good shit
>Why are they like this?
Their games are underperforming and they need more sales.
>With today's welcome news that Octopath Traveler II is at long last available for Xbox, the first Octopath Traveler has also returned to Xbox Game Pass as part of June's first wave of titles.

>Square Enix has announced that Octopath Traveler II is now available for Xbox, joining the first entry in the series on Xbox Game Pass, as reported yesterday. Since its original launch for Nintendo Switch in 2018, the Octopath Traveler series has also now sold more than four million copies globally.

>Combining high definition 2D sprites and gorgeous 3D environments, Octopath Traveler and its sequel offer standalone stories set in different worlds, featuring eight distinct protagonists boasting their own stories and individual Path Actions. Octopath Traveler II has also received a new ‘Extra Battle’ mode, so you can test your mettle against challenging enemies.

>Extra Battle is unlocked upon completing the game. Octopath Traveler II is out now for Xbox Series X|S and Xbox One, available to download and play via Xbox Game Pass. An Octopath Traveler and Octopath Traveler II Bundle is also available for purchase across all platforms.

>Xbox Game Pass adds two excellent Square Enix RPGs in surprise shadow drop
>Surprise! Square Enix has added two of its RPGs to Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass today, including the long-awaited Octopath Traveler 2.

>It appears that the Octopath Traveler 2/Game Pass rumor was correct! Octopath Traveler 2 is out now on Xbox consoles and playable with Xbox Game Pass and PC Game Pass. Set in the divided land of Solistia, you will step into the shoes of eight new travelers with their own unique stories once more. While the sequel keeps the same structure as the first game, you can expect new systems such as a day and night cycle, Traveler's Tales, where two characters can now walk the same path, and new traversal options.

It's instant slop.
Break/Stagger/etc shit is fake gameplay and is a sign that the developer has zero faith in players to play the game the "right" way unless it is explicitly spelled out to them.
wrong. it greatly expands the design space in a genre that has historically struggled with the "right way of playing" being "pick the strongest attack every time."
>pick the strongest attack every time
NTA but that's exactly what break slop is
Hahahaha, square niggers are dumb as shit.
it isn't though? it's directly trying to make you save the best attacks for the broken state, while also letting you use it to skip enemy turns for satisfying aggressive gameplay, rather than the old and boring damage+heal until win. OT is kind of like a slightly less snowbally take on Press Turn. did you even play this game?
>Combining high definition 2D sprites and gorgeous 3D environments
That's not funny
>"pick the attacks we say will work because... because we just feel like it ok!?"
This is not an improvement in any way shape or form.
You're conversing with an idiot shitposting like this is /v/.
as a matter of fact it is. for example, Temenos has an attack that strikes twice with his staff for very meager damage. in a traditional system without breaks, there would never be any reason to use this attack whatsoever, since any other skill would always be dealing more damage per action. (it also refunds a little SP - this is irrelevant as items restore SP much more efficiently) actions, of course, being the only resource that truly matters in these games. this is merely a single example, there are many others.

by creating things for damage dealers to do, other than dealing damage, we are drastically expanding the design space for these characters, while still keeping their uniqueness and niches.

any other questions?
so what if they're not genuinely engaging? i get to write paragraphs about jrpg game design. couldn't care less if anyone reads them.
Agreed, also works well with a job system because it rewards build diversity, given that you don't know what weaknesses are coming next, and Octo 2 has loads of gimmicks with changing break conditions which switch up normal fight/heal turn based boss fights.
THE ugliest game ever made got new bosses? Stop the presses, I'm calling in sick for work, golly I've got to play right now!
>so what if they're not genuinely engaging? i get to write paragraphs about jrpg game design. couldn't care less if anyone reads them.
Based. Good shit anon.
>game design
Octopath is trash, but here enjoy the lesson: Marketing works.
This is the dumb crap armchair game designers like to peddle: "Every encounter should be engaging!"

No. There are way too many encounters in your average JRPG to have them all be "engaging" in the way you seem to think. The 800th time I fight two goblins and a bear, I shouldn't have to finish a to-do list of worthless moves just so I can do some REAL damage. That's not fun.
i never said that. there are plenty of trash encounters in these games. midgame onwards, you are probably no longer breaking trash encounters, since it isn't at all necessary, and just slows down gameplay. after all, you have to grind XP, JP and leaves somehow. of course, like all good JRPGs, efficiently doing that is a minigame in itself.
so no further questions? happy to help, anon!
>by creating things for damage dealers to do, other than dealing damage
But your example was just the character doing more damage. With two attacks. It proves that break mechanics are lazy game design.
>No. There are way too many encounters in your average JRPG to have them all be "engaging" in the way you seem to think. The 800th time I fight two goblins and a bear, I shouldn't have to finish a to-do list of worthless moves just so I can do some REAL damage. That's not fun.
It is far more satisfying to devise setups/combos/strategies on your own and watch them actually pay off in the form of massive damage and other good shit rather than the game spell out "do this, this, this, this, and this for MEGA COOL BIGNUMBERS OMG."
That is what real RPG engagement is about. Forcing the player to play 1 way that you decide for them takes away their ability to feel actual success and failure. You can still consider it a "to-do list" but it's one that the player had to come up with themselves and execute, possibly change on the fly as the situation demands, instead of something forced arbitrarily upon them.
Guess you haven't actually played these games then, since you do both things. The mage, for example, wants a couple of buffs up, plus his unique "Limit" if possible, and multiple BP stacked, to say nothing of equipment choices or other passives, before casting. It's just, you have to queue those things up in order to cash in the turn you also have stagger there.

It limits your window for the big combo, but also tempts you to cash in early, or to use his damage cascade to inflict the break rather than benefit from it. Do you take a risk delaying your break to land the full combo, or just settle for damage now.
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I don't give a shit.
I hate your fucking shitty games.
You won't convince me otherwise no matter what you write.
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Why always so much hate for kinopath? I feel it's more hate for the company rather than the game.
its a genuinely bad game and you are forcing an issue you are not going to enjoy being explained to you
>every shitty SE remake, remaster, update comes with 20 shill threads over a 4 month period
>some of these are done pro bono
How is it a bad game if I enjoyed it?
You're not wrong but you're wasting your breath on someone who's decided he's going to hate this game no matter what, probably some redditor who thinks that on 4chan you're supposed to be negative about everything.
that's a really cool patch to add to the game. idk why I'm having a hard time getting into the second octopath. I played the first one, got all 8 characters and then stopped playing before unlocking second jobs. restarted years later and beat the whole game.
now I'm on octopath 2 and don't feel like playing to get all characters. it got complicated and I kind of don't like it. maybe if encounter rates were a little lower it would be better.
are you dumb? he said the 2 attacks do hardly any dmg but they contribute to the break status by eating up 2 units of shield instead of 1.
>"it's a genuinely bad game"
>holy shit a thread about kinopath rizzler i need to get in there!!!
>durrr game is shit lulz
so what is it you guys don't like about these games?
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i just tried beating galdera and his second phase fucking wiped my party in the first few turns and erased an hour of progress
literally kino, im hoping octopath 2 is this but better

Other people like them and I have to hate things other people like to show how superior to them I am.
>finish a fight
>jump from lvl 5 to lvl 13
>all content suddenly super easy
>finish another fight
>jump from 13 to 18
>overleveled by 3x in 2 hours of playtime
>finish the game by spamming base attacks
>A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A A
that's all it takes to get a 95/100 rating. no wonder every game is piss fucking easy now or the retards will get frustrated and drop a negative review. it's why lords of the fallen still has a mixed score despite being the best in the souls series.
Any other company, including Square Enix, would charge extra for this as DLC. So based I guess.

I've never played an Octopath game but the retarded kneejerk hatred for this series here seems very forced. Trying to act like 'le bitter /v/ gamer" for anonymous internet cred is truly the most faggot activity.
Really? Is it that good? Lotd coming 2025, tight?
Imagine if a game about having 8 characters had mutliple dungeons where you actually needed to use 8 characters to navigate a labyrinth in multiple parties where you needed to properly compose your skills to get through tough dungeons instead of just walking straight in a line with 4 characters with maybe a chest off to the side here and there.
>maybe if encounter rates were a little lower it would be better.
Osvald (scholar) has that as his very first passive skill you can unlock, much like Cyrus from the first game.
he's last on my list to recruit unfortunately
boo hoo you big baby
As long as you aren't inept at character building, you pretty much end up blowing past most encounters with or without break.
I love the first game, and am replaying it in anticipation that I will buy the sequel when it goes on sale
If it's anything like octopath 1, nothing's forcing you to get all the characters right away, or at all. Pretty sure you can do whatever you want. Try a solo or small party run? If you still don't like it, drop it like you did the first one and come back in a year. Seemed to work for you well enough for the original
>I've never played an Octopath game but the retarded kneejerk hatred for this series here seems very forced.
If you're into turn-based JRPGs, they offer a lot of content and have some very fun mechanics and some truly challenging battles if you go looking for trouble. The music and atmosphere are solid, and the path actions make NPC interaction interesting.

That said, most of the games strengths are offset by some sort of flaw. The path actions can begin to feel extremely repetitive and chore-like. The dungeons are very short and braindead-simple. In the sequel, particularly, most characters can quickly become broken and you end up with almost too many possible actions to take on any given turn, with all of them being potential finishers.

My biggest critique about the Octopath games, though, is that they never get out of their own way and just let you play them, which is an issue that most modern games have. You have 8 characters, all with their own job classes and storylines and unique ways of interacting with the world, and the game never lets you figure out a single one of them on your own. The map marks which town each character's next chapter is in. It marks the NPC you need to talk to in order to trigger it. It tells you which skills or path actions you need to use and who to use them on in order to progress the plot. It puts waypoints on the map for everything. The whole main storyline feels like you're just following orders and it really undercuts the sense of adventure that this game is trying to evoke. To add insult to injury, most quests are 75% dialogue by volume. You'll spend forever listening to NPCs repeat themselves only to go spend about 15 minutes wiping out a nearby dungeon, and then get rewarded with more walls of text that say nothing. The sequel seemed to only double-down on these terrible design choices, which make it the worse of the two games IMO, in spite of the other improvements.
>I love the first game
You're practically guaranteed to love the second game. It's unanimous it's a direct improvement in almost every aspect.
Change your list then, or unlock scholar as a secondary job and give it to someone else.
>It's unanimous it's a direct improvement in almost every aspect.
I think it's a step back. So no, it isn't unanimous.
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The true build autism was for the superboss.
Then the superboss felt like a joke compared to Extra Battles 3 and 4 after beating the game with the v1.1 update.
I'm really just dreading the early game before all the team building craziness. Not knowing weaknesses, as well as the day night cycles almost doubling encounter variety. Im also reluctant to use the new ultimate skills or whateve they're called.
It limits what you can do, forcing you to only go on the offensive when the game says you can.
You're making it far more complicated than it actually is.
>Don't know monster weaknesses
Use analysis moves or hit them until when you get something that works.
>Reluctant to use limits
Why? There's literally no reason to not use say Hikari's moves whenever they come off cooldown. You even get passives that let you spam them in every fight.
yeah I am kind of retarded. I'm going to beat galdera this week and will probably move onto resuming 2.
Again, Osvald is an extreme QoL character since he autoreveals 1 weakness for every enemy (2 weaknesses if he got in battle with the same species before) with AOE magic.
Day/night cycles don't really matter much in the long run other than stronger encounters at night, which are neutered and actually faster to kill when you stack Temenos and Throne together in the same team since their passives activate at the start of every battle at night to buff your party and debuff your enemies. Grinding at night is the go-to way to gain exp, jp, and money.
Latent Powers are fine. You just have to get hit 5 times max or break an enemy 5 times or any combination thereof. Or you can just get the final passive skill from the merchant class (Full Power) to just have that maxed out at the start of every single battle.
oh yeah, i also ran at a cait encounter which fucking ruined me, i only had 3/4 party members at that point and suddenly was overleveled as fuck
Even they don't care.
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Am I better off starting with the first game or should I skip it and play the second?
Play both, doesnt matter. I'd play 1 first though since 2 is pretty much a direct improvement on everything. But 1 is still pretty good.
would Tressa and Partitio invent in cryptocurrency?
i dont know if it's my depression, but i can enjoy vidya in general. i bought the collectors edition for 1st game, it came with the nice box and all. played it for couple hours on switch, but then dropped. i don't like rpg games where you can "breeze" over encounters if you accidentally grind too long in certain areas. it means i have to pay too much attention to not overleveling than enjoying the game's content
Having started the second one due to gamepass, is it just going to be a thing where characters in the party don't interact with the ongoing story? Like these guys could be faceless mercs you recruit from an NPC for how little personality they bring to the adventure when its not their chapter.
Characters pair up (4 pairs) for 2 chapters each up until the final chapter which only happens after you do all 8 stories + paired chapters. Also banters are no longer permanently missable, so you can just play then watch/read them all from the journal.
Not sure if Ill continue it then. The idea that I should run around the world map and do everyone's chapter 1, and then kinda swap in lower level people into the main story for their chapter 2, and slowly work through the whole game when the stories are really disconnected sounds like a level of tedium I can't get behind. I don't hate the combat, but I also find the random encounters starting to be just annoying filler when the combat system requires me to break armor when in alot of older JRPGs with also filler encounters you can literally just spam Attack through it quickly.
You don't have to break when you can just destroy them with boosted AOE magic most of the time. It's fine if it's not your thing, not everyone likes the pacing of the games when others enjoy taking their time with it as they continue to take advantage of the game mechanics to break the game apart of their knees - it's how Team Asano's Bravely and Octopath rolls.
who said you have to do any of those things? just chill and play the game. or don't.
>2 is pretty much a direct improvement on everything
lol, nah
>The idea that I should run around the world map and do everyone's chapter 1
That's exactly what the game expects you to do. The characters have 0 connection between themselves or their story and their "interaction" are one liners that happen every once in a blue moon. You can count them with the fingers of one hand, so yeah, they could all be faceless generic mercs you recruited to do some irrelevant job along the way.

The game basically lives off of selling itself as a faux nostalgiabait final fantasy, and is made with checkboxes in mind. Don't expect anything outside of what you see. And the combat is exactly the same from beginning to end. The worst part is that most characters are so boring that you will be tired of them before they start their next chapter.
At the very least, it seems like you need a full party and then if you just don't care about the rest you do all their chapters and quit with 4/8 characters done. Which also seems like a waste? If you then want to continue, you do low level shit on those last few characters which probably will end up feeling like alot of boring content as you fast travel around at that point
>inept at character building
You say this as if each character doesn't end up being the exact same thing no matter what.
exactly. you can play as much or as little as you want to. there is absolutely no need to play if you're not interested in either story or gameplay.
between exclusive features and that you can't assign a subjob more than once, this is impossible
>remotely attempting to build osvald the same way as hikari
>castti's concoct, drastic measures
>throne's extra turns
>windy refrain and all together now
>ochette's provoke beasts
>hikari's learned skills
>sidestep + seal of diffusion, negotiate schedule, hoot n' holler
>temenos nuke, spreading out pray for plenty with sealtigue
You just admitted to being inept at character building if you're building them the same as each other.
>you can't assign a subjob more than once
That's exclusively for the first game, but I know what you meant since you're referring to the 4 "secret" jobs in 2.
Another redflag about this game is you can see that manchildren around it truly think they're playing some complex challenge when the game is designed to be as casualized as possible.
For me, it's Partito's theme.
pretty much yeah, it's a common criticism of both games. allegedly the first one is even worse in this regard
Anon. Everyone who's played both games knows the first one is worse at allowing the party members to communicate with each other.
>finish the game by spamming base attacks
You didnt play the game
just finished the game, it was pretty good, i love how broken job combos are, that was the most fun part of the game, story was alright, some characters had better starting story than others and thats ok. i'll watch the epilogue tomorrow and see if theres something more to do
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*becomes randomly insane*
Hey guys I just started Octopath Traveller (the first one) and so far I'm having fun. I started as the merchant and at first the combat seemed kinda lame but after I recruited the mage and did his starting story the combat kinda clicked with me. I hate how much talking there can be at times though desu. Going from a minute of talking to walking five yards straight into another minute of talking makes me wonder what the point of the walking was.
Conceptually, the world is pretty small and since story chapters are confined mainly to towns (and the accompanying nearby/connected dungeon), you're kind of stuck with that when you're in a no-random-encounter area.
Also, you need to fill up your team when possible. 2 units is not remotely balanced for a first run and Tressa is mainly a support while Cyrus dies to a stiff breeze if he doesn't kill/break the opposition asap.
>I hate how much talking there can be at times though desu. Going from a minute of talking to walking five yards straight into another minute of talking makes me wonder what the point of the walking was.
It's gunna get a lot worse
> making a game that can be enjoyed by many people is bad, because...because....i-i-it just is, okay!?
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What’s the best nuts to feed Ochette bros?
She becomes a provoke bot after you complete her story.
I always used her as provoke bot desu, you can get monsters way above your league earlier on
>20 day old thread with under 100 replies
>for brand new content no less
Well I guess we can tick off octopath as another game /vrpg/ officially doesn't like.
This board is slow in general dear anon

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